View Full Version : Hopes Lost [Game Thread] 'Hopes First Light'

2013-11-18, 05:51 PM



Who the hell even knows anymore? Some keep to counting the sunrises, but most simply accept whatever slops are so generously ‘provided’ by their new masters. Contented to stay silent as others suffer, so as not to receive that pain they now know to fear, forgetting about things so trivial as time…

That is the life of the slave.

Eat when you’re told to, speak when spoken to and obey the commands given to you by your betters. That is the inevitable truth that has become your life, fight as you may, that realization lingers there, in the back of the mind, taunting you into slow and assured submission. Your new Masters engulfed you, took away everything that was yours. Stripped you and dressed you in nothing more than a rag, if only to provide the pretense of modesty. And then they begin their work to take away everything that makes you, you.

To them you are nothing more than a potential pay day. And not one they care overly much for, given the value of the equipment they sell at every opportunity. Among you is a healer who heals for free. This keeps serious injuries spreading and leading to death. But so too does it extend their ability to work on their stock.

This group, your captors, seem to be nothing more than a mercenary band or a poorly assembled group of bandits. Given how they bicker it’s a surprise they manage to capture anyone successfully.

On the other hand, this unorganized approach to their ‘lifestyle’ is the source of most of the distress among your fellow slaves. Often favoring violence and causing bodily harm upon their chosen victim to reinforce how truly hopeless the slave situation is.

Those few who have been lucky enough to be along for the ride longest have observed missives arriving periodically, providing what must be orders from on high. Many of the rabble refer to the author of these letters as ‘The Boss’ before burning them in the campfires. And it is the days following these instructions your captors enact a great deal of focus to bring down their next prey and unlucky survivors to join you in the cages. It’s clear that someone else pulls the strings.

The black mountains are close on the horizon and a forest was passed recently. Some of the men have refilled the water barrels so there must be a plentiful supply nearby. But the caravan has stopped, arranged in a half circle and it has been this way a few days, a few very cold days and even colder nights. Many of the slaves have not survived the weather well, some are on the brink and a few have not survived at all. The slavers are quick to cut their losses on that stock and use what has become free meat to feed their hounds.

Eventually there is movement as a messenger bird finally arrives with orders, the prospect of movement lightening the mood briefly as the slavers have something to occupy their minds other than the expendable stock among you.

The Leader, a shifty human the others refer to as Kemsey reads the missive to himself and immediately burns it. Proclaiming ”One more day boys and more poor saps will be heading right towards us! Easy pickins!

The rest of the day goes well, comparatively, as you are all fed and watered and the men simply wait. They eat and the drink and they entertain themselves as any solder would before what has come to be short and deadly battles.

The Leader Kemsey does not seem to be joining in with his fellows on this eve, as he has done in so many before. Instead he waits till his men have had their fill and drift to sleep. He approaches two of the four cages and buries a small stone just under the earth beneath the wagons holding the cages. He neither looks nor speaks to any of the cages inhabitants but one thing is clear. Something is about to happen.

He takes those that have been selected for that evenings watch and slips away while the rest sleep…

And it is not long before movement can be seen from beyond the camps light…

Not long until the reality of the situation dons on you all…

The camp is quickly swarmed by the shambling undead. The screams of warning nor the feeble attempts to fight from the cages nor the howls of the hounds are enough to stop the onslaught, and in a sea of red the camp is reduced to spare parts.

The cages that were not visited by Kemsey, the ones where you sit are rushed, toppled and those inside are devoured or dragged away along with the corpses of the slavers, back into the shadowy darkness they stumbled from.

The cages were you now sit, cold, fatigued and sickened are somehow untouched. As if the undead did not even see you were there, or hear you amidst the screams within your cage. And you are left with a deathly silence in the remnants of what was once a slaver caravan.

You have survived…

Either by miracle or by design you still breathe…

Locked in a cage along with several lucky souls. And only a few hours till the sun rises again…

Though on second though, is lucky the right word?

2013-11-18, 06:21 PM
Action, action action don't think act, don't think don't think. You didn't see that, you closed your eyes. Don't think don't think, don't puke.
So.... That just happened. I don't suppose any of you have a way out of here now that no one watching. I don't want to know what Kemsey has planned for us. As he speaks Mae starts pacing around the inside of the wagon, pushing and pulling at various bars hoping to find one loose or set into to weakened wood.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-18, 06:34 PM
Tenma sits quietly at the back of her cage, her expression betraying nothing of her thoughts. She was roused from a fitful slumber by the horrible massacre outside, and she sat and watched helplessly as the other cages and their occupants were torn to pieces.

'This is unbelievable...' She thought, a feeling of numbness seeping up her spine, her eyes flit to one of the other occupants when he speaks up. An elf, though she didn't know his name.

"Perhaps I can help," She murmured, voice hoarse from disuse. "but I want to check on the others first. I don't want to be caught alone out there with no assistance..." She reaches up, grabbing hold of one of the bars. With a soft hiss of pain she hauls herself to her feet and peers around at the other occupants of their prison.

2013-11-18, 07:32 PM
The cages could hold up to around twelve to fourteen people each on a short journey if the salvers didn't care much for the comfort of their stock, lending an impressive fifty two in one haul. On this journey it has fluctuated but its not tight as that.

The upturned and heavily damaged caged did at one time hold seven individuals each. The ones that you are lucky enough to reside in hold seven and nine respectfully.

Both Mae and Tenma reside in the cage housing seven. In along side you in varying degrees of shock are three Humans. Hale, Joban and Serci, all brough in on the most recent attack. Refugees from the North. A Gnome who has said nothing in days nor divulges much information about himself. And what might be considered an elf to some who does not speak the common tongue but given his raggedy appearance he likely a former resident of a wood elf tribe who still holds to some defiance towards his captors... ex captors.

Thankfully Merin is given leniency to tend to the wounds and fatigue of many of the slaves. So other than scrapes and bruises and blood spray its the shock of what has just transpired that holds their bodies firm.

2013-11-18, 07:45 PM
Months with the caravan had taught Rook to watch quietly. He'd become very good at it. He'd watched as the guards nodded off, as Kemsey buried his strange stones, as the caravan leader retreated into the darkness, and as the undead emerged for their feast. His impassive visage betrayed neither fear nor excitement as remaining guards died horribly, as the undead tore the other slave wagons apart, as they dismembered the unfortunate captives within.

But the time for watching passed once the horde of shambling corpses moved on. Now it was time for action.

Rook had spent a great deal of time in the caged wagon. He knew his home well. He knew that there were no boards rotten enough or bars loose enough to allow a quick and silent escape, but having time to work without a guard wandering past or listening in changed things.

Silently, he rises to his feet and begins looking for a weak point to exploit. And if we can't find one, we can make one. He tells himself, unconsciously clicking his taloned fingers together.

2013-11-18, 08:14 PM
For the entire trip Tagan had looked depressed and broken, it was all a trick and with the slavers dead he quickly smiled and straightened up, he then said "Well it looks like this is our lucky day, now let's find a way out of here." He begun looking around for something that could be used to pick locks or help him escape in another way.

Perception check [roll0]

2013-11-18, 08:33 PM
True enough the bars prove to be sturdy. One of the few things the Slavers made sure to be one hundred percent. With time and brute strength the door will give in. The weakest part of this cage is most clearly the door.

In the attack, the ferocity of the undead left parts of the ground littered with shards to splintmail and loose rings from chain just out of reach of the larger cage. With a willingness to suffer a few cuts those shards could be shaped to deal with the lock in a matter of seconds to an avid locksmith. Problem is they are just out of reach, though it wouldn't take much to knock them into your grasp.

2013-11-18, 08:35 PM
Merin was quietly going from person to person in his cage offering quiet words and quick examinations. He had to keep him self busy to keep his mind off the flood of 'what ifs' that kept swimming in his head. There are no what ifs. I was powerless to stop it and would have only endangered the remaining few by trying to go to the rest. They were too many, it was too quick, and nothing can change that. Still, it was such an abominable loss of life... Merin dips his head and says a few prayers to several gods on behalf of the dead, even the slavers.

Merin looks over at the human who called this day 'lucky' and says, "It doesn't feel too lucky, but I see your point. The gods have given us a chance to escape and it is best we take it. If anyone is hurt come see me I shall do what I can, but first we should work on getting out."

Curious as to what Kemsey did Merin calls on the strength the gods had granted him to enhance his sight to the powers underpinning the world.

Detect Magic focusing on the spots Kemsey visited before the attack.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-18, 08:49 PM
Seeing that the others are simply in a state of shock but otherwise unharmed Tenma steps unsteadily towards the door of their prison. She squints out into the darkness, trying to catch sight of the other cage.

"I have a spell, one that I think might dissolve the joints on our cage given enough time..." Tenma closes her eyes briefly, taking hold of the power in her blood to conjure a small orb of acid. She aims it at one of the hinges and lets it go.

[roll0] Using Acid Splash on the hinges of the door. If it appears to have an effect she will continue until the hinges are off.

[roll1] Perception to see if she can hear/see Merin. If she can she'll cast message and say: "Healer, are you alright?"

2013-11-18, 09:02 PM
"As much as i would love to believe the gods have saved us i cant help but feel that perhaps a more nefarious source is at hand. Still Cayden helps those who help themselves, these bars are all to sturdy for me to do anything. I, I need to be doing something, is there anything either of you need help with."

As he speaks he paces as much as he can manage to in the confines of their cage. Clearly looking a little panicked.

2013-11-18, 09:33 PM
Merin, as you allow your senses to sharpen you find yourself and the other cage bathed in an aura of Abjuration and with some focus you can determine that this is only the remnants of whatever Kemsey did. It will fade beyond further study within the hour and the earth covering the stones are preventing further examination.

The arid smell of acid drifts over to the crowded cage and the occupants have given the sorceress some breathing room. And it does seem o be working, slowly, with a small pool of acid pooling at the ground immediately below the burning point.

Maerthas, you're not sure how or when you overheard it, but you recall remembering a conversation about a prisoner breaking out of his cell by repeatedly kicking the joint of his door, aiming the impact at the apex of the vibration.

From outside the camp there is movement once again. One of the hounds managed to escape it would seem as it gingerly walks into camp and into the tent where his master previously slept, before coming out again to approach what remains of the fire.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-18, 09:57 PM
OOC: Not sure if those rolls went through, kind of a novice with the forum dice roller.

Maerthas garners Tenma's attention briefly as he paces about the cage. His words causing a sympathetic twist to her lips as she works.

"I will continue working on these hinges, but I will need your help to knock them loose." She pauses, brow furrowed in conversation as she drops another orb of acid on the second hinge.

"I am Tenma by the way." An offhand introduction, but it was all she could manage at the moment.

2013-11-18, 10:28 PM
Tagan saw the shards near the cage and figured he could turn them into improvised lockpicks, he tried to reach out to grab them but they were too far away for him to reach, he pulled his arm back and looked around for something that could help while saying to the healer, "If I could get those shards I could probably turn them into improvised lockpicks, however they are too far for me to reach, do you have a spell that could help?"

2013-11-18, 11:28 PM
Seeing the human's dilemma, Rook immediately recognizes the, to his mind, obvious solution. If all you have are the cloths on your back, use them. He whips off the ragged sack cloth tunic that passed for clothing among the slaves and twists it into a crude rope, tying a loop at one end. It wasn't pretty, but it should be enough to drag some of those armor shards and broken links into reach.

"Here," he mumbles as he tosses the makeshift lasso to Tagan. "Your arms are longer."

2013-11-18, 11:50 PM
As Tagan looked for something that could help he saw the Tengu twist his tunic into a cruse rope, he smiled and took the rope while saying, "Good idea, thanks." He then put his arms through the bars once more and tossed the lasso over the shards and with a pull sent the shards into reach, his smile widened as he picked up the shards, he pulled his arms back into the cage and tossed the twisted tunic back to the Tengu before using a metal shard to shave off excess metal of another to create a lockpick gaining a few cuts on his hands as he did so.

Taking 10 on a craft check.

2013-11-19, 05:39 AM

The attack was brutal, but to Adalind the months spent in the cages have been a lot more brutal. The chain that ties her tail to her wings and her neck keeps on chafing her skin. It has been chafing for months now.
She sits in the corner of her cage during most of the attack, right on the place where she played tic tac toe with an orc two months ago. He probably got sold. Or did he get transered to another cage and killed by the undead?
She hasn't been paying much attention to the others, the only interesting one was the Tengu. He has wings, perhaps he can fly. She hasn't asked him yet, one of them would have been sold eventually so there was no point in talking.

Once the attack is over she just waits in her corner.
Kemsey burried stones under wagons and those wagons survived. She believes that he has plans for them. Perhaps he wanted to steal a valuable cargo of slaves from his bossess? Whatever the reason, he'll be back. And he'll start breaking fingers if he notices they tried to escape.
But time goes by and there's still no sign of Kemsey. Perhaps his little plan failed and he got eaten by the undead himself? That would be pretty funny.

The Tengu makes a lasso from his clothes, the human uses it to grab some metal shards and starts to work on them. He's doing it wrong, the tip of his lockpick needs to bend the other way. She gently places one of her clawed hands on his shoulder, trying not to scare or hurt him, and lets some magic flow into him.
"Oi buddy, you're doing it wrong. Bend your lockpick the other way.
And if you're done, you can remove the lock from my back first. My wings and tail are killing me."

Casting Guidance on Tagan for +1 on the craft check.

2013-11-19, 07:52 AM
It takes a few minutes of prying and bending and discarding the useless pieces of metal but with a bit of help the lockpicks look like the will stand up to the locks heavy mechanism and as the green eyed human starts his work there is a resounding crack from the other cage as the Acid has started its work and cracked one of the joints. Some brute strength and careful application of acid will make quick work of the other. Hale braces himself back to back with Maerthas and Joban prepares to assist now that freedom lingers only moments away.

