View Full Version : Drow Campaign: Rebellion

2013-11-21, 02:22 PM
Rumors in the Drow city of Erelhei-Cinlu spread like wild fire.

The newest piece of information is that house Vae had a small band of rebels kill the house Draegloth and are fleeing the city. There is no doubt that the house Matron will send several kill teams to bring the rebels in for drow justice: slow and painful torture.

After word of the rumor spread you can see Vae soldiers searching for the rebels, one in particular named Vorn.

This is the part where you guys come in! you have just heard the rumors and have physically seen the soldiers.

2013-11-21, 05:55 PM
Xrizo sat astride Stubs the big black riding lizard his shoulders slumped one hand on the reigns and one hand holding the hand crossbow across his lap loaded and drawn. The lizard had a slow waddle that could become a graceful sprint when pushed. A little brown and white weasel stuck its head out of the pocket of his long black coat before curling back up. The Drow mercenary listened quietly to the commotion of the Soldiers his ears pricked forward. If the rebels were worth a bounty he might have to get moving and see what gold their worth, of course if they were worth the bounty he might like them too. An odd conundrum.

Listen: [roll0]: Just trying to overhear any talk of bounties or rewards.

2013-11-21, 08:55 PM
Monto Weng listens to the rumors of rebellion in House Vae with interest, as it reminds him of his own struggle in distant House Weng. Instinctively his hand drifts towards his rapier. His chain shirt is plain, bearing no house symbol.

It may remind others as well. Perhaps applying for a job with Vae is not such a good idea right now.

How then to profit? He looks and listens as he strolls along, waiting for an opportunity to present itself.

2013-11-21, 11:17 PM
Yasgol really hated the Ghetto of the Outcasts. The place reeked of trash, filth and the Pox. Plenty of lesser races wandered about as if they had a right to be in the presence of a full-blooded Drow. She had only come here to find out about a priestess Khaleese, and what her associations with the House of Vai. Khaleese was a powerful cleric of Lolth, and any information on how to tear her down was of interest to Yasgol. Khaleese was looked at favorably by the High Priestesses and was in Yasgol's way to becoming a High Priestess herself. If only she could expose some unwanted truth of Khaleese, or prove that she was a blasphemer than she could have her title stripped and possibly executed. That would be one less obstacle in Yasgol's way.

It would seem that Yasgol was in luck to have heard that the house Vai was in search of rebels which included Vorn. If I could prove Khaleese's involvement with Vorn... Ah that would be perfect

Hmm, I am going to need to play this off just right. I better keep my interest in check so i am not implicated in being involved with Khaleese's fall whatsoever. She listened intently to the soldiers passing by on the street, and began to follow them to the gate out of the Ghetto of Outcasts. It was a plus she could leave the filth of the Ghetto of Outcasts behind her.

Listen Check Listen Check: [roll0]

2013-11-22, 12:25 AM
Val walked over to the House Vae Soldiers, his Chain shirt resplendent on his person, and no less covered in the House insignia, not only that, but it also signified his Nobility, these were males, and he had sway here...

With his massive lithe blade on his back, he sauntered up with the confidence of an ettercap with trapped prey.

"You there!" he speaks with the voice of authority, something he learned from his older sisters, having it been used on him a time a two.

"Report, what have you found, what are your leads?"

2013-11-25, 07:51 PM
Val: The soldiers look at you for a moment not recognizing you...
"Shove off! your not part of our platoon... 4 of the people have been captured!"

Yasgol: You notice a large group of soldiers charging towards the nearest gate, Screaming follow me followed by incoherent shouting.

Monto: you end up a few hundred meters away from a mob of soldiers. you can hear something screaming in dwarven... followed by what you can only assume are the final bellows before the creatures death.

Xrizo: You spot a few bounty hunters talking to one another. You recognize the company they work for but cannot recall the name...
"Vorn is the largest target, 1000gp for his capture and 500 for his dead.... The others are listed as 200 each.... No doubt they pissed off Vae's Matron something fierce...

Bel: Bluff [roll0]

Phrackd: You simply hear the soldiers screaming follow me as they start charging towards the nearest gate.

kinem: None! dun dun dun!

A'den: You catch wind of the amounts for bounties, 200 gp a head and 1000gp for Vorn. The rewards are half if they are brought back dead.

2013-11-25, 08:50 PM
Val looks on incredulously, the soldier obviously did not recognize him, even with the family motif on his armor.

