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2013-11-24, 08:22 PM
This is where the game will take place. Please remember to update your character sheets as things happen. This is located at

For this game I will post the scene in detail. Hidden doors and the conspicuous areas containing them will most likely not be pointed out unless they are meant to be obvious. After I post, I will not post again until everyone has included DONE at the end of their post or 48 hours have passed. Whichever comes first. When I post it will be as if you all did your actions at the same time and I will resolve dual actions. Feel free to pass your turn until my next post by posting DONE by itself. For combat, I will post after each action and state whose next. If you dont' post within 48 hours, I will post for you.

Finally, if you leave the company for another job, please feel free to remain in the game. I will continue to dm if I leave as well.

Well then, let's get started...ahem...

You are currently in the city of Melvaunt. The town is know for blacksmithing and it is very evident as the skies are always blackened with smoke. The area has temperate weather on the side of being cold. It is currently summer however, it feels more like early spring. The air is cool though not enough to harm even the most scantly clad slave. However, people usually dress in warmer clothes for comfort. The population is known to be kurt to strangers and the administration is not much better. The town is ruled by a council of merchants who rule for their own and the cities prosperity.

You were captured by the guards of the city. The details of your capture are up to you. Law abiding players have made up charges and less law abiding players have legit charges. The guards were particularly rough and have stabbed you through the left hand which is now bandaged but has a ache thrumming through your arm. You are in a dungeon chained to the wall. There are 2 others in the cell with you...

2013-11-24, 08:31 PM
Are the other two in the room with me conscious? I would like to take note of their appearance.

If so, I will greet them with my name, Dedreth.

"My name is Dedreth. Who would you folks happen to be?"

2013-11-24, 08:49 PM
I gaze around the room examining the other captives. I look at the chains holding my hands determining the complexity of the binding. I stare at the door trying to figure out the best way to escape. All of this is done in silence, ignoring the call of my fellow captives.


Justin King
2013-11-24, 10:31 PM
I try to engage the others. Introduce myself, very jovially as "Prince Caliban of the Roads." See if I can get every body relaxed and making light of the situation.

I also use my casual conversation and charm to subtly find out as much as I can about the others in the room. While also using my engineering knowledge to examine our bonds and see if there was a way around them

2013-11-24, 10:40 PM
I try to engage the others. Introduce myself, very jovially as "Prince Caliban of the Roads." See if I can get every body relaxed and making light of the situation.

"Prince? Surely your authority would ignore any trivial matter which would land you in here. What grand scheme have you concocted for your incarceration?"

Justin King
2013-11-24, 10:56 PM
Ho, I am Prince of the Road. I am beholden to none. Ruler of my own life. It has been many a night that a good natured party has ended with me in a cell, or in a ditch, or an alley with no memories of the previous night and a splitting headache. (laughs loudly) Good times must have been had by all! And what do you remember of the wonderful eve before?

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:00 PM
I gaze around the room examining the other captives. I look at the chains holding my hands determining the complexity of the binding. I stare at the door trying to figure out the best way to escape. All of this is done in silence, ignoring the call of my fellow captives.

"And you little man......who might you be? seeing as we are stuck here together and all? may as well enjoy the company, eh?"

2013-11-24, 11:01 PM
"Surely, good times don't put people in cells. Rather, actions...

And ruler of your own life....? *Chuckles* Our lives are not as insignificant as they may seem. There are great powers which vie over your soul for ever greater power beholden to them.

It is this desire for power which brought me here to this cell. Some spirits have trouble departing their loved ones, memorable locations, and luscious objects. I have dedicated many years to helping these misbegotten souls to the next world. It is a tragic event when I was accused of dark magic for giving my assistance to the Gods."

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:05 PM
"Surely, good times don't put people in cells. Rather, actions...

And ruler of your own life....? *Chuckles* Our lives are not as insignificant as they may seem. There are great powers which vie over your soul for ever greater power beholden to them.

It is this desire for power which brought me here to this cell. Some spirits have trouble departing their loved ones, memorable locations, and luscious objects. I have dedicated many years to helping these misbegotten souls to the next world. It is a tragic event when I was accused of dark magic for giving my assistance to the Gods."

"Some people in power just cannot stand to see others enjoying themselves....as said, I am a stranger here in this city and may have misunderstood some of the laws and customs of the land. It happens....."
(laughs loudly)

2013-11-24, 11:07 PM
"Indeed, these customs are most peculiar. I take it neither of us know much of them."


Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:09 PM
I would like to look at all bonds and any structural weaknesses where the chains atttatch to the walls, and the rivets in the chains looking for any thing I may exploit. using my engineering knowledge.

2013-11-24, 11:09 PM
looking over at the other captives, i shake my head at them then go back to staring at the door. under my breath, i mutter "tall people" with malice.


Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:11 PM
"Indeed, these customs are most peculiar. I take it neither of us know much of them."


"Perhaps jointly, my lady, we may find a way out of our current predicament."

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:14 PM
looking over at the other captives, i shake my head at them then go back to staring at the door. under my breath, i mutter "tall people" with malice.


"Perhaps, my small friend, a drink when we get out........you seem very disagreeable, I must show you a good time!"

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:17 PM
may I get a brief description of you guys, I don't want to look at your character sheets, but I would like to know what I'm seeing.:smallwink:

2013-11-24, 11:17 PM
still staring forward he mutters "a drink he says. bah"


2013-11-24, 11:20 PM
my characters appearance

a short scruffy half-ling, he has very short hair, and no distinguishing features. he wears dirty baggy clothes, had has a span of rope running all over his body, which several pouches are attached to.

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:22 PM
still staring forward he mutters "a drink he says. bah"

Laughs heartily
"I have yet to see an ailment that I night of wine, song and women couldn't cure!

Justin King
2013-11-24, 11:24 PM
I myself am elvish in appearance with tanned skin. Extremely good looking and charming. Long brownish hair. loose flowey blue cotton wraps (think desert nomad) and a white silk sash around waist with brown leather riding boots.

2013-11-24, 11:24 PM
Black robes cover most of her body, excluding her hands and face which are tanned lightly. Long red hair drapes behind a charming face. Small frame.


2013-11-24, 11:41 PM
Great start guys! Remember to pace yourself, you have up to 48 hours to respond if you need it and this game is 24/7 so you can post whenever you like. For example, I'm going to bed after this post. When you have an action, please say what it is, say the skill, and then roll 1d20+(Bonus) so I can add the action to my next post. Also, please say what your character says using quotations instead of just describing what you say. You have already shown this I just want to make sure we are on the same page.


for prince
You know they are not made to have weaknesses but some more agile individuals have been know to pull their hands free(escape artist). Otherwise you would need a key.

As you examine the cell, you notice the chains holding you to the wall are pretty simply made of cast iron. They are by no means shoddy but the person with the right kind of skill set may be able to slip out. The doors to the cell are similarly made. They are simple but effective, you would need to pick the lock or a key to open them. You notice at this point that all the captives have been stripped of your armor and gear. You also notice that all three captives have their left arm completely bandaged. A dull ache echos through your own left arm. You hear a loud bang coming from the right down the hall outside the cell.

