View Full Version : The Test of the Starstone - drayen

Bom Ferro
2013-11-20, 09:49 AM
Somehow, you managed to cross the chasm seperating the Starstone cathedral from the city of Absalom. Unfortunately, almost as soon as your feet touched the ground near the massive building, you fell through some sort of interdimensional trapdoor, and ended up...

A quick look reveals a small, empty room.

*There are two doors leading outside - one to the east and one to the south.

*The stone floor is rough and uneven - running or charging will require some skill(DC 10 Acrobatics).

*The walls show signs of superior masonry(DC 25 to Climb).

The room is dimly lit by a glowing patch of moss that grows on the ceiling, about 20' up. (Dim lighting level)

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
# denote walls
+ denote closed doors

Character Sheet:

Firyin Volundiel
Male Drow Slayer 1 (Trickster 1)
CE Humanoid (Elf)
Init +6 Senses Darkvision 120 ft; Perception +8
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +3 Armour, +1 shield)
HP 13 (1d8+5) [+1 Con, +4 Mythic]
Fort +3, Ref +6 Will +0 (+2 against enchantment spells and effects)
Immune sleep, SR7
Weaknesses Light Blindness
Spd 30 ft
Melee .. Cold Iron Dagger +5 1d4+4 19-20/x2 P or S and
.. Tonfa +5 1d6+4 20/x2 B blocking
.. Shortsword +5 1d6+4 19-20/x2 P
Ranged Cold Iron Dagger +5 1d4+4 19-20/x2 10' P or S and
.. Hand Crossbow +5 1d4 19-20/x2 30' P
Special Attacks Favored Target (+1 attack, +1 damage), Fleet Charge
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th)
At will -- detect magic
2/day -- dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, levitate
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 13
BAB +1, CMB +3, CMD +16
Feats Slayer Armour Proficiencies, Slayer Shield Proficiences, Slayer Weapon Proficiencies, Drow Nobility, Improved Drow Nobility (Mythic), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Finesse (Mythic)
Traits Killer, Warrior of Old
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +2, Bluff +0 (+1 Favored Target), Climb +0, Craft +2, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +0, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Heal +0, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4 (+1 Favored Target), Knowledge (geography) NA (+1 Favored Target), Knowledge (local) NA (+1 Favored Target), Perception +6 (+1 Favored Target), Profession +0, Ride +4, Sense Motive +0 (+1 Favored Target), Stealth +8, Survival +4 (+1 Favored Target), Swim +0 Racial Modifiers Perception +2
Languages Common, Elvish, Undercommon
Combat Gear crossbow, hand, bolts (10), bolts, cold iron (10), bolts, silver (10), dagger, cold iron, shortsword, tonfa, buckler, lamellar cuirass, studded leather legs
Gearbandolier x2, ear trumpet, earplugs, explorer's outfit, grappling hook, hollow pommel, poison, drow, rations, trail x5, rope 50', sack x2, signet ring, waterskin, weapon cord, whetstone, wristsheath, sprinloaded x2
Total 1 sp 4 cp, 95.5 lbs.

SQ Antihero, Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Poison Use, Surge +1d6

Encumbrance 58 lbs.

Carrying Capacity
Light 33, Medium 66, Heavy 100
Age: 137 yrs
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 120 lbs

2013-11-20, 10:03 AM
Posting to check the box.

Do you need for me to create a character sheet in Myth Weavers?

I am leaving work now. I will return tonight at 11 pm CST. I do most of my posting from work, but I will check when I get home and get you a character sheet if you need it. I see you have been up all night, too (or day if you're on the opposite side of the world), so perhaps our posting schedules are in sync. If not, please let me know your schedule and I can accommodate as I may.

As for getting in, I have grappling hook, rope and levitate as a spell-like ability. If you feel that suffices, I can mark off one of my two daily uses of levitate.

I am really looking forward to this. Thank you for the opportunity!

2013-11-21, 12:16 AM
Firyn lands on his feet. Looking up for the hole he fell through, he sees naught but the ceiling covered in a strange luminescent fungus or lichen. The dim light is a partial respite from the jarring glare of the surface world. Crouching, he slowly scans the room, taking in the dichotomy of the rough floor and well crafted walls. Very slowly, he begins to search his immediate area for any more concealed traps.

Taking 20 to search square B1 for traps

Bom Ferro
2013-11-21, 02:44 AM
A character sheet on myth-weavers is appreciated, if you find the time for it.

Apparently, your stat totals are as follows:
Str 10(0 pts), Dex 18(10 pts, +2 racial), Con 12(5 pts, -2 racial), Int 12(2 pts), Wis 11(1 pts), Cha 13(1 pts, +2 racial).

This means you spent only 10+5+2+1+1= 19 pts, whereas the pointbuy for this game was at 20 points. You can increase Either Str/Wis/Int/Cha by one point, if you want.

Furthermore, it looks like you forgot to apply favored class bonuses. I assume your favored class is Slayer, and you gain either +1 HP or 1 Skillpoint per level in your favored class. If you intend to multiclass and have chosen a different class instead, please note your favored class on your sheet(or just tell me in a comment, and I'll change the statblock in the OP).

Finally, your flatfooted AC is wrong - you lose Dex to AC when flatfooted(unless you somehow have uncanny dodge or something similar already, and I've missed it on your statblock).

Finally, to save time, please state your Standard mode of exploration:
Do you use detect magic to look for magical traps?
Do you search for traps(taking 10/20) in every square of an empty room? Do you use 10-ft poles to poke around for traps?

You find no traps in B1.

Status of Drow Slayer:
Healthy, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 0 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

2013-11-21, 08:01 AM
Apologies for the slow response. This is the one night a month I really have to put in a full night's work.

