View Full Version : (IC) Escape from Meenlock Prison (Trans-Atlantic)

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2013-11-18, 11:24 AM
(The city jailor, a retired military man named Tarrow Shick, invites you all to his home for a job offer.)

You enter Tarrow Shick's modest cottage late on a crisp autumn evening. The 75-year-old Shick motions for you to sit around a comfortable looking table, uncorks a bottle of wine, and begins pouring you each a glass, saying,

"I've never tasted this wine. It graces tables in social circles well above my own. This bottle was a gift passed down to me along with a task. Both of which I now share with you."

After taking a seat at the head of the table and sipping from his glass, he sighs softly in appreciation.

"This is Dissident's Wine, so named for the prisoners forced to work the vineyard where it is produced. You see, the chateau at the center of that vineyard is also in the business of incarceration. It provides cells for hire, and we, like many authorities, use it for persons requiring...special consideration.

At present, we are holding two prisoners there. As far as the public knows, these men have simply vanished, and that is how it is to remain. Unfortunately, rumors of recent escape attempts have undermined my superiors' confidence in the chateau's security, and they have demanded the prisoners' transfer.

I need someone to travel to the chateau and collect our two prisoners in secrecy. I remind you again that these men's names and deeds are not important. To the rest of the world, they don't exist. You'd be wise to remember that."

Shick then offers you all a sealed document, explaining that it is the release order for the prisoners and not to open it, along with a pouch containing 500 gold pieces in payment. The chateau is two days away following the map provided, through easy land. On the return trip you are told to hood the prisoners and be discreet.

2013-12-03, 02:26 PM
Torban uncrosses his arms and strains forward in his chair, reaching for the wine. His scale armor scrapes and tinkles with the effort. The chair utters a creak as he flops back into it and struggles to keep from spilling the wine on his ample beard. He rests the lower lip of the cup on his mustache and deeply, slowly inhales.

"An' you'd like us to bring them back here, or are we hand'ling to transfer onna spot an' goin' somewhere else?"

He sniffs the wine a second time and says, halfway into his wine cup,

"Somebody there'll be expecting us, aye?"

He finally sips the wine and rolls it around in his mouth appreciatively.

2013-12-03, 05:01 PM
"I am glad to see you enjoy the wine, but please pay attention. You are being hired to collect the two men and return them to me, at this house. I thought I made that clear already. Their jailers have not been informed of this prior to now, but the forms you carry are in order. They should be released to you without further trouble. If the rumors we have heard are correct, you may be asked to help the staff, but that is entirely up to you."

Shick looks down his nose at the burly dwarf and continues, "It is possible your demeanor and appearance will even prove helpful in this endeavor. Regardless, we expect the prisoners controlled, kept hooded except for the necessary water and meals, and returned here in no more than six days. The gold included in the pouch should be enough to pay for the prisoners' needs and anything else you require to accomplish the task. When you arrive here on time we will pay you another 500 pieces for your work. Any tardiness on your part will come out of your final payment. Are there any other questions?"

2013-12-03, 09:58 PM
Ferdie accepts the wine graciously, taking time to breathe in the scent and appreciatively take in the color as it dances in the candlelight (or sunset, if windows are more apropos). He does not, however, drink any.

"I'm willing to believe that the names and deeds matter little. I'm less convinced that a likeness wouldn't help our efforts. Furthermore, exactly what sorts of special considerations are we referring to? I trust my companion's abilities more than most, but I daresay knowing a bit more about what we are going up against would be nice. I like four against two, but I'd like it more, knowing what the two were capable of.

'Two men' allows for an awful lot of variety...

2013-12-04, 03:14 AM
"Truth be told, I'm less concerned with who the targets are, than I am with who wants them badly enough to be ready to part with a thousand coin for the privilege."

Zal leans in from where he'd been idly sipping at his glass, "I was taught that you can't know a thing until you know its beginning. You've shared with us the origin of this excellent vintage" (he swirls his glass appreciatively) "and now I would hear the same about this task you've inherited. What brings an honorable jailor such as yourself to be spiriting prisoners into your own home? Or is that also no concern of ours?"

2013-12-04, 06:38 AM
Smiling at Ferdwhipple, Shick answers, "The two men are political prisoners and not at all dangerous. They will be unarmed and are not spellcasters, so I doubt you will have any trouble with them. Assuming you are discreet in your travels you shouldn't run into problems."

After refilling the bard's glass, the old man continues, "I see no reason this endeavor will be a problem for capable men such as yourselves."

Turning to the elf, Shick continues. "You misunderstand my role in this. I am no jailer, and the prisoners will not remain here after you retrieve them. My employers have hired me as an intermediary to hire a small party for this task. Otherwise, I am retired. You are to be paid so well because this transfer must be done smoothly and without public notice. Use the funds provided to prepare yourselves and this should be a rather straightforward job.

As to the beginnings and your concerns, I am not at liberty to discuss. As I mentioned, they are political prisoners and of no consequence to you."

Rising, the old man looks around at the gathering, making it clear that the interview is coming to an end. He begins to gather the wine glasses from all assembled and moves to hold the door.

2013-12-04, 11:53 AM
Zal scoops up the letter and coin bag as he rises. "Right, 'political prisoners.' They say money touched by politics is dirtier than most," he hefts the bag, "but I guess it spends the same. We'll have your boys tucked in nice and cozy before the week is out." He tilts his head at the others, and starts walking out.

2013-12-04, 01:36 PM
Torban hastily drains the last of his wine, deposits the cup on the table with a -thunk- and a wobble, then plods through the open door with the others.

"If we're to make this look normal, we ought ta wait until daylight to do any traveling outside of town. What say we do any preparatory shoppin' tonight, then meet at the pub tomorrow at sunrise fer breakfast and a journey? I'll be needin' an animal to ride if I'm to keep us from slowin' the travel pace anyhow."

He indicates his stubby legs with spread hands, missing a step and stumbling toward a fence as though to drive the point home.

I'll grab a couple a' simple cloth hoods while I'm at it.

2013-12-04, 05:44 PM
Ferdie shuffles outside, grumbling and mumbling to himself.

Everyone wants to be the rich folk's kid. If you guys knew… Bah. I'll be there, but I'll have my own pony and mule.

He looks up to the group, addressing them as they begin to file outside.

That said, we should have a means to transport the prisoners, and I've always felt that hiding in plain sight is the best disguise. Get me a decent wagon, big enough for two men and then some and I'll find us something to fill it with- perhaps grapes, if they can be found. Might even make us a meager profit on the side. Make sure we've got a few light horses to draw it. Though, I suppose if you'd rather, we could take a carriage and avoid the walk. Though I feel that would garner somewhat more attention. It occurs to me that Ark and I should probably do the buying, as well. Your thoughts, gentlemen?

As he finishes speaking, a sudden look of realization comes across his features. Facing Shick, he speaks up louder:

One last question for you, good sir: exactly how far away is this place?

2013-12-04, 07:06 PM
It is several moments after the door shuts behind his companions that Ark looks up from his book at the table.

So why do we only.... he stops suddenly, realizing he is alone in the room.

He sighs heavily, closes his book, and hurries out the door to catch up with his friends.

I am sorry. I got bored with that man. Going on and on about politics and prisoners... He stops as he sees Shick walking with them.

After a brief moment he starts up again.

Anyways...I started reading a wonderful narrative about Ancient Dwarven Marriage rituals. Fascinating really.

Torban, according to this, on the night of their wedding, a Dwarven Male was to sanctify the marriage by spending the night "Tempering his sword in the crevice of the maiden". I cannot believe that dwarves were so dedicated to their work! I certainly would not want to leave my wife alone to go temper a sword in some crevice in the middle of nowhere. Don't they have forges for that?

2013-12-04, 10:00 PM
Zal walks back to Ark and puts a hand on his shoulder. In Elven, "That'd be a metaphor for intercourse, oh Innocent One!" He laughs and pats Ark on the back as his expression slowly turns into lovely shade of crimson.

"A wagon sounds like a fine idea, but don't hire the first flea-bitten nags you see - make sure they'll survive the trip and back. You'll be needing this." He tosses the coin bag at Ferdie. "If you're arranging the transportation, I'm off to the inn. See you all at first light."


Later, once Shick has withdraw, Zal draws Ferdie aside and says in a lower voice, "And while you're at it, see if you can't find out what 'rumors' the old man was talking about, and what he meant by 'helping the staff'. Discreetly, of course."

2013-12-04, 11:19 PM
Ark's eyes widen.

Oh...well now. That completely changes the meaning of chapter 7. I thought I had rediscovered an ancient process of heating mythril.

Looking to Ferdie

I would love to help with the market. You'll have to listen to me this time. You are a great haggler, but you don't know horses.

2013-12-05, 12:24 AM
Ferdie sighs at Ark. Again.

Of COURSE I don't know horses, I can't see above the knee without a boost, and oddly, most salesmen aren't very cooperative on that front. Besides, why did you think I wanted you along?

Let's see if we can find a cart or wagon for sale.

Torban, if you'd care to join us, it seems you've got a horse in that race as well. No pun intended.

With (or without) Torban and Ark, Ferdie heads to the local tavern (or stable, if there is one still open) to attend to traveling needs.

(This line of thought is based upon the assumption that we can get there and back with a cart (16 miles a day) in no more than 5 days (80 mile-ish round trip). Having a day of leeway seems a good plan) Whether it's in the letter or Shick tells us outright, that's the plan for an 80 mile round trip (IMO). Otherwise, we'll get horses and work out the details when we get there.

2013-12-05, 01:52 AM
Looking faintly amused at the ramblings of the elven mage, Shick answers Ferdwhipple, "Two days walking along the route I marked in your map. If you all plan to use mounts and a cart it should nearly cut that time in half. See you in six days!"

Smiling pleasantly, as if he didn't have a care in the world, the old man takes another sip of his wine before turning and going back inside his home.

2013-12-05, 07:42 AM
It is mid-afternoon, with a slight breeze and whispy clouds high in the sky. The general store and stables are run by a friendly commoner named Breg and his family of eight children. As Ferdwhipple, Ark, and Torban enter the store, Breg looks up from the counter, his bearded face smiling pleasantly.

"'Ello! Wha can ah get fah you folks todah?" His Common is slurred somewhat and he is missing some teeth, but he seems friendly enough.

The store has most items needed for a small farm or group of travelers. There aren't many items of masterwork quality, though nothing looks too rough either. Breg's children (aged from 8 to 19) are spread throughout the store working. The eldest, a young woman named Eve is working in the stables with two of the youngest. There are several horses, ponies, donkies and mules with matching saddles available, as well as several dogs trained for different uses (none of the animals are trained for combat, however). There are several carts of different sizes for hauling produce or livestock as well.

There are not manacles of any kind, though there is plenty of rope. Cloth bags abound, though there are no "hoods" specifically for sale.

All items are priced at 150% to begin (haggling is expected in town).

If approached about Shick, rumors, or the chateau, all of the younger children direct the characters to their father or sister (Eve). To try and learn anything from or haggle with these two roll the appropriate skill check after your character's spoken dialogue.


Across the street and several doors down from Breg's store is "The Raven and the Troll," a tavern/inn that commonly serves travelers in the area. It is known for being a quiet place to spend the night for a reasonable price. The proprietors are a couple of retired merchants from the nearby city of Prand who chose to live out the rest of their lives in the small town of Heerfur.

Yolanda is a tall, dark-haired woman whose beauty still shines through her 60+ years. No one in town knows how she has kept her hair from greying and no one asks. When she speaks it is with authority and poise.

"Greetings gentlemen. Welcome to the Raven and the Troll. How many rooms will you need tonight?"

Her husband Treyvon is a boistrous, friendly man who often joins traveling performers in their music-making with his masterwork fiddle. His arms remain strong and his heart light though he has been balding for years and has a persistent smoker's cough that worries his wife.

As the characters enter Treyvon is quietly playing a light tune, gazing into the fire. He has a short, stout pipe smouldering next to him and a bemused smile on his face.

Their business is a two story building with an extensive basement. Decorated in a variety of hangings and carvings depicting a smiling troll with a comically long nose and a raven on his shoulder, the inn is kept comfortable this autumn by a large central hearth that doubles as oven/grill. Yolanda handles the business side of things with the help of a small staff of local youth, while Treyvon loves to roast meat (often brought in by local hunters), gossip with the locals, and play his fiddle with travelers.

This evening the menu is a roast venison with garden vegetables, sweet bread, and their homebrewed pumpkin ale. There is only one other traveler in the inn tonight, a well-armed mercenary with silvering hair and a complex tatoo beginning on his shaved head and traveling down the length of his neck before disappearing beneath his tunic. He is heading to Prand on business, and though he doesn't go out of his way to greet others he also doesn't shy away from company at the long table set in the middle of the common room.

2013-12-05, 10:31 AM
After a cursory glance around the shop, Torban leans down to Ferd and whispers

"Jes' two mules and a cart should be fine fer' us. No sense in spending outside of necessity. I'll let you handle the conversational side of negotiations as usual.

He gives Ferd a friendly shoulder nudge with his elbow, then follows the rich bouquet of manure and horseflesh. Carefully sidling up to a mule, Torban gazes intensly at it for a moment and begins scrutinizing the animal and nodding every few seconds to himself. He casts a quick glance back at the other two, then continues.

(Appraise +1 || +3 if it's made of EMERALDS)

2013-12-05, 11:30 AM
[roll0] DC 20 for a common item. Failure.

The mule looks healthy and capable of pulling a small cart. Torban estimates it is worth about 12 gold crowns.

"Can I help you choose an animal, sir? That mule there is named Harvey and is for sale for 15 gold crowns. We also have feed and carts, or if you are looking for a mount for yourself we have some horses over here."

The young lady (Eve) is dressed plainly. She has a the look of someone who is used to working hard and taking care of animals often. Her blond hair is clean, though she looks to be always on the edge of exhausted. As she approaches Harvey she takes a nearby brush and lightly strokes the mule's mane and back, looking at Torban patiently.

Around the rest of the stable the two little children helping her are a bit dirty from hard work, but are happily carrying feed around to the various animals. When Torban entered they were chattering happily; now they are whispering and looking at the dwarf, fascinated by his appearance. They are not being rude, but are clearly excited to see such a person in their father's store.

2013-12-05, 03:11 PM
Eyes shifting a time or two between Eve and Ferdwhipple, Torban coughs heavily and begins rattling off, speedily and in thick Dwarvish,

"Apologies, Miss; I'm just admiring yer fine beast here, but the buying power belongs to my wee associate o'er there. We're a small group of traveling friends, and the delegation o' responsibilities like tha' can make things simpler. Though I suppose not right now they don'. Anyway, I apologize because my Common is pretty rusty and I just wanted to see yer animals. Harvey was his name, you said? Is there a companion we could perhaps take with him? And a cart? We really need a small cart as well. Why're you...?

He trails off and laughs nervously, then looks back towrds Ferd a final time and jingles his armor in the act of urgently waving him over.

2013-12-05, 03:26 PM
Eve blushes slightly before replying, "I am so sorry, good dwarf, but I am afraid I don't speak your tongue. Do you speak common?"

She turns to Ferdwhipple also, shrugging a bit. "Master halfling, are you both looking for an animal? We have several good choices if you are..." she trails off, clearly embarrassed of her inability to converse with Torban and looking to the bard for help.

2013-12-05, 08:13 PM
Taking a sack off his head and muttering...

too opaque...

He yells across the shop, addressing Eve.

He speaks common, but not too briskly. Ferdie, you should help her out with that. Let me take a look at those animals of yours.

Knowledge Nature (+9) to determine health and age of each. After inspecting would deliver acquired information to Ferdie and confirm with Torban's assesment.

2013-12-05, 09:05 PM
Ferdie addresses Breg, while Torban embarrasses himself before the daughter:

Good afternoon, friend. As you have surely supposed, my companions and I are in need of transportation. We will be enjoying a brief holiday from Heerfur, and a few well-behaved mules and a cart would serve our purposes truly perfectly. I'd like to suggest a deal with you, perhaps beyond your typical services.

See, we mean to take a "there and back again" sort of trip, and for obvious reasons, would prefer to make use of the finest beasts you would be able to provide. Further, there will be a fair profit to be made on the margins. Being a businessman yourself, I'm sure you can see the sense in joining forces, so to speak.

Here is what I propose. You lend us two of your finest horses and a good sturdy cart, under collateral, of course- equaling the average of your asking price and my companions appraisal. In exchange, when we and your horses return and collect said collateral, you will be paid 2% of the profits from our sales along the way. In essence, you profit from our work, and a few days without Harvey - if he is what the esteemed Torban suggests.

I'll gladly give you a moment or two to consider.

Diplomacy + 9 - I'll check when I get home in a few. -fixt

Stepping aside- to Eve

My dear young lady. What he means to say is that you have some mighty fine beasts here. It's clear you put a lot of work into taking care of them and keeping them fit, and he greatly approves. Further, one can only surmise that he is stunned by your beauty, as he doesn't often forget which language most people speak.

While taking a small bow:
Indeed, it would be difficult to blame him.

(Shameless flir - ahem) Diplomacy + 9

Flipping the two youngest a copper each, he bows again, moving back towards Breg, to give him his attention.

2013-12-05, 09:51 PM
Meanwhile, at the Raven & Troll...

"Good evening, mistress. My companions and I will need lodging for four, in adjoining double rooms if available." Zal casts an appreciative eye around the common area as he rummages through his belongings for the necessary coins, his gaze lingering on the seated warrior and the hot meal in front of him. "And, I'll be having one of those myself," he gestures to the food, "it looks exquisite". He hands over the coins with another lingering gaze, this time directed not-so-discreetly at Yolanda, as she grabs a passing child and delivers instructions for the meal and the rooms.

Pumpkin ale in hand, Zal then threads his way through the children scampering between the hearth and the kitchen over to the central table. "Hail, friend. If you wouldn't mind the company..." Shrugging off his bow and sheathed sword, he rests both against the table and with a small hop, seats himself across from the mercenary. After taking a long sip of ale, he leans back with an appreciative sigh. "You've the look of a man who knows his own business." He nods approvingly at the man's weapons. "I am Zalophar, son of Ruehar. Might I ask what brings you to Heerfur this eve?"

2013-12-06, 10:00 AM
Torban coughs loudly and gingerly touches his throat, sighing. Turning to Ark, he emits another hacking sound, clears his throat, and slides into a rougher, raw-throated accent.

"Just make sure the tiny fop does not overspend for anything. Meeting Zal for meat and drink now."
With a final hacking cough, he spits at mound of refuse in the animal stall. Turning on his boot heel and giving what can only be described as a horrifying grin to the other children, he waves a gnarled hand awkwardly and exits the shop.

Ah, the flustered buffoon routine. If they won't take you seriously, and you can't beat a fair price out of 'em, it never hurts to make everyone else look like a bloody saint.

He slowly meanders in the direction of the Raven & Troll, hands in his pockets, taking in the sounds and smells of the small town.

2013-12-06, 10:09 AM
Looking confused, Eve turns back to Torban. "Sir?" A brief frown crosses her face and she turns to face away, taking a couple of deep breaths. She turns back to Ferdwhipple, a slightly forced smile showing. "No harm done, good sirs. I am but a simple woman, trying to help my father tend the store. Did you want to purchase Harvey here, or shall I leave you to browse the other animals?"