2013-11-25, 12:04 AM
I keep staring at the door.

attempting to escape from my manacles, with my escape artist skill


2013-11-25, 01:09 AM
I'll try and take a peak.


Justin King
2013-11-25, 02:53 PM
listen [roll0]
try to discern what the noise might be.

2013-11-25, 03:39 PM
For Schimitendorf:
You test and pull against the chains but realize you may not be at the right level of skill to squeeze out of the manacles.

For Justin:
Your keen half elven ears pick up the sounds of heavy barred steel doors opening and closing. You also hear heavy armored footsteps getting louder as they approach. It sounds like only one pair of feet though.

Dedreth pulls at her chains but can't get far enough away from the wall to see anything. As the dungeon is also dimly lit, you may not be able to see anything with plain human eyes anyway.

2013-11-25, 03:44 PM
glaring angrily at the door, I say "can either of you two get out?"

Justin King
2013-11-25, 04:17 PM
glaring angrily at the door, I say "can either of you two get out?"

"I'm sorry friend but at the moment I cannot. But we are soon to be joined. I hear a soldier maybe? One set of armored footsteps. Verily, we may find out just what is going on here. The last time I awoke in a cell, I apparently bedded the wife of the local Lord......I had no idea! But he found out and I was carried out of his home (laughs) good times, I say. But this.....this is something entirely different, I suspect. How came you both to injure your hands, thusly? I have similar injury, but it seems quite peculiar that we'd all have identical stab wounds in the same spot."

2013-11-25, 04:44 PM
"Do you have to be so chipper? We are in a prison."

sighs loudly

"All I remember of last night was the guard waiting for me outside of that shop. He smashed me on the head, and then I was here."

Justin King
2013-11-25, 04:54 PM
"Do you have to be so chipper? We are in a prison."

sighs loudly

"All I remember of last night was the guard waiting for me outside of that shop. He smashed me on the head, and then I was here."
"Well, there is certainly no point in getting angry or upset at the situation. While we may be in a predicament right now, I do find that things typically work out in my favor. For instance, why are we three brought here together, on the same night, in the same cell? Coincidence? Hardly. There is a reason, hopefully one we will soon discover. But I for one, am glad to have companions as interesting as you to help pass the time."

2013-11-25, 04:57 PM
"These chains are much too strong for me to try and break. Perhaps the chains were made for a human and a halfling would be able to free himself?

I believe in most lands, they at least feed the prisoners. Perhaps it is time for lunch?"

2013-11-25, 05:16 PM
"my anger is not at being in here, it's at the guard that put me in here. I'll find him, and then me and him will have a little talk."

Pauses for a moment then continues

"I normally would be able to escape but due to this injury, I am stuck. We will just have to wait, and take our captors be surprise."

Justin King
2013-11-25, 05:37 PM
"I believe in most lands, they at least feed the prisoners. Perhaps it is time for lunch?"

"Lunch you say? Let me tell you about the time I dined with the gods......It was a splendid feast. It was hosted by Olidammara an she throws a magnificent party, I say. Pelor, Kord and Istus were all there. We ate for hours, nothing but the finest wines and roast beasts. Delicacies brought from all the realms. After a few to many glasses of wine, Helmyr and Llerg ended up wrestling each other to settle a dispute! It was a great afternoon, it was." (Bellows with laughter)

Justin King
2013-11-25, 05:40 PM
"And sir Halfling, you have yet to introduce yourself. I am always happy to make new acquaintances......perhaps you have no name? I'm sure I could come up with something dashing to call you!"

2013-11-25, 05:51 PM
"And sir Halfling, you have yet to introduce yourself. I am always happy to make new acquaintances......perhaps you have no name? I'm sure I could come up with something dashing to call you!"

"if you really must know, my name is Cade Winklebottom."


Justin King
2013-11-25, 06:04 PM
"Well Master Winklebottom, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and yours Lady Dedreth. I do wish it were under better circumstances, but......one can never have too many friends eh?"

2013-11-25, 11:45 PM
"Everywhere I go I seem to make lots of friends."


Justin King
2013-11-26, 12:10 PM
"Perhaps, the one I hear coming is a friend....or is soon to be a friend. I have had many friends who wanted to kill me initially, but by the end of the night we were toasting each other and sharing tales of our travels. Must be patient, I suppose. We won't know anything until such person walks through the door."

2013-11-26, 03:10 PM
Your conversation is interrupted by another loud band. This time, however, the sound is accompanied by a light soure and the sound of heavy footsteps.

Into your view walks a large man in scale mail and a leather hood on his back he carries a shield about as big as he is and a two handed sword. On his chest is a bandoleer with 5 daggers and has some vials of strange liquid at his hip. He stops in front of your cell with a keyring in his hand. His face appears to be void of emotion as he slowly surveys the room. He then unlocks the door and steps inside the cell.

"My name is Dredd. I am tasked with special investigations in this city. In participation with another faction in this town, you have been recruited to assist me in one of my investigations. You are free to refuse, however, as you may have noticed you have all been injured in your left hand. With that blow you have all been poisoned if you refuse the poison will not be treated and you will be left to die. I have you equipment available upon your release. As a reward for you participation, you will be compensated with gold and if you choose to continue even more jobs for more reward."

After he finishes speaking he begins to undo your mantacles starting with prince, then dedreth and then finally cale. He takes his time and move cautiously.

2013-11-26, 03:46 PM
once freed, I state in a calm voice "Take me to my equipment and let's get this done."

2013-11-26, 04:00 PM
"May I ask why we have been so graciously chosen for this task?"

2013-11-26, 04:33 PM
"Simple really, I need your skillsets to make finish my current investigation. The faction assisting me in this task has been watching you and picked you for this task. It was also their idea to poison you so you would be more likely to cooperate. I was told of your recruitment and have come to get it done since we now have a time limit. You apparently are a spellweaver of sorts, the dessert dweller is good at information gathering and this one (points to chad) I don't trust but has the skills to get us places I can't get into alone easily."
He motions for you to follow him (when you all type done you will do so).

2013-11-26, 04:42 PM
Whispers to prince:

"Yeah, totally control of your own fate..."


2013-11-26, 04:43 PM
i follow the large man quietly, with a contemplative look on my face.


fyi, you've spelled my name wrong, in two different ways now lol

Justin King
2013-11-26, 05:14 PM
gather information [roll0] as we walk I speak and see if I can tease any more info out, the questions in dialogue will be heard so I won't use spoiler there, and the answers will be heard by all so you won't have to spoiler back to me, unless you feel it's not information the others would arrive at listening to the same answers. I also look for any clues as to rank or organizations on him, symbols on armor, insignias, etc.
"Well my wrists certainly thank you, Inquisitor, the manacles were starting to chafe. As I have no other plans currently, I would be happy to assist in your venture. I follow a simple mathematical rule......adventure+excitement=stories to tell. Perhaps you can tell me more of this investigation? I am curious as to the factions involved.....whom do you represent and whom does the other group represent? Are we perhaps investigating a crime? Mysteries are always so entertaining.......
Perhaps after we gather our goods, we can sit down at the local tavern and discuss the specifics. I am sure my new friends would not object to a good meal and I feel the practice of business is always best conducted over good wine."

