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Lost Demiurge
2013-11-22, 08:23 PM

ICON CITY INSIDER - January 2000

One Week Later, the World still Mourns

The Crusader. Schrodinger. Les Freres. Stone Cold. Has it been a week, already? A week since these and many more heroes fell in the arctic circle, giving their lives against a threat that we still know nothing about? So many heroes gone in one bloody night, bodies never recovered, entire teams gone in the space of hours. Truly, the world is a darker place for their passing...

Tesla Memorial Museum Robbed!

Late night Sunday, a watchman at the Tesla Memorial Museum responded to an alarm, to find an entire storeroom empty, with no signs of forced entry or exit. The storeroom, confirmed to be holding "Unsorted Atlantean-era artifacts", had been entirely cleaned out by people or forces unknown. The museum's curator, Professor Pyre, could not be reached for comment.

Economic Recovery!

After the last gasps of the recent recession, business is once again booming! A strong holiday season, followed by a bullish stock market, have chased away the recent economy woes.

Ancient hero arrives in Icon City!

Gilgamesh, ancient ruler of the pre-mesopotamian city state Uruk, recently arrived in Icon City last morning, borne on a flying chariot pulled by horses. He touched down in the Brownstones, and after a brief and peacefully-resolved conflict with the ICPD, has been granted a visitors visa for the length of his stay. Gilgamesh joins another ancient mythical figure, the renowned Wizard Merlin, in being open mythic heroes now dwelling within Cape City. Let us hope that he can avoid as storied a record of arrests and minor misdemeanors as Merlin, who has made quite the splash on the club scene of late...

Glowing Lights, Strange Graffiti in Woods...

Augustine State Park Rangers have been baffled recently by a number of strange occurances taking place in the tranquility of the nature preserve. Strange, wisplike lights have been reported moving around in the woods at night, and unnatural fogs are seeming to permeate the area. Hikers are reporting finding strange markings carved into trees, seemingly mystical runes. However, the heavy winter and rough trails are making full investigation difficult...

Nob Hill Hob Nobbery

The traditional New Years celebration held by the respectable and wealthy Pyre family was delayed this year, as several important guests were caught up in the business and aftermath of the Y2K tragedy. As the ghastly news unfolded, the planners of the party were forced to push it back, until the mourning time was done. But now it is over, and we face a new year... With a new party, in memorium of those who gave their all! Of course, it goes without saying that only anyone who's ANYONE will be invited to this upper class shindig...

Crime on the Rise!

The city has never needed heroes more. With the demise of two local hero teams, and the tragic loss of Schrodinger, Hellas, and Miss Tyc and many more, the petty criminals of Icon City are growing bolder. Theft and Drugs are in this season, with the north regions of the city being particularly hard hit...


Westmarket - Railyards: Theft ++
Dockside - Fishmarket: Drugs +
Outskirts - Fort Steyer: Drugs +
Downtown - Club Central: Theft +
Cobbles Cove - Barrios: Homicide +

Vorpal Challenge

The formerly-obscure villainess, Vorpal, has been sighted in the Brownstone area, initiating hostilities against the local "Black Bloods" gang. One couple was "Saved" by the villain, as she leaped down from a rooftop, and carved several of the Black Bloods accosting the hapless civilians into pieces in a gruesome, murderous display. According to the couple, who requested that they remain anonymous, she then began torturing the survivors while shouting questions...

Doomsday Cult's Prophet Margins grow

You may never have known his name, but you'd probably recognize his voice. Edward Maple, a homeless man who for the last five years has held a sign and harangued Grand Avenue passers by about the coming apocalypse, has gained somewhat of a following, after the decimation of the world's heroes. Maple, who has forsaken his former name and is now calling himself "Father Figure", claims that he is only a Herald of things to come. He is attracting followers from the homeless, and from those seeking reasons for the horrific fate that was so narrowly averted last month...

Raid gone Bad?

Peabody Labs, a Genetically Modified Crop research facility in the nearby Farmlands of Icon City was raided on Saturday, and no less than three officers were killed in the tragic violence that followed. Details of this violence are not yet available, and FEMA has taken charge of the case. Reporters have not been allowed within the compound's perimeter, which is still guarded now, three days later. Rumors are circulating... Was this another plot by the nefarious Professor Vector? Or were the nearby coven of vampires responsible for the horror? Stay tuned, as we ask the opinions of reputable experts...

Helios Seeking Subcontractors

With this economic recovery comes more job opportunities, and Helios Core is seeking skilled scientists and technicians for subcontracting work. Professor Gensler, the head of Helios' vast engineering division, would not comment on the specific nature of the work, only that it would be both demanding and groundbreaking.

ICPD Hiring Push

With so many heroes lost, it's up to more everyday heroes in blue to hold the line! The ICPD is hiring intelligent, respectable citizens who seek to keep the peace, protect, and serve the public. Do YOU have what it takes to join the boys (and girls) in blue?

8 Ball in the Boardwalk Corner

Local hero and technological marvel Eight Ball has been seen rolling around the Boardwalk at nights, trailed by several of his small drones. The Watchmen, a local gang, seem to have conflicted with him at least twice, but no charges have been pressed, and no hospital visits have resulted from these scuffles.

Slumside Vandalism

Vandals are no stranger in the crumbling complexes of Slumside, but a recent trend of vandalism has police baffled. Light poles, window frames, street grates, all manner of metal items are turning up twisted and warped into odd shapes. "Been in the weldin' business ten, twenny years, tain't seen nothin' like it," local unemployed technicain Ross Hokum said. "No tools I know could do this..."

Rotary Club Fundraiser

The 98th Rotary Club, which operates out of the white-collar neighborhoods known somewhat amusingly as "Yuppietown" is holding a fundraiser to support and celebrate the local police and firefighters Unions! "Just gonna be a chance for folks around the suburbs to meet an' greet, and for us to show our love and support for our local heroes! Both kinds, really, the ones with uniforms an' the ones with spandex! Ha ha, li'l joke there..."

2013-11-22, 08:41 PM
The Eternal Darkness
With such a catchy, but ominous name, as well as having the reputation of being blood thirsty monsters, which is half true, Father Epiphanes has thought of himself as both blessed and cursed to have the responsibility of earning his organization a good reputation. He has already had some limited success in that regard. His people are now openly and legally vampires.
In the Outskirts of the city, horrible drug running operations are being done, maybe innocent people are getting hurt and killed, while the ordinary folk's vampire neighbors dwell securely in the Farming neighborhood's only extremely rich estate, the Epiphanes Estate.
Father Epiphanes suggests to a handful of his followers to patrol the neighborhoods of the Farmingon district. He himself waits for an important interview. . . with The Superhuman Political Action Committee .
Meanwhile, surplus money from the Brotherhood's funding, from both their secret treasures, and generous donations to the Brotherhood are being half-offered and half-negotiated for those in the neighborhood. Cooperate and work with and for the Brotherhood of Eternal Darkness for double the value of their offering.

To prove they have good will towards their neighborhood, substantial funding is being offered for whomever is in need for free.

2013-11-22, 09:46 PM
"Would you come here miss? Yes you, assuming your a citizen I want you to make a citizens arrest of this man. No I can't do it. Bull****, when I where spandex I want it to be free of idiotic associations. Now, I've probably stolen as much as any man alive, but a mugging? That's pathetic. How I do it? Well where do you think your gun went? Eh? I just saw it in the paper and looped by."


"You know there's a modern storytelling device where all the characters meet in a tavern. Apparently some stranger will come in and either tell everyone there about some legend or walk up to a table and hire whomever happens to be drinking there to go fight someone. Fascinating really: back when taverns were in every village and most people spent their best lives there everything in their tales began in letters and administrative buildings. Now people only make stories about government service if someone does it wrong and they romanticize places like this many of them never enter.
It's been a while Bastet. My notes on you were buried far down my journals. I thank humanity for hypertext but I wish they had thought of standardized spelling a little sooner. Pillars will rise and lock against each other in this city till the unbound fade and the weakest cracks from their shaking. I for one plan to do absolutely nothing about it, but where there are pillars there are shadows and when towers shake no one wants a hand in their footprint. So what have you been up to?"

2013-11-22, 11:46 PM
Sergei Kalinin

"Ey, brat! Yer see da news today?"


"Buncha bloodsuckers right dere, sound like wha' ye lookin' for. Na' gunna go lookin' fer dem?"


"Na' good lil' pizda..."

"It isn't the time yet."


"I am not ready yet. There is still much that I don't know, and I need to be sure I'm not walking in unprepared."

"Eh, suit yerself, patsan. Wha' yer gunna do dis week, den?"

"I wonder... this 'Vorpal' interests me."

"Her, eh? Gotta bit o' data on 'e blad. Na' much, but better'n nuthin'. Remind me t'show it to ya, eh?"

"I will. And this thing in the Slumsides..."

"Eh, dun know much 'bout tha' one. Yer think it worth checkin' out, shure."

"And the Fundraiser. Something tends to happen at such events, so I might drop in for a look-see."

"Heh! Gunna raise some hell, eh?"

"Not really, no. Least I'm not starting anything."

"Haw haw haw! Very well then patsan, jus' dun get yershelf killed, eh?"

"I'll keep that in mind, Sergei."

"]Holla, Miss Arachne! Sergei here! What's the scoop these days? Got anything for ol' Sergei to do?

"]Hallo there, folks? What's the news on the ground? Got anything for ol' Sergei to do, eh?

"]Ho there, Proffie! How's the villainy going? You the one hit Peabody Labs, or no? Either way, hit ol' Sergei up if you got stuff need doing, ey?

2013-11-23, 12:22 AM
Sharon Deckhart sat wearily in her office typing up letter after letter. She had only recently taken over as head of the Icon City branch, and was still having trouble learning to delegate. With the loss of so many prominent members, the PAC was still feeling is way forward, unsure of what the future held.

12:06. She’d just sent her RSVPs to the Pyre New Year’s celebration and the Rotary Club fundraiser. There was still time to get a little more work done before lunch with MRB’s agent McCartney. One of the Super-PAC’s new year’s resolutions was to reach out to the supernatural community more, rather than focusing on the traditional caped crusaders who by and large already trusted the organization. Flipping through a manila folder dedicated to noteworthy supernaturals, she picked out a likely prospect.

Merlin. Yes, that one, if he was to be believed. Apparently the British government was convinced, and that was good enough for Sharon. More importantly, records indicated he was the man to know in the magical community. He’d had some run-ins with the law, but nothing serious enough to make the PAC avoid associating with him. If anything, it might make him more interested in dealing with the PAC, considering their reputation for defending metahumans in court.

E-mail to Merlin
Greetings Sir Merlin,

The Superhuman Political Action Committee is looking to start off the new year by getting to know the city’s magical population better. Given your reputation as a leader of the community, I was hoping you might be able to offer some insight into their interests and concerns.

In addition, I would appreciate any lore you could offer about the supernatural denizens of the city. We’ll soon be launching People First, a PR campaign geared towards reminding the city that metahumans are more than the sum of their powers, and we’d hate to misrepresent anyone due to our ignorance. Magister Barkley handled our databases on the supernatural, and unfortunately that knowledge died with him during Y2K. Rumor has it your carousing has given you insight into the gangs and neighborhoods of Icon City as well, and that information could be incredibly useful. Heroes come to us often looking for leads during their investigations, and our contacts don’t always produce useful information.

Our people can handle any necessary translation and copying work, all we ask is access to your databases and we’ll do the rest. In return, we’d be willing to provide information on the groups we have more regular interaction with. Let me know what you think, and if you have any other concerns you think we could help with, please feel free to ask.

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

P.S. Any chance of running into you at the Pyre family’s New Year’s celebration?

OOC: Offering to trade Movers and Shakers 2 for Magic 2 and Icon City 1, I’ll handle all the actions involved in the trade.

12:38. Still time to write one more letter before lunch. She reviewed a file she’d gone over extensively a few days before. The Eternal Night. Vampires, apparently, straight out of a story book. They were fighting an uphill PR battle, and had deep pockets. Sharon was sure they could come to some sort of understanding. So far, the Eternal Night had kept out of trouble, and if that trend continued, they could be powerful allies in the struggle for acceptance of metanormals.

E-mail to Eternal Night
Greetings Father Epiphanes

To follow up our earlier correspondence, I am pleased to inform you that People First, a PR campaign dedicated to reminding Icon City that metahumans are more than just a collection of strange powers, will be launching shortly. Any donation you can offer would be greatly appreciated. We have plenty of ways to get the word out, but adding to our bottom line could increase the effectiveness of the campaign exponentially.

Incidentally, have you given any more thought to being interviewed as part of the campaign? The Super-PAC can make sure you get a friendly reporter who will stick to the talking points, and a network that will present Eternal Night in the best possible light. We can set something up as early as this month, but if you’re busy we can wait. This project will be ongoing for some time.

Finally, I’d recommend you attend the Pyre family’s New Year’s celebration and mingle as much as possible. Director Carceri of the MRB might be a particularly good target if you can get a few minutes with him. Just assure him you don’t prey on humans and plan on staying out of trouble; he’ll know if you’re telling the truth. It’s a gift.

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

1:07. ****, she was going to be late to her business lunch.

2013-11-23, 02:33 AM

I do not act as a spokesperson for the supernatural community and I don't act as a spokesperson to the supernatural community. It is a long running policy.
I can provide access to a collated database of my agents knowledge, but said knowledge indicates you have additional files. I assure you my staff would be more than willing to analyze such of their own effort.
Sincerly: Merlin
P.S. I have been invited, so you may
OOC: counter-offering to trade Magic 2, icon city 1 for Movers and shakers 3 with an even action split.

2013-11-23, 04:02 AM
Sharon Deckhart finally made it to the roof only to discover someone else had absconded with the Super-PAC zeppelin. Clearly they still had to work on inter-office communication under the new administration. Sighing, she turned back to the elevator, pulling out her phone to dial agent McCartney.

Phone call to MRB
“McCartney? Hi. Listen, someone’s using the zeppelin. No, I didn’t approve it. It’ll take too long to arrange anything else now, I’m going to have to cancel. I know, I’m sorry. There’s still a few things I’d like to talk about if you’ve got time. We’ve lost our eyes on the street, and I’m going to have to ask you to pick up the slack a lot over the next few months while we get back on our feet. So, the question of the hour is obviously FEMA’s involvement in the Peabody Labs case. What happened out there?”

Sharon had a pretty good idea why FEMA was called in- if the rumors about Peabody lab’s latest research were true, their involvement was more than justified. Still, it would sound suspicious if she didn’t ask, and it wasn’t always wise to let on about every secret you know.

“Of course, there’s the Vorpal situation as well. Any clues as to why she attacked the Black Bloods? And what about the museum heist and the slumside vandalisms? Have you been investigating those? I know it’s a lot to ask, but if we turn up anything in our own investigations, you’ll be the first to know. Promise.”

Sharon made her way back to her office to take notes during the call- lunch could wait. When that was done, she called in Magister Fivsby, the new head of the arcane department. Fivsby was an amateur magician at best, but the PAC didn’t exactly host many proper wizards, especially since Y2K. Finally getting around to delegating some work, she instructs him to call the IC Historical Society and inquire about the stolen artefacts.

Phone Call to IC Historical Society.
Magister Fivsby calls asking about the nature of the stolen goods. Were they known to be magical? Did any legends surround them, was there anything suspicious about the robbery? Any scorned buyers who might have wanted them? Few knew about the close relationship between SPAC and MRB, and they were not above using their status among pro-metahuman groups to get information that might have been withheld from law enforcement.
OOC: Hoping my Metahuman Rights Activist rep trait applies to these guys, since they exist to honor tesla's memory and deal in various superscience(and apparently atlantean?) artefacts.

Once all that was taken care of, Sharon noticed Merlin had replied to her message. Well, wouldn't do to keep him waiting. Lunch could wait a bit longer…

E-mail to Merlin
It is true that we are holding back our most classified files. They contain information told to us in confidence that could be quite damaging to the parties involved. Sharing them, even with someone of your esteem, would draw quite a bit of negative attention on both of us. I assure you understand we mean no disrespect, and sincerely hope you will consider our original offer.

Sharon Deckhart,
Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

2013-11-23, 05:29 AM

Sunlight. Blinding. Walls fuzzy. Vision clears. Area massive. Roof obscured with dust. No walls. Piles of rubble. Climb up hill. Look around. Area open. No people. Hears noise. Looks up. Creature flying high above. Threat? Watches. Waits. No attack. Ignores. Scans horizon. Buildings in the distance. Approaches. Ruins. Searches. No people. Confused. Waits. Hibernates. Nothing. Hungry. Leaves ruins. Searches. Small creatures. Devours. Returns to ruins. Digs. Leaves for resources. Returns. Makes new home.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -

Jacob flicks the knife open, and closed. Open and closed. Looks to his left. Michael passes him the joint. He breathes deeply, relaxes. Passes it on to James.

"This is pretty good stuff. Grow it yourself?"

"Nah. ****ing Landlord took my stash. Paid good money for that, ****s just gonna use the stuff himself."

"**** him. Anywhere else you can crash?"

"Not likely. But anyway, lets not talk about it"

The band of three wander for a time through the rubble, looking for their usual spot, far enough away from civilization to feel comfortable, but still reasonably safe. They turn around a hill and spot it. A ruined four-story office block, abandoned before their time.

James stops as he spots it, bringing the others to a halt. The area looks different. Subtle things, noticeable only because they come here so often.

"Someone's been here while we were gone."

"They're probably gone now. Lets go have a look"

The three approach the entrance cautiously. A small hole in the wall, big enough to get through only while crouching. James goes in first, then Micheal and Jacob.

"Seems ...darker than normal"

Micheal reaches around his body, looking for a match.

"Nothing. oh well"

James gestures down one of the corridors and begins walking, the other two follow along slowly. As they walk down, the corridor opening out onto small blocks of offices, everything seems the same, but different. Quieter, eerier. Some new growths are visible coming through one of the walls. Leaves black with malnutrition.

A sound. The three turn around, looking back down the corridor they came. Nothing.

"What was that?"

They turn back. The end of the corridor is dark, but something can be seen moving in it. Growling.

Jacob laughs.

"Just some stupid mutt. Probably starving. Won't bother us."

The creature charges, coming out of the shadow, rushing forward before the group can get a proper look at it. Micheal moves to block it. A massive arm smashes him against the wall, he falls lamely to the floor

Jacob flips open his knife, stabbing wildly, hitting flesh. The creature rears back, giving James a chance to jump in, helping Micheal to his feet.

"What the **** is this?"

"I don't know, just run"

The three run for the entrance, the creature quickly giving chase. Jacob lets James go through first, glancing back behind him briefly, too quickly to see anything in the dark. He helps Micheal through, then begins to climb through himself, looking through the hole in time to see the creature outside, driving an arm through James chest.

James collapses, blood pouring out his chest and mouth. Micheal tries to stand, a blow to the face smashes his skull. The creature grabs Jacob, pulling him out the building, throwing him across the ground. His back screams in agony, the wind knocked out of him as the creature bears down on him. Jacob tries to roll away, the creatures claws digging deep. His arm sears with pain. He tries to lift himself up onto his feet, his right arm collapses, a bloody stump. The creature pins him down, lifts up it's pincers and..

2013-11-23, 06:31 AM
Golden Flock

Mr. Eduard [Personal]

[Eduard flies to the Woods, with Owl Brothers for bodyguards and intimidation. And some feed, as bribes. It’s winter time.]
[Use of [Uplift 2] to get the locals talking, and start searching for those, who know anything.]

''Why hello there, Mr. Rabbit-Friend*. Don’t worry on the account of Brothers here, they won’t bite, unless I tell them. Now I’ve been hearing things, about the place - some bad stuff going on. Do tell and we’ll see what I can arrange for you to get by this winter.''

[*Not certain what animals are active in the Park during the winter time.]

Internal [PM]

Reading Papers
[The Media & News]: I’m curious if there is any extra tidbit of information I can gleam from the daily papers?

Peabody Labs - any connection with tidbid, that something broke out and fled to the woods recently?

[Database Movers & Shakers]: who can I expect to see at the Pyre Party?

ServiCo [Internal]

Ms. Miranda.

Can you please forward me the report on the expected work, our employees would be freezing their butts to fix on the New Year’s Eve?*

*Any info related to mysterious metal twisting vandals?

[What locations need-a-fixing?]

2013-11-23, 08:32 AM
The Trifecta

Man getting settled down took a lot of work to do, even when you had a giant Kaiju helping you move your stuff, the darn chase had left everyone tired and in need of a breather.

How are our buddies doing?
I hope everything is fine? after all those recent happenings?

Anyway we have finally arrived at the city and settled down, if you think you wanna hire me or T, just tell me k?, of course sending someone to speak with someone from you would help, as i am a busy little bee.

Also dont know if you heard about something happening....something public out there in the trees with the bees, thats an interesting matter...and legit something very big. You might have heard about it?, either way gonna go look whats there, wanna see why they got so famous.
Unless its one of your friends? or allies?, in which case i reckon we will stay away.

Hmm oh yeah sweet kisses to my old but hot friend >:D we should catch up someday.



Tempest&Mara go to scout for whatever is happening in the park, safety first of course.

They GOOGLE doc has details, so that no one who peeks learns about my stuff.(dont have secr 1 fer nothing =P).

2013-11-23, 11:08 AM
Garren Gomar, The Hungarian Hussar

In a corner table of a small, trendy café, a black-haired man with a long coat and stylish, wide-brimmed hat sat, ignoring curious looks and sipping his drink. Slipping a hand in his pocket, he sighed and drew out a newspaper.

"Fine. Fine. Damnit."

Muttering to himself, he opened the newspaper rather violently above his head and slammed it on the table.

After looking at the open page for a moment, he stood up, stuffed it back in the pocket and left.

Internal [PM]

So, what was the news on the page that was left open?

2013-11-23, 01:30 PM

Pierce leans back in his new leather chair.

"I like this chair," he comments. "Much better than that old one I had back in New Hamshire."

"It came with the space, like most of the furniture did," explains one of the office workers sifting through a mound of paperwork.

"Really? Wow. This place is fancy. Makes me feel rich and powerful. This big old desk, the leather boss chair..." He trails off and stands up abruptly. "You know what, I don't think I want to use this chair. Find me a metal folding chair or something. Something with less of a corrupting influence."

Some of the paper-pushers laugh at Pierce's eccentricity- those who were new, and unused to their new bossman, but the few who had come with him from his old office smiled as they recognized the Pierce they had come to know and love.

Pierce rolls the enormous leather chair around his desk and then stops.

"You know what, better idea. Who has the largest share of the paperwork?"

A flustered intern raises his hand. He had evidently drawn the short straw in the office lots this morning.

"You get my desk today. Here, I'll help you move the stacks."

Pierce strolls over and grabs a stack of papers, skimming the forms on the top.

"'Request for Permission to Host Political Events Within City Limits.' Huh. That goes to Mayor Tristan's office, right? I'll talk to him about this- he's a friend."

The intern just nods, somewhat intimidated by Pierce's direct mannerisms.

"And an invitation to a New Year's party? That could be interesting. I'll handle that one too."

"Don't let him take too much off of you, or he'll end up doing everything himself," remarks Pierce's personal secretary, a black woman. "There's a reason we usually don't let him see the paperwork."

"You are a saint, Darleen, but I can't let you do all the work around here."

"Oh yes you can. That's my job, isn't it? You get to do the talking, let me handle everything else. Now go make some calls."

Mayor Tristain [p]
"Good morning! Just calling to make sure it's okay if we start holding fundraisers. I was thinking of setting one up for the Icon City Historical Society, since they recently lost some of their collection."

Upper Crust [m]
Pierce Honnete will be attending the New Years party, along with possible guests. We will contact you with details on the guests once details are finalized.

Thank you for your invitation. Pierce is looking forward to your party.

Pierce, done with the call, peers over Darleen's shoulder as she pens the letter.

"Anyone want to go to a party?" he asks the room. Darleen sighs.

"Pierce, you can't just bring anyone. These guys are really big into the pedigree and class."

Pierce turns around and looks at her curiously.

"What? I can bring whomever I like. They invited me, and my parents were ventilation technicians."

"For the love of all that is holy, please don't tell them that."

"Why not? It's the truth, isn't it? Say, do you want to go?"

Darleen sighs again. There's no reasoning with the man once he gets an idea like that fixed in his mind.
"I guess I do need a break. It's been work nonstop since we arrived. I guess I could pretty up for a party."

Pierce smiles, and Darleen can't help but smile back.

Historical Society [e]
You didn't lose anything... dangerous, did you? If you need to press charges on anyone, give us a call.

Can I get any information from my Kindness or Temperance traits about Helios Core's work or and Peabody labs' research?

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-23, 01:59 PM
Eternal Darkness

Neighborhood watch meeting (Public)

The meeting goes well, and though the farmers are wary of the vampiric nature of the Eternal Darkness, the suggestion of a neighborhood watch program is well recieved. Particularly given the drug trafficking problems in the Fort Steyer vicinity, and the recent tragedy at Peabody Labs. The offer of funding for it, seals the deal. The Darkness puts up [2 cash], and a passing around of the hat picks up enough to match it. The Vampires still aren't completely trusted, but they won some approval tonight.

(Eternal Darkness gains 1 Influence for the Farmland.)


Cult of Bastet
To Merlin [PM]

You find your way up to the second floor of the Strays Welcome bar. It looks like a crazy cat lady exploded in here... Felines everywhere, watching you and pretending not to watch you as the case may be. Inside a room lined with gold foil and handcrafted cat representations (Everything from ages old stone sculptures, to kitty drawings that look like they were made by five year olds), Bastet sits court. You ignore the lady wearing the cathead mask, and focus on the black and white cat in her lap, who promptly hops to yours once you take a seat, and purrs as she speaks.

"Why Merlin, it's simply been AGES. Do you have any of that herring you used to... Ah, you do, I smell it in your pocket."

"At the minute, I've been watching for trouble. So many new magical faces moving in, yourself among them. Rather hard to keep them all sorted, dearie. And then there's the mundane issues, too..."

"But there's a lot going on, and well, a girl's gotta earn her dough, goddess or no. Did you come to chew the fat, or ask about specific things? Pleasureable conversation is cheap, but secrets are business and business costs money..."

(You can devote some of your 8 free influence to Bastet if you would like.)


to Sergei [E]

How's my favorite Russian today? As it turns out, we might have something. Nonlethal, flashy, might draw some ire. If that sounds interesting, meet a rep at fifth and vine downtown. Privacy is expected, here. (Luxury Lofts.)

Graveyard Gang
to Sergei [E]

Heya Sergy! Grim here. Things are quiet right now, SCK's learned their place, and we got nothing major in the pipe. That said, if you need backup, we might be available for hire.

Professor Vector
to Sergei [E]

Rude Russian! I've warned you before about calling me by needling nicknames! Mind your tongue, Tovarisch... Now, as to your question, Peabody was neither my doing nor my misfortune. However, I must admit to some curiousity about the doings there. If that was a crop-research lab, then I'm a monkey's muzzle. If you know someone who can investigate the place without being caught by FEMA, I'll pay you for any information unearthed.


to Sharon Deckhart [P]

"Ah, hello Sharon. Peabody... Mmm. Not much I can say over unclassified lines. Let's just say that it wasn't a crop research facility, and that Peabody itself didn't call the cops in. Passers-by noticed a disturbance, and things escalated from there."

"That's all I can say, legally. FEMA's in charge now, and they're not happy one bit."

Historical Society
to Super-Pac [P]

"Well... The goods may or may not have been magical. To be honest, they were turned in half a year ago from a private collection, and they were slated to be catalogued this March. I'm not sure how much else I can tell you... The police are investigating now. Do you know any private investigators, or have any people who might be able to aid the investigation? I suppose we could put in a word if so..."


Internal [PM]

You kill them easily, taking no wounds in the process. This was a small group though. The packs of black bandana gangers tend to be larger in number through here, so engaging more groups might have some actual risk to it.

Golden Flock

Mr. Eduard [PM]

Mr. Eduard makes his way to the park. It is cold as heck, not doing wonders for his tropical nature. Still, he endures. The rabbits that he uplifts are happy for the feed, but the deer are the real gossips.

First something started happening a few nights ago... Weird floaty lights, and scribbles on trees. It seems to be centered around a hill near the center of the preserve... The old trees there have arranged themselves into a circle, and there's an indescribable feeling there. The thing is, the Deer don't seem to mind the lights, signs, and feeling. To them it feels natural, like it's something that should be.

They DID mind when a bunch of white-clad humans showed up on foot, and started poking around. The humans did that one night, then oddly, vanished. But the deer and rabbits can still smell fresh human scent around in parts, and one of the bigger caves is jam-packed with that scent. And there's machine noise from in there sometimes. They steer clear of it.

Also, right now, there's some people poking around. One of them smells BAD. The squirrels quietly lead Mr. Eduard to a high point, where he looks down to see a man and a woman moving through the snow, searching around.

As Mr. Eduard watches, a gust of snow blows down toward the group, and the man lifts his hand, and the snow abruptly blows away from the group.

Mr. Eduard hasn't been spotted yet. The pair seem to be searching, and after a while they find the hill with the trees the deer told him about.

Internal [PM]

Well, with his media influence Mr. Eduard could easily follow up on specific stories, talk to the reporters, check on facts and get details that might have been left out. But if he's just reading the paper, then what you see is what you get.

At the Pyre Party? Well, invites have likely been sent to Superpac, Virtue, the Mayor, the Police Commissioner, the head of the MRB, the Eternal Darkness, yourself (Duh), Aegon Morgenstern, Dr. Gensler, Professor Pyre (His family hosting it after all), the CCP, Tomorrow Force, and probably a few noted individuals. As to who's likely to show, it's hard to say. And some of those showing will probably have guests.

Internal [PM]

Miranda says that Slumside needs a little work from the vandalism, probably light as it goes. [Chance to earn 2 cash for one action of repairing.] She also notes that the Railyard theft is a lot of metal stripping, to the point of damaging the tracks. The city's currently discussing contracts to fix that, once the thieves are stopped. Could be a chance to land some business if you can get on the bidding list, but it'd definitely be a lot of work.

Goblin Market
to Trifecta [E]

Heya, this is Squig! They let me play on the PEE CEE TODAY! OMG! :D

I learned emoticons an' stuff! :) ;D >.< }:)

Anyhoo, we're setup in the Boutiques this month if you wanna come find us an' talk private.

When I asked boss about the lights an' stuff he laughed. He said that someone's going to get quite a prize. And to tell anyone who asked that we'd pay [3 cash] for the location of the Locus, so we could auction it off.

So that's that. I guess if you find out more you can come and talk private and stuff. Or maybe you find a locus and keep it yourself? What's a locus anyway, is it like a bug?

(A locus, as Mara well knows, is a center of power tied to an area.)

A Walk in the snow [PM]

Tempest and Mara trek through the great outdoors, with the Cultists and puppies on call back near the park entrance. It's big and empty out here, but Tempest uses his powers to keep the worst of the wind at bay.

Mara definitely feels POWER stirring here... She follows the source of it to a hill, with a perfect ring of pine trees crowning it. In the center of the clearing, she feels power thrumming like a wire in the wind... And she knows what is going on.

A leyline shift has caused a mana node to spring up in this location, and its Locus is on this hill. Anyone who bonds with the node by spending enough time here over the course of several weeks will be infused with the power of the surrounding land.

Garren Gomar

Internal [PM]

The paper flips between several pages when he puts it down. The museum theft, the lights in the woods, The Eight Ball thing in Boardwalk, the Nob hill Party, and the Peabody labs thing all seem to catch his eye.


Mayor Tristan [P]

"Absolutely! You're a registered and validated organization, you may hold all the fundraisers you please!"

Upper Crust [M]

You send the response off, RSVPing with grace. Probably not gonna recieve confirmation, but eh, you've got the invites already so you're set.

Historical Society[p]

"Hello, Pierce? Professor Pyre here. We appreciate your interest in the case, though any details would be best discussed face to face. Can you or one of your people spare some time for a private meeting?"

Internal [PM]

Kindness gets you not very far, as both Helios and FEMA are officially no comment on the recent happenings. Temperance, however, turns up some rumors. Rumor is that Helios Core is devoting all their profits and much of their savings to whatever they're working on. As to Peabody labs... Rumor is that illegal experiments were being conducted there... Something positively HORRIBLE, if it got turned over to FEMA.

2013-11-23, 02:27 PM
Gilgamesh, 9:44 AM

Gilgamesh was running across the street, leaping over a car in the middle to approach the one pedestrian on the street. A man in his forties in a raincoat, looking rather nervous as a seven-foot giant with a plaited beard and a musket over one shoulder came running at him.
The former King gave him his warmest smile.
"GOOD EVENING! I require information. Where can I find the nearest library? Who commands this... township? Quarter? District. District, I mean. And how can I reach them? Who rules this nation? Oh, and explain the internet."

Gilgamesh, 14:53 PM

"You are not talking sense, woman."
Books where carefully stacked all around Gilgamesh, as he sat cross-legged on the floor. A World Atlas. The Constitution of the United States. The Oxford English Dictionary. A Brief History of Time. The Internet for Dummies. A History of Spaceflight. Hitchhiker's Guide to Europe. The Encyclopedia Britannica, open on "Automobile". Grimm's Fairy Tales. The Art of War (Rommel's, not Sun Zi's). How to learn the Piano in 30 days.
"Sir, I'm just asking you to be quiet. People..."
"This is a library, isn't it?"
"Yes, Sir, and..."
"So, it is for reading. People come here to read."
"Yes, Sir, so..."
"So I'm reading, dammit. How do you expect people to be quiet when they are TRYING TO READ!"

Gilgamesh, 16:27 PM

"I do not like this mouse thing. It is too small for my hands. But thank you for letting me use your computer. Now, explain how I make public announcements with it."

"Public Announcement" on the internet, 16:39 PM

"These are the words dictated by Gilgamesh of Uruk, as relayed by the List of Craig and many public Fora.
Gilgamesh has chosen to undertake a mission of great charity. Every week, he will take one person or packaged good from anywhere on Eart and bring it to any other place on the Earth, in less than 24 hours, by use of the magnificient Sky Chariot and he will not demand money nor service in exchange. If you wish to make use of this charitable service, send a letter of application describing your situation in much detail and fine prose.
So spoke Gilgamesh of Uruk."

Gilgamesh to the Watchmen

"Hey, you! Are you with the watchmen? No? Where can I find them?"
A lot of people soon heard those words, as Gilgamesh made his way across the districts, putting out the word that he wanted to talk to the Watchmen.

2013-11-23, 02:41 PM
The Trifecta

Let me show you a table flip instead Squig
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Hope you enjoyed it.

Now back on business tell your boss i have the location(it was easy) and the price is fine, i am coming to sell it, or perhaps trade it if he knows something specific i wish to know.

I seek to meet and perhaps make a deal with a certain someone in your Club, you could say we are kindred flames, now you wouldn't happen to have a time and a place for a meeting would you?.


Mara goes to the Goblin market with one or two cultists helping.
aaaand after much discussion i got 1 cash in the end.

2013-11-23, 02:46 PM
Pyre Family NewYear's Celebration

The Brotherhood looked over it's records. So far, the year had gone somewhat better than expected. Sadly, some vigilantes tried every once in a while to kill one of them, and sufficient self-defense measures ended in sadness for all involved. However, people were beginning to see that the Brotherhood weren't monsters. They weren't entirely trusted yet, but oh well.

Father Epiphanes donned his tuxedo and made the way to Pyre's celebration.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-23, 04:11 PM
(as a note, the New Years celebration will be held at the midturn. So not quite yet.)

2013-11-23, 05:05 PM
The Super-Pac offices were busier than usual. Word had gone out that investigsting the museum heist and lab assault were being added to the already long list of tasks facing the organization. Fivsby was still on the phone with the Tesla museum, while another representative was drafting a letter to IC Insider. Deckhart, meanwhile, was composing a letter to the city’s known superheroes, seeking their counsel on current events. The majority of the office, however, was busy with the planning stages of People First, a PR campaign that was set to take the public by storm starting next month.

Icon City Insider [M]
[Media influence 6]
We were wondering if we might field a few questions about the daily headlines. About the strange graffiti in the Augustine Park, could we possibly get pictures of the markings? The more the better. While everyone knows you have the best investigators around, if there’s a metanormal explanation for this, we might have access to resources you don’t to identify these markings. Oh, and about how far from Peabody Labs is this happening? Any chance they might be related?

[If we get pictures, I’d like to make a quick comparison to the latin-like graffiti discovered along with the armor-clad corpses in Cobble’s Cove last year. If that doesn’t check out, I’ll consider spending an action analyzing them properly.]

Also, any information you could provide about the museum heist would be appreciated. Is there any evidence of superhuman involvement, or perhaps an inside job? Considering how little is known about the stolen goods, we’re going to look into this ourselves. Letting unknown, possibly magical artifacts remain at large is simply not an option in the wake of the Y2K conflict.

IC Historical Society [P]
Actually, sir, we are planning to look into the matter. With the citywide crime surge, the police have too much on their hands already, and this can’t be allowed to fall through the cracks. If you think of anything else that might be of use, every little bit of info gives us that much more of a chance to recover the artifacts. If we send a caped crusader to check it out, would you be able to allow them access to the crime scene? Oh, and before I let you go, could I trouble you for the name of the previous owner of the collection?

Icon City Heroes- Knight of Blades, Gilgamesh, Lightning Centurion, The Ideal, The Hardliners, Tomorrow Force, Torchbearers. [E-mail] [Plus a craigslist message?]
Greetings, Heroes of Icon City.

I know we haven’t spoken as a group since the New Year’s tragedy, and for that, I apologize. To the Tomorrow Force in particular, please accept our condolences for the loss of Schrodinger. Once we reconcile our own losses, the Super-PAC intends to host a vigil for the fallen.

But this isn’t only a day for mourning. I would like to welcome Gilgamesh to the ranks of the IC Heroes, if he’ll stand with us. We’re not a formal organization by any means, Gilgamesh, but if you’re willing to stay in touch, we’re happy to keep you in the loop.

Now to business. Two recent news stories are of particular concern to us. With so many of our brothers fallen, and a wave of crime rising in the city, now more than ever we need to work to prevent disaster and support the police.

First, the Tesla Museum robbery. There’s a good chance some of the Atlantean artifacts stolen were magical. In the interests of preventing the possibility of another Y2K disaster, I feel locating these artifacts should be a priority. This collection has been sitting in the museum undisturbed for half a year; the timing is definitely suspicious. We’re working on getting more info about this, and getting you guys access to the crime scene.

Second, the Peabody Labs incident. I don’t know much about what went down here. Multiple sources indicate what they were working on was dangerous; I can’t go into details in this message. What I will say is if you go near there, be prepared for a fight, just in case. Oh, and keep your head down around the labs. FEMA has taken over, they’re pissed, and we don’t have the connections to get you out of trouble if you get on their bad side.

If any of you can spare the time to look into these issues, it would be a great help. I have my people doing what they can to investigate these matters, and will keep you updated as we learn more. As always, if you’re looking for a helping hand in your own struggles, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

P.S. And if any of you wanted to attend Pyre’s New Year’s celebration and didn’t receive an invitation, let me know and I’ll arrange one for you.

2013-11-23, 05:18 PM
Garren Gomar, Hero of the Orient

Internal [PM]

Mysterious arcane symbols in the woods? Nope.

Nobles and their ilk partying in their finest? Might be worth it to see their faces. But no.

Tragedy, violence, three dead, raid on a laboratory... Nope.

Eight Ball seems prominent, but getting involved with heroes and their business tends to end badly.

So yeah, I'm sure you know where I'm headed. Let's look at the museum theft, hope it's nothing more than someone wanting a quick buck. Though I guess you'd know.

After ensuring his men had sufficient accommodations, Gomar walked to the Tesla Memorial Museum. Museums tended to bore him, but he found boring things to be generally more enjoyable than the alternative.

Passing through the display halls, he took a random turn, entered the first door he came across - incidentally marked 'staff only' - and immediately collided, literally, with a very busy-looking woman carrying a bunch of files.

Picking up a fallen piece of paper and handing it over to the woman, glancing at the headline to see what it was about, he made a small bow in apology. "My apologies, miss, I was not quite watching where I was going."

Forum Explorer
2013-11-23, 05:27 PM
Knight of Blades

Another night of patrolling, another few muggers stopped and some petty thefts thwarted. Sure it was good work, and in comparison to what happened just a month ago it was easy work as well. Still there was only so much he could do and the recent rise in crime was making things even more difficult. Not to mention he still had to deal with the more mundane aspects of life.

"Alright, I spend one hour getting through these bills and orders and then I can check out the news," KoB promised himself as he set a timer.

-1 hour later-

"Hmm, a villain targeting the Blackbloods. Well she's crossing a line regardless of who her targets are. Still I guess I can talk to her first."

Paranet Request

Seeking: Contact info 4 Vorpal

Reward: Nothing

Contact kob via e-mail at [email protected]

E-mail to Watchmen
There's been a weird series of crimes in the neighborhood recently, Buildings are being stripped of metal, and there are even some rail tracks missing. Has similar events been happening in your territory as well? Any ideas on why and who is doing it?

E-mail to ICPD

Got some weird news lately, someone's been taking all the metal they can get their hands on. But I'm more worried about Vorpal. Anything you can tell me about her?

Best of luck,

Knight of Blades

KoB sighed and rubbed his eyes. There was more to do, but first he needed a nap.

Alright I've got three investigators and I want one on each of these three tasks

1. What are the Blackbloods up to right now? Where are their drugs being kept?

2. Who is stealing the metal and why?

3. Why is Vorpal targeting the Blackbloods? Where is she now?

Also what does KoB know about Vorpal?

Do you want a list of some of the various stuff I expect KoB to have already made?

Imperial Psycho
2013-11-23, 05:37 PM
James Edison

To Super-PAC Re: Icon City Heroes [E]
From: [email protected]

This is James Edison here. Inventor and head of Edison Electric. For what it is worth, I would like to offer you my support. As an inventor and a powered individual, I feel I must do my part.

That said, my co-operation would be on the understanding that we are not police. We should be citizens working for the public good, nothing more.

Looking forward to working with you in the future.

J. Edison
CEO, Managing Director
Edison Electric Company

2013-11-23, 09:16 PM
To Gilgamesh

A man wearing a suit passes Gilgamesh in the street with a leather jacket on his shoulder, bumping past him.

He abruptly stops in his tracks. Looking up in the air, he says, "So you're Gilgamesh, nice to meet you,"

2013-11-23, 10:58 PM

"I am of course prepared to pay, although neither of our conversations should ever be billed as cheap. I can give [income 3] right now, but feel free to keep talking, I don't mind sending more."
OOC: I will spend one of my free influence on Bastet, but I wont expend it now.

2013-11-23, 11:19 PM
Sergei Kalinin

"]Hey there, Mister Eduardo! Sergei here, I'm your man in Icon City for anything and everything you need!

So, I was thinking, and there might be some quick bucks to be earned from folks wanting to know what's up with Peabody Labs. Any of ya little fellows up for the sneaking in?

"]The man who turned up at the meeting spot was an unkempt individual, with an unshaven face and clothes that were casually maintained, to put it politely. That was simply who Sergei Kalinin was, for the guy was never especially particular about being neat.

Finding the rep, he casually strolled over to whomever it was.

"Fine day, eh? 'E lady say dere might be sumthin' flashy to pull?"

"]Awesome! If I need your group for a job, rest assured ol' Sergey here's gonna hook you all up to it.

In fact, I'm looking into something right now. You guys up for something attention-grabbing, without hurting no one?

"]Ho, so it wasn't you, and you'd like to know as much as anybody else, eh Mister Professor man?

Will do! I just might have someone in mind for that! Say, how much 'pay' are we talking about here, eh?

"]Can I assume that I have contact information for every faction listed in my Database?

2013-11-23, 11:27 PM

Mayor Tristan [p]
"Good, good to hear. You're a good man, Tristan. After the last mayor, I was worried about this city, but you're really pulling things back together. So how's the family?"

Pyre [pm]
Pierce strolls casually into the curator's office.

"Pyre, so nice to see you. Good to get away from the office for a while. The paperwork is nuts. I suppose that comes with the job."

Pierce smiles warmly, but seriously.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about? I know you have some artifacts here that would be terrible to see in the wrong hands, so I will do everything I can to be sure you can get those back, if that's what you need."

2013-11-24, 04:20 AM
Mordecai Carter

"I think I've got it!"

Mordecai yelped and nearly fell out of his chair as he started awake. Scarlet was staring at him, eyes gleaming with pride, as she thrust a sketchbook in his face. There was a diagram of some kind, all circles and arcs. Mordecai blinked, unclenched his fists, and wiped the sleep from his eyes. As he relaxed, he dispelled the arcane energies that he had subconsciously drawn to his fingertips. He had been this close to incinerating his brightest apprentice.

Never startle a wizard when he's napping.

"See? That's a ward of protection against flame, right? I went back and re-drew the symbols, just like you said!"

Mordecai sighed, examining the illustration. He frowned. "Scarlet? What's wrong with these spirals, here and here?"

"They, uh... they're... too small?"

"They're clockwise. That means evocation, not protection. You'd ignite whatever you were trying to fireproof." He handed the sketchbook back. "Remember: counterspells go counter-clockwise. A couple exceptions, but that should help. Now try again, from scratch."

Scarlet blushed, embarrassed, before nodding and getting to work. She was smart - reckless, maybe, but lots of potential. It had been a few years since Mordecai first "met" Vrin and got a crash course in the arcane arts, but while he had proven himself surprisingly adept with magic, he was not nearly so skilled with teaching. So far he was just happy that none of his accidental apprentices had blown themselves up.

"Scarlet? Man the register, if we get any customers. I'm gonna take care of some business."

Classified Ad [Public]
Several readers notice an interesting box in the Icon City Insider - a classified ad posted by one Mordecai Carter, alone in a section labeled "Services - Magic."

Mordecai Carter - Wizard
Enchantments On Demand. Lucky Charms, Magic Mementos, Arcane Accessories.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.

Goblin Market [P]
Hey, it's Mordecai. Might come by and take a look at the wares pretty soon. What's hot on the market this week?

Internal [PM]
Sending [2 Apprentices] out to the Nature Preserve to investigate that magical phenomenon. Mordecai gives them a long metal stick, which he describes as a sort of magical dowsing rod, and tells them to try to attune their minds to nature and follow the rod to where the magical forces are strongest. The rod is in fact an antenna from Mordecai's broken TV set, but hey, you'd be amazed how much confidence a good placebo can bring.

2013-11-24, 11:08 AM

"Yes, yes I am!" Gilgamesh gives the man his brightest smile. "Who would you be and how can I help you?"