Very well then, he would have to learn.

"I am Val'Briraen of House Vae!" he almost yells at the insolent man before him, "Do you not know your betters? Perhaps I can renew your memory" he says, shifting to draw his weapon.

2013-11-26, 02:17 AM
The soldier looks as if he is about to s*** his trousers.

"My apologies sir! I couldn't make out your face in the darkness... We have found a group of the rebels. The slave beast known as Shedu has been slain but took a few soldiers with it....

The Priestess, Bowmen and Wizard have been slain as well for siding with the beast. Over half of the damned platoon was taken out slaying them... Their bodies are being put into a corpse cart and brought back to Mother Matron as soon as possible..."

2013-11-26, 03:34 AM
Well i guess I am going to have to follow and see what I can find out. Yasgol follows the yelling soldiers until she spots a warrior of the house Vae talking--no yelling--with a foot soldier. She overhears that a slave, a priestess, a bowman and a wizard were killed after taking many lives themselves. Yasgol prayed to Lolth that the priestess had been Khaleese. She sidles up to the two warriors and with a calm but firm voice says to both of them, "I am Priestess Yasgol Jahnlavlau. I could not help but overhear that a Priestess of Lolth was killed. It is my responsibility to inspect the corpse to identify the priestess, and to uncover the truth as to why she was killed. This type of rebellious priestess shows a weakness in our community, and Lolth demands that this weakness be eliminated. I must therefore know the details." She stands with a commanding presence despite the fact that she is shadowed by the male warriors before her. Yasgol waits for a response from either of the two male Drow.

2013-11-26, 06:18 AM
Xrizo heels his mount to a leisurely pace toward the gate. Not a lot of gold for criminals but that Vorn was worth the bounty. He could probably nab him quick of he promises the other cheaper bounties their freedom for Vorn. The mercenary slowed down as he approached the gate as a Priestess, a Noble, and a cluster of soldiers were having an animated discussion next to a corpse cart.


2013-11-26, 11:42 AM
Once priestess Yasgol arrives the soldier's voice softens to a more polite, slave-like tone.

"Of course priestess, her body should be near by..."

He leads both of you to the bodies being thrown into the cart. Shedu's corpse is covered in small crossbow bolts as are all the others. Khareese's body from what Yasgol can see is mangled but still recognizable. Her armor has a few crossbow bolts sticking out dripping blood and a single cross bow bolt extends from her throat. You have no doubt that was the killing blow.

Xrizo softly counts aloud as the bodies are thrown into the back of the cart.

"One corpse, two.... three.... four...." Still no sign of Vorn or the other rebel....

2013-11-26, 12:40 PM
Val smiles, the soldier was acting accordingly, but he still considered flaying the man to the bone, he knew several sisters who would like...

And then a cleric came sauntering over, Val's eyes instantly looked to the floor, he bristled with anger, who the hell? How dare she? Why...He let them all simmer in his mind, it wouldn't do to anger a priestess, even if she wasn't of your own house.

He summoned the courage to look up, following them he watched as the cleric inspected the corpse of the cleric, it was obvious she died to the bolt to the throat, but she could have fallen the myriad of bolts then penetrated her, toxins were abound here in the city.

His courage was renewed, either by the fact that this cleric seemed...puny in comparison to what he was used to, or that he had had some power, either way, he looked to the cleric.

"Priestess" he says with the utmost respect "You may take her body, the others are for House Vae, the Matron Mother has an interest with them."

2013-11-26, 01:41 PM
"Ah i don't need the body, I am sure your Matron Mother would have more use for the body than I or the priesthood would. I am thankful that this rebellion was quashed promptly. It is the will of the Spider Queen to quell weakness. We do not need rebellious filth to be included in the clergy, i am sure she had this coming to her. Yasgol silently says a short prayer in thanks to this stroke of luck. Almighty Weaver of Webs, through your will the weakness of Khaleese has been eliminated. May I be an instrument of your will to remove any weakness of the Faithful. May I be tested so that I can prove to you, Lolth, I am worthy of becoming Reverend Mother one day. Turning to the common soldier she asks, "What can you tell me of this weak priestess's rebellious actions up until her death? Why did she side with a slave instead of her own people?