[roll0] Ark's Knowledge(Nature) Check DC 15 for more than identifying a common animal. Pass.

Harvey looks about 8 years old and healthy enough to draw a small cart alone or a medium cart with another animal.


[roll1] Ferdwhipple's Diplomacy Check DC 10 to improve a friendly character's attitude. Pass.

Breg follows the halfling's offer with a moment of silence. He is clearly trying to think through what has just been offered and is struggling a bit.

"If'n Ah undestand yah, good sih, you want to borrow me mule and a cart? We don't usualleh do thah kinda thang round heah..." Breg scratches his head, thinking some more. "Pehaps Ah can buy Hahvey back from yah when yah get back? How do that sound to yah?"


[roll2] (Circumstance bonus of +2 for the kindness to the children) Ferdwhipple's Diplomacy Check DC 20 to improve an unfriendly character's attitude. Failure, Mitigated somewhat when Torban leaves.

After Torban leaves Eve relaxes a bit and her smile seems less forced. Curtseying, she replies, "Thank you, master halfling. I take great pride in our stables." She turns to the children and asks, "What do we say to the nice gentleman?"

Their chorus of giggling "thank you"s is genuine and enthusiastic.

2013-12-06, 10:50 AM
Yolanda smiles and says, "We have no adjoining rooms here at the Raven and Troll, but we have two beside each other upstairs. The rooms will be 8 gold crowns total." She turns and whispers to three of the older children, directing them to prepare two upstairs rooms.

Four adult human sized beds, since Zalophar didn't mention that Ferdwhipple was a halfling.

"Your meal and ale are 5 silvers. Will your comrades be joining you for dinner?" she asks as she brings his plate to him at the table.


The mercenary nods, takes another sip of his drink, and says, "Well met, Zalophar. I am simply traveling, between jobs right now. I often stay at the Raven and Troll while traveling this road. Yolanda's cooking is marvelous, her ale better, and Treyvon's music making may not be the finest, but the joy in his soul shines brightly when he plays that fiddle of his. I wouldn't skip a night here for the world."

2013-12-06, 01:04 PM
Ferdie speaks briefly to Eve:

And well you should! They are among the finest I have seen. I apologize for my... gruff companion. He's not as gifted with speech as he is with smarts. Quite bright, quite thoughtful... Somewhat.... Ah, he's really quite nice, once you get to know him.

Bowing again, and grinning openly in appreciation at the children, Ferd picks up his conversation with Berg.

That would indeed fit our purposes. I think a medium sized cart and two mules will do well. Alas, as I haven't much of an eye for animals, I'll have to help my somewhat scatter-brained companion focus for a few minutes to make our choices. I hope you don't mind if we look around briefly?

2013-12-06, 03:13 PM
Eve smiles and nods, returning to her work grooming the animals and directing the children to feed them.

"Well, lahk Ah said, we haven't done this kinda thing befoah, buh yur ideah sounds pretty good. Go ahead an look around. When yah think you know what yah want, let me know an we can check yah out!" Breg replies, then directs one of his boys to follow Ferdwhipple and bring everything he plans to buy to the counter.

2013-12-06, 03:43 PM
Ferdwhipple approaches Ark, making a show of waving his hand before his friends face.

Well, friend? You heard the man. Find us a few good animals and we'll be all-but good to go!

He joins Ark for the perusal of the wares, handing smaller items to the boy as they go.

2013-12-06, 09:26 PM
"I expect they will at that, especially when they hear me telling them how good it is!" Zal sniffs the plate appreciatively as he hands over the money to Yolanda. "Still, I won't presume to order for them, so that it doesn't get cold."

Turning back to the mercenary, "I think you have the right of it - this is a treat not to be missed. Now, if you'll excuse me, this ale has given me quite the appetite". He seizes utensils and begins eating the meal in large bites, pausing every so often for a satisfied sigh.

2013-12-07, 08:58 AM
There are four mules, all comparable to Harvey, a cart (2 wheeled, single animal) and a wagon (4 wheeled, two animals) for sale. All area sturdy enough to last the trip without mishap. All other standard items from the core rulebook equipment section can be found, once again marked up to 150% price (haggling expected). Finding anything from other rule books requires asking.


The mercenary, Yolanda and Treyvon, and their employees all carry on with their activities until Torban arrives. When he does, Yolanda greets him. When Torban explains that he is with Zalophar she seats him with the elf and continues about the business of the inn. (If Torban wants to eat, any one of huge servers can help him).

2013-12-07, 09:50 AM
Torban enters the inn and gives a nod to Treyvon. With a gesture towards Zal, he moves to join him at the table. In doing so, he walks through the cloud of vaporized grease trailing from the spitted venison. His stomach practically snarls in approval as his eyes light up.

"Oh ahm definitely having that." He pats a server on the shoulder, holds up a single, vertical finger, then points it at the glistening meat with a smile. Then he moves to the table and drops heavily on the seat adjacent Zal. "Remind me never to go first into shops. I though the young Miss was gonna' faint and the children would try to climb me. An' I hope that food is as good as it smells. Last meal 'fore a trip should always be a fine one." Torban awkwardly shrugs off his shield and places it next to his seat along with his warhammer.

He turns back to Zal, "So who's the guy?" To the mercenary, "Who're you?"

2013-12-07, 10:37 AM
(The mercenary has the tattoo, not Treyvon, the innkeeper.)

"Pppphaw!" The mercenary laughs in reaction to Torban. He wipes his face a bit with his napkin, doing his best to control his mirth. "Your comrade is direct, Zalophar. Greetings, dwarf, it is nice to meet you too."

The mercenary smiles, genuinely entertained it appears by the gruff approach. "Let's call me Otat. I am in between jobs, traveling. This is the finest inn in the area, with some of the best food as well. It sounds like your nose and soon your tongue will agree with me shortly. Given your own armaments, I suspect my profession isn't that hard to guess. So, how about yourself? I have already met Zalophar. Who are you?"

While the mercenary seems pleasant enough, his final question is somewhat challenging. His stare is not threatening, but neither is he intimidated by Torban's greeting or appearance.

As one of the children brings Torban's plate over, Yolanda drops off a tankard of pumpkin ale for the dwarf and says, "That will be 2 gold crowns sir. Your Elven friend has already paid for your room. Will there be anything else?" From her facial expressions she overheard Torban and "Otat" and is not impressed. Waiting for Torban's payment, her gaze pierces right through the dark air, more intimidating than it should have been from an innkeeper's wife.

In the background Treyvon's playing has suddenly picked up a notch, suddenly seeming more intense and heavy. Zalophar and Torban both feel like he is aware of everything happening at their table, though he hasn't appeared to have reacted at all.

2013-12-07, 10:45 AM
Ark and Ferdie indicate the wagon, Harvey and one other mule. Six empty sacs, 50 feet of silk rope, a grappling hook, 1 square yard of canvas, a winter blanket, 8 extra water skins, 8 extra torches, 1 sledge, 1 spade, 1 crowbar, 1 hammer, and 36 days worth of trail rations (food for 6 people, for 6 days).

86.7 gp is the book price, times 1.5 = 130.1

If they are available, 5 flasks of alchemical fire and a tanglefoot bag.

(another 150g)

Ferdie offers/haggles/starts the price at 60g, expecting to raise it up to 86.7g.

Your goods are in fair condition, to be sure. What say you to 60g for the lot?

Diplomacy +9???

2013-12-07, 11:30 AM
Torbans eyes go wide for an instant at the mention of the price, but he quickly meets her gaze, then he slaps two fat, gold crowns and a silver penny into Yolanda's hand. "An' worth every grot!"

He loudly slurps from his ale, then crams his mouth with venison. Around his greasy mouthful, he 'says', "Mm, mnamef Borden-mpf." -squish- "Vif rlly iv delifiouf." -slurp- -gulp- "Looks like we're of a kind indeed, then. My friend and I were just loading up some basic supplies to travel to the city an' I hope we get some work while we're there. I don' suppose you've any word on decent merc work, have you? Assuming you don' want it all for yerself, that is!"He winks at Otat, then slaps the table raucously, rattling his mug, and begins laughing.

2013-12-07, 11:31 AM
[roll0] Diplomacy check, his attitude is already helpful. With the expectation of purchasing back both mules and the wagon, the lowest Breg can afford to go is 90 gold for the lot. This nets him a very meager profit on the wagon and animal borrowing with the other items sold at standard price.

Breg's final price is 90 gold crowns. He explains, "It is thah best I can do. As yah can see, Ah have several children an they eat a lot. When yah return, Ah will buy back Harvey, Julie, an thah wagon for full price. Do we have a deal?"

2013-12-07, 11:47 AM
[roll0] Bluff check.

[roll1] Sense Motive check. "Otat" does not believe Torban's lies, but remains unconcerned.

"Otat" smiles knowingly. "As I mentioned, I am between jobs. Were I interested in sharing my contacts, it wouldn't happen till I had a job in hand already." Nodding, he finishes his ale and stands. "I head out early tomorrow, so I must let you both go. Enjoy your meals, and safe travels to you all!"

The mercenary heads downstairs, presumably to his room. As he leaves, the music calms down and the tension in the room evaporates. The serving staff keeps both Zalophar and Torban well stocked with ale and food till they are done.

2013-12-07, 02:27 PM
Zal makes a show of nonchalantly finishing his food (Bluff untrained +0?), but his eyes follow Otat until he disappears from the room. With a sigh, he releases his dagger from where he had been gripping it under the table and turns to Torban, "And shall I now have to be reminding you about table manners, as well? In a lower voice, he continues in Dwarven

"Let's just try to finish the job without starting bar fights in every hamlet and burg along the way. We already stand out in this place; the last thing we want is extra attention. Keep your head."

Rising, Zal picks up his belongings and hands the plate to a passing server. To Yolanda, "Indeed everything was as delicious as I'd hoped. I see you've already met my associate Torban. The others will be another elf, like me, and a halfling about so high," he gestures around his waist. "All that food has made me powerfully tired, so if you'll show me to one of the rooms, I'll retire for the night. " Turning back to Torban, "Remember, first light!"

2013-12-07, 03:43 PM
Breg's final price is 90 gold crowns. He explains, "It is thah best I can do. As yah can see, Ah have several children an they eat a lot. When yah return, Ah will buy back Harvey, Julie, an thah wagon for full price. Do we have a deal?"

If that's your final price, I suppose it's my final price as well! And well sold, indeed. We'll take good care of Harvey and Julie, and be back to you within the week!

Ferd and Ark make the necessary payments, accepting help from the children to yoking the mules. After another copper to each of the youngsters, they wheel away, cart and belongings in tow, off to The Raven and Troll.

As they enter, they see Torban enjoying what appears to be a mug of moderately strong alcohol. Ferdwhipple glances at Ark.

Hoooboy, this aughta be good.

2013-12-07, 04:10 PM
Braddock quietly opens the door to the Inn, glancing briefly to those within. Without a word, he takes a seat in a corner near the long center table; close enough to the door to make a hasty escape if (for whatever reason) that should seem desirable, but far enough away from the center of the room to perhaps escape notice. Silently, he signals a servingman for a single plate and mug, waiting silently.. and vigilantly.

2013-12-07, 04:52 PM
[roll0] Bluff check to hide motions, unopposed by any of the NPCs in the room.

"Oh, sir, I wish you had mentioned one of your comrades was a halfling," Yolanda replies. "I will have to give him a different room with appropriately sized furniture. The price is no different, but it will not be adjoining yours. Will that be alright?"

As she is speaking, she notices Ferdwhipple and Ark enter. "Oh, are these your comrades? Let me ask the halfling what he would prefer."

Walking over to the halfling and elf, she says, "Master halfling, well met sir. Your comrade had rooms prepared, but failed to mention your stature. We do have rooms specially tailored with appropriate furniture for halflings and gnomes. Would you prefer such a room? Unfortunately it cannot be next to your friends' rooms, but it will surely be more comfortable for you. While we prepare it you can eat. The food appears to be more than satisfactory for both your comrades so far. For you it will be on the house, to make up for the delay in your accommodations. For your elven friend it will be five silvers."

Snapping her fingers, she sets several of the staff into motion, and before Ferdwhipple can even respond he and Ark are seated comfortably near Torban, a halfling-sized meal and tankard in front of Ferdwhipple, a full one in front of Ark.

2013-12-07, 05:14 PM
Seeing Braddock's quiet entrance, Yolanda glances at her husband. Something unspoken occurs between them both, and he rises from his place by the fire, playing his fiddle as he walks over to the man.

Without saying anything he sits at the table, and smiles at Braddock. His music is pleasant and light, one to lift the soul and lighten one's load.

Two plates and tankards are brought to the table, one for each man, and Treyvon joins Braddock in eating, all in a comfortable silence. Finally, after finishing his plate, the innkeeper asks, "Can we get ye a room, sir? These other folks have all rooms together and from the looks o' the cart out front have plans to leave in the mornin'. If ye needs a quiet place to stay for the night, we can certainly provide. They, on the other han', might be the sorts to travel with, as they all know how to carry themselves and, though not the most subtle o' people, seem to be preparing for a business venture that might benefit from someone else who knows how to carry hisself, if ye follow me...

I would talk to that there halfling if I were interested."

With that, Treyvon steps back up and returns to playing his music, smiling for all the world like he had just had a brief conversation with an old friend.

2013-12-07, 06:28 PM
To Yolanda, as he takes his seat:

Good evening, miss! No such need will be necessary, I'll be happy to stay in the rooms which have been prepared. - Unless, of course, they are needed elsewhere. I'm quite imparticular. Thank you kindly for the offer, but please, don't put anyone out on my account. My, that venison looks simply scrumptious! Thank you kindly for the hospitality, my dear!

He seems to notice Treyvon for the first time, and his eyes widen appreciatively at sight of the violin.

Madam, does your husband ever play with strangers? I'd love to hear him, and it's not often one has a chance to play and sing with another kindred spirit. Ah, how the fiddle dances 'neath talented fingers!

Diplo +9! :smallcool:

2013-12-08, 07:43 AM
[roll0] Diplomacy Check, DC 10 to improve Yolanda's attitude from Friendly to Helpful. Passes.

Laughing, Yolanda replies,"I certainly won't force you to be comfortable, 'my dear', but the beds will come up past your head at least! Allow us to show you both rooms and you can choose then. As to my husband, I would say that getting him to play isn't the problem. It is getting him to stop."

She smiles as she watches her husband leave Braddock's table. "We have been doing this for a long time, and my husband reads people almost as well as I do. Take that gentleman, for instance. You can tell from the way he holds himself that he is aware of everyone in this room. Hunted or haunted by something, he stays always on the defensive. If someone with the right balance of kindness and firmness were to approach him, I think he would turn out to be quite the boon to a party of travelers such as yourselves.

As for my husband, don't let him keep you up too late or you will realize that you never used the room for which your friend paid." She smiles again, knowingly, and moves off to begin cleaning up the common area.

2013-12-08, 03:20 PM
Braddock gives a long, appraising look at the dwarf and halfling for a few moments while chewing the last few morsels from his plate. After finishing his flagon, he pushes away from the table, seeming to make a deliberate effort to make his rising heard. Walking slowly to the main table, he seats himself just a few feet away from the halfling.

So. The fiddler says you're making a business trip, and he seems to think you could use some muscle. Now, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I know my way around a fight and when to keep to myself. What do you say?

2013-12-08, 10:37 PM
After a long stretch of silence, Torban lifts his face from his fifth drink and looks Braddock over, his gaze coming to rest meeting the man's eyes. His stare is so intent that it's hard to discern whether Torban is trying to set Braddock on fire with his eyes, or has simply fallen asleep at the table. He abruptly stands, wobbling his chair and walks to Braddock's side. Turning to Ferdwhipple, "I like the cut of his jib!"

He claps Braddock hard on the shoulder and looks him straight in his face, "First light tomorrow, standard share. Try anything out of sorts, and I'll crush yer' skull with a hammer. HAAAAA ha ha ha haa!" He claps Braddock's shoulder a final time, smiling from ear to cauliflower ear, tosses a silver penny on the table for the server, then trundles up the stairs to his room.

2013-12-09, 07:19 AM
Ark looks intently at Braddock after Torban leaves. After about a minute of uncomfortable staring, he speaks.

I'll have you know that I am a wizard of immense power. If you decide to murder all of us in our sleep out there on the road, I have at least 4 phylacteries hidden in the darkest corners of the world. I will come back, and I will visit such pain and suffering upon you that bards will sing of it for eons. (Bluff [-1])

Ark smiles genuinely at Braddock

Have a nice evening!

Ark retires upstairs to his room.

2013-12-09, 08:48 AM
Hopton looks lost in thought for several seconds. Torban and Ark's outbursts jar him from his reverie.

Well, I suppose you've gone and made an impression on our dwarf. I can't say whether or not that's a good thing, but a thing it is, none the less. I, for one, don't have any reason to trust you, and am disinclined to split our rewards another direction so hastily. Apparently, Torban isn't as confident as he seems. That said, I'll not undermine his decisions, as I would expect him to not undermine mine. Your first task should be an easy one. We leave at first light. Bring a mount.

Clearly a bit disgruntled, he bows to the human.

If you'll excuse me, I too will retire for the evening.
Under his breath as he walks away:
….Perhaps Torban and I should talk.

2013-12-09, 10:33 PM
Zalophar wakes up an hour before first light, and immediately the thunderous, board-rattling snoring of Torban from the next bed over indicates that there's no chance of going back to sleep. Best to make the most of it, then. After lying motionless a few moments longer, steeling his resolve, he rises and pulls on his boots and breeches in swift, fluid motions, casting annoyed glances at Torban every so often.

Wrapping his cloak around his bare shoulders and seizing his sword, he eases gently out of the room (Stealth +4) and then quickly strides downstairs, through the dark common area and outside into the empty street.

Walking over to the mules and the wagon, he tugs at their hitchings, making sure they're secure, before giving Harvey a pat on the neck. After a glance up and down the still-darkened storefronts, he tosses his cloak on the wagon and, unsheathing his sword, steps a few paces into the center of the road. Raising his blade aloft with both hands, he closes his eyes and inhales deeply, drawing back into a fighting stance as he slowly exhales.

Moving slowly and deliberately at first, he begins going through a set of weapon techniques known as “The Hunter and the Hummingbird, variation #3”. The lightening sky causes a long, dim shadow of Zalophar and his blade to stretch down the length of the road as his movements gradually intensify, whirling strikes emanating faster and faster in every direction atop an intricate pattern of lunges, leaps, and ducks. All conscious thought recedes, and Zal loses himself in the dance of steel and sinew.


Some 30 minutes later, with a thin layer of sweat coating his upper body, Zal stands again in the same position at which he began. Blade coming to salute, he slides his feet together and bows towards the horizon, where the pink and orange clouds are growing more numerous by the minute. Relaxing with a sigh, he turns to see Harvey and Julie both staring at him blankly. Grinning, he walks over and gives them each another pat.