Gonna need a disable device check from Tagan, with a +1 assuming another guidance is put your way. But as the tools are improvised all that are doing is mitigating the penalty.

And a Strength Check from Maerthas with a +4 bonus from the others in the cage willing to hep now that the door is weakening.

2013-11-19, 11:29 AM
Bracing himself against with the human Maerthas lifted his legs and pushed with every ounce of himself, desperately straining for freedom.


2013-11-19, 12:14 PM
As Tagan made his pick the Tiefling notified him of a mistake, he looked at the bent piece of metal and replied "Hm, oh of course, thanks for spotting that." After a few more seconds he had completed the lockpick he said "I'll use it on the door first, then I'll free your wings." He then got up and with bloody hands and a small piece of metal attempted to open the cage door.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2013-11-19, 01:12 PM
While one door is reaching breaking point, thanks in no small way to the acid, the other cage's door opens with a gentle 'click'. The locksmith having made light work of the lock in a matter of seconds.

And then the other door falls open hard, sending an ungodly ringing through the camp. But it's open. And in that moment of silence just after the bell there is an uneasiness as most want out of the cages very badly but don't want to head out in a mad rush, especially with the pool of acid lingering below the open door of one of the cages.

Maerthas - One point of damage to the legs from the Acid, unavoidable i'm afraid.

2013-11-19, 01:29 PM
Tagan grins when he hears the click and as he opens the door he announces, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, freedom." He looked to the other cart to see the door being knocked off with a large ring and thought to himself, "A crude method of escape but it still works." He then walked behind the Tiefling woman and went to remove the lock from her back.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2013-11-19, 02:29 PM
Merin goes ahead and exits his cage, helping those behind him out onto the ground. Seeing to pool of acid gathered around the other cart, he starts picking up handfuls of dirt to cover and soak up the acid making it safe for the other slaves to exit their cart. He then goes to one of the objects buried by Kemsey and picks it up, examining it with his sight.

Detect Magic should still be working if it isn't then recast and I will examine it (if I can detect a magic aura) and make a spellcraft check: [roll0]

That completed, he goes to the other cage and attempts to aid anyone who needs it with any injuries.

Heal Check: [roll1]

2013-11-19, 03:06 PM
Perhaps it the cage being emptied or maybe the fact the the locks around the Tiefling's neck have caused a rather painful rash and even slight movements cause her pain but it takes quite a while longer to unlock.

With enough dirt the passage easily traversed and people begin stretching their limbs, momentarily forgetting about the cold.

The residual magic of the stone is slowly fading. At this point in time Merin is having issues gleaning more information about the spell. And other than the usual scrapes and bruises most people are just trying to come to grips with everything that happened in such a short period of time. Except the nasty acid burn on one of their legs, which unfortunately is beyond healing right now. There is simply too much going on.

2013-11-19, 04:34 PM

Adalind is having trouble sitting still while the human is working on her lock. He's taking too long. Her wings and tail hurt more now than before he started to open the lock. Must be because she's already flexing her muscles in anticipation. She's waited months to spread out her wings. And there's a spot on her tail she can't reach that has been itching for three weeks.
Finally there's the click she's been waiting for. Freedom....
"Adalind. Thanks a lot buddy, i owe you one. Now either get out of the way or get out of the cage, because i want some room to spread my wings."

Two steps out of the cage and already it's like a huge burden just fell off her back.
First she scratches that spot on her tail. The way she's scratching is absolutely not ladylike, she doesn't care.
Next she rubs her neck a bit. It feels terrible. The back of her neck is full of weird bumps that sting when she touches them. She'll try to wash it as soon as she finds some water. And a clean cloth.
Finally, the most important thing: her wings. She hasn't been able to move them for three months? Four months perhaps? She could move her tail a bit in those chains but not her wings. This better not have screwed up her muscles.
She opens her wings.............and almost falls to her knees from the pain.
Better try it more slowly. She opens them slowly for a little bit, then closes them again. Open again, a bit further this time, and close again.
She keeps it up for as long as she can, it still hurts a lot. It'll probably hurt for a couple of days. The pain is a small price for her freedom.
"Oi healer, can you take a look at my wings? And my rash? And that weird spot on my tail?"

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-19, 05:05 PM
Tenma wipes sweat from her brow, releasing a relieved sigh when the elf kicks the door of their cage open.

Her attention however is drawn by the chain firmly secured around her leg. A painfully snug fit, while the others might be free she would have to do something to free herself as well. The manacle around her ankle was too tight for her to safely burn it away with magic like she had the hinges on the door.

Looking up, she calls after Mae, "I am sorry if you were hurt kicking the door open. I wish I had, had a better way of getting us out." She looks around, mind racing for a way to free herself when she notices Merin walking up to cover up the acid pool she made.

"Healer! It is good to see you are well, how did you get out of your cage?" Her expression is one of weary relief coupled with an involuntary tug on her chain that hints at her aching desire for freedom.

2013-11-19, 05:30 PM
Merin was about to turn to the Tiefling's needs when the sorceress calls out to him. He turns to the man with the lockpick, "We have another lock over here that needs your skills if you would." Turning back to the sorceress he bows apologetically that he can't do more before rushing off, with his lopsided gate, to aid the Tiefling. Merin had been trying to treat her tail, wings, and neck for a while now, but the slavers wouldn't hear about unchaining her so his aid was largely useless.

He was glad that the damage didn't appear that severe. Chains can cause cuts which just beg to be infected. He had told her to leave off flexing as it would only make it worse but she was a stubborn one. He didn't have much on hand to work with, but Merin did what he could to keep the rash from spreading and prevent further infections.

Heal: [roll0]

2013-11-19, 05:48 PM
After freeing the Tiefling and hearing her thanks he replied, "Tagan, I'll leave you to stretch, I better do so as well." He then walked out of the cage while stretching his arms above his back, as he looked at the destroyed campsite the he heard the healer call out to him, Tagan nodded then said "On it." And with a few steps and a jump over the dirt-covered pool of acid he was in the cage with the broken door, he kneeled in-front of the woman and got to work on unlocking the manacle.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2013-11-19, 05:51 PM
After Maerthas tumbles out of the wagon, he stands oblivious to the pain in his leg from the acid burns. As everyone rushes around helping however they can he simply stands still, momentarily lost in the joy of freedom. After a few moments, he begins stumbling about searching the bodies of whatever he can he still recognize searching for something they can defend themseves with should the surviving slavers ,or more undead, return.

"No worries about the leg, i would suffer much worse for freedom." He called back belatedly realizing someone had been talking to him, "That said i worry we might just start suffering much worse if we don't find something to defend ourselves with soon. Or at the least i might be able to find something to break those chains of yours."

Perception check to try and find anything usable in the rubble. [roll0]

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-19, 08:58 PM
Tenma relaxes as the roguish man moves smoothly into the cage and gets to work on her bonds.

"Thank you." She murmurs, extending her leg towards him to give him a better angle on the lock. 'These people are very competent, we might get out of here alive.' she thought.'

She took the time to peer at her surroundings as the others moved about and stretched in the camp. Her eyes shimmering slightly as she attempts to perceive any magical auras.

Kicking on detect magic for the time being. [roll0] Perception looking for signs of danger.

2013-11-19, 09:24 PM
Rook unties and untwirls his rude tunic as the nimble-fingered human works the lock. By the tie the beautiful 'click' of freedom rings out, he's already dressed again. A good thing, too, because he wouldn't have scrambled out bare if the door opened before he'd finished.

Freedom, finally! He stretches outside the cramped cage, able to move freely for the first time in weeks (since the overcrowding had left everyone without the space even to lie down at night).

But he could only allow himself so much comfort. He was still unarmed, unarmored, nearly naked, and without a single copper to covet. But the bodies of the dead guards promised to remedy some of that. The undead take no loot, and while they might have torn the guards' armor to bloody shreds, there was a good chance of acquiring a bow, some sharpened steel, and enough gold to buy what the corpses could not provide.


2013-11-20, 03:10 AM

"Thanks buddy. I'm Adalind." She says to the man that tended to her wings and rash. He did the best he could with the limited tools he has here. At the very least he removed that itchy spot on her tail. Turns out that it was a tick that lodged itself between two of the scales on her skin. She wants a bath....

She walks away from the healer and towards the dead bodies of both the guards and the other slaves and starts helping the Tengu search for anything that might be usefull.
She drags the bodies she already searched to a pile on the side of where the camp used to be. Better do this systematically.

Guidance on Adalind.
Perception: [roll0]

2013-11-20, 08:12 AM
Searching the camp goes slowly at first. The dwindling fire provides light but the mess that's been caused doesn't make for easy movement. It becomes clear that a large percentage of the armor has been very badly damaged. Though a skilled armorsmith could create some workable pieces for short term use. You were lucky that the undead wee of the shambling variety as some others have been known to strip weapons and shields from their kills.

As the search continues and a kind of strategy is found and put into motion things speed up as every available body pitches in to help. The end result is nothing to be sniffed at.

A selection of weapons, a singular undamaged suit of leather armor and various bits and bobs as well as some coin. Individually the Slavers carry very little coin with the exception of one torso, who was clearly dipping into a chest somewhere and stealing.

And as the objects get piled up the Gnome sits quietly evaluating each piece and organizing it.

Once it's all organised the gear looks something like this, and the Gnome will happily gve his examination:-

1 Longbow - Slight damage, wont affect it's use yet but needs repaired -
3 Longbows, broken - 27gp/each
2 light wooden shields - not well made but will suffice for now - 3gp/each
2 Throwing Axe - Fine quality - 18gp
1 Standard Lance, undamaged - 10gp
3 Heavy Flails, slight damage bit will work quite some time yet - 9gp/each
3 Shortswords, undamaged - 7gp/each
1 Broken Shortsword - 3gp
2 Longsword, slight damage - 11gp/each
1 Longsword, Fine quality and well maintained- 22gp
6 Daggers, undamaged - 6sp/each
1 Suit leather, slight damage, well worn - 8gp
2 Salvageable padded armor's though heavily blood stained - 2gp/each

Rifling through backpacks you will find enough spare clothing to outfit everyone in commoner's outfits.

20 Tindertwigs - Dry and undamaged
1 Signet Ring, Unknown crest, silver, fine quality - 30gp/more depending on crests origin
6 Salvageable water-skins
1 Chest, Empty - 5gp
3 potions, purify food and drink - 25gp/each [identified by the Gnome]
1 Hourglass, undamaged, low quality - 19gp

90gp in coin
63sp in coin
112cp in coin

1 Tiger Eye Agate, ornamental - 10gp
1 Sardonyx, Semi-precious - 50gp


And 1 hound

2013-11-20, 08:43 AM
When Tagan heard the click of the woman's manacle, he gently slid it off and said to her with his best charming smile, "It is no problem for such a beautiful woman such as yourself." And after listening to her reply he went out of the cage and helped scavenge what they could from the campsite.

With his new clothing; a light-brown tunic with dark-brown pants and same coloured shoes, Tagan looked at the pile of loot, he then walked up to it while saying "Well I'm guessing our first concern would be arming ourselves before the undead or slavers return," He took two undamaged shortswords and added the sheaths to his belt while continuing, "I shall take these two shortswords, and if everyone doesn't mind I would like that suit of leather armour as well."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-20, 10:39 AM
A surge of excitement jolts through the mage from Minkai as the manacle clicks and is removed gently from her ankle. She does her best to keep her joy off of her face however, as she offers a composed bow of her head to the man with his lockpick.

Now free to move about, Tenma lets Tagan exit first before rushing out of the cage. Her eyes detecting the rapidly fading aura of protection around the cages, but she can't be bothered by it at the moment. She stands alone for a moment as the others organize a systematic looting of the bodies, simply breathing in the free air. A soft laugh escapes her lips before she shakes her head back into the here and now.

After assisting with the search, she would do her best to clean up the equipment as well as her person with a bit of prestidigitation. 'I can't thank Wong enough for teaching me that spell...' she thought with a wry grin.

She selected for herself a pair of shoes that fit her surprisingly well, as well as a loose gray shirt that must have belonged to a large man from the slavers. She tucks it into a pair of breeches she finds that fits her closely enough.

When Tagan speaks of arming themselves she nods in agreement, "I think I'll just want a dagger in case of an emergency. We should also split the coin I think, in case we get separated and find a town." She peers at the rest of the survivors, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"And I am not opposed to you wearing the armor."

2013-11-20, 01:13 PM
Merin heads towards the cataloged items and picks out an outfit for himself. A sturdy wool shirt and cotton pants. He takes extra care to pick out a pair that will hide his leg from examination. It takes him a while to get the pants on over the leg but he waves away any help that is offered. He then finds some serviceable boots.

As for weapons and armor he grabs a light shield, and regretfully takes a dagger hoping that it only needs to be used as a tool. The rest he leaves for the group to decide what to do with.

"We should think about what we wish to do for the night." Merin says, "We have a fire here we can use and the shelter of the carts, but I think we may wish to be well away from here as soon as possible. We were protected intentionally which means someone has made plans for us. We don't need to worry about light I can provide as much as is needed." As he says that last bit he says a few words and draws on the power within him to cause his shield to glow like a torch.

2013-11-20, 05:23 PM

"No food? That's not good, we'll have to hunt or forage. And that will take time. I just hope we wont have to eat the dog...."
Adalind rummages through the items they've found. There's not much usefull in there for her. But she does find clothes that fit her. And boots, those are important if you're travelling. She'll probably have blisters until she's used to them.
"I'll take on of those padded armors, i don't mind the blood. And one of those wooden shields. And i suppose i'll take my share of the money, so that's 15 gold, 11 silver and 18 copper for me.
Let's see what's next, one of those waterskins. And one of those backpacks we emptied."

Adalind walks over to the carts they were locked in. She takes a goot look at both of them. She tries to see if the cage can be removed easily from the outside. And if the carts can be pulled by one or two of the group to carry their stuff.
She also tries to dig up both stones that were burried under the carts. If needed she will use her detect magic.