2013-11-26, 10:28 PM
Wanting more information, Monto heads to where the soldiers are and screaming was.

spot [roll0], listen [roll1]

2013-11-27, 03:10 AM
Monto walks casually up the the mob of people, immediately spotting other drow who seem cut from a higher cloth.... a priestess and a warrior in particular...

The soldier the other have been questioning answers the priestess' question.

"She screamed something about there being a mistake... We received our orders from our captain: retrieve them dead or alive... If they resist kill them on the spot... The slave charged, swinging his axe wildly, and killed a few of our soldiers in the process... We open fired.

She in turn started muttering something.... We assumed it was a spell and open fired upon her as well... The rest is fairly self evident..."

2013-11-27, 09:12 AM
Xrizo watched the Priestess walk in on the group and immediately decided he would be better off elsewhere. He didn't see Vorn's likeness in the corpse cart and by his count there were still two bounties unaccounted for. He heeled the black lizard he sat astride into motion and made for the gate.

2013-11-27, 07:58 PM
Val nodded, he sighed a big sigh of relief, silently and as passively as possible, his gut reaction of being so close to a female cleric was telling him not to relax, but this one wasn't ordering him to butcher a child or to take his clothes off....

He looked to the soldier "Where were they heading?"

I confess, at this point I am slightly lost as to what direction to go

2013-11-27, 09:31 PM
Eyeing the noble male drow, she was impressed by his presence. It seemed he could take command of others quickly, and effectively. Having already had a victory in the demise of Khaleese, she moved to a new scheme. I bet this noble of Vae could be useful, i have needed a way into a house for some time now. It would seem that Lolth has rewarded my patience and strength this day.

"You soldier, after you answer this noble's question, I wish for an answer as to if this is all..." waving a hand at the corpses, "the rebels. And if it is not, then have you heard anything about the whereabouts if the other rebels? Noble of House Vae, if there is any way that the faithful of Lolth, or I, can help in quelling this rebellion we, and I will. Know that the through me, the church of Lolth shall support Vae's attempt to squash this rebellion.

I like belgarath am not sure how to proceed. I would presume we need to find out about Vorn and the others, and have some reason to pursue them? My attempt was to create a reason for Yasgol to need and want to help Vae so that she had reason to pursue the original party..

2013-11-27, 10:35 PM
The soldier looks over at the gate.
"A guard claims to have seen Vorn heading towards a different gate with a backpack full of supplies. He is being questioned at the moment and we should have the answers very soon...."

He nervously looked around... "Is there anything else I can do to be of assistance?"

2013-11-27, 10:58 PM
Xrizo took a look at the bodies in the chest and the gate, then he paused. He slid off the back of stubs with a quick dismount and took the reins in hand. It was near suicide to travel outside alone. A Priestess and a noble, a lot of muscle but he could probably still make a good profit tracking targets.

"Good mistress, if you mean to bring the rest of these rebel scum to the justice of Lloth I can offer my services as a tracker. The caves are familiar to me."

2013-11-28, 11:45 AM
Seeing what the man with the lizard did, Monto walks up and says

"Mistress, I too could be useful for such an expedition. As a warmage I could help neutralize hindrances, and I have spent time between cities."

2013-11-28, 12:36 PM
As the other male drow offer their assistance, a younger drow soldier runs towards the group.

"Sir! There is no word of Vorn from this gate. The only thing they really recall was a group of Derro spelunkers with two carts of supplies... They did not speak Undercommon only Abyssal, Draconic and Dwarven."

2013-11-29, 01:49 PM
"Well I thank you for your pledge of assistance," she referenced to the newcomers, a very tall and buff Drow male, and another average sized lesser drow. Even with the likes of these three males, she would most likely receive much praise (and reward?) for capturing this Vorn for the House of Vae. Maybe she could even get a chance to meet the Matron Mother and work her to get support. Maybe she could get access to the political power of house Vae, not to mention the profit of the slave trade that House Vae oversaw. And who knew, maybe these three males would prove useful allies for helping her rise to power as Reverend Mother.

She turned to the common soldier and said, "No, i don't think any further assistance is necessary. I am willing to bet that those duergar you mentioned are our key to finding this Vorn and the rebels. That is what my instincts are telling me. Turning to the noble of House Vae she says, "I could also use your help because you are the most knowledgeable of this Vorn and his tactics and habits. I presume this because you seem to have recognized the name." At this point she address all three males, "Now, if you are all prepared let us begin the hunt for the rebellious quarry and bring them to Lolths retribution."

