View Full Version : [3.5] Optimizing Out of Combat Healing in a Hypothetical Time Sensitive Campaign

2013-11-20, 05:45 PM
Hypothetically speaking, in a campaign where the players are subjected to long periods of activity with minimal resting periods due to time constraints followed by short periods of downtime before more extended periods of activity with little rest, what is the best way to optimize out-of-combat healing, giving in-combat healing is an inefficient use of the action economy?

Assuming all WotC material (including Dragon Magazines) are legal, what kinds of builds would be best optimized for performing this kind of out-of-combat healing while still being able to participate in encounters?

2013-11-20, 06:10 PM
Hard to beat a wand of lesser vigor. Maybe if the cleric is able to persist mass lesser vigor.

2013-11-20, 06:18 PM
Touch of Healing [Feat] is more expensive than a Wand of Mass Lesser Vigor, but you have to pay for the good things in life.

Say you have a 4 PC party and are 6th level (a 3rd level wand costs 11250gp and thus each person's share is under 1/4th WBL at 6th level)
1 charge of the wand of mass lesser vigor (out of combat): Cure everyone 5hp in 5 rounds
1 reserved 3rd level slot and the Touch of Healing (out of combat): Cures everyone 9hp in 4 rounds

5hp x 4 PCs in 5 rounds
9hp x 4 PCs in 4 rounds

It is even better in a time sensitive situation since the opportunity cost is worth less if you get less chance to rest.