Once that's done she walks to the dog, sits down 5 feet away from him and tries to call or her over. She takes a good look at the dog, trying to determine it's breed and the skills it might have. And if she can, she will try to determine what skills the dog has.

Knowledge nature to see what dog we're working with here. [roll0]

2013-11-20, 06:20 PM
After changing into something nominally at least a little less soiled and bloodstained but at least enough to cover himself Mea begins perusing the items turned up.

"If no one minds, i would not mind forgoing any share of the coinage for the nicer longsword with one of those short swords. Also perhaps for that Tigers eye as well, it seems to be more ornamental than valuable and as twisted as it sounds I think I should like a souvenir of a sorts from all of this."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-20, 06:25 PM
Now as properly attired and armed as she can be, Tenma uses her knife to cut a small strip of cloth to tie her hair back. Satisfied, she moves to make herself useful in the camp. She gathers a few coins from the spoils, several gold pieces but about six silver ones and slips them in her new pant's pocket.

With all said and done, she patrols the perimeter, keeping her eyes open for trouble, but she is careful not to go too far from any of the others. Hearing Merin's words she calls back, "Agreed, let us get moving before we settle somewhere. I will use my magic to protect us as best I can."

"Food could indeed be a problem, but if we see game on the way we can try to catch it," she says to the rather fierce looking tiefling woman. An oddity, she thinks, though she has seen people with fiendish blood before, this one seems much kinder to her.

Perception to check for approaching danger, detect magic active. [roll0]

2013-11-20, 06:47 PM
Having a good look at the wagons, the cages will come off. The undead managed it through brute force and toppling it though that did damage the cart. If everyone were to work together one could gradually be slid off. The problem will be pulling the wagons as the Horses overpowered their ties where they were kept at night and have since made a run for their lives. You might get lucky and find them in the forested area nearby.

The dog has lay by the fire with it's head low at all the commotion. And as no-one has attempted to move him he hasn't bothered. When Adalind approaches he shuffles away slightly but does lift his head as if to smell her. From the looks of him he is in good shape and he certainly gets enough exercise walking every day. You would need a better look at him to gauge his state of health but the main feature your eyes are drawn to is a scar that runs from just below his left eye to the bottom of his lip. He doesn't seem aggressive towards Adalind currently. As far it's skills go, the breed does have an excellent sense of smell and it's likely that it's been taught several commands to fight or defend.


Tenma, not much can be seen beyond the campfire's light, or even with the boosted light from the now glowing shield. All is quiet... Maybe too quiet.

2013-11-20, 07:18 PM
Having already slipped into a less coarse set of clothing and a suet of padded armor (tengu are rather infamous for relishing carrion, so the blood gives him no pause), Rook gingerly strings the damaged longbow and gives it a few test draws. He clicks his beak in and avian gesture of excitement as he finds it useable--more or less.

"I will take this." He proclaims, and begins scrounging about for arrows without waiting for any objections.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-20, 08:23 PM
Feeling a chill creep up her spine, Tenma move back towards the fire. Her human eyes unable to penetrate the darkness around the camp. Looking around, she sees that the others have equipped themselves, and are looking more like a group of adventurers as opposed to a cluster of slaves.

"I think if we are going to move we should do it soon, I do not think we are safe here." She peers back into the darkness, frowning pensively.

2013-11-20, 08:26 PM
Seeing that no one else claimed the leather Tagan took it for himself, along with his share of the gold, he then went to a private spot in the camp for a minute to don his new armour.

2013-11-20, 09:12 PM
The Gnome places the objects that will fit, and that don't get claimed by people and puts them into a chest. He then gathers the discarded rages and begins wrapping and tying the other items up so they could be slung over the shoulder or those willing to carry them. He himself takes none of the weapons and shakes his head at the offer of coin. And at the next available gap in conversation he clears his throat. "If we follow the river that I suspect is just east of here we should reach some kind of settlement within a day or so either way along the river we go. At least then we can gather out bearings."

His voice is surprisingly soft given he is not known for speaking much, even to the long term slaves among you. And as he speaks he seems to be directing his words to those of you that armed themselves first, as if to accept your positions as those in charge.

2013-11-21, 04:50 AM

Adalind tries some exercises with the dog to see if he has usefull skills.
First on her list is 'sit'.
Then 'down'.
Then she says 'stay' while she moves 30 feet away, she follows with 'come' to see if he'll come to her.
Next she takes a piece of wood and tries 'fetch'.
Lastly she takes the Tengu's discarded loincloth, lets the dog smell it and tries 'search' to make him go to the Tengu.

"Settlement? To get enslaved again? We should be more carefull. We look like a very strange grooup with our commoner's clothes, scraped together lot of weapons and weird assortment of races. If a group with a couple of humans, elves, a gnome, a Tengu and a Tiefling walks into your village armed to various degrees, at best you'd think they're adventurers and at worst a group of bandits.
We should search the area first, see if we can find any of the horses. If we can put a horse in front of one of the carts, load the weapons into it and send one or two of us into a village to trade the weapons we don't need for something more usefull, we'll be a lot more safe. And we'll get all the information we need.
We might be able to get the dog to sniff out the horses, if we're lucky. I'll need help with that, i'm not that great with animals.
If you all really want to go into a village as a group, i'm staying out of sight. I have no interest in being run out of town, i've been there before...."

Handle Animal on the dog. Adalind has -2, so if anybody has more ranks feel free to help her out. [roll0]

2013-11-21, 05:33 AM
As is his wont, Rook stands on the edge of the group, pretending to watch the perimeter as he listens carefully to the gnome. Strange that the normally silent slave should have useful information about the area where they happened to be freed. Given the bizarre circumstances of the entire situation, it was best to be suspicious of everyone.

Not sure how you want to handle sense motive, since knowing that I rolled well or poorly could give me metagame info.

For now, I'll just say that my modifier is +7 and request that you roll it behind the DM screen.

Once the gnomes finishes speaking, though, Rook's attention turns to the half-fiend. He gives her a hard stare as she tries to get the dog to scent him off the filthy loincloth. Most of his experience with dogs had involved being tracked, fighting strays over scraps of refuse, or watching the guards laugh as they sicced the caravan's hounds on unruly slaves, none of which had endeared the species to him.

"Quit it," he snaps at Adalind. "I'll not be hunted by...by... our emergency rations!"

2013-11-21, 06:37 AM

"Fine, i wont let the dog hunt you. But don't walk around being afraid of the dog. Dogs can smell that and as a result he wont trust you and there's a higher chance he'll snap at you.
And thank you, i think i've just figured out his name. Emerrati, short for emergency ration.
One of you better be a decent hunter so i don't have to eat him."
Adalind says with a smile, but she obviously means it. The dog is already starting to grow on her.
She looks around and sees Tagan standing a short distance from the group putting on a suit of armor. It would be funny to send the dog after a naked man...... She quickly searches for the clothes he discarded, let's the dog smell them and tells him to search.
"Oi Tagan, incoming!"

2013-11-21, 07:18 AM
Tagan was behind a tree, keeping an ear out for threats while donning his armour, as he was putting on his final glove he heard the Tiefling woman warn him, thinking quickly he climbed up the tree he was hiding behind and crouched on a branch that could support him, he then unsheathed his swords and prepared to pounce on whatever hostile creature came his way.

After a couple of moments of hearing nothing he cautiously dropped to the ground with his swords still in hand, he looked to the campsite and seeing nothing dangerous he walked to Adalind, looking over his shoulder every few seconds and asked her urgently, "What did you see? Where has it gone?"

Taking 10 on a climb check which gives me a 15 for it.

Tagan Pounce[/S]"]If dog isn't called away I drop down and attack it, with both swords if possible, here are the rolls
Attack(Sword 1): [roll0] (+3 If only using one attack)
Damage(Sword 1): [roll1]
Attack(Sword 2): [roll2]
Damage(Sword 2): [roll3](+1 if off-hand STR bonus is rounded up)

Edit: It's a good thing she isn't great with animals.

2013-11-21, 08:34 AM
Considering the words of Adalind he nods in agreement. "You are right" he says as he completes packing everything that can be packed and he sits and waits for what's to be decided next.

The dog's demeanor is shaken though he does sit up when told with his head still lowered as if he has done something wrong. When told to lay down he does so quickly and when told to say he does not move, eyes fixed on Adalind, with the slightest of wags showing from his tail. When told to come he obeys though he seems disinterested in the rags and sits at Adalind's feet and raises a paw and scuffs the fabric of her new clothes and allows a short rumbling whine.

You went and named him now Steckie, :)

Bhaakon, your passive is enough to read the gnome. Quite simply he is terrified by holding composure. He seems to genuinely agree with Adiland's comment and he has gotten ahead of himself. His sudden speech is out of character for him though and he has been less than forthcoming about who he is outside of the cage. Might be nothing though.

Steckie, considering Ada;ind's not great with animals you did the job. He is willing to follow basic commands but now that he is close he is trembling too much to concentrate an anything more than the humanoid who isn't beating him for a wrongdoing.

JHShadon, you can repost your action if you like and we can ignore that one as it wont be going down that way. However from the treeline you catch the sound of something moving so you can reference it in the post.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-21, 10:13 AM
Tenma's lip curls up slightly in amusement as she watches Adalind deal with the dog.

"You are pretty good, for being bad with animals." Grinning, spirits raised slightly, she listens to the Gnome's words, and Adalind's response. She purses her lips, sensing the Gnomes discomfort she'll moves over and squeezes his shoulder gently, encouragingly.

"It is a good idea, friend," she murmurs, smiling at him as kindly as she can muster. "Regardless of how we enter the town, I think it would be best if we at least made for it. I do not have the skills to survive in the wilderness forever."

Eager to get moving, Tenma scoops up one of the bags of gear, shouldering the burden as comfortably as she can. She remains near the Gnome though, waiting for the others to act.

2013-11-21, 03:16 PM
The antics with the dog settled for the moment, Rook considers the gnome's words. The little man was frightened, and with good reason. Some of his fellow ex-slaves seemed to know the blade of a sword from the pommel, but that's about all that could be said. Even Rook was woefully out of practice after months of inaction.

Still, something was off...

Never mind. "We should go. Moving is better than waiting for Kemsey to return, and he will return." I'll just watch the gnome closely from here on.

"Let me just be sure that we're not walking into danger."

Rook wants to check to make sure that the proposed direction of travel is not in the same direction that the undead wandered off in.

perception roll, if necessary: [roll0]

2013-11-21, 04:20 PM

Adalind doesn't bother to answer Tenma, instead keeping her attention on the dog."Doesn't matter, Emerrati, you did fine for never having trained with me." She quietly says to the dog while rubbing him behind his ears. She tries to be very nice to the dog to gain his trust. It's obvious the dog wasn't treated very well by the slavers. Although perhaps he was treated better than the slaves were...

She sees the others are getting ready, so she shoulders her pack as well, calling Emerrati to her side.
"So we're not searching for the horses?"

2013-11-21, 08:31 PM
Seeing that Adalind is calm and didn't answer his questions, Tagan realised she had tricked him and he sheathed his swords while coldly saying to her, "I suggest you take a lesson from the boy who cried wolf."

Afterwards he put his smile back on, looked to the others and cheerfully said "We should probably see if we can find the horses, also when we get to a settlement perhaps we should say that a few of us are mercenaries hired to protect the others, you could be merchants or something else. To explain our battered state we should explain that we were attacked by undead and lost quite a bit from it." He looked to the sorceress and said to her, "And to explain why you are wearing those clothes you could say that while the rest of us were fighting the undead you were battling the necromancer who commanded them and during the fight one of the necromancer's spells ruined your clothes and what you are currently wearing is all that could be spared."

2013-11-21, 11:08 PM
Merin chuckles a bit at the antics of the group. At first he was shocked and a little disturbed at talk of eating the dog, but when it all turned out to be in jest Merin was relived. It has been far too long since I have heard words of sincere humor. Too long have I listened to the crude and often cruel jokes of the slavers that I almost forgot how to laugh.

"I believe we should grab what we can carry and make for the river. We need water before we will need food, and the horses are no different in that respect. If they escaped and calmed down they likely will be somewhere near the river. I have my doubts that we will find the horses tonight, but the light of day may bring us fortune."

Merin looks around at the group and at the darkness around the camp. His eyes piercing the darkness to a point, but then blackness is all that lies beyond.
Perception: [roll0] Merin has Darkvision out to 60ft. if that matters.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-22, 02:13 AM
Tenma blinks when Tagan mentions her clothes. Looking at the rather large shirt she had pilfered. 'I suppose I look like a child wearing her father's shoes,' she thought ruefully.

"Yes, well I agree we should get going, the longer we linger the more danger we will be in." With a nod of certainty the sorceress strides over to Merin, ready to depart with his glowing shield leading the way.

She took a breath, opening herself to her magic, ready to fire off a spell should something leap at them from the darkness.

2013-11-22, 08:11 AM
As the group begins to move towards the treeline a little off from the camp a few are already there, ensuring the path is safe to travel. In particular Rook is scouting and slows momentarily as something moves within the trees just to the left of the path. The noise of the group dispel's the moment of tension as a fox scampers across the path in no hurry to slow down and be caught by the massing group of people.

The path is narrow enough to walk but too narrow for the wagons and it is not a path that is used often or by large groups. The trees are not particularly dense but even after only a few minutes the sounds of the world start to return and with the camp out of sight some among the group begin to accept that they might actually be free. And as you walk, given a break from the wind it's even possible to warm your bodies.

The sound of the river is heard some time before you reach it and as evidence by how fast it's flowing it comes to no surprise. You do not find any of the horses, but Rook will find tracks of hooves that look fresh, and thanks to the light that approaches from behind you can see on to the black water and the large stones that are placed along its breadth that could be hopped across if you were felling brave.

At this stage you have three choices. North, South or Cross the River.

