View Full Version : time to face the music....

2013-11-24, 05:15 PM
what is the worst consequence you have face for a decision you had not meant to happen in a game

2013-11-24, 06:01 PM
Chucking the final dungeon into the sun with telekinesis. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298547)

2013-11-24, 08:12 PM
Storm call on a copper boat...

2013-11-24, 08:22 PM
A player had their character be convinced by a shapeshifting marilith devotee of Zuggtmoy that a demon pact was a good thing. The demon pact was actually fairly favorable, as Zuggtmoy's benefit (beyond corrupting the character) was plot-related. Anyway, the character ended up sleeping with the marilith seductress (she was, happily, in a different form).

Well, this was all quite expected/par for the course. Scroll ahead...time has passed, and the character is now in a totally different part of the plot. Well, he's met a powerful fey lady npc, a kind of quest giver. She decides she has a thing for this character, and lo and behold, more coupling ensues. This also seemed fine.

Except...well, the DM is reminded of the previous coupling by the player, and the DM is reminded that he had intended to saddle the character with a variation on the "vile seed" concept (which entails adding half-fiend to an unborn child) as part of a "extra gift from Zuggtmoy." Woops. Now the character has bedded a powerful fey npc while under a curse to create fiendish children.

This almost threw my whole plot for a loop. But, after a moment of patient thought, it actually all worked out fairly well. The fey woman gave birth to the reincarnation of one of the evil villains from the ancient history, who had been manipulating events to engineer his own rebirth. They liked the plot twist, everyone got a laugh out of my moment of exasperation, and the game was pretty successful overall. It was, in the end, only one of many different subplots woven into the main conflict.

2013-11-24, 08:28 PM
A player had their character be convinced by a shapeshifting marilith devotee of Zuggtmoy that a demon pact was a good thing. The demon pact was actually fairly favorable, as Zuggtmoy's benefit (beyond corrupting the character) was plot-related. Anyway, the character ended up sleeping with the marilith seductress (she was, happily, in a different form).

Well, this was all quite expected/par for the course. Scroll ahead...time has passed, and the character is now in a totally different part of the plot. Well, he's met a powerful fey lady npc, a kind of quest giver. She decides she has a thing for this character, and lo and behold, more coupling ensues. This also seemed fine.

Except...well, the DM is reminded of the previous coupling by the player, and the DM is reminded that he had intended to saddle the character with a variation on the "vile seed" concept (which entails adding half-fiend to an unborn child) as part of a "extra gift from Zuggtmoy." Woops. Now the character has bedded a powerful fey npc while under a curse to create fiendish children.

This almost threw my whole plot for a loop. But, after a moment of patient thought, it actually all worked out fairly well. The fey woman gave birth to the reincarnation of one of the evil villains from the ancient history, who had been manipulating events to engineer his own rebirth. They liked the plot twist, everyone got a laugh out of my moment of exasperation, and the game was pretty successful overall. It was, in the end, only one of many different subplots woven into the main conflict.

remember, always practice safe courtship rituals when dealing with demonic entities.

worst consequence I've had is probably accidentally killing every plot important NPC at once by blowing up a mage city's port with the spark orison... long story.

2013-11-25, 02:15 AM
I wanted to dip momf.

the dm said that I'd need to find some kind of tutor to teach me how to shapeshift.

not a real rule for momf, but I thought that sounded kind of fun, and I like it when players get individual rp hooks, so I thought it sounded like a good idea.

we're sailing on a ship, as we'll do, and a storm crashes us into an island (no save or real opportunity to avoid) and we find ourselves in a cerci's island type scenario.

cerci welcomes the party to the island and due to some shady behavior, we are wary of her. I see she's some kind of homebrew shapeshifting monster in disguise, so I assume this is my momf tutor.

dm pulls me aside and says for the next day or so, she begins training me and having me change my form, a long, arduous process that leaves me exhausted and helpless. sounds good.

when this is done, she rapes me.

I have no opportunity for a save or any attempt to intervene. this essentially happens in flashback form and it is relayed to me.

my character tells his wife (another party member) about this, says "screw the alliance we have with her, I want this bitch dead." she agrees. we can easily repair our own boat once she's dispatched and leave this island.

we go to the throne room, I get past the royal guards with glibness up, roll knowledge devotion, polymorph into naga, and bite the bejeezus out of her with travel devotion, dealing con damage.

she is severely wounded and the rest of the party pings her for some more damage and wears her down. we kill her shortly. she assumes final form, some kind of wolf/human hybrid. I spit poison on her until she reaches 0 con and dies while she grapples with the party beatstick.

we mop up henchmen and call it for the night.

the dm and I... had words.

2013-11-25, 02:38 AM
I wanted to dip momf.

the dm said that I'd need to find some kind of tutor to teach me how to shapeshift.

not a real rule for momf, but I thought that sounded kind of fun, and I like it when players get individual rp hooks, so I thought it sounded like a good idea.

we're sailing on a ship, as we'll do, and a storm crashes us into an island (no save or real opportunity to avoid) and we find ourselves in a cerci's island type scenario.

cerci welcomes the party to the island and due to some shady behavior, we are wary of her. I see she's some kind of homebrew shapeshifting monster in disguise, so I assume this is my momf tutor.

dm pulls me aside and says for the next day or so, she begins training me and having me change my form, a long, arduous process that leaves me exhausted and helpless. sounds good.

when this is done, she rapes me.

