View Full Version : Since no one else has

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-11, 12:06 PM
I just watched the Ghost Rider trailer from MovieFone. I know everyone hates Nick Cage, and anyone who has read Ghost Rider is going to hate the movie as will many comic book fans in general. I, for one, thought it looked awesome! But then again, I liked Daredevil and Hellboy, movies which I have yet to find another soul to like. (I'm not totally lost, I didn't like the Hulk. That one was crap.)

Maybe it's just that I have a lower expectation of printed/published-to-movie conversions than most people. I kind of go into them expecting the writters to have gutted the whole thing and replaced it with a new plot with the same character names. Example: Troy. Anyone who knew anything about the Illiad or Greek mythology hated this movie. I, knowing a good deal about both, liked it (there was too much naked Brad, but other than that....)

Now don't get me wrong, I am all about movies being accurate to their source. There is a reason people want to see that book made into a movie. They liked the book. I just don't see it as necessary. If the book had never been written, and this movie was still made, most people would like the movie that they currently hate. I will site Daredevil. I asked a Daredevil comic book fan if he would have liked the movie if he had never read the comic. He thought for a minute and he said that he probably would have. He considered the movie on the merits of the movie alone, and did not compare it to it's source.

I go through that thought process every time I see a converted production. Try it, and see if you like some movies more. You may find that the movie did, in fact, suck (my conclusion on the Hulk) regardless of it's innacuracies to the book. And that's good too. Movies are allowed to suck. Heck, the vast majority of them really do. But try it anyway.

2007-01-11, 12:11 PM
I loved Hellboy. Fair enough, I haven't read the comic books, but still, it was pretty damn cool.
Ghost Rider does look cool, and he has always been one of my favorite characters.
And I'm a Marvel Whore anyway. I'll go see it. And I'll see any movie Marvel releases.

2007-01-11, 12:24 PM
I've read Ghost Rider,
I've read Ghost Rider,
and I've read Ghost Rider.

If its the original Ghost Rider, the Phantom Rider, that will be odd, but cool.
If its the second Ghost Rider, Zarathos, that should also be cool.
If its the third Ghost Rider, the spirit of vengence (which it looks to be), that should also be cool.

To wit, I liked Hellboy, though Daredevil and the Hulk were 1/2 decent, 1/2 poo.

Oh, and old thread is <dig> <dig> <dig> here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26963&highlight=ghost+rider)

2007-01-11, 12:40 PM
I'd like to see a disclaimer at the begining of the Comic movies:

Attention Fan Boys and Girls. If seeing your favorite comicbook characters come to life with an altered version of the history you recite to yourselves each night bugs you, please leave now and your money shall be returned to you gratefully. Thanks and try not to bitch too much.

- Stan Lee

Also, I'm with Wampa on this one. I loved every reincarnated, revamped version of Ghost Rider and I plan on wasting another 15 bucks for my girlfriend and I to see it.

I seem to recall something about Dormamu (spelling...) being in it, which even furthers my lust for this to get printed. Of coruse, I could be way off and I hopelessly drooling over it....

on a side:
- liked Daredevil
- liked Hellboy
- never saw Hulk

2007-01-11, 01:10 PM
I have to agree with the opinion here for the most part. I enjoyed Hellboy, and I think that I wanted to enjoy Daredevil. The hulk....well yeah, I got nothing from that movie.

Ghost Rider has always been a favorite of mine and the fact that it is going to be a movie simply means that I have to see it. I think Tape is right though, most of the problems happen when the movie makers try to not upset the hardcore fans while still trying to keep a movie a decent length.

I'd really love to see a movie made about the Watchmen

2007-01-11, 01:15 PM
I'm pretty excited that Marvel read my mind with the Fantastic Four, in that, the Silver Surfer is coming to Earth as the Herald of Galactus to warn everyone of their imminent death.

The reason I mention that is because Marvel has opened the door for a Defenders movie now.