“You like that? Some day I’ll show you ‘Iron Horse Breaks the Lion’”

Sheathing his blade and grabbing his cloak from the wagon, he walks back into the common room, where he expects to find the rest of the party making preparation to depart.

2013-12-10, 09:01 AM
Ferdwhipple meanders into the common room of the inn, about half an hour before dawn. Seeing no one else at the moment, he takes a poker and stirs up the embers of the previous evening's fire o push back the morning chill. One small log from the nearby pile, and there's a warm (if small) blaze going to greet the others when they arrive. As he searches for a kettle, he can't help but feel annoyed at himself for losing his temper the night before.

I really was looking forward to seeing what Treyvon knows, too...

With a sigh of regret, he leans back in a chair, gently plucking aimlessly on his lyre.

2013-12-10, 02:25 PM
Braddock enters the common room from outside, clearly making an effort to be quiet without being silent. Seeing the halfling near the fire, he walks towards the fire, softly clearing his throat once.

'Scuse me, neighbor... I'm not good with words, nor with making friends, but I'm not so dumb as to miss that we got off on the wrong foot. If we're going to fight together, I have to know that you've got my back, and you've got to know I've got yours.

Braddock gives a level gaze at Ferdwhipple before quietly seating himself at a side table.

2013-12-10, 03:28 PM
Ferdwhipple plays a few more chords, drawing his little improv session to a close before opening his eyes and focusing on Braddock.

Aye, I suppose, that we did.

After another breath, and a brief scan of the room, ensuring no one else is present to overhear (perception +8), he continues

Since it's only us two here, I'll speak plainly. I trust this Tarrow Shick fellow about as far as I can throw him. Given my stature, that's not an awful lot. You say Treyvon told you about us. That's as well may be, I saw the conversation happen. It's certainly believable. What isn't believable is that anything about this little venture would actually go smoothly.

We are about to be taking what I hope will be a 3 or 4 day trip, with more questions than answers to go on. Now perhaps you are exactly what you say you are, which I am willing to take at face value, for the time being. In that case, methinks there will be abundant opportunity for both of us to prove that we've got each other's backs. That said, I have no intention of letting anything get behind me, so it's more likely that I'll have yours than the other way around. I'm not one for getting my hands too dirty in a rough and tumble.

Alternatively, you could very well be Shick's patsy, sent to make sure we do things his way. In which case, there will be abundant opportunity for things to go awry. I'm certainly hopeful that isn't the case, but my distrust of you is more of an extension of my distrust for him and anything else unexpected on this trip. It's truly not personal, and I sincerely hope that we are able to get past it. I also sincerely hope that you're worth that share Torban has already promised you.

With a wink and a flourish, Ferdwhipple bows to Braddock.

At the very least, it seems we should well and truly know each other a bit better. Ferdwhipple Rockstop at your service. Let us hope this arrangement proves as mutually beneficial as may be expected!

They shake hands, more pleasantly than expected, and Ferdwhipple reclines again, resting his eyes, and filling the common room with soft, soothing music.

2013-12-10, 06:31 PM
"So are you gents ready for a trip into a pit of lawless thugs, just ripe the the Question?" Torban makes his entrance from the stairwell and crosses the main hall toward the entrance. "I can smell it. It's going to be a great day!" He grabs three apples from a bowl by the bar and disappears through the main door with his pack.

In front of the inn, Torban slings his pack into the cart, then approaches Harvey and Julie with an apple in each outstretched hand. "Here ya are, beasties. What's yer friends name there, Harve? ... Not a talker, aye? I'm there with ya; I prefer for people to talk for me, if ya get me." (Handle Animal -3) once the apples are removed from his hands, he pulls out the last and moves to bite into it himself.

2013-12-10, 11:03 PM
Ferdwhipple Rockstop at your service. Let us hope this arrangement proves as mutually beneficial as may be expected!

Zalophar walks into the common room from the street, bare-chested and wiping sweat from his brow, just in time to overhear the last of Ferdwhipple and Braddock's conversation. Stopping, he looks Braddock up and down for a long moment, an unreadable expression on his face, before turning to Ferdwhipple:

"An arrangement, Ferdie? Have you finally hired someone to lift you onto your mount, or is there something I should know?"

2013-12-11, 08:49 AM
[roll0] Zalophar Stealth +4 Unopposed. Passes.

[roll1]Ferdwhipple Perception +8 No one is present. Passes.

[roll2]Torban Handle Animals -1 (-3 Cha Mod, +2 from the apples) to improve the attitude of the mules. DC 15, Indifferent. Fails.

As the companions wrap up their discussions both Yolanda and Treyvon enter the room. With brief smiles and nods they begin to go about their morning routines, getting the common room ready for the day and bringing out some cheese, bread, and fruits for breakfast.

(If there are no other interactions planned by the party, they may leave at anytime. I will continue with the adventure as soon as a post is made stating that the party leaves town together following the map provided them by Shick.)

2013-12-11, 09:28 AM
Ferdwhipple cracks an eye, noting Zalophar's entrance. He stops playing the lyre and stands up.

The esteemed Torban saw fit to invite Braddock here to join us on our journey. You should get to know each other, as I suspect you will be working more closely with him than I. I'm going to go rouse our delinquent elf.

He heads up to the room, to make sure Ark is at least awake. Hopefully ready to go.

2013-12-11, 02:48 PM
Braddock turns to Zalophar and says:

I see the halfling likes to talk. I guess that's all the better, for all the friends I've made on my travels.

Braddock gives a wry half-smile to Zalophar while looking him over.

So I guess that makes us the meat to his potatoes, eh?

2013-12-11, 06:07 PM
Ark runs into Ferdwhipple on the way out of his room. He smiles and walks into the common area.

Sorry for the late wake-up, I have a hard time sleeping mid-book. I am ready to go as soon as I can get something to eat as we travel.

2013-12-11, 06:20 PM
Once he regains his footing, Ferdwhipple turns back toward the common room, saying:

There should be bread, cheese, and fruit in the common room. Grab a handful and let's get started!

As he makes his way to the stable, attempting to collect the other members of the party.

All right, you ragamuffins! Time's a wastin'! Last one to the cart gets to walk!

He deliberately walks slowly, since he has his own pony. It's always fun to see a little extra spring in Torban's step!

2013-12-13, 09:54 AM
The first day's travel passes uneventfully. The land is well settled, with farms periodically separated by light woods. Following the map, the travelers go north away from town into the hill country.

The first night on the road the moon is waning, with light clouds. Camping in a glen near the road it is easy to set up a small fire. The night sounds are comfortable and familiar to many of the party, easily lulling the listeners to sleep.

Rising with the sun, everyone continues on during the second day, expecting to reach the prison either late that afternoon or early the next morning. This morning threatens rain with gusts of wind whipping around the party all morning. Around noon the rain hits, drenching everyone and slowing travel somewhat.

About an hour after the shower begins the party turns a corner in the woods to find a fallen tree across the road. The woods are rather dense on both sides, though there is a small foot trail leading off to the east into the trees.

It will be impossible to just drive over or around the tree with the cart and mules. If you unhitch the animals from the cart, they could be led along the trail without issue, but then the cart would have to be left behind. The tree is large, but it might be moveable with effort.

[roll0] Ferdwhipple
[roll1] Ark Song
[roll2] Torban
[roll3] Zalophar
[roll4] Braddock
DC 15 to spot the tracks and signs of woodcutting.

From the looks of things, the tree did not fall naturally. There are medium-sized booted tracks all about, many leading up the trail. The forest sounds have quieted, though none of you see or hear anything hiding in wait.

2013-12-13, 03:12 PM
Braddock looks around.

I guess this is where more muscle comes in handy, huh? Somebody keep a lookout while Torban, Zal and I get this out of the way.

Braddock takes another long look around before dropping from his horse and strapping his pack to it securely.

2013-12-13, 03:13 PM
"I like your eagerness, but hold on," Zal raises his hand. "Does anybody else find it odd that's someone's clearly been through here," he points at the bootprints, "but the road's still blocked?"

Hand on he sword hilt, he walks closer to the fallen tree, taking care not to disturb the existing prints. "Braddock, come here and tell me what you make of this." Squatting down, he peers at the tracks more closely.

Survival +3 to determine number or type of creatures, or how recent the tracks are. Hopefully with a +2 circumstance bonus from Braddock's aid :smallsmile:

2013-12-13, 03:42 PM
Braddock walks over to examine the boot prints.

My survival skill is +3... Perception is -1. Not sure what else is relevant here?

2013-12-14, 10:26 AM
From the back of his pony, Ferdwhipple surveys the area, watching Zalophar and Braddock inspect the tracks. Turning to Ark, he says:

What do you make of this? Clearly, this is the work of brigands, but were they attempting to disrupt our journey, or merely waylay travelers? If the latter, why haven't we been attacked yet? Very curious, indeed.

He continues to look about, drawing his longbow and setting arrow to the string. He peers into the woods, starting on the side nearest to Zalophar and Braddock, moving to the other, if nothing is seen.

Perception +8

2013-12-14, 05:53 PM
"Reason number two you always bring an animal with ya." Torban rummages around in his pack for a moment and prduces two coils or ripe, one standard, and the other thinner, paler, and more lustrous. "Do me a favor and keep and eye out while I get these two ready." He indicates the pair of mules and begins lashing the hemp around Harvey in a makeshift harness before loosing him from the cart.

"Sorry about tha rope, Harve. It'll look better on Julie anyway. 'Sides, she may think yer a poof all draped in silks. Hah!" He pats the mule on the neck as he goes about his work.

Using 50 feet of hemp and silk rope to lash the mules to the log after walking them to the other side of it. Will then offer my strength as well to help pull the log off the path. For the sake of specifics, let's say that from the perspective of us approaching the log on the path, I'm tying them to the far left side to apply the force and pull it forward and right, causing it to imitate a gate in the way it will swing.

2013-12-15, 07:46 AM
[roll0] Torban's Survival Check
[roll1] Braddock's Survival Check
DC 15 Survival Checks, Fail.
[roll2] Ferdwhipple's Spot Check (Nothing to see)

With the rain coming down neither Torban nor Braddock can make heads or tails of the tracks. As they set up the ropes and prepare to manhandle the fallen tree Ferdwhipple keeps watch, though nothing presents itself.

About the time the men are ready to start pushing, a young boy comes running down the foot path into the woods. He sees the party and freezes momentarily before turning and running back the way he came, terror apparent on his face.

2013-12-15, 10:13 AM
Ark watches the kid run away with a curious look in his eye.

Ah yes. I've read a story like this before. The child ended up being an illusion cast by a wizard to lure the heroes into a trap while their belongings were pillaged by his minions. I have found that in the stories, children make the best bait for heroes.

Ark gets off the cart and prepares to follow the child.

We should probably leave some people here, unless we are prepared to lose the cart and mules. Or at the very least, the cart, we can take the mules with us.

2013-12-15, 10:32 AM
(Do we know if we are near any long-standing establishments or townships? If not:)

Ferdwhipple is quite untrusting of this panicked child, or the image of one, at least. Particularly in cohesion with an intentionally felled tree, obstructing the path to our destination.

Nonsense, this is foolishness! Ark, can you not tell if that child is real or illusionary? Regardless, what reason would a child have to run in terror from us? We have done no ill, and mean no one any harm. I've no intention of watching this company fall apart, nor losing near 100g worth of equipment to some figment of an illusionists imagination. We should move this felled tree and be on our way. At the least, we must do something to secure the cart and goods for when we come back.

I think we should let the child run. If he was looking for help, he'd have approached, or at least spoken up. If he's not interested in dealing with us, I'm not interested in running him down, to be sure.

2013-12-15, 12:58 PM
While the bard and wizard stand guard, the other three men spend several minutes of effort moving the felled tree. It takes some grunting, with more than a few slips in the mud before the tree moves, but when it does the mud helps it move easily.

You may continue down the road, losing only about an hour of time. You estimate you will camp once more and reach the prison in the morning.

2013-12-15, 01:41 PM
"Wait, boy! We mean you no harm!" Zalophar calls out to the child as turns and runs.

With a pained look on his face, he turns to Ark and Ferdwhipple. "Illusions? Ambushes? These seem more likely to you than that he was merely frightened at the sight of five well-armed adventurers? You would be so quick to abandon a child out in this", thunder rumbles overhead for emphasis as the rain continues to pour, "on the mere suggestion that something might be amiss?"

Looking around at his companions, Zal's heart sinks as he senses he is in the minority. "I would go after the child, at least to try and learn the truth of things, but if I'm outvoted then that's that." With a last glance at the forest path before turning to pull on the tree, Zal cups his hands to his mouth and bellows, "We won't hurt you! Come back if you need help!"

2013-12-15, 06:44 PM
Oh, we are going after the child, there is no doubt there. As also there is no doubt that something is amiss. Who would let a child roam around the middle of the forest in a thunderstorm? Either their parents are irresponsible or dead.

Lets see here, irresponsible adult living in the forest....probably a bandit.

Or their guardian is dead...therefore killed by a bandit or similar thing out to kill decent folk.

Either way, we need to decide how we are going to do this. I can use silent image to send out a signal above the treeline if needed. We should leave at least two with the cart. I suspect Zalophar will want to go after the child based off his emotional outburst. I will go as well.

Ark jumps off the cart and gets ready to walk down the trail.

2013-12-16, 08:43 AM
Braddock grunts at the idea of chasing down a child in the forest.

It took us long enough to move that cursed tree out of the way that I doubt we'll even find him. By now, I'm more worried that anyone he's run back to is going to find us. I say we move on, we risk an ambush every minute we make ourselves standing targets.

Braddock glowers at the darkening woods around the party before spitting off the side of the trail.

2013-12-16, 11:35 AM
Torban begins leading the rain-beaten mules back to the cart, one at a time. "Look, if the boy is in real trouble, whatever was chasing him surely'd have crashed into us by now. Else that boy hass been here fer' days, an' he can clearly fend for himself." He redoes Harvey's harness on the cart and tests the snugness and comfort. "Whatever it is, he didn't do anything but run off, and we have a job to do. I'm not in the business of chasing every forlorn waif that runs into unknown, potentially hostile territory, abandoning my work and gear in the process." He snorts through his saturated mustache, pointedly spraying water droplets into the air, Anyway, if he really needs the help, we'll do him no favors by teaching him that people will come to yer' rescue like some fairy tale. Sometimes Fate jes' puts you on yer' own. He'll be fine if he's meant to."

With that, Torban begins leading Julie back to the cart silently.

2013-12-16, 04:27 PM
As much as it pains me to admit it, I fully agree with Torban and Braddock. Given Ark's initial response, I'm surprised he has any interest in charging valiantly into the woods anyway.

Besides, how is hunting a small boy hiding in a rainy forest likely to end well? Methinks most likely, he is either an illusory figment of some magician's brain, or in league with bandits in the area. It makes no sense to me that he would be fleeing danger, and further run from the first group of people most likely to be able to provide assistance.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we are on a timetable. At current, we have plenty of time, but who knows how long this jaunt into the woods will take. The rest of the day? What will we find elsewhere, and how long will that take? We need to make for Meenlock Prison, and if we find opportunity to come back this way, perhaps we can investigate further then.

With that, Ferdwhipple resumes scanning the woods, trying to prevent the party being taken unawares.

2013-12-16, 07:14 PM
The party continues on, eventually leaving the woods behind. As dusk falls the rain stops and everyone makes camp. It is a cool night, and the damp is a bit unpleasant.

The sun rises the next day to a pleasant looking sky, the rain from yesterday forgotten. Leaving shortly after dawn, the party reaches their destination around mid morning.

Two six-foot-tall decorative stone pillars flank a wide first avenue that proceeds north for two hundred yards. On either side thick fog collects in the depressed hollows of overgrown vineyards. An imposing stone building stands at the avenue's far end.

The dirt road loops into a wide circle before the enormous chateau. Three stories tall and at least 150 feet wide, the building is weathered but maintains an imposing presence. Ancient vines bite into its face, giving the overall appearance of a single stone block rooted to the earth by erupting vines.

As you approach, a handsome, clean-shaven man dressed in a gray uniform with epaulets on the shoulders exits the building. "Good afternoon, gentlemen," he cries out as you approach. "We are not accustomed to many visitors. Who are you and what is your business here?"

2013-12-16, 09:34 PM
"Hail and well met! I am Zalophar, son of Ruehar, and these are my associates." Zalophar steps forward to address the uniformed man. "The details of who we are are not important, but our errand is quite urgent indeed."

Clearing his throat and rummaging through his bag for the sealed envelope, Zalophar continues, "Our company has been hired to complete a task. We have journeyed here from Heerfur, where a man named Tarrow Shick has engaged us to escort two prisoners from this very chateau back to his home for safekeeping. There they are to await a further transfer."

"Shick said you'd wouldn't have heard of this until now, but these documents should set everything in order. I have here the prisoners' release papers." He waves the envelope and extends it towards the uniformed officer.

2013-12-16, 10:37 PM
Ferdwhipple rides to the side of the cart, nearer to the approaching guard, but stays his tongue. He's much more interested in the guard's reaction, as he opens and reads the documents.

sense motive +6

2013-12-17, 06:53 AM
[roll0] Sense Motive
[roll1] Bluff by "Mr. Fine"
Ferdwhipple's Sense Motive check passes.

Ferdwhipple gets the feeling that something is up with Mr. Fine. (Sense Motive Check passed, Mr. Fine is bluffing about something.)

"Release papers? Well, that is unusual...I am Mr. Fine, but you don't need to speak to me, you need to speak to Mr. Rook inside. He is closing a valuable business deal with a new client at the moment, but I am sure we can fit you into his schedule this morning." The man looks at the cart and mules, purses his face, and then continues, "We don't have a stable or barn here, so if you will just hitch your animals and cart over to the side of the building there." He gestures off to the left between one of the vineyards and the building. Then he turns and heads into the building through a large set of doors on the right side of the front of the building. "When you are ready, please meet me inside here."

2013-12-17, 07:59 AM
Very well, sir. We will be right there.

As the group heads to the aforementioned spot, Ferdwhipple quietly addresses the party.

Something is very amiss here. I know not why, but this is certainly not standard fare for this place. As we hitch the cart and animals, I'm going to take a look at these papers we've been carrying. If they say what they should, I will be highly apologetic to this Mr. Rook, but methinks he will understand my concern. Above all else, under no circumstances should we allow ourselves to be parted. I think Tarrow Shick has no desire for us to return, with or without any other persons.

Turning to Braddock: Suddenly I find myself quite glad for a little extra muscle. I apologize again for my previous disgruntlement.

Stretching his hand toward Zalophar, if I may?

2013-12-17, 08:27 AM
Braddock nods at Ferdwhipple, then scowls at the entrance before wordlessly turning to secure his horse, making sure to keep the rest of his gear on him. He quietly dons his spiked gauntlet (hiding it behind a fold of cloak) and loosens his shield for easy access.

2013-12-17, 10:52 AM
Zalophar is visibly torn as he looks down on the sealed papers, turning them over in his hand. "Ordinarily I wouldn't hear of it, but too many odd things have happened on this trip. I have a feeling you may be right, Ferdie... and we're no good to Shick if we bungle this job somehow. He's already trusting us with a sensitive mission, I suppose a quick look at these won't hurt."

