View Full Version : Day of the Doctor Deliberative Delictation: a Challenge!

2013-11-23, 02:25 PM
Happy Day of the Doctor!

Alright, as a special bit of fun for this special day (the 50th Anniversary of the sci-fi show Doctor Who), I want to offer/reoffer a few apropos challenges.

- All 3.5 materials allowed; 3.0 retro-compatibility allowed for things not reprinted or updated. Special preference given for elegantly sticking to less exotic sources. No third party materials.

- You may submit designs for any one or all of the challenges.

- Avoid controversial RAW interpretations; although they can be used, designs lacking them will rate higher than those that don't.


1.) A variation on a classic (much like the Doctor) that has been done before: Build for a Time Lord. Less common than "Build for the Doctor," I'm just looking for a way to replicate racial abilities using templates, class levels, established races, and so on. Established abilities include:
- Resistance to energy of some kind: in the show, it's seen as a kind of cellular ability to redirect and emit absorbed energy, but the overall effect is that time lords are hard to hurt with energy.
- Massive Intelligence
- Very long-lived
- Regenerate: When a time lord's body dies, their mind is transferred to a new body. There is apparently a limit (12 times), but that is less relevant than establishing this ability.
- Highly efficient cardiovascular system: Umm...impress me.:smallsmile:

2.) Build for the TARDIS. Make me a machine, magical of course, that can do what the TARDIS does. Extra points for not just plunking teleport through time onto a block of adamantine.

3.) Build for the TARDIS consciousness: In one of my favorite episodes, the TARDIS is transferred into a human body. Keys here include:
- At-will access to knowledge of the distant past and the distant future
- Ability to create items/effects that replicate features of the TARDIS machine, including time travel, spatial relocation, dimension-bending storage, shielding to block damage
- Telepathy at as great a range as possible

4.) Build me a sonic screwdriver: At the basic level, it opens doors. But, as the series went on, it can do a stupidly large number of things, apparently by causing spatial/energy vibrations at a distance. Haha, well, it does more than prestidigitation at will, so there's a start. The more of the established list your build can accomplish, the better.
- Opens/locks doors at range
- Trips traps of certain kinds
- Helps build things
- Detects signals
- Causes malfunctions in electronic equipment (best analogue is to make it effect magic items, I think)
- Can be used to power other items

REWARDS: Cookies? I will personally travel forward in time and then return with a winning lottery number for you. I may also commission some kind of award illustration that can be sig'd, depending on demand.

Alright, happy time travels!

Dr. Cliché
2013-11-23, 03:00 PM
Some thoughts for others to expand on:

- Regenerate: When a time lord's body dies, their mind is transferred to a new body. There is apparently a limit (12 times), but that is less relevant than establishing this ability.

What about the Death Delver prestige class? Their final ability is Nine lives - if they'd die, they return to life on -9hp and stabilise. Can only activate 9 times - after that, they can die normally.

About the closest thing I can think off to the doctor's limited regenerations, but I'll be interested to see of others have something better.

- Highly efficient cardiovascular system: Umm...impress me.:smallsmile:

How about some Silthilar grafts?

Healing Blood - Fast Healing 2.

And, better yet, Silthilar Heart - once every 24hrs, if their hp would drop below 1, without killing them, they immediately heal 4d8+20hp.

Is that efficient enough? :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-23, 04:05 PM
The best regeneration analogue is the phoenix from MM2. But being a 20HD flying fire bird might be slightly hard to fit into a build.

Maybe true mind switch combined with some form of polymorphing..?

Red Fel
2013-11-23, 04:24 PM
For a Time Lord, I would probably go with Elan. Long-lived, check. Aberration (Gallifreyans are aliens with two hearts, so of course they have an unusual physiology), check. Elan racial abilities can be used (to a small extent) to replicate energy resistance. Further, as I recall, Gallifreyans are also latently psychic, (particularly the Master) which fits nicely with the Elan Psionic flavor.

Choosing a class is a bit trickier, since the Time Lords vary wildly. The Doctor could be a Factotum, for example, while the Master might be a Thrallherd, the Rani an Artificer, or Omega an Archmage or some sort of super-Cleric. From a racial perspective... Hmm. It'd take some dipping to grab all of the necessary features. Clearly the classes would need to be Int- or Wis-focused, perhaps with Cha sub-focus. The average physical classes need not apply.

2013-11-23, 05:49 PM
Well apparently a 12-fold Dvarti each of who have taken the Pun Pun ascension.

Piggy Knowles
2013-11-23, 06:02 PM
Honestly, I think the best way to represent Time Lord regeneration would be a contingent Last Breath/Reincarnate effect. This will bring the Time Lord back in a totally new body with no level loss. Best of all, it can explain the Doctor's crazy intelligence, if he aged enough to get mental stat boosts before regenerating, then came back in a fresh body.