2013-11-26, 07:02 PM
You want a diplomacy check when it is a single person. Gather information is for large groups and towns. I will act like you did a diplomacy check at 24. In the rules that usually brings there disposition toward you up by at least on level depending on there current disposition. Oddly enough, you don't see anything to distinguish him an adventurer.

There we go.

You notice as you walk that the rest of the cells are empty.

"I'm an investigator for the city guard. The faction assisting me asked specifically not to be named but maybe I'll tell you when their is less ears to hear. As for sitting in a tavern to discuss the investigation. We are actually investigating a tavern for illegal slave trading. We will visit so you can do your thing there. I suppose the least I can do is buy you meal and drink while we are there."

Dredd takes the group though a large gated door, which he locks after you are through Against the opposite wall you see some sack. You can tell which one is your by the gear sticking out.

"Get your gear on. We are going straight there."

2013-11-26, 07:26 PM
Take gear, making sure EVERYTHING is there.

"So how long before we feel the effects of the toxin? I have my concerns about the length of this excursion's duration."

2013-11-26, 07:59 PM
"It isn't my poison, however, this investigation shouldn't take more than a day or two. I was assured you will have plenty of time for this investigation and receive treatment."

2013-11-26, 08:14 PM
putting on my gear, i listen to the conversations between my fellow captives and Dredd.


2013-11-26, 08:20 PM
I will follow to the tavern.


Justin King
2013-11-26, 09:34 PM
it was between the two, flipped a coin...will note for later
Prince Caliban picks up his scimitar and wipes it clean, then examines the edge. After it meets his approval, he thrusts it into the sash around his waist.
"Surely poison wasn't necessary, I would have been more than happy to help on any adventure. It will inspire a thousand more tails.......although being poisoned does add an interesting plot element (laughs loudly) let us be off!"

(yes, he talks a lot. yes it's on purpose, lol)

2013-11-27, 03:09 PM
You find your equipment just as you left it down the every last copper piece. After you prepare your equipment, Dredd leads the group out of the dungeon. As you exit the building you pass through a barracks full of town guards which Dredd hands off the keyring to one as he passes by. You pass through a final door and are now out on the street. On the way Dredd tells you more about the job you accepted.

"The owner of the Devil's fire tavern is suspected of piracy and the trafficing of illegal slaves. Slavery may be legal in Melvaunt but they must be taxed like any other commodity in the city. However, investigations were ordered to cease suddenly. I suspect bribery, however I don't have proof. I find those who think they can live above the law intolerable but as a member of the guard my hands are tied. Then my secretive benefactor came to me offering me a job to investigate the tavern not as a guard but as a mercenary. I have taken leave effective as of now to pursue this job. For gathering information on the slaves and their whereabouts we are to be paid the sum of 150 gold a piece. We are going now to gather information, I have been known to frequent the establishment to look for criminals so I will be there for that purpose if asked. You will be people I have brought to throw off suspicions of the patrons. I will pay for your tab. You are to gather information indirectly and then maybe on comformation we will confirm the place the slaves are being held."

Addendum: I meant to allow you to ask questions now while you were walking to the tavern as I didn't say you were there yet but lets just go with it not that Justin jumped to being there.

After this Prince went on a story tangent that lasted until you reach the tavern. Once inside, you see Dredd break off from the group and go speak with the barkeep. You see him motion toward your group and then he goes to sit in a table in the corner of the room.

Justin King
2013-11-27, 03:37 PM
I sit with my "friends" and order a hearty meal and the most expensive drink they have.
I use my listen skill [roll0] to pick up pieces of conversation around me to see if I can't pick up any promising leads. If I hear anything promising, I shall investigate further

After we get served, I raise my glass in toast.
"to my friends, let this be the start of great travels, great adventure and lastly great profit!"
(sorry I'm overzealous!)

2013-11-27, 04:50 PM
Starts speaking lowly...

"So, Mr. Dredd, is it OK if I call you that? I wish to proceed on my own for maybe an hour or two. There is a specific spell I wish to know if it exists, as it may be beneficial for our cause.

I also believe my dress would be more convincing than some of the other companions as a buyer for potential merchandise."

2013-11-27, 05:07 PM
Dredd looks a little distracted as prince orders and then responds to Dedreth.

"That is fine. After all you can choose to opt out of the mission if you want to give up on the gold and chance the poison on your own. I will wait here for a few hours so if you come back I will be here."

For Dedreth
By the way if your looking for cure poison. Your too low level :)

2013-11-27, 05:29 PM
I sit down along with the others, and order a loaf of bread. Looking around, I try to identify any doors that would lead towards the owners quarters.


2013-11-27, 05:41 PM
"I will meet you back here shortly."

My intentions were clearly stated ;). I know when to roll a bluff XD

My first stop will be to head to a temple/church, first of Wee-Jas if one exists here, Boccob second, and if neither of those are in the town for an Evil deity, then Neutral, then Good last.

2013-11-27, 05:53 PM
Dredd nods.

For Dedreth.
Remember to post DONE. I will give you your own spoilers in future posts until you rejoin the party.

2013-11-27, 06:40 PM
"Dredd" i say "is there any leads as to who might have some more information?"

Is there any doors around that i could attempt to break into? or is this just a fairly simple tavern?

2013-11-27, 06:57 PM
"We only have witness testimony"

I will give the results on the next GM post which will be when aurora types done. You may want to roll a spot though to properly survey the area over time.

2013-11-27, 07:14 PM
spot check off the area


2013-11-27, 09:51 PM
Just in case you're waiting on me... DONE

2013-11-27, 10:50 PM
At this point, I am going to post in two separate spoilers since the group split.

Being unfamiliar with this town you are not sure where the nearest evil church is. You begin walking in a likely direction to look for one with a 40% chance of failing in finding your way there by sightseeing.[roll0]

Eventually you see a large black building with ornate spikes sticking out that looks promising. From afar you aren't sure who they worshipping though. Shortly after you stop to look at the building you hear a voice.

"Excuse me missy, I would like to have a word with you." You notice that you are on an isolated street. The man is walking toward you.

Everyone Else:

From your table you can see a hallway that leads to some back rooms behind the bar. You see the food come from one and the other you see people occasionally slip in and out of.
You don't hear anyone talking about slaves in earshot. For the first hour of observation.

After sitting there watching the room for the first hour, you notice that the bartender will repeatedly go to a secluded table to talk with people that come into the bar and then they leave.

Dedreth is going to be separate for an few hours or so. Since you are spending time gathering information and observing things at the place it is going to take you longer than Dedreth should need to come back. I will be dropping you hints that you can act upon or note but it may be a slow while I work out Dedreth's thing in a few posts. Please remember to post DONE so we can get through the division quickly.

