View Full Version : Dumbledore

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-12, 03:21 PM
Who do you think is a better dumbledore?

Oh sorry Richard Harris is the Dumbledore for movies 1 and 2 and Michael Gambon has been dumbldore for the rest.

Personally I much prefered Richard Harris' dumbledore. He fit the role better.

I particularly disliked the role of dumbledore in the last movie (goblet) because in the books dumbly is ALWAYS calm and collected and composed. Whereas in the movie dumbly looked eratic and startled. Angry and a little crazy at times. But I'm not sure if that is the directers fault of Michaels.

2007-01-12, 04:31 PM
I prefer Richard Harris, too. They have way different styles of acting, and I think Michael Gambon is better off playing Gandalf. Richard just fit the character better.

2007-01-12, 04:37 PM
I prefer Richard Harris, too. They have way different styles of acting, and I think Michael Gambon is better off playing Gandalf. Richard just fit the character better.
Michael Gambon never played Gandalf. That was Ian McKellen (ie: Magneto)

I always felt Richard Harris was somewhat lacking in portraying Dumbledore. He did quite well for the serious side, but not so well for the fun-loving side.
Gambon, however, plays the fun loving side quite well, but the serious side .. not so much.

I rather think Ian McKellen would have MADE an excellent Dumbledore, but they won't change actors unless they have to.

So my vote is - neither.

2007-01-12, 04:39 PM
Richard Harris - RIP

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-12, 04:59 PM
Looks like a clean sweep so far. I was guessing that people like Harris better but I was expecting a few people to put a vote in for Micheal.

2007-01-12, 05:32 PM
Ach! I loved Richard Harris as Dumbledore. Both as fun and as serious. I didn't like the new one at all. I think Ian McKellen should try being the new Dumbledore.

2007-01-12, 05:39 PM
Harris is better but you have to love Gambon's style. I don't think he's even read the books.

2007-01-13, 12:54 AM
Harris is better but you have to love Gambon's style. I don't think he's even read the books.

He admits that he hasn't. So far, that hasn't hurt his style too much--its certainly not the Dumbledore most people expected, but Gambon is still interesting, and a decent actor.

That said, I wish Ian McKellen was playing Dumbledore. Ian McKellan is awesome.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-15, 01:08 PM
He admits that he hasn't. So far, that hasn't hurt his style too much--its certainly not the Dumbledore most people expected, but Gambon is still interesting, and a decent actor.

That said, I wish Ian McKellen was playing Dumbledore. Ian McKellan is awesome.

Yes that would be cool!

Gambon would be fine if he would stop acting shocked and erratic, that's the biggest thing that bugs me.

2007-01-17, 01:45 AM
Definitely prefer the original Dumbledore, new one is too eratic and harsh.

Avarial's Bow
2007-01-17, 04:17 PM
The old one had better acting capabilities, but he was like an old man. He had none of the vibrance and power that Dumbledore was supposed to have. The new one is more powerful, but screwed up Dumbledore's character with weird emotional outbursts. In my opinion, neither are very good.

Teal Kuinshi
2007-01-17, 08:39 PM
Harris always seemed a little...frail, I suppose, which Dumbledore is not. I think that the second Dumbledore fits the part better.