2013-11-22, 12:58 PM

Adalind kneels down by the river and scoops up a few handfulls of water to drink. She fills her waterskin as well.
"I have no intention of getting enslaved again, so i think it's best we don't go into Cheliax. I have no idea where we are, but i do know Cheliax is all over the southern coast. I was born in Cheliax and it's not a very pleasant place to live in, especially for my kind.
So for i'd like to go either north or east. Does anybody know something about the countries north or east? Are their any countries that don't allow slavery?"

Adalind quickly takes off her clothes and armor, ignoring the looks the others might give her. She lost any shame she might have had before while being stuck in those cages with several other people. There was no privacy in those cages and most of the time she was the only woman.
She wades into the water to take a bath, the first one in months. She also takes the time to wash her 'new' clothes. It's going to be great to feel clean again.

2013-11-22, 01:59 PM
I'm from Brevoy myself, i didn't even realize i had been takes so far south so i have no idea about whats where locally. That said if you want to steer clear you really really want to escape slavery for good i recommend moving to the river kingdoms." As he speaks Mae also begins filling his water skin, draining it in a single large pull before refilling it again. "They are as egalitarian as it gets, so long as you can handle yourself in a fight you have rights."

As everyone else sees to their clothes Mae uses the better lighting to inspect his new sword more closely, polishing it and ensuring that the condition inside the sheath is good and dry.

As a side note, as we are walking i'll be looking for the right sized branch or stick to eventually fashion into a crude practice dueling sword with some untrained take tens. Since we will probably be walking for a long time all day i'll just take 20 on the roll if that's ok.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-22, 02:22 PM
"I know nothing of this region, but I agree with Adalind, we should not go back south," she nods at the tiefling, unfazed by the other woman's lack of dress. She had used her magic to clean herself, but Tenma understood the need for a good bath. "That being said, I do not know how well we could cross this river. Some of us may still be too weak from captivity."

She stands by the shore, taking a drink from her waterskin until she is refreshed. She stands watch while the others clean themselves up, using her magic to dry clothing to hurry things along.

Using prestidigitation to clean and dry, as well as making a perception check to spot danger. [roll0]

2013-11-22, 03:14 PM
When they got to the river Tagan also took a drink of water and filled his waterskin, when we saw Adalind about to take a bath he said to her "While a bath would be nice, I don't think running for our lives is the best time for one." He sighed as the others were talking about leaving Cheliax, he did not want to leave but he knew his best option was staying with them for now so he said, "Since all of you want to leave Cheliax, I suggest we go east to the nation of Andoran, it used to be a part of Cheliax but they revolted a while ago. Also they hate slavery."

2013-11-22, 03:39 PM

Adalind finishes her bath, puts her clothes and armor on and accepts Tenma's offer to dry her clothes.
"River Kingdoms? Aren't those really far away? The place we go to would have to be reachable. And it would have to be somewhere we can make a life for ourselves.
I really don't know enough about the surrounding nations to make any suggestions."

2013-11-22, 07:58 PM
While the other jabber, Rook is buy taking a closer look at the horse tracks. he had more immediate concerns than their final destination. Besides, it's not like his ilk wold be welcome regardless of their choice.

"I recommend following the horses." He argues as he bends over to sort out the jumble of prints in the muddy riverbank. "After that..." he shrugs.

Survival to track the the horses: [roll0]

2013-11-23, 08:02 AM
You will have no problems finding a stick that should hold up to your training, and even if it breaks you can just find another.

Rook, given the stones in the river and the river's natural fast flowing state the banks at either side have been softened over the years. Assuming the Horses followed the river some of the way it will be a simple task to follow them.

The wild elf stays back, away from the water and stands peering out the way the group came. Tenma, a you swing round cleaning the Elf says something to you in what's probably elven, not having considered you might not have understood him. Strangely however there there seems to be nothing going on other than your group. It's very quiet.

2013-11-23, 12:09 PM

"Yes, let's try to follow the horses first. We could really use them, either to scout or to help us carry our items.
After that it's either east or north, although north might be difficult because of those mountains. Trying to cross them without food or warm clothes might not be the smartest thing to do."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-23, 04:10 PM
Tenma's brow furrows as the wild elf speaks to her.

"I do not speak elven, friend. Do you see something out there?" The sorceress peers into the darkness, finally noticing the lack of other sounds. An uncomfortable sensation creeping up her spine.

"We have wasted too much time here, let us get moving soon," she calls back to the others.

2013-11-23, 05:38 PM
The wild Elf turns and blinks blankly at Tenma for a few seconds before repeating himself only loud enough it can be heard by most of the group. Those of you that are proficient in the Elven tongue hear him say, "The mist will be upon us soon, we must move or prepare to battle the fallen"

Those of you that don't can make a Linguistics check DC 20 to catch the meaning of his words.

He steps closer to Tenma and extends his hand to match her eye-line and at the farthest reaches of vision Tenma can see a feint rolling fog moving slowly in this direction.

2013-11-23, 05:52 PM

Adalind hears the Elf say something in that weird language of him. She doesn't understand a word he's saying.
"Oi Elf, i don't understand your tree-speak. Stop trying to seduce the sorceress and repeat that in Common will you."

2013-11-23, 06:59 PM
He said the undead are coming, I say we cross this river as fast as possible if we are lucky it will slow them down a little.

2013-11-23, 07:12 PM
Merin was looking out over the water (away from the bathing tiefling) when he heard the Elf's words. It took him a while put two and two together, but Maethras' words brought the situation to cutting clarity. "Those who can't fight should make their way across the river! The rest of us can hold them off." Merin moves away from the river bank and stands before the approaching fog.

2013-11-23, 09:08 PM
Tagan hearing the Aasimar's words took a step towards the river but thought against it, "I've taken two swords and the leather armour, it would look bad if I ran, although I could say that I'm making sure they're safe on the other side of the river, however earning their trust would be easier if I stand and fight with them here, and if it gets too rough I could run then." Taking a deep breath, he turned his back to the river and walked up to the healer's side while unsheathing his swords.

2013-11-24, 09:21 AM

Adalind stays on this side of the river, keeping her shield ready. She doesn't have a weapon she can use, but her claws can probably do some damage. And she has a few magic tricks up her sleave. She gives some orders to one of the unarmed humans. Nobody else seems to want to make any decisions, they just want to start fighting.
"Oi Blake, you make sure that Tay, Amber and Nessa get over the water. Take your time and make sure you don't fall in. After those three it's the gnome. Then you. Then that half-elf Illoin or Oillin or whatever his name was.
Rook, you go right behind the unarmed ones, start shooting if those undead are close. If they're far enough away, start searching for horse tracks. Tenma, you go right after Rook.
And then the four of us that are left will figure out who goes first depending on if we're in combat or not.
If there only a few of them, we may be able to finish them before they get dangerous. If there's more than a few we just have to buy some time for everybody to get over the river so we can try to get away.

Get moving Blakey, we don't have all freaking day."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-24, 11:54 PM
Tenma scowled as she backed towards the river. Standing near the bank, she turned towards the encroaching fog and prepared herself to fight, keeping the armored combatants between her and the approaching enemy.

"I will help us hold them back as long as I can." Her voice was calm, elemental energy building around her as she prepared a spell to hurl at the first creature to exit the fog bank.

2013-11-25, 10:14 AM
It's all a bit of a mad rush in the first few moments of the oncoming battle but Adalind's firm orders help to bring some organization to what would have been people making rash jumps across the fast flowing river.

The very instant a foot touches the first stone everything is stilled, though only for a second. The fog picks up it's pace as if it were aware of intent and following quickly behind it bellows the piercing echo of screams as forms burst through the fog running at full tilt.

Forms without flesh and burning flame where there should be eyes, adorned in what was once shining chain and strongly gripping rusted blades. They move with an unnatural speed and their motion is not fluid but broken and uneasy.

And as they charge it clear there is only one intent and that is to kill.

Order of actions for the combat.

Mearthas: 21
Rook: 16
Adalind: 14
Merin: 12
Tenma: 12
Enemy (6): 11
NPC's: 11
Tagen: 9

You will have 2 rounds to prepare actions from the incoming charge. Any ranged attacks on the first shot if your making on will be made at -2 for cover. The second round they are made at no penalty. I'm giving the AC this time for quickness sake.

AC = 18 for first round due to cover and 16 other than that.

Knowledge Religion DC benchmarks: DC10, 15 AND 20.

So if you act before the enemy then you are making three actions, if you act after them then you are making two.

That make sense to everyone?
{table=Head]Enemy | AC | HP | Conditions
1 | 16 | ??/?? | None
2 | 16 | ??/?? | None
3 | 16 | ??/?? | None
4 | 16 | ??/?? | None
5 | 16 | ??/?? | None
6 | 16 | ??/?? | None[/table]

2013-11-25, 01:06 PM

The months she spent in the cage probably made Adalind a bit rusty. And getting pushed into a fight she didn't prepare for is not going to do her muscles any good. She's going to be sore afterwards.
She starts by judging these undead and their actions in her own mind. Then she tries to identify the undead.
She tries to scream some courage into herself by letting out a savage roar at the closest undead. She moves in front of Tenma, the sorceress probably needs to focus to use her magic.
Then she starts fighting, lashing out at an other undead then the one she screamed at with the claws on her right hand.

Round 1: activating Judgement (justice) as a swift action for +1 on attack rolls.
Knowledge Religion: [roll0]
Round 2: Ear-Piercing Scream at the closest attacker for [roll1] damage, target is dazed for 1 round.
Moving in front of Tenma.
Round 3: attacking another undead than the dazed one with a claw.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-11-25, 01:09 PM
"Fear not. The gods are with us this day!" Merin cries out as a burst of warmth radiates out from him, calming fears and tightening grips on weapons.

First round:
Standard: Cast Bless: All allies (within 50ft.) get a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves versus fear. Lasts for 10 rounds.

Merin is glad that the man so skilled with locks also seems to be competent with the blades he holds as he stands beside him facing down the charge. "May the gods guide you in this battle friend." Merin says to Tagan, laying a hand upon his shoulder and sending a prayer to the gods that he would be so guided.

Second round:
Standard: Cast Guidance on Tagan. +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. Must be used in the next 10 rounds.
Move: (if I was not close enough to touch Tagan I move next to him otherwise I stay where I am.)
Bless counter: 9 rounds remaining.

During Merin's preparations the undead have grown close. He can feel their vileness as if it were a foul wave about to crash upon their shore. He sets his feet, presents his shield to them with one arm, and with the other he fires off a bolt of pure energy towards the undead right in front of him. With but a moment to spare, Merin also draws his dagger in preparation of the bloody business at hand.

Third round:
Standard: Cast Disrupt Undead on the undead closest to being directly in front of me. Ranged touch [roll0] (+1 dex +1 bless) deals [roll1] Damage if it hits.
Move action: Draw my dagger.
Bless counter: 8 rounds remaining.
Guidance counter (on Tagan): 9 rounds remaining.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-25, 01:26 PM
Tenma sets her feet as the horde rushes from their foggy cover. As the unarmed survivors hurry past and onto the rocks behind her, Tenma squints at the obscured forms of the approaching creatures. She feels Merin's holy blessing surge through her as it combines with the magic from her blood, and she fires a bolt of pure arcane energy at one of the approaching targets.

Casting Magic Missile on one of the skeletons. [roll0]

The Sorceress feels the familiar euphoric sensation accompanying her casting, and fires another blast into the approaching creatures, focused on bringing one down before the two groups clash.

Magic Missile once again! If the target died from the first one, she would switch to another. [roll1]

Now she sees that the monsters are nearly upon them, their forms finally clear even in the poor lighting. She fires a different spell, channeling her Kami blood into a ray of electricity.

[roll2] (+2 dex +1 Bless) [roll3] Once again, she would switch targets only once she's killed an enemy, even if it takes all three spells to do so. Her final spell would target the one closest to Merin.

2013-11-25, 02:07 PM
When Tagan heard Adalind giving orders he felt some relief that this battle wouldn't be complete chaos, as he looked back to the fog he heard the screams echoing towards the group followed by the skeletons, for a second Tagan's mind went blank with fear but he took a deep breath and prepared to fight.

Seeing the other's magic gave Tagan some comfort, he had always enjoyed magic and wished he could use his own small amount in ways other than aiding the activation of magical objects, after the healer spoke while casting a spell on him, Tagan smiled and replied "And may they guide you as well."

As the undead got close Tagan got into a defensive stance, ready to parry any attack aimed at him.

Round One: Pass
Roudn Two: Using standard action for Total Defense (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Total-Defense): +4 AC(Total:19) for one round, can't make attacks of opportunity while using Total Defense.

2013-11-25, 02:30 PM
If we are to have any hope of survival I had better make sure that Merin is kept safest. Shifting in front of Merin before the horde arrives, Mae prepares himself to strike down the first zombie that enters his reach. As he feels the blessing cast upon him he turns to him "Indeed they are, let us just hope that Cayden is willing to clear my accounts if i meet my final moments today."

Taking a ready action to attack the first undead that enters my reach.
Attack roll [roll0] If i hit [roll1]

2013-11-26, 06:21 PM
Rook stands at the rear of the group of defenders, as directed, the river's waters nearly lapping at his feet. Normally he would chafe under such direction, ut if the others wanted to stand between him in the undead, more power to them.

He lets loose a volley of arrows as the skeletal abominations emerges from the fog bank, concentrating on a single target until it falls.

[roll0] (includes Bless bonus)

[roll2] (includes Bless bonus)

[roll4] (includes Bless bonus)

2013-11-27, 08:37 AM
There is little to no hesitation as the undead make the first rush forward converging on the path. Rook sends an arrow away that ricochets from the leaders armor but does not connect fully. While Merin send out a prayer, filling the area with a mystical energy which rushes to boost his ally’s. The first Connecting hit is made by Tenma who sends a shining bolt of light shattering into the rib-cage of the leading undead, though despite the shards of bone that are send in every direction the monster does not stop in it’s stride..