"Well, I'm not particularly heroic most of the time, but I'd be delighted to join.

Now, you mentioned Atlantean artefacts being stolen. I know a thing or two about Atlanteans and their magic from earlier clashes. Is there a list of what was stolen?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-24, 02:14 PM
Gilgamesh and Foundation
A meeting on the Street

As the ancient king regards the man in a suit, the two of them notice pedestrians hurrying out of the way. Six young men wearing blue bandannas with white eyes painted on them make their way through the traffic, which is thinning out.

"Hey. You Gilgam- Naw, stupid question. What you want with the Watchers, man?"

Goblin Market
to Trifecta [PM]
Deals most Dazzling

You exit your meeting with [1 net cash], and new information. Good times!

Crossroads Club
to Trifecta [E]

Well hello there! We're always happy to talk with community members! If you'd care to come round (Schedule a PM) with our low master of protocol, at the east street temple, we'd be happy to have a chat.

Internal [PM]

Your cultists at the state park report that they've witnessed a few people drive in from the east, and start poking around. They're waving staves and using mystical gear, and apparently trying to figure out what's going on here. After a bit of poking around, the hidden cultists see one of the people return to their car, pull out a cell phone, and have a long conversation with someone.

Icon City Insider
to Super-Pac [M]

The media services are happy to provide pictures of the markings on the trees. They're strange, vaguely celtic designs, all curves. They don't seem to involve any language that the media could tell, and don't match the latin graffiti from last year. Oddly enough, the graffiti doesn't look cut or painted, it's almost as if the bark simply grew that way. The reporters who worked both this and the Peabody case can't rule out the two being related, but the rangers who patrol the park saw nothing that night, and Lake Silence lies between the Peabody labs and the nature preserves. Too, the lights and signs started BEFORE the Peabody incident.

As to the museum heist, the papers can provide little clarification. Professor Pyre is in charge of antiquities, and he's taken the ICPD's advice to keep the details quiet until an investigation can be conducted. They advise talking to the professor or someone else on the Historical Society if you want more information there.

Icon City Historical Society
to Super-Pac [E]

"Mm. Well, tell you what, if you can find someone with sufficient investigative skills they're more than welcome to come look at the room in question. You're not the first to ask about this, so I doubt it'll hurt anything at this point."

"The previous owner was a man named Boothsby. Acquired much of it during his travels in the 19th century, by all accounts. Passed from the Royal British museum to us, after a trade for some of Tesla's surplus minor works."

Super-Pac, Knight of Blades, Gilgamesh, James Edison, Lightning Centurion, Ideal, Hardliners
Icon City Heroes [Temporary Forum]

There's a lot of discussion and trolling, before someone goes and pulls some white-hat hackery and cleans up the list. The Craigslist ad is removed, and replaced with a mailing list with a few addresses you don't recognize. In fact, most of the addresses you don't recognize, and you can mask your own...

???? - This is an idea that's been tried before, but Craigslist? LOL. That will have attracted some attention, and this might not be secure for long. I'm pretty sure I caught Arachne sniffing around earlier, so you might not be secure at all. Be careful what you say over this. Someone with the money or skill might want to set up a private server, heroes-only.

[email protected] - Why dont u do it? U not good enuf?

???? - Please. I don't have the time and the hardware costs money. Which I don't have either.

Two topics are set up on the Museum Robbery and the Peabody Labs incident. About 4-5 unknown addresses drop comments on the topics.

General consensus is that it couldn't hurt to have somebody check out the Tesla Museum robbery, and that a little magic could be useful.

Peabody Labs gets a bit more concern. ???? is concerned about FEMA taking it over, and says that they usually only take direct control of a case when it involves national or international-level threats. ???? feels this could be both big and bad.

Someone called [email protected] requests some help investigating the waterfront. Says he'll go into more detail if anyone shows up on the scene.

Garren Gomar
And the Room of Riddles [PM]

Carefully, Garren looks the room over. Looks empty. The lighter patches on the floor yield nothing. The floor seems solid enough wherever he checks it, so he moves his investigation to the walls... And on the back wall, he turns up an anomaly. Four of the close-set metal bars are slightly warped... They sit unevenly, though the concrete around them is untouched. One of the metal bars has a silver streak of some sort on it that disappears into the wall, almost as if someone dripped mercury on it....

Garren Gomar And Foundation
When Suddenly! [PM]

A man and a woman wearing leather jackets enter the empty museum storage room. They find a stranger already there, examining the walls!

Hark the Heralds sing [PM]


Good lord, he does go on. But somehow, the agents watching him can't look away. This Father Figure fellow is the most commanding orator they've ever seen. Though after the speech, they realize that his line is much cribbed from biblical catastrophe, save for a few parts. Now how did they go? "From a stone egg the doom of the earth shall grow! From a coral fish, shall come the seeds of watery ruin! From a diamond blacker than night, shall come the firebringer! From a mirror of the sky, shall come the great bird!"

All that nonsense aside, the Father's patter seems to be aimed at getting people to give him money. He's collecting quite a bit, and getting no small number of followers, but so far doesn't seem violent.

They call themselves the Heralds.

Swordpoint [PM]

Your agent asks around Slumsides about Vorpal, to find most people unwilling to talk to him. They are obviously skittish about the whole affair, and tell him to mind their own business.

He's about to give up and go home, when he hears a noise behind him on the street. Turning, he sees nothing, save for an old storefront that miraculously has its windows still intact.

Another noise behind him. He starts to turn, when something SLAMS into him, whirls him around, and puts him in a half-nelson hold. Battered and confused, he sees his reflection in the plate glass. A wiry blonde woman wearing a grey outfit similar to a fencer's jacket, with a domino face mask, is holding a knife poised near his throat. There's a pop and a hiss, and the blade of the knife bursts into flames, not QUITE burning him yet.

"You haf caught my attention," the woman says in a slightly germanic accent. "Vy are you looking for me, who sent you?"

to Foundation and Ideal [E]

You're new in town, as such we should have a meeting to discuss boundaries and responsibilities to minimize conflict and settle the hierarchy. Send a representative to the MRB offices in the civic center. (Asking for a private meeting)

Knight of Blades
Paranet Request [E]

You get a few of the usual spam mails, but one is a bit more interesting than usual.

*****@***.***: I might be able to pass on a message, but it'll cost you. [1 cash], and no guarantee she'll listen.


to Knight of Blades [e]

Hey KOB-man! Don't know about the railyards, that's out of our turf. But we've seen some kid in metal armor, like scraps stuck together poking around the Brownstones at night. Kid keeps messing with metal stuff, but isn't stealing it. Like bending it back and forth and crap.

Kid runs when people show up, so we're not too worried about him. But if you wanna come out and have a look around, we don't mind. Just let us know aforehand.

to Knight of Blades [E]

Hello, Knight! We're looking into the metal stripping now, but it's slow going. Looks like the same group doing it, for what it's worth.

Vorpal... She's flagged as dangerous/short-tempered/do not engage. No known immunities to conventional weapons. From what we understand she's an ex-hero, the MRB probably has files on her. She's a suspect on several counts of murder and manslaughter, wanted on numerous counts of assault, and has occasionally been seen in the company of other powered perps.

Wish we could tell you more, but we haven't run afoul of her too much, just her works after the fact. 8 Black Bloods in the morgue lately, all carved up with cauterized wounds.

(The KOB doesn't know a lot about vorpal, beyond the fact that she's got a trick that lets her empower her blades with energy.)

Knight of Blades
Investigation 1 [PM]
The Black Bloods are conducting a low-key war against the Watchmen at the minute, trying to push the Watchmen out of the Brownstones. They've got numbers and viciousness, so it's not going well for the Watchmen. Vorpal turning up and laying into them seems to have slowed them down some, they're worried about her, and possibly taking steps there.

As far as drugs, ever since SCK took over the pushing business, their traffic has died down. They're not too happy about that.

Rumor has it that their main stash, and their main headquarters are somewhere in Westmarket, though you'd need more investigation to turn up exactly where, and it could get dangerous for your investigators if they catch wind that you're looking.

Knight of Blades
Investigation 2 [PM]
Your investigator asks around about the metal stripping, but it's slow going. The big businesses of Icon City own the railyard assets that were stripped, and they're coping by beefing up security. They're a little leery to discuss matters with outsiders.

Knight of Blades
Investigation 3 [PM]

After interviewing a few witnesses, and doing some checking, the investigator finds that Vorpal seems to be ambushing Black Bloods, and questioning them on the whereabouts of someone named Rick Brady. A check in the police records shows a Richard Brady, age 17, going missing from Blue Collar Blvd after an apartment breakin. a few days ago. Richard's parents hired a PI but dropped him after a day.

Your investigator also finds out that some stranger in a suit has been asking questions about Vorpal in slumside, and getting nowhere. Backtracking his trail, he finds the guy in question currently being held at swordpoint by Vorpal herself, on an empty street in the Slumsides... Staying hidden, he phones it in to the Knight...

Cult of Bastet
to Merlin [PM]

The cat miaows laughter. "Oh Merly, right now we're just chatting. But it's much appreciated dear. I've got a nice little comfy niche as a keeper of secrets is all. Why-"

You're interrupted by an acolyte bearing an envelope. Bastet has her read it, and her tail flicks with concern as the words are spoken.

(See the magic database I mail below.)

"Oh. Oh sweet ME. Bad enough we have a new Node, but this, now? Oh, this is like Eris' apple, everyone and their grandfather is going to jump for it. Damn Lucianos, anyway, he's going to sit back and snigger about this, as he rakes in the money."

She rolls a golden eye up to Merlin. "The auction might be a good place to keep an eye on who's who in the scene. And you KNOW that there's going to be one heck of a struggle for that Locus. Mortals are always hungry for power, and a Node's a rich price... If you want to get involved with this business I might be persuaded to lend a bit of help, for old times' sake."

"Or if you're not interested, there's another issue. There's a hero snooping around my Waterfront, chasing a villain. They're probably going to cause some property damage. Think you could scare up some champions to help the hero without tearing the place to shreds? I'd be EVER so grateful... Miao..."

to Sergei
Business Lunch[PM]

Sergei finds himself in the company of a young businessman, who happily treats him to lunch at a trendy downtown cafe.

"Flash, yes. Here are the details." He hands over a folder.

The folder's contents are several photos of a fancy Nob Row mansion and grounds. And a tersely typed note.

-Pyre Hill's upper crust are going to be holding a New Year's party in a few days. We want a disruption there. Some light violence, a fake robbery, an attempted kidnapping, something of the sort. Enough to keep people busy. It doesn't have to succeed, but if you can find a way to make money off of it, that's fine with us. There must be no significant fatalities, though if someone's butler gets taken out accidentally, we won't cry. Now fair warning, there are likely to be heroes in attendance. We don't know who, but Tomorrow Force and the Torchbearers usually send a token rep.As such, we're offering [10 cash] for this job. If you wish, we can drop it down to [7 cash], and offer the service that anyone captured and turned over to the Police or MRB will have a "mysterious escape" on the way to the station.The bearer of this file can answer any questions that you may have. The price is firm, do not attempt to haggle.

Graveyard Gang
to Sergei [E]

Eh, attention's not usually our thing, but we might be up for it if the pay's good. And nonlethal means less fuss later. Got details?

Professor Vector
to Sergei [E]

Pay shall of course be proportionate to the value of the data retrieved. I'll not promise hard numbers without confirmation of value. That said, I expect that whatever information is there to find shall be worth at least [4 cash] to me.

Mayor Tristan
to Virtue[P]

You chat with the Mayor for a while. He's an amiable sort, and confirms that things are going relatively well. "Lots of little happenings in the city, but nothing major. Well, yet. I'm sure our local do-gooders and hardworking government organizations will take care of things, they always do."

Professor Pyre
to Virtue [PM]

"Ah, hello Pierce!" Professor Pyre is a husky, bearded man in a good but rumpled suit. He shakes Pierce's hand, and indicates his cluttered desk. "Well, I've been letting the police and various investigators examine the storage room, and using the time to go over the records." He offers a file folder, with pictures. It looks like about six crates were stolen, most of them bearing small stone statues, mostly of shapes and creatures. One crate held statues with gems encrusted upon them, but the rest were fairly plain. "The statues were from the collection of a fellow named Colonel Parker Boothsby. British adventurer who toured the coast of Africa back in the Victorian era. His memoirs are a bit of a pulp fiction novel... The man refers to skirmishes against strange and deformed tribes, in the heart of the jungle, ancient temples and forgotten horrors. Bit of a loony, in the end, died in an asylum and the collection bumped around his heirs for decades before arriving here. Traded a few surplus Tesla knicknacks to get it."

He strokes his beard. "Looking them over, though... I'm convinced that they were misfiled. These are Atlantean era or older, but they're not Atlantean. Some other culture, and the work's finer than normal for that era. I'm regretting not having them checked for magic beforehand, but they arrived at a busy time, and we never got to them."

He shrugs. "I can show you the room where they were stored, if you like. Not entirely sure what your interest in the case may be. I suppose it's possible that superpowers were used to extract them, but I couldn't say..."

Goblin Market
to Mordecai Carter [P]

"Oh, have we got a DEAL for you! In addition to the usual fair, there's going to be an auction in a day or two! We just got ahold of coordinates to a no-fooling mana node nexus! You should get a mail about that, love." (You did. See below.)

"Now as to other things of note... Well, there's the usual charms and supplies, favors to trade, and... Hm... Someone's selling an acceleration enhancing spell, good for getting out of danger fast. There's also an amulet of teleportation on the market, though THAT one's going to be pricey, I tell no lie."

Internal [PM]

His apprentices call back, and say that it's cold, and they've been trekking around in the snow for days. But there's definitely SOMETHING going on out here. The information they give you, combined with the mail from the Goblin Market, confirms it. Mordecai and Vrin are certain that the mana node is located somewhere in the Wilderness Preserve. There should be a locus somewhere in there... Anyone who finds it and stays within the area of the Locus for a few weeks will bond with the node, and gain access to its power.

Mordecai relays this to the apprentices. They don't report having found anything like a Locus yet, but they can keep looking if Mordecai wants. They do report that one of them's managed to see a green bird flapping around, looking quite out of place against the snow.

Everyone with Magic Database 1 or Higher

An envelope arrives in your mailbox, or false drop box, or rumor winds around through the usual channels... A mana node has surfaced in the area, and the Goblin Market is holding an auction for the coordinates of its Locus. The Market has cordially invited anyone interested to the back room of Argyle's Antiquities" in the Boutiques district, and gently reminds all participants that the Market, the neighborhood outside, and the district around it are to be treated as neutral ground for all participants. Violaters will be toad. (The auction will start in the next update, and end just before the mid-turn.)

2013-11-24, 03:42 PM
Gilgamesh and the Goblin Market

"So. Auction, I heard? What does the Goblin Market accept as payment? Only goods, or also services and favours?"

Gilgamesh on the Street

"You are watchmen, then? Splendid! I wanted to ask what the requirements are to join you."

2013-11-24, 03:59 PM
Order of the Hand and Eye

The old man wakes up, and for the first time in months he can see again.

Mordecai Carter [M]

The letter has no return address or stamp.

Mr. Carter,

I have an interest of sorts in magical trinkets to add to my collection, and after seeing your ad in the paper I think you may be able to assist me in servicing that interest. What are you selling, young man? And what are your rates?


Mr. Eie

Tesla Memorial Museum [P]

"Mattias? This is Eie. Solomon wanted me to ask what was stolen from the museum the other night. No, it wasn't us, he just wants to know."

Using my traits Secret Wizards and Man Was Not Meant to Know to try and get the information subtly.

Crossroads Club [M]

Good day, sir.

A gentleman of my acquaintance has expressed interest in joining your fine society, and was wondering what the entrance requirements might be. Being an upstanding and discreet friend, I agreed to inquire with you.


Mr. Day

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]

A man steps into the back room, with dark hair and a tailored suit. He looks like any businessman off the street, with his only concession to originality being the silver eye on his tie clip.

Forum Explorer
2013-11-24, 04:32 PM
Knight of Blades

Email to Watchmen
But he's not actually taking any of it? Hmm, that's curious but I don't think it's related.

I've heard that the Blackbloods have been pushing in on your territory lately. If you're in a tight spot, don't hesitate to call me. Anyways I'm also trying to track down Vorpal so don't be surprised if you see me flying about.



Email to ICPD
You do have confirmation it's a group though? That rules out some nasty possibilities at least.

Anyways I may have a lead on a Blackblood drug stash. I will call if I confirm it.


KoB relaxes a little, grabs himself a cup of tea and a bagel as he does a quick look over of his fiances. "Guess I could afford it, but-" his musing is cut off by his cell phone ringing. Picking it up he listens for a few moments. "Alright, don't confront her, just keep watching. I'm on my way." KoB gets in his suit, rocketing into the sky as soon as he gets outside.

KoB is going to fly his way to where his investigator is watching Vorpal. When he arrives he'll confront her from the air, preparing some darts in one hand to 'toss' at her hands if she attacks. "Calm down Vorpal, your investigation would go a lot quicker if you'd show some restraint. Now why don't you put the sword down, and we'll give diplomacy a chance?"

Text message to Investigator 1
"Keep looking, I'll back you up."


2013-11-24, 04:48 PM
Follower Action: Fort Steyer

One of the vampires working under Epiphanes, Alfred Tennison, has approached the Fort Steyer, he wishes to speak to the General in charge of Fort Steyer.
He wishes to speak with the General regarding security concerns, along with the neighborhood Watch.

Follower Action: Looking For Merlin : Perhaps At a Night Club

Father Epiphanes, before an important interview with another Faction, decided to speak with this "Merlin". . . he was not quite fixed in one point of time. Epiphanes may have had the ability to live forever, without a violent death that is, but he didn't have Merlin's type of immortality. Epiphanes sighed, he was jealous. Maybe Merlin knew something about Epiphanes. . . he needed to know if Merlin had any contact with him before he lost his memory.

Follower Actions : Research

All the other vampires, except one, are studying the Ordo Nosferatu, searching Vampire Lore and hoping to advance in their magical knowledge of Blood. They are specifically looking in vampiric arts and disciplines.

Eternal Darkness
to Super-Pac [PM]

Theresa looks for the Superhuman Political Action Committee's headquarters. . . if she can't find it, she E-Mails it.
"Greetings. . . I assume this mail would have reached Sharon Dekhart. We at the Brotherhood's Estate of Father Epiphane's would like to be interviewed by your committee. We believe that we can advance your cause, and you could advance our cause. To put it in a less blunt but still sincere gesture, Epiphanes is willing to help finance your organization if you would help us move into a better position to do so. Also, since we believe your goal is a sincere move to make peace, perhaps, in some distant day, there would be an equal partnership with each Organization, who knows?

2013-11-24, 05:15 PM
The Trifecta

Coming then.

Keeping in mind that whoever she is gonna meet is not to be trusted some of the cultists are keeping watch outside.
Of course Mara has some simple stuff in case of a fight, but mostly she has on the dial ready to be sent a message to call Strider and attack.

"Greetings i came to meet someone here?"

Not yet attacking.

Mara goes to the PM meeting now =P

2013-11-24, 05:36 PM
In a chilly metal cave the whir of computers is interrupted by the clatter of cans. A shadowed figure slams the desk and grimaces at the screen brfore him. The late night newspapers could never see anything but the latest celebrity scandal when the real problem lay far away. The people with the money who steped on the heads of the losers. But that would change. Oh would it ever change. Soon.

The shadowed figure groans to his feet. Wading through the mess of discarded take out and redbull cans. Dragging the minifridge door open he pulls out the second last energy drink. It was already very late. But there were important things to start, Emails to send, and stuff to steal. No time like the present.


Midterm actions: Start building a mosquito virus.
Start hacking into the Morgensten Inc systems and websites
and try to find some kind of weakness where I could plant the mosquito
Also look through the Morgensten systems for some dir worthy of a bad public scandal. I intend to put it onto the news networks.

Follower actions:
-All the hacker followers are going to make attempts from various spots around the city to crack the Morgensten Inc systems. They arent trying to accomplish anything in particular save to confuse any attempts to find a single source.
-The getaway driver is gonna bring Leyline some pizza. With extra pineapple.

To the Knightof Blades [E]
You do not know me, and for what it is worth I do not know you. I hope it stays that way. However, if the situation should arise that you look to take the Blackbloods down a few pegs please let me know. I'm sure I could be of some assistance.

To GC&E [E]
An anonymous message drops arrives to the big bosses personal email.
I have an interest in procuring some equipment from your company. I do not, however, find myself particularly wealthy at this point. If you have some need of information on rivals perhaps we could trade? Respond to [email protected]

2013-11-24, 05:49 PM
As the watchmen approached Gilgamesh, he silently observes for the man's reaction.

We agree to this meeting, when will it take place?

"My boss, he is very curious as to why you're suddenly attacking the Blackbloods." he replies as he snatches the leather jacket on his shoulder, whipping it around the flaming knife to his neck, covering it completely.

Using the leverage, he escapes the hold, tossing her over his back with his jacket as he retrieves a strange belt like device from inside the jacket.

He slaps the belt around his waist, an audible clicking sound signalling the belt has locked itself around his waist. He prepares to flip the two switches on the side of his belt as he says, "Now how-about we talk this over like civilized people?"

The two people in the leather jackets reach into their jackets, drawing out sidearms, pointing it at the man as one of them calmly states, "Present your identification."

The other takes out a radio and speaking into it asks, "Officer, is anyone else supposed to be in this museum?"

2013-11-24, 05:59 PM
Golden Flock

Sergei [Mail]

''Why Mr. Sergei, I may indeed make a few inquiries, all in the letter of the law.''

Information [PM]

[Trait: Rumor Monger]: anybody spreading rumors & interested in finding something?

Eduard [PM]

To Lil’Forest Animals: ''May we come to an arrangement? I’d like to know what’s happening here, but my feathers aren’t exactly blending in with the snow (plus it’s freezing my beak ****). How about I arrange for you to receive all the food you’d need during the winter, so you don’t need to hunt and forage for it. As long as you report all happenings and what strangers come and go?''

[Ready to negotiate - got cash to arrange for feeding & whatever they wish. I reckon the forest animals would have massive secrecy bonus to spying…]

2013-11-24, 06:48 PM
Garren Gomar - the Gumshoe Extraordinaire

Foundation in the Chamber of Secrets [PM]

"A-ha. The odds of an outside actor just went up. And we can rule out option outsider plus external - definitely something acted within this room, whether it was directed outwards or in." The man speaking to himself turns around as someone speaks to him, only to spot the newcomers pointing weapons at him. He immediately glances past them to the hallway, waving his hand to someone in a gesture clearly meaning 'please go away - I'll handle this'.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't notice you arrive. I would assume that you are here to either investigate the mysterious disappearance of the contents of this room or to ensure that no-one finds whatever clues were left behind. May I inquire as to which it is?"

2013-11-24, 07:08 PM
Lazarus Technologies

Lazarus Technologies... Only a few months ago, creating such a company had been an impossible dream. Always, always other responsibilities loomed in his life. But now, Lazarus was free! He could pursue whatever he wished! Provided, of course, he had the funding and contacts to actually do so. That was the first step for his burgeoning corporation.

To GM (PM)
Alrighty, lets get things rolling... First and foremost, I want to get everything in order with Lazarus Technologies. Dot the i's, cross the t's... Everything paperwork-wise to set up a company in the city, I want done correctly and in triplicate. My contacts in City Hall should help this along without too much trouble, especially because I want it to be a legitimate operation.

Then how would I go about developing the product I mentioned to you in the PM? The general health monitor / emergency contact / key ring thingy? Probably spend my VIPs' ("Professor Lazarus") actions on designing it, with my research assistants providing help? And getting it through CCP?

I'll begin that once I have Lazarus Technologies properly founded and legal. For now, I'll try to get some cash infusions for buying up an office, setting everything up, and getting production capabilities up and running. While seeing if I can trade for any helpful Databases. First aim is getting at least 1 Wealth so I have cash flow, which I can then leverage into more Soft Stats or trades.

To Super-PAC (E)

I am Professor Lazarus and I have recently founded a medical and biological technology company here in the city. I was hoping to get the lay of the land where it comes to major corporations and political entities (OOC: Database - Movers and Shakers). I can offer in exchange my own technical archives, or we can discuss alternate payment if you would prefer. Would you be interested?

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To Virtue (E)

I am Professor Lazarus and I have recently founded a medical and biological technology company here in the city. I was hoping to get the lay of the land where it comes to major corporations and political entities (OOC: Database - Movers and Shakers). I can offer in exchange my own technical archives, or we can discuss alternate payment if you would prefer. Would you be interested?

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To Merlin (E)
Salutations, potential investor!

We of Lazarus Technologies were wondering if you would be interested in providing us a loan of capital to establish our footing and production capabilities in this city. Medical and biological technology is a promising industry without many companies in the area as competition, and we are hoping that we can carve a niche in the city.

Due to our recent founding, however, we were also curious if you had a good sense of the companies and major organizations in the area (OOC: Databases - Icon City or Movers and Shakers) that you would be willing to inform us in exchange for our own technical data or other forms of payment?

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To Helios Core (E)
Salutations, potential investor!

We of Lazarus Technologies were wondering if you would be interested in providing us a loan of capital to establish our footing and production capabilities. The world of biotech and medical technology has not been properly explored in Tesla's own city, and we hope to be the pioneers in this field in the coming years.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To the Foundation (E)
Salutations, potential investor!

We of Lazarus Technologies were wondering if you would be interested in providing us a loan of capital to establish our footing and production capabilities in this city. Medical and biological technology is a promising industry without many companies in the area as competition, and we are hoping that we can carve a niche in the city.

Due to our recent founding, however, we were also curious if you had a good sense of the companies and major organizations in the area (OOC: Databases - Icon City or Movers and Shakers) that you would be willing to inform us in exchange for our own technical data or other forms of payment?

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

2013-11-24, 07:15 PM

Tristan [p]
"Good to hear, good to hear. Well, always nice talking to you. See you at the ball!"

Pyre [pm]
"Professor, my interests are simply for the safety of this city. If those artifacts represent a dangerous power that could be used to harm others, then of course I am interested."

Pierce takes a look around the storage room.

Mordecai Carter [p]
"Mr. Carter, I've been meaning to talk to you. I hear you're starting up a small business? I must say, I can't approve more. Using your talents to better the economy without all that violence some get up to is commendable. I admire your humility, for not letting the power consume you, as I have seen it do for so many others."

"Now, I may have a task for you, if you are willing to accept it. You see, a potentially dangerous magical artifact has recently made it's way into the wrong hands and I was wondering if you would be able to track it down. I don't expect you to retrieve it, for if it is as dangerous as I suspect it is I would not wish that risk on anyone, but simply the location or identity of whoever currently possesses it could prevent innocent lives from being endangered."

[Edit: Cross-post]

Lazarus [e]
Well, of course I can give you a run-down of who's who in the area. We've done some research of our own, and we'd be happy to share it with you. I must ask, though, what exactly does your technology archive consist of (ooc: is it the tech database, or your personal blueprints?)

2013-11-24, 07:35 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Virtue (E)
OOC: Yeah, Database-Tech 1 in exchange for Database-Movers and Shakers 1. If you're interested, of course.

What I have learned of the field in my years of work. As of yet, we have no products for sale, but I hope to remedy that as soon as I can secure a proper source of funding and development facilities. Incidentally, the investment is why I wish to know who's who in the city, so I can better talk to Helios Core and Morganstern Inc. about possible deals to secure such things. Would you like to know when we have a design coming to market in the future? I am unsure how useful your organization would find medical technology or biological enhancements, but I'm certain that you would know better than I.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

2013-11-24, 07:53 PM
Gilgamesh to the Historic Society [Email]

"Good morning. I've heard that you like thinking and talking about history. I've seen bits and pieces of history, so I thought we could have a chat some time, maybe."

2013-11-24, 07:58 PM

Lazarus [e]
Sounds like a deal! I don't think I need updates on your releases, as long as you are going through the CCP correctly.

2013-11-24, 08:10 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Virtue (E)
Of course! The CCP is the law of this grand city. Thank you for the information. I hope it will open up new avenues of development for my company.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO of Lazarus Technologies

OOC: I know that exchanging databases requires actions, but I don't know what type or how many... I'll put it in an Internal message to ask Lost.

Internal (PM)
Trade Databases-Tech 1 for Nyrt's Databases-Movers and Shakers 1. Use the necessary actions to get/give full access to them.

Also, actions can be undertaken at any time, right? Aside from combat? I need to think about what I want to do with this first batch...

2013-11-24, 08:19 PM

Ditto for what Nemesis said. We're exchanging databases.

2013-11-24, 09:33 PM

The War Room

The Smith chewed upon his nail as he stared dourly down at the map of the city. A tall, thin and very angular man, as he paced back and forth he strongly resembled a set of complicated mathematical rulers folding and unfolding. Or so it seemed to his two companions in the war room, but then they were long accustomed to his erratic, anxious and ever constant movement.
Belladona in stark contrast was as a statue. When one spoke her eyes moved to you, but that was all, and not a flicker of emotion passed her face at even the gravest or brightest moments. The Smith was dour now, but nevermore will Belladona be anything else. Icy, haughty, haunted, beautiful. Hard as diamond, but with a deep flaw run through her.
Major Disaster is the third point of the triangle around the map. He's the only one in costume, through his is best described as a modified uniform. US marine, but cut to show off his awesome body, sleeves short to show off huge biceps. He was a poster boy once upon a time, but that was a long time ago... Or so it seems to him. Most of the world still see him as a hero, one of the best, they are yet to witness his metamorphosis.

Belladona brakes the silence 'I think it safe to say our plans remain set-

Aye interrupts the Smith, the Major merely nods

'But we should discuss this recent developments.'

So much as once. That's always the way.' The Major sighs the sigh of every soldier who has seen to much, and then does what every solider does when he sighs like that. He powers through it. He moves on 'This FEMA situation demands attention, but we need more information.

Not a problem this from the Smith with endless satisfaction and smugness What about the museum?'

Not really our thing.'

Belladona cut across him with authority 'But it wouldn't hurt to keep an ear to the ground. All sorts of dangerous... and valuable things could be missing. And Vorpal, have either of you dealt with her before?'

Both shook their heads 'If she wants to slice up Black Bloods I say let her... But maybe it wouldn't hurt to find out what she wants.' That stood in silence for a few moments Anything else? Both Belladona and the Smith had something else on their minds, but neither was willing to discuss it with the other two, so they left the war room and returned to the war.

To the temporary curator of Tesla Memorial Museum via email
The Hardliners will pursue this theft for you. We require a full list of what was stolen and details of the theft itself

To Stone Cold Killers in person
Bozza, a diffident and frankly inoffensive member of the 69s makes his way very cautiously onto SCK territory. He is somewhat comforted that the SCK know who he is working for, but even the full whirlwind of woe the Hardliners could bring to the SCK will not stop a foolish bullet.
(After making it clear he comes in peace and being shown to someone in authority)
Hey, I'm hear representing the 69s, and I'm hear to talk business. Word is your product's the best, and my boys are looking to upgrade our supplier. We're willing to put a lot of cash on the table for the connect.

To Father Figure in person
A red headed woman dressed as a tramp and with dirt applied artfully to herself approaches Father Figure. 'Please father, tell me of what these all means. Why so many dead? What is to come?

To Helios via Email
Please find enclosed my resume in response to your advertisement for subcontracting

To Vorpal
Don't worry, we're not here to fight. You want to carve up Black Bloods that's fine with us. In fact we're here to help, if we can. You obviously want something from these gangers, and we don't mind helping you cut a path before them to get it. Or maybe we can help some other way. So, what do you want from them?

Icon City Heroes [Temporary Forum]Super-Pac, Knight of Blades, Gilgamesh, James Edison, Lightning Centurion, Ideal
Peabody Labs is a major concern, but we all need more information before any of us moves. We have no idea what we're letting ourselves in for. We are gathering our own intel, but suggest we all pool our efforts

[email protected]: MD will meet you there

Internal (PM)
Using our hacking skills for a couple things. See the gmail doc

2013-11-24, 11:20 PM

Merlin's representative arrived at the auction location early, sitting inconspicuously in a cafe across from the antiquarians, waiting.

"I have not changed so much that I'd fight to get my hands on a magical radiation leak. I will see to it that your conflict happens as discretely as possible."

Merlin flags down your messenger on their way back."I had business. Your leader doesn't ring a bell."
What, if I may inquire as a potential investor, is your business model? Bio-technologies and medical services are a vast industry, especially of late. Even if it is well positioned in Icon as you note, I want to know more specifics about your plans and methods before I'd consider you a sound prospect.

2013-11-25, 12:44 AM
Mordecai Carter

Order of the Hand and Eye [M]
Mordecai turned the letter over, checking the back. Checked the front again. No, he wasn't missing anything - it really was a letter with no return address, despite its author clearly expecting a response.

He shrugged, scribbled down a note, and hung it outside the front door of the Eldritch Emporium, high enough that passerby wouldn't notice it unless they were looking.

Mana Font - renewable source of magic energies - [6 Cash], or [5] with any other purchase

BoomstickRod of Blasting - one use rod of destruction - [4 Cash] each

Shifter Scarf - disguise self - [8 Cash]

Whisper Ring - long distance communication off the grid - [9 Cash] per ring

Good Luck Charms - [1 Cash], free with any purchase!

[Mordecai's phone number is written at the bottom of the note, circled twice.]

Virtue [P]
Dangerous magical artifact, you say? In the wrong hands? Well, that does sound like a problem. I think I can help.

Oh, and by the way - Mordecai Carter, professional wizard, pleased to meet you. Might I ask who this is?

[There is metallic rolling sound as a cash register is opened.] And uh, say... I don't suppose there'd be a reward for the information leading to the retrieval of said dangerous artifact?

2013-11-25, 01:13 AM
The Family

[Fluff Tomorrow]

Black Bloods[Email]

I have heard about this Vorpal girl who has been giving you trouble. Any idea what she wants?

1. Right, I'm going to spend an Action to get my people out onto the streets in force. Looking for any signs of trouble as well as Vorpal and Metalclad(working name for the bastard running around testing his Powers). Should Vorpal or Metalclad be spotted, they will be invited to talk to Marissa and discuss this rationally. If they refuse to come along, my people will attempt to capture them if possible. If either of these two happen to be part of a group when they are found, my men will simply observe until they are alone.

Both Gladiator and Blaine will be spending actions to lead this effort.

2. How would I go about implanting my own people into the ICPD? I think I want to take advantage of this recruitment push.

3. Would it be possible to set up a system of secure-communications(free PMs) between myself and another(or others)?

2013-11-25, 01:27 AM
Lazarus Technologies

To Merlin (E)
We intend to focus more on consumer products than providing equipment directly to the healthcare profession. I feel that, especially in this day and age, people of the world should have greater information and control over their health and overall welfare. With Icon City to serve as a trial run for greater things. We also may dabble in upgrades of civilian equipment for the police or military, but as of yet that largely depends on whether we can establish a steady cash flow so that we may conduct such experiments.

And the offer for an exchange of Databases (OOC: Mainly want Icon City 1 for Tech 1), is a separate matter than the funding. Though they are, of course, not mutually exclusive.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO of Lazarus Technologies

2013-11-25, 01:27 AM
Sergei Kalinin

"]All in the letter of the law, huh? I really doubt you'd get anything useful out of the FEMA folks currently guarding the place, Mr Eduardo.

What I'm thinking here, is that perhaps Mr Eduardo might know of someone or other who can take a peek at what's really going on inside, without getting caught? I figured if anyone would know of someone like that, you would.

"]"Thanks, eh? Lessee now..."

Sergei said, as he took the file from the representative and looked through it carefully. After a few minutes, he grunted.

"No haggling is it, eh? Wun dream o' it, but hey. [10 Cash], or [7 Cash] plus rescue service... any chance t'could be both? Tha' is, [7 Cash] upfront first, and if it all goes real smooth wit' no trouble, den make up 'e difference to [10 Cash] in full?"

"]Sure thing, Grimmy! Here ya go.

Pyre Hill's upper crust are going to be holding a New Year's party in a few days. We want a disruption there. Some light violence, a fake robbery, an attempted kidnapping, something of the sort. Enough to keep people busy. It doesn't have to succeed, but if you can find a way to make money off of it, that's fine with us. There must be no significant fatalities, though if someone's butler gets taken out accidentally, we won't cry. Now fair warning, there are likely to be heroes in attendance. We don't know who, but Tomorrow Force and the Torchbearers usually send a token rep.

So tell ya what. [5 Cash] upfront, and [2 Cash] more if y'all don't screw up and be needin' rescuing afterwards, eh? Sound good?

"]S'that so, now? Righty then, I'll put someone on it right now. I'll hit you up again once it'd done!

"]"How's it going, booootiful! So hey, heard ya been raisin' hell 'gainst 'e Black Bloods lately. Na gonna judge you for it or anything, matter of fact I'm cheerin' for ya 'ere. But jus' wondering, dis be a paid job, innit? Care to tell ol' Sergei who's linin' ya pockets to pull dis stuff?"

2013-11-25, 04:23 AM

Edison Electric[E]
Greetings CEO Edison

Glad to hear our share our ideals. While we like many private investigators try to maintain a working relationship with the police, we certainly don’t work for them. We’ve opposed attempts to merge superheroes into the government in the past, and will continue to do so. I’ll add you to the contact list, and forward the old messages to you. If you’re interested in helping out, would you consider setting up a private server so we can discuss things with our friends across the city more securely?

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

(Feel free to read any past and future Icon City Heroes messages)

Eternal Darkness [PM]
Ground floor security at 440 Washington Street directs Theresa to Sharon’s office on the 4th floor. A receptionist(the plaque at her desk identifies her as “Pam”) informs her that Sharon Deckhart is taking a conference call, and isn’t expected to be available for unscheduled meetings anytime in the next few days, as she’s had a lot to deal with in the wake of Y2K. (If Theresa has any sort of advanced hearing, she might detect faint snoring coming from Sharon’s office) Pam does however offer to set up a meeting with some of the PAC’s representatives and lawyers whenever it would be convenient.
OOC: Sharon doesn’t have any available actions this turn, but I’m spending a general action to set up a PM meeting with non-VIPs. Sorry about that.

Have you given any more thought to our offer of an information exchange?

Icon City Heroes Knight of Blades, Gilgamesh, James Edison, Lightning Centurion, Ideal, Hardliners, Edison Electric, Tomorrow Force, Torchbearers [E]
First off, we’d like to welcome James Edison of Edison Electricto the discussion. Everyone be extra-nice to James, we’re trying to get him to set up a more secure server for us.

Peabody Labs- Not much new here, but we do have one lead. We suspect some sort of druidic power is behind the strange events at the nature preserve. Considering what Peabody Labs is involved with(again we cannot share specifics over an insecure network) it’s possible there’s a connection. We’ve found some unidentifiable runes onsite at the preserve. If anyone here has the know-how to analyze them, it would be appreciated. Otherwise we’ll be forced to hire an outside contractor. [Numerous images are attached of the markings on the trees. They're strange, vaguely Celtic designs, all curves. They don't seem to involve any language Super-PAC can identify. Oddly enough, the graffiti doesn't look cut or painted, it's almost as if the bark simply grew that way.]

Tesla museum heist- We’ve obtained permission to have someone examine the crime scene. Drop our name and you’re in. The collection apparently came from the Royal British Museum, we’ll see if they have any more information on the possible magical nature of the goods. On a related note, we’ve heard Virtue is sniffing around the museum. If the theft was perpetrated by a metanormal, and they solve it before us, it could be a huge PR boon for those anti-super fanatics. We need to move quickly on this one.

Lazarus Technologies[E]
Greetings Professor Lazarus,

We’d be happy to get you up-to-date on the latest news(movers and shakers 2) in exchange for equivalent technological data. Our volunteers can handle the data transfer easily enough, so you need not worry about assigning personnel. In return, would you consider offering a seminar to our maintenance workers on the more practical applications of the latest technology? (Spending a couple actions to grant us some Tech Limit)
On another subject, have you heard anything about the Peabody labs incident? You work in similar fields, and we’re concerned as to why FEMA was brought in. Between you and me, we’ve heard they were into government work that didn’t involve crops at all.

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

IC Historical Society[P]
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. We’ll do everything we can to make sure those artifacts get back where they belong. I’m going to call the Royal British Museum in a bit, if you could just take a minute to let them know we’ll be calling and that we’re working with you, I’d appreciate it.

Royal British Museum[P]
Hello, this is Fivsby from the Superhuman Political Action Committee Icon City branch. We’re investigating a recent theft from the Tesla Museum here in Icon City, I believe they informed you I’d be calling? The objects in question were Atlantean-era in origin, originally owned by a man named Boothsby, and were transferred to the Tesla Museum about six months ago. Anything you can tell me about the collection? After the Y2K incident, we’re particularly concerned about any potential they have to be used for magic. Also, any history you can provide would be appreciated. We might be able to figure out who would’ve wanted them with your help. Sir Merlin is working on getting us to understand magical history a bit better, but we still don’t know everything.

A letter written in goat urine is flushed down the toilet at the 4th floor of 440 Washington Street.
Goblin Market[M]
Dear vendors,

We're currently in search of the items recently removed from the Tesla museum. Virtue also seems to be on the case, and we'd like to beat them to it. We don't have to tell you how irksome it would be to both of us if those anti-power fanatics got any more good press and political influence. If the collection or any information should happen to reach you, we're prepared to talk price.

Your advocates at city hall.

2013-11-25, 05:01 AM
This is Sharon Deckhart, regional director of Super-PAC. I’m not going to ask for specifics over the phone, but I’d like to know just how serious the situation at Peabody Labs is. Is anything dangerous missing from the facility? Heroes and villains alike are going to be curious about FEMA’s involvement. If you can clue us in, I’ll do what I can to prevent at least the former from working against you. I’m prepared to offer you any assistance I can in containing a possible metanormal threat to the city. If there are any leads you think my people might be better equipped to follow up on, let me know.

2013-11-25, 06:47 AM
Gilgamesh at the Museum

Gilgamesh has exchanged his breastplate and musket for a trench coat and Fedora.
"In the name of the Heroes of Icon City, I am here to SOLVE CRIME!"

Gilgamesh to Merlin [EMAIL]

"Merlin old rogue! Didn't know you were on this continent! Finally got sick of Wales, have you? Good for you, that much fog and rain can't be healthy for anyone. How about I invite you to dinner in the Mews and we talk about old times a bit?"

OOC: I'll leave it to you whether Gilgamesh and Merlin really know each other. Gilgamesh has a habit of a) being very friendly to everyone and b) pretending to know everyone, especially historic figures.

2013-11-25, 09:34 AM
Icon City Insider[M]
Thanks for the pictures form the nature preserve. I'll have them looked at, see if we can come up with anything.

In the wake of the Y2K tragedy, we're hoping to take a more active role in supporting the local hero community. To that end, would it be alright if we had a few employees shadow some of your reporters on the job? We'd like them to learn some investigative skills.

2013-11-25, 11:03 AM
Order of the Hand and Eye

Mordecai Carter [Phone]

"Hell--zzzzkkkkt--arter? This is Mr. Eie. I c--kkkttttt--you a--zzzzrrrr--sound? I can't even--kkkkrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz--goddamn newfangled--kkkkkttttttt--this, just going to post--kkkkkkkkttttt--"


Mordecai Carter [Mail]

Just as before, no return address or stamp. When Mordecai checked the place he'd put his earlier reply, he found it missing.

Mr. Carter,

My apologies for my earlier attempt at calling you. While certain individuals in my employ are, apparently, capable of operating a telephone without the temperamental machine turning on them, I regret to say that I am not so blessed.

There are several items in your catalog that are of interest to me, and which I may inquire about purchasing later in the month. First, however, I feel I should mention that you have neglected to say how much mystical energy is required to maintain these enchantments. Nothing comes for free, as they say, the secret powers more so than most.


Mr. Eie

2013-11-25, 12:42 PM

I would be willing to exchange this information. I would also be willing to sponsor a trial run, what specifically were you looking to roll out?

I have. I would be willing to provide access to my general files [Magic 1, Icon City 1].

I like rain, and I do not get ill. Nor, given my nature, am I old. Your attention to detail has almost gotten worse.
I would accept your invitation.

2013-11-25, 12:59 PM

to Merlin[E]
Are you certain you aren't willing to aid us in achieving a greater understanding of magic? We're offering to take over what would otherwise be a heavy burden on your team. (Five actions if I'm correct about how the system works) We have interns for this sort of thing. So many, many interns.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 01:38 PM
Goblin Market
to Gilgamesh [m]

A letter arrives, handed off by a short lady dressed in a courier's outfit.

Hail, Fifth King of Uruk! Heard you were in town!

We're more or less a flea market, so trade in anything other than cash is up to the individual vendors. That said, the officials of the market maintain a number of moneychangers, who can convert services and favors, and other things into credit. Got ways of enforcing pacts too, so everyone gets a fair deal!

Please, feel free to stop by anytime! We move around qutie a bit, but if you talk to someone who's in the know, they could probably point you to us.And of course, until the end of this month, we can be reached through Argyle's Antiquities.

Gilgamesh on the Street
Watchmen, Foundation

The Watchmen blink a few times and look at each other. The leader holds up a hand. "Uh, give us a minute to discuss, bro."

They go down the street a bit and huddle. Finally after a whispered discussion, they head back. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. Was NOT expecting that to be the reason. Uh. Normally you have to get through a gauntlet, but..." (One of the female Watchmen is openly checking out Gilgamesh's thews like she's never seen thews before. Maybe she hasn't. This century is disturbingly thew-light in many places.) "...We think you'd be okay there. So tell you what. You're shacking up in the Rustbelt, yeah? That's Black Bloods turf. Right now those murderous @#%#%'s are causin' lots of trouble. Run them outta the rustbelt and you're in."

A few of the Watchmen eye the suited man, curious as to who he might be and why he's hangin' with a pre-mesopotamian god-king.

Historical Society
Order of the Hand and Eye [P]

"Sadly, I wasn't working that night. I did a sniff around, but there's no sign of dark rituals. Doesn't mean magic wasn't present, or wasn't used, but no babies were maimed to do it, that sort of thing."

"Professor Pyre's been getting a lot of calls to help out on this, and there's been a few investigators showing up unannounced. At this point, if you wanted to send someone down under a cover I don't think anyone would fuss or think it strange."

"As to what was stolen..." (paper rustles) "The Boothsby collection. British adventurer in the 80s, raided a lot of stuff in darkest Africa, skirmished with monstrously twisted tribes, and... Hold on. Oh, that doesn't look good."

He sends through a picture of a gemmed statue of a serpent. (THIS trips the Things Man was Not Meant To Know alarm. That thing's dangerous, holds something like a tulpa. Used improperly or even stored without precautions, it could cause some troubles.) "That's one of the things stolen. Looks like everything in that batch is stone statues, a few gemmed, some not."

