View Full Version : Race/Style/Aspect System

2013-11-22, 10:57 PM
The system breaks up advancement into three different categories: Your race, your fighting style, and your elemental aspect. Each category has options, with examples below:

Race (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Gargoyle)
Style (1-Handed Blades, Shield, Staff, Archery, Fists, Instrument)
Aspect (Fire, Earth, Illusion, Nature, Holy, Space, Lightning)

Each option has 5 levels. You start off your first level in a Race Option. When you gain enough experience to reach another level, you may choose a new category or advance in one of your existing categories. You can have up to two races (if say you are a mixed breed), three styles, and three aspects. However, the maximum level is 20. So you can mix and match depending on how you envision your character. Example of character level skeletons below:

Martial Master (Human [5], 1-Handed Blades [5], Shield [5], Archery [5])
Elven Stormblade (Elf [5], 1-Handed Blades [5], Space [5], Lightning [5])
Stone Dwarf (Dwarf [5], Earth [5], Gargoyle [5], Shadow [5])

And a skeleton of each category:

Race [1]: Gain a Feat, base race benefits.
Race [2]: Gain a Feat, subrace benefits. (i.e. Wood Elf vs High Elf)
Race [3]: Gain a Feat, improvement of base race.
Race [4]: Gain a Feat, improvement of subrace.
Race [5]: Gain a Feat, bonus to favored Style and Aspect.

Style [1]: Proficiency with chosen style. Basic maneuver.
Style [2]: Gain a Stance, advanced maneuver.
Style [3]: Gain a Stance, improve basic maneuver.
Style [4]: Gain a Stance, improve advanced maneuver.
Style [5]: Gain a Stance, combine an Aspect with a Style (i.e. Storm + Lightning = Shoot Lightning Arrows) -or- combine two Styles (1-Handed Blade + Shield = Sword & Board)

Aspect [1]: Attunement with chosen aspect. Basic spell.
Aspect [2]: Gain a Passive, advanced spell.
Aspect [3]: Gain a Passive, improve basic spell.
Aspect [4]: Gain a Passive, improve advanced spell.
Aspect [5]: Gain a Passive, shape Style into your Aspect (i.e. Archery + Lightning = Lightning spells are more accurate and travel farther) -or- combine two Aspects (Lightning + Wind = Storm magic)

2013-11-27, 09:53 PM
This needs MUCH more detail. While that "outline" may make perfect sense to you and synopsizes things perfectly to someone who knows the system (and therefor doesn't need the synopsis) it does not help people who do not know your system.

You should elaborate.

2013-11-27, 11:26 PM
You know, throw in a die mechanic and some more crunch, and you've got yourself something completely workable. Keep it up.