2013-11-29, 02:06 PM
Val looks to the soldier and then back to the Priestess.

Why was she talking to him like....he wasn't beneath her?

He could only guess, nodding to her he agrees "Indeed, let us go with haste, it is unwise to keep my mother waiting."


2013-11-29, 04:15 PM
Xrizo touched his right hand to his forehead as he bobbed his head. "Xrizo is always ready to ride Good Mistress."

2013-11-29, 10:27 PM
Val recalls Vorn specifically. He started life as a grave robber on surface raids, trying to steal untold knowledge from long dead mages and priests.

Over time his knowledge and connections gained the attention of Mother Matron. Over the next twenty years Vorn was given near suicidal missions of espionage and assassination.

Vorn himself would be seen sitting in a store on the other side of town while the mission happened. He had a talent for making things happen when he wasn't around.

Vorn stood behind Mother Matron's throne for the last 7 years. Who knew the secrets he knew about House Vae... If he was involved in this rebellion the web of lies and deceit would cloud all actual knowledge... An interesting thought...

The soldier looks over at the priestess. "Priestess, the duergar had items from the Magick Attic... The shop keep may know something about them and if there is a connection to the remaining rebels."

2013-11-29, 11:10 PM
Now we are getting some where...May my instincts guide me.

Adjusting her breastplate, Yasgol addresses the group, "It seems we have our first destination, this Magick Attic."

Turning to the common guard she says, "I believe I have heard of this place, but it would be easier for me if you gate guards could tell me where this Magic Attic is."

Readdressing the group, "Your pledge to the church of Lolth will not go unnoticed or unrewarded. The Spider Queen always rewards those Drow who exemplify our race's superiority." She directs an obvious look of contempt at the lesser Drow and mutters, "Well at least those of pure blood."

Knowledge, Local: [roll0] This check is just to see if she knows the location of the Magick Attic

2013-11-30, 12:26 AM
You recall the magick attic in vivid detail. Everything from it's shop keeper Alabaster to the layout of the shop itself.

2013-11-30, 05:52 PM
Xrizo stayed silent and instead turned his mount around and was ready to follow the group to the Magic Attic.

2013-12-01, 06:00 PM
"Let us be off to this Magick Attic. I do remember it, and seem to recall it was run by a rude gnome named Alabaster. Maybe he can tell us more about Vorn's plan and his whereabouts. And if he is unwilling to comply...well, we'll just make sure he does comply." And with that, Yasgol began heading in the direction of the Ghetto of Outcasts, glancing only for a moment to see whether her companions were joining her.

2013-12-02, 10:18 AM
Monto nods and follows the priestess.

2013-12-02, 02:55 PM
After an hour or so the party arrives at the magick attic.

it seems to be a normal shop, two stories and you would assume a basement. The only odd features would be that the top floor has no windows and the bottom has bars over the glass.

2013-12-03, 02:08 PM
Val, taking the lead, designates another to appropriate the owner, and or manager of the establishment.

"You!" (pointing to one of the non-noble male drow) "Find the manager of this establishment, and be quick the Matron Mother awaits!"

He fiddles with a Dragon ruby he thumbed out of his spellpouch, it floated around and through his fingers, his skill at manipulating the object quite obvious, he looked to the priestess and signalled with his hand in sign [Are we expecting any trouble from here?]

2013-12-03, 03:26 PM
Xrizo smiled darkly and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, "Gnomes do tend squeal quite a bit once they've been skewered."

Later at the shop Xrizo rolled a lazy eye of the other Drow then started to look around for the shopowner.

Spot: 1d20+7. IN OOC

2013-12-04, 01:17 AM
In response to Val, Yasgol signaled [I would bet that we run into trouble with the gnome, if for no other reason than he not wanting to cooperate in giving us information.]

In quiet admiration of Val's ability to get Drow moving in the right direction, Yasgol insisted with a sneer, "Yes do fetch the gnome, and bring him here so that he can be questioned appropriately. If he arrives without every limb that is acceptable. Just be sure he can still talk."

Yasgol stands 15ft away from the shop entrance with her morning star drawn. She readies an action to hit the gnome in the head should he run past her or to pursue him if he escapes.

2013-12-05, 03:23 PM
Finding the place locked, Monto Weng walks around the building looking for other exits (which would need to be guarded) before knocking.


