View Full Version : Let's guess where the plot is going!

2013-11-18, 01:44 PM

The trouble with trying to draw oots figures is that the linewidths on Rich's work are so perfect that even slightly missing makes it look terrible :)

Koo Rehtorb
2013-11-18, 01:51 PM
This... is... awesome.

Sunken Valley
2013-11-18, 01:53 PM
I love this! Keep making your drawings!

Although Durkon is his human colour. He should be Vampire.

2013-11-18, 01:53 PM
Nicely done!

(For a second I thought The Reversal was that Julio killed the Order, but that's more Plot-Twisty)

Joe the Rat
2013-11-18, 01:55 PM
Love it!

I rather expect a double-double reverse climax twist with a half gainer.

Gift Jeraff
2013-11-18, 02:12 PM
Great work!!?!!

The Pilgrim
2013-11-18, 02:17 PM
That's... that's... someone opening a thread and winning it in one shot. Like, an Ace or something. I'm in awe.

Although Durkon is his human colour. He should be Vampire.

He should be a pile of ashes, actually. :smalltongue:

2013-11-18, 02:27 PM
Well done! I notice the anticlimax does not seem to result in Tarquin's death?

2013-11-18, 03:08 PM
This gets thirty thumbs up. I would love to see more!

2013-11-18, 03:39 PM
What about the shocker? /joke

Nice work man.

2013-11-18, 03:49 PM
http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h87/osiris32/giant.png "Back to the drawing board!"

2013-11-18, 03:53 PM
The trouble with trying to draw oots figures is that the linewidths on Rich's work are so perfect that even slightly missing makes it look terrible :)

He doesn't just draw them free-form. He does them on the computer, he doesn't draw them and then scan them in, that's why.

And I'm willing to bet that he uses templates for the bodies and heads.

2013-11-18, 04:17 PM
Can't draw, so I'll describe:

BLAM (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigLippedAlligatorMoment)
Popcorn makes a reappearance, Tarquin and Julio dance off together into the sunset. Laurin eats the popcorn, teleports away.

Subplot Resolution Strip (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0401.html)
Tarquin kills Belkar and Julio. Elan kills Tarquin. Roy tells Elan he's grown and is proud of him.

Triple Fantasy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0891.html)
Yep, they're right back in the pyramid. Strip will never ever ever end.

The Cutaway
Skips to what Ochul and Team Evil are doing right now. We'll get back to the desert battle in another 25 strips or so.

Deja Vu All Over Again
Tarquin kills Roy. Eugene spends five straight strips telling Roy what a loser he thinks he is.

2013-11-18, 04:26 PM
What about The Sting? Based on the climax of the movie of the same name, Julio gets in a duel with Tarquin, and dies. Everyone grieves, Elan swears revenge, Tarquin is satisfied and leaves, then it turns out -gasp- Julio was faking the whole time! Or he had a Contingency Raise Dead spell or something.

2013-11-18, 04:33 PM
I'm just gonna reiterate what everyone else has said, and say that this is amazing! Really funny and such great art!

2013-11-18, 04:35 PM
The Cutaway
Skips to what Ochul and Team Evil are doing right now. We'll get back to the desert battle in another 25 strips or so.

That would be pure, unadulterated EVIL with a capital-X.

Mike Havran
2013-11-18, 04:39 PM
Wonderful :smallsmile:

2013-11-18, 04:57 PM
The Reveal

As Tarquin gets ready to fight Julio, he is suddenly killed by a mysterious shrouded figure with a parting line. The Order of the Stick must work to uncover this greater evil. :smalltongue:

The Short-Lived Victory

After some struggle, Julio and the Order manage to defeat Tarquin in a sufficiently badass way--but while they were fighting him, Xykon and Redcloak managed to seize the Northern Gate. The foundations of the universe begin to crumble around them.

Alex Warlorn
2013-11-18, 06:48 PM
Except the 'anti-climax' can be interesting. If the Dungeon Master can prove that you CAN break traditional story telling motifs, while STILL telling a tale of the selfless managing to overcome the selfish!

2013-11-18, 10:09 PM
ALL of my money is on the "anti-climax".

Tarquin believes he is invincible, here. That Scoundrel is delaying the inevitable and setting himself up for a fall.

I think Scoundrel is going to foil Tarquin, though (and not go for the kill, because that's "not his role"), and one of the OOTSers is going to finish Tarquin off as he goes for a final, desperate lunge, refusing to give up even as his hitpoints hit zero because, "Darn it, this ISN'T HOW THINGS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE!" I don't know who will strike the final blow, but I think it's bound to happen.