Crossroads Club
Order of the Hand and Eye [m]

Well! We're certainly flattered by your interest! Our low master of ceremonies is available to meet prospective members, please stop by the east street temple anytime.

(Feel free to PM)

to KoB[E]

Yeah, anything you can do on the Black Bloods would be great. They've got a lock on Westmarket, and we're barely hanging on in Brownstones.

to KoB [E]

Thanks! Tips from concerned citizens are always welcome!

Fort Steyer
to Eternal Darkness [PM]

As it turns out, the Commander of the Base is a Lt. Colonel, not a general. He still makes room to see Mr. Tennison, with the usual honor guard that always accompanies a visit.

It took a fair amount of time for the soldiers to accept you. Not all of them are comfortable with your nature, but the fact that you stick to farm animal blood (As far as anyone knows) and haven't caused trouble thus far, has caused a good rapport to develop.

Mind you, if the order comes down from on high, they'll still attack you. They'd probably feel bad about doing it, though.

The Lt. Colonel listens as Alfred talks. "Concerns, you say? What's on your mind, Mr. Tennison?"

Follower actions, research
Internal [PM]

You start up research. This is going to take a while. (See the research rules in post 2, coming soon.)

Crossroads Club
to Trifecta
East Street Temple Meeting [PM]

The Temple is a large, towering stone structure that is covered in odd symbols, with quite beautiful stained glass windows. It's not a church, but clearly meant to evoke the same grandeur and feeling.

The front doors are locked, and a friendly guard escorts Mara to the back, where she enters a series of normal-looking corridors, and ends in a small, oddly pedestrian office. A rotund, smiling man shakes her hand. "Good afternoon. I'm the Low Master of Ceremonies, my job is to deal with the public, and prospective members. And I..."

He stares at one of his rings, puzzled, for a moment. then sighs.

"You're using an illusion. Do I need to call Jeffrey in here?"

Internal [PM]

You start work on the Mosquito virus. It should be done in a month. (You can pay an extra action to finish it immediately. See the manufacturing rules I'll be posting shortly in Post 2 of the OOC.)

Your hack on Morgenstern meets with success! Though their skyscraper in the business center is secured, their properties factories are not so much. Recent hirings in anticipation of trouble are causing delays with their security databases, and you're able to slip a few fake userid's in without anyone noticing. You don't quite have root, but you have enough to land a Mosquito in their payroll and probably get some cash out of it.

You've also got a backdoor to their Factory Complex network that's good for the rest of the turn, maybe longer if you want to risk leaving it open past the EOT.

to Leyline [e]

GC&E does not condone or participate in potentially criminal activity. Please stop spamming us.

Foundation, Ideal [PM]

Suits, suits everywhere. The MRB headquarters in the Civic Center is an older building, under constant construction. Parts have been smashed, crushed, rampaged through, cursed, and disintegrated over the years, and it shows. Your representatives are escorted down through a layer of tunnels and corridors to an ancient office with yellowed walls, and a government-issued mechanical clock from the 1950's keeping time with radium etchings on its face.

Behind a black oaken desk as scarred and weathered as the most grizzled veteran soldier, sits a grey man. His suit is grey, his fingernails are grey, his skin is grey, his eyes and hair are grey, and innumerable wrinkles line his face. Against all regulations, he is smoking. He's quite short, and quite unimpressed with all of you. This, then, is Mr. Carceri, the director of the Metahuman Response Bureau.

The FEMA representative is a brown-haired middleaged woman in a black power blouse and skirt, with a metal Halliburton briefcase. She studies you, then nods.

Carceri clears his throat, and waves the cigarette with one hand. "You're here today because FEMA wanted to throw their weight around."

The woman stiffens, offended. "Sir, I assure you-"

"So they're wasting your time and mine with a damn meeting."

"There are issues that need to be-"

"Though I suppose if any of you have anything useful to say, now's the time. Otherwise try to pretend to be impressed by Miss Cavinch's speech here."


He puts the cigarette in his mouth, leans back, and studies you all again with sunken eyes.

Knight of Blades, Foundation
At Swordpoint [PM]

The move takes the woman by surprise. She lashes instinctively with the knife, splitting the jacket in two, as she and the suddenly-quite-competent stranger stagger apart.

Glaring at the unknown device in his hand, she banishes the flames, sheathes the knife, and pulls a fencing foil. It begins glowing with a bright light, difficult to look at...

"You are interfering in my business. I don't give a care for some unknown "Boss"'s curiosity. Walk away now, you'll have a healthier life-"

She breaks off, looking up slightly... As an armored figure, flying with no visible means of support, zooms in from the east. Medieval armor, and he appears to be holding some sort of wicked looking darts.

The Knight of Blades.

"Calm down Vorpal, your investigation would go a lot quicker if you'd show some restraint. Now why don't you put the sword down, and we'll give diplomacy a chance?"

She chuckles. "Heroes, of course." She assumes a fencing stance, not pointing the sword at anyone in particular, one hand behind her back.

KoB [PM]
...Can't help but note that she's drawn some sort of device from the back of her belt. He can barely see it reflected in the glass window, from his angle.

"Vy do you care? The Black Bloods are monsters. I'm actually on a mission of mercy... One you're getting in the vay of. And I've learned a few things from doing it my vay. Perhaps you should leave me to it?"

Garren Gomar at Gunpoint!
Foundation, Garren Gomar, Virtue, Gilgamesh [PM]

A call from the leather-jacketed duo confirms that the police didn't let anyone else back here. "Mind you," they say, "Our investigation onsite is pretty much done. If Professor Pyre's okayed a few other people to be back there, then we don't mind. The Museum owns the place, after all."

As Garren has his say, there's a bit of discussion from down the corridor. "Right down this way. Really, there's not much to-"

A husky bearded man in a rumpled suit walks through the doorway, and immediately holds his hands up as he witnesses two figures holding guns on a third. Behind this husky man stands Pierce Honnette, noted leader of the political group "Virtue."

"Now see here!" Says the bearded man. "What are you doing in my museum, and with guns drawn to boot-"

A booming voice echoes down the hallways!


"In the name of the Heroes of Icon City, I am here to SOLVE CRIME!"

The bearded man folds his arms, and glares at everyone. "I give up. It's a damned empty room, do as you please. Well don't shoot anyone, for what it's worth!"

Golden Flock
Internal [PM]

Eduard finds a number of inquiries about the museum thefts. Seems like a lot of folks are interested in that. Rumors are also flying that something's going down at the Nob Hill party. No one's quite sure just WHAT, though.

There are also rumors that a son of a prominent Young Turk fell in with a bad crowd, and got into hot water. Mommy and Daddy are resorting to less-than-legal means to get him back.

Oh, and the Super-Pac is looking to have some of its members shadow the news services, learn a bit about reporting.

The Li'l forest animals are happy to work for peanuts! (It'll cost you 2 cash to feed'em for this month. There's a lot of'em.)

The next night, an owl stops by to report that there's another handful of people poking around. About 5 or so of them, waving wooden sticks around and drawing weird signs in the snow, and not too happy about being out in the cold. They look like they're looking for the hill, but at the rate they're going it'll take days to find it.

Internal [PM]

(I'll explain how research works in post #2 of the OOC. The more actions and specialists (VIP levels and followers) that you have to devote to it, the better it goes. Also note that research takes time, usually a minimum of one turn, though you can spend an extra action to try and rush it.) City Hall's happy to line up the permits, and paperwork! Mind you, it'll take [1 cash] to get everything processed, and to make the front look legit on paper.

As to the CCP, City Hall explains that anyone can submit schematics to the CCP for review. The CCP takes about a month to review them, maybe asks questions, then deems them legal, restricted, or illegal.

Helios Core
to Lazarus [E]

The world of biotech is a rich and valuable area, but I'm afraid that we're not finding you in the registry. We're quite sure that this is an oversight. Have you any patents that we can examine, to see if you're worthy of backing? Do you have any inventions or projects in mind that would be suited to Helios' scientific methods?

We may in the future be willing to help you with your efforts, but I'm afraid that at the minute we need specifics before we proceed down this road.

Historical Society
to the Hardliners [E]

I'm... Sorry. Who are you again?

to Hardliners [PM]
You're escorted to meet a boss bedecked with bling. He ain't the head man, he's just a lieutenant, and he seems amused when you show up. "69s, huh? Maybe we got somfin' for ya man. Always good to do bidness."

He stands, stretches, and snaps his fingers. One of his boys hands him two vials of white liquid.

"This here's good stuff. Try it, see how it settles, I think you'll agree it's good. We can get you all you want. Now, two ways we can do this. One is you pony up some green. [2 cash] per [point of drugs]."

"The other way is for ON-TRA-PRA-NOORS. You sell stuff for US, and we give it to you for a cut of the profits. Eighty-Twenny to start. Once you make [10 cash] gross, split goes to fiddy fiddy."

(Ganger Knowledge check success: Bozza knows this is uncommonly generous. He's not even asking for a startup price. He's taking a huge amount of risk with product worth thousands, but he doesn't seem concerned at all.)

"Whatchoo say, ma man?"

Father Figure
to Hardliners [PM]
The father recieves his petitioner in an apartment, newly bought by the looks of it. He smiles, his scraggly beard at odds with his newly respectable duds. Good lord, his eyes are mesmerizing...

"What's to come? Death my child! Death and destruction and doom and all things D! But fear not, for not all shall be taken. No. no, I have been granted within me a power over the great beasts who shall soon rise to cast us down. Mine is the power, as foretold by the gods who slink in darkness, and whisper of doom. Follow me, and I shall turn their eyes from you, for it is better to live in ruin and squalor than to stand proud and be destroyed, as so many "HEROES" learned a week ago."

He jumps up abruptly. "That said, squalor's kind of overrated and we might as well enjoy modern comfort while it's here. Want some coffee?"

Helios Core
to Hardliners [E]

As it turns out, we might have an opening for someone of your skillset. You'll need to sign confidentiality agreements, of course. Once you finish those, we can proceed to the face-to-face discussion. Can you come in for an interview?

(Attached are waivers and a temporary passcode for the subway, that'll let one person with ID matching the one you sent in visit the Arcosphere this turn.)

to Hardliners [E]

Butt out whoever you are. This is my paycheck.

Boardwalk Meeting

(Who are you sending to the meeting with cornerpocket?)

Internal [PM]

Can't check the docs right now, I'll get back to you on this later.

Cult of Bastet
to Merlin [PM]

"Why THANK YOU, darling! Mmm, you might need details. A few nights ago some big armored thing swam out of the beach, and hid over in the Hotels neighborhood. A bit close for comfort. Now that round ball hero guy is bumping around looking for it. He's been going all up and down the waterfront. Really, I'd like them both to leave, there's probably going to be property damage if they meet. If you can think of any way to help make things less explodey, that would be good."

Black Bloods
to Family [e]

Yeah, we know what she wants and she's @%!%# outta luck. We would really, really love it if someone killed her or ran her off. Save us some trouble...

Internal [PM]

1. Turns out that finding Vorpal's easier than you think. Her trail is backtracked to Slumsides... Where your front group of scouts reports that she's currently in a staredown with the Knight of Blades himself, and some guy in a suit.

They are able to get closer, to overhear the conversation. (You may now read the "AT SWORDPOINT" post above, and any that follow.)

2. Infiltrating someone into the cops would require them to apply and pass a background check, and spend some time training. The Street Thugs have records, so they probably couldn't make it, but the mercenaries might be clean. They'd spend a month or two at academy if they made it in, and so unusable to you, then after that they'd be converted from MERCENARIES to DIRTY COPS.

3. It is very possible to set up a secure system of free PM's. There's lots of ways to go about it, depending on how you want it to work. None of them are 100% safe, of course. Nothing is.

Business Lunch
Sergei [PM]

The businessman smiles, and shakes his head. "Sorry. In the case of the escape option, we'd have to spend the money in advance to set things up. So no, it's not really worth it to offer 7 with conditions for 10."

Graveyard Gang
to Sergei [E]

Heh. A fancy party! I'll be sure to wear my best skull. Alright, we're in. You're on your own if things go bad, though, and you best have a good plan.

to Sergei [P]

"I don't divulge clients identities, you know this, Russian. But rest assured it is no vun you haff heard of."

Icon City Heroes
to SuperPac and all others on the list [E]

There's a bit of discussion over the runes. Finally someone with an email address that changes every time you look at it weighs in.

????? - Mystic phenomena expressing itself through a natural vector. A mana node has likely erupted in the vicinity. I would caution those unskilled with magic to stay away, incidents like this usually cause a "King of the Hill" effect as various entities and practitioners try to claim it. I highly doubt it has anything to do with whatever happend at Peabody labs.

The discussion of Virtue at the museum actually seems to discourage a few people. 3-4 of the (presumably?) heroes on the list don't want to get involved in politics unless there's a clear and present danger. They're grateful for the effort you went to and all, but in their opinion, that way lies ugliness.

Royal British Museum
to Super-Pac[P]

"Ah, hello Mister Fivsby! The Boothsby collection, yaaaaassss... Merlin? You're working with Merlin? Hm! How is the old boy? Doing well? Not coming back to Britain any time soon, is he? Ha hahah... ha."

"Mm. At any rate, let me see. Ah yes, Colonel Boothsby. Poor chap. Had paranoid delusions. Might be some reason to them, he suffered many breakins and assaults in his country estate, and he spent all his fortune on guards, walls, and guns. Place was a full on fortress by the time he really started losing it, in 1920s. Police had to haul him out bodily, and he insisted on a fortified cell in the asylum."

"Kept yelling about the snake talking to him, how it was poisoning his dreams. Yelling about Great Beasts, the end of the world, all that nonsense."

"Died in his sleep, as it goes. At least he went out peacefully, poor chap."

Goblin Market
to Super-Pac [M]

And the next day, the toilet backs up, and a somewhat stained package remains among the puddles of water. When opened, it contains a construction-paper card with crayon lettering.

Hi there, new potential customer!

We take no responsibility for items sold by invidual vendors. Caveat Emptor!

That said, if you want to come down and browse around, please send a fee of [2 cash] by toilet express!

Thanks and have a good day!

Icon City Insider
to Super-Pac [M]

Sure, we can always use more interns. Hope you're okay with working pro bono...

to Super-Pac [P]
"We have no comment at this time."

Argyle's Antiquities
Order of the Hand and Eye, Merlin [PM]

You enter the back room of the quaint, overpriced antique store...

...And step onto a dusty plain, lit by a green sun glaring down upon an alien world.

A pocket dimension!

It's crowded with tables, tents, a few old battered pickup trucks with tarps spread out, and wandering cart vendors. The crowd's a mix of human, fae, and a few big, older magical entities. Most are human-sized or human-looking, to fit in among the crowded rows.

And off to one side, people are beginning to gather for the auction. You recognize the white-clad, tan-skinned man known as Dervish, thumbs hooked in a broad swordbelt. He's glaring across the way at a man clad in western-style ceremonial robes, a turban on his head and enough jewels on his hands to fund a small African nation for a year. He smirks, but keeps a wary eye on a fellow wearing a tattered trenchcoat and battered fedora, whose face keeps changing every time you look at him. That must be the Outsider himself... And in the back of the crowd, enjoying a bag of popcorn, is a young man in a black and blue costume emblazoned with a burning torch, wearing a half-face mask. His shadow is three dimensional moves of its own volition, and occasionally glances your way with "eyes."

Finally, there's a blare of trumpets, and a troll lumbers up on stage, carrying an envelope.

"Greetin's and salivatations. We are gavvered here today to pay our respecks for... No wait, thass later. Awright."
He scratches a few warts, and nods, regaining his composure.

"Right. Today the prize is the coordinates of a mana node locus. One of those places wot some lucky toff can use ta bond wiff, an gain power over it thereby. Ain't hard, even a non-powered git can do it.""So. Yah. We'll start tha biddin' at... [3 cash.]"

And things go quiet. Everyone's looking around, and no one wants to start, knowing that this could go much, much higher..

2013-11-25, 01:45 PM
Tennison And Lt Colonel

"Father Epiphanes has suggested that we grow closer to the Fort Steyer. . . He has suggested that perhaps you could extend your security forces across the Farmlands. . . during day light hours. Father Epiphanes is as you know, a vampire, as we all are. We don't know how to ensure security during the day time. With the farmlands as bad as they are, it would be difficult for us to do much during those hours, except for the Father, since he's old enough not to care about day light hours.

2013-11-25, 01:55 PM
The Trifecta

East Temple Meeting, where the bell rings and the enemy sings[PM]

Mara smiled, the sort of smille that promised pain and other things to someone else, but she spoke with a calm confidence.
"Mmmm it is tempting, but no need, unless he is like me".

Without another word Mara dropped the illusion and gave a smile to the man she was meeting.
"Seriously?, i think you should upgrade your little ring to actually penetrate illusions"....one could swear she made one of those last words sound very very lewd, the man seeing her true nature would know it was most likely true, without a word her illusion was up again.

"mmm hope you dont mind, i prefer looking like a normal Lady, now you wouln't happen to be the bargainer demon i seek to strike a deal with would you?"

2013-11-25, 02:12 PM
Gilgamesh to Merlin [Mail]

"Nitpicks. You know perfectly well that the "old" is figurative and that an "old friend" does not have to have a lot of years on his back.

Anyway, Sunday at noon?"

Gilgamesh on the Street

"Wonderful! We can discuss policy later. Now, driving the Black Bloods out. I can do that. Could you point me in their general direction?"

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 02:20 PM
Historic Society
to gilgamesh [e]

Sir, feel free to stop by anytime! We will MAKE ROOM on our schedule to speak with you.

(Also see: Garren Gomar at Gunpoint! in the main update above)

2013-11-25, 02:20 PM
Knowledge is my business as trust is yours. Anyone unwilling to work at their chosen profession is a fool.
I shall be there.

2013-11-25, 02:40 PM
Gilgamesh in: Gomar at Gunpoint! Spectacular!

Gilgamesh rather casually strolls into the high security vault, with a polite wave at the security cameras and a friendly smile on his face.
"Good morning, Gentlemen! Is that a gun? Please put the safeties back in. I don't like being around primed guns. Shall we say ten seconds to comply? Lovely."

Gilgamesh in: Chat with the Historical Society! Riveting!

Gilgamesh approaches the museum's information desk and gives a little bow to the receptionist. "Good afternoon, young lady. My name is Gilgamesh, I should be expected."

Gilgamesh in: Lunch with Merlin! Nutri-tastic!

Whistling to himself, Gilgamesh is buttering a croissant while he's waiting. The table he's sitting at seems more fit for six people and has been heaped with an assortment of breakfast items from various cuisines.

2013-11-25, 02:52 PM
Order of the Hand and Eye

Historical Society [P]

"Well, that's not a good sign...I think we'll probably send someone down to take a look. At the very least we might be able to help someone else find that thing, even if we don't want to take it ourselves. Not knowing who has it or where it is would be the real danger here, I think. Thanks, Mattias. Talk to you later."


Crossroads Club [PM]

A man arrives at the temple, dressed in a simple suit and tie with his only ornamentation being an old-fashioned silver watch chain dripping out of the inside pocket of his jacket. The name that he gives is unimportant; he has long ago forgotten whether or not it is his real one.

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]

"I would be willing to pay [3]," says the man in the quiet suit. He does not speak loudly, but the troll hears him well enough.

Internal [PM]

Two actions.

1) Assigning a secret wizard or two to look into Boothsby and accounts of tulpas from Africa.

2) Solomon is going to wander down to the museum and poke around, as unobtrusively as possible. He will be wearing an eyepatch to hide the silver eye, gloves on both hands, and using the Secret Hand to move around and make a thorough examination of the place.

Forum Explorer
2013-11-25, 02:56 PM
Knight of Blades

At Swordpoint PM
Your mission of mercy has resulted in at least eight corpses so far and alerted pretty much the entire city to what you are doing. If you are serious about taking down the Blackbloods then that isn't the way to go about it. The Knight of Blades stays alert, keeping his darts at the ready to throw.

Unseen Investigator PM
The Investigator stays put, willing to see how this turns out before making a move. He does keep an eye on Vorpal's other hand, trying to see what the mysterious device was.

To unknown individual concerned about Blackbloods (E-mail)
What assistance could you offer and why should I trust someone who I know nothing about?

2013-11-25, 03:03 PM
“Are you absolutely sure you meant that? This isn’t the ****ing tabloids calling for a scare story. You know we have unique resources. A break-in at Peabody is an emergency. You were called in because of the massive damage that could be caused if ‘genetically modified crops’ were released into the city. This isn’t the time for games. Now help us help you manage this emergency! If you’re not using all available resources, you’re not doing your job.”

British Royal Museum[P]
“Merlin? Can’t say he’s staying out of trouble, but he seems mighty good at getting out of trouble once he’s in.”
Fivsby listens patiently to the story about Boothsby, jotting down some notes about the serpent and the beasts and dreams, even though the call was being recorded.
“Really, delusions you say? And repeated break-ins? Would you happen to know who was behind them, or the number of someone who might? Police, or perhaps an heir to the estate? As for the collection itself, any record of the contents? The IC museum still hadn’t put together a manifest. But, I expect the royal museum probably keeps better records.”

Icon City Insider[M]
Of course, they’ll be on the PAC dime. Just don’t have them running for coffee. They need a crash course in investigation, not college credit.
[I’ll spend an action to send Super-PAC thugs to learn the ropes at IC Insider. My hope is to upgrade them from Thugs to Hardboiled Investigators. Like starting Investigators, but Hardboiled from their days as thugs!]

An assistant calls up Director Carceri’s office.

“Hello? Yes, Super-PAC. Assuming the director will be attending the Pyre celebration, would it be possible to arrange a private meeting with Sharon Deckhart? She says she has matters of some sensitivity to discuss, but I’m sure we can arrange for a quiet nook somewhere or other, that place is enormous. She’d come down to your offices, but unfortunately we have a strict three-meeting-a-month policy for our regional director. Keeps her focused. Will that be doable?”

2013-11-25, 03:09 PM
The Ideal

"Initiating biometric scan, please remain still."

Scott Alden stood as still as possible as the red light swept up and down. They weren't kidding when they said the base was secure. Security checked his new government-issued ID in the lobby, the elevator required a retina scan to get in, and now a biometric scan?

"Biometric scan complete. Subject identified, Codename: Avalon. Clearance: Ideal Delta. Never gas dispersers disabling."

It was that last bit that really got Scott's attention. "Wait, wait, what!"

The voice returned, but this time without the mechanical inflection. "Only kidding. They wouldn't actually let me install something like that. A shame, really. Nerve gases are probably one of the most effective ways of disabling a metahuman. After all, with some exceptions, everyone needs to breath."

"Let me guess, the Engineer?"

"Ah, you have heard of me then? Good, that will save some needless introductions. I've been told that those-on-high want you to have a physical, make sure you're in good shape before we really start. Be down to the labs in about two hours, and we'll get that done." And with that, the lights in the elevator flicked back on and the doors open. With a resigned sigh, Scott picked up his bags and exited the elevator.

And standing there was an incredibly average looking man in a plain grey suit. "Ah, Avalon. You finally made it. He paused. "I've seen that look before. Did she do the thing in the elevator again? Nerve gas?"

"Yah. Is she always like that?"

"More or less. She a bit...eccentric, but she means well. You'll get used to it. Anyway, I'm Special Agent James Coldwell."

"Special Agent? With what organization, exactly? CIA? NSA? IRS?"

Coldwell smiled. "Yes, Special Agent is my title, sure. But as far as we're concerned, I'm just James Coldwell, the PR manager for the Ideal. But good, that's exactly the right kind of question to ask. Anyway, if you'll follow me, we have some quarters set up for you." He turned and began walking down the hallway, and with a sigh, Scott followed.

"]"Mayor Tristan? This is James Coldwell, from The Ideal. Just wanted to let you know that Avalon has just arrived, so we're officially ready to go. Anything you need from us, don't hesitate to let us know."
"]"This James Coldwell, from the Ideal. Just wanted to let you know that Avalon has arrived, and we're ready to go. If anything comes up you want us to take a look at, just give me a call. Oh, and Avalon mentioned something about looking into this Vorpal character. Unless you'd prefer he waited, sounds like he's going to try to track her down."
"]Hello, this James Coldwell from the Ideal. Avalon has just arrived so we're officially good to go. If you need anything from us, don't hesitate to give me a call at this number."

"]Idealist: Perhaps it's not a surprise coming from us, but I would take caution in how you investigate things. As it stands, the police seem pretty lenient about letting supers assist them. But all it's going to take is a couple of big screw ups before they decide that they don't like a bunch of super-powered amateur detectives poking around. Perhaps until it's clear that extra help is needed, investigating crimes should be left to the police?
First, OOC questions. The Ideal is a government organization, how does that interact legally with local organizations? The police would probably have jurisdiction over most crimes in the city, but at what point are we allowed to step in?

On that note, what's the law like regarding superhero vigilantes anyway? I can't imagine the police are all that enthusiastic about a bunch of super-powered amateur investigators running around trying to do their job.

As far as actual action types things are going to go...

The Engineer is going to be try to figure out how the hell Avalon's powers work. (Don't expect that to actually do anything, but that's the kind of thing she'd do.)

If she still can, she'll then get to work on putting together some Shock-Bolt gloves for Avalon. Having a little bit extra in a fight never hurts.

Avalon is going to head out to the Brownstones and try to see if he can hunt down this Vorpal character. She may be going after a criminal gang, but she's still murdering the hell out of people. Not cool.

The enhanced-soldier squads are going to prep and be ready to come in and help Avalon, should **** go down. I really need to come up with a better name for them.

2013-11-25, 03:25 PM
Icon City Heroes Knight of Blades, Gilgamesh, James Edison, Lightning Centurion, Ideal, Hardliners, Edison Electric, Tomorrow Force, Torchbearers [E]
@Ideal: I know people abuse lol constantly, but I literally laughed when I read this. You're new here, so let's set the record straight- in this town, we're as close to law enforcement as you can get without a government paycheck. Hell, don't you kids even have one of those?

FEMA's something else entirely, and probably best you don't cross the MRB. But those stories are for another day. Welcome to IC, Tesla's own custom built superhuman sandbox.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 03:40 PM
City Hall
to the Ideal [P]

"Welcome aboard, son! We're glad to have some more real heros here in Icon City. You let us know if you ever need anything!"

"Oh, incidentally, there's a party goin' on in a few days, a delayed New Year's ball. Lots of movers and shakers. Think you could send a rep? We'll cover an invitation, it won't be a problem. Would be real good for publicity..."

to the Ideal [P]

"Hello! Good to have more law-abiding heroes around!"

"Ah, the Vorpal situation... Be careful. She's on the files as hot-tempered, and deadly with those blades of hers. Would kind of put a damper on things if you lost a leg your first trip out."

to the Ideal [P]

"Coldwell? Good. We're waiting on you at the meeting, or one of your subordinates. Get down here, so I can get FEMA the hell out of my office."

SuperPac and Others on List [E]
[email protected] speaks up, on the subject of Police.

nnp theur iaisilly goodf abvbvot it. Loty ogf vbsad hgutysa, nop ernoufggh copsa

p'lz xcciuse tuypioingf, vbigh hjsanmds

Ideal [PM]

Well, you can pretty much try to step in on anything. Unless another agency pulls rank, they won't usually fight you on it. When dealing with FEMA and the MRB, things get tricky, which is probably why you're being called to a meeting right now.

Icon City is unique when it comes to tolerating heroes. The atmosphere is a lot more lenient, so long as people avoid a body count or excessive collateral damage.

I forget, do you have an Icon City database? Eh.

Post 2 in the IC has been newly updated with rules for research and manufacturing. Bear in mind most tech manufacturing requires cash of some sort.

And Avalon is on the prowl? Okay! Expect results one way or another in the next update.

2013-11-25, 03:53 PM

Mordecai [p]
Sorry, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you back. I just walked in on... well, I'm not exactly sure.

Gunpoint! [pm]
"Well then. This is shaping up to be an interesting day," remarks Pierce to Pyre as Gilgamesh pushes past them. "If these fellows end up causing more costs in collateral damage than was stolen from the outset, don't say I didn't warn you."

Pierce steps calmly out of the vault, dragging Pyre behind him and shuts the door, dialing the ICPD once he's out of earshot. If the gun-toting men want to get to him, he figures they will have to get past Gilgamesh. In the meantime, they're stuck in the vault.

ICPD [p]
"Hello, yes, this is Pierce Honnette, I'm at the Tesla Memorial Museum, where there was a recent break-in. Someone has returned to try to kill the investigators on the case, and is currently threatening someone at gunpoint in the vault."

2013-11-25, 04:01 PM

Merlin sits across from Gilgamesh brooding stylishly while the spread of food rapidly and mysteriously vanishes.

These interns of yours, can they process encrypted data? I have something time sensitive I have to look into, but I am afraid my findings would not be on the table here.
OOC: I would make the original trade if you extended your trait (but remained action neutral with your proposal) to also cover another database transfer I make next turn.

Something bad has happened. If I can't find out what, it will be bad. I want your help. What do I do to have you send me what you know?
OOC: I'm assuming the Atlantians have a magicIII database, and possibly other databases I don't. I'll spend 3 of my supernatural influence on this.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 04:09 PM
Garren Gomar, Gunmen, & Gilgamesh: Vaultsing around!
(Foundation, Garren Gomar, Gilgamesh)


well, that, uh, hm. That's a pretty thick door. That Pierce just closed on all of you.

*Rattle, rattle*. Yep, it autolocked.

Now that that's been sorted out, the room looks pretty sturdy. The door is steel, as is the frame. There's a small window in the front of , big enough for someone to peer through, but not much more.

The room itself is about 20 X 30, and is concrete lined with iron bars, each about a foot apart. There's a bit of wiring in here, some sort of sensor by the door, and the lone fluorescent light dangling from the ceiling.

It's a bit dusty in here. Patches of the floor are slightly lighter in six spots, each about the size of a four-foot by four-foot crate.

There's not much else, really, save for all the... Investigators...

Pierce and Professor Pyre [PM]

The professor concurs, and the police ask a few questions, before replying that they'll send a squad car around. They state that they let a two feds through that match the description of the gunmen, and are a bit concerned about guns being drawn. They advise that you stay clear of the area for a bit.

2013-11-25, 04:25 PM

Afraid we can't help you there, sorry. We get volunteers to help us out with this sort of thing, but their goodwill doesn't extend quite that far. Now, if you wanted to cut us in on the trade, that would be another matter, but as proposed its just not doable.

2013-11-25, 04:31 PM
Golden Flock

Faction Actions [PM]

The Peabody Labs

2 Ratson’s Crew: Animal, Stealthy
[Database M&S 2]: Info on Peabody Labs
[Trait: Hidden Places]: if there is some secret underground level to the facility

Ratson’s crew is to move to the site of Peabody Labs and investigate what happens there. I’m interested in general information to add to the stuff I’ve got from my Database.

If Ratson’s crew detects any interesting smells, they are to memorize them - especially if said smells go into the woods. Also maybe they can find bodies, that weren’t yet uncovered by FEMA.

If somebody sees them, pretend to be just animals - perhaps play it as lab rats (if they can look the part) or forest rats.

Also - find out if the Peabody Labs have used animals for testing of their genetic crops or whatever they were really doing there. I’ll try to organize animal rights protest to liberate them, so I’ll be able to get access to them.

Boy Gone Bad

3 Street Reporters
[Movers & Shakers 2]: identify Young Turk family
[Icon City 1]: which gang it’s most likely to be
[Rumor Monger:] get info, I can pay extra 1 cash if needed.

Okay, start digging on that rumor about Young Turk heir & criminals.

Mordecai/GM [Mail]

Mr. Mordecai,

I would like to inquire if you could provide information on whether you recognize the following men. I suspect that they are members of the magical community and as such you may have heard of them.

I would also like your opinion on the following symbols.

1. Description of white-clad man and women
2. Descriptions of man and woman, the man a confirmed sorcerer.
3. Description of a larger group of men. They bear wood sticks. Description of arcane signs used by group included.
4. Description of symbols

[GM: You know where I’m getting this information from]

Virtue [Mail]

Dear Sir/Madams,

You must have heard that Super-PAC is planning a considerable PR campaign with involvement of media to promote the cause of Powers. I was wondering, if Virtue is planning to present a counterpoint and explain their values for the public.

Best Wishes,
Mr. Eduard

2013-11-25, 04:47 PM
Mordecai Carter

Order of the Hand and Eye [M]
Handling those energies is a bit of a specialty of mine. Should take about this much [MP/turn] to keep them charged.

Mana Font - 0
Boomstick - 1
Shifter Scarf - 1
Whisper Ring - 3
Good Luck Charm - 0

Since you seem to know where the shop is, feel free to come inside sometime. Always glad to talk more about the ins and outs of my wares with savvy individuals.

Barside [PM]
Mordecai pays a visit to Strays Welcome, bringing one of the shop's fanciest good luck charms as a gift. He knows about Bastet, she knows about him - he goes in looking to meet.

Internal [PM]
Mordecai tells the apprentices what this mana node looks like and instructs them to keep searching (with another action if necessary), but be ready to run in case of trouble. If the Goblin Market knows its location, it's likely that so does somebody else - somebody potentially dangerous.

Also, taking a look at the information the Golden Flock just sent me. Going to make sure to compare Item 1, the white-clad men and women, to old descriptions of Aequitas Rex. The rest, I'll generally rely on my [Magic 2] database and (if applicable) [Friends in Low Places] trait.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 04:52 PM
Internal [PM]

1. Well, Aequitas Rex are said to wear white as their uniform. And it sounds like tabards and hoods, so it does seem like the Golden Flock's description matches them.
2. The man and the woman are unfamiliar.
3. The larger group of men and women... You get halfway through, and realize that he's describing the apprentices you sent out to the Nature Preserve. Right down to Tabby's scarf color.
4. And yeah, the symbols are copies of those found at the Nature Preserve.

2013-11-25, 04:57 PM
Limpeza Chama

After renting out and moving into one of the smaller tenements Brother Moreno decides to call a meeting with his senior Brothers while the initiates clear out the debris left by the last occupants.

<It may have taken longer than we thought, but we have arrived brothers! And finally we can do the Lord's work. Now before we begin scouting the area let's have a review of what we've got. Brother Duarte if you would.>*

<It's not good sir. We've gone through most of the funds that Father Santiago gave us. And the blasted customs agents took all our armor but yours sir. Pardon my language.>

<No need to worry Brother Duarte. We're out of the monastery now. I think we'll all be hearing much worse than that. Still you're right. This is a cause for concern. We'll need to resupply. Start thinking of how to do so. Now Brother Matos, how are the initiates doing?>

<As well as can be expected sir. This is the first time in a major city for most of them. So discipline is suffering because of their curiosity. Fortunately not many of them speak English well. So the language barrier is keeping them in check or at least in the Barrios for now. Of course we'll need to remedy that if we want to send out of the Barrios. For now I've got them cleaning out the place and meeting with a few of the locals. They tell me that there have been some murders in the area that we might want to look into. I've also sent a group down to the local market to pick up some supplies seeing as the initiates are still clearing out the courtyard and haven't planted a garden yet.>

<Good work. Well then I'll see about those murders, maybe put the locals minds at ease that it wasn't us. I hear there is a local group that sells equipment. The Die Kriegers I think they call themselves. You two go talk with them and see if they can help us with our supply problem.>

*Translated from Portuguese.

To the ICPD [M]
To Whom It May Concern,

My apologies about the vague address of this letter. I have some questions about the laws of this fine city, and as I am new to the country do not know who exactly I should address.

As it happens my brother's and I happen to possess a certain amount of firepower, and are in the habit of taking care of ourselves against aggressors and criminals. However upon entering the country we had a bit of trouble getting said armaments past your dutiful customs agents. Which leads me to believe that perhaps our usual efforts might be frowned upon here.

As such I am inquiring about any laws you may have regarding weaponry, armaments, and the use there of. Especially as it pertains to their application in the reduction of criminal elements.

Thank you,

Brother Lieutenant Moreno,
Militaris Ordo Cruciferorum Purgatoria Flamma, Icon City Mission

To Alexander Cardinal Crowley [M]
Your Eminence,

I am pleased to inform you that my order has sent me to establish a mission in Icon City. And while my order has never interacted with you before as fellow servants of the lord I place my services and those of my brothers at your disposal should you ever have need of them.

In the Service of the Lord,

Brother Lieutenant Moreno,
Militaris Ordo Cruciferorum Purgatoria Flamma, Icon City Mission

Barrios Mini Mart [Action]
A group of initiates arrive at the mini mart eager to perform their next task. Namely shopping for groceries. Truly a glorious mission, as Evil cannot be hunted without a well balanced breakfast of milk, eggs, and assorted fruits.

2013-11-25, 05:15 PM
Gilgamesh in: The Vaults of History! Chilling!

"Well, Gentlemen. Seems we're trapped."
He digs around in the pocket of his trenchcoat, then smiles.
"Game of dice, anyone?"

Gilgamesh in: Lunch with Merlin! Filling!

"Well, Merlin. You're quiet today. Bad mood?"

Gilgamesh in: Black Blood on Rustbelt Streets! Thrilling!

After getting a pointer in a general direction and asking a few more or less helpful pedestrians, Gilgamesh approaches the nearest Black Blood Hangout.
He coughs, cracks his neck a few times, stretches, then calls:

2013-11-25, 05:35 PM
Holstering the guns after confirmation the female says, "Sorry about that, we weren't told we were sharing the scene, our boss sent us here to investigate this theft."

The male pulls out a cellphone and makes a call to someone, asking over the phone, "Nick, is this Gilgamesh guy for real?"

A sound of the door being locked draws them out of their confusion as they simultaneously exclaim, "Oh come on!"

"Dice? Sure, what are the stakes, five bucks?" the female replies to his question.

"Sorry, no can do, but we're not trying to stop you, I just want to know why you're doing this, If you tell us, maybe we can help you." he replies hands still ready to activate his belt.

A middle aged man in a suit walks into the office, saying, "We seem to be missing one member of this conversation."

2013-11-25, 05:49 PM
Garren Gomar in the Vaults of Mystery

"I'll play, if you'll wait a moment. Right before I was interrupted, I was about to examine the traces left by the dislocation or, alternatively, destruction of the former contents of this vault. I am hoping to confirm or, alternatively, rule out one of the two competing explanations - that an outside actor effected the event or that the artifacts themselves activated and caused the disturbance."

Gomar turns his back on the people no longer pointing guns at him and approaches the far wall, examining the anomalies. Taking out a matchbox from his pocket, he takes out one match and carefully prods the silver streak.

Grimsage Matt
2013-11-25, 05:53 PM
Say hello to John Smith

John Smith is an average man, of average height, average weight, and average appearance, and even average emotional temperament. In other words, just another human milling around the city, with no special powers to his name.

And like many newcomers to the city, John is looking for a job. On his way out of the apartment, a nice little place in charming Cobbles Cove, he makes his way down to the Mini Marts, the local economic hub.

Arriving at there, he see's people around this place of commerce, including a few... religious types. Giving them a small hello in Latin, most of those types speak it don't they?, John enters the store and asks his simple enough question.

"Hello, I was wondering if there was a job available?"

2013-11-25, 06:07 PM

"Only practicing. People nowadays expect their legends to be mysterious and solemn. I figure if it seems remarkable but not absurd I've finally got the flick of it." Merlin stretched out his legs and flagged down a wait staff for an alcohol selection. "Why did you come here now?"

2013-11-25, 06:12 PM
Gilgamesh in: The Vault of History! Chilling!

"Most atlantean artefacts I've seen didn't walk, but some teleported. But then, the walls here are full of metal, that would stop a lot. Six light spots. Are we looking for six artefacts? The only idea I have right now is that in one of the crates wasn't an artefact, but equipment to steal them. A shapeshifter could have come through that window as, say, a rat, but not get the artefacts out.
Destruction is a good hypothesis, one I did not think of myself. We can probably rule out fire, as there's no traces of smoke on the ceiling. Most artefacts would have been mineral or metal in nature. They could have been simply broken into pieces and moved out of the window, but that raises the question why steal artefacts if you have to destroy them to do so."
Gilgamesh sits down.
"Bucks? Oh, money. I don't have any American money on me. Let's see." He begins digging in his pockets again. "Moon rock, no. Shakespeare's pen, no. Magna Carta, no. Ah, here."
He places a fingernail-sized nugget of silver on the floor.
"That worth five... bucks?"

Gilgamesh in: Dinner with Merlin!

"Here? Completely by accident. I spent almost four centuries on Mars. Since I mostly moved around the old world before that, I thought I'd come back over here, for a change. I haven't been in the Americas since the Mayans were still a great power. So, I aimed my chariot roughly at North America and just let it drop from orbit."

2013-11-25, 06:28 PM
Mordecai Carter

Golden Flock [M]
I know these people. And these symbols. Some of these indicate great power, others, great danger.

But this kind of knowledge can be just as dangerous as its subjects, and it's not the sort of thing I'd like to discuss over city mail services. Not with just anyone, at least. But for a small consulting fee (say, [2 Cash]), well, then we'd be doing business, and I could send you a compiled report on this topic.

2013-11-25, 06:31 PM
Golden Flock

Mordecai [M]

I'll pay [2] Cash, but I trust you deliver.

2013-11-25, 06:35 PM
The Family[Internal]
1. I'm going to have Blaine, Gladiator and [1 Mercenary] continue watching the Vorpal situation.

2. The rest of my men will contiue their patrols. Same parameters as earlier should Metalclad be encountered.

3. Do I know anything about Vorpal/KoB abilities given my Databases?

4. So if my Mercenaries did make it through the Police Academy, they would maintain their fighting abilities despite becoming "Dirty Cops" yes? I would imagine my mercenaries are better shots than most cops...

The Family-Black Bloods[E-Mail]
Well... I know where she is... In a standoff with a man in a suit and the Knight of Blades. I got people watcing if you wanted to bring people in?

Can you tell me more about her?

[Sending the coordinates of Swordpoint to Black Bloods]

2013-11-25, 06:43 PM

"Yes, how did things on Mars go?"

2013-11-25, 06:48 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Merlin (E)
As of this moment, I plan on developing an unobtrusive device to monitor and record lifesigns, with the capability of sending an alert if values enter dangerous levels or for data to be pulled from the device by the user or medical personnel. This is largely intended as a platform for future enhancements involving near-field technology to develop a form of "keyring" matched to one's own DNA, linking it together with HUDs to allow squads of police or military forces to stay in contact and be capable of monitoring each other's locations and conditions, or whatever else I believe would be a profitable venture.

OOC: So trade Database Tech 1 for Database Icon City 1 then? I'll put the action in my Internal.

To Helios Core (E)
I believe paperwork is still being settled in our charter of formation with City Hall. It will be sorted out within the next week or so.

As of this moment, I plan on developing an unobtrusive device to monitor and record lifesigns, with the capability of sending an alert if values enter dangerous levels or for data to be pulled from the device by the user or medical personnel. This is largely intended as a platform for future enhancements involving near-field technology to develop a form of "keyring" matched to one's own DNA, possibly expanding it to be capable of reading hand gestures in order to use the same output to control various other technologies, or whatever the will of the market decides it would like to see.

What were you looking for subcontractors for, by the way? I may be able to provide assistance in whatever endeavors you're pursuing.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To Super-PAC (E)
Yes, FEMA being called in is quite ominous... I'll look in to it, if they permit me. If you could put in a good word as to my capabilities, I would quite appreciate it.

We would certainly be willing to help teach your maintenance what we know of the technological field, as soon as we have the available personnel to do so. I believe that can be completed in the next weeks (OOC: Probably this turn, but I'm not positive if I need to take any other actions at this moment. I'll inform you as soon as I can.)

To the Banker's Dozen (E)
Salutations, potential investor!

We of Lazarus Technologies were wondering if you would be interested in providing us a loan of capital to establish our footing and production capabilities. The world of biotech and medical technology has not been properly explored in Tesla's own city, and we hope to be the pioneers in this field in the coming years.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

To City Hall (E)

I was hoping to be able to serve in what ways I can with the investigation of the Peabody Labs raid, by virtue of my specialty in the realm of science, but I am unsure if FEMA will accept my help, considering there seems to be more to the Labs than meets the eye. I was hoping you could convince them otherwise. I would provide an independent consultation on the nature of research undergone in the Labs, and I can keep you informed, if you so wish.

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies


I understand your agency is in charge of the investigation of the Peabody Labs raid. I was curious if I would be capable of aiding in this in some manner, by virtue of my field of study and learning. Is there anything I can do?

Professor Lazarus
-Founder and CEO, Lazarus Technologies

Internal (PM)
Spend 1 Cash and whatever actions (if any) are necessary to legally and legitimately set up Lazarus Technologies.

If Mabn wants to, trade him Database - Tech 1 for Database - Icon City 1. Spend the two Follower actions necessary to do it.

2013-11-25, 06:59 PM

Pyre [pm]
"Hm, so they claimed to be federal agents. This is shaping up to be quite interesting. Do you think they are actually who they say they are? For that matter, who was that other person?"

Pierce attempts to listen through the door for gunshots, just in case.

"Say, do you think that Gilgamesh fellow has a cellphone?

Gilgamesh [p] (if he has a cellphone)
"Hello, this is Pierce Honnete. Is that you in the vault? What's going on in there? Have those two supposed feds stopped threatening that investigator?"

Golden Flock [m]

Mr. Eduard,
Yes, we will be running a campaign of our own, though our ideals aren't so opposed with those of Super-PAC as you might think. It will be difficult, as Super-PAC surely has more allies than we, at least in the metahuman community, and seems determined to oppose us when we could form a compromise, but we persevere. We know the people support us, all those affected by the chaos and destruction so many metahumans leave in their wake.

Pierce Honnete

ICPD [p] (non-emergency line)
I am correct that you have a metahuman law enforcement unit? I am curious what oversight policies you have in that regard.

Super-PAC [m]

It appears we are to be political rivals. I don't suppose I could get a copy of your official platform? I need to know what you want me to disagree with, after all.

With gratitude and respect,
Pierce Honnete

2013-11-25, 07:02 PM
Gilgamesh in: Lunch with Merlin! [PM]

Gilgamesh leans back in his chair and, for a few seconds, just stares at the steam rising from the cup of tea in his hand.
"Merlin. Everyone else, I'd spin a story now. Four armed giant green aliens, maybe, and flying ships. But... what I want to say is..."
He pauses again.
"Do you ever get tired? Really, incredibly tired? I had to get away from all this for a while. Mars. Mars was perfect. Only me. Alone with the dust and the wind and the stars. Cliffs four miles high in the vallis marineris and the absolute darkness at their bottom. The peeks of Tharis at sunset. I spent four hundred years just walking and thinking, for myself. It was good."
He sips his tea and sets it down again.
"But this? This is also good. One can not be alone forever."
He smiles, wearily.
"I brought you a gift."
Reaching into his pocket, he produces a fist-sized piece of black rock with a faintly metallic sheen to it.
"Piece of the Hellas asteroid. Largest crater in the solar system."

