View Full Version : multiweapon fighting feat chain?

2013-11-20, 02:33 PM
how does the multiweapon fighting feat chain compare to normal two weapon fighting?

2013-11-20, 02:35 PM
There's a feat chain for it?

2013-11-20, 02:38 PM
I think it progresses all the way to Perfect Multiweapon Fighting, which allows full iterative attacks for each weapon held. Can't remember if it totally removes penalty or not.

2013-11-20, 02:45 PM
Slightly lower stat requirements on the base/improved feats, but the improved/greater versions require more BAB to take. Damage/# of attacks is obviously superior, since more arms = more attacks = more damage. Of course, considering that the feats have

This feat replaces the Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

This feat replaces the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.

This feat replaces the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat for creatures with more than two arms.
you don't exactly get a choice in the matter, if you've got 3+ arms, you get the multiweapon versions.

2013-11-20, 02:49 PM
Does it suffer from the same thing as flurry of misses, for monks?

2013-11-20, 02:50 PM
As in attack roll penalties? Yes, the same penalties as regular TWF.

2013-11-20, 02:53 PM
Can't remember if it totally removes penalty or not.

Neither chain completely removes the penalty. However, Multiweapon Fighting chain is realistically just better, prerequisites aside. The issue is the prerequisites. It's very difficult to meet the requirement of "Three or more hands" (MMI pg. 304 / MMII pg. 18) typically eats up a good deal of build resources.

The increase on the BAB requirements can also be problematic.

Overall, Two-Weapon Fighting is probably easier, depending on your DM. Thri-keen definitely qualifies for the Multiweapon fighting stuff, but the RHD and LA are nasty. Girallon arms totem bind from Totemist may or may not allow Multiweapon fighting, but that still eats up two levels.

In my opinion, they're about even. Multiweapon might pull ahead if your DM is lenient on the "Three hands" requirement, allowing unarmed strikes or mouthpick weapons to count. Extra cool if you add in Prehensile Tail feat.

2013-11-20, 11:11 PM
how does the multiweapon fighting feat chain compare to normal two weapon fighting?

The trick with MWF is getting a form with 3 or more hands. Once you have four hands, then MWF leaves TWF in the dust, because now you most likely get more offhand attacks than you get primary iterative attacks.

Consider a Thri-Kreen with BAB +16, MWF, Improved MWF, and Greater MWF: four primary attacks, nine offhand attacks, and a secondary bite attack.

+14 primary#1/+14 offhand#1/+14 offhand#2/+14 offhand#3/+14 bite/+9 primary#2/+9 offhand#4/+9 offhand#5/+9 offhand#6/+4 primary#3/+4 offhand#7/+4 offhand#8/+4 offhand#9/-1 primary#4

As far as how it measures up to THF... still probably not very well, but on the other hand, it takes over half an hour of real-time to resolve your full attack routine, which is probably going to annoy the heck out of the rest of the table, so that's got to be worth something.