As Zal starts reluctantly handing the papers to Ferwhipple, his expression brightens as he suddenly remembers something. "Besides, Shick never said we couldn't look at them."

2013-12-17, 01:24 PM
Winking at Zalophar, at this point, my friend, it wouldn't have stopped me.

After taking the letter from Zalophar's extended hands, he carefully breaks the seal with his dagger, trying to not cut the paper too much.

He draws out the enclosed letter, and reads.

2013-12-17, 01:55 PM
The document resembles an order or bill. Reading it through, it appears that "Mr. Rook" is the correct person to contact at the prison, and that the two prisoners are to be released into the custody of the party holding this document. Both of the prisoners names are listed, and no further details about them; Lyle Benedict and "Blessed of Pelor."

The party members are not mentioned by name, nor are there any directions given except to release the prisoners to the party. No payment is expected (the account is up to date), nor is there any sign from the document that this should be challenging at all.

2013-12-17, 05:18 PM
Ferdwhipple quietly reads the text out loud to the party.

Interesting. I'm honestly more surprised to find that the documents appear legitimate than I would be to find something entirely different. I still don't trust this place. Perhaps they have an arrangement with Mr. Shick via other means. I still would keep arms and shields at the ready within these walls. My instincts tell me they are easier to pass inwards than out. Let us see what Mr. Rook has to say, perhaps our stop here may yet be brief. I, for one, will feel much better with this place behind me.

He folds the papers back and places them in the envelope, making no deliberate effort to hide the fact that it has been opened.

(ready to head up to the manor doors, preferably not first in line)

2013-12-17, 06:37 PM
Braddock nods at Ferd before readying his shield.

Let's get on with it, then.

Braddock walks up to open the door with his gauntleted fist with a pointed look over his shoulder at the rest of the party.

2013-12-17, 09:42 PM
Shrugging off his backpack, Zal hesitates for a moment over his shortbow before tossing it, the quiver, and the pack in the back of the cart.

As he shrugs his shoulders to loosen them and stretches his arms, he reaches up to adjust his sword hilt and ease the blade in its sheathe. "I too am surprised. Everything seems above-board, but that's a highly generic description of our party, and something about this place still seems off..."

In a lower voice, meeting eyes with each of the others, he continues "Ferdie's right, these men are not our friends. We go in, get the prisoners, and get out. No running off alone, and stay sharp." Taking a deep breath, he squares his shoulders and walks up to Braddock at the door, nodding to him as he steps through first.

2013-12-17, 09:55 PM
Braddock wordlessly slips in behind Zal.

2013-12-17, 10:57 PM
Ferdwhipple steps in behind Zalophar, with his shield on his arm and his hand near a dagger.

Well, one thing's for sure. This is going to be memorable.

2013-12-18, 07:28 AM
Ark follows the rest of them inside. He whispers to Ferdwhipple:

Why would a person named "Blessed of Pelor" be in prison? I knew a Cleric of Pelor, he was a good man. Almost to a fault. I cannot imagine any follower of that god deserving to be in a prison of good report.

2013-12-18, 09:40 AM
Entering the building you find a simple but clean passageway with several doors off to the sides. The first door on the right is open, and inside the party finds a rather large and well furnished parlor room leading into an office. The office is brightly lit and richly appointed with a large mahogany desk, several plush chairs, and a sizable couch.

Inside the office is Mr. Fine and two other gentlemen. Sitting behind the desk is a handsome dark-haired man. The other man, opposite him, is a well dressed obese man seated in an ornate leather-padded chair. His laughter coils puffs of cigar smoke into the already foggy room. The man behind the desk rises from his seat and moves to shake the hands of the party.

"Well, greetings! I am Mr. Rook. My associate Mr. Fine has already informed me that you come with an unusual request. What can I do for you?"

2013-12-18, 11:13 AM
Zalophar's eyes start to water at the smoke in the room, and he stifles a cough into his hand. "Well met, Mr. Rook. Indeed you might call our errand unusual. We have been commission by a man, Tarrow Shick, to oversee the transfer of two prisoners from this facility to his home in Heerfur, and to be discreet about it. My associate here has the release papers for the prisoners" he says, gesturing to Ferdwhipple.

2013-12-18, 12:52 PM
Ferdwhipple steps forward, extending the envelope to Mr. Rook.

I hope you will forgive the intrusion into the privacy of the documents, our patron was somewhat shortcoming with details, and many unusual occurrences have taken place along the path hither. Fearing we had been misled, I read the document to allay my concerns regarding the errand. The men we seek are one "Lyle Benedict," and someone who goes by "Blessed of Pelor." Hopefully they can be retrieved quickly, and we will be on our way.

After delivering the paperwork, Ferdie quickly bows, stepping back to just behind Braddock and Zalophar.

Again, my apologies for any problems or confusion.

He quietly and stealthily places a hand on the hilt of one of his daggers - beneath the folds of his cloak- ready to draw and throw the weapon at a moments notice.

2013-12-18, 04:48 PM
Before walking into the room, Ark pauses briefly. He listens as Mr. Rook introduces himself. While Ferdwhipple talks he casts Detect Magic and then walks into the room. He stands in the corner in an attempt to get everyone in the room within the effect of the spell.

Detect Magic:
60 Ft. Cone
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 Min. / level
Detect magical auras. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.

1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras
2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura. If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in ling of sight, you can make a Knowledge (arcana) skill check to determine the school of magic involved in each. DC 15 + spell level, or 15 +1/2 caster level for non-spell effect.

I would like to make any necessary Knowledge Arcana Checks as applicable. These checks are with a +9 modifier.

2013-12-19, 09:00 AM
No magical auras are visible anywhere in the room.

"Well, let's just see your papers, and I will try and assuage your concerns," Mr. Rook says, taking the documents, sitting back down, and reading them thoughtfully. After a moment or two of reading he opens a desk drawer and places the documents inside with a small stack of other papers.

"The documentation for the release of your two prisoners is in order. You've already met Mr. Fine. He'll hand you off to Mr. Dee in the cellars, where the prisoners are kept. You'll forgive me when I say you must secure the prisoners yourselves - we are woefully understaffed at the moment, and my men are engaged in other, very important business matters."

At this the fat man nods and inclines his wine glass toward the party. The warden turns and pulls back a tapestry above a fireplace behind him. Using a key on a chain around his neck, he unlocks a wall-mounted safe and removes two large keys from within, which he tosses to Mr. Fine.

While he does all this, he says, "Your prisoners are in the seventh and sixteenth cells on the right. If you require provisioning for your return to Heerfur, merely let my men know and it shall be awaiting your departure. And with that, I am afraid I must bid you good day."

2013-12-19, 10:21 AM
"Good day, and thank you for your assistance" Zalophar gives a small bow towards Mr. Rook but doesn't lower his eyes. Turning towards Mr. Fine, "Mr... Fine, was it? It sounds like you have other important matters to attend to, as well, so if you'll show us to the cells we'll collect the prisoners and be on our way."


When the party files out, he catches Torban. "You've still got those ropes for the restraints, right?"

2013-12-19, 11:03 AM
In a low voice, Torban replies "Aye. If we need 'em, that is. I just want to grab these two and get back without incident. This trip actually has me on edge, and I just want to be warm, dry, and a wee drunk." He follows the company into the cell blocks.

2013-12-19, 12:26 PM
Ferdwhipple takes a position somewhat near the middle of the group, keeping his mouth closed and his eyes and ears open. He keeps his eyes open, particularly, in the direction of Mr. Fine and any other "staff." His hand stays close to his dagger, but not so close as to draw attention.

As an aside to the party:
Well this should be interesting. Sure would have been nice if Breg had had manacles for sale. I suppose we'll have to do without.

2013-12-19, 01:38 PM
Braddock continues to conceal his fist, spiked gauntlet at the ready behind a fold of cloak while staying near the front of the party, the only sign of his unease being the slight narrowing of his eyes as he scans the hallway walls for signs of anything not being what it seems.

Perception check at -1

2013-12-19, 01:46 PM
[roll0] (Nothing to see that isn't visible to all.)
Mr. Fine escorts the party past the double doors opposite the chateau's entrance and into a hall at the rear of the building. All of the side rooms look neglected and unused except for Mr. Fine's office and lounge.

In the final room on this floor sporadic patches of plaster are all that remain on walls stripped to gray bricks and wooden slats. At the far end of the room is a 15 foot tall empty cage made of iron bars. A metal chain rises from its solid metal top, threads through eyehooks across the ceiling and down the wall, and wraps around a wheel with a crank bar embeded in the floor. Mr. Fine walks over to the cage and opens its door with a rusty creak.

"Your ride awaits," he says, producing the two keys. "Here are the keys - remember, they're the seventh and sixteenth cells on your right. Mr. Dee will meet you outside the cellblock hall. Once you have your prisoners, return here and give a holler."

Mr. Fine bends down to the floor and, through a small hole covered in steel mesh, yells, "Party to transfer prisoners coming down, Mr. Dee."

A faint echoing voice replies, "Right. Send 'em down."

2013-12-19, 02:19 PM
Braddock eyes the makeshift elevator with undisguised suspicion.

Is that thing going to hold us all at once? he says in a loud voice to Mr. Fine.

Under his voice, Braddock mutters to the others,
Maybe Torban or I should man the winch and guard the rear... I know I don't want to be stuck down there.

2013-12-19, 02:55 PM
"Certainly will, sir. It may be a little close, but it is strong enough. We use it for even the violent prisoners who require armed guards, so it will hold you all just fine. The winch is designed to be operated by one, and the pulley system makes it possible to lower or raise a great deal more weight than all of you. Are you ready?" Mr. Fine gestures politely to the door, holding it open.

2013-12-19, 05:26 PM
Ferdwhipple steps forward and takes the extended keys, before hopping into said elevator.

Seems in order to me. I'm sure you have other important business to attend to, particularly given that the prisoners will be ours to wrangle. The winch seems simple enough, surely Torban could operate it well. Thank you for your assistance, I think we'll take it from here Mr. Fine.

With a meaningful glance to Torban, Ferdwhipple contines.

Well, gentlemen? We're not getting home any faster looking at it.

Diplomacy +9, Bluff +9, Sense motive +6 Not sure which of these are most in order, but I really want to convince Mr. Fine to leave the room (and/or figure out why he doesn't want to)

2013-12-19, 06:34 PM
[roll0] Diplomacy to improve Mr. Fine's attitude, DC 20 (Unfriendly),
[roll1] Ferdwhipple's Bluff (not sure what this is for, going to wing it for now...)
[roll2] Sense Motive (vs. Mr. Fine's Bluff)
[roll3] Mr. Fine's Bluff (hiding his unfriendly attitude...if you have read this as a player, you shouldn't have! :smallfurious:)

Smiling, Mr. Fine replies, "I am quite sure your comrade could manage the winch, sir. However, then he would be stuck up here waiting on you all to return. I will help get everyone down to the cellar, and then carry on my business. Mr. Dee will contact me from below - we have a system for this sort of thing - when you are ready to come back up.

I really would advise you all to go down together. We pride ourselves on a well managed prison, but what you are trying to do could get complicated. Several of the prisoners down there are rough sorts, they are not restrained within their cells, and you may be surprised at how difficult it can be to subdue a desperate man." He looks at the party appraisingly and continues, "I know I wouldn't want to cross you gentlemen. You are quite the intimidating band, if you don't mind my saying so."

2013-12-19, 07:04 PM
Braddock shifts his pack around his shoulders and sighs heavily while eyeing the elevator.

Let's get this over with, then.

He draws himself up to his full height before trudging into the cage, pack, shield and all.

2013-12-19, 08:37 PM
Zalophar walks over to Torban and, with a hand on his shoulder, leans down and whispers in Dwarven

"Remember, stick together."

Rising, he addresses Mr. Fine as he backs into the cage with Braddock. "That makes a great deal of sense, Mr. Fine. Of course, hypothetically, if the winch should break while we are down there collecting the prisoners, there are other ways back up to the surface, yes?" He finishes his question with a pointed look at Torban, making eye contact before he turns back to Mr. Fine.

Trying to silently encourage Torban to Sense Motive on Mr. Fine's response.

2013-12-19, 08:52 PM
Without skipping a beat, Mr. Fine laughs and smiles. "If you are that concerned about the winch, please come and inspect it. We are running a prison here, so there aren't supposed to be an abundant number of exits from the cell blocks. However, there is a freight elevator by which we retreive wine from the aging room for sales. Now, is there anything else, or aren't you gentlemen looking to recover two prisoners today?"

He steps back, motioning towards first the winch and then the door to the elevator cage. Then with a slightly impatient sigh he walks over to the winch, waiting for the party to load the elevator.

2013-12-19, 08:53 PM
OK OK FINE. If we're all thinking it...

Ark waves his hands, mumbles something, and turns towards Mr. Fine.

Charm Person (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/charmPerson.html#_charm-person)
Will Save DC 16

Casts it on Mr. Fine

If all five of us are needed down there for this, why do you have a man stationed down there alone? Surely prisoners being out of their cell would necessitate additional guards to control them?

I would like to do this without slowing down the tempo too much. Rob, you can write this out as you see fit (taking control of my character's dialogue). Assuming the spell works, Ark will ask a series of questions to discern the following.

Why is the prison understaffed?
What is going on that is keeping the guards busy?
Who were the other two gentlemen in the room? Why are they here?
Does Mr. Fine know anything about these two prisoners?
Did anyone at the prison know that the party was coming?

If the spell does not work, Ark will only ask the first question. The one outside the spoiler.

2013-12-19, 09:08 PM
[roll0] Passes

(1d20+8)[17] Mr. Fine's Sense Motive Check
(1d20+14)[34] Mr. Fine's Bluff Check
The party members would need a natural 20 to see through the deception, so Mr. Fine is acting overly friendly, but is not Charmed.

For a moment it appears something passes across Mr. Fine's vision. He looks down, shakes his head slightly, and then looks up at Ark again. "Oh, I am sorry, friend, I must have been unclear. The prisoners aren't out of their cells. However, we do not have them restrained when they are within their cells. So, should one of them reach out for you while you weren't looking it could get hairy fast. We guards generally know who to watch for and don't give them any opportunities."

Why is the prison understaffed?
What is going on that is keeping the guards busy?
Who were the other two gentlemen in the room? Why are they here?
Does Mr. Fine know anything about these two prisoners?
Did anyone at the prison know that the party was coming?

He smiles and continues to answer your questions. "The prison always runs on a small crew, but recently several members of the staff have left for personal reasons. This sort of work requires discretion, so the hiring process can be slow.

Mr. Rook is negotiating a major sale of our wine. The guards do double duty as crew members for loading the stores, so they are working to prepare the shipment.

Two gentlemen, sir? There was Mr. Rook and a Mr. Gage I believe. Mr. Gage is buying the large shipment I mentioned.

I cannot speak for Mr. Fine and what he knows, sir. Generally we keep to knowing only so much about the prisoners as we need to know to do our jobs, so I doubt I can help you much either.

No one expected anything like this today. Your arrival was a complete surprise."

2013-12-20, 04:16 PM
While the remaining party members deliberate using the elevator, another guard enters the room and addresses Mr. Fine, "We need you to hurry up here and return to your post. Is everything all right?"

To this Mr. Fine responds, "I think so. They were just concerned about the safety of the elevator. Are you all ready to head down now?" He turns to the party, waiting for everyone to enter the elevator.

2013-12-20, 04:50 PM
Torban steps into the cage and waits.

2013-12-21, 12:06 AM
From his position next to Braddock, in the elevator, Zalophar looks up from tapping his foot and says with a tenseness in his voice, "It looks we're all going together. We're ready." Crossing his arms, he nods at Mr. Fine to lower the elevator

2013-12-21, 03:13 PM
With an initial jolt and the clanking of chains moving over metal hooks, the cage wobbles and staggers in slow descent. Inch by inch, a dimly lit room is revealed, with two statues of frolicking satyers flanking a dark doorway and a long hall beyond to the south. Wide wooden double doors stand to the west. Dust puffs out from below as the cage comes to rest on the cellar's flagstone floor. Overhead the cage's ceiling seals tightly with the floor of the hall above.

The flagstone floor and gray, stone walls rise vertically for 5 feet before arching up into a barrel-vaulted ceiling 15 feet high at the center. Continual flames in the ceilings cast inconstant, mottled light due to hundreds of moths that crowd them. Bright illumination is reduced to the 5-foot square on the floor directly below the lighting; all else is dimly lit.

The room smells of a mixture of wine, dry wood, and human misery. Through the dark portal to the south you hear muffled sounds of life, as if from individuals far from the entrance. It is dark, and the flickering of the moths makes the shadows on the walls distracting as they move. The chill in the air is uncomfortable.

There is no sign of Mr. Dee anywhere.

2013-12-21, 03:28 PM
After a quick glance around, Ferdwhipple sighs, looking back to the party.

So, if you carry your own belongings, we should perhaps light a torch or two before we continue. All of mine are on the cart outside…

It's never easy, is it?

2013-12-21, 07:20 PM
"O' man, Fate really buggered whoever lives down here. I interned in a craphole like this before I started working." Torban steps out of the cage, drawing his hammer and hefting it in his hand as he takes a look around.

"Well, at least it's not that dark." He grins and points his toothy horror sidelong at Braddock. "Aye, Braddock?" He pats himself up and down with his free hand, then produces a finger-length twig from his belt pouch and puts it in his teeth, "Got a light? Haaahahaha!"

Torban, self-amused and cackling, begins moving toward the Satyre statues to eye the craftsmanship while the party readies itself.

(Perception to check room and statues)

2013-12-21, 07:54 PM
Zalophar spreads his hands and shrugs at Ferdwhipple, "I left my gear in the cart as well. Torban's right, though, this light is fine for me, at least. "

Stepping out of the cage, he glances upwards towards the flames at the top of the dome for a moment before turning back to the group. "That Mr. Rook said the seventh and sixteenth cells on the right, wasn't it?" He starts walking over to Torban at the statues, but suddenly he pauses mid-stride and whirls back around. "Wait, where's Ark?! He was here a moment ago!"

2013-12-22, 11:19 AM
The image of Ark in the cage fades away as he stops concentrating on it.

There is no way I am going down into some hole with only exit being a deathtrap. I should have never left my books in the first place. I think I will leave the adventuring to the suicidal people of the world.

Ark exits the room and begins to walk back to town.

2013-12-22, 09:25 PM
Ferdwhipple sighs and looks to Braddock:

Please tell me a strong lad such as yourself has your torches handy? I feel more than half a fool, but as much as I expected something unexpected, this is… well… More unexpected than I expected. :smallbiggrin: So, would you light one for me? And then step in front? I'll do my best to make it worth your while!

…though Mr. Shick's bag o' coins will certainly help.

With a grin and a chuckle, Ferdwhipple moves to the doors, and inspects them and the statues for traps or anything out of the ordinary.

Perception +8 (for now!)

2013-12-23, 01:49 PM
[roll0] Torban's
[roll1] Ferdwhipple's

The statues appear to be harmless and entirely decorative.

The quality of the lighting in the next room is similar to the first, though the contents are not.