2007-01-11, 01:16 PM
I'm pretty excited that Marvel read my mind with the Fantastic Four, in that, the Silver Surfer is coming to Earth as the Herald of Galactus to warn everyone of their imminent death.

The reason I mention that is because Marvel has opened the door for a Defenders movie now.

Or kill them all. Silver Surfer is a badass.

2007-01-11, 01:36 PM
I want to see an (good) Iron Man movie, he's my favorite. I love the Spider Man movies, but Daredevil is the only movie I have walked out on, ever.

2007-01-11, 01:36 PM
I'm pretty excited that Marvel read my mind with the Fantastic Four, in that, the Silver Surfer is coming to Earth as the Herald of Galactus to warn everyone of their imminent death.

The reason I mention that is because Marvel has opened the door for a Defenders movie now.

Well, Peter Hooten is still alive.
I don't think there has been a Sub Mariner movie, though (but it looks like one is in development).

Go Defenders!

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-11, 01:44 PM
Never read anything about Ghost Rider, but it looks amazing and I plan on seeing it.

Actually, I've never read a single comic book my whole life, by I've always enjoyed superhero movies.

Fantastic 4
Spiderman (both)
X-men (all three)

Was Ok with

Superman Returns
The Hulk

2007-01-11, 01:48 PM
I just watched the Ghost Rider trailer from MovieFone. I know everyone hates Nick Cage, and anyone who has read Ghost Rider is going to hate the movie as will many comic book fans in general.

I like Nick Cage. He just ends up in crappy movies more often than not. Ghost Rider looks like it could be good, though.

2007-01-11, 01:56 PM
Actually, I've never read a single comic book my whole life, by I've always enjoyed superhero movies.

I'm pretty much the same.

By Sub-Marinar do you mean Namor?
Hmm...not big on Namor.

Oh, Iron Man. Iron Man movie they're doing. Complete with Mandarin.

2007-01-11, 02:02 PM
By Sub-Marinar do you mean Namor?
Hmm...not big on Namor.

Yes, that would be Namor, the Sub Mariner.
(Or Subby to the ever lovin' blue eyed Thing)

2007-01-11, 02:14 PM
I am excited for this I am a long time comic geek as for the ones I have liked

spiderman 1 and 2
batman begins

old batmans
blades 1-3


the rest I am undecided on

2007-01-11, 02:17 PM
It took me some serious searches of the Fantastic 4 before I even heard of Namor.
He really has that kind of fanbase?

2007-01-11, 02:47 PM
It took me some serious searches of the Fantastic 4 before I even heard of Namor.
He really has that kind of fanbase?

Considering he's one of the first (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namor) comic book super heroes, I'm very surprised it took you so long to find anything on him.

The original Ghost Rider didn't even crop up until 10 years later. (just to keep the post semi-topical)

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-11, 03:24 PM
Actually the topic was more about comics turned movies, not really Ghost Rider specifically. I just watched the trailer this morning.

2007-01-12, 12:06 AM
Superman Returns

Thank you I have yet to find someone that didn't think that movie was awesome as opposed to say... The most boring 3 hours of my life.

Spider-man Both
Batman Begins
X-men 1

Ok with
X-men 2

superman Returns
X-men 3

2007-01-12, 12:46 AM
know everyone hates Nick Cage

Everyone hates Nicholas Cage? When did that happen?

In any case, I am also surprised with the high amount of Superman Returns hate in here...*clutches SR case and shifts jarringly about* I've got to back to doing...things...

Edit: Oh, and Wampa, it looks like the movie is Ghost Rider 2, rather than 3 (Official Synopsis) -

"Superstar motorcycle stunt rider Johnny Blaze (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_Rider_%28comics%29#Johnny_Blaze) (Nicolas Cage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Cage)) strikes a deal with the vile Mephistopheles (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mephisto_%28comics%29) for the most precious of commodities, his immortal soul. Now Johnny Blaze is forever destined to ride night after night as the host to the most powerful supernatural entity known as the Ghost Rider."

