View Full Version : Looking for an Ultra-customizable Character Sheet site/program

2013-11-22, 02:36 AM
So far, I've found an awesome one http://charactersheets.minotaur.cc/build/dnd35 but i'm looking for something with a more diverse range of features, that draws from more sourcebooks (in particular I'd like some Spellfire stuff on my current character sheet, from Forgotten Realms books).

I can edit things in things myself, but I'm looking for the modularity of just adding different blocks in, for stuff like psionic powers, cleric powers, animal companions, warlock powers, rage abilities, spellfire, so that each time I make a new character, I can just slap together a nice, simple character sheet for them that doesn't have all these features I know I won't need, and includes the ones I DO need. I can make do, but I'd just like to know if there are any better ones out there, that my search hasn't yet uncovered =D