A five-foot flagstone path connects dark doorways to the north and south of this hall. Twenty-foot long wooden wine racks tower ten feet high on either side. Upon them, thousands of bottles caked in dried mud rest in rusty wine cradles.

2013-12-23, 02:56 PM
Braddock smiles grimly as he pulls out a torch and his flint and steel.

Been in and around dungeons like this enough to know not to plan on leaving through the same door you came in.

Braddock lights the torch and cautiously moves to the front of the group, peering into the hallways facing the group.

2013-12-23, 05:49 PM
"There's no Mr. Dee anywhere, Ark seems to have run off, and which way are the blasted cells seven and sixteen?!" Grimacing, Zalophar tugs his blade free of its sheathe and paces back and forth while Braddock is striking a spark for the torch. "This job is starting to stink. Once that's lit, I say we move fast to find the prisoners and get out, starting with that way." He points with his sword down the hallway flanked by the wine bottles..

2013-12-23, 06:00 PM
Torban moves down the hallway, occasionally breaking his gaze from the end of the hallway to scan the wine racks. About 15 feet down the hall he runs his hand along a few of the bottles, letting chance pull his fingers to a halt on one of them. "Why the hell're they aging wine down here? Don't they know it'll taint the flavor with the sour notes of guilt that hangs in prisons? Amateurs."

Torban eyes the bottle closely, opens and sniffs it carefully if necessary, then puts it in his bag, attempting to do the last part unnoticed.
Appraise +1
Sleight if Hand -7

2013-12-23, 07:20 PM
Ferdwhipple resheathes his sword, and steps into the hallway. With an appraising glance, (+7) Ferdwhipple too looks over the bottles. Why stop at one, Torban? These people could afford a few lessons in courtesy, to say the least. Hold on to these two for me, will you? With that, he removes the two finest bottles (he can ascertain) and hands them to the Dwarf.

On second thought, I'll hold onto this one, he says with a wink, keeping the finer of the two for himself.

Bottle in one hand, shield in the other, Ferdwhipple makes to head down the hallway behind Braddock.

Alright, now that a bit of my irritation has been satiated, I'm with Zalophar. Let's find those cells and get out of here. I wonder what these folks are like? Think they're really all that dangerous, or do you think there's another reason they're being kept here?

2013-12-24, 11:25 AM
Torban continues to the end of the hallway and opens the door with his free hand.

2013-12-24, 11:30 AM
Motioning for Braddock and the others to stay back a bit with the torch, Zalophar advances quietly with Torban towards the southern doorway of the wine-filled hallway, sword at the ready. After peering inside to see what he can, he waves for the rest of the group to join them in the next room.

Stealth +3 to southern door, open it if necessary, Perception +1 into next room

2013-12-24, 06:06 PM
[roll0] Torban's Appraise
[roll1] Torban's Sleight of Hand
[roll2]Ferdwhipple's Perception
[roll3] Ferdwhipple's Appraise
[roll4] Zalophar's Stealth
[roll5] Zalophar's Perception

In the hallway, through the rows of bottles you can see a set of double doors on the west wall.

Through the southern doorway you see what can only be the prisoner processing area. Two chairs sit behind an old desk in front of a large tapestry gracing the south wall. The tapestry depicts generals celebrating with bottles of dark wine, while piles of dead soldiers stain the battlefield behind them. A large cabinet rests beneath the tapestry, behind the two chairs. Wide, padlocked double doors dominate the west wall. To the east is a door made of iron bars. A dark puddle shines in the center of the floor, smearing towards the door to the east. The metallic smell of drying blood stands out clearly against the omnipresent smell of alcohol, blowing into the party's faces from a chill breeze coming from the eastern doorway.

Ferdwhipple hears two things coming from the east. The first is the sound of a woman (Arkiana) calling out for the party's attention in common and another language (Sylvan). The other is a phrase, nearly whispered, "They're coming," over and over again from male voices.

You are in the first cell on the left, as close to the processing area as possible. All night long you have heard the prisoners in the cell next to you whispering the same phrase, over and over again. You have felt a mental attack against you once, which you resisted. It has not been repeated, and you couldn't see the source of the attack. You also saw a body dragged past your cell during the night, by a hunched figure you couldn't quite see before it passed.

2013-12-24, 06:23 PM
Now how in the hell are we supposed to get to that door? Ferdwhipple asks, gesturing through the wine rack.

I suppose it doesn't much matter for now.

Ferdwhipple puts it temporarily from his mind as he joins Torban and Zalophar in the doorway (immediately behind them). He looks into the room, grimaces, and pointing to the dark smudge says I'm really not sure I want to know what that is... And it leads to what most closely resembles a prison cell. Let's make sure there's nothing else amiss here. Give me a moment.

With that, he steps carefully into the room, searching for traps, and listening at the doors.

Perception + 8, Disable Device +7 (if necessary)

2013-12-24, 06:40 PM
Braddock moves up from the rear, letting the glow from the torch illuminate the processing room, His nose turning up from the combined smells.

Well, ain't this a regular party room? he says with a grimace.

2013-12-24, 08:34 PM
Arkiana bangs a rock against her cell door while shouting with obvious desperation.

Help! Somebody help me! There is something seriously wrong with this place. These guys have all gone crazy!
Help! I shouldn't be in here!

2013-12-24, 09:25 PM
Seeing that the room is empty, Zalophar relaxes slightly and lowers his blade. Ignoring the desk and cabinet for the moment, he walks to the puddle of blood in the center of the room and touches it with two fingers as his eyes follow the trail to the eastern door.

Survival -1 or Profession (Soldier) +3 or Heal -1 to get a sense of how recent the bloodstain is from the temperature.

"That, my sheltered young friend, is a large quantity of blood. Approximately the same quantity that resides in a full-grown man. Well, used to reside, anyway." Zalophar directs a wry smirk at Ferwhipple as he rises and wipes his fingers off on his breeches.

With that he raises his sword again and walks quietly to the eastern doorway, peering inside while Ferdwhipple works his way around the processing room. "Did you hear anything? I thought I heard something."

Stealth +3, Perception +1

2013-12-25, 05:26 PM
Ferdwhipple stops his search abruptly, facing the doorway to the east. He looks back to the party, eyes wide. Visibly shaken, he says:
There's a lady down there! I can hear her calling to us. I don't know who she is or how she knows we're here- I suppose we've not been taking much care to be quiet. There's definitely something else down there, though. It doesn't sound pleasant at all, but there are voices saying something like "they're coming, over and over" it's faint, but it's definitely there… Like an excited animal that's trying to remain hidden.

I don't like this at all, guys. Not at all.

As he continues his speech, Firdwhipple gently places the bottle on the desk beside him, takes out his sling, and loads a bullet. He then checks and tightens the straps on his shield, making sure it is in place properly. He then backs behind the desk, keeping his focus to the Eastern door, and calls back to the group at (filing through?) the doorway:

I think we officially need to start taking this job lots more seriously. Either that, or figure out a way back out the other direction and never set foot in this rathole again! Um… Hey, Braddock! You wanted to be our muscle, yes? I think we've officially found an opportunity for you to prove it!

2013-12-26, 10:16 AM
Zalophar's eyes widen at the sight of the floating rock, and suddenly he recognizes the sounds he faintly heard as yelling. With an oath he ducks under the stone and dashes into the east room. Locating the source of the commotion, he speeds towards Arkiana's cell and raises his sword to strike the bars with the hilt.

"Qui-!" Zalophar freezes in mid-syllable and mid-swing, eyes widening again at the sight of Arkiana. He was not expecting the source of the noise to be a beautiful woman. He remains standing, mouth agape and weapon aloft, for another moment before visibly shaking his head and lowering the sword. "Torban! Braddock! You'd better come and see this!"

Turning back to Arkiana, and still somewhat flustered, he continues, "I, uh, I am Zalophar. Please stop yelling. Who are you? "

2013-12-26, 11:54 AM
Arkiana gasps as she hears one of the new voices mentioning leaving her.

They are going to leave me if I don't do something. I don't want to die here. Oh gods...

Suddenly, the rock lights up. She concentrates as it slowly floats to the iron bars that separate the hallway with her cell and the processing room. She conjures up what little energy she has left in her voice and pleadingly yells.


Arkiana casts Light on the rock in her hand and then uses Prestidigitation to float it down the hallway towards the "eastern door".

Arkiana falls back into her cell at the sight of the elf about to hit her with a sword. Her eyes are wide with obvious fright. They have dark circles under them and seem to be bloodshot. After Zalophar introduces himself, she quickly stands back up and grabs at him through the bars.

Oh please please get me out of here! I was attacked on the road and the next thing I remember is waking up in this cell. I don't know what they want, but all I've been smelling blood and listening to their awful chanting for what seems like days now. I think they plan on killing me! Sir Zalophar, if there is any decency in you, you have to free me!

Bluff +9 to lie about why she is in there.
Diplomacy +6 to convince him to let her out.

2013-12-26, 12:16 PM
Ferdwhipple grabs the floating, lit up rock, and follows Zalophar through the door, into the hallway beyond. Before Zalophar strikes the lock, he places his hand on the elf's arm. Hold your blade, friend! I have keys to two of the cells, perhaps they use a similar mold. If not, we can look in the desk for the key to this lock. At worst, I can attempt to pick it. You'll only damage your sword trying to pry it open. Besides, there are still sounds coming from yonder. With this, he gently lobs the rock down the corridor, shedding light on the adjacent cells. Besides, I for one would like to hear what this strange, and reasonably distraught woman is doing in a cell here. I am quite sure there was once a reason for her to be placed there. Well, miss? What say you for yourself?

Sense motive +6

2013-12-26, 12:27 PM
[roll0] Ferdwhipple's Perception
[roll1] Ferdwhipple's Disable Device (irrelevant)
[roll2] Zalophar's Survival Fails
[roll3] Zalophar's Stealth (Dropped I assume)
[roll4] Zalophar's Perception
[roll5] Arkiana's Bluff (Contested by Ferdwhipple' Sense Motive) Fails
[roll6] Arkiana's Diplomacy (DC 10 assuming a Friendly starting attitude) Passes
[roll7] Ferdwhipple's Sense Motive

Ferdwhipple found no traps.

Zalophar could not determine how long the blood had been on the floor, though it won't matter for long...

Ferdwhipple can tell that Arkiana isn't telling the truth about how she got here, but she is genuinely in desperate need.


A five-foot wide hall leads eastward into darkness that seems almost palpable. Three iron doors with two-foot square barred windows stand at ten-foot intervals along both sides. Arkiana's door is closed and locked.

The second door to the north is open. On the hall floor in front of it, a shirtless man lies covered in blood, his stomach torn open. He raises his head momentarily and smiles before being puled violently into the cell by his own intestines.

2013-12-26, 01:18 PM
Arkiana could hear the sound of flesh being dragged across stone, but the angle of the cell window prevented her from seeing what happened.

What was that?!

She stares intently at Ferdwhipple.

You know what, I don't want to know, I just want to get out of here. Please!

2013-12-26, 01:29 PM
Braddock visibly blanches at the grisly display. Swallowing deeply, he mutters to himself, I knew this job sounded too good to be true...

While keeping one eye open toward the hallway ahead, Braddock moves up to the front to lend an arm...

2013-12-26, 01:31 PM
"Something's in there! Ferdie, go get the key - we can question her later. Braddock and I will hold it off!" Zalophar assumes a fighting stance and tries to edge around until he can see into the cell the man disappeared into.

2013-12-26, 01:33 PM
Arkiana points to the lit-up rock through the door.

Use the rock to see down there!

2013-12-26, 01:40 PM
[roll0] Ferdwhipple
[roll1] Torban
[roll2] Zalophar
[roll3] Braddock
[roll4] Arkiana
[roll5] Prisoner(s)
[roll6] (?)
[roll7] Zalophar's Perception

Sitting cross-legged atop a cot in his cell, a dirty-faced an sobs. Coils of intestines sit in his lap. He weeps uncontrollably as he continues to reel in the disemboweled man by his gut. "They're coming," repeats over and over from the man's insane lips.

Most of you beat the enemies on initiative. Unlike in Daniel's game, I am going to keep who is exactly where in the initiative order to myself. Honor system, folks.

Zalophar is the only PC who sees the jail cell yet, but the hostility of the enemy will be clear soon enough.

The cell is 10x10 ft (4 squares on a standard grid). The hallway is 5 ft wide, so only one medium creature can look into the cell at a time from the hallway. Arkiana is still in her cell, but actions may change that (skill checks, breaking down the door, etc...). Though the prisoner you can see hasn't attacked yet, he is hostile. You may kill/subdue/avoid him however you choose within the rules. If you have any questions, post in the OoC thread.

I will see about getting something more visual (a map) tomorrow when I am at work and have time with a scanner. Till then, I will describe as best I can. Also, no guarantees on a map, I am just going to try...

2013-12-26, 02:07 PM
Round 1

Braddock moves to just behind Zal, grimly watching the hallway for any newcomers.

Total Defense, 18 +4

2013-12-26, 02:08 PM
Round 1
Ferdwhipple, upon watching the body be dragged into its cell, promptly wretches in the corner. Looking up to Arkiana, he wipes his lips and says: You're right, you don't want to know. At least, I don't want to know- or have seen it. After a quick breath to regain his composure, he continues. I do, however want an honest answer as to why you are in here. I'm not about to let you out without having some reason to believe that we don't have one more thing to watch our backs for.

He begins trying keys and picking the lock, anticipating an honest answer.

Disable Device +9, if the keys don't work (BTW, I hadn't re-done equip since changing from bard/bard. Since I have no need to carry my masterwork lyre everywhere I go, I swapped it (and my normal quality tools) for masterwork thieves' tools. Seemed reasonable. I've since updated the rest of my equip as well)

2013-12-26, 02:10 PM
Round 1

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Wielding the curved blade.
Not currently carrying bow, backpack.

Zalophar's face pales at the ghastly sight. "What in the... it... it's a man!" Without taking his eyes off the madman, he reaches over to the cell door and tries to slam it closed.

Move action to speak and attempt to close cell door, then ready a standard action to attack the madman if he closes the distance

2013-12-26, 02:10 PM
Round 1

Arkiana looks incredulously at Ferdwhipple.

Look, I'm no Paladin, and judging by your way with locks, neither are you.

Arkiana looks wildly down the hall and pauses talking for a moment as she hears Zalophar's cries.

But that is a longer story than we have time for right now. If you leave me here, you leave me to a fate worse than death. Are you ready to live with that?

She looks down the hallway again before muttering something under her breath.

Ready an action to cast Daze (http://paizo.com/prd/spells/daze.html) DC 19 Will on the first hostile mob that comes within visual range.

You have my word. If you let me out, I will not betray you.

2013-12-26, 03:28 PM
Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Masterwork studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition None

Round 1(ish?)
Ferdwhipple briefly looks up from his work, meeting Arkiana's stare. He squints slightly, focusing his attention upon her face, particularly her eyes. After just a moment he relaxes, and resumes working on the lock to her cell.

Finally, someone around this place speaks plainly. I suspect it is indeed a longer story than I care to take the time to hear now, but have no fear. I'll have you out of that cell in a jiffy. As you've noticed, I am not a paladin.

Speaking of which, between another unknown willing to stab me in the back and potentially leaving an innocent woman to a grisly death, I'd prefer my kidneys remain precisely where they're currently located, thank you very much!
With a sly smirk:
Perhaps we'll have that longer talk once we're free of this nauseating hole.

Disable Device +9, if keys no worky

2013-12-26, 07:10 PM
Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 16, Touch 9, Flat-footed 16, CMD 13, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +5, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition None

Round 1

"I heard slurpin' an' screamin'! Did you start without me!?" Torban muscles through the hallway, battle regalia in hand, stopping behind Braddock. "What the hell is goin' on up here?"

Move behind Braddock and full defense.

2013-12-26, 10:14 PM
[roll0] Zalophar's Strength Check to hold door closed
[roll1] Prisoner 1's Strength Check to open door
[roll2] Prisoner 2's Strength Check to open door (if needed)
[roll3] Zalophar's Attack of Opportunity vs the Prisoner's Disarm attempt
[roll4] Zalophar's Attack of Opportunity Damage
[roll5] Prisoner 2's Unarmed Disarm Attempt on Zalophar vs CMD 17

"They're coming. They're coming. They're coming. They're coming..."

Ferdwhipple tries both keys. Neither works. He then gets his tools out to begin working on Arkiana's door.

Zalophar slams the second cell door shut, bracing himself against it. A second prisoner leaps out of the darkened corners of the cell, and together they both lung against the door, eventually forcing it back open.

Round 2 begins with the door open, Zalophar pushed against the opposite cell door, and the crazed prisoners squeezing and struggling against each other to get into the hallway at the PCs.

2013-12-26, 11:58 PM
Round 2

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Wielding the curved blade.
Not currently carrying bow, backpack.

Recovering his balance, Zalophar slashes at the nearest prisoner. "They're insane!!! Fall back - leave it locked!" He takes a step backwards towards the processing room, darting a quick glance back at the others.

Attack nearest prisoner, speak, and 5 ft step back if possible. Or if they start out of range, 5 ft step up and attack

2013-12-27, 01:50 AM
Round 2

Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Masterwork studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition None

Ferdwhipple tries to remain calm, pulls out a pick and attempts to unlock the door one more time before the retreat. I've almost got this! I don't want to leave those things to see if they can get through another door, they've already gotten through one!

attempt to pick door, DD+9 as full-round action. If something before my turn prohibits it, I'll take a move action back into the room, and another to draw my sling (which is already loaded from before?)

2013-12-27, 09:31 AM
Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 20, Touch 9, Flat-footed 20, CMD 13, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +5, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex, +4 Total Defense)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition Total Defense (+4 AC)
Round 2

Torban plants himself between Ferdwhipple and the impending tide of filthy aggression. "Nobody lays a hand on the wee man." He clangs his warhammer on his shield to draw some attention, "I steep more dangerous herbs in my morning tea than you!"

move and stand ground with total defense

2013-12-27, 10:19 AM
Round 2

You and your friends are very brave. If I could just see these things, I think I can help.

Arkiana strains her head against the door trying to see what is going on further down the hallway.

Ready an action to cast Sleep (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/sleep.html#_sleep) (DC 20 Will) on the two monsters as they come into visual range.

2013-12-27, 10:45 PM
Round 2

Braddock wordlessly backpedals to maintain a front line, ready to strike at any prisoner who comes close.

Attack at +4, 1d4 to any prisoner who puts himself in range.