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 07:03 PM
Internal [PM]

And so you start hacking...

Three actions later...

1. You create a fairly decent false identity for the Smith. Should hold up to most standard tests, so long as they don't dig too deep. Not a 100%, and another action could improve it, but it SHOULD be good.

2. You get a guest list, along with a time table. Security layouts are not available on any web-based systems you can find.

Man, they're inviting a lot of people. Some heroes, too. However, only a few have RSVP'd for certain.

3. FEMA. Lord, FEMA is scary. But luck is with you, as you pull a serious coup. Though you don't have a chance in hell of setting up a backdoor, you get ahold of some incident logs.

About 9 oclock, passers-by report shots fired. Cops arrive at 9:22, to find part of the place collapsed, and a firefight going on. They call in SWAT.

9:30, SWAT choppers in, and someone opens up with RPGs. Chopper's forced down, SWAT tries a breach anyway and takes fatalities.

In the confusion, SOMETHING about bear-sized is witnessed leaving. No one's quite sure between the darkness and the chaos, but it's generally agreed it wasn't human. At that point there are only a few hostiles left in the building. The ICPD hands off the situation to the MRB.

9:33, the MRB teleports a crisis squad in. The building is locked down. 9:40, they call FEMA.

10:09, FEMA arrives in force, kicks the MRB out, and sets up. They confirm illegal bio-engineering apparatus is present in the building, and... That's all you can get. From here the report is switched to a more secure server.

Something was made there.

Something got loose.

2013-11-25, 07:17 PM
Garren Gomar and the Mercury Puzzle (in the vault)

"Six crates of artifacts." He remarks offhandedly. "According to... my sources, the theft was done in such a short time that an air pressure sensor was the only thing that noticed it. That points to a sudden dislocation, teleportation if you will, of all the artifacts. I was hoping to look at the records of the device for some further data on the specifics. But I would say that someone from the outside using some sort of trick to empty the vault is the most likely hypothesis, as I do not think the artifacts teleporting themselves away would cause such marks on the wall."

2013-11-25, 07:21 PM
Gilgamesh in the Vault

"Yes, quite. Hm. That window looks about... six by eight inches? An acrobat could get through that. Or a spelunker. But there's glass in the way. It also wouldn't explain the missing artefacts."

He begins shaking the dice, looking back at the second agent. "You in?"

Then, he furrows his brows and turns back to Garren Gomar.
"Say. Your face seems... familiar. Have we met before?"

2013-11-25, 07:28 PM
Mordecai Carter

Golden Flock [M]
Money-back guarantee.

1. The people in white... they match the description of an ancient order of merciless templars, though that term doesn't really do them justice. They're known as Aequitas Rex - you may have heard of them, since their name is still whispered in fear. Few know that they still exist, though, probably still on their ancient crusade. They're bad news, and if you saw them, I hope you know what you're doing. Old texts say they leave behind only flames and the symbol of justice. Their motivations aren't exactly clear, but a lot of wizards and arcane texts are gone forever thanks to them.

2. Those descriptions aren't familiar to me. If I had some context as to where you saw them, or what kind of magic the man was using, I could dig deeper.

3. We'll come back to 3.

4. These symbols are from the Nature Preserve, I'm guessing? I've seen many like them in that area. They hold magical power, a sort of natural energy that's coalescing in that forest.

I've got a theory about that. There's been a lot happening in the supernatural world, and Icon City is right in the middle of it. You've probably noticed the number of magical entities popping up in and around the city, and it's causing a leyline shift - sort of tipping the scales of where all this magic is meant to be. The result is a magical phenomenon called a mana node: the Preserve is becoming magically charged, and somewhere inside is a locus, a point of dense magic energy. If someone finds it and spends enough time there, they can absorb that power.

Now, here's something else you should know: somebody told the Goblin Market where the locus is. So that means that at least one powerful mage is poking around the preserve, and once the Market auctions off the location, there'll be more on the way. Everyone wants the node, and only one person's gonna be able to have it. Things might get rough.

Now, back to number 3: those people with the sticks are mine. Kids. On the scale of the Aequitas Rex, mysterious sorcerors, and leyline shifts, they don't even register. Their scouting is why I have some of this information I'm giving you.

So I'll ask you one point of clarification: Did you see all these groups in the Nature Preserve? Because if my apprentices are within a five mile radius of the Aequitas Rex, I need to warn them.

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]
One of Mordecai's apprentices arrives (just a little late) for the auction, taking a seat in the back.

2013-11-25, 07:32 PM
Garren Gomar - Friends in Enclosed Places
"Gilgamesh? Probably not. Insofar as I'm aware, you've been on a different planet."

2013-11-25, 08:20 PM

The Super Hero mailing list
To the would be unobtrusive hero (A strange Ideal):
If crime is not your problem I firstly do not know what you are for and secondly don't know where you live, but it certainly isn't where the rest of us live. Crime is most definitely our problem. Gang violence in particular could, at any moment, erupt into full scale multi-factional war. This is the most beloved city in the world. We take the point that there are weightier concerns, but nothing is beneath a true hero.

To the whole: We have some details on the FEMA situation. Their security is not so scary, though the same might be said of this forum (Incidentally, if the good Mr Edison is willing to pay for a secure server I can provide excellent security for it) as usual we cannot speak openly, but I judge this information sufficiently important to be worth sharing despite the risk. The Lab was attacked by an organised force carrying guns and RPGs. The site itself appears secure, but bio-engineering tech has been discovered. And something got out in the fire fight. Reported large and possibly bear-like. Only a few survivors (Attackers and SWAT) and unknown where they are. Suggest anyone with any tracking ability survey the area around the lab ASAP. Suggest anyone with any pull in MRB or FEMA get access to one of the prisoners for interrogation.

Historical society
Does it matter? We're offering to find your priceless artefacts. Free of charge I might add.

We're the Hardliners. We're heroes. Super-Pac will vouch for us, I understand they have access to the scene, if you really wish to waste time we could be spending finding said priceless artefacts.

Bozzo smiles, as enigmatically as his open face will allow. 'I was authorised for a one time purchase. But I think my... bosses will like the second idea. They're entrepreneurs. So, how do you want to do this? Do we shift product on your turf? I hear things are good at the fish markets right now.

Father Figure
The red headed beauty doesn't miss a beat, doesn't react. Her voice is just as placative, just as timid 'But Father, if those heroes had not stood up to be destroyed you and I could not have this conversation... Yes, thank you, coffee would be wonderful. Is there really no way to stop what is coming? And what are these strange beasts? Why must they destroy us?

Helios Core
Of course. There's nothing I can't delay for an interview with Helios, pick a time of your choosing.

And off the Smith goes to the subway, complete with carefully read and signed papers and a memorised passcode.

Oh, it's like that, is it? Well then, happy hunting, we won't get in your way

Boardwalk Meeting
Sorry. MD is Major Disaster

Black Bloods
We know what the woman wants. Send someone with some cash and we might share

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 08:34 PM
Major Disaster [PM]

Ah, boardwalk. Trendy bars, a view of the frozen ocean, Christmas decorations everywhere... (Still not down. The place slows down a bit in winter.)

And a rumbling sound, as a pack of small, spherical drones about the size of cantaloupes roll across the planking, stop, and scan him with lasers. Snapping shut, they clear the way as a louder rumbling is heard. A black, segmented metal ball the size of a dumpster swerves down the row, dodging pointing pedestrians, and moving up to Major Disaster. As it reaches him it unfolds, pill-bug style, revealing a gyro-stabilized, man-shaped form held suspended in a metal framework, armored curved plates ready to snap together at a minute's notice.

"Heya. Name's Eight-ball. C'mon, let's head up the street a ways to talk."

You find a reasonably deserted pier, and he explains.

"Simple situation. Anne Droid's in town for some reason. She's basically a crazy brain in a body that can take out tanks. She surfaces every now and then, usually on some job or the other, and I got a tip that she's hiding out somewhere on the Boardwalk. I could use some help finding her and running her off, before she causes some real damage."

"You up for that, man?"

2013-11-25, 08:41 PM
Mordecai Carter

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]
After taking a moment to wrap his head around what he was seeing, the apprentice raises his hand at the troll. "[5 Cash]."

The Ideal [M]
Agent Coldwell,

My name is Mordecai Carter. I'm a local, well, I guess you could call me an expert on the magical and arcane. Couldn't help but notice the arrival of the respectable, nice-guy heroes you've got on your team, so I thought I'd extend a greeting. And a one time offer.

If you would, Mr. Coldwell, I'd like you to forget about any pre-conceptions you might have about practitioners of magic. I'm not a mad sorcerer, nor an elderly hermit. I like to think of myself as a businessman. As such, I do business, and at the moment I'm in need a little venture capital.

So, here's my idea: if you could use some of that government money to help invest in my enterprises, just [2 or 3 Cash] to get me started, you'd have a wizard on your side: that means I'd be returning the favor with info on the magic world, one secret per [Cash], or store credit if you ever need enchanted goods. This city's full of strangeness, I'm sure you know. Some of it, the Powers, is your area of expertise, but if you get caught up in something magical you'll be a fish out of water without a consultant. So what do you say?

2013-11-25, 08:42 PM

Boardwalk PM
I'm up for that. And I think we can do a damn better job then just running her off to. I haven't messed with her before though, I can call back up if you think we need it

2013-11-25, 08:53 PM
Sergei Kalinin

"]"Aw, nuts. Eh, no harm askin', no? Arright, [7 Cash] wit' 'e insurance plan 'tis, den! Tell 'e lady I a'ready got 'e peeps in mind, arright?"

Sergei said, tossing off his drink.

"So, wha' else ya got for Sergei, or is dis pleasure doin' bizness wit' ya?"

"]Leave it to ol' Sergei, my friend! I'll arrange for someone to break your guys outta trouble, if any of you get in it!

"]"Fair 'nuff, fair 'nuff! Jus' hearin' 'tis one of yer jobs is knowin' 'nuff for ol' Sergei, eh? Thought yer might be bein' an hero for a while there! Good ta see dealin' wit' yer still on 'e table, no?

So yah, yer gonna get a bit o' attention at dis rate. If yer get into deep doo-doo, Sergei's got a guy 'ere can break ya outta it, jus' so yer know!"

"]For Immediate Action


1. Use his [Urban Camouflage 1] skills to walk around incognito in the Slumsides, checking out the vandalism that has occurred there with his own eyes. Maybe he might catch someone in the act...

2. Use his [Urban Camouflage 1] skills to attend the Rotary Club Fundraiser incognito, and try not to draw attention to himself.


1. PM Meeting with Arachne at Luxury Lofts.

2013-11-25, 09:00 PM
Garren Gomar and the Vault of the Half-Formed Thumb-Print - what?

"All right. I think I've exhausted what I can do from inside this room. I need a fingerprint database, some acid, the museum probably has some methods of taking and analyzing material samples and the blueprints of the building. And the data from the air pressure analyzer.

I'm pretty much convinced that, as it seemingly wasn't teleportation... unless they needed to get in first but in that case I don't see the issue in- whatever. Probably wasn't teleportation, it seems like the work of someone who can meld into materials and extend that property to objects of his choosing. So I'm looking at outside actor and internal catalyst - someone physically broke in here, grabbed the goods and left. The details will become more clear once I get the aforementioned data points.

So, someone mentioned dice?"

2013-11-25, 10:41 PM
The Ideal


If you're seeing the above image, then you're an unauthorized user. As you read this, the memetic kill-code embedded within should have begun to affect you. This will cause the neurons in your brain to begin firing rapidly, quickly triggering an extreme seizure, which will eventually lead to death. Please enjoy the last 30-45 seconds of your life.


Actually, I suppose I should elaborate, for future reference.

I went ahead and did Avalon's physical. I need to get some use of of that M.D. I got last summer.

As it turned out, everything check out fine. As far as his blood-work, and even genetic testing goes, he is a perfectly healthy, perfectly normal, human being.

Infuriating! I can't find a single thing that should indicate where his powers come from! I already know it's not technological. The only real possibility left is some sort of "magical" effect, but I have no means to test this. Will have to look into it further.

I did notice a strange thing though. I was expecting to have problems taking a blood sample, I had no trouble doing so. Very odd, since I've seen video of bullets bouncing off of Avalon. The needle shouldn't have been able to even pierce his skin. I decided on a little experiment; I took up an empty syringe and attempted to jab him in the arm as hard as I could. The needle glanced off his skin as if I'd tried to stab a piece of steel. Very interesting. Perhaps his powers are only active at the moment they need to be used? This warrants further tests.

Idealist: I'll take your word for it.

I'll tell you though, not near as lenient if you go a bit further west. Police in, for example, Chicago, prefer that you don't be interfering in their investigations. At least until they ask you to. Or **** really hits the fan, whichever.

Apparently, the MRB and FEMA want us in a meeting. Anything comes up we think might be useful to you guys, we'll let you know.

The Ideal's representative is an incredibly plain looking man in a boring grey suit. On his suit-jacket is pinned a small, bland looking ID with the with the name James Coldwell on it. He smiles subtly as he speaks.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid we've been slightly busy, and the message asking for me wasn't terribly specific. Am I to assume that this meeting is regarding the incident at Peabody Labs?"

That sounds great, I'm sure Avalon would love to attend!

Of course, we are still trying to maintain the secrecy around our members identifies. Avalon would be fully armored, as he's most known. I doubt that would be a problem in this city, but I figure it's probably best to make sure.

I appreciate the concern, but Avalon will probably be alright. He is notoriously hard to injure.

Mr. Carter,

I'm glad to hear from you, and really do appreciate the offer. Unfortunately, the powers-that-be haven't been funding us near as well as they probably should be. Honestly, we just can't afford it.

I hope, however, that this does not preclude the possibility of cooperation. We may very well someday need the services of an experienced mage.

Thank you,
James Coldwell

OOC: $50 an hour plus expenses. I'm getting a bit of a Harry Dresden vibe here.

Currently, my only databases are Powers and Technology 1 each. So apparently, I know nothing about Icon City (oh noes!)

Looked over the rules for manufacturing really quickly. So I will be spending 2 Cash and 2 TP to build some nice Shock-Bolt Gloves.

...at some point, I'll need to figure out a way for the Ideal to make money. I could presumably be doing endorsements and traditional CELEBRITY-type things, but...ehh...

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-25, 11:34 PM
(Ideal, Foundation)

Miss Cavinch "Harrumphs," and Carceri looks to Agent Coldwell, giving him a brief nod.

The FEMA lady continues.

"As your agencies are new to Icon City, it was felt that a discussion of the operating hierarchy would be necessary, to prevent... Accidental conflict. Now, as you may or may not be aware, the hierarchy goes as follows in town."

She hands out charts.

"The ICPD is the bottom, the first line of defense. City Hall is above them, they'll help with PR and handle scandals and the like. You are... Technically above City Hall, both of your organizations, but it is best not to antagonize the administration. The local mayor is polite and cooperative. We'd like to keep him that way."

"Above you both is the Metahuman Response Bureau. Mister Carceri?"

He exhales a stream of smoke, and leans in closer, grey, faded eyes studying you.

"We've been briefed on your capabilities, and we believe your programs will be a good fit for Icon City. You'll need time to acclimatize, stretch your wings, and figure out what you can and can't do. We'll help you with that so long as you stay on the straight and narrow, but eventually the time will come where we'll have other things to do and you'll be ready to stand on your own."

"Also, we'll be in charge of your funding." He grimaces. "Every month we'll expect a report on you on your doings inside the city. Don't have to detail everything, just things we should know. Meet this simple request, and keep your noses clean, and we'll provide a small amount of funding. Not much, we're strapped ourselves."

"If something comes up and you find a definite need for cash, then contact me and we'll put it up the chain." He looks to Miss Cavinch. She nods. "We're in charge of reviewing and authorizing these requests. Bear in mind that we are not santa claus. Save requests like that for emergencies."

Carceri exhales a stream of smoke. "Both of your agencies also have a good technological base, and other talents. Here in Icon City, there are opportunities to fund yourselves. Inventions, contract work, other niches. While it's secondary to your main work, there is no shame in finding other ways to keep afloat. Hell, some limited black market trading might even be acceptable-"

"Mister Carceri!"

He coughs, gives her a glare, until she looks away, then continues. "SO LONG AS it is nothing dangerous, lethal, or anything that could be traced back to you. Besides, if you decide to give covert ops a whirl, contacts in low places might be good."

Miss Cavinch is clearly not happy at this, but she holds her tongue. "At any rate, if you need something, talk to the MRB. If you come across an immediate city-endangering threat, or XK-class scenario (Chance that the world might be destroyed,) call FEMA immediately."

"Now," she grimaces, "On to Peabody Labs." Carceri stubs his cigarette out on the desk, intrigued.

She continues. "This information does not leak to the outside by any means. Are we clear?" After waiting for confirmation, she continues. "I'll let the slides speak for themselves." She opens the briefcase, revealing a laptop, and shows a presentation.


About 9 oclock, passers-by report shots fired. Cops arrive at 9:22, to find part of the place collapsed, and a firefight going on. They call in SWAT.

9:30, SWAT choppers in, and someone opens up with RPGs. Chopper's forced down, SWAT tries a breach anyway and takes fatalities.

In the confusion, SOMETHING about bear-sized is witnessed leaving. No one's quite sure between the darkness and the chaos, but it's generally agreed it wasn't human. At that point there are only a few hostiles left in the building. The ICPD hands off the situation to the MRB.

9:33, the MRB teleports a crisis squad in. The building is locked down. 9:40, they call FEMA.

10:09, FEMA arrives in force, kicks the MRB out, and sets up. They confirm illegal bio-engineering apparatus is present in the building.

Miss Cavinch folds her arms. "At this time, we do not know who was using Peabody Labs as a front. Nor do we know who attacked them. We only know one thing, thus far."

"The entirety of that lab was devoted to a single experiment. A single creature."

"Something that, according to the few salvaged files we found, was called "Legion".

She closes the briefcase. Carceri nods, wheels turning behind his eyes.

"You have questions?" She inquires.

to Limpeza Chama [p]

About a day or two later, after sending the mail, Moreno recieves a phone call from Icon City's finest. They actually found someone who can speak Portugese...

<Hola, sir. Thank you for asking, so few new arrivals to our city take the time to question. Well, according to your visas, you're a class M organization, some magic or metahuman factors and a decided tendency toward heroism. As such, so long as you do not commit crimes or kill save in self defense or extraordinary circumstance, we do not mind how you use the tools of your trade. If you wish to get dispensations or have more specific questions, the Metahuman Response Bureau could possibly work with you there.>

<Now when you get to modern munitions, things are a little more strict. Pistols are legal within city limits, but keeping them loaded or drawing them without reason is not. Longarms may be transported in vehicles, so long as they are locked away. Automatic weapons are illegal. Explosives are illegal. We like our city, we like to keep it standing.>

<As far as reducing the criminal element, well, if you find criminals or catch people in the act, please subdue them and call us. We'll be happy to lock them up.>

<Does this answer your questions, sir?>

Limpeza Chama
at Barrios Mini Mart [PM]

You visit the Mini Marts, and stock up on sundries.

While you do so, men in green bandannas keep a hard eye on you. These must be Die Kriegers, and they patrol the area regularly. They don't seem to be hostile, but they don't seem ready to give you welcome baskets, either. People seem to fear them.

That two block area... You can definitely feel the difference, though it would be far too subtle for most others. You notice that the employees in the stores in that area are quiet, well-spoken, and a little older on the whole than the other employees around here. A few of them stand with military discipline, when they think no one is looking.

Hm. They're also a little understaffed for this time of year.

Too, the security systems in this part of the Mini-marts are slightly better than the other areas. Better cameras, the locks are new, that sort of thing.

(Anything else you want to do while you're there?)

John Smith
John Smith goes looking for a job in Mini-marts!

He passes by a few cars full of guys in green ganger colors. Must be those Die Kriegers folks his elderly neighbor keeps ranting about. Eh, they look mean, but they're not bothering anyone right now.

After checking around in a few places, he finds a gas station with a bored teenager managing it.

"Sure, we can put you to work. The pay sucks and you might get held up by robbers, but the hours are great. And you get all the dubious hot dogs you can eat!"

[He's offering a menial unskilled job. For every 2 actions you put toward working here, you will get 1 cash.]

2013-11-26, 03:51 AM
Gilgamesh in: The Vaults of History

"Yes, here they are." He puts five bone dice done on the floor in the middle of the vault. "Wager is five bucks or closest equivalent."

2013-11-26, 03:56 AM
Mordecai Carter

The Ideal [M]
I understand. If you do require my services in the future, please don't hesitate to call. I look forward to hearing great things about your work in Icon City. Good luck, Mr. Coldwell.

- Mordecai

OOC: Spot on, Mr. Dresden was a big inspiration. You have good taste, Agent Coulson... er, Coldwell ;)

Internal [PM]
On second thought, I want my apprentices in the Nature Reserve to cancel the investigation. If my assumption is correct that the Golden Flock saw all those people in the Reserve, I don't want to risk them running into danger over a location I might just purchase anyways.

2013-11-26, 04:06 AM
"Game on!" she says grinning cash symbols almost appearing on her eyes.

"We can provide that, I don't think Doc will mind us borrowing those facilities, she's focused on getting the Rider System up and running. We can process the data and send it over to you as soon as possible." the man replies to Garren, taking out a camera.

As he reads the report, the man's cheerful demeanor slowly fades, "This is bad, no that's an understatement, we will inform you if we run into this, Legion, consider the Rider System a resource at your disposal, though the question on both our minds here I think is funding, just how much will we be given to work with?"

Turning to Coldwell he continues, "So, you're with the Ideal, I hope we can get along," extending his arm in greeting.

We apologize, we are currently unable to provide much in the way of funding, we cannot match-make you to any of our funders, none of them are currently interested in biotechnology.

However, we can provide assistance in terms of research data, The Foundation has its own fully staffed and equipped labs. We can provide necessary data towards your research. In addition we may be able to help outsource your lab's workload to other labs performing similar research.

- Jeremy Smith
Director of the Foundation

2013-11-26, 08:49 AM
Garren Gomar and the Search for Answers (Vault people) [PM]

"Hmm. I think all except the blueprints and sensor data are best left to the police. I think they'd already have the former two, plus they've got better equipment and proficiency with the more technical lines of investigative inquiry."

2013-11-26, 09:17 AM
"Hey, some of us used to be cops you know, anyway, you'll still need our help to get them to share."

2013-11-26, 11:49 AM
Golden Flock

Commissioner Rackham [Phone]

''Mr. Rackham,

''This is Mr. Eduard speaking, you may have heard of me.*''

''I am a concerned bird - concerned about the rumors of some dangerous activity happening in the woods. Some magical hoodoo, escaping things from Peabody Labs, vampires. All along budget cuts. And as a concerned citizen of the Icon City I was hoping to contribute to the solution to the problem by a small donation of [3] Cash to the Rangers in the Wilderness Preserve. I realize the problems of the animals are hardly a concern for the human population of the city, but I care about my brethren, even if they lack my sentience.''

*[I hope commissioner heard about my [Rumor Mongering] & [Newspaper] Traits. And that I probably know about his son. Won’t mention it in the conversation. I’m no extortionist.]

Mordecai [M]

''Your apprentices are not yet in five mile radius of men in white - but I expect that they’ll eventually make it there.''

''I advise you to call them back, before they get too close. And the other mage that has been to the place is both powerful and… wrong.''

2013-11-26, 12:01 PM
Garren Gomar - Museum Piece? [PM]
"Heh." He grins. "I am confident that I can charm the two pieces of data I require from the museum. I will simply inform the police of my conclusions regarding the other matters, and trust in their expertise on that count.

To be frank, I'm not horrendously invested here."

2013-11-26, 02:41 PM

Internal: [PM]
Threat eliminated. Human. Not known. Gather corpses. Examine. Human physiology unknown. Dissect. Learn. Consume. Try out knowledge. Assume form. Feels weird. Jacob? Name. Jacob. Body familiar. Two arms? No. Arm lost. Change form. James, Micheal? Friends. Dead. Battle. Injury. Seek aid. No. Confusion. Wait. Resume form.

Battle ended. Dark approaching. Return home. Inside. Safe. Wait. Wait. Wait. Feels Weird. Something missing. Search. Nothing. Matter. Energy. Create? Recollection. Patterns. Gather resources. Create. Form. Life. Moving. Breathing. Examine. Imperfect. Ugly. Consume. Again. Create. Imperfect. Better. Keep. More.

- - - - - -

Jacob opens his eyes. His vision is blurry at first but quickly clears. He's lying on a makeshift bed, besides dozens more, a few occupied by individuals in varying states of injury. Everything hurts. He manages to turn his head, looking over to the stump that was his right arm, sewed up in less than perfect fashion.

He tries to speak, but just coughs harshly. An attendent standing a short distance away turns, and walks over. She smiles when she speaks.

"You're awake. Nice to see you made it. Was worried there for a while

Jacob coughed again.

"Do you know where you are?

Jacob tried to think back. The memories were still assembling themselves.

"St Andrews Clinic, in the outskirts. You wandered in here two days ago, collapsed without saying a word. Really gave us a shock.

Jacob remembered. Fear. Darkness. Blood. Pain. Death. Micheal and James were gone. His only friends. People who understood. All he had in this stupid life. Family were never worth anything. Jacob looked to his arm again. Useless. What could he do with one stupid arm!? What was the point in anything now?

"Here, have a drink"

The attendent picked a cup of water off a nearby table, letting Jacob sip slowly.

"I'll be back to check up on you in a minute, I have to see to some of the others. Make noise if you need anything."

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-26, 03:32 PM
Augustine Park rangers announce Closure!

Due to recent foul weather, park rangers have announced the closure of the local Nature Reserve to public traffic.

"Not that we get many visitors in January, mind you," an anonymous ranger replied.

Questions as to whether this had anything to do with the recent strange lights and phenomena seen within the park's boundaries were met with silence, and replies of "No Comment."

Fort Steyer
to Eternal Darkness [PM]

(I actually figured you guys were a bit more like modern vampires. That you could wake up in the daytime, but direct sunlight would still cause damage and harm.

Do you want to have the daysleep weakness? I would up your followers rating, to counterbalance such a big weakness, if so...)

The Lt. Colonel listens, then nods. "Well, I understand your concerns. Do you feel that you're being threatened right now? I don't want to divert patrols without a good reason to justify it to my superiors up the chain, but if you feel there's a clear and present danger, we could spare a few PFC's a couple of times a day."

East Temple Meeting
Mara [PM]

The man coughs and splutters, and finally shuts his mouth. "Y-you need to talk to... Well. Come along, please."

He leads you upstairs, to a beautiful rotunda. The stained glass above plays a red and gold light across the floor, making it look like dancing flames. There is a white mural inset into the floor, of a crooked cross. No, not a cross. Crossroads.

As you step into it, there's a shimmer, and from one of the pews a man in a suit rises...

He wasn't there before. He's neatly dressed, clean shaven, and smiling, and his eyes are a solid, oily black.

"Hello Mara. That's what you're calling yourself nowadays, aren't you?"

You're in his place of power, and judging by the raw feeling you get from him, he's pretty strong. You're pretty sure that if things went bad, you'd be hard pressed to survive.

But... This is a bargainer demon. They don't like using brute force without a damn good reason.

The Low Master departs, leaving you to talk privately.

There's a glass of wine in the Stranger's hand. He sips. "So what brings you here today? Social Call? Dropping off a fruit basket? Or perhaps... You're looking to deal...?"

Internal [PM]

Your cultists report that the staff-wielding group poking around the woods got a phone call and left in one hell of a hurry. They're gone with no chance of interception.

Order of the Hand and Eye
East Temple Meeting [PM]

The Temple is a large, towering stone structure that is covered in odd symbols, with quite beautiful stained glass windows. It's not a church, but clearly meant to evoke the same grandeur and feeling.

The front doors are locked, and a friendly guard escorts Mara to the back, where she enters a series of normal-looking corridors, and ends in a small, oddly pedestrian office. A rotund, smiling man shakes his hand. "Good afternoon. I'm the Low Master of Protocol, my job is to deal with the public, and prospective members. How can we help you today?"

Order of the Hand and Eye
Internal [PM]

Tulpas are traditionally a tibetan thing, but there are similar African notions.

Basically created thought constructs that have spiritual presence. Not quite demons, but sinister in their own way. Your man in the museum is looking into folklore, this'll probably take some time to bear fruit.

Solomon wanders down to the museum. See VAULT-A-PALOOZA, below.

to Super-Pac [p]

"Thank you for your concern. Again, no comment."


Yep, they just hung up on you.

Royal British Museum
to Super-Pac [P]
"Hm. Well, sadly, records from that time are a bit more spotty. From what we can tell, most of the assaults were handled by Nottingham constabulary, and those would be old files, long since gone. Rumors are that Mister Boothsby rarely pressed charges or involved the police anyway, and that a lot of robbers were quietly buried on his estate after he took care of matters."
"As to the collections, certainly!"

He emails you a manifest, with photos. Looks like a lot of old statues, most fairly small (6 inches to a foot or so.) About a sixth of them have gems inset in them.

to Super-Pac [P]

"Hm, hang on a second please."

There's a muffled conversation, then the person on the other end comes back.

"Director Carceri says that he'll be happy to talk to you at the party, especially if it gets him out of having to socialize for a few hours."

to Merlin [PM]

It takes a special device dug out of the Library, a sort of bird cage lined with crystals and rune. Takes Merlin a while to premember how to use it, but he finally tunes it in and gets a signal.

A pale, slightly pointed-eared visage fades in, white hair in countless braids, filigreed headdress of gold and ebony, and eyes devoid of mercy or compassion.

"<Monkey. I know not who you are, or how you got this, or how your primitive brain figured out its usage, but your betters shall be coming soon to reclaim- Wait. You are the Merlin!>"

The head turns and there's a rapid-fire discussion. Finally, a male face with golden (literally golden) orbs for eyes replaces it, and studies you.

"<Yes, something nearly went wrong recently. But your mutant freaks stopped it, at great cost. The crisis appears to be over, what is there left to do? And why should we help you?>"

"<Not that we don't appreciate that help back with the Constantinople affair back in the day, and you're no monkey, but getting involved with you means getting involved in the business of the groundlickers around you, and that rarely goes well. What's different about this time?>"

Golden Flock
Internal [PM]

Ratson and his boys try to move in... And get shut down, HARD. Not only are the undamaged parts of the Peabody facility completely sealed against even INSECTS getting in or out (It looks like the structure was built this way,) but the FEMA picket line has cameras, guard dog patrols, and surveillance vans, and seems to be taking notice of any animal that tries to cross nearby. They're armed with flamethrowers for some reason, and Ratson's boys barely escape. It's pretty nuts.

It looks like there was no undergound level, it was all above ground. That said, it's definitely weirdly built.

There is also one hell of a weird smell where some critter unknown to Ratson's experience left the facility and ran... The trail looks like it doesn't go anywhere near the woods. It meanders around, and seems to veer off towards the city.

A cursory check of what you know about Peabody Labs from your database and other information turns up little beyond the company name. They're not on record as doing any animal testing, which in of itself is a little suspicious for a GMO crop researcher. You could always spend an action to dig deeper.

(Roll succeeded. No need to pay cash, yet.)

Your investigation turns up a tragedy. Richard Brady, son of a wealthy and famous attorney, rebelled against his parents, dropped out of college, and shacked up with some friends in the Slumside. He was reported missing after an apartment breakin a few days ago according to the police reports, and is still missing. Given the territory, it's likely the Black Bloods gang is involved. Rumor has it that his dad went frantic, and started looking for bounty hunters and the like to get him back, offering a good sized reward for the kid's rescue. That particular contract went off the market... Right at the same time Vorpal started shanking Black Bloods in the Brownstones.

You've got enough facts to piece together the chain of events, but you'd have to dig a little harder for actual blackmail material. The Young Turk involved is a lawyer, he probably covered his tracks a bit.

Mordecai Carter
Strays Welcome [PM]

It's just another dive, in the lower level. Smells of fish, as does most of this part of the neighborhood. Tourists don't come here, and the crowd all knows each other. You are lead upstairs, to a series of rooms that look like a few crazy cat ladies exploded all up in here. Domestic felines of every shape and size peer at you or pretend to ignore you as you go, and you are lead to a room decorated with all sorts of cat representations, from golden statues to crayon drawings made by 5-year-olds. In the center of it resides a woman dressed in fine robes, wearing a headdress in the shape of a cat's head. A black and white cat sits on her lap, and watches you, blinking. A lawn chair has been set up by the throne, and a card table nearby holds a pot of tea.

*Hello, Mister Carter. It is good to finally meet you. Ah, is that for me?*

You're hearing this voice in your head. The woman stretches out her arm, and takes the charm from you, tilting it this way and that in her hand, as it gleams in the soft light.

*Your gift to the goddess is recognized. You are in the presence of she who is called Bastet, the Eye of Ra, she who wards against plague and wicked spirits, neighbor to Mordecai Carter, and also noted for many other things.*

The woman indicates the tea cups, and the pitcher.

*Do pour, please. To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?*

Internal [PM]

You call your apprentices in the woods, and they get the hell out of there. They're glad to be out of the cold, they report feelings of being watched while they were out there.

Gilgamesh on the Street
(Gilgamesh, Foundation)
The Watchmen look at each other again, shrug. "Well, you're living in the Rustbelt, yeah? Look for the guys around there wearin' black armbands. Shouldn't be too hard, they're the ones'll cut you if you look at'em funny."

Rustbelt Ruins

Gilgamesh tracks down one of the bigger factory complexes. This one's got sentries walking around its half-fallen fences, armed with shotguns. They look at him funny, as he shows up.

He yells a greeting, and they laugh, nastily.

"The hell you want, fool? Go put on some pants! There's no drugs in here for you!"

They mock him, though a few in the back seem a little concerned. They're keeping their pistols and shotguns handy, just in case.

Gilgamesh can make out about 15 or so of them in the courtyard outside the complex.

Internal [PM]

1. You watch the situation develop, and can read the At Swordpoint post below. As you watch, your men report feds moving through! That Ideal guy, Avalon, with a squad of honest to god soldiers back a few streets as backup, heading this way! As soon as he shows up, Vorpal bugs out.

2. You continue patrolling. No signs of Metalclad yet. Given that figure seems pretty skittish, it might be hard to track down.

3. Knight of Blades is a Paragon, pretty straightforward. Vorpal's deadly. Can cause different energy auras to manifest around any blade she touches. Fire and Electricity and some sort of monofilament effect are her common uses.

4. Mm, the difference between mercenaries and militant cops is fairly slight. A bit too slight for game terms.

Black Bloods
to Family [E]

Knight of Blades? Serious? %@!%, this is awesome, maybe they'll kill each other, save us the trouble!

Think we'll let them sort it out. Vorpal, she crazy. Any blade she holds becomes like a supersword, and she can throw knives with like fire and lighting and @%!%, and some glowy trick that lets them cut through anything. Got a few tech toys too, but we don't know what.

Helios Core
to Lazarus Technologies [E]

Sir, that device sounds like it has a good deal of potential. If you can complete some research, we'll review it and pass it on to the appropriate funding committee. (They're asking to see your research to date. They don't need a full schematic.) As far as our other work, that is classified at this time. If you would care to submit your resume, and it matches a need, we would be happy to discuss further employment with you in a face-to-face interveiw.

Banker's Dozen
to Lazarus Technologies [E]

Good afternoon, sir. We would be happy to arrange a loan for you. Please bring a prospectus of your company, your licenses, a presentation of your planned product line, and your best professional demeanor. We can fit you in at 0830 tomorrow, if you're willing.

City Hall
to Lazarus Technologies[E]

Hello sir, and welcome to the Icon City community! (Your cash was spent, and your licenses have been processed. On paper, your front is ready.)

Unfortunately, anything in your request to do with FEMA is going to have to go through FEMA, sorry. If they notify us that we should be concerned, we'll keep you in mind as an indpendent investigator. Thanks for your kind offer!

to Lazarus Technologies [E]

We have no comment upon Peabody Labs at this time.

to Virtue [P]

"Well sir, for most matters involving metahuman conflicts or crimes, we fall under the jurisdiction and supervision of the Metahuman Response Bureau. They're always happy to back us up!"

Historical Society
to Hardliners [E]

Ah, YOU'RE the people the super-pac promised would help. All right, sorry for the confusion.

They tell you that the Super-Pac should have the details of everything that was stolen, so you should be able to get the manifest and more information there.

As to the theft, it's fairly simple. The artifacts were stored in a standard safe room, to be catalogued when the archaeologists had the time to do so. Midway through the middle of sunday night, a guard noticed the air pressure alarm for that room going off.

It happens from time to time, so he didn't rush to get over there, but when he did, he found the room entirely empty, with no signs of forced entry, and the timestamp on the door showing no entry at all during the theft.

One door, the room was concrete lined with iron bars, and the only wires were the fluorescent light and the air pressure sensor. The police found no tracks or prints.

to Hardliners [PM]
"@%!% man, what's the point of selling on our turf? Use your own. We're trying to get @%!#% out to more territory, not saturate our own."

Father Figure
to Hardliners [PM]
Father Figure shrugs, and drinks his coffee. "Eh, not everything's clear to me yet my daughter. But it will be. It will be. Until then, have a little faith. It'll work out, and the unbelievers will be destroyed. And the meek, like you, shall inherit what's left of the Earth."

"Well, until its true masters come back anyway. No, I don't know what that's about yet either. Gimme time here, prophecy's harder than it looks on the tee vee."

Core Competencies [PM]

The Smith goes in for his interview... Wow. The subway line to the Arcosphere is some super-advanced see-through material, that allows a beautiful view of the bay above the tunnel. The Core itself is just as impressive, high-tech sterile corridors, sweeping metal and glass panels, and tall electronic relay towers arrayed around it like spikes holding up an errant world...

He is ushered through several high-technology checkpoints, with guards holding nonlethal weaponry in evidence, and finally ends up in a chamber with a man in a dress shirt, no tie.

The man reviews his resume, and offers him a job. (Up to 2 actions required to be dedicated per turn. Pay is 2 cash per action.) "This project, however, will require the utmost secrecy. You'll be designing and building advanced circuitry in one of our laboratories, and you'll be able to take none of your work home with you. Once the project is complete, you will be credited as being one of the engineers who made history. I tell you now, this is going to be BIG."

Black Bloods
to Hardliners [E]

Yeah we know what she wants too and the @%!% ain't gettin' it. No sale.

Hardliners [PM]

"Man, I said she can toss around TANKS. Her usual body is as big as an SUV. Be lucky if we can just run her off. But okay, you're here, you can help me look."

8-ball starts his drone sweep again, slowly moving through the neighborhoods of the Waterfront. He's already checked Boardwalk, leaving four to go. He loans you a sensor ball, that should help. Which neighborhood would you like to start with, and do you have any powers or traits that would help here?

(The first neighborhood searched is free, counted as part of your PM. After that, they'll start costing actions.)

to Sergei [P]
"Hmph. Well, perhaps a little backup might not be a bad idea. Fine, give me a number. If I text a location, that means I'll vant backup there, pronto. Payment proportionate to how much trouble the rescue requires. Sound good?"

Internal [PM]

Charlie starts moving through the slumsides. With grungy clothes and his bland features, nobody pays him any mind. A few toughs size him up, and reject him as not worth the effort.

One night, he hears a groaning of stressed metal, and traces a path through some junkie-laden back alleys, to see a kid wearing a suit of scrap metal, that looks like it's been jammed together. The kid has its hands on a parking meter, and is twisting it back and forth. Eventually, the kid squeezes its hand around the stalk of the meter, pinching it off as easily as picking a flower. One handed, the kid lifts the heavy meter like it weighs nothing.

So far the kid hasn't noticed Charlie.

(The Rotary club Fundraiser will go off at mid-turn. Drop me a note to remind me when we get there.)

City Hall
to Ideal [P]

"No, it's entirely fine, please DO show up in costume! In fact, it'd be preferred! We need to get your brand out there son, make sure you're recognizable when you're out doing good! The more exposure, the better, makes the newsies happy."

Internal [PM]

Your techs pull a few all-nighters, and build a pair of Shock Gloves! Gonna assume that Avalon takes them for now, yeah?

Commissioner Rackham
Golden Flock [PM]

The police chief listens quietly for a while, then clears his throat. "Well mister Eduard, the city appreciates your generosity. There's an appropriate charity set up through City Hall, you can go ahead through them to make sure everything's nice and aboveboard. Wouldn't want aspersions cast on either of us, really."

"As to the Park, I've been discussing things with the Mayor. Given your concern, on top of everything else, I believe that we'll ask the rangers to close the trails for this month. Of course, given the widespread range of the park, and the low budget for patrols in winter months, not to mention the snowstorms of late, we're not going to be able to blockade the place or anything like that. Not without a solid and serious reason."

Vault-a-Palooza [PM]
(Foundation, Garren Gomar, Gilgamesh, Order of the Hand and Eye, Virtue)
Professor Pyre peers through the window, turns and discusses things with Pierce, before opening the door. "Hm, sorry about that. Glad to see things sorted out and guns put away-"
As the group playing dice rises from their kneeling positions, by SHEER CHANCE, Gilgamesh's elbow catches Gomar in the side. By SHEER CHANCE, Gomar's shoe slips in the dust of the floor, and he falls backward into the wall...

Which is flimsier than it appears.

Three iron bars fly loose and clang to the floor as concrete crumbles, and a large hole forms as he falls through... And disappears into the darkness.

There is a large hollow behind the wall, revealing a rough stone tunnel that looks almost like a meandering burrow, that comes up at an angle. Garren is out of sight, already rolling down, down into the tunnel...

Pursuing the errant investigator, the group clambers down the tunnel (with a hastily procured electric lantern by Professor Pyre, to find a moderate-sized, dug out cave filled with bones, large piles of dung, and five scattered crates, that have been levered open. Small statues, some broken, are scattered around the piles of dung. There are large holes lining the walls and floor of this cave, and from somewhere, the sound of something large breathing can be heard.

At the end of the cave, a tunnel curves out of sight...

Garren groans, as he heaves himself off the shattered remnants of a few statues. Ow.

(Garren Gomar is injured)

Heroes forum
(Whole buncha hero folks) [E]

The notes on the Peabody labs situation seem to cause a stir among the participants. They're grateful for the update, but a little leery of getting close to a FEMA situation.

Finally, one person steps up.

[email protected]: I have some skill in tracking. If someone backs me up, I shall see what I can find, from a safe distance away from the FEMA picket line.

(Foundation, Ideal)

Carceri leans back in his chair, and folds his arms.

"How much funding? Mm. It'll be proportionate to your effect. If you turn in a report and are active on local issues, but don't achieve much, then you'll get [1 cash]. If you generate good headlines or make significant progress on a troublesome problem, you'll get [2 cash]. If you bust a major villain or accomplish something major, you'll get [3 cash]."

"So at the end of the day, not much. Consider it more of an incentive than a budget."

(Knight of Blades, Foundation, Ideal, Unseen Observers)

Vorpal stands. She's a thin woman in a grey fencer's jacket, a simple domino mask across her upper face, blonde hair whipping in the wind. She takes a firm grip on her sword, and studies the Knight carefully, barely paying attention to the stranger in the suit.

"You know vhat you call eight dead Black Bloods? A good start. You know I'm investigating. Do you know vhat I'm investigating? They grabbed a youth. He'll end up washing up headless on the coast like the others in a few weeks, if I don't find him. Do you really want to stop me, or do you want to stay out of my way and let me do my job?" The fencing foil does a lazy loop, and slices through a nearby stopsign with no effort at all. Half of it clatters to the ground, cleanly cut. "I haven't found anything or anyone yet my blades von't cut..."

She glances toward the suited man as he speaks.

"Help? Vhat kind of help are you offering, and vhy should I trust "heroes"?"

Aaand about that point, the sound of metal hitting metal is heard, as a man in red and blue plate armor comes jogging down the street. It's Avalon, one of the famed heroes of the Ideal!

Vorpal shakes her head. "Nope. Nope, nope nope." She sheathes her sword... Then rolls to the side, outthrusting her off hand! There's a "PAF!", and a line whirs out... "TCHK!" As her grapnel gun bites into one of the towers, and she starts swinging away, diving and retreating through the maze of alleys and towers! "PAF-TCHK!" "PAF-TCHK!" "PAF-TCHK!"

(She is attempting to retreat. If you wish to pursue, this shall be resolved in the mid-turn. First pursuit action is free.)

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]
(Merlin, Mordecai, Order of the Hand and Eye)

The troll nods as bidding starts. "Guy with an eye symbol, [3 cash]. I hear four?"

Another call from the crowd, a nervous young man. The Troll grins. "Mordecai's student, [5 cash.] We got six?"

A man wearing a crooked cross steps forward. "Crossroads Club offers si-"


The crowd looks at the turbaned man in ceremonial robes.

"Paradigm for Seven." He glares around, and some of the crowd starts leaving.

The troll shrugs. "Paradigm for [7 cash.] We got 8?"

Meanwhile, a woman with one blue eye and one black eye sidles up between Merlin and Mordecai's apprentice, and rests her palms on both of their shoulders, her voice low as she murmurs.

Merlin and Mordecai

"Well, that's worrisome," she whispers. You recognize her as one of Bastet's acolytes from your earlier visit to the Strays Welcome.

Internal [PM]

Yep, welcome to a charity clinic on the edge of the Outskirts!

2013-11-26, 03:40 PM
Garren Gomar Rolling Down the Hill [PM]
"Ow. Ow ow ow.

You've got to be kidding me. Ow!"

As he's picking himself up, he manages to lodge some splinters in his hand, adding injury to injury.

"Gilgamesh, I'm holding you responsible for this, irrational as though that judgment might be, and will be expecting remuneration in the form of medical treatment. Also, I think I get the credit for figuring out the method of the crime. Ow.

Get the police here, and we'll need to find out where that tunnel leads. People with guns, lead the way."

Forum Explorer
2013-11-26, 04:17 PM
Knight of Blades

At Swordpoint PM (Ideal, Vorpal, Foundation)
I want to take the Blackbloods down as well, but I don't need to kill them to do so. And neither do you. Look, can we work together on this? If you promise to not kill anyone during our investigation, I'll help you out and make sure no one else interferes with your goal. KoB says, floating calmly in place.