Justin King
2013-11-27, 11:22 PM
I go up to the bartender and use diplomacy [roll0] I don't ask specifically about slaves, but I do ask about the ownership of the inn, maybe slip in questions about a few random people in the room. I try to present myself as someone new in town looking for some connections to illicit activities, kind of appearing a little roguish
I slowly stand up and address my companions, "I can only assume we all have our roles to play. I am going to see if I can make friends with the barkeep. What say we do our things and reconvene at our table and see what we all came up with. And Sir Inquisitor, despite any information we gain, I would assume you would rather us all be together, including the Lady Dedreth, before we act on anything?"
DONE (but I reserve the right to amend that if the inquisitor or mr winklebottom address me)

Justin King
2013-11-27, 11:34 PM
And I'm sorry, but I want to offer full disclosure, apparently the email alerts display the spoilers, so I have now inadvertently seen some things. I will in the future refrain from opening the email alerts and just use them as an indicator that I need to check the forum. Sorry.

2013-11-28, 12:00 AM
And I'm sorry, but I want to offer full disclosure, apparently the email alerts display the spoilers, so I have now inadvertently seen some things. I will in the future refrain from opening the email alerts and just use them as an indicator that I need to check the forum. Sorry.

Lol, you're not the only one who noticed. I caught myself before delving. I only check for email.

"What can I do for you sir?"

I grip my scythe more sternly than before. Because of its size, I use it as a walking stick. If he tries to touch me, I will warn him NOT to very sternly, and if he ignores, strike with a prepared action.

Justin King
2013-11-28, 12:29 AM
Lol, you're not the only one who noticed. I caught myself before delving. I only check for email.

yeah, I think it happened a couple of times without it registering in my brain, then I was reading one earlier and was all "I don't I'm supposed to see this" LOL

2013-11-28, 11:51 AM
I wait for it to look clear, then I sneak over to the door where people are occasionally going in and out. Once at the door I check if it's locked or not. If it is then I lockpick it open 1d20+10


2013-11-29, 12:42 PM
I decided that I post per group after this post instead of waiting for everyone from both groups to put done. I may have more posts ready for Dedreth and the main group for the current scenario. Stuff happens when you leave the safety of the party :)

"Ahh...a tough girl aye... You are surrounded so don't bother. I have some questions for you and you are going to answer them if you want out of this and keep your pretty face..."
For me only:
Bluff:[roll0] Sense Motive:[roll1]
He pulls out of dagger but stops just out of reach of you scythe.

You see Prince go up the bar and starts to chat up the barkeep which is the same man who keeps meeting with random people at an isolated table. You start to walk back there but then see an inconspicuous man say at a nearby table call out to you as you start to pass the bar. "Where do you think your going, you don't work here." (You failed to hide or move silently but in this scenario it may be safe to assume that you are being actively watched which makes hide useless.)

Initially there is no bartender but then you see the man who usually sits at the table meeting with people come behind the bar and say "What'll you have." You work your magic and seem to win him over. He seems a bit more chatty. "What brings you to my place?". Before you can respond, you hear a voice call out "Where do you think your going, you don't work here." You see Cade starting to walk behind the counter. The bartender looks at him and then you suspiciously.

Justin King
2013-11-29, 01:52 PM
I quickly look at the scene of the commotion and the look quickly to the inquisitor to see how he he reacts. I would like to try to keep the barkeep engaged with me as others deal with the halflings intrusion?
"Please forgive my friend, he's a little overzealous. We have some merchandise we we would like to get rid of, we were of the impression this would be a good place to start. He probably grew impatient. He doesn't feel comfortable around people. Allow me to deal with him and then perhaps we can continue our conversation?"

2013-11-29, 04:01 PM
"I don't recommend threatening a member of the clergy."



"What is it that you want to know?"

2013-11-29, 04:44 PM

Me only:

"A member of the clergy eh? You don't look like a worshipper of Lliira so you must be a member of the temple to Loviatar. Well I guess torture isn't going to persuade you...I'm just going to have to kill you if I don't like your answer. Now, what is a Loviatar cleric and a city guard doing in the devil's fire tavern whispering secrets and making plans? What is your purpose there?"

His an aggressive stance and waits for an answer.

2013-11-29, 05:08 PM
"Oh, I'm sorry, you thought I meant your clergy. No, no. You see, I work as counsel for those nearly departed, and to help spirits reach the other world.

I was just released by the guard from prison because I was accused of a more nefarious nature."

I will show him my wounded hand.

"He wished to discuss in a more peaceful manner of my plans upon release to confirm my innocence. I spoke in a low tone with him because I didn't want to attract undue attention from the local populace for what I was accused of."

2013-11-29, 05:17 PM
"Dredd only comes to the Devil's Fire for business and it's never a meeting. Who is Dredd after? What is he up to? (staring at your arm) What is causing those black lines in your arm?"

At that point you notice your arm has black lines running through it. They look like your veins.

2013-11-29, 05:31 PM
"As I was saying... He was confirming my innocence because he seeks travelers to partake in a new way of life, by leaving this town, which I have found to be rather hostile to new comers, and search for wrong-doers in a more grandiose manner than dealing with simple thievery.

As for my arm, I am going to the TEMPLE to have it examined. You think I came here for no good reason?"

2013-11-29, 05:48 PM
"Look, Dredd comes to the Devil Fire regularly and it's always to catch someone. The guy is an ******* and doesn't give a damn about good as long as you follow the laws of the city. Now I'll give you one more chance...who is he after? Else me and my boys will give you more to have examined than a hand injury."

2013-11-29, 06:04 PM
Motion my head towards a wall that is a little more secluded.

"I am trying to help you. I have given you several hints as to what he is up to, yet you seem too blind to put them together. I am trying to stay out of Dredd's way because frankly, I prefer living.

Either I die to you or him. So you can take these tips and help me and yourself remain anonymous, or you can out your 'group' with a dead body near a temple and make a fool of yourself.

And here I was thinking you were from the thieves guild..."


2013-11-29, 06:25 PM
"Bah... fine go on then. But I don't want to see you at the Devil's Fire or you won't get a chance to use your silver tongue before I gut you."

He backs up a few paces and turns and walks down the way you came from. Leaving you free to continue to the temple. As you stand outside the temp you hear loud shrills of pain.

Well Done! 100xp for your hard work.

2013-11-29, 06:43 PM
Continue on to temple

2013-11-29, 06:58 PM
As you open the door you notice the screams are 5 times louder and you see the source. Among the bloody mats littering the floor you see the source of the screaming. A few individuals are kneeling and a priest of the temple is whipping them while chanting verses. A woman comes up to you.

"I have not seen you before are you seeking to join our temple or are you out of town and wish to prostrate yourself before our mistress?"

2013-11-29, 07:05 PM
Hello, fellow priest. I do not seek any bloodshed as of this day. I am in search of a wiser calling.

I am in search of a power that will allow me to commune with the dead."

2013-11-29, 07:31 PM
"All person's who truly dedicate their life their faith eventually learn to reach beyond mortality and commune with those no longer among us. We have a few among our number who have such an ability if you have the corpse and the proper donation to the church."

2013-11-29, 07:39 PM
"Please pardon me for my ignorance. I need more research on the powers eventually bestowed upon us. I have dedicated my studies elsewhere in the mean time.