2013-12-27, 11:19 PM
Round 2
[roll0] Ferdwhipple’s Disable Device +9, DC 25, Fails
[roll1] Prisoner 1’s Saving Throw vs. Sleep (not needed)
[roll2] Prisoner 2’s Saving Throw vs. Sleep (not needed)
[roll3] Zalophar’s Attack (Hit)
[roll4] Zalophar’s Damage
[roll5] Braddock’s Attack (Hit)
[roll6] Braddock’s Damage
[roll7] Meenlock’s Stealth (goes unnoticed)
[roll8] Prisoner 1’s Disarm attempt vs. Zalophar’s CMD of 17 (Fails)
[roll9] Zalophar’s Attack of Opportunity (Hit)
[roll10] Zalophar’s Damage
[roll11] Prisoner 2’s Bull Rush attempt vs. Braddock CMD of 17 (Fails)
[roll12] Braddock’s Attack of Opportunity (Hit)
[roll13] Braddock’s Damage
[roll14] Prisoner 2’s Bull Rush attempt vs. Ferdwhipple CMD of 10 (Unneeded)
[roll15] Prisoner 2’s Bull Rush attempt vs. Torban CMD of 13+4 (Dwarf) (Unneeded)

Ferdwhipple struggles with the lock, failing to unlock it. Zalophar and Braddock both swing at the crazed prisoners, connecting with their respective prisoner for a solid hit. The weeping man makes a fumbling attempt to grab the elf's blade, getting himself cut again as Zalophar defends himself. The second prisoner, laughing hysterically, rushes headlong into Braddock, who backhands the man to the ground effortlessly. The hallway is full of struggling bodies, leaving little room for Torban to enter. He clumsily steps over Ferdwhipple, straddling the halfling and providing complete cover to the little man.

The lock is of a difficulty that Ferdwhipple can pick it. None of the prisoners made it out of their cell, so there was never line of sight to them for Arkiana's Sleep spell. The attacks of opportunity vs. the disarm attempt and bull rush were included in the damage dealt. No critical hits were made, though the prisoners did everything very poorly and are both seriously wounded. The prisoner who attempted to bull rush is prone as well.

2013-12-28, 09:41 AM
Round 3

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Wielding the curved blade.
Not currently carrying bow, backpack.

The hair on the back of Zalophar's neck rises at the psychotic laughter and weeping of his foes. Calling back to Ferdwhipple, "How's it coming back there? Torban, can you smash the lock?" Readjusting his grip, he addresses the prisoners, "Last chance - surrender or die!"

Hold this position and ready an action to attack if they do anything but surrender

2013-12-28, 10:18 AM
Round 3

Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Masterwork studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition None

Ferdwhipple exclaims in exasperation, Dag nabit, I almost had it! Ugh, they sure didn't skimp on the quality of locks in this place, too bad they didn't provide any sort of care. What is WITH this place? He wipes his brow, and settles down to give the lock another try. If this try doesn't work, I'll let Torban bash the lock open or door down later. You guys doing alright up there?

Another full-round action to pick the lock >_< Freakin' stupid high DC.

2013-12-28, 10:52 AM
Arkiana lights up at the mention of the quality of the locks. Her eyes squint as she seems to come to a realization. She begins to speak quickly, as if her speech can't keep up with her thoughts.

You are right, there is something odd going on here.
You don't work for the guards. They didn't hire you to come down here and kill these things. Otherwise, you wouldn't be trying to free me.
So, the quality of locks is important to them, but they don't care when monsters take over?
If you are not here to kill these things, then why are you being allowed to walk without escort around a prison? Don't they make money off of keeping prisoners secure?
This whole situation is highly suspicious. As far as I can figure there are two explanations:
Either you slaughtered all the guards and this is a prison break, or there is something seriously wrong with the guards at this prison.

Daze (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/daze.html#_daze), (DC 19 Will) if any hostile creature comes into visual range.

2013-12-28, 05:36 PM
Round 3

Braddock swings his gauntleted fist at the standing prisoner as he grunts to Zalophar, Surrender? These maniacs don't seem sane enough to understand the word!

Attack at +4, 1d4+3

2013-12-30, 02:09 PM
Round 3
Seeing no room in the hallway for another person to squeeze, Torban moves to the opposite side of Ferdwhipple.

Move opposite Ferd and total defense for 20 AC

2013-12-30, 03:36 PM
Round 3
[roll0] Ferdwhipple’s Pick Lock, DC 25, Fails
Arkiana Casts Daze (DC 19) at Prisoner 2
[roll1] Prisoner 2’s Saving Throw, Fails
Zalophar Delays Action
[roll2] Braddock’s Attack at Prisoner 2 (AC 11), Miss
[roll3] Damage, Unneeded
Meenlock Uses Rend Mind at random PC (DC 14 Will save)
[roll4] to choose target (Initiative Order = 1 through 5), Targets Arkiana
[roll5] Wisdom damage + Illusion
[roll6] Ferdwhipple’s Save (not Fear-based)[roll7] Arkiana’s Save, Fails
[roll8] Zalophar’s Save
[roll9] Braddock’s Save
[roll10] Torban’s Save
(1d20+12)[18] Meenlock’s Stealth to Hide again
[roll11] Zalophar’s Attack at Prisoner 1 (AC 11), Hit
[roll12] Damage
[roll13] Zalophar’s Attack of Opportunity at Prisoner 1 (AC 11)
[roll14] Damage
[roll15] Prisoner 1’s Disarm vs Zalophar’s CMD of 17

"They're coming. They're coming. They're coming. They're coming..."

The stubborn lock won't open for Ferdwhipple. In spite of this, Arkiana can see the laughing prisoner, and casts a disabling spell. A stunned silence crosses his face as he stand still and ceases his cackling for a moment. Braddock tries to end his laughing for good, but the prisoner weaves out of the way uncannily.

A split second later Arkiana screams in shock. The tone is eerily similar to the mad sounds coming from the two prisoners.

Suddenly you feel the same mental attack you felt last night, only this time you are unable to resist. (You take 4 Wisdom Damage.)

In your mind's eye you see yourself as a young child skipping rope with the intestines of the third prisoner. Your face is locked in a rigid, insane smile and you hear strange whispers. "What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become."

Out of the corner of your eye, you see something truly horrifying. A grotesque, twisted excuse for a face peers out from the middle cell on the right hand side. The jawline tapers forward into a mandibled maw where the creature's mouth should be. Foggy globes look out from its face, leaving no sign of any empathy in the mind of whatever it is. Thick black hair falls down the sides of its head. Before you can get a better look it melts into the darkness of the cell.

As the weeping man prepares to attack Zalophar again he cuts the man down, leaving him broken and bleeding on the floor.

2013-12-30, 05:01 PM
Round 4

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Wielding the curved blade.
Not currently carrying bow, backpack.

"We're fine!" Zalophar calls out as he presses the attack on the second prisoner. "What was that? Has she gone mad too?!"

Attack the remaining prisoner, taking a five foot step forward if necessary

2013-12-30, 05:28 PM
Round 4

Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Masterwork studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition None

Oh, for crying out loud! Ferdie yells, clearly frustrated. They've got the best damned locks in a place this unkept?! Suddenly his tone changes from frustration to near-panic. Zalophar, there's something in the cell behind you! I didn't get a great look at it, but it's hideous! Look! He points as the light-enchanted rock lifts off the floor and gently moves through the bars of the middle cell on the right, illuminating the cell.

Standard action to cast Mage Hand. Move action to lift the rock and move it into the cell in question.

2013-12-30, 11:02 PM
What I will become...What will I become? They're are com...ing...

Arkiana visibly shakes her head. Tears stream down her eyes as she grabs Ferdwhipple's arm through he door

If you can't get me out of here, please kill me...don't let them take me...please...

She looks up when the rock moves into the cell. Summoning what little willpower she has left, she prepares a spell for whatever nightmare is revealed by its light.

Cast Sleep (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/sleep.html#_sleep) (DC 20 Will) on whatever light reveals in the cell.

2013-12-31, 10:45 AM
Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 14, Touch 9, Flat-footed 14, CMD 13, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +5, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (dropped) (+5 Armor, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition 2h Power attacking - -1hit / +3 damage
Round 4
"We're outta time, Ferd; Move yer hands!" As soon as Ferd is clear, Torban lets his shield clatter to the ground, throws his other paw on haft of his hammer, and puts his full weight into bringing it down on the lock, attempting to smash it apart.

If he moves his hands: 2h power attack attempting to break the lock off,+3 hit, 1d8+9 damage

2014-01-02, 12:30 AM
Round 4

Braddock's eyes narrow as he hears the shriek from Arkiana, but he wordlessly turns to guard against the creature apparently within the cell indicated by Ferd.

Fighting defensively, total AC: 20, attacking at +0, 1d4+3

2014-01-02, 02:46 PM
Round 4
Ferdwhipple lifts rock to see inside the cell with the Meenlock
Arkiana cannot cast Sleep on the Meenlock due to line of sight (crouching, hiding)
Zalophar [roll0] Attack Prisoner AC 11
[roll1] Damage
Braddock cannot melee attack through the door
Meenlock Dimension Door SLA
Braddock Attack of Opportunity [roll2]
[roll3] Damage
Prisoner – [roll4] Bull Rush Braddock CMD 19
Torban Attack door (automatic hit)
[roll5] Damage, Hardness of 10
"They're coming. They're coming. They're coming. They're coming..."

Turning from the door to concentrate on the stone, Ferdwhipple directs it into the second cell on the right. The iron door blocks most of the view, but Zalophar can see into the room.

(Only one creature)
After Zalophar attacks the remaining prisoner, the creature appears to step into space and disappear, leaving an entirely empty cell behind.
Arkiana looks to be trying to cast another spell, but does not.

You cannot see into the cell, even with the rock. The creature is not directly across from you, and was able to see you when it attacked because both you and it were at the windows of your respective cells.
Tiring of the mad prisoners, Zalophar puts the remaining man out of his misery with a swipe of his sword. Braddock cautiously moves up to the cell door with the unseen attacker and looks inside. Torban makes a mighty swing at the iron prison door, leaving a sizable dent in the door, but not breaking it open yet. The noise of the blow is thunderous, and can surely be heard throughout this level of the building.

Zalophar's stance demonstrates that the creature that mentally attacked Arkiana is no longer an immediate threat for some reason.

End of combat

The lighting down the cell block is still very poor. From where you all stand you can see that this first block has six rooms, three on each side. The iron doors look rather sturdy, though with dedicated effort they could be broken down with bludgeoning weapons.

The door has 60 HPs and Hardness of 10. The DC on the lock is 25. It will be faster and quieter to have Ferdwhipple take 20 and open it that way.
The cells are simple ten-by-ten square rooms. The prisoners have small mattresses in bunks on one wall and rudimentary running water and toilet in one of the two corners farthest from the door.

Arkiana's gear was removed from her before she was placed in her cell. She was unconscious at the time, so doesn't know where it is.

The cell blocks are not separated by doors, only a stretch of hallway. Down the hall you can see another identical block with what look like two cell doors at the end open into the hallway, blocking the view of anything past them.

You can continue forward or search the prisoner processing area now that combat is over.

2014-01-02, 05:59 PM
"There was... something in that cell, Ferdie. It was hunched over and grotesque and it had two pincers like a crab. But then it just... disappeared!" Zalophar grimaces as he wipes his blade on the fallen prisoners' clothes and returns it to its sheath.

He walks back to Arkiana's cell door next to Ferdwhipple and Torban. "Now what was all that screaming about? Is the door open yet? What do we know about her? And you," Zalophar's eyes narrow as he addresses Arkiana, "you sounded just like them! How do we know you're not mad too?"

2014-01-02, 07:13 PM
Ferdwhipple, still recovering slightly from the shock, registers Zalophar's change of tone (and stance). I guess all that fuss is over for now, then? If you don't mind, Torban, I'd like another look at that lock. Preferably unhurried. I'd also like to see what was in that desk in the last room. Good grief, does anyone remember which cells the people we were after are supposed to be in? For that matter, does anyone still think there's much chance they're alive?

After scanning the hallway, Ferdie steps back up to the (hopefully undamaged) lock and resumes his efforts.

Anyone see anything interesting in those other cells?

taking 20 to pick the damned lock >_<

2014-01-02, 11:50 PM
Braddock turns to the party, face blanched.

Gods and devils, what in the nine hells was that thing?!? What kind of madhouse have we stumbled into?

Braddock shakes his head as though trying to clear from it the image of the unnatural creature that vanished from the cell.

I don't know what's in these next cells, but I for one won't be searching unless I've got at least one of you watching my back.

2014-01-03, 01:43 AM
She looks at Zalophar as the door swings open.

You don't. You have no idea of who, or what, I am. Yet, on my word, you let me out. I don't know whether to mock your foolishness or be grateful for your chivalry. You won't live long in this world going about things that way, but you'll make an impression while you are there.

Speaking of which, why are you here?

While she talks picks up another rock and it lights up in her hand. A few moments later it starts floating next to her head and follows her movements.

The light reveals her to be wearing a brown sack, with a hempen rope around her waist and rags on her feet. Her hair is clumped and messed, her eyes red from tears.

Light and Prestidigitation on the rock for that last part.

2014-01-03, 10:08 PM
Hopton stands up, straightens himself, and gently brushes the dust off his knees.

Just to clarify, on your word I let you out. He could have, gesturing at Torban, but noisily and it would have taken longer. At our leisure, I'd be rather keen on hearing that long story about why you were really locked up in this hellhole. That said, now is not the time nor place. If you would, send some shiny rocks down that hallway so we can see what's going on in front of us, I'm going to go investigate this room more thoroughly.

With that, he steps back into the processing room to thoroughly look through the desk, making sure to check for secret compartments and false drawer bottoms.

2014-01-03, 11:10 PM
"We had a job to transfer some prisoners. It should have been routine," Zalophar responds to Arkiana, "but now this prison and the men who run it are not what they seemed to be. We both need to get out of here. That makes us allies, for a time. Until you give us reason not to trust you." He punctuates the last statement with a pointed look at Torban, meeting his eyes.

"Braddock, let's see what's in the rest of these cells - there might be more of those things. Keep the light close!" Drawing his sword, he moves to search the other five cells in the block.

2014-01-04, 12:52 AM
With narrowed eyes flitting from shadow to shadow, Braddock follows Zalophar.

You search, I'll watch for any more shadows sporting claws.

Braddock cracks the knuckles within his gauntlet.

2014-01-04, 03:36 AM
Arkiana lays down in the middle of the cell block as the others search. She holds her head in her hands and slowly massages it.

I haven't had a head ache this bad since that dwarven Caravan came through town. Trying to out drink a dwarf is nearly suicidal, and that hangover is a real bitch. Be careful, whatever is down here likes to attack your brain.

2014-01-04, 03:49 AM
28 (taking 20) Ferdwhipple's Perception Check
[roll0] Zalophar's Perception Check
[roll1] Braddock's Perception Check

"They're coming. They're coming. They're coming. They're coming..."

The mumbled sounds of the mad prisoners continues to rise and fall in the background, continuing to unsettle the party. No sounds of approach come from the hallway, however.

Being careful to avoid the puddle of blood in the middle of the room, Hopton goes to the desk and begins his search. The cabinet holds a large collection of clothes and personal effects, including Arkiana's (which she recognizes immidiately and claims).

Most of the clothing and gear is inconsequential, but several items may prove useful. There are two sets of manacles (and the matching keys), two flasks of bright red liquid, a large key, and what looks like an artificial leg. The hollow leg is clearly hiding something, and with some fiddling Ferdwhipple pops open a secret compartment. Inside the compartment is a pouch with shiny dust inside.

The key is to the elevator in area 12. The other items are 2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds and a pouch of Dust of Disappearance.

The three cells on the right all appear empty. All three cell doors are locked and neither of the keys provided by Mr. Rook work on these doors. Of the cells on the left, the first (Arkiana's) is empty of anything of note. Braddock and Zalphar dump the bodies of the two prisoners into the room with their disembowled colleague as they look in that room. The door of the third room on the left is locked; the room contains the body of a man, lying still with his head face down into the basin of water flowing from above. None of the rooms hold anything of interest otherwise.

Looking down the hallway, the two warriors can see a total of three more cell doors on each side (total of six cells), with the last doors on either side open into the hallway, blocking the view beyond. These last cells should be visible from this side of the open doors if someone were to come close enough.

2014-01-04, 04:39 PM
Arkiana grabs her pack and starts rummaging through it.

Those bastards better not have taken it... she continues to shuffle things around. Ugh, where is it? She opens up the pack and dumps the contents onto the floor. In the middle of the pile, a flask sits wrapped in some cloth.

AHA! There you are.

She grabs the flask, opens up the top, and takes long drink.

I needed that. Anyone else care for a swig? Orc Whiskey.

She puts the flask on the desk and gathers her things.

Give me 5 minutes. And don't even think about peaking!

She walks back to the room with the elevator.

2014-01-04, 07:20 PM
Ferdie watches Arkiana's antics in the preparation room with an expression mixing shock and amusement. As she heads past the wine bottles, he calls out, Uh, miss? Five minutes is a long time down here! Cover it up, and let's get a move-on! He then continues his search of the room, waiting for Arkiana to get dressed and be ready to go.

He expands his search to include checking the other door for traps, and listening through it, to see if he can ascertain what's behind it.

2014-01-04, 11:41 PM
After wiping the prisoners' blood off of his hands, Braddock grunts his displeasure at the entire situation.

Figure we better start checking the next set of cells, huh? We're not gonna get out of here by waiting for someone to send down the cage out of the kindness of his heart.

He spits into a corner before continuing,

Any bets on whether the sixteenth and seventeenth cells on the right are full of madmen, corpses, or horrors?

2014-01-05, 01:27 AM
What is the significance of the sixteenth and seventeenth cells?

Arkiana saunters around the corner. She is adorned in a red courtesan dress, the bodice of which is still untied. Her hair has been brushed, and there is no sign of her ever having cried.

Ferdie is it? Be a gentlemen and finish tying my dress. Don't worry, I've modified it for ease of movement. Sometimes a girl like me needs to get away. *smile*

2014-01-05, 04:39 AM
Ferdwhipple hops onto the nearby desk. With no sign of immodesty, he beckons Arkiana: You'll have to step a bit closer, those ties aren't meant for someone with my arm span, I think.

As she patiently waits for him to tug and lace the ties, he continues.

The sixteenth and seventh cells on the right were supposed to contain the prisoners we were meant to have recovered. Of course, there was supposed to be someone down here to lead us to said cells. Time will tell if the prisoners in them are... recoverable. I'd say we should hope for no more surprises, but I think that would be a fools errand, indeed. I do wonder what is behind this door, he says, gesturing to the padlocked double doors set in the western wall of the room.

He hops off the desk, and walks over, testing the newly found key on the padlock.
No intention of opening the door just yet, just seeing if the key will unlock them. Will immediately re-lock if it does

2014-01-05, 08:56 AM
"They're coming. They're coming. They're coming. They're coming..."

The insane chanting begins to fade away, either entering into the realm of white noise against the backdrop of dripping water and moving air, or the voices are getting quieter.

[roll0] Ferdwhipple's Perception

Finding no traps, Ferdwhipple attempts the key in the door opposite the cell blocks. It doesn't work.

The two rooms prior to the prisoner processing room also had doors going to the west.

In the first room there was a set of double doors. While not locked, the doors do not budge when trying to open them out of the elevator room. Something is holding them shut from that side.

In the room with the wine racks there is another set of double doors, mostly hidden behind two sets of wine bottles. This set is padlocked shut, and once again, the keys Ferdwhipple has do not work. The angle to access this door is difficult without removing the wine racks in any case, making it likely that only Ferdwhipple could fit through the racks to try the door if it could be opened.