As the undead reach the path and begin their next rush the screams grow louder. Rook’s second shot connects, and even though arrows are not known for their ability to take down what now becomes clear to be skeletons it shatters and immediately begins to crumble to dust under the heavy feet of it’s following brothers. The screams of the undead are met and matched by Adalind who lets out a scream of her own, causing the new leader to stop in it’s tracks and be overtaken by the others as its skull and limbs crack. And the new leader of the pack does not make more than a few steps before being blown to pieces by Tenma’s next bolt of light.

They are looking damaged but it’s far from over as those up front could swear they can see a look of glee in the flaming eyes of the undead before them as they prepare to charge. The first however is cut down, even with the resistances of the undead by Mearthas’s powerful blow. It’s clearly too chaotic a scene as people swing and the undead charge as Rook’s next volley fly’s in inch to wide. Adalind’s fury is released as she swings a claw to the next undead, a truly solid hit that would have killed the average man outright, but the undead seems only damaged by the strike, though it’s almost destroyed by whatever Merin just did to it, and even in it’s damaged state seems to have chosen a new target for it’s final moments. From nowhere an arc of lightning spills out over the scene, but somehow manages to miss the charging undead and thankfully the unknowing observers too as hairs are now standing on end.

And then the surviving undead are here, in an ungodly clash the make impact, either by sword or body. Tenma is struck, though thankfully the blow was not a severe one, opening a cut on her right shoulder. Tagen however seems to have been caught by what might have been a skilled warrior in life as he takes a palpable hit, leaving a jagged wound across the chest.

{table=Head]Enemy | AC | Damage | Conditions
1 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
2 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
3 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
4 | 16 | 3/?? | -2 AC (charged)
5 | 16 | 2/?? | Dazed
6 | 16 | ??/?? | -2 AC (charged)[/table]

The knowledge Religion result - Skeleton, though thankfully not powerful creations. DR 5/Bludgeoning

Charge on Tenma - Charging for +2

Charge on Tagen - Charging for +2

2013-11-27, 08:51 AM
Rook isn't exactly surprised that the arrows were ineffective--no flesh to stick in, after all--but trying is better than doing nothing as they charged in.

But doing something that works is even better. Like latching on to one of those corpses and tearing it into little boney chunks. In that spirit, he stalks forward, into the melee, and sets to work in a more...personal manner.

Move action to approach a skeleton, preferably #4, and standard to bite it (bite counts as piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning). Keeping bow in hand so that it doesn't get stepped on or something.


2013-11-27, 01:20 PM
Tagan attempted to parry the skeletal warrior but it shifted it's attack at the last second and was able to brutally slice Tagan's chest, he grunted in pain then attempted to stab a weak point with just his right blade while keeping his left ready to parry another strike.

Using guidance.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-27, 01:29 PM
Hissing in pain, Tenma shifts away from her attacker, firing another bolt of electricity at the creature. 'I must deal with this bakemono quickly, or I'm in serious trouble.' she thinks, brow furrowed in concentration.

Taking a 5-foot shift away from my attacker, then firing an elemental ray at it. [roll0] [roll1]

2013-11-27, 01:37 PM

Adalind slashes her claw at the undead that charged Tenma, hoping to draw it's attention away from her.

Claw at the one that charged Tenma. Adalind was standing near Tenma, so i should be getting a flanking bonus. Adalind will take a 5ft step if she's too far away.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: flanking or not, that should be a hit :smallsmile:

2013-11-27, 03:41 PM
Seeing an opportunity Mae rushes the momentarily shaken skeleton.

If the stunned skeleton is more than ten feet away i'll charge it, if its not than ill just take a five foot step up to it and attack. [roll0] [roll1] Add +2 to those if it was a charge.

2013-11-27, 04:31 PM
Merin looks inward to the power residing within him. He carefully stokes this power into a writhing froth before unleashing it against the lifeless husks around him in a bright burst of light.

Channel positive energy against the undead (all of which should be within 30ft. of Merin) doesn't provoke AoO and does [roll0] positive energy damage or half that on a successful DC 14 will save.

2013-11-28, 03:35 PM
Given the wound Tagen has just endured, it’s no surprise that the swing is a little off as the skeleton bends its waist to avoid the blow. As Rook sweeps in an attempt to bite it one of the skeletons, but it would seem these creations have been build for close combat as it too falls just short Adalind connects powerfully with a claw and it would seem the skeleton was paying not attention as it made no attempts to dodge, as it falls to the ground crumbling.

A burst of energy flows over everyone once again, though this time the sensation is different. Rather than the empowering feeling from a few moments ago, the undead that remain screech in pain. The previously dazed skeleton simply turns to dust while the only other is forced to take half a step back, as if the pulse of energy blew away its form like a statue worn by the sand of ages. But it stands again ready to kill. Te look of glee upon its face is not long lived, as Mearthas explodes into motion and in one final strike brings final death to the creature. Just in time for the other people with you to reach the other side.

{table=Head]Enemy | AC | Damage | Conditions
1 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
2 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
3 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
4 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
5 | 16 | --/-- | Dead
6 | 16 | --/-- | Dead[/table]


6 Broken Chain Shirts
6 Broken Scimitar

XP Awards

100 each

2013-11-28, 04:32 PM

Adalind moves her shield to her back, it hadn't been very usefull.
She's pleased with herself. The first strike she made with her claw hit, but she was out of practice and it didn't do much. The second strike was a lot better, destroying a skeleton in one blow. She's a lot more certain of herself now, the months in the cage made her a bit rusty, but she can still fight decently.
"Decent fight from you lot." She says to the five others that are standing there with her. "Better than i expected. We'll need to get some more experience fighting together as a group.
We better start moving again, we have no idea if there's more of them around here. Or if Kemsey is following us.

Oi Blake, i'm throwing you some stuff we took from the undead. It's broken, but with some luck we can fix it. Or get it fixed.
Somebody help me find those bloody horsetracks, we're going to need them."
Adalind throws the broken chain shirts and scimitars over the river. Or, if it's too far to throw, she'll have the humans already on the other side form a human chain to get the stuff over. She then lets the gnome distribute the items over everybody's packs.
Once all the stuff is on the right side of the river, Adalind will cross the river as well. Once there she will start searching for horse tracks.

Taking 10 to cross the river.
Searching for horse tracks, so survival: [roll0]

2013-11-28, 10:11 PM
Tagan sheathed his blades and winced at his chest wound, he looked to the healer and said "Nice work with that spell, could you help me with this wound?"

After listening to what Adalind had to say, Tagan replied "I agree, perhaps we should tell eachother about what skills we have then come up with a few strategies." A thought suddenly occurred to him, he glanced behind his shoulder and asked, "Also, does anyone recall the direction the Slaver's leader snuck off to?"

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-28, 11:37 PM
As the vicious melee continues, Tenma feels a surge of relief as Adalind quite handily brings down her attacker. Now free to look for a new target the Sorceress is surprised to see the last of the wicked creatures fall.

'These are skilled warriors,' she thinks, nodding approvingly. She then inspects the gash on her shoulder. 'I shouldn't bother Merin with this.' She cleans the wound with a spell, and then moves to assist with carting the new supplies.

"That was a mighty blow, friend," she says to Adalind, "I am grateful for the assistance." A slight bow of the head, a show of respect.

"I agree that we can benefit from knowing each others skills," she says, "but I think we can also benefit from knowing what to call each other." A wry grin quirks her lips.

"I am Tenma, a Sorceress of Minkai," She offers a slight bow.

Once introductions are through, she heads across the river, taking care not to fall in.

Taking 10 on Acrobatics.

2013-11-28, 11:54 PM
When the last of the skeletons collapses in on itself, Rook is already scrambling forward to retrieve any lost arrows. He saw the one hit snap as it struck its bony target, but the two misses might still be whole. If that helps him avoid the small talk, all the better. It wasn't his strong suit, and he wasn't sure if he trusted these people yet, especially the newer additions to the slave caravan. The circumstances were too strange.

Hearing Adalind yelling about the horse tracks draws him back to the group. "I was hunting for their direction when we were attacked. It should not be difficult to find them again."

Perception to find lost arrows [roll0]

Survival to track the horses [roll1]

take 10 on acrobatic to cross the river, if the tracks lead that way (12 total)

2013-11-29, 01:43 AM
Merin is relieved when the last undead falls and all of his allies remain standing. When Tagan asks for him to look at his wound he quickly complies. Fearing that this would not be the last encounter with enemies before they reach safety, Merin draws on his quickly diminishing reserves of strength to heal his wounds. Holding his hands over Tagan's wound he mutters softly and focuses as a soft white light envelops his hands and then moves into the chest wound knitting the flesh back to wholeness.

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

Turning his attention back to the group Merin says, "My name is Merin in case you didn't know. Though I have learned to respond to 'healer' since my capture." That said he makes his way over to the river. Well... time to see if this leg has any agility in it. He takes a deep breath and says a prayer before leaping from rock to rock across the river.

Take 10 to get across the river.

2013-11-29, 08:45 AM
Following the tracks is a simple task for your professional hunters, though it's not until the sun begins to rise that you find them, grazing near the water. The walk till this point as been a mix of wet mud and flat stone, where one could easily set up and fish in the river. The water calms after a time and the sound of wildlife returns, especially the birds in the sky singing their sweet songs.

When you finally encounter the horses you are still a hundred or so feet away, and they are not alone. A humanoid figure moves between four horses, feeding them something from hand.

2013-11-29, 11:36 AM
Tagan felt the healing energy knit his flesh back together and let out a calm sigh of relief, he thanked the healer then touched the former wound and winced from some pain, after deciding not to touch it again he said to the group, "I am Tagan Horson, former Chelaxian actor and successful street urchin."

Once introductions were over he nimbly hopped from stone to stone and reached the other side of the river.

When they reached the horses and the man, Tagan crouched down while motioning the rest to do the same, after that he whispered a suggestion, "We should be cautious, he might be with the slavers, I suggest the rest of you stay here while I sneak closer for a better look."

2013-11-29, 12:21 PM

"Adalind. I hit things. And i know things. A bit of magic as well."
Adalind quickly introduces herself and listens to the names of the others. She'll probably forget or mispronounce half of them. Better stick with 'oi', everybody understands it when she shouts that.

As soon as they've found the horses and the man hanging around them, Adalind grabs her shield from her back again.
"Sneak towards his right side, Tagan. If we don't hear anything from you within 10 minutes, we walk up to him and go talk to him. You stay hidden, be our support if bad things start to happen. If you see something that's not right, come back and tell us about it.
Well? Waiting for something? Start sneaking already.

Oi gnome, where did you put that hourglass?"

2013-11-29, 12:54 PM
The gnome quickly points to the bag Tenma has hoisted over he shoulder but doesn't say anything.

2013-11-29, 01:08 PM
Tagan nodded at Adalind then begun carefully moving towards the horses and unknown man, ready to pull his swords out at a sign of danger, when he get's close enough he takes a good look at the man wondering if he's with the slavers or someone who just wants a few free horses.

Playing it safe by taking ten, so my stealth check is 17 and my perception check is 15.

2013-11-29, 01:55 PM
From where the group sits in wait Tagen slowly makes his way around out of the humanoid's immediate field of view. The humanoid does not seem does not seem to notice Tagen and has moved to sit on a rock facing the river.

As you get within easy charge distance, if the situation were to call for it, you can clearly make out that the form is that of a human female in her late thirties, wearing home spun clothing with waist length brown hair tied back. She is feeding two of the horses by hand, some sort of berry though it's too difficult to make out the type from here.

She has not seen you, and luckily neither have the animals which was more of a risk and you catch a snippet of a one sided conversation as she seems to be talking to one of the horses. "No... You can stay here as long as you like... No of course I'm not going to eat you... Or whip you... Of course you can my dear." As she holds out another berry for the horse to eat.

2013-11-29, 02:18 PM
I'm not sure if I should put my post in a spoiler but I'll do it just to be on the safe side.

As Tagan watched the woman feed the horses he thought to himself, "I didn't know horses eat berries, I guess you learn something new every day. She seems to like the horses, I wonder if she's a druid or just a kind woman who cares about animals, I guess I'll find out when they come and talk to her, or should I talk to her? She doesn't seem to be dangerous, seem being the important word, I'll stay cautious and wait to see what happens when the rest come to talk to her."

2013-11-29, 02:35 PM
I'll go ahead and pretend the 10 minutes have passed, Tagan did his thing and didn't come back


Adalind keeps her eye on the hourglass, ten minutes pass without Tagan coming back. He's probably still hidden somewhere, although she can't see him. She puts the hourglass back into Tenma's pack.
"Time's up, who wants to go talk to the horse person? I'm staying here, don't want to scare him or her by walking up there. To some people i look like a bloody demon.
Rook, you stay here with me. A bird guy is no demon, but you're a bit weird looking as well. And you can shoot your bow if needed."

2013-11-29, 03:51 PM
"I will go speak with whoever it is. After all, an old man with a limp is nothing to fear. Though I ask that we don't resort to violence if at all possible. Not everyone in the world is as bad as Kemsey," and some are much worse. Merin thinks to himself as he leaves his shield with the others. He keeps his dagger and makes his slow way over to the person standing by the horses.

"Blessings of the Gods be with you! I am surprised to see someone out so far from any signs of civilization. Pray, might I know your name? Mine is Merin, and I make my way through the world as a healer should you be in need of my services." Merin approaches until he is about 10-15ft. away, or farther if the stranger stops him, and makes a small bow.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-11-29, 08:01 PM
The figure notices your slow approach a little after you begin moving towards her but she allows your approach with a cocked head of confusion. When you finally stop her head straightens and she stands, ready to receive you.

The horses don't react to Merin's presence as they are used to him being around. But before he gets within earshot she asks the horses something. "Is he one of them?" And after a short pause and a head shake from the horse she is petting she gets a reply it would seem. "I see."