I am curious as to the religions in the area. I have heard talk of two deities with temples in the area. Would you mind telling me a bit of them?

Also, I have been coerced into working with someone. What do you know of... Dredd?

2013-11-29, 08:09 PM
"In this city we have two temples. We are the temple to Loviatar the Mistress of Pain. The other temple is dedicated to Lliira, they are a bunch of party animals. It's disgraceful to the gods really as they seem to not understant how to truly show devotion.

As for Dredd, he is well known in this city. He is a hard-ass but is also honorable in his own way. He treats the law as if it were a deity itself and enforces it without any restraint. He is feared by many of those who live outside the law but those who follow the law simply dislike him. I'm sure if your on his side you should be okay but there could be blood shed if your not. However, I personally try to avoid the man."

2013-11-29, 08:31 PM
Thank the priest, and tithe 10g. Return to the tavern, but don't rejoin the group. Will give rest of my actions upon arrival.

2013-11-29, 08:35 PM
Dedreth has concluded her adventure. She will rejoin the party when a suitable amount of time passes. Until then, I'm going to have to leave you on standby :( shouldn't be more than a couple of posts.

2013-11-30, 11:51 AM
i bluff him, "i just started tonight"



2013-11-30, 03:03 PM
"Like hell you are!" speaks the barkeeper, "I don't know who you are let alone did I hire you! Go sit take a seat with that ******* Dredd and stay away from my bar." He turns to Prince, "I don't know what you are talking about, I run a respectable business. Now, is there something I can get for you? I have to take inventory of my storerooms."

The roll script is 1d20+# you have to specify the number and type of die with no spaces. Also the bard is sitting at the bar so you don't have to spoilers, he is right next to you.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 03:14 PM
I smile and say "I never suggested you weren't respectable, but taverns tend to attract all types.........and a business owner such as yourself, I can't imagine anything happens in here without your knowledge. If only for the fact that you need to protect your property. You don't necessarily have to participate in said activities to know who is who, now do you?"
I turn and give Cade a little wink to suggest no harm no foul.

2013-11-30, 03:17 PM
"I let people keep business to theirself as I keep to mine. I suggest the same advice to you, stranger." He empathizes the word "stranger" as he says it.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 03:21 PM
I turn to Cade and motion to him to follow me outside. Since we have a layout of the building, we might be able to see windows or something that might give us a glimpse into the off limits areas. I inform Dredd of our intent, discreetly. See if he has anything to say. I also look to see if dedreth has returned.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 03:29 PM
I also mention to Dredd, "They really don't like you here, do they?"
(laugh loudly)

2013-11-30, 03:37 PM
I follow prince outside, wandering around the building looking for windows, and other possible entrances to the tavern. [roll0] spot check


2013-11-30, 03:49 PM
"Scum never likes me..." Dredd replies. He stands up and walks to counter and says to the bartender with his usual scowl. "I will be going now, put the food and drink on my tab and I'll be leaving". "You owe me over 10 gold, like hell I'll put it on your tab." Dread stares at him. "Okay! Okay! I'll wait until the end of week." He then walks out the door.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 03:56 PM
I head across the street out of earshot of the tavern.
"Gentlemen, I propose we put our heads together to formulate a plan. That may have been our shortfalling in the tavern. Perhaps friend Cade, you have gained a knowledge of the layout? Do you see any other ways in?"
Also I glance around to see if anyone is loafing about looking suspicious or perhaps looking like guards.
skill, spot [roll0]

2013-11-30, 04:09 PM
"There's a couple rooms in the back, one leads to a kitchen, I think, and the other seems fishy. I want in there, and I will get in there." I say once we are out of earshot.


Justin King
2013-11-30, 04:14 PM
"There's a couple rooms in the back, one leads to a kitchen, I think, and the other seems fishy. I want in there, and I will get in there." I say once we are out of earshot.


"Good information, that, my impulsive friend. Perhaps we will find what we seek, after all."

2013-11-30, 04:17 PM
"Just need to find a window, and maybe a big rock if all else fails" I say with a giggle

Justin King
2013-11-30, 04:22 PM
"Just need to find a window, and maybe a big rock if all else fails" I say with a giggle

"A big rock may betray your presence. Perhaps if noise be necessary, I might be able to run interference for you. (chuckles) My you are a feisty fellow."

2013-11-30, 04:28 PM
You see the front door windows to the tavern area. A small window up high in the front and a small window up higher in the back. A person of small frame may be able to slip into the back window if he can get up to the second story of the building.

You don't see anyone suspicious standing outside the entrance but you do see a new face leave through the front door that you didn't see earlier inside for the hour and a half you were there.

In the middle of your conversation you see Dedreth come into view walking toward the tavern.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 04:37 PM
"I see our missing companion returns. Perhaps one of you gentlemen would appraise her our situation? I see a new face come from the tavern. One I do not recognize. I shall see if I can go make a friend........."
I approach the new person and try to engage in casual conversation....
Diplomacy [roll0]
"Perhaps sir, you might be able to help a traveler who is unfamiliar with this town?"

2013-11-30, 05:10 PM
I non chalantly stroll around the back.

I unstrap my rope and tie my grappling hook to it. I swing it at the roof till it latches on and proceed to climb [roll0]


2013-11-30, 05:25 PM
Dredd calls out to Dedreth, "Hey You, over here!" He is alone though because everyone left to their own devices...

2013-11-30, 05:26 PM
Make a quick motion NOT to talk to me.

I will take a seat at the bar, and order a mediocre wine.


2013-11-30, 05:40 PM
You peek through the window into a dark room. It is small with a bed, a cot, and a chest. To the right, looking in from the window, you see a closed door. The floor is just below the window leading you to believe the room is not at ground level. The window is closed and locked.

He stops to look at you and you work your charm. "Sure, I should be able to point you in the right direction. We've been harbored here for a while."

The bartender is no where to be found. The waitress of the tavern calls out to you. "One moment I need to get these to that table." Then she walks behind the bar. "I'll have the ask for the money up front because only Corwyn can make decisions on new tabs. That will be 2 copper."

Justin King
2013-11-30, 05:49 PM
"Ah a sailor I see. Fantastic. I have had a few voyages at see myself. Nothing like the freedom of the open ocean, eh? Where do you sail from? What kind of cargo do you carry? I'm always looking to further my travels and explore new worlds. Do you frequent this tavern often? I am curious as to it's reputation. I like a bawdy place where I can tell my stories in exchange for drink!"

2013-11-30, 05:56 PM
Thank you. I think I'll also have a meal as well.

Do you know when the Bartender, I believe you said Corwyn, will return?"

2013-11-30, 06:11 PM
"Listen, stranger, I am willing to give you directions but my business is my own. As for the tavern I'm a mate of the owner. I stop by often. It's a good enough hole to get some good ale and a meal. The cook is specifically proud of his cheeses. Corwyn Jaffe is the bartender and he is well enough to deal with if you don't cross him. I have some business to take care of though if that is what you wanted to know..."

"He went into the store room. He may be gone for an hour or so. With a meal your total is 3 silver and 2 copper." (Make sure to make it on you character sheet.)