2014-01-05, 09:27 AM
"By process of elimination, I'd say you're right, Braddock." Zalophar paces back and forth rubbing his eyes. "The western doors aren't budging, and before we left Ferdwhipple pick the locks we need to see what's down there." He gestures with his sword down the second cell block. "By now I won't place any bets on what we'll find..."

"Form up and let's move! Braddock, you and I will take point. There may be more of those things. Torban, you keep an eye on the rear. And perhaps you ought to stay in between us, miss (where we can all keep an eye on you)" Zalophar thinks the last part to himself as he calls out a formation. "And send that glowing rock ahead us, if you can." Once everyone is in place, he starts advancing down the second cell block, sword in hand.

2014-01-05, 11:38 AM
The rock begins to follow Zalophar above and just behind his head. Arkiana falls into line behind Braddock and Zalophar.

If those warden's sent you down here to die, I doubt they told you the right place to find your prisoners. We'll need to check all of the cells more likely than not. Hopefully your quarry is still coherent enough to answer their name.

2014-01-05, 12:47 PM
Ferdwhipple falls into line just behind Arkiana, sling and shield at the ready.

Easy does it folks. There's nothing down here we can't handle.

2014-01-06, 01:20 AM
Braddock shifts the weight of his pack around his shoulders as the party prepares to head deeper into the dungeon.

Well, we're not getting any younger down here anyway.

2014-01-06, 02:43 AM
Walking into the next cell block you find three cells on either side of this five-foot-wide hall. The iron doors of the easternmost cells lie open, blocking the view beyond.

The firsts two cells on your left contain single prisoners. In the first cell the body is facing straight up, lying on the floor, eyes blank and staring. Blood has dried from where it flowed out his nose and ears. The second prisoner lies unmoving, face down in an awkward position upon the cot in his cell.

All vs. DC 20 Stealth Check from the prisoner in the second cell on the left
[roll0] Arkiana's Perception
[roll1] Ferdwhipple's Perception
[roll2] Torban's Perception
[roll3] Zalophar's Perception
[roll4] Braddock's Perception

The man in the second cell on the left is breathing shallowly. You think he is conscious and trying to hide it.

A sickly odor issues from the man lying in a fetal position on his cell floor. Dried bloody rags cap the stumps where his legs have been severed at the knees. As if in the midst of a nightmare, his eyes dart behind closed lids and his sweaty hair flicks from side to side.

2014-01-06, 07:35 AM
Arkiana looks through the cell in horror.

No one deserves this. We should save who we can. If you have rope we can secure them, but we cannot just leave them here to die or worse.

2014-01-07, 01:23 AM
Braddock tears his eyes away from the maddened amputee with a shudder.

I've been in my share of prisons, but nothing like this. Until we know a way out, I say we mind our own skins.

2014-01-07, 12:00 PM
Zalophar shakes his head. "We can't take them with us. Locked in those cells is as safe as they'll be anywhere. The best thing we can do for them is to move fast and find the exit. Then maybe we can return with medics, or the authorities, or..."

As he's speaking, Zalophar continues to move down towards the easternmost cell blocks. Mindful of the trap from last time, he prepares to slam both doors shut as soon as he gets in range.

2014-01-07, 02:38 PM
Torban looks with sympathy at the torso before shifting his gaze to the face down body on the cot. He taps gently on the bars with the shaft of his hammer, "I can see you breathing, fella, but don't worry. We're the good guys here, so could you tell us what the flaming hell is wrong with this place? We jes want to make it out alive and pay back those goons upstairs." He listens for not just a response, but for an ambush as well.

2014-01-07, 02:50 PM
Ferdwhipples eyes widen significantly at Torban's statement. Holy... what?! That guy's still alive? Isn't there anything we can do to help him?

As he steps up to start picking the lock, another thought occurs to him.

Wait a second. Those other guys that attacked us... Were they alive too? Turning his attention to the (apparently) living mound of rags he continues, come now, tell us what's going on here and we may be able to help you out. Hello? I'm not letting you out until we hear something, mister!

He stands there, holding his tools in one hand, looking expectantly toward the figure in the cell.

2014-01-07, 06:41 PM
Arkiana's eyes narrow as she glares at Zalophar and Braddock.I'm glad to see I am not alone in having a soul down here. Remind me to step on your fingers the next time one of you two are hanging off a cliff.

Arkiana smiles at Ferdwhipple as he begins to undo the lock on the cell.

I do not know if they were alive or not, I never got a chance to see them while they were attacking. I wonder if that strange creature you saw is responsible. My mind was attacked just before it appeared. Something that eats away at your sanity could be the cause of such madness.

2014-01-07, 10:06 PM
Braddock rolls his eyes.

Fat lot of good we'll be to anybody if we're too busy playing hero to get out before we start fitting in with the locals.

2014-01-08, 01:48 PM
When Zalophar slams the doors shut the party can see further into the prison. The next cell block is made up of two cells on the left and three on the right. After the second cell on the left the hallway turns to the left. At this turn there sits an old desk and a broken chair. None of the cell doors are open.

From the first cell on the left you can see a pair of hands stretched through the bars. A voice cries out from that cell, "Oh gods, is someone there? Help me please! Get me out of here before more dark ones come!"

Another voice can be heard from the right, sobbing uncontrollably.

The cell door of the prisoner addressed by Torban is unlocked. The man inside does not move in response to anyone speaking.
All rolls vs Meenlock's DC 17 Stealth Check
[roll0] Arkiana's Perception
[roll1] Ferdwhipple's Perception
[roll2] Torban's Perception
[roll3] Zalophar's Perception
[roll4] Braddock's Perception

(Only one creature)

Both Ferdwhipple and Torban cry out, seeing something lurking around the corner of the hallway. They are not surprised and get a free count of combat to react to the (mostly) hidden enemy.

Everyone roll initiative! Ferdwhipple and Torban act this round, regardless of their initiative.

2014-01-08, 02:09 PM
[roll0] is my initiative roll, but I had to add filler letters because the "message" ended up at less than 10 characters?

2014-01-08, 03:03 PM
With a start, Ferdwhipple shouts This door is already unlocked! There, that thing! I told you I saw something! That's it!

He loads and fires his sling at the fiend in the hallway.

initiative: [roll0]. Using one of my rounds of archaeologist's luck, load the sling and fire the sling at the freaky dude Attack:[roll1] Damage:[roll2]

2014-01-08, 06:29 PM
Surprise Round

Torban instinctively grabs his holy symbol with his shield hand. "Oh ya think so?." He utters a prayer in Dwarven, and a burst of white light radiates from his body, bathing the party in a lingering, soft glow.

Cast Bless (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bless). (All allies in range: +1 morale to hit|+1 bonus to fear saves|1 minute)

Initiative Roll: [roll0]

2014-01-08, 06:44 PM
Surprise Round

[roll0] Initiative
[roll1] Rend Mind recharge
[roll2] Wisdom damage
[roll3] Braddock's Will save
Ferdwhipple's shot connects, hitting the creature squarely. After it recoils from the bullet the creature stares intently at Braddock. After a split second Braddock reaches up and grasps his head, reeling as if he had heard a deafening noise.

The creature attacks your mind, dealing 4 Wisdom damage (temporarily lowering your Wisdom score to a 5). The mental assault takes the form of a vision:

A bald man with a tattoo of a spiky sun in the center of his forehead like a third eye stands before you. "We share initials, you and me," he says, before jumping with unnatural speed into your body!
The creature then leans back around the corner, just out of sight of the party.

Torban's spell seems to make the room less frightening and embolden your attacks against the creature (+1 to hit and on saves against fear effects).

2014-01-08, 10:09 PM

Round 1

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Wielding the curved blade.
Not currently carrying bow, backpack.

"You won't get away this time!" Zalophar runs around the corner after the creature with sword raised, ready to strike.

Move up to 30 ft into melee range, attack [roll1] for [roll2] damage.
EDIT: I forgot to include the +1 from Bless in my attack roll :smallfrown:

2014-01-08, 10:23 PM
Round 1

Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 16, Touch 9, Flat-footed 16, CMD 14, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +6, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition -Bless - +1hit|+1 fear save

"Watch yer' ass, Zal! This thing means business!" Torban moves as closely behind Zal as he can manage with his stumpy legs, intending to see his companion in one piece.

Follow Zalophar up to 20 ft, attack if able ([roll0] to hit {20 x3 crit}, [roll1] damage).
If unable to attack, stay on total defense.
Also, anything on Knowledge (Dungeoneering/Nature/Planes) at [roll2] that I can find out, RE: monster abilities/weaknesses?

2014-01-08, 11:19 PM
Round 1

Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition Archaeologist's luck +1 attack, damage, skill checks, and saves
bless, +1 attack, saves Not factored in, above

Got him! Wait a second, guys! Someone needs to stay back here, these doors are unlocked! I want him gone as much as you guys do, but don't go getting separated!

Ferdwhipple reloads the sling, cautiously moves slightly further down the hall, and tries his best to keep his eyes on all the doors in this hallway at once, particularly the unlocked one holding the guy Torban talked to.

5-foot step forward, load sling, ready an action to attack anything hostile that becomes visible at 1d20+5 for 1d3+1 damage

2014-01-08, 11:54 PM
After blinking several times to clear his head, Braddock growls before snarling, I'll watch the rear... give him hell.

Fighting defensively vs. anything that comes at us from the rear. AC 20, Attack at +0, 1d4+3

2014-01-09, 08:25 AM
Round 1
Female CG Human Sorcerer, Level 1, Init +1, HP 7/7, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 9, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 20
Condition None


Arkiana moves over to Braddock as he shakes his head.

Braddock! Are you ok?

She looks down the hallway and starts to chant.

Move Action to next to Braddock
Ready Action: Cast Daze (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/daze.html#_daze) (DC 19 Will) on the Monster if it gets within line of sight.

2014-01-09, 03:40 PM
Round 1

Zalophar - 22
Braddock - 10
Ferdwhipple - 7
Arkiana - 2
Meenlock - 2
Torban - 0

DC 14 Will saves
Zalophar [roll0]
Torban [roll1]
Zalophar charges around the corner and strikes a powerful blow to the creature. While it reels from the hit it never comes around the corner. A split second later Zalophar rocks back on his heels in terror. By the time Torban reaches the corner it has disappeared!

You may role play this however you like, but for the next 5 rounds your character is catatonic with fear. Suggestions include rolling up into the fetal position, hugging your knees, shivering and staring in place, etc... Your blow has seriously injured it, and while you are incapacitated from the attack you saw it step into space and then disappear in the direction you all came. Your character cannot pass this on to the rest of the party (yet), but is not unaware as things continue from here.
Your Knowledge (Dungeoneering) check reveals the following information:

This creature is a Meenlock, a small aberration that is known for it's many fear-based attacks and it's ability to transform helpless humanoids into Meenlocks given enough time. Their melee attacks can temporarily paralyze and their mental attacks include the ability to rend the mind (doing wisdom damage) and a fear aura (to render enemies catatonic). While difficult to pin down (due to their ability to Dimension Door every other round), they are weak physically.

You have resisted this creature's fear aura, making you immune to it for the rest of the day. Zalophar was not so lucky.
1/4 rounds to recharge Rend Mind, cannot Dimension Door again for a round, has taken 14/18 damage, is located in 4a now.

2014-01-09, 08:41 PM
Round 2


Zalophar's sword clatters to the floor. With a shriek, he dashes to the wall opposite to where the creature appeared and curls into a ball, head between his knees. He begins rocking back and forth rapidly, occasionally shooting a wild-eyed gaze up and around his position, but otherwise he is unresponsive to the others. Bits and fragments can be heard between frantic gasps and panting:

no!... can't... have to... Gone!... gone, gone... no!... why gone, all gone... gone... are we gone? They are gone... they're coming!

The rest trails off into muted wimpers.

2014-01-09, 11:15 PM
Round 2
Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 16, Touch 9, Flat-footed 16, CMD 14, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +6, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition -Bless - +1hit|+1 fear save

"Bloody hell! It can blink about the room!" Torban bolts to Zalophar's side and attempts to reassure his comrade. "It's ok, lad, it's gone now. Besides," He pointedly speaks to the room, "if we get a solid blow in, it'll go down like nothin'!"

Move to Zalophars side and attempt to soothe him to see if I can help him overcome the fear.

2014-01-10, 08:35 AM
Round 2

Somewhat shaken, Ferdwhipple responds, what do you mean a solid blow? I hit him square between the eyes with all I've got! I guess it's gonna be up to you guys, then. A brief look around the corridor and he continues, What are we going to do about these guys? he gestures to the two cells with living inhabitants.

He then moves to the cell with the unliving inhabitant and checks the lock on its door, intending to jam it locked, if it's unlocked.

2014-01-10, 05:31 PM
Still reeling from the mental assault, Braddock slumps in relief at the apparent cessation of hostilities.

I'm liking this job less and less...

Trudging over to Zal, Braddock lightly slaps across his face.

Shake it off. We have to get out of here, and I'm not gonna be the one that has to carry you out, gibbering or not.

2014-01-10, 06:47 PM
I want to roll Spellcraft check to see if Arkiana would know what spell it is using to move around.

[roll0] vs 15 + Spell Level

How is it doing that?

2014-01-10, 07:53 PM
Round 2

Combat is not over! The Meenlock is still in the area!

All rolls vs Meenlock's Stealth Check [roll0]
[roll1] Arkiana's Perception
[roll2] Ferdwhipple's Perception
[roll3] Torban's Perception
[roll4] Zalophar's Perception
[roll5] Braddock's Perception
Zalophar does not respond to any of the ministrations of the party. Torban confirms Arkiana's guess that the spell-effect is similar to a Dimension Door, only it is clearly a spell-like-ability of the aberration.

The prisoners in these cells have all recoiled from the bars of their cells, not from the players, but from the Meenlock. One is staring blankly ahead, while another is curled up in the fetal position, quietly crying.

Based on the direction the Meenlock faced before disappearing, Torban can guess that it has teleported back towards the cells the party has already explored.

2/4 rounds to recharge Rend Mind, can Dimension Door again next round, has taken 14/18 damage, is located in 4a now.

2014-01-10, 09:41 PM
Round 3

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Curved blade dropped, currently unarmed.
Terrified 2 / 5 rounds.

Zalophar's mutterings have devolved into wordless moaning and low cries, and he doesn't respond to the slap or the shoulder pat. He continues to huddle in a ball with his head down, bunching as close up to the wall as possible.

2014-01-10, 11:17 PM
Round 3
Arkiana Petraan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=740944)
Female CG Human Sorcerer, Level 1, Init +1, HP 7/7, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 9, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 20
Condition None

We've got to kill that thing! If you think it went back that way, lets go!

Arkiana starts back towards the previous cell block, checking each cell with light as she passes.

Double Move to check as many cells in the previous area as possible. Starting with the cells closest to where the party is. If I catch it in the first move action, I cast Sleep (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/sleep.html#_sleep) (DC 20 Will) on it.

2014-01-11, 01:44 AM
Round 3

Braddock growls in frustration at Zalophar's lack of reaction before turning to stalk back down the hallway in search of something to punch.

Making a full move action, intending to check the cells on each side as able. Attacking with both gauntlet and shield when possible with -2 to each. Gauntlet is 1d4+3, shield is 1d3+2.

Braddock (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=726057)
Male NN Human Fighter, Level 1, Init +2, HP 12/12, DR 0, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -3, CMB +4, Base Attack Bonus 1
Gauntlet, spiked +4, -2 if Two-Weapon fighting (1d4 + 3, x2)
Shield, light steel +4, -2 if Two-Weapon fighting (1d3 + 3, x2)
Chain Shirt, Shield, light steel (+4 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 5, Cha 7
Condition 4 Wisdom damage

2014-01-11, 01:52 AM
Round 3

Ferdwhipple Rockstop (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=711444)
M NG Halfling Bard (Archaeologist), Level 1, Init +2, HP 9/9, Speed 20
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15, CMD 10, Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
Masterwork Longsword +1 (1d6-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Sling (20 bullets) +3 (1d3, x2)
Masterwork studded leather, Masterwork light steel shield (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition bless, +1 attack, saves

Ferdwhipple, increasingly uncomfortable, reloads his sling and begins uneasily scanning the hallway.

move action to load sling, ready an action to fire at the first overtly hostile creature that moves: attack at [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2014-01-12, 04:42 AM
Round 3

Zalophar – (Still frightened)
Braddock – (Searching cells, attack is not possible)
Arkiana – (Looking for the Meenlock, casts Sleep when it steps out of the cell DC 20)
Meenlock – (Steps out and back into cell to get attention) [roll0] DC 20 Will Save or unconcious
Ferdwhipple – (Readied action to attack – hit the Meenlock for 2 damage)
Torban – (Delays to be first on initiative in next round)

Torban stands over Zalophar, delaying his action till some sign of the enemy gives away its location (he becomes first in initiative order next round).

Braddock begins to search the cells, heading back towards the first cell block. Though he doesn't see the Meenlock in the cells on either side, he also isn't attacked further.

Back in the first cell block the Meenlock steps out of a cell on the right. In response Ferdwhipple lets loose a sling bullet, hitting it in the chest. As best you all can tell it is badly wounded at this point as it staggers back into the cell. As it does, Arkiana lets fly a spell, trying to put the creature to sleep. You cannot tell from here if the spell worked or not.

3/4 rounds to recharge Rend Mind, can Dimension Door, has taken 16/18 damage, unconscious, is located in 4a now.

2014-01-12, 09:35 AM
Arkiana pushes herself flat against the wall.

There it is! I think I got it with a Sleep spell, but I'm not sure. I don't have any weapons, someone get in there and kill it!

I'd like to have Arkiana get out of the way of the people with swords so that they can move quickly and stab this thing's face in.

2014-01-12, 10:34 AM
Round 4

After seeing his sling bullet connect solidly, Ferdwhipple shouts out Back there! He just came out of that first cell! He re-loads the sling, and hugs the side of the hallway, to let his companions pass. Then, he prepares to fire again, now looking back to where Zalophar lies frightened.

if possible, attack at [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2014-01-12, 11:39 AM
Round 4

Torban Hammersmith (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=715659)
M CN Dwarf Inquisitor (Favored), Level 1, Init -1, HP 11/11, Speed 20
AC 16, Touch 9, Flat-footed 16, CMD 14, Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +6, CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 0
Warhammer (-) +4 (1d8+4, x3)
Dagger (1) +4 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Scale Mail, Heavy Steel Shield (+5 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 5
Condition -Bless - +1hit|+1 fear save

After slapping Zalophar around for far longer than he probably should have, Torban leaves him gibbering to move into the cell indicated by Ark and Ferd. "I mean that if you hit it with feeling, it'll crumple like tin armor!"

Move towards where the group last saw the Meenlock and power attack it if possible
Hit: [roll0] (x3 crit)
Damage: [roll1]

2014-01-12, 12:07 PM
Round 4

Zalophar Frostrunner (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=724021)
M LG Elf Fighter (Tactician), Level 1, Init +4, HP 12/12, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 17, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will -1, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Elven Curved Blade +5 (1d10 + 3, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +5 (1d6 + 2, x2)
Dagger (1) +5 (1d4 + 2, 19-20/x2)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10
Condition Dropped curved blade.
Terrified 3/5 rounds.

