View Full Version : Need help selecting Spontaneous spells for Ultimate Magus 3.P

2013-11-24, 08:10 PM
Hey guys and gals, I'm making an npc for a 3.P game I'm running and I need some advice.

The Character in question is a Bard 1/ Wizard 5/ Incantatrix 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Ultimate Magus 10.

She's getting 9th level spells from the wizard/sorcerer list on both her spontaneous and prepared sides. I need some help determining what spells she should know for spontaneous casting. Especially for her singular 9th level spell known.

The fact that she has wizard spells that she can prepare each day makes things more complicated. Oh, before I forget shes got enchantment, evocation and necromany banned on her wizard side.

I guess a follow up question would be; what ability score should I focus on more? Charisma or Intelligence? Would it be more important to have higher save dcs and slightly more bonus spells on my Sublime chord side or vice versa?