View Full Version : Leveling up another character

2013-11-17, 08:15 PM
I'm having trouble deciding how best to proceed with this character I've been playing with, and I have the opportunity to level up. As you will see, it's not close to optimized, but I would be interested in making sure I still have a zest character.

Chaotic Good Halfling Expert 1(I know)/Rogue 4/ Wolf Totem Barbarian 2

Attribute:Strength 7 Dexterity 18 Constitution 12 intelligence 18 Wisdom 12 Charisma 15

Feats: Leadership, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse, Improved Trip, Improved Initiative

Important skills: Appraise 8, Diplomacy 17, Forgery 8, Know (history) 8, Know (local) 10, Know (nobility) 8, Move Silently 10, Open Lock 10, Sleight of Hand 13
Skill tricks: Collector of Stories

Notable equipment: Frost Cutlass that deals extra damage to devils, light crossbow that gets +1 to hit and damage and deals extra damage to devils, Vorpal boot-knife (I know), Ring of Prestidigitation, Hat of Disguise, 9,707 gold

This character has generally used his force of personality and amenability to get what he could, but a powerful devil has made him its enemy and threatened the world with its evil. He has just, with four similarly-leveled PC's, become the head of a coterie of guild members dedicated to stopping this evil, which mainly employs demons but is itself a devil. Also a threat is a former PC dwarven fighter.

As you can see the character is not built simply or efficiently, but I feel that he pulls his own weight. Your input on moving forward would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-17, 09:15 PM
There quite a bit missing from that, specifically organization and...consistency.

"Frost Cutlass that deals extra damage to devils, light crossbow that gets +1 to hit and damage and deals extra damage to devils"
Do you mean a +1 Frost Cutlass of Good? Or is that "extra damage to devils" homebrew? Or is it a Bane weapon? And a +1 Light Crossbow of Good?

And then we'll continue to say that you are carrying an Epic weapon (Your boot knife is a total of a +6 weapon), and that you're character's net worth is over 100k. 98k with your weapons alone. Nearly 10 times the Wealth by Level chart (You're either lucky or stupid lucky).

And your feats! You're Lv7. How do you have 5 feats? You should have only three.
If you have to get rid of feats, I'd get rid of Improved Trip (If you're not raging, it's pointless. If you're raging, it's borderline pointless) and probably Weapon Finesse. Throw stuff while Raging.

Your stats would actually make you an excellent throwing character, especially with TWF. Consider the Master Thrower PrC. +1 Returning (Or Teleporting) Exit Wound Javelins hurt.

2013-11-17, 09:32 PM
Improved trip is from Wolf Totem Barbarian. The other one is from a flaw or from being strongheart?

Please post what materials are available or restricted to you and whether you want to focus on Melee, Ranged, Skill-monkeying or Tripping.

If you want to boost your melee for your 9th level go Swordsage, pick up Assassin's Stance for +2d6 sneak attack and also take the feat Shadowblade to deal extra Dex damage with your attacks. Shadowblade however only applies to dagger, short sword, sai, siangham, unarmed strike, and spiked chain. So either switch over to a spiked chain to make use of Improved Trip or ask to add Cutlass to the list

A level in fighter can be useful if you take the Hit-and run tactics varient from Drow of the Underdark. In exchange for Heavy armour and tower shield proficiencies you get +2 to initiative and Dex to weapon damage rolls against flat-footed opponents. If you don't want the fighter bonus feat you can trade it for 1d6 sneak attack using the fighter variant in Unearthed Arcana.

Do you get to stat up your own cohort from leadership? Or is your DM handling it?

2013-11-18, 07:56 AM
Do you mean a +1 Frost Cutlass of Good? Or is that "extra damage to devils" homebrew? Or is it a Bane weapon? And a +1 Light Crossbow of Good?

And then we'll continue to say that you are carrying an Epic weapon (Your boot knife is a total of a +6 weapon), and that you're character's net worth is over 100k. 98k with your weapons alone. Nearly 10 times the Wealth by Level chart (You're either lucky or stupid lucky).

And your feats! You're Lv7. How do you have 5 feats?.

I really don't know what the specific enchantments are, the DM just told me their effects. As for the boot knife, the enchantment was rolled on a chart. As for the feats, one is from Wolf Totem Barbarian and another is just how we misunderstood the rules that day. It is not in danger.

Do you get to stat up your own cohort from leadership? Or is your DM handling it?

I have access to all 3.5 and could probably convince my DM to allow most pathfinder stuff. The cohort is statted by the DM and cannot be relied on to assist me in combat. Thank you for your suggestions.

2013-11-18, 08:43 AM
And then we'll continue to say that you are carrying an Epic weapon (Your boot knife is a total of a +6 weapon)
Pre-epic weapons can be a total of +10, up to +5 of which is the base enchantment. A +1 vorpal knife would be fine pre-epic if it was a slashing weapon.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-18, 10:39 AM
I really don't know what the specific enchantments are, the DM just told me their effects. As for the boot knife, the enchantment was rolled on a chart. As for the feats, one is from Wolf Totem Barbarian and another is just how we misunderstood the rules that day. It is not in danger.

You should really find out the specific enchantments, as it could mean several different things.
A weapon "doing extra damage to devils" could be Bane, Anarchic, or Good, or really any combination of the three.
You need to organize your character before you can develop it, otherwise it will end up a complete mess.