View Full Version : Lycanthropic bird template

2013-11-21, 09:17 AM
I know I've seen something like this before, but I can't seem to find a template for a werebird. 3.5 is the system I'm using. Looked all night last night and I still can't seem to find it again. Does anyone have any clue or am I going to have to homebrew this?

2013-11-21, 09:44 AM
Birds are animals. You just use the lycanthropy template as you would for any other were-animal.

2013-11-21, 09:49 AM
If I'm not mistaken though, using a winged animal as a template doesn't give the hybrid form wings or the ability to fly, you have to go full animal for that.

2013-11-21, 10:00 AM
Bah, ninjas. The lycanthrope template covers all omnivorous and carnivorous animals including birds. Hybrid form indeed cannot fly naturally.

If you want a shapeshifter bird that can fly in 2/3 forms, hengeyokai crane and sparrow are very nice.

Falcon X
2013-11-21, 03:39 PM
Might not be the flavor you want, but you can always be a Shapeshifter varient Druid who can change into a bird at-will by level 5.

Beyond that, I think Lycanthropy is the usual way to go. It's what my players used when they did it.

2013-11-21, 03:50 PM
I cooked this thing up, think I got it right
I upped the dex bonus from 4 to 6, based on the rules of building a lycanthrope, and added wings to the hybrid form that could be used for gliding, but not flying, copying the gliding ability straight from the dragonborn template

Base form
+2 wisdom
+2 Natural AC
Alertness Feat
Weapon Finesse Feat

Bird form
2 claw attacks, 1d4 +str
1 bite 1d4 +1/2str -5 to attack
Fly 80 ft average
walk 10ft
+6 Dex
+2 Con
DR 5/Silver
+8 Spot

Hybrid form
+6 dex
+2 con
Dr 5/silver
Has wings to allow gliding and slow falling, but not flight.
Gliding: A werebird can use her wings to glide, negating damage from a fall from any height and allowing 20 feet of forward travel for every 5 feet of descent. Hybrid werebirds glide at a speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability. Even if a werebirds maneuverability improves, she can't hover while gliding. A dragonborn can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.
If a dragonborn becomes unconscious or helpless while in midair, her wings naturally unfurl, and powerful ligaments stiffen them.The dragonborn descends slowly in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 points of falling damage, no matter the actual distance of the fall.