Zalophar remains curled up, shuddering and groaning occasionally.

2014-01-12, 10:21 PM
Round 4

Braddock pokes his head out of the cell he just finished "searching".

Where'd he go??

With a growl that grows into a roar, Braddock charges into the cell to return the favor...

Moving to the cell in which the Meenlock was last seen, intending to attack with both gauntlet and shield. -2 to each. Gauntlet is 1d4+3, shield is 1d3+2.

2014-01-13, 04:29 AM
Round 4

Braddock moves up to the cell in which the Meenlock disappeared. Once there he finds the creature unconcious and unceremoniously bashes its skull in with a blow from his gauntlet.

End of combat

Several seconds after the Meenlock is killed Zalophar recovers, shaking himself out of his terrified stupor.

As everyone gathers themselves back together several inhuman voices can be felt, not heard, inside the players minds. "What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become. What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become. What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become..."

The mantra continues, not drowning out your thoughts or ability to function, but still a constant distraction and stress on your minds. The conscious prisoners visably react to this development, several grabbing at their ears as if to block out the sound while others react by weeping more or curling up in fright.

You can still interact with the following:

1. The prisoner in the unlocked cell of the second cell block (Torban saw him breathing, Ferdwhipple was considering opening the door but stopped when combat began)

2. The man with the bloody nose in the first cell on the left of the third cell block.

3. The man weeping and begging for release in the second cell on the left of the same cell block (this man has a seared nub where his left hand should be - the wound is not recent)

4. The man in the first cell on the right of this block (the 7th cell overall, this is one of the cells described to you by Mr. Rook as holding one of the men you are supposed to collect). He is a brown-haired man with a streak of white, sitting on his cot with his face in his hands.

The desk with the broken chair is little more than a table, empty of anything of interest.

2014-01-13, 08:43 AM
Right then, now that THAT mess is cleared up....

Ferdwhipple replaces the sling along his belt pouch, keeping the shield ready for now, and proceeds to the third block of cells. If you folks wanted to attempt to communicate with the apparently comatose gentleman in that middle block, feel free. THIS guy wants to talk. He gestures to the one Torban heard breathing and the seventh cell on the left, respectively.

Arriving at the aforementioned cell, he addresses the prisoner inside. Now then, you appear to have retained some of your senses. What can you tell me of this place that I haven't already discerned? It might well be worth your freedom, in so far as we can give it, so do be thorough.

2014-01-13, 09:43 AM
"Anyone who has been here long enough will be soon turning into a Meenlock himself," he indicates the slain creature with his hammer, "and we lack the ability to fix them. I think it's best we take anyone in such a state and send them to the Lady of Graves where they clearly ought to go. Hell, they look one step from bein' restless dead as it is."

2014-01-13, 10:46 AM
"Whaa- I... I'm sorry" Zalophar shakes his head and massages his temples as he regains his feet. "I could see what was happening, but I couldn't move... I was more terrified than I've ever been in my life!" He shudders as he retrieves his blade and starts cleaning it.

"That's a pretty drastic solution, Torban... since you seem to know something about these creatures, do you remember any way to reverse the effects? Maybe if we slay the original beasts, these poor souls will regain their senses? Or is there a spell that could restore them? And will whoever's doing that PLEASE cut out that obnoxious chanting!" A horrified look comes over his face, "Wait, you all hear it too, don't you? Tell me you hear it too!"

2014-01-13, 12:39 PM
With a slightly pained look, Ferdwhipple averts his gaze from the prisoner before him. Facing Zalophar, he says I cannot speak for the rest of us, but I too hear the incessant babbling. Hopefully it will end soon, if not, we may all be due for Torban's mercy.

2014-01-13, 03:51 PM
Braddock shakes his head another time in a vain effort to clear the racket being drilled into it.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't wanna die or go mad down here, and we'll be no good to these wretches if we do either. Grab the prisoners that it's our job to grab, get ourselves out, and THEN tell the local priest what's going on.

2014-01-13, 05:53 PM
Now then, you appear to have retained some of your senses. What can you tell me of this place that I haven't already discerned? It might well be worth your freedom, in so far as we can give it, so do be thorough.

"Oh, the gods be praised! My name is Nis Whitedress and I am a surgeon. I have only seen the prison so far as you all have come, but please help us! There was a horrible racket several days ago that brought the guards down here and things haven't been the same since. They rushed past my cell and around the corner there," he points down the hallway around to the left past the desk and broken chair. "When everything had calmed down the dark ones began harassing us mercilessly! Some of us seem to have lasted longer than others, for reasons I cannot fathom. We must be lucky I guess..."

You notice that where his nose was bleeding freely several seconds ago it has since dried up, leaving a nasty line going down his face and neck. He is holding himself carefully, clearly trying to be honest-looking and unassuming.

Listening to the surgeon speak, the men near him begin to stir and approach the doors to their cells. The one next to Nis seems to be unable to stop weeping, but pleads constantly for the party to free him and take him to safety. The nub where his left hand should be is not a new wound and he seems to be used to it.

"Please, please, please help me! I have endured so much back home, but the tortures of Ramenia cannot compare to the horrible visions of these things! Please let me out!"

The man in the seventh cell on the right is much calmer than the others, though with watchful eyes. His brown hair has a white streak through it and he addresses the party from his cot. "They are right. These creatures are not human, and we are all in danger. I don't know who you are referring to when you mention freeing prisoners, but no one deserves to get turned into one of those monsters. If you have any heart, please help us out of here."

2014-01-13, 07:52 PM
As he takes in the sights and sounds of the captives around him, Ferdwhipple appears more and more crestfallen.

I... I don't know what to do. He looks back to his friends for guidance. I am... somewhat out of my element here. I yearn to aid these people, but what can we do? We cannot yet even get ourselves out of here, and at the very least, unlocking their cells and letting them out will not aid us in our search. My heart says man must not be caged to die in darkness, but my mind tells me that this is not yet the time for unbridled heroism. Not to mention concerns regarding the moralities of persons who would be caged herein. What say you all?

Sense motiving the hell out of the surgeon and the guy across from him. [roll0] or, if you prefer separate rolls, this is for the beloved of pelor or w/e this guy's name was. [roll1]

2014-01-13, 07:54 PM
I'm not in favor of leaving any of these men here. He is right, no matter their crime, no one deserves to have their brain slowly eaten away by horrors from the darkest corners of the world.

But you cannot afford to let your quarry go either. Obviously they are male, otherwise you would not have let me out so easily. Any one of these prisoners could be whom you seek. Do you have any other details that would help us identify them? I doubt a warden that would try to kill you would say anything truthful at all. For all you know, your prisoners are already dead or escaped, or anything really.

2014-01-13, 10:17 PM
Zalophar presses his fingers to his temples, concentrating intensely. "Hold on, hold on... First things first... The wardens said the prisoners we sought would be in the seventh and sixteenth cells on the right, which would be..." he counts slowly on his fingers as his gaze travels up the cell blocks, "you!" He points to the calm, streak-haired man. "If you want to get out of here, sir, you won't mind telling us your name first."

[roll0], expecting an answer of 'Lyle Benedict' or 'Blessed of Pelor'

"I sympathize with you, Ferdie, and you, miss Arkiana, but Braddock has the right of it. Right now we don't know where the exit is or how many more of those things are between us and it. We'd only be exposing these people to greater danger by bringing them with us now." Zalophar clears his throat and continues, "Perhaps we can bring the two prisoners we were sent to collect, since they seem to have some special significance to this place. But if they come, they must be bound and gagged so as not to turn on us or give us away. Does anyone have any rope?"

Addressing the rest of the prisoners as a group, Zalophar apologetically raises his arms. "You must understand, we were just attacked by a pair of crazed inmates who we interrupted feasting on each other's entrails. We don't know you, and we don't know what danger we'll be facing between here and the exit. But I give you my word," his voice grows harder, "the word of Zalophar, son of Ruehar: Make no trouble for us, and we will cleanse this prison of these creatures or I will personally come retrieve you once we've secured the exit."

2014-01-14, 02:59 AM
Each of the men respond to the questions and statements differently:

Nis Whitedress listens to the party with a hopeful look on his face. "As long as you take care of the dark ones and we aren't left here to further starve I will be cooperative. We haven't seen any sign of the guards since the trouble I mentioned. I don't know who you spoke to upstairs, but whoever it was isn't taking care of us down here." Nis looks genuinly concerned but under control of himself.

The weeping man with only one hand says, "My name is Ferinetty Sternic! Don't leave us here, please! You have to help me! But don't help him, he is vile, evil man!" He gestures across the hallway at the man in the 7th cell on the right. Ferinetty looks only barely coherant but not violent.

"Because that's helpful..." the man responds to the accusation. "I am called Simmol Redturn. You say you are here to release me, but want to bind and gag me to do it? I am inclined to go with you if only to get out of this hellhole, but would like to offer my cooperation instead of being restrained. I am no combatant, haven't eaten in several days, and am unarmed. At least give me the chance to flee from these creatures if more attack..." This man seems to be a calculating thinker, but knows he is outmatched by a group of five adventurers.

(None of your sense motive checks provide any more insight into the prisoners.)

2014-01-14, 01:44 PM
Braddock quietly says to the rest of the group, If Stumpy over there is barely coherent but feels strongly enough about this guy to warn us not to let him out, I figure we better keep him bound. If he's worried about survival, the more dependent on us we make him, the more... "cooperative" he's likely to be.

2014-01-14, 05:08 PM
Ferdwhipple steps forward, addressing the group. I think, against the calling of my heart, that we must press on for now, and leave these men as they are until we can comfortably say that they are not a threat to their own safety, or ours. To the prisoners, As my friend said, I give you my solemn word that we will return once we have established what is going on here. You will not be made into horrors of the dark.

In the meantime, friends, shall we continue?

He checks the straps on his shield, draws and loads his sling, and gestures to the bend in the hallway, onward.

2014-01-14, 05:20 PM
Arkiana gets a look of concern on her face as she follows Ferdwhipple

We better come back...

She falls into line behind him, concentrating on holding the lit rock with her spells.

I wonder where these things came from. Why now? Why here? You think this may be some elaborate escape attempt?

2014-01-15, 09:12 AM
To the dismay of the prisoners you all carry on around the corner into the next leg of the prison. The hallway makes a complete 180° turn, with this block containing five total cells, three on the right and two on the left.

Unlike the other cells, the front and side of the first cell on the left are built completely of iron bars, not stone. Inside, a thin, long-legged man with a few strands of long white hair stands facing the stone corner of his cell, his face hidden. He is dressed plainly, though a powerful aura of calm surrounds him. Through the windows of the other cells dark shapes shuffle and sob. Beyond this hall, through a dark open doorway, light flickers.

The first cell on the right is empty, but all four other cells contain prisoners.

A palpable aura of calm surrounds the man in the iron-barred cell. The man turns and faces you all as you enter, and Braddock takes a sharp breath.

This is the man in your vision! The one who lept into your body!
A tattoo of a spiky sun sits above his nose like a third eye, but otherwise he is simply and plainly dressed. He smiles as he sees you all. "Ah, finally someone has come to help! Pelor must have sent you all here. You must free all the prisoners or return the prison to its previous standards of safety and care for the men here. That is why you are here, is it not?"

The second cell door on the left contains a thin and gawky young man visibly shaking. "I am Oban Relks, the son-in-law of the warden, Mr. Parks. I was thrown in here to 'teach me a lesson' when my wife accused me of being unfaithful. Believe me, I have learned my lesson. Please, can you get Warden Parks to let me go?"

A bloody vertical streak stains the front of the second cell door on the right. Inside a tall, well-manicured man with black hair holds a ring of keys in his manacled hands. "None of these others is of any use to you, but I have something to bargain with for my freedom. See these keys? They were dropped in here when the guards were killed. If you let me out, I will give it to you. What do you say?"

As you pass his door, the one-legged man in the last cell on the right speaks, "I don't know who you are and I don't much care. You made enough noise fighting off that thing and talking to the other prisoners that I know you aren't likely to release us without some good reason. Should you get out of here, just don't forget all of us down here..." He does not turn to face you and looks resigned to stare into the corner of his cell.

2014-01-15, 02:08 PM
After a moment of being taken aback, Braddock seizes the bars lining the tattooed man's cell before roaring EXPLAIN YOURSELF!! Was that horror one of your pets?! Why else would they be pushing your face into my mind?

Braddock savagely shakes the bars in frustration.

2014-01-15, 05:07 PM
Looking a bit startled, the man's eyes get wide at Braddock's outburst. "I am called the 'Blessed of Pelor' by most," he responds. "Have those creatures hurt you? I am very sorry if so, but I have no idea what you are talking about. For some reason I have not been blessed with spells for several days now, in spite of my constant prayers to the Lord of Day, or I would offer you healing."

The old man seems to be rather confused but polite and gentle.

As a wisdom-based caster, a cleric would be unable to receive spells if they had taken wisdom damage that brought their ability score below 10.

2014-01-15, 05:31 PM
Braddock's eyes narrow to slits as he processes the old man's response. Wordlessly, he releases the bars and backs toward the center of the hallway, with his glare never leaving the old man's face.

Sense Motive check at -3. Lulz

2014-01-15, 06:58 PM
Control yourself, Braddock. We cannot afford to lose our focus in this place. You might go see what is causing those flickering lights. Oh, how I would like to find this Mr. Dee, or whatever his name was. This place provides more questions than answers, it seems. Ferdwhipple gestures further down the hall, to the doorway beyond.

Facing the man Braddock indicated,
You there, "Blessed of Pelor" how came you to be in this cell? What have you seen of the last few nights?

sense motive [roll0]

2014-01-15, 07:08 PM
Arkiana eyes narrow at the mention of the lack of ability to cast spells. She approaches his cell...

Sir, have you had any hallucinations? Have you felt any less aware of your surroundings? Or felt like your will was being eaten away or attacked? When did you first realize that you could not cast spells?

2014-01-15, 07:22 PM
Braddock continues silently glowering at the old man before turning to investigate the far door, torch in hand.

Zal, you feeling up to watching my back? This isn't the kind of place to go digging in shadowed rooms without backup.

2014-01-15, 09:48 PM
Zalphar shrugs at Braddock. "Better than trying to debate the finer points of arcana here. Lead the way." Sword at the ready, he follows Braddock at a careful distance to investigate the flickering light, while the others converse with the prisoners.

2014-01-15, 11:20 PM
Torban uncrosses his arms, but fixes the prisoner with a glower. "Aye it's true that if his mind were sufficiently eroded it would interfere with his abilities, but dieties are also known to abandon those who have abandoned their ways. Should a faithful of the Shiny One commit certain unsavory acts, he'd lose his power all the same. I don't know, or frankly care which one it be. We need you to come with us to receive our payments, otherwise we came to this scum hole fer' nothin'." Torban shoots a deferential glance to Arkiana, awaiting her thoughts on freeing the man immediately as she appears to be the voice of compassionate command here.

"Besides, we can jes' beat him unconscious if he tries anything out of sorts." He shrugs noncommittally. "Whatever works."

2014-01-16, 02:28 PM
"What you are, we once were. What we are, you shall become..."

Putting his hands up defensively, the old man backs away from the cell walls. Then, trying to sort through the questions being thrown at him he speaks, "The leaders of Heerfur were unprepared for my teachings several years ago. I have been here since that time. As for the last several nights and visions, well yes, it has been very bad. My vows of nonviolence prevent me from doing anything about it though, so I am not sure when my spells were no longer being granted..."

As Braddock and Zalophar enter the next cell block they hear a new mantra being chanted. "Big boys don't cry, big boys don't cry, big boys..." can be heard from the first four cells in this block of six. The prisoners in these cells are chanting in wide-eyed, insane unison.

The last cell on the right is closed, and the last door on the left is open, partially blocking the view beyond. The flickering light is coming from inside this last cell.

2014-01-16, 08:26 PM
Judging on his look and this feeling of calmness around him, I am not so sure Pelor has abandoned him. I cannot know for certain, but if these things have been feeding off your will, you lack the power to receive spells. If we get you away from here, you should recover enough to cast again.

She turns around and looks to Torban.

It will take a while for such damage to heal. We can be fairly certain he will be unable to cast spells until he's been away from here at least a day and has had a chance to recover. While that means he will be little trouble for us, it also means he will be of little help should the need arise.

Arkiana's eyes suddenly widen, and she quickly turns back around to the Blessed of Pelor.

Have you taken any other vows in the name of Pelor besides a vow of non-violence?

2014-01-16, 08:33 PM
Uh... guys? I really don't like the look of this. Zal, you've got my back, right? I want to see what's giving off that light.

Braddock's eyes only briefly shift to look in his direction before turning back to watch for anything unexpected from the chanters in this cell block..

2014-01-16, 11:47 PM
Trusting Torban to see to the situation with the prisoner, Ferdwhipple approaches closer behind Braddock and Zalophar.

I'm right behind you both, for all the good it'll do.

He readies his shield and sling, hopeful that he won't have need to use it.

I'll be glad to be out of this place, that's for sure...

2014-01-17, 12:24 AM
"I'm with you. Given how those things can apparently jump about and dissappear when they want, my money's on another crazed prisoner." Adjusting his grip on his sword, Zalophar walks up with Braddock to investigate the open cell with the flickering light.

2014-01-17, 10:14 AM
"We have the key to this thing, aye? Let's just get him out of here an find the other one before we start to get affected by the Meenlocks."

2014-01-17, 01:54 PM
"I have forgone earthly things and sworn to uphold Pelor's light by harming no living creature in violence. Why?" asks the priest.

As Braddock turns to look into the last cell on the left he sees a rather gruesome sight. The remains of a man clutching an Everburning Torch (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/adventuringGear.html#_everburning-torch) lie in the middle of the cell, covered in rats. Seeing Braddock in the doorway the rats swarm towards him!

Roll initiative and give your first combat actions. No one is surprised. The rats begin in the third room on the left. This round Braddock, Ferdwhipple, and Zalophar are in position to engage the rat swarm in the cell. If the swarm leaves the cell and enters the hallway the rest of the party can engage it.

2014-01-17, 05:03 PM
Round 1

Arkiana Petraan (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=740944)
Female CG Human Sorcerer, Level 1, Init +1, HP 7/7, Speed
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 10, CMD 9, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0, CMB -2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(+1 Dex)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 6, Cha 20
Condition None

Arkiana turns her head to the commotion and mutters

Stop watching these fools for 10 seconds...

Full round action to run back to the prisoner processing area and grab a tapestry or rug that can be set on fire.

2014-01-17, 06:39 PM
Round 1


"Fire! We need fire!" Zalophar retreats from the swarm while looking about for something, anything, to burn.

Move action to withdraw from swarm, then a move action to light a torch or other flammable if available, otherwise keep withdrawing towards tapestry room.

(On phone, will try to update with better formatting later)

2014-01-17, 08:57 PM
Round 1


Braddock crouches to bat at the frontmost edge of the swarm with his lit torch while backing away to keep from being surrounded.

Does this count as an improvised weapon? Attack is at +0 if so, +4 if not. Unsure of damage range. My intent is to move as much as is necessary to prevent taking damage from the swarm, before/after/during my single attack against it.