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-12, 10:02 AM
Well, I rarely find someone who likes Nick Cage and I often find people who say "I hate Nicholas Cage" (they never call him Nick). So there may (likely) be a silent majority who doesn't hate him, but I have yet to find them. I, for one, like almost everything he has done. I can't think of a movie that he has done that I've seen that I didn't like him in.

2007-01-12, 10:12 AM
I am a fan of Cage anyone that names his kid after superman is OK in my book.

2007-01-12, 10:51 AM
It took me some serious searches of the Fantastic 4 before I even heard of Namor.
He really has that kind of fanbase?

Wow....that's quite amazing. He was about the 2nd or 3rd villian they ever squared off against.

Considering he's one of the first (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namor) comic book super heroes, I'm very surprised it took you so long to find anything on him.

The original Ghost Rider didn't even crop up until 10 years later. (just to keep the post semi-topical)

EDUCATION! :biggrin:

I do have to say that I am intriugued by this movie......

2007-01-12, 11:25 AM
Well now I know that, I can't believe it took me so long to find him.
He's really that popular though? I mean...he doesn't look like much to me.

Oh; I loved X-Men 3. Apart from giving Rogue the cure. Rogue never takes the cure. Ever.

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-12, 11:34 AM
Well the whole "Wolverine is being torn to shreds by Phoenix's awesomeness, but doesn't lose his pants" thing made me laugh. I can't wait for the prequel they are supposedly making. I kinda wish they had included Gambit though. Oh well.

2007-01-12, 11:58 AM
Well now I know that, I can't believe it took me so long to find him.
He's really that popular though? I mean...he doesn't look like much to me.

Popular enough to have his own series, 3 times, and he's about to get another.

Is he steadfastly popular enough to be known by all, probably not (since he doesn't HOLD the series that he gets), but he is historically important to the world of superhero comic books.

2007-01-12, 12:17 PM
Well then, don't I feel silly now?

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-01-12, 12:43 PM
Oh; I loved X-Men 3. Apart from giving Rogue the cure. Rogue never takes the cure. Ever.
Yeah, X-Men III might actually have been my favorite. My sisters though are amongst the 'Hated It' crowd, and they are big fans of the others. I just don't comprehend it.

As for Rogue, well, if you noticed the last bit with Magneto... heh, heh, Bobby is going to be in for an unpleasant surprise soon.

Even after the cure he manages to move a metalic chess piece, so its pretty certain the cure is only temporary. This also means that Mystique may be back and she's gonna be one ticked lil shapeshifter. It'd be cool if she joined the X-men.

2007-01-12, 12:49 PM
The main reason I didn't like X-3 was they messed around with major characters too much I liked the cure storyline but being a huge fan of the comic left me unsatisfied with the way they portrayed them in this movie.

Mauril Everleaf
2007-01-12, 01:03 PM
That would be all great and good VT, but I don't think they are making a 4th. They are making X0, I think, using some nifty technology that pastes the faces of young Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart on current IM and PS bodies and do live action. They used an infant form of this in the flash back to when they met up with Jean Grey as a kid. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Green Bean
2007-01-12, 02:16 PM
I haven't read any of the Ghost Rider comics, but the movie looks kind of interesting (and isn't that one of the upshots of even the worst comic/book movies; ordinary people think, 'I wanna see what else these guys do' and pick up the comic/novel

Example: Troy. Anyone who knew anything about the Illiad or Greek mythology hated this movie. I, knowing a good deal about both, liked it (there was too much naked Brad, but other than that....)

I watched that movie with my friends, and they all hated it because of the changes to the story. Personally, I enjoyed it especially the way the did Achilles' death (hope that's not a spoiler :smallbiggrin:). I find that so long as you don't need to have read the book/comic to understand what's going on, then you can let the movie stand on its own without comparing it to the original. However, if you need to have read (for example) the entire Superman comic run to understand why those two guys are hitting each other, then you can get picky about changes to canon.

