View Full Version : Plane of Shadows Question

2013-11-21, 06:16 PM
A very simple question (probably): What is the purpose of the Plane of Shadows? I understand the Ethereal Plane and what it's there for and how it relates to the Material Plane (and possibly others), but I've never understood the reason for having a Plane of Shadows, seeing as how it isn't the real world (just a distorted reflection) and I don't believe it can be used in the same or a similar manner as the Ethereal Plane can be used. If someone would be able to answer this question it would be a great help.

2013-11-21, 06:18 PM
Post your question here. Afroakuma is the resident planes guru.

2013-11-21, 06:24 PM
A very simple question (probably): What is the purpose of the Plane of Shadows? I understand the Ethereal Plane and what it's there for and how it relates to the Material Plane (and possibly others), but I've never understood the reason for having a Plane of Shadows, seeing as how it isn't the real world (just a distorted reflection) and I don't believe it can be used in the same or a similar manner as the Ethereal Plane can be used. If someone would be able to answer this question it would be a great help.

Well, it can be used as a form of transport - moving through there allows you to travel faster than you would in the material plane, while still being able to navigate by recognizable landmarks, since they're exaggerated and reflected but still there. This serves as a nice but risky fast travel spell if you can't teleport.

Any more than that, though, is up to the DM. You might use it to investigate crimes, as the horror and pain would likely reflect into the shadow plane. Evil things might make their lair there - especially Vampires, who can live in an area that's effectively real with regards to physics and stuff, but doesn't have a sun to burn them.

There have also been hints about the Shadow plane being a way to get to alternate material planes - you turn away from reality and walk, the landmarks getting more exaggerated and distorted until you're no longer walking n a location, but an archetype. From there, you can simply walk out onto any other world that shares the archetype (i.e. The Forests of Lorien -> Shadow Lorien Forest -> The Primordial Forest, Archetype of all Dark Woods -> Everfree Forest, Ponyville).

2013-11-21, 06:37 PM
It also provides the fuel behind a large set of illusion spells, enabling them to be partly real.

2013-11-21, 06:40 PM
It was made a plane simply because, another world accessible through the shadows is a fantasy/fiction staple.

2013-11-21, 09:25 PM
It can also be a very useful adventure location. You arrive at the keep intending to recover the ancient tome just to discover its been destroyed. Off to the plane of shadow to see if you can find its reflection.

Ever play chrono cross? Dual world adventures can make a lot of sense with the shadow plane. It's a handy tool.

2013-11-21, 09:31 PM
M:TG's Lorwyn/Eventide setting is a great example of what a mirror-world could look like.

2013-11-29, 11:24 PM
Good points all, thank you for the answers. And also, in recognition of Fooliscious' post, I originally was going to post this question in Afroakuma's Thread, however I could not find it at the time.

Big Fau
2013-11-30, 12:28 AM
Not exactly canon, but in my Eberron games the Shadow Plane is literally Khyber's soul (Eberron sealed away both Khyber and Siberys by separating their spirits from their bodies; Khyber's body became the region, while his soul became the Plane of Shadows. Siberys likewise ended up as the ring and the Ethereal Plane).