View Full Version : Pathfinder - Clerical Spell Research

2013-11-20, 09:11 PM
Independent Research: A divine spellcaster can also research a spell independently, much as an arcane spellcaster can. Only the creator of such a spell can prepare and cast it, unless she decides to share it with others. - Core Rules Page 221

Knowing this can my cleric research first level arcane spells as first level divine spells? The ones I am looking to research are: Alarm, Alter Winds, Feather Fall, Polypurpose Panacea and Unseen Servant.

2013-11-20, 09:18 PM
Don't ask us, ask your GM. It's certainly possible to research versions of spells from other spell lists. Even official NPCs do that, although it's usually the bookwormy guys, not the other way around.

2013-11-20, 09:36 PM
Of course I am going to ask my DM. But I post on here to see if someone can point out a rule or anything I missed, like "You cannot research existing spells for different class". If something like this is stated in one of the many pathfinder books (or even creator blog posts) I don't need to bother my DM with it.

2013-11-20, 09:43 PM
Researched spells can do literally anything you can get away with. You could research a divine version of Feather Fall called (for example) Gentle Descent, and then literally copy-paste the text over from the arcane version without changing anything else. The same goes for your other choices.

So yeah, it does come down to what your DM will allow you to pull off.

If you do want something you can point to, Ultimate Magic has expanded guidelines on spell research.