2007-01-12, 10:55 PM
Have to say that the comment about hating Nick Cage is a bit odd to me. I for one have enjoyed the vast majority of his movies. The Weatherman was quite entertaining.

Add to the fact that Nick Cage owns the single largest Superman comic book collection in the world, and one of the largest collection of comic books in general. I'm expecting that he'll put in a good performance, especially given how excited he seems in his interviews.

2007-01-12, 11:03 PM
Well now I know that, I can't believe it took me so long to find him.
He's really that popular though? I mean...he doesn't look like much to me.

Oh; I loved X-Men 3. Apart from giving Rogue the cure. Rogue never takes the cure. Ever.
That was my favorate part! Why? Why whould she refuse the cure? Her power is nothing but a bad thing. Her keeping it would have been dumb.

Rogue-I will never take the cure! Sure I can't touch my boyfriend or anyone ever alienating me in one way forever, and sure It can only be used in a fight if I take my friends power and life but.......no wait thats stupid. Gimmie!

2007-01-13, 04:34 AM
That was my favorate part! Why? Why whould she refuse the cure? Her power is nothing but a bad thing. Her keeping it would have been dumb.

Rogue-I will never take the cure! Sure I can't touch my boyfriend or anyone ever alienating me in one way forever, and sure It can only be used in a fight if I take my friends power and life but.......no wait thats stupid. Gimmie!

Movie needs some Miss Marvel action already...

2007-01-17, 08:29 AM
I just watched the Ghost Rider trailer from MovieFone. I know everyone hates Nick Cage, and anyone who has read Ghost Rider is going to hate the movie as will many comic book fans in general. I, for one, thought it looked awesome! But then again, I liked Daredevil and Hellboy, movies which I have yet to find another soul to like. (I'm not totally lost, I didn't like the Hulk. That one was crap.)

Maybe it's just that I have a lower expectation of printed/published-to-movie conversions than most people. I kind of go into them expecting the writters to have gutted the whole thing and replaced it with a new plot with the same character names. Example: Troy. Anyone who knew anything about the Illiad or Greek mythology hated this movie. I, knowing a good deal about both, liked it (there was too much naked Brad, but other than that....)

Now don't get me wrong, I am all about movies being accurate to their source. There is a reason people want to see that book made into a movie. They liked the book. I just don't see it as necessary. If the book had never been written, and this movie was still made, most people would like the movie that they currently hate. I will site Daredevil. I asked a Daredevil comic book fan if he would have liked the movie if he had never read the comic. He thought for a minute and he said that he probably would have. He considered the movie on the merits of the movie alone, and did not compare it to it's source.

I go through that thought process every time I see a converted production. Try it, and see if you like some movies more. You may find that the movie did, in fact, suck (my conclusion on the Hulk) regardless of it's innacuracies to the book. And that's good too. Movies are allowed to suck. Heck, the vast majority of them really do. But try it anyway.I actually sort of liked Nick Cage in The Rock. When I watch a movie, I try to be objective about it, most scriptwriters try to tell the entire story in about 90 minutes as opposed to the amount of time some comic books and/or novels have (character time) so odds are it'd be of inferior quality.

However, if the storyline has been complete obscured and/or rewritten to be a totally different story, then they might as well change the name of the movie as well.

2007-01-17, 02:18 PM
First, so no is surprised by my comments:
Hulk, X-1, Spidey 2, Punisher, Batman (Keaton), Hellboy

Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Spidey

The other X's, F4, All non-Keaton Batman, Daredevil, Electra

Complete Waste of Film
Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD (and if you know what I'm talking about, you have my sincerest apologies)

My issues with most of the movies I listed as drek were with the scripts. The excellent movies were simply well-written and well directed (even though I know I'm in the minority about the quality of Hulk). Give even competent actors a decent script and you'll get a good movie (as per the Punisher). Hollywood clearly tends to forget this when they convert comics/books to the big screen (as per F4)

Regarding Ghost, I'm cautiously optimistic. Cage is a very versitile actor; if they give him a story worth working up to, the movie will most enjoyable. I do not have that same optimism for F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer. And that really annoys me. Surfer is the only Marvel superhero title I still pick up. Iron Man I'm still out on. I just have a hard time picturing Robert Downey Jr as Tony frell'n Stark.