Around then Avalon shows and Vorpal flees. KoB sighs and watches her flee, not bothering to chase after her. Hey Avalon, you've got some really bad timing you know that? KoB says before turning to the suited man. So why were you trying to track down Vorpal anyways?

2013-11-26, 04:31 PM
Gilgamesh in the Lair of the Vault Beast (History Museum) [PM]

"Sorry! I'm not a Doctor and I have no money! The best I could do would be amputating something and then smearing the stump with alcohol and honey and I don't think you want that!"
He gets a bit more serious as he hears the heavy breathing and his voice approaches what might almost be a whisper.
"Right", he says, waving the rest of the group closer to him. "This thing is big. Anyone unarmed, back to the vault, into the museum. Get the wounded man and close the door. Everyone else, behind me. If anyone got any spare guns, hand me one. Someone call in reinforcements. We are not opening fire yet, it might not be hostile, but keep your weapons drawn and safeties off. Trigger discipline. If whatever this is is larger than, say, a bear and it is attacking, shoot. If it's not, I'll take it."

Gilgamesh and the Black Bloods [PM]

Gilgamesh gives the guards his laziest, most insolent grin as he lifts his hands to show he is unarmed.
"Good Afternoon, everyone. You should work on your insults. A lone "fool" is not very expressive. Not even a single adjective. Let me demonstrate a better example: "insecure half-wit working for a petty gang coasting on its reputation". See? That's much better."
The smile continues as he leans on the fence and winks at the guard.
"There's fifteen of you and one of me. You have guns. I'm unarmed. And I'm not scared or impressed.
My name is Gilgamesh. I'm here to propose a deal. I'd like to buy the Rustbelt."

2013-11-26, 05:13 PM
Golden Flock

Actions [PM]

Fixing Dixie

Maintenance Crews 3: Fixing stuff at Slumside
Database: Icon City -> my people know what to expect from Bad Bloods & Watchman
Morale 6: My men are not shaking in their boots and willing to take intelligent risks above their job.

I’ve got 3 Followers on the job so I believe it’s more then enough to get job done.

1. Extra men would allow them to quietly observe the situation and check out any secret locations. Hopefully nobody notices a maintenance man of ServiCo, just fixing da pipes.
2. Support Ratson's crew - food, warmth, protection
3. I’m also using them to pass message to Watchman (see below)

Where the Bodies are Buried

Ratson’s Crew 2 - Back in Action
Seagulls: support, aerial observation and if needed transportation/evac
Database: Icon City 1 (Bad Bloods habits)
Morale 6: a bit risky plan so go Morale…
[Hidden Places]: bodies don’t disappear into thin air. They are brought somewhere.
[Maitenance Crews]: I’ve got men working in Slumside, who can act as support/pass information. Plus they can arrange for food and warmth for my animal minions to recover their strength, when needed.

The way I see it, it’s a matter of shot time, till a dead body shows up - whether it’s Bad Bloods, Vorpal or something else. And Bad Bloods always make the bodies disappear. I’d say it wouldn’t be suspicious, if rats get attracted to corpses - and if a rat hides somewhere on the body - even if discovered, it’ll be assumed to be just a dumb animal scavenger. I’d prefer for my agent rats to disengage before the final destination - since I suspect the body would be destroyed.

I want to discover what Bad Bloods do with the bodies of their enemies. Also - if possible check out that flat, where the bad boy was kidnapped from and memorize the sents & see if they can be tracked.

Watchman [PM?]

''Hey there. My boss was wondering if we could arrange a trade. He’s interested in any information of Bad Bloods - in exchange, anything he finds that can be used against them, he’ll pass on to you. With Vorpal chopping off their heads, you have a chance to take Slumside, if things play right...''

2013-11-26, 05:17 PM
"Hey Professor, these the stolen artifacts?" the female asks, picking up a mostly intact statue.

"Whatever made that pile's still here, and if you're right about its abilities, we aren't equipped to take it on." the male says, drawing his gun.

As Gilgamesh barks out orders the female says, "Oh look, he can talk normally." drawing out her handgun.

"Orders" he replies, sighing, unlocking the belt and folding it up.

"Looks like we'll have to find out who exactly was kidnapped." he continues, placing the belt into his suit.

2013-11-26, 05:55 PM
The Trifecta

East Temple Meeting[PM]

Mara smiled and bowed deeply before speaking, this guy was no joke.
"Indeed thats my name Sir....excuse my uh....being here without having notified you, but i doubt saying over the mail that i seek to speak with someone of our nature would be wise".

Infernal's cant be trusted, they can only be trusted to not be trusted, and for Mara that holds double true, but a deal is a deal and this deal is a risk she is willing to take, besides if the guy doesn't keep his deal.....well he would lose all business, so perhaps she can trust him to keep the deal at least, but she is sure he will pick something she will hate.

Well it was time to give a small bait and hope for the best deal....if such a thing is possible.
"Heh no offence, but i almost wish this was a social call, i am indeed here for......a deal, i seek power as most i suppose to grow stronger, what would you want from me in return for such a...boon?, i kinda doubt you would need wealth considering this....whole place".

She dint like the place, but that might be instead the fact that the other demon can intimidate her by presence alone, its a troublesome situation to be sure.

"Although i do know the location of the current Locus in the park, in return for a minor boon perhaps i could tell you?, i also have some....eh 'friends' who can potentially destroy it....should you wish to...deny it from someone else".

Mordecai Carter[Email]

Greetings Sir
We are interested in some of the magic items we hear you are selling, do you have a catalog for them?
In case you wonder if we truly know about magic, well did you notice the Locus from the park?



Any and all cultists watching the park are to retreat right now from there as clandestine as possible.
There will be another chance another day for a perhaps literal Bloodbath.

Does Mara know the guy from somewhere?....for he knows her.....its her Father =O XD.....nah just joking.....did i just tempt the fates? :smalleek:

Forum Explorer
2013-11-26, 06:15 PM
Knight of Blades

Swordpoint PM (Foundation, Ideal)
A 17 year old kid named Rick Brady. I don't know his relation to Vorpal if anything.

2013-11-26, 06:29 PM
The Family[Internal]
Damn it, alright. Going to pursue Vorpal, as discreetely as possible, and wait for an opportnity to take her into custody. Hopefully out of sight of those capes present.

[I'm going to keep Black Bloods updated on the situation as it develops if they want to do something.]

2013-11-26, 06:39 PM
Gilgamesh to the Goblin Market [Email]

Just a general question, adding to what I asked before. I am trying to organize cash for things like accomodations and weapons. You mentioned that the market can also deal in favours. Could you put me into contact with someone? I could do mercenary work, maybe, or use my sky chariot. It really can get anywhere on Earth or in orbit in a day, with practially no fuel costs.

2013-11-26, 06:59 PM
The Ideal

Avalon runs up, sounding just a bit winded. "...looked like she was heading north north-east from my current position. Try to track her if you can, don't engage." A moment later a large, surprisingly quiet, aircraft flies overhead, going in the same general direction that Vorpal did.

"Right, you're Knight of Blades....and I'm not sure who you are. Sorry. We've been looking for Vorpal for about the last day, what with the murdering she's been doing lately. What is going on here, exactly? I don't suppose you could fill me in?"

OOC: AND THEN AVALON HEROICALLY COMES RUNNING DOWN THE STREET. Needs to work on his dramatic entrances, I think.

"It seems to me that you don't name something after a demon if it's a good thing. You can be assured that we'll be on the lookout.

Coldwell takes the Foundation rep's offered hand, giving it a firm shake. "I don't see any reason why we wouldn't be able to. We're on the same side, after all. Though I will be honest, I'm not actually that sure what the Foundation does, exactly. I don't suppose you could enlighten me?"

Well, sounds like a plan then! I'm sure Avalon will be all for it. Unless you have something else you'd like to discuss, I think we'll see you then Mr. Mayor.

Right, so my Ideal Soldiers are going to try to track Vorpal in my Advanced VTOL aircraft, as is Avalon when he's done talking to Knight of Blades and...whoever this Foundation guy is. I actually don't have much of an idea about Vorpal though, what would my Powers 1 database tell me?

Also, is it possible for me to invoke "Oh, We've Got One of Those" to reduce the cost of the Shock-Bolt gloves by saying The Engineer has the parts onhand to make a pair? :smallbiggrin:

Either way, yes, the gloves are for Avalon. Would I be able to say that these were built previously and that he already has them by the time of Swordpoint?

Forum Explorer
2013-11-26, 07:04 PM
Knight of Blades

Swordpoint PM (Ideal, Foundation)
Alright, Vorpal has recently been targeting a notoriously violent gang called the Blackbloods. She's apparently looking for a recent victim of theirs, a boy named Rick Brady. We both tracked her down and were talking to her until your arrival spooked her. KoB says to Avalon.

2013-11-26, 07:08 PM

Hero Forum (E)
@AzraelsAgent: Good to see there are still some brave people left, the Hardliners are more than willing to back you up. Here is a temporary private email address: [email protected]. Send us a meeting place and time and we will link up with you there

Historical Society (E)
No need for apologies. My associate is not best known for his tact, and the mistake is understandable. Sounds like teleportation, which doesn't narrow the list of suspects as much as you might expect. Still, the Hardliners are on the job

Super-Pac (E)
The Hardliners have been in dialogue with the Tesla Museum and they referred us to you. We require a manifest of what was stolen, and any information regarding them concerning teleportation or magic

Bozzo blinks at the word 'saturate' but knows better than to comment on it, simply noting to himself that this guy is probably a lot smarter than he's letting on 'I figured you'd want to play it that way. Doesn't hurt to ask though, right? Between our muscle and your muscle no one could touch us.
Ok, we have a deal. We can work out delivery and payment details in a moment, but I have to ask... How come you're cutting us in like this? You got more product than you can shift?'

Father Figure (PM)
'I haven't watched TV in years Father, but I remember how much it exaggerates and lies. I didn't mean to cast doubt on your ability, I promise!' The small note of panic in her voice is a nice touch, though slightly overdone 'It's just... It's not like any of those heroes did anything DIRECTLY for me, never gave me food or kept me warm, but I feel sad that they died for me and it won't even matter. They should have done what you said to me Father, kept their heads down... I would love to hear how you came to your revelation' She pretends to sip at her coffee, letting the silence grow between them until, when she speaks again, it seems like a new subject, a mere afterthought of some frizzled and overawed mind. 'Who paid for this place? You have... generous followers, not at all like me, I think.'

Helios (PM)
The Smiths smiles thinly. He does most things thinly That's the second time I've been told how big this is going to be, but you haven't said anything about what this thing will be, aside from big. I have no problem with your terms and conditions, but I would at least like some explanation. How am I to make circuitry for a project I don't know the details of? And, although Helios' reputation for integrity is beyond compare, I'm sure you understand my wanting some reassurance I'm not helping to build the new Atom Bomb. He switches on the smile, it became warmer and friendlier That said it is my only objection, the conditions and demands of the work and the compensation for it are more than adequate.

Boardwalk (PM)
The Major smiles grimly 'Man, I can toss around tanks. But I'll take your word on it. These days a cocksure hero is a dead hero waiting to happen.' He reaches out his huge paw of a hand to take the sensor ball 'Happy to help you look friend. You and her tangle a lot? This personal for you?
Investigation (Secrecy) trait. Also the Major is a Paragon so (Assuming it's dark) silent flying should make the search go a lot quicker and quieter. Can just peek through first floor windows, into back gardens etc, all without being seen and all at high speed. Also this sounds like the type of thing I'd like to call Stormcrow in for.
Starting our search in... Barside

Internal (PM)
Sending the Smith and the Orrus and Ferris drones to meet Azreal's agent. Right now we're only looking to locate, not engage

2013-11-26, 07:14 PM
"Whenever I see another immortal I thank the fabric another time that my memory is twisted." Merlin took the rock and studied it casually in a way that happened the obscure is mouth to any onlooker. "I asked before because your timing is impeccable, and I have no idea why. I was hoping you had a reason because I could really use a lead."
OOC: correct
I will invest in this [1 income] in this venture.

I'll give you [1 income] if you can take it.
"What happened recently was inconvenient. What will happen is bad. I'd prefer if you do not help me because then you will have to stop it. I have a debt to these groundlickers however, and it compels me to try to save them if I can, which I know you wont. So do you care to name a trade?"

Merlin (and his strike team if it would help) will go to where a battle in Barside would take place and bring it to its least damaging conclusion. (I'm going to start a riot, aren't I :smallfrown:)
Data analysts will send Icon City 1 to Lazarus and receive Technology 1

Do you have another offer? Because if your original was set in stone we could have saved a lot of negotiation.

2013-11-26, 07:22 PM
Mordecai Carter

Strays Welcome [PM]
Mordecai sat, and accepted the offered tea. He sipped it quietly for a moment before speaking.

"Hi," he said, feeling somewhat unceremonious. "Just thought I'd drop by to borrow a cup of sugar." He tried to judge the reaction to the joke, which proved difficult when the woman's face was hidden and the rest of the audience was cats.

"But I thought it was time I properly introduced myself. Mordecai Carter, as you clearly know. I've seen quite a few strays around the Tourist Traps. And I'm not surprised, given my clients, that'd you be curious. Just so long as it is curiosity, and not... well, not preparing to murder me in my sleep, and all."

"And, while I'm here, I know you keep your eyes open so I thought I'd ask..." He lowered his voice, more for effect than out of fear of eavesdroppers. "Did you know the Aequitas Rex may be in town?"

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]
Merlin and Friend
Mordecai's apprentice furrows his brow, like he's suddenly in a pop quiz. "Paradigm? I've read about him. Picks a lot of fights with magic users, right? Which means... if he gets that power, he might come after any one of us. Or others."

"This is exactly what Mordecai didn't want to happen. Wanted to make sure the auction winner wasn't somebody who'd abuse its power. But he doesn't have the money to outbid this guy. Merlin-" He stumbled on the name, like he couldn't believe he was actually saying it, "- are you here to bid too?"

Golden Flock [M]
Thanks for the warning. Think the AR are heading for the node in the Preserve? It'll be trouble for everyone if they get their hands on it.

Trifecta [E]
Ah, always good to hear from someone who knows a thing or two about the trade. Here's a catalog of what's currently available:

Mana Font: renewable source of magic energy [2 MP/turn] - [6 Cash, 0 Maintenance]

Shifter Scarf: disguise self as someone else - [8 Cash, 1 Maintenance]

Whisper Ring: private communications city-wide [free PMs]- [9 Cash, 3 Maintenance]

Good Luck Charm: a little luck never hurts - [1 Cash, 0 Maintenance]

You know, if you're knowledgeable about magic, I should point out that I'm always looking for new and interesting recipes. If you'd like to trade, I've got the arcane schematics for the Mana Font here, with some lucky enchanter's name on them...


Ninja Edit:

Argyle's, continued [PM]
"That helps." He turns to the acolyte of Bastet. "I don't suppose your master has a monetary interest in keeping this out of the wrong hands?"

2013-11-26, 07:27 PM
Gilgamesh and Merlin

"Timing... timing is a gift. And I can make interesting things happen wherever I go."
He leans forward a bit and whispers:
"Well, actually, I landed in a field in Kansas first and asked the local farmers what the most exciting city is, at the moment. But if anyone asks, I'm sticking with the "happy accident" story."
Piling ham and tomatoes on a sandwich, he finally asks:
"What is your problem then, that you need hints?"

2013-11-26, 07:34 PM


Mmm that sounds interesting, as a fellow practitioner(but not vendor).
I believe that mana font would go well with my mana gem recipe, keep in mind those gems are usefull only once and after they are used they are gone for good.

Now that this has been said interested in a trade?

((recipes are traded for free according to Lost))

Internal(Mordecai can read)[PM]

Sending the mana gem recipe to Morde, in return for that Mana font mwahahahah.

2013-11-26, 07:45 PM

"I don't know! That's the problem. Somewhere, somehow, a continent of metaphysical **** just hit a fan and that's the entire extent of my knowledge."

2013-11-26, 08:02 PM

The Vaults of History
Pierce backs off a bit from the tunnel.

"Well, this is not at all what I was expecting to find. I suppose I'll let you handle this, though I wish I could do more to help. I'm afraid I'm not really the spelunking type."

MRB [p]
"Good afternoon, this is Pierce Honnete, I understand you have metahuman law-enforcement units. May I inquire about your oversight policy? How are these units supervised? I'm currently putting together a proposal and I need to know what the current policy is."

2013-11-26, 08:48 PM

"]"Mmhmm, sounds darn gud! Arright, yer e'er need Sergei's boy to bust yer sweet arse outta trouble, yer call Sergei at dis number! Fair?"


"]Quickly and silently moving out of sight of the metal-suited kid, Charlie observed him closely. Keeping an eye out for a possible vantage point he can get to without being noticed, he began formulating a plan in his head at the same time, figuring out the best way to take down the apparent vandal of the Slumsides.

For Immediate Action

2. Use his [Anti-Power Tactical Acumen] Trait to figure out whether his [Martial Artist 2], [Adaptive Combatant 1], [Resourceful 1] and possibly [Parkour Master 1] gives him a way to take down the Slumsides vandal with minimum fuss. He will favour non-lethal options if possible, but will resort to the killing blow if necessary.

2013-11-26, 09:17 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Merlin (E)
Thank you for your information and investment. I will inform you when the product is ready to submit to the CCP.

To Gilgamesh (M)
King Gilgamesh of Uruk,

I am Professor Lazarus of Lazarus Technologies. I am writing you to offer an exchange of sorts. I have little experience with the mystical and occult, while I am quite experienced in technology and science. You have the reverse issue. Would you be interested in us teaching the other of our fields?

OOC: In part because I think it would be hilarious if after only a week of being back on Earth, Gilgamesh knows more about SCIENCE than half the factions in this game. :smallbiggrin:

To the Foundation (E)
OOC: So you're offering Database Tech 2 and/or Tech 3? That could be really helpful.

Additional research data could prove extremely useful. What would you be looking for in return?

As for outsourcing, once I complete my current project and get it through CCP, we'll see about expansion. For now, I just want to establish a name for my company here in town.

Ah, and do you know of this Peabody Labs business? I've heard some rumblings that things weren't as they seemed over there... My specialty is biological research, I could possibly be of use as a consultant if you are involved in the operation. Or if you could recommend my name to FEMA?

All of this secrecy is simply making me more worried about the true nature of affairs. I just want to do what I can to keep my home safe, and my talents make me capable of doing so in this regard. If there's anything I could do, please send my name along.

To Helios Core (E)
We will show you our progress as soon as it is at a presentable point and I will send you my resume for any projects you yourselves are pursuing.

To Banker's Dozen (E)
OOC: I assume by this they mean a PM? Or do I just say in person? If they want a PM, I'll start writing something up in my next post, but for now I'll just leave this here so people start wondering. Actions left will depend upon a few things (mainly the Foundation and Gil), and I'd like to conserve them until I know my best course of action.

Internal (PM)
Well, this info about Peabody in Icon City 1 is quite interesting... Depending upon Admiral's response, I may covertly send an agent, a guard, and a researcher in to get more details about what is going on and try to gather any data or information that I can that could be helpful. If it looks like I can grab some equipment or files that wouldn't go noticed, try to do so, but being secret is the higher priority. Lazarus may go there himself depending on what I find out, but this is just a recon mission for now. Also try to check out the tracks to see if I can match them with anything I know of, or just record it for later use. Maybe get a DNA sample off of hair or blood left behind by whatever beastie it was, but I don't want to head into the woods yet.

No actions yet, because if I can get in legally, that is much preferable.

1) Ah, and Lazarus starts asking around about purchasing an office and lab space in Icon City Health Services. Public office could be helpful, and some projects could be worked on there to deepen the front. If City Hall can help, get them involved again. If they don't want to, it's not that big of deal. I am a legitimate company at this point in time, anyways.

2) Send Helios Core a brief resume detailing Lazarus' doctor / surgeon / geneticist / Tech capabilities. Leave off anything secret or that may raise suspicion. At the least, my name will be filed away if they ever are interested... As for the research, I'll send it to them once he starts his work. Which will be after the Labs thing. Would it take a follower action to create a fake one that would serve properly? I feel reference information would be necessary with Helios, but Lazarus does not have any. I may send a complete one if I have the time to doctor one up.

2013-11-27, 01:29 AM
Order of the Hand and Eye

East Temple Hijinks [PM]

"Hello, sir! A pleasure to meet you," says the man of the Order. His voice is as dry and soft as paper. "I am of the prospective members category, I think. A fascination with arcane societies has led me to your doorstep."

Internal [PM]

Solomon follows that tunnel! HIGH ADVENTURE ENSUES.

The statues. I assume the tulpa-statue is not among them?

2013-11-27, 03:19 AM
OOC: Nah, I'm just offering use of my research facilities to your projects, you will have a couple more actions to devote to research while I get the results of it too.

We have not heard anything about Peabody Labs, they are not among the labs we fund and therefore we are unable to obtain any information as to its condition. We apologize for the inconvenience.

"Rick Brady, that should be sufficient." he says, taking out his phone and calling someone.

"I need you to run a search, Rick Brady, everywhere you can think of, thanks." he replies hanging up.

OOC: Run a search through the database for that dude.

"Counteraction same as you minus the publicity, we're supposed to be your shadow, anywhere you can't be, we'll be deploying." he replied.

2013-11-27, 04:23 AM
Icon City Heroes Forum[e]
Glad to hear someone’s looking into Peabody. No new info to share on that front, unfortunately. As for the museum heist, we’ve obtained a manifest of the stolen goods. No specifics, but our suspicions of some sort of enchantment on the collection seems to have been confirmed. Possibly involving dream magic. We're going to see if perhaps Pyre is convering something up. My best guess is, if they are hiding something, it’s to protect the public, not for any sinister motive.

Appreciate your taking an interest in the museum heist. Information’s still spotty as to the magical nature of the goods, but I believe they may be cursed. While there were attempts to steal them many times decades ago, if teleportation was involved this would appear to be a different thief. Find attached an audio log of the relevant bits of conversation as well as the manifest.
Also, I hear you’re investigating the other break-in as well. Didn’t hear it from me, but it’s said they were working on some sort of supersoldier project. Be prepared to defend yourselves. I hope this doesn’t dissuade you from investigating. There are bigger forces at work here than a rogue super- if this isn’t resolved quickly, this could be the end of IC as we know it. Can’t say anymore over the net.
Oh, and would you mind telling us a bit more about yourselves? Our databases are sadly lacking, and it would be easier to work with you if we knew what sort of resources you bring to the table.

Magister Fivsby.

Attached is a manifest, with photos. Looks like a lot of old statues, most fairly small (6 inches to a foot or so.) About a sixth of them have gems inset in them.

Attached is an audio log of a british-sounding gentleman
“Ah yes, Colonel Boothsby. Poor chap. Had paranoid delusions. Might be some reason to them, he suffered many breakins and assaults in his country estate, and he spent all his fortune on guards, walls, and guns. Place was a full on fortress by the time he really started losing it, in 1920s. Police had to haul him out bodily, and he insisted on a fortified cell in the asylum. Kept yelling about the snake talking to him, how it was poisoning his dreams. Yelling about Great Beasts, the end of the world, all that nonsense. Died in his sleep, as it goes. At least he went out peacefully, poor chap."

Lazarus Tech[E]
Appreciate your willingness to help us out with tech training. We don’t have much new on Peabody, FEMA isn’t talking. Watch your step around them.
Have you given any more thought to the exchange of databases?

While I’m open to negotiating, I did not offer you the first deal with a second, better deal as a backup if you refused. We might be known for our lawyers, but we try not to treat everything like a legal negotiation.

British Royal Museum[P]
“Thanks a million, this should be a huge help. Now we finally know what we’re looking for. Shame the old case files are lost to history. Might’ve been able to learn something. Anything else you can think of that might be of use? Really, anything at all, you never know what’s connected.”

IC Historical Society[P]
After receiving Fivsby’s report, Sharon decides to call up the museum herself.

“Hello? Deckhart form Super-PAC. Does Pyre have a few minutes available? It’s concerning the heist again.”

Assuming she gets through to Pyre.

“I’ve had my people looking into this, and it’s got me to thinking. Six months is a long time to let something sit without inventorying it. Especially something you were willing to trade Tesla artifacts for. Rumor has it you’ve taken it upon yourself to keep some of history’s more dangerous treasure away from the public. Considering that these items are quite possibly cursed, and quite definitely the target of many criminals in the past, I have to ask. Did this collection contain some of those dangerous treasures? Don’t get me wrong, I admire the effort. But if you know something that could help with the recovery of dangerous items from dangerous hands, perhaps the time for secrecy is at an end.”

2013-11-27, 08:00 AM

To Lazarus Technologies [Email]

"Wonderful idea. The last time I educated myself in science, the four humours, alchemy and evil spirits were still the latest and greatest achievement. I have made an attempt to read up on newer developments, but half a millenium of scientific history is difficult to pick up quickly.

I should warn you, however, that while I have some basic theoretical knowledge of magic, I have no practical talent whatsoever myself. (OOC: I have the magic 1 database, but no actual magic stat.)

PS: I'm no King. Uruk came and went millennia ago and my title with it.

2013-11-27, 08:05 AM
Garren Gomar in the Tunnel of Light Bruising [PM]

"Ah, it's just some light banging. You two had radios, call us some backup and let's get to the bottom of this, literally and figuratively, all right?"

2013-11-27, 09:22 AM
"Do you think we should?" the female asks,

"Well, this looks like something he's equipped to handle," he replies as she picks up her phone.

"I think we found something that might be big, and it might be nasty, so it might be Rider time." the female says over the phone,

"but, fine, don't blame me if we all vanish. Panic button set, he's ready to deploy if anything goes wrong." she continues, setting it down,

"come on, let's go." she finishes, drawing a large, not standard issue revolver, passing Gilgamesh her obviously standard issue handgun as the man rolls his eyes.

"Really Sarah?"


2013-11-27, 09:41 AM
Gilgamesh in the Cave of Horrors

"Seems entirely reasonable to me", Gilgamesh says over his shoulder.
"The last guns I handled were flintlocks that could barely be aimed anyway. I've read up on these newer ones, but never handled one. So, giving me the smallest callibre is sensible."

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-27, 12:25 PM
in the Rustbelt [PM]


The shot goes nowhere near him.

"Get outta here freak or the next time it'll be your face. And when you're gone, we'll maybe sell that fancy Flinstones-car-thing of yours for somethin' Pity about the horses, though. Don't worry, they won't suffer long." The guys in back laugh nastily.

Goblin Market
to Gilgamesh [E]

Actually, we might have a use for that chariot, next week or so. Would you be willing to escort an individual with some light cargo to Europe and back? It's worth [4 cash] to us.

And if you want your name put out there as a mercenary, we'll go ahead and do that. Of course, we'll ask a 25% commission on any contracts you undertake that go through our brokers. Do you have any hiring conditions, things you wouldn't do, or groups or individuals you would refuse to work for?

Golden Flock
Internal [PM]

Your crews do a good repair job! No one hassles them, the odds were low anyway. Servico keeps a lot of the low-rent neighborhoods running, and they don't carry anything valuable in the trucks. Hell, they're so poor even the trucks are rat-infested sometimes...

(The City Council adds [2 cash] to your account for fixing the problem. Make a note of this in your turns doc.)

You start looking for bodies, and while you do so, Ratson notices a number of homeless people fleeing from the Rustbelt. Ratson investigates, and finds a large, muscular man, completely unarmed, smiling ominiously at a group of Black Bloods that are guarding an old factory. Ratson stations one group of rats as watchers and possible dead-body hitchikers, and continues on with his errand. (You can read the Gilgamesh in the Rustbelt PM's from this point on. You're on-scene.)

Meanwhile, you poke around the flat... And disaster strikes. The rats are late to the check-in, so the servicemen fake a call and head up there. They make their excuses to the wary residents, poke around, and find the rats you sent up there nearly dead. It looks like someone downstairs was cooking drugs, and the fumes inundated the crawlspace they were infiltrating. Fortunately, the exposure was relatively light, unfortunately they'll need the rest of the month to recover unless you get them treatment. (1 Rats Follower OUT.)

to Golden Flock
Location-based PM

"Huh. You're with... Oh. OH. Huh, okay. Nice of the high and mighty to take notice of us. Yeah, if you're willing to help, we'll share the information we've got about them. What do you want to know?"

East Temple Meeting

"Power. Well naturally, we all want it..." He sips the wine, smirking. "And you're right, I really don't need wealth. So what can you offer me, hm, let's see now..."

"The Locus? Heh heh heh... Well, that's something. That might be useful to know. Its destruction, hm... We'll keep that on the table."

"Well, I tell you what. It may be within my power to... Speak favorably of you. Get you a higher rank, maybe... Not a huge one, but for you, significant... Yes.... Yeeeeesssss..."

"But, as to what you can do for me, I'll let you choose."

"You can either do me three favors, that I get to decide in my own time, and ask of you one by one whenever I see fit."

"Or you can do me five favors that I'll choose and define now."

"Which appeals more, Mara who found her own faith? Mara the heretic? Mara, prophet of a goddess that may not take kindly to one such as you when she finally wakes?"

Internal [PM]

Demons don't usually have daddies. And no, she doesn't know him. However, Bargainers have ways of digging up dirt on their clients, and tend to have a lot of knowledge on various things to begin with. Secrets make for great bargaining chips, after all!

Internal [PM]

Well, Vorpal's in full escape mode, so this'll be a mid-turn challenge. Go ahead and write-up who's chasing and how you're going to chase or corner her, and we'll resolve after friday.

Also be aware that the Ideal, now backed up by a VTOL, is pursuing her. Hard to tell how effective they'll be in among the towers and cramped alleys of Slumside, but you never know.

The Black Bloods are willing to owe you a favor if you drive her off or take her out.

They got too much on their plate to mess with her right now.

Also, your men reprt that they have tracked down Metalclad in a far corner of your turf. Problem is, Metalclad's spotted them, and is about to bolt... what are your orders?

Internal [PM]

All right! Chase time! Go ahead and type up which forces you're committing, and what tactics they're using to chase her and bring her to ground.

As far as your database goes... ::Rolls dice:: Afraid you only know what it says in the database. She's not someone you've encountered before, and your heroes are still a little new to the business.

Well, if you wanna use "Oh, we've got one of those" for parts it's possible, but it might not cover the whole thing. Lemme see... Yep, you're in luck. Halve the cash cost for the gloves. (Make a note of that in the turns document.) That's your use of it for the turn, good sir.

And yeah, since you fast-manufactured them, we can say that Avalon's got them on right now.

A meeting in the snow [PM]

The meeting spot is a few miles from Peabody labs. As the Smith parks the van and make your way to the treeline, followed by his drones, a man in a white tunic, snowy camoflauge cloak, and leather leggings fades out of the trees, his face hidden behind a white hood and scarf. A scimitar is strapped across his back, and a collection of bottles and vials hangs from his belt, and a bandolier across his chest. He studies you with glittering black eyes for a second, before jerking the scarf down. Tan, weathered skin, and neatly-trimmed black beard, and a few other generally middle-eastern features complete the ensemble.

"I am called Dervish. You are the one from the boards? Good. I have found a path to the trail that will not alarm the FEMA watchers. In'shallah, we shall find something."

He leads the way, slightly annoyed at the clatter of the drones, and finally holds up his hand. "Ah. The investigator's tracks. This makes our job simpler." He points at a trail in the snow where a small group clearly moved through, some days ago.

He goes and investigates the tracks the group was following, and frowns. "I do not recognize these tracks. They are not of any creature I know."

He follows the tracks to a river at the edge of the wilderness preserve, using the group to hide his own, and starts looking around. Four hours later, he's still looking around, ranging up and down the river, and growing more frustrated, before he stops at a location two miles down and looks gobsmacked.

"There should not be deer tracks here. And deer should not have legs this long, not for the size of these tracks. It... Disguised its tracks as a deer? Or turned into one?"

For lack of a better option you follow the tracks... That veer away from the Nature Preserve, and head back toward the city. Toward Pyre Hill.

You pass by a kennel, and Dervish immediately stops. "What? How can..." He pulls some powder from a few vials, mixes them, and touches it to his eyes. Blinking, he studies the tracks again.

"No. No, there is no mistake. In one stride, deer. In the next, dog. First beast, then deer, then dog."

"We are following a shapeshifter."

He looks toward Pyre Hill a few blocks away, sour. "From here, the city grows tall, and our tracking will draw notice. Too, it will be much, much harder if not impossible within the concrete and asphalt of the city. All that... Still possible, maybe, with the alchemy I have brought. But a shapeshifter on top of that? No. I do not think we will find it today. It was smart enough to lay a false trail for pursuers..."

to Hardliners [PM]

The boss grins, showing gold-capped teeth. "Milk of human kindness, friend. We be some generous @%#!%'s, that's us."
His crew laughs, he waves a hand, and laughs too.

"Seriously, thass need to know, man. And right now you don't. Relax. Do good work, move lots of stuff, maybe you get a talk with Coate hisself. All you need to know right now is we on the way up, and we don't mind bringin' homeys like you along. Stick with us, you be rollin' in money..."

Father Figure
Hardliners [PM]

As the woman questions him, she notices the Father growing a bit suspicious. It is a lot of questions, and he doesn't seem used to being doubted. For reasons she doesn't quite understand, the woman is having trouble meeting his eyes. Shame? Maybe. Feels... Off...

"Now don't you fret about any of that missy, I know what I'm talking about. Might not know all the hows and whys yet, but I'll take care of things. Have a little faith."

He stands. "Now I reckon I'll see you at some of the sermons later. Gonna have to kick you out now sorry, things to do, and people to enlighten."

He calls in a few followers from the room to see you out, and walk you home. A few of them are kind of burly, but they're friendly enough. "Buh-bye," says the Father, closing the door behind you.

to Hardliners [PM]

The interviewer sighs. "No, you wouldn't be working on a bomb. Quite the opposite, they tell me, but I don't know all the details myself. I'm afraid secrecy is going to have to be something you'll just have to get used to if you work here. This is a big project, and it's been broken up into components, so as long as you finish your part well, and everyone else does the same, it should be one for the history books."

"Are these conditions acceptable to you, sir?"

Boardwalk Business
Hardliners [PM]

The Major calls in Stormcrow, and starts searching Barside. Hm... Eight-ball's little sensor drone never picks up any traces of note. You're pretty sure that Anne's not in this area. Eight ball radios in through the drone mid-sweep, and lets you know that the Tourist Traps seems to have no signs of her. That leaves two neighborhoods to go... (This search was free, as part of your PM. You can pay another action to search another neighborhood.)

to Merlin [PM]

"<Hm. The problem is if we give you troublesome knowledge of that nature, you might pass it on to the dirtsuckers. Or they might mug you for it. We would be taking a risk, and revealing secrets, for an unspecified threat that you do not seem to know the full details of yourself.>"

He sighs. "<It is my House at risk if the Council of Kings finds out I passed on such intelligence. My people who stand to be punished if it leaks. But still, we DO owe you, and House Chorael pays its debts.>"

"<I tell you what. There are three options here. One is that you do a large favor for us, give us a victory that we can use to raise our status in the Council, and deflect eyes away from possible trouble from the fallout here.>"

"<The second option is that we give you the information that you want, but trap it so that it cannot be stolen by, or give to, dirtsuckers. Not without horrible things happening to everyone around you, anyway. This, however, will pay the debt in full. You will never speak with us again.>" (It would mean permanently burning the 3 influence with the Atlanteans, and get you a little ill will from this particular group, since they would feel forced into taking a risk.)

"<The third option is that you investigate and tell us precisely what you fear, and what has happened to cause this fear. Give us a report every now and then when you find SIGNIFICANT DETAILS, and if and when you can convince us that there is a problem worth giving you help, we will.>"

"<Which of these options would you prefer, Merlin?>"

Internal [PM]

As you start to send the cash to Lazarus, you find that you have already set up a fund for them. How handy! (Your trait treats them as an emerging faction. They get cash, you don't have to pay, and you get 1 influence you can use to check their company business and suchlike.)

You recieve the promised database from Lazarus, and send your own!

Bastet reminds you that the hero's prey is hiding in the Hotels neighborhood. Probably better confronted there, away from her temple.

On your way over with the strike team, you spot a flying fellow and a guy in a bird costume poking around Barside. You can contact them if you wish.

(Free PM to Major Disaster and Stormcrow if you like.)

Cult of Bastet
to Mordecai [PM]

The woman laughs, open and honestly. Not at the joke, but the suggestion.

*Murder? Why no Mister Mordecai. While I must admit your bound demon had me concerned for a time, you seem to have a lid on him quite well. And bloody paws are really not my style. The worst I would have done is spread it around that you'd been up to no good. No, I am quite pleased to meet you, and perhaps when business gets a little better, I might purchase a few things from your store.*

She nearly drops her teacup when you drop the bombshell about Aequitas Rex. *This... This is troublesome. The Lords of Justice have mellowed quite a bit over the centuries, but they're still nothing to take lightly. I... Well, I can't see what business they would have targeting ME. Still... Hm... Thank you. This is good to know. Do you know any more, and what would you want in exchange for this secret?*

Internal [PM]

Please confirm your trade of recipes to the Trifecta, if you are interested.

to Virtue [P]

"Hello mister Honnette. As you may or may not know, the MRB is tasked with policing known heroes, villains, and magical groups. We do employ some metahumans, if that's what you're asking. They are supervised in the same manner as other MRB employees, and held to the same high standards."

"Does this answer your question?"

to Sergei [P]


Not two hours later, Sergei gets a text. "SLUMSIDES. HERO + UNKNOWN PURSUING."

Analysis... [PM]

Charlie looks over the kid... Probably a girl, by the way she's moving. He's quite certain that she has no combat training at all. Not a bit. The way she's swinging that parking meter around suggests that she's trying to practice, both with powers and hitting things. In fact, she's got all the hallmarks of a newly arisen power.

Her power's weird. She uses it by oozing some sort of mercury-like substance out of her visor, and using her hands to splash it or dab it on metal. Once she does that, whatever object she dabs is near weightless to her. Huh, that explains that scrap armor she's lugging around. She's capable of making it soft as clay to her, so she can poke metal together and tear it apart easily.

Although, watching her hit things and throw things, just because it's weightless to HER, it's still got weight to EVERYTHING ELSE. If she hits Charlie with a heavy metal object, despite her own lack of strength, she could still do some damage. Grappling might be the way to go here.

Though the problem that arises there is that her armor is very thick. Getting blood out of the kid to work with is gonna be a problem, there aren't many weak spots. Of course, it's gonna restrict her mobility a little, too. Weightless it may be to her, but it's still bulkier than it needs to be.

While Charlie observes, he hears people moving through the alleys. Looking over from his vantage point, he notes some tough looking men with guns combing the area, and a couple of them have spotted the kid. The kid hears them too, glances up, and prepares to run like hell...

Banker's Dozen
to Lazarus [PM]
(Yes, they're asking for a PM. With you or someone who can talk about your business.)

Lazarus Internal [PM]

You send your database, and recieve the Icon City database from Merlin.

Also, 1 cash arrives. Huh, Merlin bought stock in your company, and you're seeing the dividends now.

...The transaction was set up ten years ago... Weird...

You start looking around for labspace, and find plenty buildings suitable in Health

Services! An average-sized office is [2 cash], one with a lab attached would run you [3 cash.] If you want relative isolation, or one with a big basement, add 1 to the cost.Helios Core takes your resume. They reply that they're not looking for new biologists at the minute, but they'll keep you in mind for future employment should a suitable project arise.

Crossroads Club
Order of the Hand and Eye [PM]

The Low master smiles. "Of course. Understand that I cannot divulge any of our practices to outsiders. But I can tell you what we look for in members. All of our brothers and sisters support each other with binding oaths As such, to avoid trouble, we take only stable, self-sufficient individuals, and run thorough background checks on all who wish to join. Rest assured, if you did join, your new brothers would be sensible, drama-free friends, who would help you out if you needed it, and do their best to avoid burdening YOU."

"All that we ask is that you confirm your belief in a greater power, keep an open mind, respect our ceremonies and traditions, donate a bit as you can afford, and support the club as you can within the boundaries of law."

"Does that help your questions? Would you like a tour? The main Rotunda's in use at the minute, I fear, but there are other areas of the building I can show you. Not all, mind, some are forbidden to those who are not initiated."

Internal [PM]

With your police influence, knowledge of Icon City, and the name of the kid, you get a hit. (No action necessary)

Richard Brady, 17 years old and former Isler University freshman, is a missing person. There was an apartment breakin in the slumsides a few days ago, and he was reported missing by the surviving residents who ran. The police suspect that the Black Bloods did it. Tracing the name a bit farther, you find that his father is a hotshot defense attorney on Pyre Hill. The detective you speak to notes that there were rumors that Brady's father was looking around for a private investigator or bounty hunter or something to help track the kid down.

Order of the Hand and Eye
Internal [PM]

It's hard for Solomon to tell from his angle. He doesn't see any gems shining in the light, but he can't rule out that the tulpa statue might still be in a crate.

As he studies it, save behind the veil of his hand, other problems arise... Specifically a Tatzylwyrm! (read Vault-dwellers below)

Fortunately, the Tatzylwyrm seems affected by the enchantment of the Hand, at least for the minute. Unfortunately, it's a big creature and being unobtrusive won't help him if it lunges through the area he's in... And the gas isn't helping matters.

British Royal Museum
to SuperPac [P]

"Sorry, I'm afraid I've told you all we know. The only reason we have as much information as we do is because we were looking for fun facts to hype it up before we tried to exhibit it. Really, his was never a rather obscure exhibit to begin with, which is why we traded it cheaply... Though you never heard that from me, haha."

Historical Society
to Super-Pac [P]

Sharon gets through to the museum. A woman's voice answers. "I'm sorry, Professor Pyre is busy escorting some investigators, and-"

A horrible monstrous roar echoes through the reciever.

"-I'm sorry, it looks like we have a situation." *sigh*. "Please hold."

Click. Oh hey, hold music.

"We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you..."

Icon City Heroes Forum [e]

There's a bit of discussion about the dream magic, and the person with the shifting email address says that he'll keep an eye out if he has time. A few people are annoyed at the idea that Pyre might be doing a cover-up. He's generally well-regarded by most on here.

Whispers at Argyle's Antiquities
(Merlin, Mordecai) [PM]

"My mistress is poor, alas... But..." She looks Paradigm over. "Perhaps if you stall him I might be able to go change in a favor from the goddess for some cash. She does not like Paradigm. He is not good to cats."

Garren, Gilgamesh, Foundation, Order of the Hand and Eye, Virtue

As Pierce withdraws, he exits the tunnel just in time to meet a trio of policemen, coming in with various firearms, and caution. They take a second to confirm that he's the caller, but are interrupted by a vicious, bestial bellow from the cave below!

"The hell?" The police look to Pierce for guidance...

(Pierce can take command of [1 x Beat Cops Follower] if he so chooses.)



Meanwhile, down below, Professor Pyre starts back toward the tunnel up, followed by Gomar, when a scaled column of slimy flesh erupts from a nearby hole, forcing you all back as a cloud of green, horrible-smelling vapor puffs out.

Some kind of horrible fusion between snake and dragon, with stubby little hands running the length of its body. A great maw from which bilious breath spills, and dinner-plate sized eyes, shining with a sickly greenish-gold.This thing is as wide around as four men huddled together, and ANGRY.

And Gilgamesh recognizes it, after a moment's thought. A Tatzylwyrm! Wow, haven't seen one of these in ages...

Gilgamesh, Order of the Hand and Eye

A tatzylwyrm! Big one, too. Like a dragon, only dumber and slightly softer. Poisonous breath that leeches the strength from your muscles over time. Strong, sharp teeth. Can dig like no one's business.

It bellows, and coils closer, stubby, useless clawed hands scraping on the floor, as it writhes, trying to figure out which of you to devour first...

(Welcome to a mid-turn battle! Submit your actions, and they'll be processed and resolved in a bit...)

2013-11-27, 01:13 PM
The man's phone suddenly beeps. Taking a glance at the screen he says, "Some friends of mine need my help. Also about the kid, maybe it has something to do with his dad being a defence attorney on Pyre Hill. I heard he was looking around for a private investigator or bounty hunter to help track his kid down, good luck." he says, waving goodbye to the heroes, walking off.

"Panic time?" Sarah asks,

"Panic time." the male replies as Sarah presses a button on her phone.

"Everyone, get out!" Sarah shouts as she pockets her phone.

They simultaneously raise their firearms as they open fire at the monster, rapidly retreating from it.

A bike darts past Pierce and the cop, leaping into the chamber, the roar of its engine echoing through the tunnel.

It rumbles through the tunnel, rapidly arriving at the group's position. The two agents cease fire as soon as the bike comes up behind them. Stopping just in front of them, the rider gets off, a high tech belt visible on his waist.

"Took you long enough," the man says to the figure, a man Gilgamesh recognizes as the same mysterious person he talked to this very morning.

"Kevin, Sarah, get everyone out of here," the man says as the two agents salute, holstering their weapons and helping Garren out of the tunnel.

Turning to the monster, he flips two switches on his belt, shouting, "Transform!"

In a flash of blue light, a suit of high tech armour appears around him, a strange firearm at his side, as it finishes locking onto his body, a loud mechanical voice announces "CORE MODE"

He draws the strange firearm and starts loosing blue bolts of energy at the monster.

2013-11-27, 02:31 PM
Garren Gomar in Vault 13 [PM]
"Another goddamn oversized snake!?"

Gomar abruptly changes direction, seemingly shifting from a cautious advance to a full-on running retreat in an eyeblink. He fishes a short orange rod from one of his pockets and attaches it to a metal contraption on his waist, lifting the resulting pistol and firing two small orange bolts of energy at the thing in quick succession. After the shots, he doesn't stop to assess the damage, instead retreating further to find some cover.

As the mysterious rider arrives, he too ceases shooting. Someone more qualified to take over from here, perfect.

2013-11-27, 02:57 PM
IC Historical Society[p]
Sharon mutes the call and turns back to her computer, keeping an eye on the line in case the call is reopened. In the meantime, she whips up another message for the IC Heroes forum.

Assuming she gets through to Pyre, and he isn’t acting concerned. (if he is concerned, she’ll offer to send someone over to help)

“That commotion have anything to do with the heist? I’ve had my people looking into it, and it’s got me to thinking. Six months is a long time to let something sit without inventorying it. Especially something you were willing to trade Tesla artifacts for. Rumor has it you’ve taken it upon yourself to keep some of history’s more dangerous treasure away from the public. Considering that these items are quite possibly cursed, and quite definitely the target of many criminals in the past, I have to ask. Did this collection contain some of those dangerous treasures? Don’t get me wrong, I admire the effort. But if you know something that could help with the recovery of dangerous items from dangerous hands, perhaps the time for secrecy is at an end.”

