View Full Version : Spending XP

2013-11-21, 05:10 PM
How is this handled in your campaigns? We have never used any spells or item creations because of the XP cost, though we are starting to think about doing it. Do you use it the way its described in the PHB? And if so how do you try to at least somewhat offset the cost with XP gains?

2013-11-21, 05:32 PM
Ignore the exp cost on Item Creation.

On spells convert it to gold at 5 gold = 1 xp.

However I should also say that we don't really track exp at all and just level up when its appropriate instead. If you're already using the exp system it might be simpler for you to adjust it to allow for xp costs on spells. However I still would ignore them on item creation.

Yuki Akuma
2013-11-21, 05:35 PM
XP is a river.

If you spend XP, you will level up later than everyone else. But when you're a lower level than everyone else, you get bonus XP.

You will never be more than one level behind, and will usually be the same level. Unless you go absolutely mad with XP spending.

There is nothing wrong with spending XP on spells or making items. As long as you actually follow the rules for XP gain, which apparently not many people do.

2013-11-21, 05:39 PM
IMHO, actually tracking XP is a great thing. Paying XP actually works out pretty well for the item creator. If it's something like a wizard, actually staying 1 level behind the party for the additional 10% XP for free crafting should be great, as spellcasters should be able to handle enough already. Just replacing XP with gold kind of defeats the purpose, as then there is no incentive not to just buy the items. I remember a thread from the WoTC forums a while ago on actually optimizing paying XP, I'll try to dig that up.

You will probably need to change some of the XP rates for things, as the CR system is anything but perfect. Remember that about 13 at level encounters should level up the party. Calculate these based on the average party level, not the highest or lowest. Some of the maths may be kind of annoying, but whoever is actually crafting the items will definitely be happy.

XP is also a component for a lot of non-item creation things, like Wish or several psionic powers.

Edit: Dangit, Yuki ninja'd like half of my post. All good though :smallbiggrin:.