Her stare lingers on Merin for quite some time, as if she were trying to determine something about what Merin had just said. "Merin. I appreciate any blessing from a healer, though I am skilled in its arts as well and should not require your services, but thank you.

I am as surprised as you are. If you don't mind me saying, a man with your disability would not survive alone on the path you have just taken, and as much as I appreciate your manners I must ask you a question. And if the answer is not to my liking then you may not stop here for rest, healer or not." The feeling behind the tail end of her words is hard and filled with an obvious passion. And she makes not attempt to hide that fact that what she really meant to say was if you don't answer correctly you will be answering to her.

"Have you, or any you travel with caused harm to these animals, in any way?"

2013-11-29, 08:18 PM
More than willing to let the Merin handle the pleasantries, Rook hangs back at the tree line with the others, straining to listen to the conversation. But upon hearing the odd woman's 'one question,' he can't help but roll his eyes.

Having spent most of his life hunting and scavenging in the wilds, he was well acquainted with people of her ilk. The handful of crazies who deluded themselves into thinking the natural world was some kind of happy family working together for the common good. Rook, of course, new that it was really a bloody competition in which every creature was locked in a mortal struggle to eat and procreate before it died.

"Ugh, she's a druid," he mutters to the others.

2013-11-29, 09:14 PM
Merin notes that she did not return her name, but does not blame her her anonymity at this juncture. She is still deciding if I can be trusted. Best assuage her fears before unpleasantness erupts. "I can honestly say that neither I nor my companions were in any position to do harm to anyone before today. A mixed blessing has recently emancipated us from slavery and set us on the run from foul Undead and a remnant of our former captors. We had hoped that the horses could aid us in our flight to some refuge, so we have sought them out. We are a fair number, but we have little in the way of food and scant knowledge of where to go. If there is any aid or guidance you can provide us we would be grateful for it." Merin stands with his arms hanging loosely at his sides. His face is calm and shows no signs of deception or desperation. He stated his position clearly and trusts that any care this women holds for nature would extend to them as well, because truly before their release they were little more then animals.

2013-11-29, 09:40 PM
She spends close to ten seconds flicking back between Merin and the horses, saying nothing but clearly thinking quite deeply.

When she does finally answer the tension she had built up in anticipation fades with a deep intake of breath and long, labored exhale. "I believe you healer Merin.

If the animals wish to travel with you then that is their choice, I will not stand in the way. For now though, would you and your friends join us that I may feed you and hear of your blighted encounter with the Undead? I assure you no harm will come to you under my care. And thank you Healer Merin for being so forthcoming."

Without waiting for an answer she looks skyward and whistles, calling a robin to her hand and says very slowly and clearly to the robin, "Please 'fetch' Rokar and tell him to 'bring' a big sack of food." And immediately the bird swoops off as she resumes her attention on Merin, smiling.

DC 17 Perception to hear whats going on, you can take 10 on this.

2013-11-29, 10:43 PM
Merin turns back to where the others remain hidden in the treeline and waves them forward toward him.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-30, 02:13 AM
Tenma remained fairly quiet during the ten minute wait, and she accepts the proffered hourglass with a silent nod. When Merin volunteered to be their spokesperson she merely said, "I will be ready to assit you, should the worst happen."

On Merin's signal, Tenma is out of cover and heading over at a steady pace until she reaches his side.

"It is good to see a friendly face in these lands," the sorceress offers a respectfully low bow, "it is an honor to meet you. I am Tenma, at your service."

Quick Diplomacy to please our host. [roll0]

2013-11-30, 02:47 AM

Adalind grabs Tenma by the hand before she goes to the horse-person.
"Oi wait, tell him or her how i look, i'll stay here until you wave. I don't want to be chased back into the Woods because she thinks i'm a bloody demon."

2013-11-30, 02:56 AM
Rook clacks his beak a few times in frustration, but follows Tenma out. As silly as druids could be, they were deadly serious enemies, and would take to fury over at the smallest misunderstandings.

Really, how was Rook to know that that particular marmot was somebody's special pet? It wasn't wearing a collar. Best not to make a similar mistake again, he thinks as he un-strings his bow.

He stops a few paces behind Tenma, trying not to step on any significant insects. "Rook." He introduces himself. "Just Rook."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-11-30, 03:13 AM
Tenma nods as Rook approaches.

"Ah, that reminds me. One of our number has a bit of fiendish blood, and is anxious not to startle you. She is a good woman though, she fought well against the undead that attacked us." There is a slight twinkle of amusement in the sorceress' eyes as she speaks.

2013-11-30, 10:24 AM
"It is very nice to meet so many polite people in one day. Good morning Tenma, good morning Rook."

She considers Tenma's words carefully, at first unsure how to answer, but with a furled brow she speaks again. "Thank you for the warning, I have not had the best interactions with fiend's or their descendants... I will try not to stare..."

Eager to shift her attention she turns to rook with a smile. "I hope you don't mind me saying, as you are the first of your kind I have actually met... But Crows are one of my favorite birds. They always find the very best ingredients. I don't suppose you have found any interesting foodstuffs that you would be willing to trade? Or maybe a feather or two to help ward away predators?"

2013-11-30, 12:40 PM

Adalind walks out of the bushes and into sight of the person standing with the horses. Turns out it's a woman.
She cracks her fingers a bit, it's been a long time since she met a stranger. She's not counting all the times new slaves were captured. That wasn't meeting people. That was more like.......cattle. And she was part of that herd of cattle.
Before the slavery there were torches and pitchforks and getting run out of town. Fun times. Although at that time she was with her family and they were all Tieflings. Maybe it'll go better with a group of humans around her.
"Adalind." She says to the woman and proceeds to sit down on a good spot. "Got any food?"

2013-11-30, 12:46 PM
Tagan watched the conversation from the shadows with his hands ready to grab his swords and thought to himself, "She still seems nice, but I think I'll wait for this "Rokar" to show himself before I introduce myself."

2013-11-30, 01:26 PM
The lady's gaze drifts from the Tengu momentarily as Adalind grows loser and takes a seat. "Oh... Food, yes it should be here any minute now, I have a cabin not too far from here.

Realizing that she has just done what she said she would try not to she shakes her head and slowly walks towards Adalind, kneeling just out of arms reach, but leans to get a closer look at something. "Mmmm. It looks like Merin has treated you well, stopped a pretty bad infection from building up there." She gestures to Adalind's neck. But is distracted again when the hound sits next to Adalind. "Oooh... Who's this beautiful boy huh..?

His tail begins to wag and his tongue droops from his mouth with a toothy smile. "Oh I see, well I hope you said thank you."

2013-11-30, 03:20 PM

"Oi, what are you doing with my dog?" Adalind asks the woman. She puts her arm possessively around the dog's neck.
But the woman doesn't seem to want to steal or hurt the dog, so she relaxes a bit.
"I've only met him recently. I escaped slavers, he escaped unfriendly masters. They were the same people, they conveniently got killed. We're both better off now.
I've named him Emerrati. Short for emergency ration. It's a joke, i don't plan on eating him.
Don't try to steal him. And get him some food as well.

And do you have a bloody name? I want to know who i'm talking to."

2013-11-30, 04:00 PM
At a bit of loss for words the lady blinks, still smiling in an awkward sort of way.

"Steal..." She says looking down at the dog briefly. "He was just saying you saved him, and one thing you trust is that I am no thief.

And you can all call me Astrid"

Getting the clear impression that Adalind is not quite ready for an intimate conversation she picks herself up and returns to her previous seated position before she remembers a question she had missed. "And there should be enough for everyone, hopefully he gets here soon, you have all been through quite an ordeal it would seem."

From behind you, at about sixty or so feet you can hear the padding of footsteps from something very large that has just stopped. And between two trees stands stands a very large wolf holding a huge filled sack in it's teeth, it's head quite severely tilted to one side, looking right at you.

2013-11-30, 04:28 PM
Rook blinks in surprise as the woman addresses him. It's more thn unusual for humans to talk directly to a tengu with anything other than a brusk command or invective. The slaves aside--though he was sure that some of them would become less polite now that they weren't locked in with him.

At the mention of "interesting foodstuffs," Rook actually lets out a chuckle. "Most people think that my kind just eats carrion." He replies "But it's true that we can be quite picky when given the choice. But we've been too busy fleeing and fighting the undead to do any gathering."

He thinks a moment, then adds, "Not that some food doesn't benefit from proper aging."

2013-11-30, 04:36 PM
Hearing movement behind him, Tagan looked over his shoulder to see the large wolf, he was somewhat frightened but the sack in the wolf's jaws showed that it wasn't a random beast, he figured that it was probably Rokar and decided it might be best to reveal himself to the druid instead of having Rokar reveal him.

Tagan stood up and walked into the small clearing with a smile on his face, he looked at Astrid and introduced himself, "Greetings Astrid, I am Tagan, another member of this small group," He gestured toward the others and continued with a small amount of (fake)guilt in his tone, "I apologize for hiding in the shadows for so long and not introducing myself to you sooner but my childhood has left me a little paranoid, I hope you forgive my rudeness and allow me to have some food."

2013-11-30, 04:48 PM
Mae follows along, last to step out, he stays near the tree line looking for a comfortable tree to lean agaisnt. Waiting until the new person arrives before letting his guard down.

2013-11-30, 05:02 PM
"That is a shame but I understand.

And you should hear what some people say about druids. Not all false though, on both our counts right?" Said with a wink.

The movement from behind Astrid doesn't startle her at first as she had been expecting something to come from that direction but as Tagen speaks shall all but jumps out of her skin. "Ohh..! Where..? When..? No... I guess that's okay. I suppose you would need to be 'cautious' in your situation." She tries to calm herself and attempts to settle on the rock again.

Just as she gets comfortable however there is more movement, following a little behind Tagen. A massive Wolf steps into view, with just enough force on his front legs to cause a 'Thud!' Nestled in it's teeth sits a huge filled sack and it's looking at Astrid.

Once again Astrid jumps. "Ahh! You..! You did that on purpose didn't you?" The wolf nods with a positive yes. "You need to be more aware of your surroundings you big dumb lug, these people have had enough of a scare for one day."

The scolding words of Astrid causes the Wolfs head to dip and his tail to drop as he slowly pads forward and puts the sack down, nudging it over, and laying down, his ears pushed flat.

2013-11-30, 06:35 PM
"We should call the others over too if there is food to be had." Merin says as he turns toward where the other ex-slaves were. "Everyone! There is food here! Don't be afraid of the wolf, I don't believe he will harm you." With that said he finds a seat somewhere and tries to rub some relief into his leg.

2013-12-01, 01:43 AM

That wolf is better trained than her dog is. She'll have to do something about that.
"Oi Astrid, do we just begin to eat or do we wait for a bear to bring the fancy silverware?
Not that i know how to eat with fancy silverware...."

2013-12-01, 08:56 AM
Still recovering from Rokars entrance, Astrids response it quick and to the point. "No, you are free to help yourselves. And I'm afraid I don't own any silverware."

Once the sack is opened, it contains several smaller sacks. One with fruit, one with nuts, one with preserved meat and one with crudely made bread. People are not slow in gathering and picking bits and pieces from each. Meanwhile Rokar takes the opportunity to slide back to where Astrid is sitting and starts a series of whines and growls.

"I think they might have seen enough strange things for now Rokar and it's not a small spell either. Maybe once their finished His head sags once more but nods before casting a gaze over the group. The grey highlights in his fur becoming more noticeable as the sun begins it's climb.

A look in his eye that is unlike animal you have ever met, that brightness associated with intellect.

2013-12-01, 10:50 AM

Adalind starts eating her share of the food. She makes sure Emerrati has part of the meat.
"You know we're escaped slaves. We're trying to find a place where our group can go as a whole and where we can make a life for ourselves. It's possible some of us may leave once we reach a safe place, but for now i think most of us want to stay together.
So can you tell us where we are? And do you know any places around here where we can be relatively safe. Or where we wont be enslaved again.
Most of us don't want to go to Cheliax again. And going over the mountains is probably going to be too hard without foor or warm clothing.
And are there any dangers around here?"

2013-12-01, 02:43 PM
Tagan thanked Astrid for the food and begun eating his fair share, he was about to ask Astrid about the spell Rokar suggested, but decided to talk to the group first, "Speaking of places to go, I've had an idea of where we can go, Isger, it's to the northeast of Cheliax and serves as a trade route between Cheliax and Druma, and the Goblinblood Wars has left it weak, it's army is only capable of protecting the important trade routes, leaving the rest of the country undefended, so we would find no shortage of people in help and bounties to be claimed, although we would need to get some better gear before we start bounty hunting."

2013-12-01, 03:03 PM
"I'm sorry young man, I've forgotten your name." She says looking at Tagen having had little time to consider Adalind's words. "The old Capital Logas would a safe place to start with as only Rook would stand out of place with a group of people I think. A little over eight days by the mountain roads or around five by the river paths if you were to move quickly through the settlements along the way." She takes a quick moment to look in Adalind's direction before continuing.

"Though there can be banditry along either path I'm afraid. However as you survived the undead around here you should find little to stop you."

2013-12-01, 05:04 PM

Adalind thinks about what both Astrid and Tagan said. It's interesting, it's away from Cheliax and it has opportunities.
"Isger sounds like a promising place, Tagan. But you're right in that we need better equipment to get something done.
And Astrid, you mentioned that there's a bandit problem on both the mountain roads and the path along the river."
Adalind keeps thinking about what has been said. There is an opportunity for them here. Bandits. Settlements. No standing army. Gear.
Yes, there is definetly an opportunity.
"I've got an idea. It might be a bit risky, but we may be able to turn a nice profit or some better equipment.
There's a bandit problem around here. There are settlements. What we could do is visit a few of those settlements. At least some of us will, it may be best if i don't go into the villages. We try to find information on the bandits and we ask what they would pay us if the bandits were to go away.