IC Heroes Forum[e]
Tried to contact Pyre, some sort of commotion on the other end of the line. Didn’t sound human. Receptionist didn’t sound too concerned, though. Someone with combat skill might want to check it out, but probably not an emergency. Probably. On hold now, hopefully have an update soon.

British Royal Museum[p]
Don’t worry about it. What you’ve given us already is going to be a huge help. Thanks again.

2013-11-27, 04:00 PM
Order of the Hand and Eye

East Temple Crossroads [PM]

"A tour would be lovely," says the man with the silver watch.

OOC: It occurs to me that I could have used my traits to have a man inside the Club already. Ah well.

Internal - Midturn [PM]

Solomon backs away carefully. If the tatzylwyrm looks like it's going to come after him, drop a Shaker in its mouth (trying not to kill everyone else there). I have no real interest in fighting this thing--let the heroes take care of it.

2013-11-27, 04:32 PM
Gilgamesh in the Rust Belt [PM]

Gilgamesh doesn't even flinch as the shot goes off.
"Well. That's unreasonable of you. In that case, my next offer will be less friendly. I give you, oh, three days to vacate the entire rust belt. If you don't, I'll may have to maim or kill some of you while I'm edjecting you.
Oh, but if any of you want to leave the Black Bloods and join me instead, you're welcome."

Gilgamesh to the Goblin Market [email]

"Very good. Give me a time and place and I'l lbe there, no questions asked about cargo. To Europe, it should be some eight to twelve hours, depending on the place. No questions asked, of course.

And a 25% commission is entirely reasonable. Pleasure to do business with you."

Vault Dwellers [PM]

"Not a snake. A wyrm. Like a dragon, but smaller and stupider? Quick version, don't inhale, it has poisonous breath."
Unceremoniously, Gilgamesh rips a strip of cloth from his shirt and ties it around his face.
"Doesn't help much, we'd need water. But I've spent 400 years on Mars, I can hold my breath for a while. Also, you probably can't run. It can dig faster than you lot run."

Great Teacher Gilgamesh(Fluff piece)

"WELCOME CLASS! Today, we'll go over the very basics of magical theory! Dimidium facti qui coepit habet, as Quintus Horatius used to say. Let's start at the beginning.
Hermes Trismegistos famously said Τὰ μὲν ἄνω ἴσα τοῖς κάτω, τὰ δὲ κάτω ἴσα τοῖς ἄνω ἐστίν, ὥστε ἐκτελεσθῆναι τὰ τοῦ Ἑνὸς θαύματα, which is the basis of most that later..."
"What? Surely you're joking. No Koine at all? Well, Latin then."
"Tiamat's sagging udders, man! Aren't you Christians? How do you even read your own holy writings! Surely Christianism hasn't become a mysterium like Mithras. Oh, well. Even more basic, then.
Following from Pythagoras' teaching on the harmonics of the inner planets, we..."
"NO! I was told that there was public education in this country! How can you not have read the works of Pythagoras!"
"Cliff notes? DO YOU THINK I'M SOME KIND OF PRIMITIVE? I don't write on cliffs! I write on paper like everyone else! Very well, if you want caveman analogies, I will give you caveman analogies! HERE! This is a rock!"
*whack* *crash*
"What do we have now? No! Not two rocks! Two halves of the same rock! Science says they are connected by the same forces as all materials. Gravity, magnetism and so on. The Law of Sympathy says that they are still two halves of the same stone. So. If we do it right, whatever we do to one half happens to the other half as well. That's most of what you need to know about magic, the rest is mumbo-jumbo to convince the universe to listen to you. Most of the time, shouting loudly enough works just as well. Now in hermeticism..."

The Second Day
"The elements. Now. Unless you believe that hack Flamel who couldn't dissolve his own head in Aqua Regis if he tried, there are both five elements, which are also three elements if you look at them under the aspect of..."

The Third Day
"So, back to Trismegistos and the Clavicula Salomonis again. On this chart, you see the circle of the mage, which is usually the one you want to start with."
"Now, of now you want to hear about summoning circles. Everyone wants to. But we'll talk about theory here. This is an angelic circle, note the symetry of the triads and the equal angles between the lines."
"If this were a chaos magic circle, you'd see that the lines would be irregularly spaced and..."

The Fourth Day
"Nonono. A demon is a spirit transforming itself into an anima and then inhabiting an ectoplasmic construct. A golem is mere pseudoanima fashioned by a mage to inhabit a purely chthonic construct."

The Fifth Day
"This is a demonic circle."
"Where would the summoner stand and where the sacrifice? For bonus points, name the three mistakes in the containment circle."

The Sixth Day
"Silver? Naah. You don't need silver. Sure, silver works especially well against man-beasts since it's a symbol for the moon. But silver is also a symbol of purity, which is what werewolves are really wary of. Similia similibus curantur as my good friend Bombastus once said. Vercingetorix and I once slew an entire pack of werewolves with nothing but a handful of wormwood and three bags of soap. Of course, the Roman consul still wouldn't believe that soap could have any use at all."

The Seventh Day
"... and that's why Cthulhu isn't all that dangerous unless you're a post-modernist sculptor. Any questions?"
"Steam ships? BRILLIANT! When I crossed the Pacific with Paʻao, we had to do it with two dozen rowers in a wooden boat! What will you people think of next."

2013-11-27, 04:37 PM
Lazarus Technologies

Foundation (E)
We will keep your offer in mind, but I'd like to get my company up on its feet with its own product before I start sharing my technology.

And if you learn anything about the Peabody Labs incident, please inform me. FEMA's involvement bodes ill for the city, and I'd like to help avert a potential disaster if I can.

Super-PAC (E)
FEMA has been silent with us as well and the Foundation doesn't know anything either... The agency's involvement, and things we've recently learned from talking around town, indicates bad things may be happening. I will do what I can, but my hands are tied by the nature of things.

As for data, I am certainly still interested in a mutual exchange but I am unsure how soon I would be available to do so. But what exactly would you be interested in? I hope to find out as much as you'd be willing to tell me about the corporations and government of the city.

OOC: Movers and Shakers 2 & 3, but I understand if you don't want to offer the latter. What would you like? And I may have to do the trade next turn, because my actions are being spread a bit thin right now. Depends on how a few actions go as to whether I'll be able to do anything this turn. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Gilgamesh (E)
Yes, the humours... I recall learning of those in my med school days. I am certainly glad we have moved past our more simple methods of healing. Science as a whole has progressed much in the time you've been gone, and I'd be honored to help you catch up with the times.

And, don't worry, my interest is simply scholarly. I do not intend to begin pursuing the occult outside of a basic understanding of its mechanisms and the related people of the city. Though if I could possibly find a way to integrate magic into my healing and biological researches... No matter. Those are thoughts for another time.

OOC: I'll put the action in my internal! Thank you Eldan.

Banker's Dozen (PM)
OOC: INCOMPLETE. I'll finish this up once I get lunch. For now this is just scraps thrown together from past messages and my plans. He sounds distinctly un-Mordin in emails because his people have to edit those, but I'm not sure if I should actually have him talk like the good doctor. It's very tempting...

Arriving well before the arranged meeting time, Professor Lazarus collects his documents and thoughts in preparation for his presentation.


"As of this moment, I plan on developing an unobtrusive device to monitor and record lifesigns, with the capability of sending an alert if values enter dangerous levels or for data to be pulled from the device by the user or medical personnel. This is largely intended as a platform for future enhancements to serve a variety of services and tasks. For corporate environments, I plan an upgrade involving near-field technology to develop a form of "keyring" matched to one's own DNA and for the device to include basic communication channels. Expanding off of that, Military and Police could use a more secure form of device with an enable HUDs to allow squads of to stay in contact and be capable of monitoring each other's locations and conditions. For more consumer applications, I could program it to be capable of reading hand gestures or voice communications in order to use the same output to control various other technologies.

At a most basic level, I intend to create a device that anyone could use and would be unobtrusive enough that no one would have much a reason to not utilize it if they purchased it. The medical purposes are largely to give an incentive to buy it as an emergency call, but I want to keep on adding features on to it that the common consumer would be interested in having it for the utility it provides."

Internal (PM)
2 Actions to trade Eldan for Database - Magic 1, one Follower, one VIP.

Spend a VIP action to talk to Banker's Dozen.

Would it be 5 Cash for an isolated office with a basement and a lab then? I'll take it! My current location will hopefully only be a backup or for the things I couldn't hide doing in Health Services, and this way I can at least seem to be a normal faction.

Possible turn actions (just to see what I have open or don't):
2 actions investigating Peabody (Follower and VIP)
(Maybe) 2 actions searching the woods for Peabody's beastie (May count as the same part of the above, but the hope is to be able to grab any data / files / information / equipment / experiments / products I can from the lab if I can with that one. This would be trying to capture (ideally in a peaceful manner) the experiment. Also a Follower and VIP)
2 action for Ouroboros product (Probably also a Follower and VIP...)

2013-11-27, 04:38 PM
The Ideal

Avalon watches the unidentified man walk away for a moment. "Right, good talk." He turns to Knight of Blades, "I'm gonna go see if I can't catch Vorpal real quick. If you want to talk about this thing with the Black Bloods, give me a call later." And with that, he begins spiriting off in the direction Vorpal went.

The expression on Coldwell's face doesn't change. "Huh, wonder why I wasn't briefed about you guys. Ah well, nice to meet you. Look forward to working with you."

He then looks back to the others at the meeting. "Well, thank you for letting us know about these...funding incentives? I'm not sure a good term for them. I will say I was getting a bit worried, our budget was getting pretty tight. And we'll start looking into the situation at Peabody as well. The Engineer could probably use something to do. Is there anything else?"

Alright, the chase is on.

First, Ideal Soldiers in the VTOL are going to do their best to keep track of Vorpal from the air. If they can, they're also going to try to corral her somewhere that Avalon can get to, possibly using Less-Lethal weapons if they can do so without endangering civilians. If Avalon is able to force a confrontation, they're going to surround the area, set up a perimeter to keep civilians away, and then support Avalon however they can.

Going to be having someone from my Support Staff back at the base try to guide Avalon through the streets, giving him the most efficient route to get to where Vorpal is at. When he finally finds her, he is going to force a confrontation and attempt to arrest her. If he can talk her down, great. If not, he's going to try to take her down without killing her. Shock-Bolt Gloves, yo.

Also, cool. One cash for the shock bolt gloves.

For that perk, what I'm really waiting for is, "Oh no, for convoluted reasons we need the Ark of the Covenant! How will we ever find that!"

"Oh yah, we've got that. It's in a warehouse in South Dakota. Give me a day or so, we can have it down here." :smallbiggrin:

Oh, last thing, gonna have The Engineer start looking into the situation at Peabody. Whatever information we can get from FEMA (stuff recovered from the lab, forensic evidence, whatever they'll give us) she'll start going over it and seeing what she can figure out. Might take a visit to the labs themselves, if they'll let her. (I guess this would be her second action for the turn?)

2013-11-27, 04:42 PM
Golden Flock

Internal [PM]

Ready reporters so I'll be able to snap some pictures in the Rustbelt.


Yeah, his nibs is high and mighty, I'm just taking his money as a bit of an extra income - sure beats extra hours digging through **** to pay the bills. I sure as hell won't be rubbing elbows with nobs from Pyre Hill. But I do my job right, I get an extra present for myself for new year.

As for info, for starters, that muscle-bound greek - I think Gilgamesh, is about to shake down one of the Bad Blood bases in the Rustbelt. Also, they've been cooking enough drugs to kill cockroaches in the in walls of [Apartment Building in Slumside]. Now his nibs would like to know what was going on in that apartment buildings - I doubt locals would whisper a word to the outsiders, especially about Bad Bloods, but maybe you can find out.

2013-11-27, 05:13 PM

Lazarus Tech[e]
If our theories are correct, the Peabody situation is a grave threat to the city. FEMA and Peabody Labs are both spoken of in hushed tones at the highest levels. We’re doing what we can on our end, but haven’t come up with much so far. Hopefully the local supers have more luck. Have you learned anything that might be useful? We’re all coordinating as best we can on this; it’d be nice to be able to offer a breakthrough, even a small one, to the lads working the beat.

As far as corporate info goes, we have quite a bit available. Sounds like you already have a good working knowledge; we should be able to expand on that. Some secrets are better kept, to avoid repercussions, but I think you’ll be pleased with what we can offer. In return, anything you can come up with on local supers, tech, or even just the sort of small-time factions we don’t normally deal with would be welcome. If you can offer us enough good data, I’d be willing to have our people handle all the work involved in the exchange. The technologies training for our people can be put off for a month or two; it’s not a pressing issue.

OOC: iirc you have Tech 1 and Powers 1, I’d be willing to offer movers&shakers 2 in exchange, and handle all actions involved, if you’ll help me develop a bit of Tech Points whenever it’s convenient for you.

--FEMA has a plan to control the city and show that supers can be "dealt with." They've been itching to pull the trigger for years, and might not be above instigating things to make it happen...
--Peabody Labs, a genetic crop research facility on the edge of the city, was destroyed not long ago. Rumor has it that they were conducting supersoldier experiments for shady government agencies...

Do I know anything more on either of these topics? Regardless, how concrete is my evidence on these topics? Enough to take to court? Enough to take to court if I pray really hard? Enough to convince someone? Enough to get someone at least thinking about it? Enough to get me laughed at as the local crazy?

2013-11-27, 05:58 PM

East Temple Meeting[PM]

It was decided this demon was a true bastard, she could almost admire his way......almost.

"Mmmm i prefer not to kiss and tell, besides if anything i am having more fun than i have had in some time in this situation....despite the danger of being melted into a pile of bloody goo".

"Hm i can accept four favours that you will choose and define now. With one term of my own, namely i refuse to act directly by action or inaction against the people or the property of those i am currently in an alliance with, that is my cultists, some close people with me and Lucianos"

"So what do you say?"


Some time later after the tasks were defined the demoness had some questions.

"Um excuse my questions but i have a couple of them".

"Will the....deal? or someone, somehow notify me when and where i need to go in order to aid the Club?"

"What happens if i am weaker than the attacker and i am defeated, yet manage to survive".

2013-11-27, 07:36 PM
The Family[Internal]
Vorpal Chase:

Fine. I'm not willing to openly fight the Ideal over Vorpal; let's try another approach...

1. I'm going to assume Blaine would have at least some working knowledge of the local neighborhood and the best places to set up shop since he is a marksman? I want him, and [1 Mercenary] watching his back, using their knowledge of the area to locate and secure a decent observation post(maybe one of the higher buildings) from which to watch what happens when/if Ideal corners her. If an opportunity presents itself, Blaine is going to take a shot and hopefully eliminate Vorpal. Then, obviously, my men are going to get the hell out of there, as quickly as possible.


1. My men would very cautiously approach the teenager, weapons lowered so as to not provoke her or force a retreat.

Gladiator would be doing the speaking for the group. If the boy attacked, he would be first to get hit. His Power should at least soften the blow. We just wish to talk. Seems to me like you're experimenting with a newfound Power you don't yet know how to control? If you're willing to hear me out, I think I can help you.


Is there something similiar to containment foam in this setting? How easy is it to acquire(note I have some Black Market access, I think)?

2013-11-27, 10:39 PM

"]So hey, how goes the little inquiry into Peabody Labs?

"]Okie doke, beautiful! Gotta send someone to help you out, right now! Hope you'll have some good moolah for old Sergei, eh?

"]"Hey, steamkiddies! Yer all up to pull somethin' fer ol' Sergei? Dere be a pretty lady runnin' from 'e Super-piggies, n' she can use a lil' distraction to give dem 'e slip, eh? Yer all go to Slumsides right now 'n raise a lil' hell to draw their attention, ol' Sergei'll give ya 75% of wha' she pays. Deal?"


"]Observing the situation unfolding, Charlie quickly made his decision. Quickly dropping down from his vantage point while trying to remain unseen, he approached the girl from a secluded alleyway to keep himself out of sight of the gun-toting men. Once he was within earshot, he shouted out to her.

"Hey you, walking statue! Come with me if you want to live!"

"]Cancel the Rotary Club attendance Action for Charlie.

Midturn Actions

3. If Slumsides vandal is willing to follow, Charlie will use [Resourceful 1] to have both the vandal and himself give any pursuers the slip.

4. Charlie will attempt to assist Vorpal in her getaway from pursuit, using [Resourceful 1] and [Parkour Master 1] to lead her somewhere her pursuers would not think to follow.

2013-11-27, 11:16 PM
"Oh yeah that reminds me, Doc's itching to take a look at that site, she'll take a couple of her assistants with her, that okay with you?" he asks.

2013-11-28, 10:35 AM
Golden Flock

Sergei [M]

Dear Sergei. You know that FEMA has shoot first, ask questions later policy, along with their ''burn everything just to be safe'' procedures. An investigation of things related to such powerful people is very dangerous. I'm reluctant to dig deeper, until I know more about the rewards.

2013-11-28, 12:32 PM
Gilgalesh Midturn [GM]

Just two actions that need to be taken now.

First, the Black Bloods. Gil gave them an ultimatum, so I expect they will proceed to shoot me. My vague plan is to try and not get shot by jumping aside, grabbing the gun out of someone's hand and take out the small band that's visible there before retreating. If any of them elect to give up, I'll let them live.

After that, the war is on. With his strategist and fighter levels, I hope can organize an effective guerilla campaign against them. Not exactly kill them all, but make live decidedly uncomfortable for any black bloods in the district.

In the unlikely case that any Black Bloods actually elect to join Gil, he'll let them work alongside him, but not exactly trust them.

In the even more unlikely case that they are willing to negotiate, Gil will offer the usual: favours, his database, mercenary work, the chariot.

The second action is the Tatylwyrm. The plan is straightforward and probably very dangerous: lunge at it, grab it around the neck with both arms so it can't bite or breathe poison at him. Similar to how you'd grab a poisonous snake, only with wrestling holds instead of one hand.

Then try to keep it still while the rest of the team shoots at it and the armouredcape does his thing.

2013-11-28, 01:35 PM
Mordecai Carter

Gilgamesh [M]
Hello there!

Caught wind of your lectures on the nature of magic. Solid stuff, really. Just a shame that there isn't more interest in learning. I'm something of a teacher too - not a great one, mind, but I try to keep kids from accidentally waking elder gods. Listen, if you ever need some enchanted items fitting for a man of your... stature, I've got a selection available at the Eldritch Emporium, over on the Waterfront. And I'm always happy to just meet other people who know what they're doing, too.

- Mordecai Carter

Cult of Bastet [PM]
"That's about all I know for sure. I think they were spotted out in the Outskirts, possibly hunting for that mana node that popped up a few weeks ago. Not quite sure why they'd be after it; my knowledge of the modern Rex is a little lacking."

"As for 'payment', I just sent one of my apprentices out to the Goblin Market to buy the location of the locus. I just about found it on my own, but that's not enough - I'd like to keep it hidden from the wrong people, as much as I'd like to examine it myself. If you could help my boy at the auction to make sure things go smooth, I'd appreciate it."

Whispers at Argyle's [PM]
"I... I guess... I'll see what I can do. Please hurry."

With a gulp, the apprentice slid down the row of seats until he was close to Paradigm. "So... nice, uh, robes," he says to the mage. "So you're Paradigm? Cool name. That means you're like a model for something, right? For how something should be?"

OOC: Honestly, I'm not sure how stalling this guy is going to slow the auction any... but I'll do what the acolyte says. Mid-turn's just about upon us anyway, so if the auction looks like it's going to close, I make sure to up my bid to 8 Cash.

Internal [PM]
Confirming trade of Mana Font recipe for Gem recipe.

2013-11-28, 07:50 PM

A meeting in the snow [PM]
Don't blame yourself, you're a hell of a tracker. Takes a lot to track a shapeshifter all the way into the city.' The Smith blows out his nose loudly 'Please pass the word about this. You know my group doesn't have the best reputation. We're looking at some sort of engineered shapeshifting super solider. This is really bad news, everyone needs to know and trust the person telling them.' What he has to say next pains him, so much so that he bites hard upon his lower lip before he can finally spit it out 'I don't know what to do now. Maybe if we had some of it's DNA... Tell people, we'll talk it over. You did good work today Dervish. I hope we work together again, and that I can be more help to you that time. We'll catch this thing yet, you'll see.'

You do be some generous *****. That's cool with me, generous ***** be good people to do business with. 69ers won't let you down. You know I still have to kick this idea upstairs to... them. But I think they'll go for it. Pleasure doing business with you.

Helios PM
They are. You have me sir, and gladly. I am I admit intrigued at the notion of the anti-bomb. When do I begin?
(Did this cost me an action? And do I start this turn or next?)

Boardwalk Business PM
We'll take the hotels

We tracked the bastard thing for a whole night. It's a shapeshifter and we lost the trail when it went up into Pyre Hill. This just gets worse and worse.

Super-Pac (E)
The Superhuman Political Action Committee is a banner. It is a shining example. It is best you don't know that much about us. You should not be tarnished. We're good guys though, we're happy to help, it's what we do. My name is Belladona. We don't really do magic, but your information may well have given us a big lead, I'll get back to you on that.

As to the other thing, you can see in the forums what happened. My associate is a very thorough man, and he speaks glowingly of the tracker. It's smart enough to lay false tracks, smart enough to adapt correctly to it's surroundings, it's in Pyre Hill and we have no way of tracking it. I don't know what else we can do

Internal PM
How would Belladonna's power come up in this case? What I mean is do I have to use an action to do it? I wasn't going to bother till right at the end, right bit of information just fell into my lap and putting 2+2 together (Getting 4... hopefully :smallwink:). I know he's linked to the theft, I just don't know how

Also 69ers going to business. They're off to Fort Steyer and they're going mob handed. Mic Vacky move in to arrest all the local dealers, keeping a cut of what they bust (Always leaving enough for a hard conviction of course...) and uses his connections to keep cos out of the area. Storm Crow moves in and cuts down all other crime to keep the heat off (And again the competition). 69ers move in and set up to sell to everyone who's buying. Is it largely barracked soldiers who'll be buying?

2013-11-28, 08:42 PM

What type of favor would you like? I notice there is an individual calling themselves Aquatica in the area who seems to use Atlantian methods and that some Atlantian artifacts have recently gone missing. I would be happy to take action on either if it would please you. Otherwise you will have to request something of me.

"[8 income]"

"Let's see the depth of Paradigm's pocket and act measuredly."

If you wish to deal with supernatural beings I strongly recommend you start to do so. I will however take your proposal.

2013-11-28, 10:43 PM

I’d appreciate a more complete report on the excursion, if possible. Also any pictures or video you may have taken. Where in Pyre Hill did you lose the trail?

This shifter is the tip of the iceberg, but that doesn’t make apprehending it any less important. We’ll keep researching to support you in your struggle, even as we prepare for our own.

Very well, we’ll begin processing the data right away.
On an unrelated matter, have you any advice on dealing with shapeshifters? Particularly locating one, although tips on neutralizing them couldn’t hurt either. I suspect our target is a mutant rather than supernatural in origin, if it matters.
OOC- I'll handle it in my midturn, be sure to mention the legitimacy of the trade in yours.

Mordecai Carter[e]
Mr. Carter,
Saw you’re doing consultations in the paper. Heard you’re the best enchanter in town. Maybe you have some advice on dealing with a shapeshifter? Particularly locating one, although tips on neutralizing them couldn’t hurt either. I suspect our target is a mutant rather than supernatural in origin, if it matters. Swift reply would be greatly appreciated.

Magister Fivsby, head of supernatural relations, Superhuman Political Action Committee

2013-11-28, 10:47 PM
Mordecai Carter

Internal [PM]
Checking my Magic 2 database on shapeshifters, and the tracking thereof. Maybe I could get a bonus since I'm familiar with that kind of magic, through the Shifter Scarf - if it is actually magic.

2013-11-29, 12:25 AM

"Shapeshifters are varied, that's the point. If all else fails figure out what they aren't."
OOC: midturns are mostly for combat, data trades can happen anytime. I will make note however.

trading magicII, Icon cityI for Movers and shakersII, all actions spent by SPAC.
Accounts and operations will use an income and an action to preform charity work.

Lost Demiurge
2013-11-29, 01:30 AM
Order of the Hand and Eye
East Temple Crossroads [PM]

The Low Master smiles, and shows your agent around the place. The place is gorgeous and radiates age and dignity. Examples of sacred geometry abound, and he notes several quiet wards worked into the building. While there's a good amount of decorative symbols that don't do anything, and flash to make the place look more impressive, it's built on a foundation of actual mystical knowledge.

Midway through the tour, he's nearly staggered by a forceful feeling of revulsion crawling along his skin.

Someone in this structure just did something horrible. This was very much a "Man was not meant to know" situation.

In the Rustbelt [PM]

"Mother!@$!@! Threatening us? You! Awright, you asked for this!" He levels the gun...

But by then Gilgamesh is already in motion.

(TO BE CONTINUED... In the midturn.)

(Figure this'll take place a few days after the museum thing, for continuity's sake...)

Goblin Market
to Gilgamesh

"Bargained well and true! Your passenger will find you later this month, after some business is settled."

"Oh, and the European journey is round trip, so you'll have no problem bringing him back, yes?"

Internal [PM]

Are you spending any actions to trade databases with Lazarus?

Cult of Bastet
to Mordecai [PM]

The Goddess looks at Mordecai. *Well, one possibility comes to mind. Lions gather around oases, and wait for thirsty prey to approach.* is her comment, on Aequitas Rex.

She nods. *Consider it done. I have someone watching the auction. What does your apprentice look like again?* She gets the details, then writes a letter, balls it up into a piece of paper, and tosses it into a nearby room. Cats pounce it, and chase it down the hall. *There, done.*

Banker's Meeting [PM]

Lazarus' meeting goes over well! He's clearly a knowledgeable medical specialist, and the false background he created for Helios Core holds up just as well here. His presentation sells the elderly financier in charge of the review, and he shakes Lazarus' hand with a smile. "Well doctor, I think we can do business. Hm. How does [10 cash] repayable in [6 turns] at 15% interest grab you?"

Internal [PM]

You'll get the database once Eldan confirms the trade, sir. You purchase a nicely isolated lab with attached office, and plenty of underground room!

Not sure what you mean by listing "maybe" actions. Do you want to do'em or no, or are you just ruminating? That's fine if so.

to Golden Flock [e]

Holy heck, he's actually doing it? Well I hope he's who he says he is. Black Bloods don't go down easy.

And yeah, drugs are like the chief export of Slumside, man. Not much we can do there unless someone wants to help the place out with jobs, money, and such. Ain't no sense trying to stamp that out until then.

As to what went down? Place got hit last week by some Black Bloods gone hunting. They pick a place got no one who won't be missed, bust in, and kill everyone. Well almost everyone. Sometimes they take people alive, but mostly it's dead. Then they make off with the bodies and live ones alike. Ain't any of them ever seen again.

Golden Flock
Internal [PM]

Oh yeah, it's about to get violent. You send in the reporters, they should get some good shots one way or the other...

Internal [PM]

Sadly, the knowledge in the databases is just that, knowledge. It isn't anything like evidence, or witnesses. You'd need proof, if you wanted anything that could hold up in court.

Mind you, you've got REP 3. Your name carries weight! Of course, FEMA's got a REP of its own, probably...

Doesn't mean you couldn't try making a stink about them. But Sharon's analysis right now is that there's a lot of flaws in this notion.

Oh, and You don't know anything more on the topics offhand. Those are just rumors swirling at the highest echelons...

East Temple [PM]

The Bargainer smiles. "All right, four it is. Listen closely..."


The pact sealed, the deal made, the Bargainer looks bored at Mara's questions.

"We have ways of contacting you if we need your help, never fear. You'll know."

"Oh, and if you're defeated, then hey, not your fault. Though if you throw a fight, you're hardly coming to my aid, now are you? That'd be a BAD penalty levied, if you tried something like that."

Internal [PM]

You trade the mana gem recipe, and recieve the Mana Font recipe!

Mana Font (Rating 2 Enchantment, Cost: 4 Cash, Manufacture: 5 MP, Maintenance: 0 MP. +2 Mana Limit per turn.) An enchanted bowl that gathers and condenses mana from the ether, filling up to its brim with a renewable pool of arcane energy. Provides MP that refreshes every turn, but excess is not saved for next turn.

The Family
Internal [PM]

Gladiator hurries to catch up with your mercs, only to have them report that the kid's starting to bolt! Seems like he was ready to run at the first sign of trouble.

Things aren't helped by some stranger Parkouring down out of nowhere, shouting "Come with me if you want to live!", and the kid running off with him. They're beating feat east, out of your turf. If you want to pursue, this'll be a mid-turn action... (And it will cost an action, it took all of your last one spent on this to find the kid.)

Meanwhile, Blaine takes mercenary backup and starts looking for a good point to take out Vorpal without being seen by the Ideal... (To be continued in the mid-turn)

to Sergei [P]

"Hmmm... Sorry, but we're a tad busy right now. Talk to us next month."

Internal [PM]

The kid freezes, as the men lower their weapons and start to call reassurances... And the kid decides that Charlie's the less threatening option. She beats feet to follow him, hard pressed to keep up...

(To be continued in the mid-turn!)

Also, as Charlie is helping the kid, it'll take a little while to get over to Vorpal. He'll arrive in mid-turn round 2, if all goes well.

Internal [PM]

You trade the mana font recipe and recieve the Mana Gem recipe!
Mana Gem (Rating 1 Enchantment, Cost: 1 Cash, Mana Cost: 3, Maintenance: 0 MP, Creates a gem that holds 2 MP until Used.)

A meeting in the Snow
Hardliners [PM]

"Blame? No, merely frustration. I hate to lose a quarry after such time spent. Still, it is in the hands of fate, now."

He looks puzzled as the Smith speaks. "I barely know who you are, nor do I know much of your reputation. I can tell you my own is not much. I keep a low profile. But you needed a tracker, and there are few such in this city on the path of the righteous."

Dervish clasps the Smith's arm. "Well met. Perhaps we shall work together again. Send me an email if you find more on this matter."

And then he heads back to the woods, putting up his hood as he goes, vanishing into the trees like a ghost in white....

to Hardliners [PM]

(Yeah, sadly the interview did cost you an action. You can start this turn or the next. It's contract work, so you get to set your own schedule, to a point. Though if you go 2 full turns without working on it, they're likely to lay you off.)

Boardwalk Business [PM]

You head toward the Hotels, poking around the various inns and B&B's... And the drone pings. Starts pinging more, once you find your way to a Holidaze Inn. Looks like the signal's coming from the parking garage... You're pretty sure she's there.

(Should you wish to investigate and possibly battle, this will cost an action and resolve in the midturn...)

Internal [PM]

Belladonna's on site, and she can use her power for free if you wish. What exactly do you want to do with her power?

And go ahead and pay the action for the 69ers at Fort Steyer, that'll resolve in the mid-turn...

Internal [PM]

Well, much like the Dresdenverse, there's a ton of ways to go about shapeshifting. Tracking one by its nature is going to be hard, especially since you don't know if it's a magical shapeshifter or not.

On the other hand, a spell to detect shapeshifters would probably be well within your capabilities, a ritual to reveal the location of all shapeshifters in the city would be straining your limits but still possible (Though costly and probably risky,) or an enchanted item that alerted you to the presence of shapeshifters would be doable as well. Really, any way you wanted to go about it.

Internal [PM]

You know those people you saw poking around Barside? They just moved into the Hotels, and they're poking around where Bastet mentioned the big metal thing is hiding. Looks like they're going to find it, in short order.You also notice a delivery courier standing not too far from them, puzzled and looking around like he's totally lost.

(Also, you start up some charity work. Got anything in mind, or just letting your prescience figure out where it needs to go?)

(And databases confirmed as traded! Make a note of this in your turns document, please.)

to Merlin [PM]

"<Ah-Kwa-Tee-Ka? Nonsense name. But it is possible that she may be a rogue. We have some deluded and insane members of our species, it is true. If she is a rogue, her capture or corpse would be a favor of goodly size. Rogues bring shame on us all, and stopping one would indeed be a victory on the Council.">

"<Yes, look into this, please. If it is a rogue, then take care of her, retrieve any items she may have, and inform us when you are ready to turn her over. Then we shall grant you the boon of knowledge that you desire.>"

"<Do be careful, though. Rogues know the fate that awaits them. She will not go easily, or willingly...>"

FEMA Meeting
Foundation, Ideal [PM]

Carceri shakes his head. "I have nothing. Does FEMA?" The lady closes her briefcase. "No, I think we're done here. Last chance for questions."

When Agent Coldwell offers the Engineer's assistance, and the Foundation their doctor's she turns it down.

"The evidence from the lab, what little there is, is being assessed by assets better suited to it," she says, bluntly. "I'm also afraid that some of the contents of the place are a higher clearance than what you've got at the minute. Rest assured that if the situation changes, you shall be the first to know."

She sighs. "I can tell you this without risking censure. Anything you might find there would take months of analysis. Leave that part to us."

Argyle's Auction
Merlin, Mordecai [PM]

Paradigm GLARES at Mordecai's apprentice. "I'm the future of magic, kid. And you best have a reason for interrupting me."

"Seven to Paradigm goin' once," says the troll.

The apprentice stammers, tries to think up a way to stall Paradigm, fails...
And Merlin speaks up.

"Eight to Mer... Wait, wot?"

The crowd parts, mutters, murmurs, and a few people at the fringes flat out run, as Merlin is revealed standing there.

The troll finally chokes it out. "[8 cash] from the... The Merlin."

Paradigm stares at him. Raises an angry finger. "What's your game, old man? You've got as much use for this locus as teats on a fish."

Hero Board [E]

There's a collective "oh damn" at the Hardliners revelation that the creature in question is a shapeshifter, more groans that it's definitely in the city.

????@????.??? - Good work Hardliners! Thanks for staying on this. Wish I knew how to proceed, I guess we'll just have to keep eyes and ears open.

New Year's Party
(For those who have invitations, and are attending... [PM]

Held at the lavish Pyre Estate near the highest heights of Nob Row, the windows of the main mansion are aglow, music can be faintly heard from the outside, and the long line of limousines stretches nearly to the gates. Everyone who's ANYONE will be showing! Though you might not want to be too early, it'd be positively CRIMINAL to be too late...

2013-11-29, 02:23 AM

The charity is directed wherever seems wise.
What turns document do you speak of?

Merlin hated not knowing people, hated it more than anything else about his power's limits. Until he saw the figures enter the building he had no idea how long he watched them. His memories didn't feel like being helpful, but the point where he could continue to focus on it had passed.
"You there, can I help you? I need to get going, but I'd be happy to give directions if you want to walk while talking."
Merlin entered the hotel and walked towards the staircase. "Can service order roughly 1000 lemons and a full sized mirror?"

note that Merlin did not personally attend the Market, but I used his text color on habit, so I'm going to assume he suddenly decided to video-conference.
"Your not worth the pain she'd give me."
With that, Merlin cut contact.

In truth, we don't have a use for it, but with our contributions you should be able to cover things.
Although Merlin sent a letter apologizing for pressing concerns, he apparently couldn't resist dressing up his aid in pristine turn of the (19th) century formal-ware to deliver it. He brought a 400 year old wine as an apology gift and withdrew surreptitiously to a corner.
I fear if I am to spend more time in this city I must become better versed in its super-normal denizens. Could some basic files on the matter be made available to me?

2013-11-29, 03:10 AM
Mordecai Carter

Whispers [PM]
OOC: Hold up, did you just bid 8 Cash of my money? Or yours? Because right now you're going to win the auction, not me.

Shapeshifters, huh? That's tricky business. There's a lot of possibilities there - could be a lycanthrope, a changeling, a super, or as you suggest, a mutant - and life would be too simple if they all had the same weaknesses. And without knowing what exactly I'm dealing with, I can't offer you much assistance.

I might be able to whip up a spell to help track it down, but it'll take time, and this sounds disturbingly urgent. But I'll put it out there anyway - if I can figure out a way to detect shapeshifting, I'll let you know.

2013-11-29, 03:49 AM
Well I can take it if you wish, but 8 is the number after 7 and you were looking to bid, so perhaps you are interested. My offer to subsidize your purchase stands, as I presume does Baset's.

2013-11-29, 03:49 AM
The Ideal

Coldwell raises an eyebrow at the FEMA woman, but doesn't object. "Fair enough. But as you say, if the situation changes, please let us know. If that's all, then I'm afraid I'll have to go. Stuff to do and whatnot. Nice to meet you all." As he exits, a perceptive person might here him mumbling, "Great, now I've got to find something useful for The Engineer to do, who knows what she'll try to do otherwise...

Avalon is dropped of in...some kind of aircraft...right on time, fully decked out in his red and blue armor. Though it's pretty obvious that he's not used to attending such a high class party, he does fairly decent job of socializing.

Currently, he seems to be telling a story of one of his lesser known adventures to a few party-goers. "...and then I looked up and saw the car coming straight down at me! All I could do was grab the panda and jump off the bridge..."

I guess the whole party thing will be assuming that Avalon was not killed/horribly injured during his pursuit of Vorpal.

Or perhaps it happened first? So then when did the whole thing with Vorpal happen?

Aggghhhhhhhhhhhhh continuity!

2013-11-29, 03:51 AM
Gilgamesh to the Goblin Market [PM]

"None at all. I will have to come back myself, after all, so there's no problem with bringing someone back, too."

Gilgamesh Internal [PM]

Yes, I will spend those actions to trade. I just thought those would go into the EoT.

2013-11-29, 03:58 AM

"]Aw darn, really now? Well, can't blame you for it, I suppose. Guess the job's too big for the payment I can afford to pass on to you. Oh well, next time then perhaps!

"]"Darn, tha' be a cryin' shame. Say, yer all na crashin' 'e New Year party, by any chance?"


"]Leading the way in the escape, Charlie turned his head back to the kid, to shout at her.

"Lose the armour! You stand out in it, and you can't run well with it on! Lose it and follow me!"

With that, Charlie turned back, and stripped off his hoodie to toss it aside while running all the way; with any luck, it would throw the pursuers off. At the same time, he kept his eyes open for any opportunity to throw the pursuers off their trail. A hiding place where the both of them could vanish from sight, a secluded alleyway where two kids making out would be nothing surprising, a crowd they could blend into, or some poor lone schmuck who's about to lose his clothes...

2013-11-29, 04:54 AM
Lazarus Technologies

To Super-PAC (E)
If I could offer you occult knowledge and the history of the city, would you be willing to part with your more closely guarded trade secrets? Morganstern and Helios could be useful investors or possibly competitors and knowledge would allow me to better expand my market share in this city.

As for Peabody, I'd rather get their side of the story before I say anything that is incorrect. I will inform you as soon as I can confirm anything. By chance, would it be possible for me to be included in the Heroes Forum as a consultant or observer? FEMA's involvement and silence is ominous and I'd like to do what I can to help, even if that's just giving out information.

OOC: Meaning if I got my hands on all of Databases Level 1, would you consider trading me Movers and Shakers 2 & 3? I can offer producing you TP for the slight gap in levels.

And I assume the forum is where all the talk of Peabody has gone on? Could I be included and get retroactive access to the messages? I'd like to tell them directly once I verify Peabody's data..

To Peabody Labs (P)
Seated in his new office, Professor Lazarus dials out on the company's official line to his new competitor.

"Peabody? Lazarus. Heard truth of raid. Could assist, if desired. In same field. Understand dangers. Understand temptations. City safety highest priority. Cooperation?"

OOC: Trying out the Mordin voice, now that he's not speaking to investors. For now I like it. I will have to refine it though..

To Banker's Dozen (PM)
Returning the smile and handshake, Lazarus enthusiastically responds, "Sir, I'll accept that deal in a heartbeat. Would you like to be kept informed as to my technical progress, or would you rather I wait until I can show you a finalized product?"

Internal (PM)
Yeah, just blocking out actions for the rest of the turn. Seeing what I could do.

What is the interest rate going to amount to after 6 turns? And they wouldn't have a problem with me getting loans from like Helios Core, right?

So Midturn 1 or 2 I'll probably do the Peabody espionage action, but I'd rather talk to them first. I'll write it up later today.

2013-11-29, 04:55 AM
"I think we've got something she might be interested in looking at, of course she'll have to keep it secret," the man says to Coldwall.

OOC:... Can we trade our tech databases and raise them to two? Also yeah, might I suggest putting the two mad scientists together?


Hold on, is the Director invited?

2013-11-29, 05:09 AM
Merlin and Gilgamesh [PM]

"Hm. Sorry. I've been out of the loop for 400 years now. I find it difficult enough to bring myself up to speed on science and customs of this era. I mean, they've done some great things with music, but their idea of mainstream fashion just astounds me."
He begins to smother a stack of pancakes in syrup.
"Anyway. Magical ****storm. I only know two things, that ther's been a break-in at the museum, stealing Atlantean artefacts and that the Goblin Market is selling a new mana node. I'm sure you already know both of those."
The pancakes begin to vanish.
"You know me. If you need anyone to organize resistance on the more physical end, well, give me a dozen men and I'll turn them into an army. But as long as there's nothing to stab or shoot, I can't really help you."

2013-11-29, 06:16 AM
Golden Flock

New Years Party [PM]

Golden Flock arrives, represented by Eduard, who had his feathers painted in such garish colors, he’s overshadowing a massive gorilla, wearing white shirt and frak, that accompanies him. He’s very definition of the parrot - a chatterbox, yet witty and self-aware enough to avoid being annoying.

Sergei [Mail]

''You haven’t named any payment.''

Internal [PM]

I notice a ''Meeting in Snow'' PM - if it happens in the Woods, I may know a few things about it from Li’l Forest Animals.

I’ve brought Icon City Socialites with me so they can spread around the party and listen & chat with people. Eduard can’t be in every place, but he’ll have his associates near the most important personage.

Eduard is a Socialite 1 himself, so he’s in his element here. I’ll wait to hear who is present.

Die Kriegers [Mail]

[Icon City Database]: Identify soil where I can plant these rumors so they reach Kriegers.*
[Rumor Monger]: Spread rumors that Super-PAC is planning a propaganda campaign that will portray the Powers as saints and Virtue, who are supposed to be anti-Powers, are such moderate wimps, they agree with half of the bull**** Super-PAC will be spewing.

*Yeah, I’m not contacting them directly - rather planting rumors in the place, where I’m certain they’ll reach Die Kriegers.

Watchmen [Location PM]

''He sounded like a kook, so I'm not surprised. Probably thinks he'll go to some heaven with naked ladies and booze, if he dies in battle.''

''His nibs doesn't care about drugs - he' all about juicy stories to tell at his parties. And in this case he's real curious, what Bad Bloods do with the dead bodies. Everybody fears them because of it - makes them look special. If you've got any clues, that'll be helpful.

2013-11-29, 09:33 AM

"]I haven't named any payment, Mr Eduardo, precisely because I don't think [3 Cash] is reward enough for something as risky as you just laid out, myself.

Now granted, I'm just asking around on behalf of someone else here, so I can pass on what you mentioned to the other guy, and see if he'll pony up more. If not, I don't think I'd want to waste your time, either.

"]Okay hey, Prof-man. Catch is, the thing about Peabody Labs is that FEMA is now involved. So, [4 Cash] isn't gonna cut it, least I don't think there's a soul in all of Icon City will take that much risk for so little payout. I'd say at least [6 Cash] upfront at the least is necessary, if you're wanting to get anything out of it.

2013-11-29, 09:36 AM

East Temple [PM]

"Good, although please do tell me how....clandestine i need to be in my help, i have a small pack of hell-hounds i can use if need be and you don't mind the fact that people might see or hear them".

"Dont worry about me throwing away a good fight i don't shy away from combat nor hate it, i am good at killing people, i haven't survived so long because i am tough, and stubborn..... oh and a heretical nun, heheheheheh those were some interesting times".
Mara almost forgot her fear for a moment with that old joke to her being called a heretic, it reminded her of the time where she disguised herself as a nun, who knew that people could see nun's so in such a lewd light if you pushed the right buttons, apart from her that is.

"mmm we should trade stories later......if you want".

((depends on the info he gives in the end))
"Anyway could i have some information if possible about the Outsider?, i am pretty sure i never heard of him nor know where i could start digging information to find what you want me to 'acquire'?".

2013-11-29, 09:37 AM
Mid Turn: Man VS Monster

The Armoured man attempts to soften up the monster with his gun and draw its attention until the two agents and the civvie are out of the tunnel, his shots favouring accuracy over rate of fire thanks to Gilgamesh holding the beast down. He does that until he receives a call from the agents confirming the tunnel is clear.

When he gets the call, he shouts at Gilgamesh to get off the monster and get behind him and when he does so, finishes off the monster with Trigger Overdrive, a final attack type deal, yes his gun will announce the attack.

2013-11-29, 09:38 AM

On the Heroes Forum- I think there might have been some misunderstanding in regards to this, when I said there was a craigslist message sent I meant to Gilgamesh as opposed to a public ad. Which is silly, b/c I was forgetting Craigslist pretty much operates on e-mail anyway. So my fault on being misleading there, I don’t really mind if its kept as is. In addition to the PCs, I did contact the Tomorrow Force, Torchbearers, and probably some other known solo heroes like Freeway. Basically anyone known as a hero, even shady ones like the Hardliners.

Since I haven’t heard back from Edison Electric, how much would it cost to set up a private server by myself? Probably not able to do anything as high-grade as EEC would have, but I’d imagine a [very] low-volume server with moderate security wouldn’t be too expensive.

Who do I know is in the Crossroads Club? Since I have influence with them, it’d be nice to know who that influence applies to.

Also, if it’s not official yet, I’m now noting that my people are handling the exchange of movers and shakers 1&2, magic 1&2, and Icon City 1 with Merlin via Freedom of Information.

Mordecai Carter[e]
It is rather urgent, I’m afraid. Last known location Pyre Hill. If it’s taken to impersonating someone, could be at the Pyre party. I could arrange an invitation for you if you’re able to detect them by proximity, and we could talk more freely there than over the net. Don’t really have much in the way of funds to hire a wizard, but the chance to rub elbows with the IC elite might be worth something in and of itself. Appreciate anything you can do to help.

Magister Fivsby, head of supernatural relations, Superhuman Political Action Committee

Lazarus Tech[e]
Basic information on magic and IC history is already available to us. Up for trade as well, if you’re interested. Tech and supers are where we’re lacking, since the tragic demise of some of our best experts. In addition to the deal we offered, if you’re able to provide more advanced data in one of these fields, we’d be prepared to offer everything we have on local corporations. Again, we’d handle the labor involved in the exchange. Frankly even those secrets are risky to share, I only consider the move since you’re an industry insider.