I have no opportunity for a save or any attempt to intervene. this essentially happens in flashback form and it is relayed to me.

my character tells his wife (another party member) about this, says "screw the alliance we have with her, I want this bitch dead." she agrees. we can easily repair our own boat once she's dispatched and leave this island.

we go to the throne room, I get past the royal guards with glibness up, roll knowledge devotion, polymorph into naga, and bite the bejeezus out of her with travel devotion, dealing con damage.

she is severely wounded and the rest of the party pings her for some more damage and wears her down. we kill her shortly. she assumes final form, some kind of wolf/human hybrid. I spit poison on her until she reaches 0 con and dies while she grapples with the party beatstick.

we mop up henchmen and call it for the night.

the dm and I... had words.

To be fair, there is no way a normally rational person would have seen that coming. Even if you thought the DM was up to some shenanigans, the most one might suspect is that the Shapeshifter would take you hostage, or at worst attempt to kill you. Barring extraordinary circumstances, players shouldn't ever expect out-of-the-blue rape, nor should they. I can imagine your following exchange was quite...heated.

2013-11-25, 10:56 AM
To be fair, there is no way a normally rational person would have seen that coming. Even if you thought the DM was up to some shenanigans, the most one might suspect is that the Shapeshifter would take you hostage, or at worst attempt to kill you. Barring extraordinary circumstances, players shouldn't ever expect out-of-the-blue rape, nor should they. I can imagine your following exchange was quite...heated.

I agree with you. That's pretty much what I thought what I would happen, that she wouldn't let us leave and we'd have to fight. It was indeed.

2013-11-25, 11:11 AM
Not a game I was in, but a friend told me about a game he was in where they were told the title was "The Immortals!". So first session, they get in a firefight with somebody in a street. My friend says "Hey, we should be immortal, lets shoot the gas tank of the car we are hiding behind to take out all the bad guys!"

It turned out that the part where their characters were supposed to become Immortal was later, so the campaign ended before it started. . .

2013-11-25, 11:42 AM
Not a game I was in, but a friend told me about a game he was in where they were told the title was "The Immortals!". So first session, they get in a firefight with somebody in a street. My friend says "Hey, we should be immortal, lets shoot the gas tank of the car we are hiding behind to take out all the bad guys!"

It turned out that the part where their characters were supposed to become Immortal was later, so the campaign ended before it started. . .

That's wonderful. Reminds me of the gasoline fight in Zoolander.

Sooooo I was in a campaign a while back in which the DM was reading a lot of Song of Ice and Fire and watching a lot of Breaking Bad, and got it into his head that his campaign should be extremely dangerous, dark, and gritty. By golly, it was.

The first two sessions (which I wasn't there for) killed off the entire original party, and most of the party's second characters. Two of the second party survive by making up a massive lie to a terrifying dwarven mob boss. At this point, I joined.

Most of the campaign was spent allying with another criminal syndicate to bring down the first. In the process, we doomed a stranded colony of Azers to extinction, started a forest fire that killed a bunch of elven settlers (and may I mention that the fire was started as a cover-up for murder, and we were allies of the elves), contracted with assassins, ruined the career of a public servant, started a riot, murdered a dwarven prostitute (the primary love interest of our target, the dwarven mob boss), managed to kill the dwarf mob boss (despite the fact that he was about CR 14, and we were about level 4), and booked it out of town.

Turned out the rival gang was playing us. With their biggest rival dead, they were able to conquer the city, while we barely escaped with our lives.

We did make some great memories, though. At one point, we thought we were going through a fire-themed dungeon, but it turned out that it was essentially a dying colony of Azers stranded from the plane of fire (as written above). We started seriously getting suspicious soon after we murdered an azer guard in the middle of a hallway. Thinking quickly, our sorcerer spread the blood on the walls in the phrase "I wish I was a woman." With any luck, we figured, the azers will just think that they should have been more sensitive to gender identity issues. What else would have made him/her bash in his/her own head with an axe? We still occasionally shout at each other, "WHY WEREN'T WE MORE SENSITIVE TO GENDER IDENTITY ISSUES?!"

One of the azers survived and tracked us down, trying to get revenge for his colony. He was supposed to be a recurring antagonist, but, unsurprisingly, we murdered him horribly.

2013-11-25, 11:56 AM
We were playing Tomb of Horrors in Faerun that our DM had converted to 3.5 from the original 1st edition adventure (not the 3.5 version from the WotC website)

To make a long story short, we are surviving as best we can until our mid level characters encountered the demilich at the end.

We are outclassed. Luckily our Samurai had the gem that allowed a (cursed) wish and promptly wished for us to be where the gem was originally from.

In true wish-tastic terrible thing happening to us, we were transported to the other side of Faerun and stuck during the Time of Troubles with none of our accumulated treasure from the Tomb the we had received!