2007-01-17, 07:45 PM
ghost rider looks good, i hear iron man is in the works, but i dont know where from, and what is it that silver surfer actualy does? i know he surfs around the universe looking for planet food for his "boss" but whats he do other than not need atmosphere and phase through matter?

2007-01-18, 09:04 AM
I looked it up at IMDB.com:

Upcoming movies by Marvel:

Ghost Rider
Spider-Man 3
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
The Punisher 2

Nick Fury
Iron Fist
Iron Man
The Incredible Hulk

The Avengers

As for the recently released comic book movies:

X-Men 1-3
Spider-Man 2
The Punisher
Blade 1-3

Spider-Man 1
The Hulk

Not liked:
Fantastic Four

I really will enjoy the Ghost Rider movie, as well as the puisher 2 and Spidey 3. For F4 2, I have my doubts if they will improve the stuff presented as the first movie...

2007-01-18, 11:43 AM
ghost rider looks good, i hear iron man is in the works, but i dont know where from, and what is it that silver surfer actualy does? i know he surfs around the universe looking for planet food for his "boss" but whats he do other than not need atmosphere and phase through matter?

Kiching hardcore-major-monkey-ass-buttis another of the Surfer's great powers.

2007-01-18, 09:30 PM
Kiching hardcore-major-monkey-ass-buttis another of the Surfer's great powers.

Surfer "Wields the power cosmic." Basically, yes.

p.s. The Surfer quit being Galactus's herald pretty quickly in the Marvel Universe.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-01-21, 03:03 PM
Hellboy rocked.
Ghost Rider is gonna rock.
Comic book nerds just get annoyed when the directors take a little bit of something called creative license.

Edit: woohoo! I'm a halfling!

2007-01-22, 02:47 PM
There's creative license (Spiderman, Blade), and then there's butchering a property so as to render it unwatchable (Hulk).

Seriously, there is a wealth of material available to draw from for 99% of most comic book superheroes...why try and turn these things into something they aren't?

I have to admit: for movie rogue, dropping her 'power' was a smart move...and yes, if they do a sequel, it'll be about how the cure wasn't permanent, and was intended to be an injection you took once yearly or something (it's a pharmaceutical company, guys, they're going to want to make money-and one-time payments don't cut it).

For comic book rogue: well, she kept whatever power she stole if she just touched the person for long enough: it's the ultimate trump card power, in that she can do whatever the enemy can do, plus, she has her friends to help her out.

Imagine if she took Kitty's intangibility, & wolverine's healing...who couldn't she beat? If any body cared enough to wrap up her hanging subplot, she could be the most powerful x-man in no time flat.


I love superhero movies, and I'll try em all once.

Superman Returns was NOT what I wanted it to be, but it was a decent movie. Very slow at times, and plot holes big enough to march a herd of barns through, but nothing beats spacey in that movie, 'cept maybe nicholson as the joker.

And the 'prison shower' fight scene? Genius! (The scene where Luthor & cronies beat up supes while it's raining).

Ghost Rider should be fun, especially since it's got Cage in a role he can handle: one where what he does most of the time is shut up and look bad ass.

The man has some body language skills, but his verbal delivery sometimes leaves a little to be desired.

Although I really liked gone in 60 seconds.

Hey, FF4 2 cannot be worse than the first one, and the CGI looks amazing...

Iron Man should be hella fun, with Jon Favreau behind the wheel...

and Wolverine has simply got to rock your socks off.