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View Full Version : Is Nightmare Made Real worth it?

2013-11-18, 05:23 AM
Long story short; I am playing a Warlock. In specifics, I am playing a Tiny-sized Kobold warlock, with the Shadow Template for extra creepyness. Given the rather low Tier that a warlock governs, the DM has cautiously ruled to run with a homebrew rule to let Warlocks gain more Eldritch Blasts as a full-round action, in the same way Eldritch Glaive does.

So the rather lackluster damage problem has been fixed to some extent, so that is not what is the issue here. Being of Medium level now, Eventually I will hopefully breach the percipice of Greater Invocations, and I found myself looking at which one would be good to take.

Then, heralding the Wonderful Warlock Handbook and the Dragonfire Adept Handbook, given that the DM has also given some leniency in splashing the invocations of both, The DA Handbook in particular is heralding Nightmares Made real as an absolutely awesome epic-win button Invocation.

Sure, standalone, I can see its points. It lets you hide in plain sight with no real drawbacks; it grants Total Concealment, it deals a paltry amount of damage, and it entangles.

But for a Shadow Kobold whom is usually hiding anyway, is there any real point to getting this? Given that the Total Concealment bonus is removed, does the rest of the effects (Namely, small damage, Entangle) warrant using a Greater Invocation in attaining it?

Tl; DR, for a character that can already Shadowmeld / HiPS, is it worth to get Nightmares Made Real?