Tarquin is confident that Xykon is the sub-boss, when really Tarquin is filling that role. Tarquin is isolated from his friends. I know the psion is still on the field, but I think Durkon and V can hold her off now that they have their bearings.

It just feels right, to me, that this is his end. It's poetic in a way neither he nor Elan would see coming.

Then, after the OOTSers leave, Tarquin's friends would likely revive him. That campaign doesn't have to end here.
It might break Tarquin's spirit, for now, though... which is what the OOTSers need in order to keep moving forward.

2013-11-18, 10:12 PM
Durkon is his human colour. He should be Vampire.

Yeah, I have about thirty colour pencils, and NONE of them are remotely the right colour :)

What about the shocker?

That's... the Robert De Niro ballet scene in Stardust, isn't it?

He doesn't just draw them free-form. He does them on the computer.

Oh, I know, but I don't do digital graphics so well, and I don't have the templates. It was pretty fun to try and freehand them.

The Cutaway
Skips to what Ochul and Team Evil are doing right now. We'll get back to the desert battle in another 25 strips or so.

So the funny part is, in my webcomic (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/371-plots/) site, the strips have alt-text, and the Cutaway is mentioned there :)

My actual prediction for something that might happen is there. If Sabine doesn't show up to kill off Tarquin's backup, I'll be quite surprised.

Deja Vu All Over Again
Tarquin kills Roy. Eugene spends five straight strips telling Roy what a loser he thinks he is.


I notice the anticlimax does not seem to result in Tarquin's death?

I'd meant to convey that it did - but I didn't really have enough space to show three panels.

2013-11-18, 10:28 PM
I love this! Keep making your drawings!

Really funny and such great art!

Actually... I disagree a little. This art isn't great, it's... pretty bad.

I'm accepting of this, it's because I'm trying to freehand imitate a very well-honed digital style. I'm no good at that, it's something very few people could do well. To me, it looks bad because it's not managing to match the cleanness and simplicity of Rich's art, thus missing out on all the advantages Rich's style has. It's also missing out on the kinds of details I put into my own art, because Rich doesn't use them. It's the worst of both worlds.

Now... If I were to try and draw a comic strip about DnD characters, I wouldn't fall into the trap of trying to do what Rich does. OOtS is so good that anything trying to imitate is destined to fail.

Instead... I'd use my own art style. It'd probably look like a bit like this. (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/370-strength-potions/) or this (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/267-demon-lord-of-puns/), or this (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/317-misinterpretation/), or this (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/349-imitation/)... Actually, there's an awful lot of them... :)

2013-11-18, 10:30 PM
Actually... I disagree a little. This art isn't great, it's... pretty bad.

I actually think it's great because it's bad. There's a sort of humorous simplicity to the whole comic, and the art fits in well with it.

2013-11-18, 10:35 PM
I actually think it's great because it's bad. There's a sort of humorous simplicity to the whole comic, and the art fits in well with it.

The Red Dwarf defense :) I love it!

2013-11-18, 11:29 PM
I love this! Keep making your drawings!

Although Durkon is his human colour. He should be Vampire.

He should be a dwarf first, actually. Then, a vampire.

So, I guess you meant to say that Durkon is in his dwarf colour.


2013-11-18, 11:46 PM
Hey, this was funny, ahdok -- particularly the last three. Well done.

Gift Jeraff
2013-11-19, 12:27 AM
I'd meant to convey that it did - but I didn't really have enough space to show three panels.

It's even funnier now that I read it that way--Julio is so bored at how easy it is that he just stops.

A Tad Insane
2013-11-19, 12:38 AM
you forgot the true deus ex machina, were V's long lost brother/sister shows up and kills team T with his/her mighty level 19 caster level, then teleports everyone to the next gate, only to have to be killed Xykon, who was then realizes that V's sibling (Now called Q (yes, this will go on so long that I need to substitute a constant)) was actually his parent, causing Xykon to spaz out as he has to remake his character as a half elf, but this gives durkula enough time to rez Q with his spare diamond dust, so then the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny happens! And we learn what MitD is, and right eye comes back, and Roy's little broth did die! He's actualy-
I laughed

Jay R
2013-11-19, 12:48 AM
Of course, having Tarquin's death be an anti-climax is the ultimate, climactic victory over him.