2013-11-30, 06:21 PM
I am /DONE

Justin King
2013-11-30, 06:44 PM
I return to Inquisitor Dredd.
"Where are the others? I thought we might somehow be starting to be as a team? As it were, I may have a lead. That gentleman that just left is a good friend of the Tavern owner and also a sailor. Perhaps also connected to the slave trade? Perhaps we may venture to the waterfront and see what we find? Do you perhaps have any connections with the customs house that may give us an indication as to which ship he sails on and what his alleged cargo might be? If the Halfling hadn't run off all half cocked, I think we could use him to shadow this sailor as well."

2013-11-30, 07:23 PM
I lockpick the window', and creep inside. [roll0]

2013-11-30, 07:46 PM
Dredd: "The halfling just walked around the building and I haven't seen him in a few minutes. I can hazard a guess at what he's doing but since it's probably for the investigation, I'm letting him be. The spellcaster went inside the tavern and declined my attention. For now, I'm just waiting here to see what comes of it."

You get the window open quietly and make your way inside. Once again you are in a dark room with a bed, a cot, and a chest. You see a door to the south.

Nothing of note. You get to enjoy your meal.

Cade is doing a more fast paced activity so I will respond per post for him.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 08:01 PM
I look to Dredd,
"You can keep an eye from here, yeah? It seems your presence tends to draw ire........I shall go cautiously and see how our short friend fares."

I walk back towards the tavern, as I walk, I glance through the windows, seeing if I can't get a look at Dedreth. Then I proceed around the building, looking to locate Cade.

2013-11-30, 08:09 PM
Dredd nods.

Prince is now going to be paced with Cade.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 08:12 PM
As I walk by the front of the tavern and look in the windows, what do I see? And as I proceed around, what signs of Cade's endeavor are visible?

2013-11-30, 08:13 PM
I stalk over to the chest and try opening it, keeping my ears open for any sound

Listen check

And if the the chest is locked I'm going to lockpick it open


2013-11-30, 08:45 PM
NOTE: I'm only going to hide things if you hide things. It may be better to not use spoilers unless you want to surprise the other party members. (Think of them as passing notes.)

You see Dedreth sitting at the bar through the window, the waitress has brought her some food and wine but you don't see the bartender there. When you get to the back you see a rope on a hook hanging from the window.

In the chest, you find clothes a small coin pouch of 50 gold, an amethyst ring, a potion and a snake handling stick.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 08:57 PM
I quietly wait at the bottom of the rope all casual keeping a look put as I do. Hoping that the Halfling doesn't get into too much trouble all by himself.

2013-11-30, 09:22 PM
I take the coins, the ring, and the potion
creeping over to the door, I open it slightly and look out to try and determine where in the tarvern I am at


2013-11-30, 10:00 PM
You open the door and peer out to be a store room. You seem to be in a loft as you see a ladder leading down from the door into the larger room. There is a lamp on a table illuminating the room. You can see a door to your front.

2013-11-30, 10:16 PM
I open the door just enough to slip through, and cross the room to the other door, and try to open the door. If it's locked, I lockpick it open [roll0]

2013-11-30, 10:21 PM
Do you just jump down or use the ladder to go down slower?

2013-11-30, 10:24 PM
I slowly climb down the ladder

2013-11-30, 10:27 PM
For me only:
Dedreth:[roll0] Bar Maid:[roll1] Cook:[roll2]

As you climb down, the middle step on the latter breaks under your weight causing you to fall to the floor accompanied with a loud crash. You the voice Dedreth hears.

Prince also hears the crash and the voices.

The cook suddenly shouts, "Who's that in the storage room!" as he comes out of the kitchen holding a knife. He walks across the small gap between the kitchen and what is safe to assume is the storage room. He tries to open the door but groans, "It's locked!". Two people sitting at nearby tables to Dedreth get up and start to try to break the door down.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 10:28 PM
Do I hear the commotion? Can I see Dredd from my location?

2013-11-30, 10:37 PM
Not doing a thing. /DONE

Justin King
2013-11-30, 10:44 PM
I rush over to Dredd.
"I believe our Halfling friend may be in over his head. We may need to go to his aid!"

2013-11-30, 10:48 PM
I quickly scramble to hide in the shadows.


2013-11-30, 10:52 PM
Dredd runs straight into the tavern. He shouts to the uncertain patrons standing around the door, "Move!". The move and he kicks the door [roll0]. The door creaks but doesn't break.

2013-11-30, 10:57 PM
I draw my dagger in perpetration for the people to enter the door.


Justin King
2013-11-30, 11:00 PM
I run to the door of the tavern and just barely stick my head in...
"Some guy just came out of the upstairs window and took off running with a bag of stuff! Hurry!"
I scream.

2013-11-30, 11:01 PM
Waiting to see who is found and what is done. /DONE

2013-11-30, 11:18 PM
You hear Prince's deception through the door.

Dredd: "Go, I'll get this door open you look for the intruder. I want a direction and a description and civilian(looking at the cook) into the kitchen for your protection."
Intimidate [roll0] vs [roll1] [roll2]

The two patrons run out of the building looking for the non-existent perpetrator and Dredd kicks the door again. 1d20+3

Won't let me roll...screw it...
Dredd then kicks the door open.

Justin King
2013-11-30, 11:27 PM
After the patrons pass, I check to see who's left in side. If it's fairly clear, I slide in and close the door.

2013-11-30, 11:28 PM

He points to Dedreth and Prince. "You and you help me determine what was taken!"

2013-11-30, 11:39 PM
I continue hiding.


2013-12-01, 01:04 AM
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Bluff to conceal a gaze of DONT GIVE ME AWAY.


2013-12-01, 09:25 AM
Dredd: "I don't care if you know me or not! You're being recruited because I need the manpower! Get your *** in there!"

Keep in mind that the bartender was suppose to be in the room but has been quiet this whole time.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 02:47 PM
I would just like some info on what I'm seeing real quick, before I move. I see Dredd at the store room door, I see Dedreth at the bar. I assume I cannot see Cade. I know that the cook went into the kitchen. Do I see the barkeep or the barmaid at all? Also, are any patrons left at all? Any closed doors that we could be ambushed from?
spot [roll0]
Also, I would like to bar the door I just came in, if possible, to keep any reinforcements from arriving.

2013-12-01, 03:03 PM
Since it's just information and not action, I'll give you a mini update.

All the patrons have left the bar because of the chaos. The cook is indeed in the kitchen and the barmaid is keeping her distance. You do not see cade or the bartender. However, you notice that there is a redish mud that has been tracked all over the floor in the hallway and through the storage room door.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 03:09 PM
I go over to Dredd, and tap his shoulder. I quietly point at the tracks and motion to him that I am investigating. Then I follow the muddy tracks and see where they are headed........with my sword drawn of course.

2013-12-01, 04:24 PM
I'm considering a better way to run our game. It includes a map and a persistent game chat instead of a forum. This way you can see what's going on and you will see when someone posts. It also includes private messages for those who want to do sneaky things or ask questions without anyone knowing.

check it out at this link and tell me what you think.