After that we hunt down the bandits and either kill them or find another way to remove them. We take their stuff and we get paid for it. Hell, we could even recruit some of the bandits if they're just desperate and not outright evil.
Once we are decently equiped we can move further into Isger.
Thoughts? Ideas? Or should we just try to avoid those bandits?"

2013-12-01, 05:38 PM
Tagan looked to Astrid when she stated she forgot his name and reminded her, "My name is Tagan." He then looked to Adalind as she announced her idea and replied, "I thought the same thing, however I'm a bit sceptical about the loyalty of bandits, it might be best that we don't recruit many, just the ones we can be sure about them not stabbing us in the back or running away in the night with all of our things."

2013-12-01, 05:47 PM
"Back to Isger then? Familiar ground, easy to hide. Good."Rook considers. He hadn't really had a strong opinion on their destination--Tengu stand out everywhere--but this choice suited him fine.

"Bandit camps mean food and gear. Maybe gold bounties, if you find someone to pay. I can live off the land by myself, but not feed the whole group." He mutters between bites. "Some of them," he nods at the other slaves, "could wander into a town and find work, but, like as not, you and I would end up back in irons--or worse." The 'you' is, of course, the obviously infernal Adalind.

"We hunt."

2013-12-01, 08:27 PM
"Tagen! Of course, sorry, just a lot of names to remember in on morning."

Along with many of the former slaves Astrid listens to what is said next and it occurs to many of them that te plan might not fit everyone. Most of them look to Blake, as the one who bodily picked people up and moved them across the river to say something and after a couple of looks his way he clears his throat. His voice carries a very deep bass to it, far deeper than his frame would suggest and now that he has been walking, had most of a meal and taken the opportunity to wash it's clear he has regained his composure from before his capture given the confidence in the way he speaks.

"I for one would like to join you. I was a conscript to the force I was with when I was taken so I have no fealty to them beyond that, and fighting bandits sounds like a good use of my time. However, many of these people are not combatants and have expressed their desires to stop at the next settlement and make their ways from there. And I cannot tell for sure but the wild one over there looks like he might be up for a hunt." He thumbs in the direction of the wild elf, who upon noticing the attention passing his way stops mid bite to look accusatory and narrow eyed at people before extending his hand holding a makeshift sandwich offering people a bite.

2013-12-01, 08:56 PM
Tagan listens to the soldier then replies with a warm smile, "Thank you, I am sure you will be a great help." He looked to the rest and continued, "As for those of you who cannot fight, tell us your skills, some of you could still be useful to the plan even if you cannot participate in the battles," He then faced the Wild Elf and finished, "Thank you for the offer but I have my own share of food, if you are undecided about helping with the plan, you would get your fare share of hunting if you enjoy it, and when we succeed you would get a good amount of gold as well."

2013-12-01, 09:21 PM
As no one seems to actually be wanting any of his sandwich he takes another bite and chuckles to himself. He does not look up again until he hears something Tagan say. Staring at Tagen as he speaks, chewing the mouthful of food he has just started.

When he does speak at first it's low, saying a few words to himself, trying to form a sentence that might be understood.

"Enjoy hunt but not want paid gold?"

He then waits to see if what he has just said made any sense to his listeners, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink from embarrassment.

Rather than typing out 9 peoples responses here is a list of professional skills people mention.

Tay - Goldsmith, worked alongside Briman
Amber - Doesn't claim to have any practical skills
Nessa - Farmer
Gnome - Monk / Accountant
Illoin - Bard
Alain - Carpenter
Briman - Tailor
Jonron - Self proclaimed worlds greatest chef.
Briah - was being rained in alchemy but doesn't know much yet.

2013-12-01, 10:17 PM
Tagan listened to them then thought for a moment, afterwards he said to the Elf, "Well another hunter to provide food for us would be a great help seeing as Rook cannot do it alone, in exchange we can make sure no one will attack you while you are sleeping." He then looked at each of the rest as he spoke to them, "Illoin, a bard who can sing grand tales of our adventures would be a great help to our reputation.
Briah, if you join us and supply us with alchemical goods we can supply you with what you need to create them and learn new alchemical formulas.
Jonron, your cooking would be a welcome comfort and if you stick with us for a while we can escort you to Logas where your talents won't be wasted.
Briman and Tay, we could escort you to Logas where you can find decent work in exchange for giving us a small discount when you get onto your feet.
Amber are you sure you don't have any useful skills? You must know something, think for a moment.
Nessa and Alain, I can't really think of a way your skills could help us but we will still protect you as far as the next settlement, then you can find your own way."

After saying all of that the looked to the Gnome and spoke a little colder than he did to the rest, "As for you, while an accountant might be useful later on the fact that you haven't given us your name makes me a little suspicious, am I wrong to be suspicious of you?"

2013-12-01, 10:38 PM
The overall response is resoundingly positive, with most agreeing to stick around, at least until a big city. Amber and Briah agree but seem quite flustered at the idea. The Gnome however makes his reply short and bitter sweet.

"You are not wrong."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-01, 11:18 PM
Tenma eats quietly as the others plan and state their professions. She was grateful for the food, and found herself content to merely listen as she admired the large wolf in the clearing.

"I am not opposed to traveling with you for as long as I am needed."

2013-12-02, 01:54 AM
Rook continues to enjoy the free food (which, it is commonly agreed, is twice as delicious as purchased) as Tagan exhorts the other free slaves. He's quietly pleased as each in return an affirmative reply--however reluctant--as it will give him a chance to puzzle out the strange circumstances which lead to their release.

Then the gnome speaks up.

"Explain then, eh? The others may not want to say it, but there's a reason why the rest of the caravan is feeding vultures and we're not. Maybe your suspicious past has something to do with it, maybe not, but you can't expect us to leave it at that."

2013-12-02, 06:35 AM
"As you might suspect me of some foul play I too suspect each of you of the very same. I am under no obligations to divulge my history. Currently I am only guilty of accepting charity." His words are as cold and flat as they have been and his expression is as unchanging as ever. Many of the other people stop looking at him directly, Briah especially.

2013-12-02, 07:43 AM

"Let him have his secrets. But Gnome, i do want another name than Gnome to call you. wether it's your real name or not, that's your business. But you better think of something, or else we'll go with 'Shorty'.
As for the others, i'm glad you all want to stay as a group. That's going to be a lot safer.
Fighting with bandits will only be done by volunteers. We can start doing some training for those who are interested.

Besides, we're headed into Isger. Tagan said that the Goblinoid Wars have left it weak and without a strong standing army. So we're bound to find some empty or half-empty villages. We can easily take an empty village or perhaps even a small fortress and claim it as our own. If we recruit some people or perhaps find some more slaves we can liberate we may have enough manpower to create a safe haven for all of us.
To do something like that we'll need all of you and your skills."
Adalind seems really excited. This is the first time in decades she really sees a future ahead of her, a purpose other than serve the one that happens to own her.

"Oi Shorty, picked a name yet?"

2013-12-02, 09:09 AM
With a wry smile the Gnome answers. "Being both obvious and a fact, Shorty will suffice."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-02, 12:58 PM
Tenma peers at the Gnome with a thoughtful expression on her face. I wonder what he's done? She asks herself.

"I think we should not be so ambitious to start. Let us first reach the safety of a town, and then determine whether or not to try and seize a fortress, yes?" a slight hint of mirth in her voice, she takes a drink from her waterskin.

"Our most immediate concern however, is where we can rest for a time, we traveled through the night, and I am sure some of us are tired especially after eating such a good meal." She bows her head graciously to the Druidess, and rubs the shallow wound on her shoulder gingerly. Sitting cross-legged on the ground.

2013-12-02, 02:32 PM

Adalind gives the gnome a nod. "Shorty it is. Maybe you'll warm up to me some day and tell me your real name. Just do me one favor: don't start calling me 'horny' to retaliate." She rubs over her horns while saying that last part.

"Tenma is right, we need to rest. Astrid, got a spot around your fire for all of us?"

2013-12-02, 03:35 PM
Tagan smiled and said to the Gnome, ""Shorty" huh, sure you don't want to be called a different name? It sounds rude and others wouldn't know that you are okay with it."

After hearing the Gnomes reply he thought for a moment about Adalind's idea, "Taking a small village for ourselves, an ambitious idea that would give us a safe place to stay and some gold too, however there is one problem." He looked to Adalind and spoke to her in a serious tone, "I like the idea of taking a spot for ourselves but there's a problem, when someone finds us they will assume we are bandits stealing a small piece of land for ourselves, if we want to avoid that we would have to purchase the land first, it would be expensive but we could look for someone who's land is currently under the control of bandits and purchase his land for a fraction of the original price, then we clear out the bandits and start building."

2013-12-02, 03:37 PM
For the first time the Gnome releases a genuine laugh with Adalind's comment. "I shall try not too."

"If you intend on staying through the evening I would need some help moving things to the wall of the main room to sleep you all... And Rokar would need to sleep outside?" Astrid quickly turns to see Rokar's reaction and seems surprised by his almost happy bark and quite uncontrollable tail wagging.

"It would seem he likes the idea, though his price for taking his space is you taking turns in petting him"

2013-12-02, 04:40 PM

Adalind puts a hand on Emerrati. "My petting hand has been taken, but there are more than enough other hands to pet Rokar.
As for everybody else: we'll probably be sleeping very close together. So keep your hands to yourselves. If two people want some more 'privacy', perhaps you could ask Astrid. But i suggest you just both keep your pants on tonight. Got it? Lead the way Astrid."

While following Astrid, Adalind walks next to Tagan.
"I like the way you think, Beardy. You're a crafty little bugger, aren't you."

2013-12-02, 04:58 PM
Tagan looked at the happy wolf with a smile then said to Astrid, "I am fine with that price, should I start now or when we get to your home?"

As he walked to the Druid's home he chuckled at Adalind's compliment and answered, "Thank you, I have been called crafty before but it's been a while since I've been called little, and the first time I've been called little by someone shorter than myself."

2013-12-02, 05:04 PM
Merin takes his meal silently, grateful for the food but curious how suddenly circumstances have changed. Mere hours ago we were property, but now we are speaking of becoming landed men and women. Is this merely human agency, or could the gods be subtly influencing events?

He allows the others to chart the course. When Astrid relays Rokar's price for their stay Merin smiles and waves the big hairy beast over and runs his hands through his thick fur happily.

2013-12-02, 05:20 PM
"Ha! If you start now we wont get anywhere for hours."

As Astrid stands to start moving, Rokar pads forward from the group as if to be scouting, his strides become even and his head sways from side to side, watching. The powerful and otherwise intimidating form of the beast ruined by the still furiously wagging tail. The path he treks quickly takes you from the path you would have followed and through a wooded area for around a half mile before reaching a clearing in the trees.

A sizable space in which sits a large cottage with an abnormally wide door and barn, surrounded on most sides by various herb gardens and bushes bearing berries.

As the group reaches the clearing Rokar bounds towards the Barn and tugs on a rope to pull the doors wide and moves inside to the sound of four distinct crashes, the fourth sending a bundle of hay bounding out the door, quickly followed by Rokar who spins and nudges it back in again with his head.

"Welcome. please make yourselves at home" Said as she simply regards Rokar with a shake of her head and a smile "Please forgive his boisterousness, he's not a young wolf any more and we don't get company these days. He gets lonely here with just me, not that he would admit it." She smiles again but this time there is a hint of sadness to it as she walks on through the clearing.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-02, 06:08 PM
The sorceress can't help but shake her head in amusement at Adalind's list of orders. Joining the others as they rise and follow the shaggy wolf through the woods.

Her eyebrows rise at the appearance of the cottage, a smile spreading across her face as the beast crashes his way into the barn.

Your home is beautiful, Druidess." she says simply.

2013-12-03, 02:16 AM
Rook pauses at the door with a slight shudder. It was roomy, roomier than he'd been expecting, but still the walls closed in on him. His breath quickenes ever so slightly, and his eyes dart about nervously. He could feel the cold constriction of the manacles on his wrist again, though he well knew there were none. Months of being locked in a cage, crammed with too many inmates to even lie down, had left their mark. It wasn't debilitating, he could handle it, but sleep, relaxation...out of the question.

"Getting a little crowded in here," he mutters, while leaning on the wall near the door. "I'll sleep outside tonight. Used to it. Like it."


2013-12-03, 02:37 AM

Upon seeing te cabin and the garden, Adalind walks a little slower until she's the last one in the group. Once everybody is walking into the barn she quickly runs to the berry bushes, grabs a handfull and eats them while walking to the barn. The berries are gone once she arrivés there. It's been months since she had some berries, she loves berries.
On the way in she almost bumps into Rook who is walking back out again. She ignores him and searches for a good spot. Emerrati is right behind her and she makes sure he's curled up against her back. That's going to be nice and warm while sleeping.
"This is the first decent night of sleep i'm going to have in months. The first time in months without the chain around my tail, neck and wings.
I'm going to enjoy this, so don't disturb me."
She lies down and relaxes, ignoring the others and whatever they might still be talking about.

2013-12-03, 08:48 AM
The barn was clearly built with animals in mind. To the left there is a pen for the horses which takes up that whole side of the room. The other side would be a wide space if not for the supporting beams that hold the maisonette level to the barn. The sleeping space seems to be getting divided between the two levels.

With large sweeps of his paw under the hay and pulls a large square of fabric, drawing the old contents out the back of the barn and gives it a shake. Then brings it back inside and drops the blanket crumpled in a pile where it was before and looks at those nearby, then to the blanket, then to the people again.

2013-12-03, 12:35 PM

"Somebody get that blanket so the bloody wolf stops staring. I want to get some bloody sleep."

2013-12-03, 02:12 PM
When they reached the Druid's home he said, "Nice place you got here." He then chuckled as he heard the crashes caused by the surprisingly playful wolf.

