View Full Version : Rate Erfworld After 15 Pages

Sebastian Bux
2007-01-11, 11:42 AM
It has been questioned if Erfworld is overrated. I feel it's impossible to say yes or no to this question without actually giving the readers a chance to rate it! Please choose a rating from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best). If you would like to comment, please do so below.

This poll is for the comic though page 15.

2007-01-11, 11:49 AM
Sebastian, I thought you were leaving (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1808559&postcount=45). :smallconfused:

2007-01-11, 11:57 AM
Sebastian, I thought you were leaving (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1808559&postcount=45). :smallconfused:

Why, why poke someone with a stick? As a mod and the writer of the comic in question, should you not be above that? PC, I have to say, you are one of the things I like least about Erfworld. It would do you a world of good to take the Giant's stance on this, just leave the boards alone. Bask in the glory of the praises, and ignore the others. Difficult to do, but certainly in your best interest, don't you think?

2007-01-11, 12:01 PM
It has been questioned if Erfworld is overrated. I feel it's impossible to say yes or no to this question without actually giving the readers a chance to rate it! Please choose a rating from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best). If you would like to comment, please do so below.

This poll is for the comic though page 15.

Still too soon.
I've enjoyed what's been presented so far, but we aren't even through the first "issue" yet (standard comics are 32 pages, I believe)
I'd probably have waited till about 20 or 30.

Why, why poke someone with a stick? As a mod and the writer of the comic in question, should you not be above that? PC, I have to say, you are one of the things I like least about Erfworld. It would do you a world of good to take the Giant's stance on this, just leave the boards alone. Bask in the glory of the praises, and ignore the others. Difficult to do, but certainly in your best interest, don't you think?

Its a simple enough question. Guy says he's leaving, but turns around at the door. Apparently he's got something else to say and asking why he stopped in his tracks should not be considered a "poke." Rob does things differently than the Giant . . . or at least the way the Giant currently does things. Rob (and Jami) have put alot of time and effort into this little experiment and are eager to get among the masses and see how its all playing out. I think its great that the artist is tooling around the Arts and Crafts section and routinely makes appearances here to talk about the art and what this or that little easter egg is.

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-11, 12:41 PM
I voted an 8, in case people care. I really like the art, Rob's humor amuses me, and the concept has me intrigued. Although I agree with WampaX, this should have waited a bit. 20 or 25 would be good. I think people are still trying to force Erfworld into the same twice-a-week comic style like many other webcomics out there. But this is a graphic novel presented in serial format. Not the most optimum format (and we all know dnders love their optimization) but it works. I go back to a webcomic called Argon Zark (it's really lame, don't even bother looking it up). It was a graphic novel that was serialized. If it had been posted in a lump, I probably would have skipped it over or glossed over most of the stuff in it. But because it was serialized, I would read the same strip a couple of times, and would catch lots of things I missed the previous times. Erfworld is the same (but not lame at all). Every time I read a strip or panel, I find something I missed the first time. Or I'll finally understand a joke or a reference. Many things get better with time (like wine) but don't look like they will when they first pop up (seriously, have you ever seen a wine making?).

2007-01-11, 12:42 PM
Why, why poke someone with a stick?

Says the guy with the stick, as he pokes me for the umpteenth time...

PC, I have to say, you are one of the things I like least about Erfworld.

A.G., I hope someday you are entertaining a house guest, who behaves like this:

The first thing they do when they walk in your house is tell you it's a pretty crappy house. But then they don't leave, they stick around and keep complaining about things. After a while, they change their tune a bit. "The house has its good points." "This room isn't so bad." "I like that couch but I hate the chair." "There's kind of a nice view from the back." "Don't get me wrong, the house still sucks. Just not as much as I thought." "Well, it's not so bad." "I could live here. I guess." "You know, I'm actually starting to like this crappy old house of yours."

And then one day they tell you, "You know, this house is really okay. I mean it. I like the house! But you, personally, are one sucky host. I hate you."

I hope that happens to you, A.G. And I hope for some compelling reason you are not allowed to tell the guest to leave.

2007-01-11, 12:44 PM
Rob, Just give these guys back their money and they will go away.

Oh right. This is a FREE COMIC! SHUT YER YAP!

2007-01-11, 12:48 PM
We're not going to have another poll along the lines of "Rate Erfworld" until we reach a more significant milestone, or The Giant wants to take a fan reaction reading. And if anyone feels like taking another poke at me, do it by PM.