2013-12-01, 04:32 PM
I will slowly put my food down. As I approach and get close to Dredd, I am making a called shot to his neck with my scythe.



2013-12-01, 04:36 PM


2013-12-01, 04:38 PM
does not confirm, roll damage and initiative.
Dredd: 1d20+2

2013-12-01, 04:40 PM


2013-12-01, 04:42 PM


Justin King
2013-12-01, 04:44 PM
I yell "Dedreth! What are you doing! We did not volunteer for this, but he has the antidote. Perhaps you could calm down. We are here, the tavern is mostly empty. I have barred the door. Stop fighting. And lets figure this out while we have the opportunity!"
with my scimitar in hand.

2013-12-01, 04:46 PM
i smile in my hiding place, and stay hidden


2013-12-01, 04:51 PM
Dredd Initiative: [roll0]

Justin King
2013-12-01, 04:56 PM
Also, as I try to diffuse the situation, I am looking all around to make sure the barkeep, cook, or barmaid don't ambush us......

2013-12-01, 04:57 PM
Dredd puts out his bastard sword and tower shield faster than you can follow and he brings the sword down on your head. "Big Mistake."

Attack: 1d20+4 Damage:[roll0]

2013-12-01, 04:58 PM
Attack: 1d20+4

2013-12-01, 05:02 PM
Attack [roll0]

Dedreth is down and bleeding out.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 05:04 PM
"Ok. Point taken. We should not let her die though. Help me bind her wounds. Cade, get out here and help!"

2013-12-01, 05:05 PM
You did not see cade.

2013-12-01, 05:06 PM
do i know what kind of potion i picked? or will i have to go get it identified?

watches dredd with caution, and remains hidden.


Justin King
2013-12-01, 05:07 PM
I know I don't see him. But I know he went in and didn't come out. I'm hoping he's within earshot.

2013-12-01, 05:07 PM
I misread her character sheet. Dedreth's turn. She is still up.

2013-12-01, 05:11 PM
Taking a 5 foot step behind me.

Cast Chill of the Grave [Domain]

Ranged Touch that deals 1d10 Cold.





2013-12-01, 05:13 PM
Dredd is down and bleeding out.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 05:15 PM
I scream "Damnit! you might have killed us all! Cade, where are you!"
I try to bind Dredd's wounds.

2013-12-01, 05:28 PM
i walk out from the shadows and toss prince the potion i had found earlier with a cheery smile. Then i move towards dredd and strip him of all his weapons, stacking them a little ways away. once stacked i sit on top of them and wait.


2013-12-01, 05:29 PM
Coupe de Grace.

I will ask the barmaid and cook "Where I might be able to find Corwyn. I would like to speak with him about the matter here."

2013-12-01, 05:33 PM
(i thought the bar was empty?)

Justin King
2013-12-01, 05:33 PM
I ask Dedreth "Who are you talking to?" as the bar is in fact empty except for us. Seeing as I don't necessarily have time to identify it I force the potion into dredd's mouth and try to force him to swallow hoping it helps.

2013-12-01, 05:37 PM
Potion [roll0]

Dredd is stable but will be out for a while.

2013-12-01, 05:39 PM
Well Dredd is dead...

Corwyn is not to be found. I let Dedreth redo her post since it didn't make since and she coup de graced Dredd.

2013-12-01, 05:39 PM
Seeing the finishing blow i shout "i call his daggers and these globe things!" with glee, then i turn to dedreth and give her a thumbs up.


2013-12-01, 05:42 PM
I believe this may be the end of the game...you lost your main point of contact for your quests, prince is probably leaving the party, and the cowyn will thank you in an hour after he come back up from his hidden cellar to check on the slaves before kicking you out for making a mess and killing a guard in his tavern. Leaving you to split ways once you find out the poison isn't real and was just dye. Justin would you like to take the next one?

Justin King
2013-12-01, 05:45 PM
I yell.
"Stop right there. We are stuck in this together. We cannot keep running off all half cocked. Every decision made affects all of us. I will not tolerate any more of this insanity. Perhaps you two are not used to dealing with people, but you can't go around killing whomever you want. This situation has become quite messy and I for one am done. If we cannot work together, we will all probably die. No more secrets. If you have a plan, share it. That will prevent this chaos from happening. Damn it!"
I check Dredd's body and equipment for anything use full and I grab a couple bottles of that good wine.....

2013-12-01, 05:45 PM
still with a wide grin on my face, i say to prince " my plan is to go kill me a bartender"


2013-12-01, 05:54 PM
"Why must we abandon? We have a common sight and probably a good reward. I'm sure word will make its way. We just had a bump in the road."

2013-12-01, 06:06 PM
I have my doubts that this can work since you now have no one to pay you and you have no lead you your antidote. Post in here how this could still work and keep the party together and I'll keep going.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 06:06 PM
"We cannot kill people without good reason. I say we continue on, but with a little more restraint. I will not tolerate these kinds of actions. There is a time to take a life, but it must be with good purpose."
I examine Dredd, looking for any papers or documents that might lead us in the right direction. After I start to follow the muddy tracks.
"Follow me if you will........but I warn you......."

2013-12-01, 06:10 PM
I follow behind prince happily commenting as such "I like you better when you get all dark and moody"


2013-12-01, 06:14 PM
"I will follow your lead."

Justin King
2013-12-01, 06:25 PM
Don would like to play as a more active party member. I agreed to run the game. I have some really epic stuff outlined that I think will be really cool. Finishing up this quest may be a little clunky, as I am inheriting it and it kind of went to hell in a handbasket. I am eager to do this and hope you guys like what I have in store. I am still learning some of the new rules (I was trained in 2nd Edition), but with the pauses we inevitably encounter with a forum based game, I believe I will have ample time to get up to speed. My character will stay with the party, as I am fond of him. But he will be a character and not some godlike NPC that a power hungry DM plays just cause he can. If any one has any thoughts or opinions, please, let me know.......

2013-12-01, 06:35 PM
Just to point out...Dredd was a by the rules character. I actually made him for a different game and used him here. I can help with rules, just message me in GITP or ping me.

2013-12-01, 06:52 PM
for the looters. Dredd had a bastard sword, 5x daggers, and on alchemist fire. also

Currency: 10cp 9sp 1gp .5lb
Tower Shield: AC:4 Max Dex:2 Armor Check:-10 -2 on Attacks
A massive shield almost as large as the wielder. 45lbs
Scale Mail: AC:4 Max Dex:2 Armor Check:-4
A coat and leggings of leather covered in overlapping pieces of metal. This ensemble also includes an intimidating leather hood
Trail Rations(per Day)x4 1lb
30ft light radius when struck for 6 hours. 1lb

Justin King
2013-12-01, 07:21 PM
The muddy tracks go into the storeroom. The storeroom is actually quite messy due to some combat and the fact that a Halfling fell from the upper level. The tracks seem to dead end at a wall. You don't see any obvious mechanism to open it, so there is probably a secret latch somewhere.......