As to the hero forum, it was set up to give local capes a place to collaborate. Even though I set it up, it’s really not the PAC’s place to let non-heroes into the forum. Just because I’ve decided to trust an organization doesn’t mean I should force that decision on every hero in the city.

OOC: Already have magic 2 and IC 1. M&S 3 has data on Morgan, Helios and Peabody I’d be willing to share in exchange for level 2 of anything else. M&S 3 really is pretty much exclusively dangerous secrets, so I’m playing pretty close the chest with the highest database.

New Year’s Party[pm to all attendees]
Sharon shows up on time and with little fanfare, in an unassuming evening gown. Anyone who doesn’t know her personally will likely take no notice of her at all. The man with her is another story. Decked in a “wizard’s robe” complete with a foppish pointy hat, magister Fivsby looks like he’s ready for Halloween. It’s obviously a quality garment, but that doesn’t make it any less ridiculous.

They take an interest in Eduard, but no moreso than anyone else at the party. Sharon approaches him long enough to introduce herself and offer a business card. Brief looks of annoyance cross their faces at Avalon’s flamboyant arrival.

MRB at the party[pm]
[Influence 3]
After a period of mingling Sharon will attend her meeting with director Carceri. Once the pleasantries are over with…

I’ve been looking into the Peabody situation. From my correspondence with your department I’m guessing you’ve already heard yourself, but I’m fairly certain Peabody Labs was involved in human genetic research, possibly with the intent of manufacturing new supers. My contacts say they found tracks leading from the labs to Pyre Hill. Shapeshifter tracks. FEMA is completely shutting me out, and frankly I suspect they’re not doing as much as they should be to help resolve the situation. Have you had any luck investigating this on your end?

IC Historical Society at the Party[pm]
[If possible I'll have this meeting be chronologically before the one with MRB, in case I learn anything relevant to my talks with Carceri]

Sharon and Fivsby will be keeping their eye out for Pyre, since the phone call never amounted to anything. Assuming they manage to meet with Pyre…

"I’ve had my people looking into the heist, and it’s got me to thinking. Six months is a long time to let something sit without inventorying it. Especially something you were willing to trade Tesla artifacts for. Rumor has it you’ve taken it upon yourself to keep some of history’s more dangerous treasure away from the public. Considering that these items are quite possibly cursed, and quite definitely the target of many criminals in the past, I have to ask. Did this collection contain some of those dangerous treasures? Don’t get me wrong, I admire the effort. But if you know something that could help with the recovery of dangerous items from dangerous hands, perhaps the time for secrecy is at an end.”

What’s your fee on a shapeshifter? Would you be able to track one down, or would location need to be provided?

2013-11-29, 09:48 AM

"]"Eh? Whaddaya mean wha' be my fee on a shapeshifter? Wha' yer want me to do wit' one? Track one down, or buy one from somewhere? Fix you wit' one, or send dogs on it? Fight, or ****?

Details, friend. Dun leave ol' Sergei hangin' like tha', and expect him to read your mind, eh?"

2013-11-29, 09:55 AM

"My interest is in a specific shifter. In the IC area. Tracking it down, neutralizing it. Got a pricetag on either or both?"

2013-11-29, 10:08 AM

"]"Ah, righto! Now we be makin' some sense, eh?"

"Well arright lady, listen. Ol' Sergei 'ere can tell dis be 'e first time yer dealin' wit' a fixer like me, so I be walkin' yer thru' how dis works, eh? Yer wanna haf Sergei find yer someone willin' to do wha'ever work yer haf, it be ye namin' a price fer it. 'Course, higher 'e pay, more likely I can find ye 'e right bloke fer 'e job, eh? So wha' it gonna be?"

2013-11-29, 10:30 AM


Three short letters and a package arrive to the MRB, these letters were totally safe and written by computer and printed, no fingerprints were on these things.

You Buncha of inbred red-necks, stay the heck away from my friend or next time it wont be non lethal breaking him out, and make no mistake you go after any of my other friends with no reason, to try and make them lab-rats and i promise you that i will shake and shake the very heavens to destroy you.

Dear MRB, the only reason i came willingly to your labs was because you made a couple of promises and broke them and any trust i had towards you by experimenting on me.
I better not catch you near me for no reason trying to do anything or it will end badly for both of us.
Yours trully
-Strider (Written by a friend).

Mmm too bad we got some nice amnesty eh boys and gals?, its surprising how much corruption exists in this country, but then again if it weren't for it, i wouldn't have found all this dirt.
Such a shame lil old me found about those perverted hobbies some of you have, i wonder what would have happened if the photographs showing some officials in....compromising positions had been found by the press, heheheh, many kisses to the Special agents i played with, i hope they are feeling better after our rough night-time playtime.
With no kisses

The Mayor[Phone]

"Hello and Good morning Mr.Tristan...er this is the Mayors office right?, oh okay thank you for your time Mayor".

"Oh well i was calling to have a bit of your time and ask about your position and politics in regard to the MRB, as well sentient monsters and their handling by the MRB".

"I would also like to inquire about the Junk-yard in the outskirts, why isn't all the metal getting recycled?, does the City lack recycling centres?"

Fort Steyer[Email]


Does the Fort hire people?
Or Kaiju? (dont worry i am a fully sentient, cognizant with human level intellect Kaiju).
My name is Strider, i have a file with the MRB and after my recent scuffle slash experimentation by them that was interrupted and i have currently been given full amnesty after these events.

My greatest ability is my 20 feet? i think height, fast digging and if need be permanent tunnel making, and being very tough.
Oh yeah and dont worry while its hard for me to read books(so so small) or write on computers(so hard).
I can speak just fine(if a little loud, but great voice for singing).

Hmm....oh yeah i can also Understand and speak Arabic and can read and write and speak English.

So if you hire, do i need to have more skills? or anything else?(i admit i lack papers in finishing middle and high school, but i do know the basics of most of those things of course).

-Your trully
Strider (and the friend who wrote this for him).

2013-11-29, 10:33 AM

Probably looking at [2 cash] to track it down, 2 more if it can be subdues and captured, or 1 if things are handled a bit more messily. Frankly, I was just told to get a quote. Folks upstairs are sill weighing thier options.

2013-11-29, 11:26 AM

"]"Wow, really lowballin' it, eh lady? Look, I'm not gonna interest any tracker worth a damn for less than [4 Cash], yer dig? 'N yer been talkin' 'bout shapeshifter dis, shapeshifter dat, yet I dun hear ye sayin' jus' wha' it supposed to be capable of. I'd think nuthin' less'n [5], [6 Cash]'ll suffice, eh? Best to haf more, wha' be more. Yer grt eha' ye pay fer, yer know."

2013-11-29, 11:59 AM

6, huh? Would that be just for the tracking, or does that figure include taking the target down?

2013-11-29, 12:19 PM

"]"Naw, naw! [6 Cash] jus' fer takin' 'e creature down, trackin' not included, ey? C'mon lady, if yer talkin' 'bout a shapeshifter 'ere, tha' could be very bad news dependin' on wha' sorta shapeshifter it is, naw? Yer dun give Sergei details 'bout 'e shapeshifter, Sergei's gotta assume 'e worst, tha' mean Sergei's gotta promise top dollar to get 'e peeps crazy 'nuff to take on one wit'out proper info, dun yer know?"

"Naw doin' dis on 'e cheap, lady. Yer wan' 'e package deal, Sergei can mebbe get a guy for [8], [9 Cash], but tha' still be a crapshoot. Like I said, yer gettin' wha' ye pay for. More ye can shell out, 'e more Sergei can work wit', 'n 'e better satisfied ye be, eh?"

2013-11-29, 12:30 PM

We still have some other options to consider, but if those fail, I need to know whether we'll be able to afford an outside solution to this problem. Is [9 cash] what it's going to take to get your main man on this?

2013-11-29, 12:39 PM

"]"[9 Cash] be 'e least Sergei's gotta charge, if he be findin' a guy capable of trackin' AND killin' 'e bastard. Mighta be higher if Sergei need ta find two different guys fer both parts."

"Main man? Wha' be ye talkin' 'bout lady, Sergei dun got no 'main man'. Sergei knows folk all 'round Icon City, but Sergei dun play favourites, dig? Not 'e way ta do bizness, yer see?"

Imperial Psycho
2013-11-29, 12:43 PM
James Edison

The Edison Electric Company is proud to announce the release of our first catalogue!

Need gadgets? Mesh? A little protection? Simply choose from our products below, or give us a call, and we will see what we can do for you.

EEC Catalogue [Public]
Edison Electric Generator: Sometimes, power transmission doesn't suit your needs. Sometimes, you need in house generation. Independence from the transmitters can provide no end of boons, and Edison Electric has put together one of the most efficient generators on the market today.

Cost: 10 Cash
TP Maintenance: 2

Edison Privacy Prime Chatserver: Keep your conversations and files out of the hands of data pirates! The Privacy Prime is designed to provide secure communications at an affordable price. (Improves E-mail Security)

Cost: 16 Cash
Maintenance: 3

Edison E-meter: A highly sensitive technical tool, and one of Mr Edisons personal inventions, now available to the public. A Highly advanced energy analyser, this tool is vital for investigation of anomalies

Cost: 4 Cash
Maintenance: 1

Lightning Grenades: The finest on non-lethal weaponry, the lightning grenade is carefully tuned to deliver a incapacitating shock to an attacker. (Warning: The EEC is not liable for any electronics damaged by misuse of the Grenade)

Cost: 4 Cash

To SuperPAC
I can put together a server for you, sure. Since it's for a good cause, I'll even handle the hosting (TP Maintenance) myself, and give you a discount. 10 Cash. You know, gotta pay for parts and such.

In exchange for the favour, perhaps you can hook me up with an invite to the big new year bash? I hear it's gonna be a blast, I'd hate to miss out.

To Icon City Heroes [E]
from: [email protected]
"Anyone looking into this Vorpal business? I know the Black Bloods aren't the most sympathetic guys, but this kind of blatant assault and abuse of powers shouldn't be allowed."

2013-11-29, 12:53 PM

Super-PAC (e)
There's little else to tell. My associate is following up one last possible lead, but that's just him being thorough, he doesn't expect much of it. It was a thing neither could identify, then the tracks disappeared. When they found the track again it was a deer, but with long legs, then it was a dog. That time they could see the trial go from one to the other in one step. They gave up by the kennel at the bottom of the hill, where the urban area truly starts.

We do however have more information about how this began, not fit for an unsecured channel. I understand you know a lot more about the other side of this, and I want to hear that too.

And in the spirit of cooperation and sharing information, I'd like to take this moment to propose a trade of databases

OOC: Although I would like to wait till after mid-turn to spent the action. I already have M&S 1. I'll trade you tech 1 for M&S 2

A meeting in the Snow PM
The Smith turns to follow Dervish into the darkness. Then he stops, he turns and stares back thoughtfully. A deer with long legs, a large creature... He thought about it hard as the wind howled about him. No way to track it with hard facts, this sort of deductive reasoning always leads to wish fulfilment. Still, right now what did he have besides guesses?
He went back to the kennel, tapping on the keyboard on his wrist. The Orrus drones form up and fly out about the building. When one finds a way into the ventilation system the rest follow it in. The Smith watches the tiny screen on his wrist from about two inches away, yet still he sees everything as the drones fly in and about the kennels. He looks each and every dog over very carefully before he finally gives up and leaves.

OOC: Looking for any strange dogs, particularly dogs that are large in any way. Unusually large for the breed, unusually large dog, that sort of thing. Oh, and try and get DNA traces from the deer and dog prints.

Helios PM
Would like to start now but actions running low. I'm keeping a list in the gdoc. May or may not, depends what happens after mid-turn. If not definitely start of next turn

Boardwalk Business PM
I'll lock that in now. Can I call in reinforcements without spending an action? (As in my own reinforcements, not just 8-Ball, but also 8-Ball)

Internal PM
Ransack his short term memory. In particular looking for talking snakes,great/dark beasts, small statues with jewels, the museum, a theft, how he purchased the house.

And I pay for the 69er action.

2013-11-29, 02:01 PM

Unfortunate the trail runs cold. Could you describe the shifter's initial, unidentifiable tracks for me? Might give a clue as to the true nature of the beast. Also, anything to report on the museum heist? I'm going to try to meet with Pyre at the new year's party.

If you'd care to speak privately regarding Peabody Labs, I'll be attending the Rotary Club's fundraiser this week.

As for exchanging databases, I'm currently in talks with a company called Lazarus Technologies about a similar deal. They've apparently acquired quite a bit of knowledge on local supers as well. Frankly I know even less about them than I know about you, so I'm not sure whether to trust them. Do you have more advanced technological data available? Or any information on Lazarus Tech?

"Ah, perhaps I have been misinformed. The committee's rolodex has you listed as the emergency contact for a specific contractor. Supposedly the person to get if you've got a super-powered problem. We're not really looking for a run-of-the-mill hunter. Sorry to have wasted your time."

Edison Electric[e]
Afraid I don’t have that sort of funding available. Maybe you could try opening a collection from the super community? If a few of us pitched in [1- 2 cash] each we might be able to get this off the ground. I’m assuming this server would be more-or-less unhackable? Might be a few supers on the forum willing to pitch in for that sort of safe convenient communication.

As for the Pyre party, I wish you hadn’t waited until the day of to ask. :smallannoyed: I'll arrange an invitation for you. Probably have an opportunity to pay us back somewhere down the line.

Oh, and would you happen to know anything about Lazarus Tech? We're consulting with them on the Peabody labs issue, and I'm curious about them.

I'd like to add Edison Electric to the Pyre guestlist if it's not too late.

Still like to hear about the cost of a more basic, moderate security server. Something above e-mails but not unhackable. Might have to make th poor-man's choice here.

2013-11-29, 02:08 PM
The Family-Edison[Email]
Those Lightning Grenades... How many does 1 order get me?

[In other words, are these one-shots?]

The Family[Internal]
Metalclad: [Damn it, should have dispatched Melissa. Why must everyone continue poaching on my turf!]

"Hey, wait! I just want to talk, promise!" If the girl still doesn't stop, my men will pursue. At the same time, Gladiator and [1 Thug], using their knowledge of the terrain, will attempt to get ahead of the pair and cut them off. Once in that position, they will once again try talking; if not then the two will be taken into custody. Especially whoever is aiding Metalclad.


I think you missed this: does this setting have any variant of Containment Foam? If so, how easy would it be to obtain(doesn't need to be legally)?

W. Could Melissa sweet talk the guards who are bound to be watching the Pyre Hill party to let her in? I think her [Charmspeak 2] would be useful.

2013-11-29, 05:01 PM
Mordecai Carter

"A classified ad?!!!"

"Yes, Scarlet. We're a business, we need customers."

"So you go to the newspaper? What are you, 80? Step aside, Mordecai, and I'll show you how we do things in this century."

Have YOU ever wanted to master the world of magic? Well now you can! The Eldritch Emporium caters to both beginners and experienced practitioners with a variety of enchanted goods!

Mana Gem: Just getting started with magic, or looking for a little extra umph? These affordable gems carry a charge of [2 MP], to be used whenever you like. Great for beginners looking to keep their magic items charged!

Cost: 2 Cash
Maintenance: 0

Mana Font: A little more serious about getting into magic? Look no further! This fountain provides a renewable source of energy, providing [2 MP] of mana that comes back every [turn]! Excellent if you're planning on gearing up with magic items that need to be maintained, but you don't wanna bother with that!

Cost: 6 Cash
Maintenance: -2 MP

Boomstick: Power of a bazooka, size of a pistol! A single-shot magical hand cannon to clear your path - great for traffic jams! (disclaimer: Eldritch Emporium not responsible for reckless use of goods)

Cost: 4 Cash
Maintenance: 1 MP

Shifter Scarf: Make yourself look like somebody else! Live your dreams! Great for pranks!

Cost: 8 Cash
Maintenance: 1 MP

Whisper Ring: For those private conversations! Speak with another ring owner from anywhere in the city, safe from online eavesdroppers and wiretaps!

Cost: 9 Cash
Maintenance: 3 MP

2013-11-29, 06:04 PM
Gilgamesh to Mordecai Carter[mail]

"Mr. Carter, I would be delighted to buy weaponry from you, but sadly, I have barely any money at the moment. Some deals made with the goblin market should give me [4 cash] soon, but even that would not be enough, as I'd need not only weapons, but also the mana to maintain them.

Still. As soon as I have achieved some regular income, I'll come back to you."

2013-11-29, 07:05 PM

A letter arrives at the Trifecta’s residence in Silent Lake, addressed to Tempest and Mara.

On behalf of the Super-PAC, welcome to Icon City. The city is in a bit of an uproar at the moment, even on the outskirts I’m sure you’ve felt the effects. In fact, I was wondering if there’s any chance you might have learned anything about the Peabody Labs break-in. Also in your neck of the woods, you might be interested to know a magical node seems to have opened up in the nature preserve. Not really our thing, but I understand Mara has some magical talent, so she might find it of use. As newly arrived supers, be sure to let me know if you have any concerns you feel the PAC can help address.

Sharon Deckhart, Regional Director, Superhuman Political Action Committee.

[Enclosed are a business card, and a brochure highlighting the Super-PAC’s legal services and activist work on behalf of the metahumans community.]

The papers say you’ve been scrapping with 8-ball. Any idea why the metalman is encroaching on your turf? As long as you’re keeping your streets clean, we’d like to help you out same as we do for the superpowered vigilantes. For obvious reasons, we’re especially eager to hurt Die Kriegers. If you hear of any chance to bust up their weapons ring, or just generally hurt them, we’re always ready to listen.

Do my databases tell me anything about teleportation magic, dream magic, or cursed items?
Can I contact 8-ball?

Mid-Turn action- with the economy on the rise, the Super-PAC feels it is time to reach out to their investors for donations. I’d like to spend an action and use [Wealthy Backers] trait to try and raise funds for my new PR initiative, People First. The basic pitch is that the campaign will remind everyone that metahumans are more than just a collection powers, they’re people just like the rest of us. With vampires openly living in the city, and a magic shop sending out public catalogues, there’ll be a bit of an emphasis on helping people to understand magic and not fear it. After the death of so many supers, and the subsequent crime wave, Super-PAC will be connecting the two, and pointing out to backers that the time is right to sway public opinion in favor of superheroes and magic as a positive part of everyday life.

Imperial Psycho
2013-11-29, 07:44 PM
James Edison

To Super-PAC
Unhackable? Well, not exactly, no. It's a cut down server, specialised for e-mail and file sending for the mass market. That's how I can price it so cheap.

And for you guys? I'm knocking my profit margins to nothing here, AND offering to maintain the thing myself. Feel free to set up a collection with the Heroes. I'd love to do the whole thing for free, but that would mean sinking almost all my cash into this thing, which would leave me with no way to make money.

But, you get me that invite, we'll call it even.

(OOC: It improves security, doesn't give free PMs.)

2013-11-29, 08:13 PM


Greetings and Salutations my friend.

Nope cant say we have felt any effects, neither have we learned or saw anything about the Labs break-in...(it happened over this district?, i must have forgot).
Heh we felt and have the location of the node mates, in fact we sold it to a friend, and yes Mara would have found it of use, if she indeed wanted to used it, as for her having some magical talent.....mmm yea more or less thats one way to say it.

Sure sure we will keep you in mind, likewise if you want some magical help or some pure digging muscle we can help you with a small discount for you.


2013-11-29, 09:06 PM

"]"Hey hey, hol' up dere lady. THA' be wha' ye be talkin' 'bout all dis time?"

"If ye haf someone in mind all dis time, bloody say so! Tell Sergei who it been ye were lookin' fer, Sergei might jus' know how ta get in touch wit' him or her. Quit pussyfootin' 'round arready, 'n tell Sergei who ye be wantin', kay? Sergei's no mind-reader, I can't know wha' ye been thinkin'!"

Forum Explorer
2013-11-29, 09:09 PM
Knight of Blades

To James Edison (email)

RE: Vorpal and Blackbloods

I was looking into it, and so was the Ideal. A third, unknown faction was also there, but I don't know what their intentions were.

2013-11-29, 09:14 PM
Pretty sure I’ve solved the museum heist. Could turn the info in to the proper authorities, or try to go after the perps ourselves. Finding them may be difficult. Thoughts?

Heroes Forum[e]
Edison says he’ll set up a server for [10 cash], but the PAC doesn’t have that sort of money. We can probably put up [2 cash], anyone else feel like chipping in?
Oh, and anyone who feels like doing some good old-fashioned heroing, we may be going against some magical foes soon. Any interest?

Edison Electric[e]
Yeah, I’ll get you an invite. Also, solved the museum heist. Could turn the info in to the proper authorities, or try to go after the perps ourselves. Finding them may be difficult. Thoughts?

This is Fivsby, supernatural relations are my department for the most part. Concerning an ongoing investigation, I’m curious if you have any particular affinity for teleportation or shapeshifting. Got a fair bit of magical knowledge and friends, but if it happens to be a specialty of yours… eh, just thought I’d take a shot in the dark. Any info would be appreciated.

Magister Fivsby, head of supernatural relations.

Well, like I said, been a bit of a disorienting call. Really wasn't expecting you to be a headhunter type operator. Not my fault if your business got some faulty advertising somewhere along the line. Anyhow, not looking for a person so much as a boogeyman. Couldn't give you a name, but supposedly the bloke killed Hydragyrum and wasted a whole gang up in Twain City. Know him?

Forum Explorer
2013-11-29, 09:35 PM
Knight of Blades

Hero Forum (e-mail)
I suppose I can chip in 2 cash to help out with a server.

Also did anyone check out what that person wanted on the Docks?

If you need assistance with a fight, I'm available. I'd need more details before I came though, particularly if it's a magical opponent.

2013-11-29, 09:36 PM

"]"Aw, bloody 'ell."

"Like, holee crap, lady. Opens up a whole new bloody can o' worms, tha' it does. If ye be wantin' THA' murderin' lil' bastard on 'e job, tha' be sayin' 'e mark's THA' dangerous if ye be tha' desperate. How'd you know to call Sergei 'bout tha' bloody freak, anyway?"

"Okay, look. 'E freak's a lil' different, see. Not yer regular subcontractor, tha' one. Lives fer 'e thrill o' battle or so it says, or summat like tha'. Dun know it t' haf any special skill in trackin' down shapeshifters, but Sergei can ask. Wun mind takin' yer money for it - say [8 Cash] or so - but wha' really gets its interest are 'e details, lady. If ye can't gif Sergei any to pass on to it, it'll pro'bly think it's a trap or summat, 'n den ye wun haf ye murderin' lil' psychopath."

"Even den, Sergei can't guarantee nuts when it comes to tha' freak. So save yer money fer now, gif Sergei 'e details 'bout 'e mark, 'n ye can pay Sergei later if 'e bloody psycho shows up, eh?"

"]Sergei to Charlie

"Hey, patsan!"

"What is it, old man?"

"Ye got any skill in trackin' 'n takin' down a shapeshifter?"


(OOC: [Anti-Power Tactical Acumen], [Resourceful 1], and [Urban Camouflage 1] - does these give Charlie any insights on how to tackle a shapeshifter?

2013-11-29, 10:03 PM
To Super PAC [E]

My name's Mara, mmmm.

Information on those topics i sadly lack, mmm i can tell you that limited magical shape-shifting is very easy, whether its temporary on a person, or comes from an artefact, it would take a powerful one to make one shapeshift into various animals, but not other people, unless you include it down to the fine details such as smell and the voice.

As for teleportation, if there is will there are ways, but its easier and less risky to move around normally, so i dont have any affinity or know how for that.

Anyway an artefact could be made to pinpoint when one is close to you, or a spell for that same purpose.
Both of these things...hm dont have enough time or resources to rush them so that you can use it within a month, but other people might be able to do so, but its not really worth it.


2013-11-29, 11:14 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Super-PAC (E)
Agreed. Technical data and local capes in exchange for major political movers. And you will send your people to do so as I don't currently have the manpower to spare?

Mid-turn (PM)
Trade Tech 1 ad Powers 1 for Movers and Shakers 2 from PAC without apparently spending actions due to their trait.

Edit: Copy and pasted to google docs, added a few clarifications in there, and cleansed this of the two secret things in the case of people reading. Because paranoia. Don't want to explicitly state the Prpfesor's capabilities in this thread, after all. :smallbiggrin:

Spend VIP and Follower to send Lazarus, an agent, and a soldier in to Peabody Labs. Use their abilities (namely the Professor's) to try to avoid any conflict (avoiding FEMA folk and Peabody if they're not on my side), search the facilities for anything (data, files, equipment, evidence, records...) I could find useful in future research or would help me understand the crisis overall so I could try to fix things. If the Labs are fine with me helping out, work with them on all this. I imagine they want their research kept on going in some fashion considering how severe the consequences have been. Probably years of work to create a new life form... Assumptions being made of course, but scientists don't like their research going away and Lazarus is the closest they can find to a successor. Highest priority is not getting caught though. Finding out whatever I can would be helpful but I value my cover more. Disguise faces, sneak there and back.

Knock out anyone who I don't manage to avoid with the guard. Spy keeps us hidden as best as I can.

2013-11-30, 04:17 AM
Limpeza Chama

To the ICPD [p]
<No you've been quite informative thank you.>

<Although I don't suppose you can tell me anything about the recent murders in the Barrios can you? I'd like to reassure my new neighbors that we don't have any connection with them.>

Barrios Mini Mart [PM]
Just make a note of the employees. So my people can recognize them later.

In my google doc.

2013-11-30, 07:21 AM

Well like I said, not sure we need to call out a mercenary just yet. Just wanted to get a feel for the price, find out if we could afford one if we had to.

Lazarus Technologies[e]
Yes, that should be fine. As long as you bring us up-to-date on the practical side of technology as well, nothing huge, but the ability to handle small stuff like [4-5 tech points]. Will you have people available for that next month?

Mara? Brilliant! Can’t say I expected to hear from you personally. No worries about the teleporting and shapeshifting, just a shot in the dark. What do you specialize in, if I may ask?

Hero Forum[e]
To follow up on my request for assistance against a magical opponent- it’s regarding the museum heist, I believe we’ve solved it. Afraid I can’t offer too many details, partly for security reasons, partly because I don’t have many yet myself. Anyone ever hear of the Phantasm?

Well, in any event, if you want to talk, I’ll be available at the Rotary Club fundraiser. Maaaybe at the Pyre party, but my social schedule there is getting pretty full. Want to meet?

2013-11-30, 08:22 AM

Militaris Ordo Cruciferorum Purgatoria Flamma, A Chama de limpeza, The Cleansing Flame[m]
Greetings on behalf of the Super-PAC. As the head of supernatural relations, I’ve been doing a lot of outreach to the magical community lately. We’re preparing for a major PR campaign and want to get to know you so we don’t misrepresent anything. Being the new mages in town, I was hoping you’d be willing to tell me a little more about yourselves. I understand most of your power comes from calling on angels or Judeo-Christian God? Not aware of anyone else with that specialty in town. Few demon worshippers, but that could be a completely different type of magic for all I know. Really appreciate anything you’d be willing to share, we’re always looking ot update our files on the local powers, and it sounds like you guys have done a lot of good down south so we’re hopeful to see more of the same here.
Matter of fact, I’ve heard you have some of the best-kept magical archives around. Leave it to monks to preserve the written traditions of long-lost cultures! Our own investigations have led us to believe two very ancient magical traditions are operating secretly in town. Could potentially be a threat, if our information is right. Do you have any knowledge of the Children of Yig or Aequitas Rex? Very much appreciate anything you can offer on the subject.
Finally, if you have any concerns you feel the Super-PAC could help address, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Magister Fivsby, head of supernatural relations, Superhuman Politicval Action Committee

[Enclosed is a business card, and a brochure highlighting the Super-PAC’s legal services and activist work for the metahumans community]
OOC: I have Magic database 2, was hoping [Archives] trait might give you something on these old organizations. Other databases and investigations are leading me inexorably toward them.

Fivsby's voice crackles over the line

"Merlin old chap! I’ve been pouring over these files, and I must say there’s a lot of good data here. Much appreciated! Would you happen to have anything more on the Children of Yig or Aequitas Rex lying around? I have reason to believe they’re in town, and might have to deal wit them soon."

OOC: Hoping your secrets long forgotten trait might have something on these ancient mages.

Fivsby again. Never heard back form you about the Pyre party, probably a little late now in any event. No worries! We’re handling it. Anyhow, that demon of yours, could you ask him something for me? Wondering if he might know anything about Lemurian magic or the Children of Yig.
OOC: Hoping underworld contacts trait might give uyou something on these guys. Already got the basic Magic 2 info.

2013-11-30, 09:05 AM


Its fine, i prefer using email or the phone to communicate, the only reason you got Tempest to answer you was that you used our 'mail box' and its up to him to see that those are found, and properly answered.

I guess you could say i specialize in infernal magic for the most part.
I can also do proper coordination of people during rituals, and lastly you could say me and my buds are good at finding big concentrations of magic whether natural or not, by a ritual being prepared or something else, thats how i found that mana node so easily, shame about it but too many people wanna target that.

2013-11-30, 09:51 AM

You can detect concentrations of magic? Well, that's interesting. Think you could track down a group of mages? I know a little bit about their style of magic, pretty sure about what district they're based in, and they probably have some magical artefacts on-hand.

Grimsage Matt
2013-11-30, 09:52 AM
John Smith

Internal/Midurn [GM]

John Smith will be working at the convenience store, we need the money for rent after all. But that is not the only thing he will be doing. He will quietly be hacking into all of the video cameras and sending their feed to Sage Tol'Grim.

As for the Sage? He is directing his bots to install additional surveillance measures around the apartment, and is beginning to hack the most used E-mail servers

2013-11-30, 03:08 PM
"I'm not quite sure what you have on them already, since I wasn't personally handling the files, but I'll send what I have off the top of my head. You don't happen to have information on Aquatica lying around do you? I feel like she'll be important soon."
--Before the dawn of time, the Lemurians rose to rule the earth. Serpentlike folk, they pioneered the use of magic, and used it to imprison and seal away many ancient horrors. These ancient sealed entities can sometimes be tapped for power if you find them, but be cautious. When they stir in their sleep, it is bad to draw their notice.
--The Children of Yig are a cult that specializes in Lemurian magic, and hunting down ancient artifacts. It is rumored that some of them bear ancient bloodlines from blasphemous interminglings before the dawn of time. Recently, a lot of factions have been hunting them down, quite violently in some cases.
--Aequitas Rex is the boogeyman of the learned magical world. In the old days, a lot of practitioners and lore supposedly vanished at the hands of "Warriors clad in white, who left behind only flames and the symbol of justice." Rumor has it that they're still around.
gained tech 1 from Laz, Movers and shakers 2 from SPAC
deescalating fight in barside
having Mordecai pick up node in my name, contributing 1 wealth accordingly

2013-11-30, 03:24 PM
Mordecai Carter

I'm sure he knows a bit, but that's sort of a broad topic. Like asking a historian what they know about the Middle Ages. Is there something in particular you want to know?

2013-11-30, 03:39 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To Super-PAC (E)
Unless another crisis crops up, we will gladly aid your technicians.

And we are currently attempting to talk to Peabody about the current one... If we find out anything of use, we will inform you.

To Edison (E)

I am interested in possibly purchasing one of your generators. By the nature of my business, a constant and consistent power supply is vital to any experiments or developments I work on. As such, relying on the grid introduces risk I would prefer to avoid. However, our funds are currently spread a bit thin...

Is there any chance I can offer you future designs or partnerships in the future, or our stores of data (OOC: Databases) as part of the payment?

2013-11-30, 04:17 PM


Hmmm it depends, it wont be impossible if they are not being active just a little hard, but easier if you dont have a trail. But yes it should be possible for me to track them down if you are sure they got a big number of active artefacts with them.

But how urgent is it?
Since if you want me to search for them, its gonna be a litle cheaper for you if you wait for a month as i will have more time on my hands then barring something very serious happening, i am currently resolving some small crisis that popped up(nothing to do with magic, just your usual everyday stuff, of course next month there might be an emergency).

Now if its really urgent i could spare some time for a small price namely [3 cash](if i find them that is if not, no charge fair no?), i still think it might be a little better for you to wait and take the risk, you would pay [1 cash] less, or if things are slow i just might do it for free.

2013-11-30, 05:13 PM

“Hmm, let’s see… nope, already got all that from ya earlier. Thanks for looking into it though. Got nothing on Aquatica ‘cept what you gave me, but I’ll let you know if I hear anything new about her. And you let me know if you find anything out about those old mage orders, alright?”

Alright then, could you try and find out a little about the Children of Yig’s goals? I mean, I know a decent amount about what they do, but not why they do it.
Even more specifically, I’m curious if they have any plans or prophecies of an apocalypse. Appreciate the help.

Lazarus Tech[e]
Thanks, be good to get an update on Peabody. We’ve had slow going investigating it ourselves, but we’re still following up on a couple leads.

Well, I know they’re into some dangerous magic in general, and that they’re up to something. Already one death tied to whatever it is. Still, I wouldn’t call it an emergency. Not by our standards, at least.
Tell you what, I’ll have my people keep working on it, and if we haven’t found them in a couple weeks, I’ll bring you in.

2013-11-30, 05:56 PM
Mordecai Carter

Internal [PM]
Checking my [Magic 2] database, and asking Vrin if he knows/remembers anything about the Children of Yig and what their goals are. Super-PAC asked about an apocalypse scenario - I know that the Children hunt down ancient artifacts, but why? For the artifacts' Lemurian power? Are they trying to wake up the elder gods they once sealed away, or are they seizing the artifacts to stop people from unknowingly drawing on the ancient horrors' powers and awakening them in the process? On that note, "Recently, a lot of factions have been hunting them down, quite violently in some cases." Do I know which factions, and why?

2013-11-30, 05:59 PM
Order of the Hand and Eye

East Temple Crossroads [PM]

"Hm," says the man without a name. "Did you hear that?"

Forum Explorer
2013-11-30, 06:04 PM
Knight of Blades

Mid Turn

1. He's going to help the investigator who is investigating the Blackbloods, and back him up in a fight

Knight of Blades
2. He's going to patrol the Railyards, stopping crime in general, but specifically trying to catch the metal thief in action.

2013-12-01, 12:25 AM

Internal, mostly fluff. [PM]
A glowing computer screen displays a vast battlefield set-up. Hundreds of men move across a city battlefield. The battle swings too and fro, the screen showing men and women charging each other in a mass of gunfire with artillery raining around. Clustered around a large city square a desperate struggle to capture a... flag? ensues. It soon becomes clear that the team wearing blue is sorely outmatched. The flag is captured and suddenly everyone freezes, a menu having appeared over the battle. Quit? Options? Resume? Save?

"Yes sir?"
"Why is it that in the movies they always show the nerd character playing pong or tetris? Those games are so silly and basic. Most self respecting geeks play stuff like Conquest of the Modern Era or some MOBA, or heaven forbid one of those FPS things. Pong is one of the most basic and boring games out there."
"I haven't the foggiest sir."
"Right well I suppose I should get to work, since this battles already won. Could you grab me the voice distorter, I gotta talk to the other geeks."
The shadowed figure grabs a heavy coat and a Masterhero mask from the well stocked hat rack. Dozens of different masks from many genres and styles decorate the rack, it paid to put the other end of the conversation a little off balance.

The Knight of Blades [e]
The real point here is that I do not like the black bloods. I cannot give you much more than that. Is there a way I could prove I am trustworthy? Without meeting in person that is. I would also be curious to find out why people are going after metal in Westmarket. If you would be up for some investigative jobs.

Midturn [PM]

- Complete the mosquito.
- Throw the mosquito into the Morgensten Inc systems. Untraceable will make it difficult for them to track me down if they notice.
- Gonna just use the rest of my actions to search for who has good databases and start making my way into their systems. I am untraceable and encrypted so it should be difficult for them to figure out if it was me. If they figure it out at all. I will use ready to expand to its fullest extent here. Fill those databases!

- Hacker followers are all going to practice their trade and gather some cash from the city. Targeting mostly upper middle class people. Rich enough to be worth it, poor enough not to frantically protect it to the extreme. They are going to use all remaining actions save one.
- Getaway driver is going to drive the trolley around the city to avoid the metal thieves. I'll deal with them later.

Forum Explorer
2013-12-01, 02:11 AM
The Knight of Blades

To Leyline (e-mail)
Well if you aren't willing to do things the easy way, then a good way to earn trust would be to provide information about the Blackbloods and their activities. Particularly the kidnapping of a child named Rick Brady.

Or if you can think of some other assistance that would be useful, that might work as well.

Imperial Psycho
2013-12-01, 06:19 AM
James Edison

To Lazarus Technologies [E]
Sure! Databases would be preferred, what kind of stuff do you have to offer?

As far as partnership goes, I'd be happy to work with you, but that should be a mutually beneficial arrangement rather than part of your payment, don't you think?

To Super-PAC
Turn the info over to the authorities. The more we can do to help the police take over our role, and avoid a reputation as vigilantes, the better.

To Knight of Blades [E]
What did you learn? If you're going after her, I'll help.

Forum Explorer
2013-12-01, 06:52 AM
Knight of Blades

To James Edison (email)
I found out that Vorpal is targeting the Blackbloods because they kidnapped a kid named Rick Brady. She also feels she's on a time limit before they kill the kid.

2013-12-01, 05:01 PM

Finding people who don't want to be found is something of a specialty of ours. We're happy to assist, give us what you have and we shall find this person for you.

OOC: Sorry no info on them. All I have to offer is a tech one database. If you're getting that from them I have nothing to offer

2013-12-01, 06:04 PM

Well, all we've got at the moment is a name, a likely home district, and a bit of an MO. Can you do anything with that? Still have no idea what you're capable of.

If you think you can help, I have to stress this is strictly recon atm; we're looking into the target's history right now to find out exactly how dangerous they are, whether they might be reasoned with. So I'd need you to hold off making a move against them. Deal?

Oh, and we'll get you some info on the local corporations and whatnot, don't worry about it. Anything specific you want info on right away? I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to pay us back down the line. And don't worry if you can't help with this either, we'll figure something out.

2013-12-01, 06:28 PM

With respect, it doesn't sound like you got more out of FEMA then we did, but we didn't have to sit down with them to get it. We do all sorts of infomation retrival. I myself used to belong to a group specialising in exactly that. We can do a lot with that sort of infomation, with your blessing we shall, and shall follow your lead. We won't move until you do, will back up your attack and will allow you the credit besides.

No special interest, simply looking to improve our pool of knowledge. We appreciate your cooperation in this. The Hardliners have no intention of coming out of the shadows, but our interests are closely interwoven with your own and we anticipate a continued mutually beneficial relationship.

2013-12-01, 07:38 PM

Alright then, here's my theory. The artifacts were stolen by a magical society known as the Children of Yig. I believe they're based out of Pyre Hill, so you might want to start your search there. These guys have a history of being persecuted, so they might get jumpy if someone's investigating them. I recommend staying quiet about it if possible.

The Children of Yig are a cult that specializes in Lemurian magic, and hunting down ancient artifacts. It is rumored that some of them bear ancient bloodlines from blasphemous interminglings before the dawn of time. As for Lemurian magic, it's an ancient form, developed by a prehistoric race(Lemurians) who used it to seal away a bunch of eldritch horrors. Nowadays it's possible to tap those sealed beasties for power, but it's a dangerous practice even by magical standards.

That's it for now, but we're not done investigating yet. Keep us posted, we'll do the same for you. As for Peabody, if you've hit a dead end, I'm going to try coordinating with the MRB on that one. Not my first choice, but frankly I'm pretty stumped.

2013-12-01, 08:39 PM
The Family-Mr. Edison[E]
It appears our latest email may have gotten lost. Those Shock Grenades? How much will one order get me?

OOC: Are these one-shots?

Mordeci Carter[E]
Can these Mana Gems be used to power the Boomsticks? And I see these Boomsticks are one shot only. Is that one shot per [1 MP] or just one shot, period, dot, end of story?

2013-12-01, 08:49 PM
Mordecai Carter

The Family [E]
The Mana Gems can indeed power Boomsticks - each gem has can keep one stick charged for [two turns], or two sticks for one. That's just to keep the boomsticks potent: actually using them will burn through the material of the rod. Think of them like magic grenades, if you want.

Lost Demiurge
2013-12-01, 09:16 PM

New Years Evil!

"In a shocking turn of events, the noted villain group called the Graveyard Gang seems to have assaulted the Pyre manor during the height of the New Year's Party! No demands have been made, and at present the mansion is surrounded by a ring of the walking dead. ICPD is maintaining a permimeter, and the MRB has been called, but there's no telling how this is going to go..."

Avalon, Golden Flock, James Edison, Merlin, Sharon Deckhart [PM]

The party started so well! You were rubbing elbows with the high and mighty, old bloods from the Upper Crust socializing with financeer moguls from the Banker's Dozen. Aegon Morgenstern made a quiet entrance, scowling around the room like a weathered angy badger, and the Director of the MRB himself, Mr. Carceri, slouched his way in, bummed a pack of cigarettes, and escaped to a smoking room. The Mayor's aide was present, as were a few up and rising artists from Muse Mews. On the science side of things, Dr. Gensler himself was present, quietly deflecting questions about Helios' newest project, and three members from the CCP were on hand, discussing the latest patents to cross their desk. The Junior hero and Torchbearers member Serpent Tina was there, her 9-foot tall scaled frame contrasting with her peach-colored main of hair, and rather pretty specially tailored dress, which allowed her tail freedom of movement. Police Chief Rackham, in a rather morose mood, turned up and was promptly cornered by Aegon Morgenstern, and the Golden Flock's best socialites flittered hither and yon, discussing the noble cause of animal rights, and the recent mysterious goings on in the western woods.

Then, the band in the grand hall was interrupted, as the stereo system cut out with a wail, and all eyes turned toward the stage... And two figures walking up onto it. One appeared to be a young girl in gothic attire, her face obscured by a plague doctor's mask.

The other was a woman of indeterminate age wearing a black tuxedo and white shirt, with sunglasses and a porkpie hat. Her skin was unnaturally white, and veined with blue.

"The Graveyard Gang!" The whispers and murmurs exploded through the crowd, as the goth, Whipporwill, grabbed the microphone

from a fleeing band member, and started to sing... And the FEAR hit you all. A crawling horror as her song ripped through your head, unnatural but all too real.


Avalon charged the stage, and Tombstone, without mussing her tux, grabbed him, whirled him around and threw him through a wall.

That's when one of the glass windows overlooking the hall burst inward, and a black-robed figure hauling a scythe floated in, cackling.

"All right pals, you know the drill. Jewelery, wallets, the works. Sooner you unload them, sooner we leave. Oh, and don't try to play the hero with us. We're not in the mood!" With a twisting motion he threw the scythe, and trailing a long chain, it cleaved through the stage's piano. With a flick of his wrist he brought it back to himself, grinning like a maniac...

And visible from every ground floor window, pale hands started clawing at the glass.

Zombies. There are zombies surrounding the mansion.

And Whipporwill sings her song of fear, making it hard to concentrate...

[You have the negative trait FEARFUL while you can hear her voice.]

Avalon [PM]

You appear to have landed in the kitchen. A few nervous cooks are crouching for cover and asking if you're all right. You are.

Tombstone appears to be stronger than you are, but you're not hurt. Still, your experience tells you that going toe to toe with her is gonna be dicey, all other things being even...

Golden Flock, Sharon Deckhart [PM]

The second he saw the pair take the stage, Mr. Bongo grabbed Eduard and ran. The weapons check had divested him of his pistol, but perhaps a tactical withdrawal would let them figure out a way to handle this situation.

Heading deeper into the mansion, he bursts through a door to see Sharon Deckhart and Mr. Carceri rising, frowning faintly at the distant, disquieting music. (The effect is lessened while you're in the rear of the mansion. You can't hear the fear song quite so clearly.)

People First!

"The world is changing, but people are still people!"

"Vampires are living openly in the city, and obeying its laws!"

"A literal magic shop is sending out public catalogues, offering real magic to anyone who can afford the price!"

"And so may brave heroes, now gone... And with them gone, crime is on the rise!"

"More than ever, we need heroes! Magicians, vampires, supers... They're all people, by golly! We're all in this together!"

"This message paid for by the Super-Pac."

This PR blast stirs both controversy and accord! Progressives argue the joys of living in a century where magic can flourish openly, and supers are on hand to protect this great city! Conservatives question how long it'll be before people start turning up drained and bloodless, or some demon is summoned in the middle of downtown.

Arguments between supporters of the two viewpoints are getting heated. The Conservatives are looking to Virtue to respond to what is seen as the Super-PAC's opening barrage...


"Meanwhile, in a strange bit of news, it would seem that the nearby woods are supposedly drawing evil sorcerors! According to uncredited sources, witches, warlocks, and worse are supposedly roaming the woods at night, and casting spells in an attempt to harm local wildlife!"

"Wait, what's that now Janine?"

"It's true! According to pamphlets handed out by some of the irrepressible Mr. Eduard's talking seagulls, who say that their woodland cousins have been coming to them for aid! Apparently animal sacrifices are IN this year!"

"Really now Janine... On the other hand, a local "sorceror" just released a catalog to the general public... And we have VAMPIRES not far from the woods... You think there might be some connection?"

"I couldn't say, Dave. But I wonder if he's been out in the woods lately... And I wonder if that dangerous weapon he advertised in it is actually legal to sell?"

"Say Janine, does this have anything to do with the post-christmas gifts that have been turning up on random children's windows each night? Storybooks about brave bunnies defeating evil witches, and power-hungry sorcerors?"

"I couldn't say for sure Dave, but a little bird told me it just might..."

After this story aired, the local PETA group is now picketing the Nature Reserve.

Well, trying to. There's a lot of woods, and the trails are bad. Also it's really really cold. But it doesn't matter! Nature's warriors are on the case!

Vorpal's Retreat

"A confrontation between the Knight of Blades and the Villainous Vorpal was resolved today, when the Ideal showed up to reinforce the local hero! In the face of overwhelming opposition Vorpal retreated, only to be pursued by the IDEAL's advanced VTOL! Shots rang out during the pursuit, though it looks like Vorpal has escaped to menace the Brownstones another day..."

Ideal + Unknown Watchers... [PM]

And in the middle of a frosty day, the sound of a high-performance engine fills the air, as the IDEAL's VTOL screams between the towers, pursuing a grey-clad figure swinging through them with the use of a grappling hook. Below, red and blue armor flashes in the sun, as Avalon pounds the streets pursuing implacably as neighborhood residents shout, point, and cheer him on!

After a few minutes she starts using the alleys to her advantage, scooting along on the ground, and using the grapnel for speed rather than altitude, and the VTOL loses sight of her. Avalon searches the streets for another couple of minutes while the aircraft hums overhead, trying to reaquire her...