Sure enough, missed a point. Added it to Wisdom to make it 12. I adjusted my Will save, Heal, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival skills to reflect this change.

I did not apply my favored class bonus. It is slayer and I have added a skill point in Knowledge (local).

Both my flatfooted and touch AC were wrong. I have corrected both of them to 14 each.

I also did not account for the Intelligence or Charisma modifier in my skills. They have all been correctly adjusted.

Another excellent point. My standard mode of operation in unstressed times is to detect magic, scanning the entire room (when possible) for three rounds for signs of magic, then take 20 on perception checks to the nearest door. I will move stealthily whenever possible and use my ear trumpet to listen at doors. Paranoid is a good description of this character. He is a male raised in a female dominated culture yet still aspires to godhood.

2013-11-22, 03:20 AM
Just in case we are both waiting for one another...

Fyrin will step into B1 and again take his time checking C1 for traps before entering that square. Once there, he will again detect magic (depending on the material making up the door, he may be able to detect spells and objects in the next room) then carefully check the door for traps before taking out his ear trumpet and listening at the door to find out what he can about the next room.

Bom Ferro
2013-11-22, 03:55 AM
You detect no traps in C1. As you detect magic, you sense a faint magical aura behind the wooden door. It appears to be unlocked...

As you glance south, you notice that the other door appears to be made of metal.


# = stone wall
+ = wooden door, unlocked
+ = metal door

Status of Drow Slayer:
Healthy, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes, 24 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

2013-11-22, 09:21 AM
Quietly replacing his ear trumpet, Firyn looks for traps just to his south before sidling over to the side of the door. Drawing his hand crossbow, he loads and ***** it.

(Is there a handle and are the hinges visible on this side of the door?)

Bom Ferro
2013-11-23, 04:36 AM
You detect no traps in C2. As you search for traps, you hear more incomprehensible words behind the door..apparently, whoever is speaking moves around, as far as you can judge from the sound of his voice.

The door has a simple wooden handle that can be reached from your current position, and opens outward - the hinges appear to be on the other side.


# = stone wall
+ = wooden door, unlocked
+ = metal door

Status of Drow Slayer:
Healthy, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes, 30 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

2013-11-23, 06:42 AM
Well, at this point, I may as well check C3 for traps and then use detect magic on the southern door and see if I can detect anything beyond the door before checking it for traps.

Bom Ferro
2013-11-23, 07:15 AM
You detect no traps in C3. You detect no traces of magic beyond the southern door. A search of the southern door reveals that it is made of iron. It has no lock, but has rusted shut. It isn't trapped as far as you can determine.


# = stone wall
+ = wooden door, unlocked
+ = metal door, stuck(DC 28 Strength check to force it open; Hardness 10, 60 HP)

Status of Drow Slayer:
Healthy, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 48 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

2013-11-23, 08:20 AM
I quietly return to C1 and wait for the sounds of the creature in the next room to begin moving away from the door before carefully cracking open the door to see what is in there. My hand crossbow is loaded, cocked and ready to fire at any hostile action.

Bom Ferro
2013-11-23, 08:43 AM
Upon opening the door, you see...

# = stone wall
_ = wooden door, open
+ = wooden doors
+ = metal door, stuck(DC 28 Strength check to force it open; Hardness 10, 60 HP)
D = Fat dwarf
P = Pink marble-like Pig

A fat dwarf sniffing at the opposite wall, talking to himself. His back is turned to you.
Accompanying him is a strange pig - it looks as if it has been carved from marble, then painted in a garish pink. It shuffles about with its snout close to the ground, as if searching for something.

As the door opens, it glances upwards and produces an extremely loud Oink!, alerting the dwarf.

Initiative(Fat dwarf): [roll0]
Intiative(Pink Marble pig): [roll1]
Status of Drow Slayer:
Healthy, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 54 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

2013-11-23, 06:16 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

Firyn aims his crossbow at the dwarf, readied for any hostile movement from either of the creatures.

Bom Ferro
2013-11-24, 05:20 AM
The marble pig charges you.
[roll0] vs AC 14
[roll1] damage

As you ready your crossbow, you notice the aggressive pig that looks as if it would bite you again if you fired within its reach.

The dwarf looks surprised, pulls some pebbles from a pouch attached to his belt, and mumbles some words, imbueing the tiny stones with magical power.

# = stone wall
_ = wooden door, open
+ = wooden doors
+ = metal door, stuck(DC 28 Strength check to force it open; Hardness 10, 60 HP)
D = Fat dwarf
P = Pink marble-like Pig

Status of Drow Slayer:
12/13 HP, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes, 0 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

If you define the casting of Magic stone as 'hostile action', your readied action triggers - you shoot at the dwarf, who has soft cover(+2 AC) because a small-sized pig is between you and him.
At the same time, you provoke an AoO from the pig for firing in melee.

If not, your readied action is wasted, and you may act normally on turn 2 - the pig delays its superior initiative to just 1 below yours.

2013-11-24, 07:46 PM
Readied action goes off.

Hand crossbow attack [roll0]

Bom Ferro
2013-11-25, 04:25 AM
The pig attempts to bite you, as you shoot at its master.
[roll0] vs AC 18
[roll1] damage

Though it misses, it manages to distract you enough to fumble your shot.

Then, it attempts to bite you again, as you are now firmly assigned the 'enemy' label in the piggy-mind.

[roll2] vs AC 18
[roll3] damage

Status of Drow Slayer:
12/13 HP, Paranoid

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes, 6 seconds.
Daily resources left:
SLA's: (CL 5)
Levitate 1/day
Deeper Darkness 2/day
Dancing lights 2/day
Faerie Fire 2/day
Feather Fall 2/day

Mythic power 5/day

Your turn. Afterwards, the dwarf will act, then the marble pig.