Anyhow, here was my attempt at a Doctor build from a while back:

OK, here's my thought:

Half-elf (human heritage per Races of Destiny sidebar), Bard 1/Artificer 2/Factotum 3/Death Delver 10/Ardent Dilettante 4

Flaw: Noncombatant, (any other)

1. Factotum1- Able Learner, Wedded to History, Nymph's Kiss
Inspiration, cunning insight, cunning knowledge, trapfinding
2. Bard1-
Bardic music, bardic knowledge, soothing voice, inspire awe, fascinate
3. Artificer1- Scribe Scroll, Item Familiar
Artificer knowledge, artisan bonus, disable trap, item creation, craft reserve 20
4. Artificer2- Brew Potion
Craft reserve 40
5. Factotum2-
Arcane dilettante (1 spell)
6. Factotum3- Heroic Destiny
Brains over brawn, cunning defense
7. Death Delver1-
Deathsense, rebuke undead
8. Death Delver2-
Deadened soul, spontaneous casting
9. Death Delver3- Fearless Destiny
Death ward 1/day
10. Death Delver4- Diehard
11. Death Delver5-
Fear aura
12. Death Delver6- Healing Devotion
Death ward 2/day
13. Death Delver7-
Cheat death
14. Death Delver8-
Mantle of life
15. Death Delver9- Run
Death ward 3/day
16. Death Delver10-
Nine lives
17. Ardent Dilettante1-
Heightened senses, lore
18. Ardent Dilettante2- Font of Inspiration
19. Ardent Dilettante3-
Joie de vivre
20. Ardent Dilettante4- Font of Inspiration
Sense Link

Item Familiar:
"Sonic Screwdriver" - Heavily invest UMD and maybe Open Lock into this. Enchant it with knock, some fun detection-style spells and possibly mage hand and prestidigitation.

For your own skill ranks, Diplomacy, Bluff, UMD, Perform (technobabble), Perform (stirring speech about the nature of humanity), and a lot of knowledge skills. Maybe some craft here and there, but a permanent item of magecraft would do just as well.

For some interesting abilities...

"No, seriously, stop trying to kill me while I talk at you for a while." - Soothing Voice. Make a diplomacy check to instill calm emotions on an enemy. Because the doctor needs to have room to talk, dangit.

"I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up." - Inspire Awe, fear aura. Suddenly the enemies realized you're actually a terrible Time Lord and that you're about to do something unspeakable to them. A fear aura you can turn on, and you can more or less extend it as long as you keep talking by combining it with Inspire Awe.

Immortal - Wedded to History. You're not only immortal, you're one of a kind. You could have a starring role in every history book ever written...

Sonic Screwdriver - You've got a screwdriver that can open just about anything, operate any magical technological device, move things from afar, cause sparks, etc.

Brains Over Brawn - OK, you're not big and strong. But dang you're smart, and Brains over brawn means you add your Intelligence bonus to all Strength, Dex or Con checks.

Hard to Kill - Dang, you're pretty hard to kill. Death Ward means a lot of things simply don't effect you. Your inspiration points and Heroic Destiny give you even more defenses. And once each day when something DOES actually reduce you to -10 or below HP, Fearless Destiny kicks in and you instead are set at -9 HP. Oh yeah, and then Healing Devotion gives you fast healing.

Many Regenerations - OK, Fearless Destiny has been used for the day, or someone zaps you with a death ray. What now, big man? Oh, nothing much, just scratch off a life from the Doctor's Nine Lives ability. Combine with a Hat of Disguise and a funny accent for a total change. Maybe this time you've got a North accent - plenty of planets have a North!

"Aren't mind melds a Vulcan thing?" - Clairaudience/clairvoyance, sense link and various other spells let you see into the minds, and through the eyes, of others.

Absorbing Damage, Drinking Poison, etc. - Death Delver spells. They're not flashy, but rather are all defensive in nature and let you gain protection from energy, or neutralize poison, or whatever.

Juryrigging - Sometimes the Doctor needs to make items do things they were never intended to do. No problem for you, just use your artificer infusions and your pimped out UMD scores to do just that. Bonus points for the Spell Storing Item infusion to give things really silly powers.

Superhuman Sensation - You've got scent, and all your other senses are heightened.

Joie de vivre - Sometimes you can be down about all the things you've done in your long and storied past, but your lust for life inspires such hope in others. No, seriously, it does - you inspire others as though by a good hope spell.

Run - Trust me. Run.

2013-11-23, 06:05 PM
Piggy, I've seen your build before and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread.

2013-11-24, 07:26 PM
The honorary self-bump. I will avoid commenting on stuff to avoid biasing any submissions, should there be interest to actually make any.

If you all just want to throw ideas around, that is equally cool, in my mind.