2013-12-06, 11:45 AM
Stop! At least go around the back. Those statues are effigies creatures that will likely animate based on whatever commands their creator left behind. Probably best to leave them alone their fairly resistant to all type of attacks except those by Adamantine and there's no telling what command could set them off.

2013-12-06, 11:58 AM
Val doesn't like the sound of the guardian creatures, but he was in no mood to mess around.

"Well, perhaps we should destroy them to send a lesson, we should not be waiting for this slave!"

2013-12-06, 12:03 PM
Let Monto test the back door, effigies are magical constructs of you like fighting something as merciless and has no concept of self preservation be my guest. That lump of metal on your back will be as useful as a wooden club.

Xrizo holds a certain amount of contempt for the Noble, these beings were supposed to masters of misdirection and he was displaying all the guile of a rock golem.

2013-12-06, 12:08 PM
Val raises an eyebrow at the impertinent warrior, he looks and thinks for a moment, "Very well," he waves his hand to carry on.

He looks at the man for a moment, Question me again, and I'll flay you alive, an inch at a time!, he thinks to himself while smiling.

2013-12-08, 07:24 PM
Ok, I'm sorry, just gonna say this since I've already been here before, and Otep seems to be lagging behind (probably more Army stuff this weekend):

You do not find any back doors or other entrances to the Magick Attic. The only modes of entrance are the front door, which is locked, or the barred windows on the first floor... that is, unless you decide to blow a hole in a wall or something and make your own little entrance.

2013-12-09, 03:25 PM
Yasgol listened intently to the banter between Xrizo and Val. Interesting, she had heard alabaster's place was dangerous, but she had had no idea that it was guarded by magical constructs. "Xrizo, you seem to know about these effigies, what can you tell me about them? Do we have any possibility of taking down these creatures at all?

Looking back to the Magick Attic she contemplated her next course of action while waiting for Xrizo's response.

2013-12-09, 03:36 PM
"Yet why should the gnome resist us?" Monto asks. "He should have fled already if he's part of the rebellion, if he means to live. If he tells us what he can, we won't harm him."

2013-12-09, 07:41 PM
Maybe, their quite tough but those are Fell Drakes and their not much tougher than their living counterparts weapons made of Adamantine are effective, otherwise I suggest fire or magic attacks, the constructs are stronger than their living counter parts usually by 10% muscular features. If we disable one... Or collapse part of the building on one, should be. Perhaps you can intimidate the gnome into coming out if we threaten to burn his building down. The statues are probably set to ward off intruders but vandalism may of been a command their creator overlooked.

Xrizo glanced at the Drow priestess then drew an Adamantine arrow and put it to the string of his bow. A smug feeling snaked through his features to have knowledge pleases him.

The Noble meatshield, sorry arms-man, should be able to hold them at bay to bring them down quickly.

2013-12-09, 10:50 PM
Standing with her hands on her hips and leaning to her left, Yasgol responded to both Monto and Xrizo, Ah I see, glad to have your knowledge Xrixo. Burning the building is an option, but not my first choice. And yes, Monto, if Alabaster is a part of the rebellion he would have been smart to leave. Let us see if maybe he will just cooperate.

Turning away from her new companions she yelled toward the Magick Attic, Alabaster, my name is Yasgol Jahnlavlau, priestess of Lolth and I am here to ask you a few questions. It would be a great help to me if you would come out and talk with me for just a few minutes. I am sure we can overlook any possible misconceptions that may arise during my questioning. It would behoove you to comply with my wishes, otherwise other avenues to the information I seek will be taken.
Diplomacy check: [roll0]

2013-12-10, 06:03 PM
Tiring of the bickering and the insolent lesser beings around him, he sighed and drew his weapon. He was going to do something, he hated being indecision.

He walks up to the door and attempts to open them.

He'll channel Shocking grasp into his melee attack
[roll0] Possible crit on 18-20

[roll2] + [roll3]


2013-12-16, 02:26 PM
Sorry about the delay... I had army stuff followed by a family emergency.... things got nutty VERY quickly around here... and thank you wind for helping out :)

The doors to the magick attic are locked. You get to see the Effigies up close and personally.

They look remarkably close to actual Horned Felldrakes except they stand perfectly still, facing in towards the center of the shop.

2013-12-27, 02:20 PM
Realizing that the doors are locked, and seeing no way in with his own skill at hand he turns to the others,

"Doors are locked, anyone here able to open them?"