...When shots ring out.

The VTOL heads toward a high-rise, and soldiers start to rappel over, trying to corral the shooter... And Avalon is just in the right place to see Vorpal limp out of an alley, to a waiting motorcycle. She hops on, one arm clutched over a bleeding wound, and kicks the vehicle to life, leaving him in the dust...

Annoyed Anne Droid

"Violence in the Waterfront today, as local Hero 8-Ball and recent arrival Major Disaster teamed up to flush out and confront the noted cyber-villain Anne-droid! Property damage was impressive, as the lobby and parking garage of a local Holidayz inn were devastated during the fight, but fast thinking from none other than Merlin himself managed to prevent any loss of life among onlookers!"

Hardliners, Merlin [PM]

And one hell of a fight breaks out, as Major Disaster teams up with the battlesuited hero Eight-Ball to flush the cybernetic

criminal Anne Droid out of hiding from an underground Holidayz Inn parking garage! Dozens of tiny ball drones flood down into the garage, some tazing, some unleashing sonic attacks, others scrambling her sensors with ECM! Like a mighty rhino pestered by a flock of birds, they harry her, and dodge her flailing stomps... The lumbering behemoth of her form finally blasts through two levels to hop out streetside, looking like nothing less than a walking tank... Right into the waiting arms of Major Disaster, who puts a serious dent into her chassis. Eight ball lays in the pain as well, revving his drive and rolling like a battering ram into her, knocking her into the hotel lobby! Guests shriek and run for cover, as some guy wearing a beaked hood and a feathered cape leaps at her... And is promptly hammered through the Concierge's desk, knocking him out.

As guests panic and flee, a figure wearing robes steps forward, with commandos spreading out around him. "This way! Quickly!" It's Merlin! With a few mercenaries backing him up, he manages the evacuation of the lobby, getting people away from the fighting.

And then Anne unleashes, chainguns protruding out from her shell, and minimissiles chewing up the terrain! 8-Ball's swarm of pursuing drones are blown to shreds, and Merlin's strike team narrowly escapes her overwhelming firepower, hiding behind support pillars in the lobby.

In the middle of all of this, a OPS deliveryman parks outside, runs inside dodging fire, and slides next to Merlin, with a clipboard at the ready. "Delivery for you sir?" He offers a long package, which Merlin signs for. Unsurprisingly, it's from himself, and it turns out to be... A tennis racquet?

8-Ball gears up for another roll... And is hammered by missiles. He wobbles drunkenly off-balance, is knocked back, and vanishes down the hole Anne blew, into the parking garage...

Anne turns, only to be pelted by rubble as Major Disaster uses his super-strength to throw chunks of concrete into her!

Battered, she decides to flee...

"A tennis racquet? Why am I risking my life for a tennis racquet?" The OPS man shrieks at Merlin.

"You're not, precisely." Merlin replies, watching Anne jet through the wall... Only to slam into the OPS truck that was just parked there, getting tangled in the wreckage. "Ah, there we go." He toddles toward Anne, carrying the racquet, looking at it quizzically... A look that is replaced by joyful realization, as Anne swivels a free turret, and launches a grenade in a high arc, heading toward him and the security team...

*WHACK*! It's a beautiful interception, as Merlin batters the grenade into a pile of rubble. It's one hell of an explosion, but nobody is caught in the radius.

With a metallic groan, Anne swivels another port around, pointing towards the sea... And a missile streaks away.

Then she falls still and silent, heated metal ticking down...

8-Ball is wounded. Stormcrow is Out. Aside from that, no real casualties... Amazing given the amount of ordnance Anne was slinging around...

Ironclad Alibis
Family, Charlie[PM]

It's a hell of a pursuit. Charlie's a freaking ninja in the city, but the kid is much slower. Eventually the kid starts shedding parts, peeling them off in sheets to move faster.

But the thugs in pursuit know the streets around here a lot better, and Gladiator is implacable.

Finally, they're run to ground in a cul-de-sac, the armored form of Gladiator blocking the main way out, "Hey, wait! I just want to talk, promise!" He speaks...

The kid, (Female, now that her armor's off, save for a face mask,) backs against a wall. "I ain't done anything! Who the hell are you people! What do you want with me?"

Tatzyl Trouble!
"And in a completely unexpected twist of events, a large dragonlike creature burst out from underneath the museum, causing considerable damage to the Egyptian wing before being subdued by the ancient Sumerian Lord Gilgamesh, who wrestled the thing into a chokehold before an armor clad hero on a motorcycle killed it with some sort of energy weapon!"

"WOW, Dave! What was a dragon doing under the museum?"

"Couldn't say, Janine... We tried to reach Professor Pyre for comment, but he was rushed off the scene to IC Hospital. Apparently the creature was a poison breather..."

"How horrible! Uh, is Gilgamesh okay?"

"Hahaha! No worries Janine, takes way more than a little poison to put down a mythic hero! By all accounts he stopped to eat some hoagies from the snack shop, regaining his strength before heading out, muttering about an appointment to keep..."

"And wasn't a local lobbyist on hand, too?"

"Yes, Janine! The head of Virtue, Pierce Honnette was on hand, after having called in a squad of ICPD's finest! They acquitted themselves well against the creature, distracting it away from a few civilians including Professor Pyre himself..."

Garren Gomar, Foundation, Gilgamesh, Virtue [PM]

And as the creature rears to strike... Garren blasts it, and runs away with the Professor and the Foundation agents following. The Professor coughs as the creature's breath weakens his muscles, slowing and staggering... Garren's blasts don't hurt the massive creature, but do draw its attention...

...As Gilgamesh makes a mighty leap, grabs its muzzle between his mighty thews, and wrestles the thing to the ground, punching it in the nose whenever it tries to draw back! This gives the mysterious rider opportunity to blast the creature, and he puts a few energy bolts into its scaly body! Scales are blown off with explosions not unlike firecrackers, as the thing roars in pain... And slams Gilgamesh into the ground. His immortal frame immediately heals, but he's still shocked into drawing a breath of poison... And his arms weaken.

The beast roars free, and its all he can do to hang onto a tendril as it bursts up the tunnel back to the museum, causing Garren and the Foundation agents to dive aside as it comes thundering out! Pierce Honnette takes a look, draws the cops back, and commands them to open fire! They put bullets into the thing, shattering one of its eyes. It roars, whips around, and surges through the corridors, swiping down the cops with its tail as it goes. It bursts up a floor through the egyptology exhibit, and swings Gilgamesh around for a proper chomp as Egyptian artifacts go flying, sarcophagi fly open, mummies spill all about...

And Gilgamesh darts loose, grabs a flying sarcophagus, and with his fading strength, brings it down on the creature's spine.

Holding it, for just a few seconds.

A few seconds is all it takes for the Rider to come roaring out of the tunnel on his motorcycle, levelling the gun, which announces "TRIGGER OVERDRIVE!" (Yes, the GUN announces it.)

There's a flash of brilliant light as the gun blasts it with a pumpkin-sized energy ball, and the creature flares... And is reduced to smoking bones.

The Beat Cops are Out.
Professor Pyre inhaled some Tatzylwyrm breath, and is evacced via ambulance.
Gilgamesh recovers from his injuries, and shrugs off the poison after a bit.

Rumble in the Rustbelt!

"And to nobody's great surprise, a conflict with the Black Bloods gang in the Rustbelt neighborhood ended in bloodshed! However, this fight was different than most. We go to the reporter on scene, Susan Dainy..."

"Hello! I'm here at the abandoned Compton Ironworks, where foreign hero and recent immigrant Gilgamesh has just SINGLE-HANDEDLY and while UNARMED, taken down an entire dozen Black gblood gangers armed with various firearms, knives, and clubs!

Though he attempted parley followed by nonlethal takedown, the Black Bloods neither retreated nor held back, and most of them are now dead, after Gilgamesh was forced to defend himself... Gilgamesh! Your majesty! Do you have any comments for our viewers?"

Gilgamesh, Observers [PM]

Gilgamesh is already in motion as the lead punk takes the shot, running low to avoid it, then leaping into the middle of the nearest mob like a panther! Panicky shots go wide, a few clip him inflicting minor grazes, but he never stops moving as he shatters jaws, breaks ribs, and bodily throws them into each other. Eight of them are down before the people in the back of the compound start running forward... And he hoists one comatose ganger in each arm, using them as human shields as he charges them. They fire anyway, killing his hostages... And the back four drop their guns, pull out needles, and shoot up with something. While Gilgamesh tears through the first rank of gunmen, they shriek and roar as their muscles ripple, and black tarlike liquid starts flying out of their mouths like drool. They charge him, moving WAY too fast, arms flashing as they try to claw him.

They're strong. Whatever drugs they're on give them berserker rage, deaden their nerves so that they feel no pain, amp up their systems so that they're on pure adrenaline...

But this is Gilgamesh, Last Lord of Uruk. He's faced many a berserker in his day, and today is no different. He is forced to kill them before they stop fighting.

And as the last one drops, and his few scratches and bruises fade as his body heals, he hears clicks behind him and turns...

To see a small crowd of reporters snapping photos, and recording his victory.

Huh. Now how did these journalists get here so quickly?

Laboratories and Lies
Lazarus [PM]

In the middle of the night, you take a van down towards Peabody Labs, and stop a few miles away. Sneaking through the woods, your soldier's augmentations assist in manuvering quietly through the snow.

You stop with the lit shadow of Peabody labs visible through the woodline, and send the agent forward to scout... And in less than three minutes, you hear shouts! Peering through the trees, you see him running desperately back for cover... Then automatic weapons tear out, and he falls.

There are lights coming this way. Now what?

Argyle's Antiquities
Mordecai, Merlin, Order of the Hand [PM]

Paradigm glares as Merlin responds, then drops his finger.

"Eight for da Merlin," says the Troll.

"Your GAME, old man. What are you playing?"

"Eight going once."

"Answer me!"

Merlin leaves.

"Eight going twice!"

Paradigm lifts a hand... And hesitates. He looks to Mordecai's apprentice, to the woman with the mismatched eyes, hurrying back carrying a gold ingot in one hand.

"Tch. I see... Well, fine. Don't think I won't remember this, though. You haven't heard the last of me!"

He turns and leaves through the crowd.

"Sold, to the Merlin for [8 cash!]

The lady walks over, hands over the bar of gold to Mordecai's apprentice. "Here. [3 cash] worth of gold. The lady's favor to your master is done."

The troll appears to be waiting for payment.

Order of the Hand and Eye
East Street Temple [PM]

"Hear what?" The Low Master looks puzzled.

Internal [PM]

It's a hell of a fight. (You can read Tatzyl Troubles) above. Soon it moves out of here, and you're able to examine the artifacts in the ensuing peace and quiet as people either flee or pursue the monster.

There are five crates, all of them opened. Some of them are picked through, and stone statues are strewn about. Some are broken. Oddly enough, a few are magical, minor enchantments mostly.

There are no gemmed statues at all among them. The snake statue is not present.

Knight of Blades
Internal [PM]

Given the information you've gained so far, and the description from the police report, Shortcut and the Investigator are able to pound the pavements and get some serious gumshoe work done. The Knight of Blades' reputation helps here, as people are eager to help the hometown do-gooder! The Black Bloods are busy dealing with their own woes, and they fail to interfere with the legwork.

You pinpoint a location where the kid is probably being held. It's a basement of an old tenement, in the Public Housing neighborhood. There's a group of Black Bloods guarding it, and probably more down there.

Sadly, the Knight of Blades' patrol doesn't go as well. The Railyards are a lot of ground to cover, and there's lots of hiding places and out of the way nooks. The thefts continue, undeterred.

to Merlin [P]

"Good day Merlin. I understand that you're asking for classified information? What for?"

After a bit of discussion...

"Hm. It sounds like you need more regional information on the local players. Someone on the heroic side of things probably has that data. We're rather removed from the scene, and all. Let me see... Ah. The local Metahuman Response Bureau likely has files. You should talk to them, if you want [A Powers Database.] We'll go ahead and put in a good word for you, see if that eases their minds on giving you access."

to Sergei [P]

"What? Pff. You know we're not going to talk about jobs we might or might not have, Sergei Baby. Nice try!"

to Sergei [P]

"Urg... I don't think much... Of your backup, old man. But I'm out, no thanks to you. Got a place I can go to ground for a while? Help me out here and I'll not call you a liar for failing to back me up."

Internal [PM]

Fort Steyer accepts your application, and you are shown to barracks, and put into basic training. Your days are filled with sergeants shouting at you, and grueling hard labor... Which you manage easily enough. Your nights are filled with medical classes... Which you ace fairly well.

This is going to continue for months. But at the end of it, you're going to be a certified medic.

Oh, and your Commanding Officer wants to know if you want to sleep in the barracks, or if you prefer off-base housing.

(There are small apartments and houses scattered around the area of the base. It's kind of low-quality, but there's tons of NCOs and their families around as neighbors.

Banker's Dozen
to Lazarus [PM]

The man smiles. "Either's good, report as you prefer. But if you report regularly, than we'll be more willing to offer an extension if the worst happens and you find yourself short of your payment."

(The interest will be 3 cash. So you'll owe them 13 cash if you repay on Turn 6. Of course, you can repay earlier for less.)

to Golden Flock [P]

"No one know what they do with the bodies, man. No one. Best we can tell is they carry them off into Westmarket somewhere."

to Limpeza Chama [P]

"We're looking into the matter, friend. If you come across any information concerning those cases, please let us know. Aside from that, well, you can look at the public releases, same as anyone else."

He gives you a website, which contains the publicly released police reports. You get some basic information on the homicides, all of them were home breakins followed by violence and theft.

Professor Vector
to Sergei [E]

"6 cash? Hmf! Rapscallion of a Russian! Usurer!" A sigh. "That said, FEMA... Yes, if FEMA's involved, I'd best at least know the score. [6 cash], but not up front. [3] up front, the remainder to be paid upon delivery. But I want evidence, I want data, I want samples, got it? Whatever's to be had, I WANT it."

"Do you agree to this deal?"

Internal [PM]

Charlie can't think of too many ways to track a shapeshifter just by knowing that it's a shapeshifter. Something that can turn into anything is probably pretty hard to track down.

Die Kriegers
to Virtue [e]

You get an angry email, demanding to know what you're planning to do about Super-Pac's upcoming propaganda campaign!

East Temple Meeting
Mara [PM]

The demon continues to look bored. Now that the deal's done, there's no bargain to be had. "Clandestine... We'd prefer you keep things secret, unless it's something like an all-out attack. You're a big girl, use your judgement."

"Information about the Outsider? Well, he's a powerful human sorceror. Tries to keep the balance from being upset. Doesn't usually become active unless there's a large magical threat around."

"You're going to have a devil of a time tracking him down... But that's your problem, not mine."

to Trifecta [M]

And a letter returns, a few days later.

You know the drill. Keep your noses clean. Don't make us come down there.

to Mordecai [P]

"Good evening, Mister Mordecai. We just saw a copy of your catalog. We were wondering if you might have time to come down to the station and answer a few questions about these "Boomstick" things you're selling to people? Y'know, we've been reading the catalog over, and we don't see any disclaimers about not selling to criminials, or having background checks, or things of that nature."

"Just a touch concerned. We'll see you at 8 AM tomorrow at the Barside Station, Mr. Mordecai. Feel free to bring a lawyer, if you like."

to Trifecta [P]

"Oh, well, hello there! That's an interesting question. There's no real hard and fast rules on sentient monsters, since those critters are so rare! Haha! But from what I understand, the local MRB's got a "judge each one case-by-case basis."

"I can tell you that our boys and blue would sure as heck call in the MRB if we found one! Hahaha! Are you a monster? My position.... Hm... Well, can you legally vote? Haha! No, seriously, I'm neutral really. City Hall trusts our local MRB to do the right thing."

"As to the junkyard, well, some of it is getting recycled. Various industries around the city purchase scavenging rights and pay by the pound for scrap from there! So in a sense it IS getting recycled! Hahaha! Mind you, that stuff's dangerous sometimes. When Doctor Dire's Dreadnaught got dumped there last year, well, it caused some damage when it finally self-destructed. That's why we put the junkyard there and keep people clear, so that potentially dangerous stuff doesn't mess up my nice city! Hahaha!!!"

Fort Steyer
to Trifecta [E]

Dear Strider. While we're flattered by your choice, and would like nothing more than to give every true patriot a chance to show their colors, I'm afraid that we have to abide by the United States Code of Military Justice in regards to hiring practices. And right now the UCMJ doesn't have any provision for hiring nonhuman sapients. Which is a pity, because you sound like a skilled and handy fellow to have around. Given your capabilities, we recommend that you talk with the MRB, see if they can set you up, maybe help you become a hero. We look forward to working with you to build a better city in the years to come!

Lt. Poole.

Watchmen [E]

Sometimes heroes give us a hard time, man, we kinda jumped the gun with 8-ball. But that was a misunderstanding. He's hunting a vill right now, and we're fine with that.

As far as Die Kriegers... Yeah, those guys are bad news. We'll keep our ears open, but understand you didn't hear it from us. And we might ask a favor in return. That cool?

At the Party [PM]

Professor Pyre is absent from the party. A backer of the Historical society is there instead, but she's able to answer Sharon's questions.

"Miss, I fear your suspicions are misaimed. The Museum's got quite a surplus of Tesla's work and devices, and they trade overseas to other museums and foundations for quite a bit in return. And honestly, six months is quite below the average time for things to be inventoried. We've got quite the backlog, and not enough volunteers and paid personnel to see to the mater, I fear. Though our storage is normally quite good... This theft was the exception, not the standard."Later at the party, Sharon finds Mr. Carceri waiting for her, in a smoking room.

He's a grey man in a cheap grey suit, with grey eyes, grey hair, and greyish skin. He's moodily sucking on a Marlboro, and there's a grey briefcase by his side. As she talks, Mr. Carceri sighs.

"Damn FEMA. This, this is the sort of thing that we need to be informed about. If I know them, they're busy burning down the barn after the horse has left."

"Shapeshifter... Hmph. Well, it's unlikely to be magical. A few of our boys did some astral practice yesterday and... Just happened... To wander past there. No magical traces whatsoever. So someone was likely twisting science around again. Happens. Damn, if this is Professor Vector's work, we're in for a world of hurt-"

*CRASH* goes a window nearby, and then things get interesting...

Internal [PM]

Teleportation Magic is tricky stuff. You need a high magic level to do it safely. Dream magic is weird, but handy stuff.

Cursed items are nasty things, there's countless types of curses out there, all of them annoying. You can indeed contact 8-Ball.

You start the PR initiative...

John Smith
Internal [PM]

Your humanbot takes the job! It's... Pretty boring. Well within his capabilities.

The security cameras are a snap to hack. Soon he's got plenty of footage of things around the Minimarts. [You gain 1 Influence - Minimarts].

Tol'grim installs heightened security devices around his "lair." As far as the most used email servers... Well heck, there's a ton of traffic around here. He's gonna have to pick a target.

(Choose a faction to attempt to hack, if you wish to do so.)

FEMA Meeting
Foundation, Ideal

(Sorry, Database I plus Database I does not equal Database II. You'll have to research a better database, or find someone with a level II and offer them something for it. Or swipe one from someone.)

Icon City Heroes [E]

There's a bit of banter at Edison's comment. One of the local heroes says that they saw some folks heading that way that looked pretty heroic, though he doesn't know who's all over there.There's some talk about chipping in for the server, but the locals don't seem to have much cash to spare.Mention of the Phantasm draws some mockery about jumping at ghosts, and a few people snapping at the others to show respect. The man died fighting nazis for pete's sake, saved the whole city more than once.

A Meeting in the Snow
Hardliners [PM]

The Smith does his work, and the Orrus drones probe about. They pierce kennel security easily, and he tallies the dogs...

But finds no irregularities.

He also has no luck retrieving DNA traces. Perhaps if he was a biologist... But alas, robotics doesn't do much with DNA.

Honestly though, the prints are days old. He doesn't know much about the field, but he thinks the odds of getting a clean DNA sample from them are pretty small.

Free Basing!
Hardliners [PM]

Detective Vacky's efforts to bust perps don't go so well. Most of the drug trade seems to be taking place in the off-base housing, and those folks get clannish when outsiders start poking around. Before too long a few MP's track Vacky down, and politely ask him what he's doing outside of his jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, the 69rs fail utterly to set up. The local pushers aren't afraid to resort to violence, and there's enough of them that the 69rs probably can't displace them without help...

2013-12-01, 09:41 PM
Limpeza Chama

To the Super-PAC
There is little to tell that is not readily apparent. The lord has blessed us with the power to make this world a better place. And we do what we can to carry out his work. Beyond simply purging criminals we also do what we can to help our local communities thrive and grow by building infrastructure, teaching those who wish to learn, and providing medical assistance. Of course this city is much more developed than our normal missions, and we are still getting ourselves established. So we will have to see what we can eventually provide along those lines.

As for your request we will see what we can research, but our order is still quite young. And while we do have archives they are not as extensive as we would like.

Do I know anything about the Children of Yig or Aequitas Rex beyond whats in the database?

2013-12-01, 10:02 PM
Order of the Hand and Eye

Internal [PM]

Solomon frowns, trying to remember if Mattias had mentioned any other gemmed statues in the collection. There were three possible options here, he thought. It was possible that the tulpa-serpent statue was the only one with gems, which he didn't think likely. Alternatively, every gemmed statue could have been targeted, either because the thieves didn't know which one they were looking for or because all of the statues with gems were the target, and the tulpa just got caught up in the net. That seemed more possible, and led into the third option, which was that the thieves had stolen the gemmed statues with the intent of prying the stones out and selling them, jewels being easier to fence than distinctive African artwork. A quick check of local jewelers should settle that question.

While he was thinking, he began idly collecting the magical statues that remained. No sense letting them languish in storage and be forgotten, after all. It was interesting, he thought, that the thieves hadn't taken them as well. It suggested that, despite the beast they had (presumably) used to dig the tunnel, the thieves weren't actually accomplished magicians, or cared less about objects of power than that arcane brotherhood usually did.

Action Summary: Going to collect the magic stuff and remember if there were other gemmed statues in the collection. Solomon will lurk about for a little while longer to observe the heroes and authorities, because my next action depends on whether or not the serpent was the only statue with jewels.

East Temple Crossroads [PM]

"You didn't hear that? Odd sound from off that way." The dry man indicated the general direction of the feeling he had felt.

Argyle's Antiquities [PM]

"Hm," said the man with the silver tie clip, watching Paradigm. He adjusted his suit and left without another word.

2013-12-01, 10:05 PM
Lazarus Technologies

To James Edison (E)
We can offer you the fundamentals of any field you wish. (OOC: Any level 1 Database(s)) Though the actual exchange of information would have to wait until next month. My people are spread a bit thin attempting to round up investment so I can fund my first product, and I don't really have anyone I can spare.

In payment, I could offer you future aid in a specific venture. A favor to be repaid. In some combination with Cash and Databases. What would you prefer?

A partnership would be a separate offer though, you are correct, and an offer we'd be interested in.

To Mordecai Carter (E)

I was curious as to whether you would be willing to help me learn moderate techniques and natures of magick (Database - Magic 2) in exchange for the basic fundamentals of another two fields. (Any set of 2 Level 1 Databases) Or Cash payment, or future favors, or our own designs. I am not too picky as to what I offer.

And any exchange would occur next month, as I don't currently have the people to properly transfer the information.

Laboratories and Lies (PM)
OOC: Well... That could have gone better. Probably should have expected FEMA to be prepared for something like this, but damage is done.

To the best of Lazarus' ability (and following the guard's lead because I feel he's more experienced with these situations), fall deeper into the woods and try to avoid the lights. Lazarus uses his talents to sense people incoming so he can direct his follower to places where there is a lack of people, and they head in a direction away from the van. If FEMA finds the vehicle, that is unfortunate but not horrible. Without finding Lazarus or the guard, they should assume the agent was on his own and not pursue any further. Hopefully.

If they're on my trail, try to get them to split up to search ground, then use Lazarus (or the guard, whichever is convenient) to knock one out that can get me on an escape path out. Or kill him silently, if that is necessary. If I have the time, stop a moment to change Lazarus' face into the knocked out soldier and take his uniform. Ideally move towards the van, but if that's blocked then just get away from the people. Aim for taking out another one too, change my follower's appearance to his, and get him the uniform as well. That should let us get by relatively easily and get to the van and out. Actually, if I do get in the situation of having both my people shapechanged into the soldiers, I'll reweigh my options. I may be able to get into the Labs at that point...

Heal the doctor or guard if they need it, keep them going with Lazarus.

If I have to just hunker down in the forest for the night and wait them out, I think I have the abilities to keep my people healthy. And eliminate any individuals going for me. I doubt they really want to search the entire woods over a single intruder. Especially with whatever beastie is already out there. Groups could be an issue though... If that ever comes up, guard and Lazarus work together to eliminate them while minimizing casualties to myself.

A clarification though, is my agent dead or just mortally wounded? Because I'd like to try to pick him up if he's still alive. Lazarus should be able to tell from experience and from talents.

2013-12-01, 10:25 PM
Merlin surveyed the wreckage of the hotel and punched a number in his cell phone. "Sorry about that Bastet, I must be getting rusty." Hanging up he noticed a text from his chief aid. "Well that must be what the mirror and the lemons were for... No, wait, let me check my files on that. Hm, not a lot on fresh fruit killing zombies. No time like the present to check I suppose."

Would I be able to access some basic powers files?
Operations and the librarians will transport 1000 lemons and 1 full sized mirror to the Gala.

2013-12-01, 10:45 PM

Limpeza Chama[e]
[Following the rather formal letter complete with brochure, new correspondence arrives via e-mail]
I appreciate your looking into this matter for us. If you’re ever looking for information on the local government or corporations, we should be able to help you get acclimated.

Magister Fivsby, head of supernatural relations, Superhuman Political Action Committee

Icon City Insider[p]
[Influence 6]
“Where’s all this information about witches and animal sacrifices coming from? Is it just from the Golden Flock, or is there evidence supporting it? If this is legitimate, we’d like any info that might lead us to those responsible. If not, we’d like it redacted. Sentiment against the magical community is just what we don’t need to coincide with the launching of People First. Whatever the truth of the matter is, we need to work to resolve this quickly.”

Good to hear the business with 8-ball is settled.
Keep us informed about Die Kriegers, and we’ll help you out how we can.

Sharon at the party[Golden Flock, MRB][PM]
“We were guessing it was science based, but it’s good to hear a second opinion…”
Sharon cringed reflexively as the door flew inward. Sequestered with Carceri, she’d been completely tuning out the rising commotion from the main hall, but now it seemed the commotion had come to them. Next moment she and Fivsby were both on their feet, each one trying to talk over the other as they berated the gorilla in the doorway.
“Oy, what’s the meaning of this? Can’t just barge in uninvited! What’s that god-awful music? Private meeting, you know! Hey, what is that music? Wasn’t a jazz band playing? Woah, look, Mr. Gorilla, didn’t mean to upset you, don’t look at me like that! Hold on, why are the squadcars outside flashing their lights all of a sudden? Hey look, there’s a man outside the window, looks like he might be sick, he’s stumbling around a lot…”

Ok, so the funding I raised for the PR initiative is covering commercial costs, but not much else, is that right?

Sharon’s power is loosely based off the Mad Scientist example you presented in the TW Central thread. Does she have Schrodinger’s Purse full o’ useful gadgets, or did the weapons check deprive her of that stuff?

2013-12-01, 10:49 PM

"]Okay, Mr Eduardo! Got a response from the client, and he says he wants whatever data, evidence, samples and stuff your boys can snag from Peabody Labs. He'll pay [2 Cash] upfront for it, and [3 Cash] once the job is done; that's [5 Cash] in total for snooping around. That sound good?

"]Heya lady! As you know by now, the job is done! Send the moolah over right soon arright, ol' Sergei's got peeps to pay!

"]"Wut? Aw, nuts. Din make it in time..."

"Tell yer wut, if ye can come o'er t' 'e Sin City in Muse Mews, Sergei'll let yer shack up in mah dig fer now, arright? Den we be lookin' at yer hurts 'n figurin' out wha' t' do from 'ere, ey?"

"]"Hey, Sergei gotta ask, man! Sergei dun care too much 'bout wha' ye all be doin', but ye know well as 'nyone Sergei's got guys out runnin' errands 'ere 'n dere all 'e time, 'n it wun do t' haf two groups runnin' smack into each other wit'out warning, dig?"

"Eh, seems like tha' not be an issue no more, either way. Thanks fer talkin', eh pal?"

"]Hey hey, chill there Mister Professor Man! You know well as anyone that Sergei can't be agreeing to anything on his own tack, no? No, Sergei's got to find the right sort of guy who'd agree to your deal, no?

That said, Sergei's already got someone in mind. I'll get back to you snap quick, once I have an answer, kay?


"]"Armor up, missy. I think things are about to get a tad messy, here."

Charlie said to the kid, in a casual manner. Turning on his feet, Charlie spun around to face Gladiator, keeping his head low so as to obscure his already bland features. Having divested himself of his hoodie, Gladiator could see that he was a pale-skinned young man with jet-black hair, dressed simply in a t-shirt and frayed jeans; really unassuming, for the most part.

"Sure you just want to talk, Gladiator. Same thing every two-bit thug says, when he's got a bunch of guys with guns backing him up. Just talking, right?"

Charlie said, addressing his counterpart in a voice dripping with sarcasm. While he stayed where he was, Charlie flexed his wrists once, twice.

"Tell me something. How useful do you think your gun-toters are going to be, this time?"

"]Spending one VIP action from Charlie. Using [Powers 2] Database to recall what he knows about Gladiator in particular, and his [Anti-Power Tactical Acumen] to determine how best to counter Gladiator's Powers and abilities, what are his chances of besting Gladiator using just his own Levels ([Martial Artist 2], [Adaptive Combatant 1], and [Resourceful 1], as well as [Parkour Master 1] for dodging attacks)? What about if he sucker-punches the kid to drain her blood, and put his Power into play?

2013-12-01, 11:13 PM
Mordecai Carter

Argyle's Antiques (attn. Merlin) [PM]
Mordecai's assistant gratefully takes the gold and thanks Bastet's courier. "That escalated quickly," he muttered under his breath. There was nothing but thin air where Merlin had just been standing. "Where did he get off to? They're still expecting him to pay..."

OOC: Mabn, Merlin still needs to designate Mordecai as his associate to pay for and receive the location. And confirm that you're tossing in [1 Cash].

Lazarus Technologies [E]
Greetings. I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid it doesn't quite add up like that. The more advanced information I have on magic... it's esoteric stuff. Dangerous. I'm glad that you're interested, but I'm hesitant to reveal those secrets to just anyone. If you're looking to gain an understanding of the basics, I'd be happy to trade the information of [Magic 1] for one of your topics.

Mordecai draws a few glances as he walks to the Barside police station. He had dressed up in a white business shirt and navy blue slacks, before covering those clothes almost entirely with his wizard's robe. Not the flowing kind with accompanying pointy hat, of course - tried that, once, nearly broke his arm falling down the stairs - but a more modernized look, not unlike a greatcoat.

He entered the station and walked up to the front desk. "Mordecai Carter," he announced. "I've got a meeting with... somebody."

The receptionist consulted a document, then glanced at the clock. It was 8:03.

"You're late, Mr. Carter," he remarked.

Mordecai shook his head. "A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to."

"Isn't that from a book?"

"What? No... no, you must be mistaken." He takes a seat.

2013-12-01, 11:55 PM
Time to crash the party then. Can I spend 2 of my organizational actions along with the last use of my rider to help the MRB crash the party? Get everything I can find out about the graveyard gang from my database before moving my men in. Also call the MRB for permission to deploy on the attack at the Manor.

"What the hell was that?" the man asks, holstering his gun, walking over to Gilgamesh, striding through the smoke that once was the beast and helping him to his feet.

"Hey dude, you okay?" Kevin asks Garren as he and Sarah help him to his feet.

2013-12-02, 12:09 AM
OOC: I could have swore I did, oh well (Wait, videoconferencing is mysterious to you assistant? I thought you were from modern day?). Merlin's representative presents documents to that effect.

2013-12-02, 12:28 AM

Antiques [PM]
OOC: Ah right, videoconferencing - had been roleplaying like you were there so I forgot about that, and thought you disappeared. Whatever.

Mordecai's apprentice approaches the troll once Merlin's representative has given the location rights to Mordecai in his stead. "[8 Cash], ready to trade upon receipt of the prize," he says. "Some of it's in gold, hope that isn't a problem."

Forum Explorer
2013-12-02, 01:01 AM
Knight of Blades

To Vorpal (e-mail)
RE: Methods

We were cut off before we could really talk about this, but I mentioned how your methods weren't very effective. Case and point, I know the likely location that Rick Brady is being kept at, and I didn't need to kill anyone.

Now if you are willing to use non-lethal methods, I'll give you the location and we can rescue him together.


2013-12-02, 01:24 AM

OOC: I can't help but feel like Avalon kinda just got Worf'd (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect). Not that I mind terribly.

Avalon gets up, shaking off brick dust as he stands up in the..kitchen? He turns to see some cooks, who ask him if he's alright.. "Oh yah, I'm fine. Sorry about your..uh...wall. One second, I have to make a call."

He taps the side of his helmet, activating the com system the Engineer had installed the day he arrived. "Engineer? It's Avalon."

"Oh, Avalon! What a pleasant surprise! I was just-

"No time. I need everything you can find about a group called the Graveyard Gang. It seems they've decided to crash the party."

"Oh really? How exciting! What happened!"

There's a pause before Avalon responds. "One of them started singing, and then another one threw me through a wall."

"Oh, are you okay! What am I saying, of course you are. Well then, I'll let Coldwell know so he can scramble the troops, I'll call you back if I find anything about the gang."

With a sigh, Avalon gets ready to get back into the fight.

Right, The Engineer is calling for reinforcements, which will end up supplementing the ICPD and MRB guys outside. Hopefully, they'll be able to help keep the zombies contained.

The Engineer is going to start hunting for anything she can on the Graveyard Gang. I'm pretty sure it's not in my databases, but perhaps it's in the Government Databases? I'll make that her second action for the turn if I have to.

Avalon is going to start looking around in the kitchen/rubble-that-was-once-a-wall for two things:

1. Something that could be used as an improved melee weapon. A length of large sturdy pipe or something along those lines. Even better if it conducts electricity well, and could conduct the electricity from his Shock-Bolt Gloves.

2. A large, heavy, throw-able piece of something or other (LHTPS, for short).

The idea, (depending on what, if anything, I'm able to find out from my databases) is that Avalon will come partway back through the hole he was thrown though, throw the LHTPS at Whipporwill, hopefully taking her down and stopping her song. Then, he's going to come through the hole swinging for the fences at this Tombstone character with a electrified piece of pipe.

It occurs to me that I don't really know exactly what Avalon's Powerhouse powerset entails. In general terms, super strength/toughness, of course. But what are the limits to that? Basically, I just want to be able to judge Avalon's strength/toughness against threats. I don't want to be having him walk into any nuclear explosions, assuming he's tough enough to take it.

Oh, another question. I'm assuming that my Ideal Soldiers were unable to catch the shooter at Vorpal's Retreat?

2013-12-02, 01:34 AM
Lazarus Technologies

To Mordecai Carter (E)
Completely understandable. I have yet to get any detailed information, so I wasn't exactly sure the knowledge involved. (OOC: Only have Level 1 things so I don't know the jump in secrets from 1 to 2.) And I already spent some time with Gilgamesh learning the basics of magick, so I thank you for the offer but it is not necessary.

Well, if I have any need for magic items in the future, which I may as I can see some venues of research that would benefit a merging of technology and magic, I will contact you. And if you ever need biological or technological products, I hope you will keep us in mind.

To Professor Vector (P)
OOC: I kinda doubt he has a listed phone number, but I'll try and see if this works.

"Hello, Professor Vector? This is Professor Lazarus. You heard anything of Peabody Labs or know anything of the raid? Some facts and rumors have come to my attention that makes me worried what exactly they were pursuing. FEMA's involvement only serves to prove something dangerous was going on. I only hope they're competent enough to handle it on their own instead of getting one of us experts in the field, but I still feel like doing whatever I can to help.

And, on a more unrelated note, I was hoping we could establish some sort of a dialogue with yourself due to your talents and specialty being similar to my own.'"

To Merlin (E)
Greetings again!

I was wondering if you'd be available to help teach me and my staff some deeper aspects of the magickal tradition. (OOC: Another Database trade for Magic 2) I have learned the basics in my first few weeks here in the city, but I feel it could be beneficial to learn whatever else I can. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure what else I can offer you that you don't already have. Would you be interested and what would you want for the teaching?

2013-12-02, 04:44 AM
Gilgamesh and the Press

The Hero grins, wiping some blood off his face.
"Ladies and Gents! Welcome! Now, just "Gilgamesh" will do nicely! I have no holdings, no titles and no subjects, so I am certainly not a king!"
He pauses to drag a few of the fallen black bloods into a lose pile, then puts one foot on top of them, one hand against his waist, posing for the cameras with a fierce grin.
"Now. What happened here is quite simple. The Watchmen gave me a quest to prove myself worthy: to rid this district of the Black Bloods who terrorize it. Of course, I accepted."
He frowns at the pile of bodies and rearranges it a bid, so that the berserkers are a bit more visible and the guns spilled on the ground are pushed to the foreground.
"I tried, of course, to make the Black Bloods several peaceful offers. To buy the district from them or to let them join me instead. They did not accept. I tried to subdue them peacefully, but they took berserker drugs, so I had to kill them all."
Stepping down from the stack of corpses, he leans closer to the cameras for a close-up shot, showing off his bloodied beard, interwoven with a dozen golden rings.
"So, remember. Don't take drugs or you might start drooling black liquid, turn into a crazed warrior and be taken down by an ancient hero. Me."
Scratching the blood off his beard, he continues.
"They fired the first shot, they violated guest rights, they refused treaty. I see only one conclusion. War. I, Gilgamesh of Uruk, am declaring war on the Black Bloods."

Gilgamesh at the Museum

"Tatzelwyrm. Poisonous relative of the Lindwyrm. Nasty things. SOMEONE BRING ME FOOD! I HUNGER! Also, a knife, I want a trophy. Thank you."
As he walks to the snack shop, Gilgamesh pauses next to the crushed sarcophagus.
"You mis-translated this. That's not pharaoh Djedefre, that's his bastard son, Hamadi."

2013-12-02, 05:36 AM
Somewhere in a cave a man and his dog Kaiju were joking and waiting for an answer from their email, the laptop pinged as it received a new email, and after reading it the man sighed.

"........damn i forgot about those laws Strider...sorry looks like they aint hiring....unless you wish for us to speak to the MRB to get hired"

Strider let out a low growl that was another idea down the drain.

"Nah i think instead i am gonna take up Mara's offer, at least i will do something useful that way".

"Okay so...i suppose time for plan c"

Now it was time for Tempest to shine, although truth be told he hated plan c.

Fort Steyer[e]

I see, i thank you for your time and your understanding with laws that i was unfamiliar with, i will see what can be done.
May you win any battles that come.

-Strider(written by a friend)


((picking a fight with the fighting maniac....who answers their letters XD))

Come close to where Strider lives and i will assume you will try something and i will make you regret it.
-Tempest, I aint backing down from a fight suckas.

What do you mean officers?, my nose is clean, cleaner than that of someone over in Alabama that is......i admit i felt a little freaked out and cooed in amazement when i saw it.
On unrelated note, i will contact you later for stuff you might be interested in knowing.

ps: Would you pay for the location of the Locus?
-Mara, The testosterone is strong in Tempest.


"Nope i am fully human as far as i am aware, and no worries i doubt my friend actually fits in a booth of any sorts, unless its whale sized and he still would make write those x's terribly"

A giant snort was heard from the phone followed by a "O,really?"

"Mm he dint like my compliment of his size, perhaps i will help him become a musician instead, although i remember something about the Convention District having an arena, i dont suppose its a fighting arena?"

"Well that clears it up, heard rumours about Dr.Dire, hmm anyway thank you for your time Mayor, see ya".

East Temple Meeting[PM]

Mara snorted, if the demon was any more bored he would be sleeping.

"Well now this is gonna be fun...and dull, oh well looks like the master of the goblin market is gonna be paid a visit again, by the way, it was his recommendation that landed me here, so there you go, knowing who to thank".

"See ya Sir"

With the deal done and no more questions Mara changed her illusion a little bit to make people think she was someone else and left the temple.

2013-12-02, 07:22 AM
Golden Flock

Sergei [M]

Mr. Sergei, Peabody Labs are guarded by people with flamethrowers and enough firepower to bring down Gilgamesh. FEMA doesn't joke. However, I will investigate alternative means of obtaining information.


Thank you so much for your support. I'm glad that there are humans who wish to coexist peacefully, rather then kill and exploit. I feel that for too long the victims of the Powers and Wizards have been ignored. The Super-PAC's propaganda - this People First speaks of wizards, powers and super-scientists - but animals? No. Animals ain't people. Do they talk about the wizards enslaving animals as familiars or sacrificing them, scientists and labs preforming twisted experiments and Powers crimes against animals? No... They don't even notice it. My heart aches. Their victims mutilated, tortured and traumatized deserve a chance at natural life. And that I pledge to give them. A home where they can lead their lives in natural environment, safe from prosecution, I shall give them.

Ms. Derkhard, MRB [PM]

Eduard shakes his head to come to his senses, after being carried by Mr. Bongo. He spots Director Carceri and immediately addresses him: ''Mr. Carceri, the party is under attack by the Graveyard Gang.'' As it turns out being chatterbox parrot has its perks - as Eduard fires words like machine gun to describe what’s happening in just a few moments. ''What should we do?'' he asks Mr. Carceri clearly expecting director of MRB to take charge, whether it is to fight back or just sit tight and wait for rescue.

Mr. Bongo growls at the background, muttering something about mansion security and olden days of villain party crashing.

Internal [PM]

[Jet Pack Minion Past 1]: Mr. Bongo was a supervillain minion - he knows how these robberies go - any insights? He should have seen the security - I expect to guard all the nobs it had to be pretty tight. So how did Graveyard manage to take them out without making a sound to burst on the party like that. Possibility of inside job? Does it feel like regular heist or is it one of those ‘’robbery distractions’’, while the real objective of the villains is somewhere else? Basically what’s Bongo’s feel on the situation?

P.S. Totally expected something like that to happen. Should have prepared something I guess, but I decided to just wing it.

P.S.S. Those undead - dug out of graves or fresh looking? I’m wondering if there’s Bad Blood connection here.


Any animals at the mansion by chance? Maybe the rich nobs here have a private zoo? M&S 2 Database should give me some clue...


I’d like one of the reporters to slip him a tip, that Bad Bloods are holding hostages somewhere in the Urban Blight...

Ratson’s Crew

1. Gilgamesh & Press won’t be there forever, stick with bodies plan - in case Bad Bloods try to retrieve their dead.

2. Check the scents in the warehouse and see why Bad Bloods defended it - but careful about them drugs. My reporters on site can be of help.

Gilgamesh [Mail]

Mr. Gilgamesh, your deeds are catching the attention of the people of the Icon City. I would like to ask you, if you’d like to have an agent, a man who will spread word of your deeds and exploits to the people?

Vorpal [M]

[Rumor Monger]: (She’ll know the offer is legit)

I’d be willing to pay [1] Cash for the whole story of what happened this month - from your confrontation with Bad Bloods to your fight with heroes.

2013-12-02, 07:26 AM
Gilgamesh to the GOlden Flock [mail]

"Oh, so far, the press seems quite sufficient. But from how you are asking, you are offering a deal?"

2013-12-02, 07:33 AM
"Don't think you'll need one," the armoured man replies to Gilgamesh's request, gesturing at the smoking bones, picking one up and tossing it at him.

Flipping the two switches on his buckle off, his armour vanishes in another flash of blue light, he proceeds to unclips the buckle and place it into one of his larger pockets.

"See you when there's trouble," he says, waving goodbye to Gilgamesh, mounting his bike and speeding off.

"And there goes Mr Dramatic Exit," Kevin chuckles, rolling his eyes at the rider as he sped off.

2013-12-02, 08:27 AM

Super-Pac (e)
Certainly enough to make a fine start. We'll let you know if we turn anything up. We have a contact at Helios who may be able to tell you more about Lazarus. Contact details attached. Btw, we don't mean to step on your professional toes but do you require assistance at the party?

Merlin PM
The Major flies down to Merlin and Salutes Thanks for the assistance sir. That could have got bloody before I brought it down if not for you. You look like you were expect ing her. You know what she was planning?

Internal PM
Send the details of the Smith's man in Helios to Super-Pac (im assuming a contractor would still have a company email?

The major will take stormcrow and 8ball to the hospital. Take their suits back to the base for safe keeping, make sure 8ball knows how to contact us to get it back

Take Ann droid back to base also. Fit her with a command and control collar. Willing to invest as much TP, actions and cash required. How much will it take.

Also spend an action to learn what we can from 8ball's suit and sensors.

And I didn't get an update on the father figure thing.

2013-12-02, 08:44 AM
Golden Flock

Gilgamesh [M]

Well, Press is just tip of the iceberg. There’s merchandising, comic books, movie deals, endorsements. People of our age show their admiration and adulation for the heroes by buying their imagery, following their example and reading stories about them.

What I need is permission from you to produce objects bearing your image like - tee-shirts with your picture, replica chariots or artist representation of your fights - for example your recent conquest of that dragon. I would also need you to tell of your exploits so they could be published in all their glory - and perhaps negotiate your appearances at feasts and gatherings of importance.

As I’ve mentioned people of our age quite often express their worship of heroes through money. For my services I’ll ask to keep the 25% of it, while the rest would flow to you.

2013-12-02, 08:45 AM
Gilgames at the Museum [PM]

"Who was he? Never mentioned his name. I like his style."

Gilgamesh to the Goblin Market [mail]
Would there theoretically be a market for the bones of a Tatzelwyrm?

Gilgamesh to the Golden Flock mail]

"Not a bad deal. But I want the right to veto any merchandise I consider either undignified or in some other way as misrepresenting my myself. Furthermore, I want to reserve the right to be identified as the sole inventor and owner of all items of the Gilgamesh brand and reserve the right to recall the license at any time.

I suggest you draft up a contract and mail me a copy."

2013-12-02, 09:14 AM
The Family[Internal]
Am I able to read the Pyre Mansion Party stuff? I didn't see my name in the list of who could read it. I had Marissa use an action to get in. If so....

How are people reacting? Are they actually handing over their money, jewellry and such? Could Marissa use [Charmspeak 2] to make nice with the Graveyard Gang and convince those holdouts to hand it over?