View Full Version : nWod + PF = my darkworld homebrew. help requested please

2013-11-21, 04:23 AM
a few months back i got to theory crafting a homebrewed pathfinder campaign setting that revolved around the "races"(Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, Changeling, Promethean, Geist, Mummy, and Demon) of the new World of Darkness games being my player race options. this began my personal miniquest of finding similar pathfinder/DnD races and converting them to what i considered the essence of the WoD games and having balanced power.

i hadnt realized world building was such an epic undertaking so i need help. I'm not entirely sure what all i can put out in the open so i'll keep things pretty nonspecific but i would greatly appreciate some feedback and constructive help as i am still trying to flesh out my world. but if the specifics are needed i'll give them if they are asked of me.

vampire, werewolf, mage, and hunter were easy for i used Dhampirs w/fangs, ShiftersSkinwalkers, and Humans.

for Prometheans i went straight to the Warforged and built them with negative energy affinity and a little fleshgolem spice, but since ive gain access to the Advanced Races Guide Ive reconsidered and rebuilt as constructed half-undead

Geist was a little trickier i reflavored and built a point system for Elans and used a Fast healing variant from Dreamscarred

for Mummy i initially went and made the built Necropolitan into a true race from the template, but it needs to be overhauled because i dont feel it properly grasp what it is to be a Mummy.

Changeling i just said no too because i felt it was just to broad to define with a single race. i would like to change this though.

and for Demon i was just going to settle for Tieflings, but now i feel like the Changelings from Eberron better suit the new demons. so im either giving Tiefling's the shape change ability of Changelings or using Changelings with the Appearance description of Tielfings.

im only using the WoD "races" im not going for the hiding among the humans stuff

i wanted a religious pantheon that focused more on Law vs Chaos, So i'm leaning on the Lords of Chaos, the Princes of Darkness, and the Horsemen of Apocalypse

a very brief history to my world includes an ancient war dubbed the Immortals War. the war was waged between Mummies and Vampires. it was brought to an end when the vampires created the Prometheans and used them as shock troops with enough wit to sew themselves back together before getting back in the battle.
since the war vampires have become the ruling class, mummies have become nearly extinct, and all other races are second class citizens. the vampires hold a monarchy and rule the kingdoms with their royal elite guard but each town is responsible for maintaining its own justice (most are like wild west towns) and if the town fails to keep order the vampire's take the town over and stay until proper behavior is resulted.
the further production of Prometheans has been outlawed since the war
werewolves are very nomadic and live and travel in small tribes
geist hide among humans but are usually always behind keeping the piece between the other races
my demons are still agents of the machine

2013-11-21, 07:27 AM
In the World of Darkness, Vampires are the big cheeses because they're really good at manipulating humans. Still true in your homebrew or not? If it's not, what's the edge which keeps them in power? If it is, how? - Dhampirs have no inherent abilities to do so.

21st century tech or standard PF tech or something between (e.g. advanced firearms and/or Eberron magitech?)

Mummies should probably get a different magic system from the more common ones in use. Psionics is famous as the system which the weird people use. Could be worth a look.