View Full Version : Custom Magic Items - Bonus Limit?

Gwazi Magnum
2013-11-18, 03:32 AM
Just wondering if there's a limit to how high bonuses you can put into magic items or not?

Like is there something outside of gold preventing me form making gloves of +100 Strength?

2013-11-18, 03:38 AM
Short answer: no.

Long answer: no, but caster level requirements for crafting scale up alongside gold cost, and anything past +6 is epic level. They only outline costs for epic level gear up to +12, but generally the gear cost is enhancement bonus squared x 1000.

Erik Vale
2013-11-18, 03:46 AM
Short answer: no.

Long answer: no, but caster level requirements for crafting scale up alongside gold cost, and anything past +6 is epic level. They only outline costs for epic level gear up to +12, but generally the gear cost is enhancement bonus squared x 1000.

There are no CL or Spell requirements for magic items.

Long answer instead is "Depends. Do you have limitless time?" If no, then there is life expectancy. But if you can't get around that by the time your making not quite artifact level items, then I mock you.

Gwazi Magnum
2013-11-18, 03:48 AM
Short answer: no.

Long answer: no, but caster level requirements for crafting scale up alongside gold cost, and anything past +6 is epic level. They only outline costs for epic level gear up to +12, but generally the gear cost is enhancement bonus squared x 1000.

Alright, thanks. :)

2013-11-18, 03:51 AM
Just wondering if there's a limit to how high bonuses you can put into magic items or not?

Like is there something outside of gold preventing me form making gloves of +100 Strength?

Gold, epic crafting feats*, time, and XP; since you'd need 2.5 million XP ready to spend, this is not possible until far into epic without the most ridiculously cheesy exploits. There's actually no CL requirement for the ability boosters as such.

*To craft an item of +8 or more to an ability score, you need Craft Epic Wondrous Item, which has a minimum level of 23, and the cost goes up by 10 times, along with the XP.

2013-11-18, 04:03 AM
Short answer: no.

Long answer: no, but caster level requirements for crafting scale up alongside gold cost, and anything past +6 is epic level. They only outline costs for epic level gear up to +12, but generally the gear cost is enhancement bonus squared x 1000.

If you get into epic that becomes bonus squared times 10000, unfortunately. Epic items cost as much as cities beyond a certain point. There's a feat that cuts crafting time to 1 day per 10000 gold, fortunately.

The limits for non-epic items are, IIRC:

+6 for ability boosters
+10 equivalent for weapons and armor, +5 for the actual enhancement bonus
+30 for skill boosters (might be wrong on this one)
+5 for natural armor enhancement
+5 for deflection bonus

Got most of 'em.

+10 for direct armor bonus a la bracers of armor
+5 for resistance bonuses to saves
And anything that has a base price of over 200000gp. Base price being the part that isn't a weapon or armor, the 5gp per 1xp from a spells xp component, or the material component cost of the required spell.

And also of note: the +5 books of increase ability X are absolute limits for those items, since they grant inherent bonuses which are strictly capped at +5.