As Rook went outside Tagan sincerely said, "Alright, have a nice night out there."

After seeing Rokar's treatment with the blanket he chuckled and walked up to the wolf, petting him for a minute while saying, "You're a clever one aren't you?" He then took the blanket to the place they would be sleeping for the night.

2013-12-03, 02:39 PM
Astrid stops in the doorway until people start to get settled. "You shouldn't be bothered here so make yourselves at home. I'll fetch some more blankets from the house should you need them. I'll bring supper in the evening and if there is anything else I can do just ask." She turns to leave but stops just outside the door. "I think there is a lot of work to be done if we are to feed these people, don't you think Rokar?" His response is to move past Astrid, happily accepting the compliment from Tagen on the way past and pick up his pace again as he races back towards the treeline.

"He was my mothers, before she passed... I know your situation is tough, but for what it's worth I am glad our paths crossed today. Thank you, each of you. It's been a long time since I have seen him so happy." And with that Astrid heads to the house aside the barn and goes inside, leaving the door open.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-04, 01:11 AM
Tenma squeezes in with some of the others, seemingly unbothered by the proximity. Her mind occupied with thoughts of sleeping in comfort and safety for the first time in weeks.

"Your hospitality is the kindest blessing we have received in some time. It is our honor to be your guests." She gives a seated bow before curling up and falling asleep.

2013-12-04, 01:35 AM
Merin talks a quick walk in the garden enjoying the smell and feeling of life growing all around him before making his way to bed.
"I wish everyone a good nights rest." says Merin before he says several prayers to the gods he holds close and lays his head down to sleep.

2013-12-04, 08:20 AM
The day is peaceful and warm and though it is not the luxury of a high class Inn this is the first comfort that anyone has felt in a long time. The exhaustion of your recent events allow the day to pass quickly, only waking to the smell of food in the evening with Astrid having prepared a stew and Rokar having lifted it to the barn's door. An assembly of bowls, plates, pots and containers piled next to the cooking pot so that everyone could be fed.

And even as the temperature drops in the evening the sturdy barn stops any wind chill that would occur, which in and of itself is a luxury and when morning does come you cannot help but feel refreshed as the first rays of sun shines through the gap in the door.

2013-12-04, 09:52 AM

Adalind ignores the sound of the others waking up. She quickly walks out of the barn and into the garden. Unfortunatly Astrid seems to be tending the garden. She will either have to ask to take some berries or just go back to the others.
Better go back, if she asks about berries everybody is going to want them.
She walks back to the barn, thinking about those berries for the whole walk.
"Oi, morning everybody. I want to get started on our plans as soon as possible. So get up and get some breakfast. We'll talk while eating."

2013-12-04, 10:25 AM
May wish to edit as Astrid is already tending the garden.

2013-12-06, 04:14 AM
When the night came Tagan stripped down to his pants and went to sleep after making sure his swords were easy to reach.

Tagan calmly awoken to the smell of food, he got up and donned his leather armour before getting a bowl of stew to silence his rumbling belly. After a few spoons of stew he looked to Adalind and said proudly, "I've come up with a few details to our plan to get some land, it will start with me finding the right person, then I will convince that person to sell his land to a naive adventurer who doesn't know that the land is full of bandits or goblins or some other danger for a low price, you will be playing the role of the naive adventurer Adalind, once he is convinced I will bring him the "naive adventurer" for a finder's fee, then Adalind will get "scammed" by the man, and once that's done we clear the land out and begin building our base of operations."

2013-12-06, 04:49 AM

"I don't do acting, Beardy. Besides, who would sell their land to somebody who looks like a bloody demon? Get Tenma or Merin to do it, maybe Mae. Not Rook, Tengu aren't popular either.
And there is one more problem to your plan: we don't have any money. We'll need to solve that first by doing what we discusses yesterday: get bounties for clearing out bandits and keep all their stuff to ourselves.

Oh, and we should ask around in every village we visit about Kemsey. I don't want that bastard to just walk away after what he did to us. And i want to know why we survived. And about the stones he burried. And....anything else about him."

2013-12-06, 05:02 AM
Tagan shrugged and replied, "Someone who likes the idea of getting a demon-girl's hopes up just for her to get ambushed by bandits, Merin is a little old to play the "naive adventurer" so either Maerthas or Tenma would have to play the role, and as for that "problem" I planned this with the idea that we had already killed some bandits and collected their bounties. As for Kemsey, we should see what we can find but revenge and answers might have to wait for when we are better equipped, otherwise we might find ourselves back in chains."

2013-12-06, 07:53 AM
Rook joins the others breaking their fast. He's content to stuff himself for a while (never know when they'll find easy food again), but mention of Kemsey and revenge get his attention.

"Don't wait too long for answers. The trail is already cooling, and gold won't warm it. Kemsey was either mad or playing a deeper game than we know, and I doubt he's done with us in either case. It's foolish to think of settling down with that hanging over our heads."

2013-12-06, 11:12 AM

"The trail is probably already gone.
If you go back to the cages you probably wouldn't find his trail, a horde of undead moving through can do that. I doubt you want to start following a trail only to catch up on several undead.
We'll need to find his trail by looking at it from a different angle. Ask around in villages, perhaps somebody saw him. We still have that signet ring we've found on one of the slavers. If we find the origin of the mark on that ring we may be able to find out more about the slavers. We can ask a blacksmith if there are marks on the weapons that might tell us who made them.
There are a lot of things we can do to find Kemsey, he can't hide forever.

Besides, we're going to need to be strong enough. We've already been captured once and i don't want that to happen again. Kemsey is probably pretty strong, he was leading that group of slavers after all.
We need better weapons and armor, perhaps some magic. Or allies if we can find them. And if we have a base of operations filled with people loyal to us, he can't just walk in and snatch us."

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-06, 12:03 PM
Tenma woke, feeling refreshed for the first time in weeks. She stretched her arms and rose from her makeshift bed to hear the conversation already in progress. Tying her hair back with the strip of cloth she found, Tenma walks over to the others, gathering up her share of breakfast before sitting cross-legged amongst them. She listened for a moment before commenting.

"I am not very keen on simply barreling into this "Isger"? and setting up a shop as it were. Rook is right, we cannot ignore Kemsey, and why he set those stones to spare us from that massacre. It was certainly not out of the goodness of his heart. I believe our attentions should be focused on him, because I do not think we will be safe until that man is gone." She stirs her stew thoughtfully.

"That being said, better equipment sounds like a wise pursuit for us, so let us follow Adalind's plan on that topic."

2013-12-06, 01:02 PM

"Alright, so we'll start with the bandit plan. After that, we'll discuss our situation and see where our priorities are going to be.
But remember, there's a whole group of us and not everybody can and wants to fight. So eventually we are going to need a safe place where we can rest and resupply.
I'm fairly certain that if Kemsey spared our lives for a reason, he's going to follow us. Or at least keep eyes on us.

Anyway, the bandits. We'll need to find a village for information. And food. And other supplies if possible. Then we need to make our offer to take out the bandits for a reward.
And we need to negotiate a temporary place to live for those that can't fight while the rest of us do fight. But those that do can do some work for their upkeep. We do have a Carpenter, tailor and various other professions among us.
Where is Astrid? We can ask her about nearby villages."

2013-12-06, 04:30 PM
Tagan finished his first bowl of stew and as he was refilling his bowl he said, "When we find out who exactly Kemsey is, we should try to find his allies and enemies as well, so we can keep an eye on the allies to see if they will attack us and see if we can find an enemy that would be willing to pay us to kill him so we can get revenge, answers, and gold all in one swoop."

2013-12-06, 08:48 PM
Merin, who had awoken earlier but was deep in prayer for most of the conversation, said to the others, "Friends it is too early on such a beautiful day to speak of such dark matters as revenge. Let us focus on gaining safety for now. The rest will come as the Gods grant in the fullness of time." With that, he samples the simple but hardy fair that Astrid has provided, but quickly makes his way around the group, treating any ills he finds both spiritual and physical with kind words and care.

Heal: [roll0] (In case anyone is hurt)
Diplomacy: [roll1] (To raise morale)

2013-12-06, 08:50 PM
Astrid raises her hand at the mention of her name but waits for Tagen to finish speaking before saying anything herself. "Hope you don't mind I was just listening in. I can show you to the main road near here and whichever way you go you will find villages. If you are headed towards Legos you will reach Linthe and Aman first, small villages who primarily farm the land but the do have a skilled blacksmith in each, and Aman's Tavern does play host to a bard or two. And both have been plagued with bandits this past year. Other than that I don't know what else I can tell you. I don't venture to far."

2013-12-07, 02:49 AM

"Linthe sounds like a good place to start. Visit the blacksmith and see if he can find any marks on our weapons. And ask around in town to see if they can pay us for taking care of the bandits.
After that we can do the same in Aman. But there we can also question those bards for information. About the bandits and about Kemsey.
If the villages are close together chances are good that it's the same group of bandits that's robbing them.

Who wants to do the talking in those villages?"

2013-12-07, 03:02 AM

There's very little that Rook would like to more than head back to the wrecked caravan and try to look for some hint of Kemsey, but the others were right. Padded armor and a cracked longbow weren't going to get the job done. He needed gear, and numbers.

Finally, he shrugs at Adalind."Linthe, then. But you and me might want to stay out of town. First impressions are important."

2013-12-09, 05:04 PM
After finishing his second bowl of stew Tagan shrugged and answered, "Linthe seems to be as good of a start as Aman, and seeing as no one else is volunteering I guess I'll be doing the talking there."

2013-12-09, 07:57 PM
"I can speak as well. Though I admit it will be an effort to convince townsfolk that we are anything other then the bandits they want to get rid of." Merin says with a chuckle as he rejoins the group. "I hope getting to the town will be as easy as we are making it sound. After all, we already know there are bandits in the area and we do present a mostly harmless target. I suppose there is nothing for it but to hope for the best and fight our way through if it comes to that..." Merin breaks off his train of thought for a while before continuing. "Personally I would rather not fight the bandits. If we can talk them into leaving the villages alone then I would count that an even greater victory then lifting blades."

2013-12-10, 01:32 PM

"You can both talk as much as you want, as long as i get to stay out of sight.
If everybody's ready we should thank Astrid for all she's done for us and head out towards Linthe.
Oi Blake, get everybody ready will you?

Astrid, thanks a lot for the help. I will never forget that you helped a group of strangers without asking for something in return.
So thank you and goodbye. Unless you want to leave the house behind and come with us?" Adalind says with a smile, she's sure Astrid wont come with them. The wolf may be a little lonely, but going with a group of former slaves is probably not very appealing.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-10, 03:58 PM
"So it is decided then! Just like that." Tenma's tone is laced with mirth as she finishes her meal and rises to make preparations.

"I am also willing to negotiate with the townsfolk, so that no one of us has to shoulder the burden on their own." A nod to Merin, and Tagan. "We are indeed indebted to you, Astrid, and I for one will never forget your kindness. If there is anything you ever need, seek me out and I will gladly lend a hand."

2013-12-10, 06:54 PM
Tagan looked to Merin speaking about talking to the bandits and replied, "Yes, that would be a great victory, until they break their word and start attacking villages again, I think killing them would make for a more permanent victory."

After hearing Adalind and Tenma, Tagan also thanked Astrid, "You have my thanks as well Astrid, for helping us in our time of need, should you require my aid with something I would be happy to help."

2013-12-14, 02:43 AM
"I was merely stating my hopes Tagan, not what I sadly believe will happen." Merin also turns to Astrid to add, "Indeed, should you or Rokar ever require healing I would be more than happy to help."

2013-12-14, 09:47 PM
"It's what my mother would have done." Astrid says plainly, with a smile. "And I appreciate the offer, but I have so much to do here warding the roads, so I can't leave... And it's me that should be thanking you. This place was once a refuge for travelers when my mother was alive and I had not the courage to continue on my own, until now. It's been a joy to see people here again."

She nods and steps outside to speak with Rokar and those at the door can hear. "They are getting ready to make their way. Please go and scout to the road to make sure the way is clear and then we can get this place tidied up again." And without looking back Rokar heads off in the same direction you all entered from the day before.

2013-12-15, 07:20 AM

Adalind waits by the door, impatiently tapping her foot. She hates waiting.
She wishes she hadn't put the hourglass in Tenma's backpack. She could have put the thing next to her and look angrily from the hourglass to the people getting themselves ready. Maybe then they would have gotten the hint.
She lets out a deep sigh. Perhaps this is the price you pay for being part of a group.

2013-12-15, 11:36 AM
No before too long Rokar returns, seen breaching the tree line at a casual pace, heading back up towards the barn and lets out a singular bark. As he gets to the barn he stretches and sits, peering in through the barn door as everyone gets ready to leave.

Blake wastes no time in getting himself brushed off and carries the empty bowls and the stew pot back to the house before checking over the goods that the group will be carrying and setting them on he horses to carry. "Just about ready to go."

2013-12-15, 11:43 AM
Merin gathers his things and prepares to head off with the others. He does stop to give Rokar a good rub before leaving. He also turns to wave at Astrid before turning back to the trek that lies ahead of him.

2013-12-16, 01:50 AM

"Alright let's go then.
Somebody with good eyes, take the front. I'll cover the back of the line."
Adalind waits until the others have started walking and takes her place on the back of the group. If they meet somebody on the road she'll have plenty of time to hide in the bushes.
She waves goodbye to Astrid.

2013-12-16, 03:01 AM


I will take the lead. Rook states, moving ahead to parallel the trail from the brush.

2013-12-16, 03:31 AM
Tagan double-checked that he had all of his things on him, afterwards he left with the others, giving Rokar a smile and pat on the head as he passed him.

Mr. Turniphead
2013-12-17, 01:41 AM
Tenma falls in with the others quickly, a slight spring to her step now that she's had a good night of rest and an actual meal. She sticks to the center of the group, eyes keen to pick up on any threats on the road.