View Full Version : Spell to Power Erudite vs Favored Discipline Erudite

2013-11-21, 11:14 AM
Simply an academic question regarding the Erudite and some of it's variants from Mind's Eye.

Now, a spell to power erudite can convert any arcane spell into a power, via a similar process to how they adopt psionic powers from other manifesters. We all know how that goes.

The magic mantle, I note, makes it so you treat magic and psionics as identical. That having been said, would a favored discipline (magic mantle) erudite be capable of the spell to power conversion as well, given that to them magic and psionics are the same thing? If so, then what is stopping them from converting divine spells to powers as well, or even other forms of magic all together? Where should the line be drawn on that?

2013-11-21, 01:23 PM
I would personally say you need somebody with Alternate Source Spell to learn divine spells, but other than that there really is no line. Go nuts until your DM launches books.

Note however that while it says spells are treated as discipline powers, there is no actual discipline called "Magic" or "Spells" to which you can key Favored Discipline, so this tactic requires a little bit of a stretch on your DM's part. Don't be put out if the answer is no.

2013-11-21, 02:07 PM
I was looking at the wrong thing. I was looking ar the description of the mantled erudite, but the title for the favored discipline erudite. I should have caught that earlier.