2013-12-01, 07:27 PM
i search around for any way to open the wall

spot check


Justin King
2013-12-01, 08:44 PM
As you search around, you see a row of hooks for hanging things off of. The last one has nothing on it and there are semi-circular scratch marks on the wall around it, appearing that it may be movable. It is however just out of your reach......

2013-12-01, 08:55 PM
"can either one of you guys pull that for me?" points to the hook "Somebody doesn't like the height challenged." he says obviously angry about his height.

2013-12-01, 08:56 PM
Use my scythe to yank it down.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 09:11 PM
As you flip the switch, the wall slides to the side revealing a long, narrow stair case. The staircase is dark, but there is a flicker of torchlight from the room near the bottom.

2013-12-01, 09:16 PM
As he is walking through the door he is talking to a black bird on his shoulder. "Look francis, just because I like a little drink does not mean..." pauses after notices the large amount of blood leaking across the floor. He exclaims overdramatically "My word! Someone appears to be injured!" He pulls out his crossbow and loads a bolt and then idles into the entrance to the hallway and sees the corpse. "Oh! you poor naked little man! Your head isn't suppose to be detachable...". At a lower tone to himself, "ugh...they didn't even leave a copper piece...".

Justin King
2013-12-01, 09:20 PM
As Prince:
"My friends, I believe I hear the sound of sorrow below us......and I feel that we are no longer alone....I hear talking back in the public room."

2013-12-01, 09:41 PM
Remain silent.


2013-12-01, 09:42 PM
i quickly hide in the shadows and ready one of my daggers hide check [roll0]


2013-12-01, 09:47 PM
He pauses for a moment to listen.

Upon hearing nothing, he sidles up to the side of the frame of the broken down door to peak around the corner with a spell in mind if he see danger.
Cause Fear Save DC:14

Justin King
2013-12-01, 09:56 PM
As you peak around the corner, you see a ransacked store room. In it you see a woman dressed in dark robes and an elf dressed in loose blue and white silks. He has a scimitar drawn, but the appear to be in a defensive posture and seem more cautious than aggressive. The Elf says:
"Who are you? I didn't see you in here before?"

2013-12-01, 10:14 PM
He withdraws his head a little more but still stay visible. "My name is Flikum Bicus, I am a traveling sorcerer and do-gooder. I certainly hope you are Prince, Cade, and Dedreth or I might be inclined to do something about the body in the hallway." Another voice pipes up, "Well done...I'm sure you got em quaken in their boots more than you..." "Shh!"

Still holding same spell.


2013-12-01, 10:26 PM
I will nod and motion the Sorcerer to the group's company.


2013-12-01, 10:34 PM
He walks out in front of the archway, you can now see a black bird sitting on his shoulder "What did happen to him?".

I just want to mess with them...naw I'm kidding. I am still ready to throw out Cause Fear at the first inkling of trouble.


Justin King
2013-12-01, 10:36 PM
"Well, a pleasure to have a little help. As you can see things got a little out of hand, but I do believe we are very near to making progress. I think our goal lies down this staircase.........Mr Winklebottom, you may come out now."
Now who shall lead the way?

2013-12-01, 10:39 PM
i stay hidden in the shadows a grin on my face


2013-12-01, 10:47 PM
Looks around. "Is this some sort of joke? Look the bird really does talk to me!"

Justin King
2013-12-01, 10:50 PM
just make an attack role with dex bonus, we'll treat it like a surprise grapple attack, no damage or anything, you just scare the piss out of him

2013-12-01, 10:56 PM
[roll0] jumps out at filkum and grabs him yelling "Boo"

2013-12-01, 10:56 PM
"Silly halfling."

2013-12-01, 10:58 PM
Spell goes off Will DC14.

This could be funny :)

Justin King
2013-12-01, 11:04 PM
Cade roll save for will. Flikim stated earlier that spell was prepared....your attack has met the conditions set and the spell zapped you.......oops.

2013-12-01, 11:15 PM
will saving throw

2013-12-01, 11:22 PM
You succeeded which means you are shaken for one round. It would feel like you had a brush with death. -2 to all rolls your next round.

Justin King
2013-12-01, 11:22 PM
Allright, Cade, you aren't scared but you feel like you were the one someone jumped out and scared. Your heart races and you need to catch your breath, but otherwise your ok.
Prince says, "While entertaining as this all was, and I do so enjoy a good laugh, let us hope we have not alerted any enemies to our presence."
motions to the stairs....."Shall we?"

2013-12-01, 11:23 PM
I guess we both are breathing heavily from the scare. I'm ready to follow behind someone more armored.


2013-12-01, 11:28 PM
"I will lead."

Continue down the chamber being EXTRA careful, and taking note of any details.

2013-12-01, 11:29 PM
I take a minute to lean against a crate and catch my breath, before following at the back of the group.


2013-12-02, 12:01 PM
Ack! I just noticed that you did +6 your will is base 0 + wis 2 + halfling 1 + fear 2 which is 5 not 6. I was robbed of comedy gold! :) The spell should have you run away from me in terror. Not asking for a redo I just want to point out the loss. Not that scaring each was not also pretty funny.

2013-12-02, 12:07 PM
your very right, i did my math wrong. i wonder where i got the extra 1 at.

2013-12-02, 02:36 PM
I would still suggest that we move the RPing to the d20 site. Rolls should work better and are just /roll 1d20 and have animation. Plus we won't need to refresh and it alerts us to when someone says something. You can also post a secret message without anyone know that you did. For now we can ignore the map and just use the chat and keep our characters on GITP. Once again, a test camaign to play with is at https://app.roll20.net/join/263239/za1WXQ

Justin King
2013-12-02, 04:03 PM
Ok all. The site listed above is very cool, but I shall have to spend some time to make it functional. We will get over there soon, I know I'm breaking some hearts.......
As it were, as you reach bottom of staircase, you see cells. You see people awake, people unconscious, people crying........those that are alert look at you pleadingly........they don't say anything, perhaps they have been threatened more than once to keep quiet. At the end of the room, there is a door slightly ajar with both light and voices coming from it.........

2013-12-02, 04:26 PM
i signal for you guys to stop, and then i move sliently to the door and peer in

move silent check [roll0]


2013-12-02, 04:32 PM
Flikum pulls out his crossbow and notch it with a bolt. He also peers behind the group as if looking for something. Finally, he focuses his crossbow at the door to shoot if something comes charging out.


2013-12-02, 09:03 PM
I will grip my scythe in both hands.


Justin King
2013-12-02, 09:27 PM
Cade: You see a table with three men sitting around it talking. One you recognize as the barkeep and the other two are bigger and meaner looking. Probably thugs hired to guard or transport the slaves..........

2013-12-02, 09:57 PM
i sneak back to the group and in a whisper explain what i saw.

move silently check [roll0]

2013-12-02, 10:15 PM
i then whisper " let me throw a dagger to draw their attention and when they come out of the door following me, you guys ambush them."


2013-12-02, 10:16 PM
"We need something to make a large explosion to kill them all in one shot" the bird seems to be pecking at his ear. "I mean we should find some way to knock them out if we must...CAN!"

2013-12-02, 10:28 PM
I set down my loaf of bread I have been munching on in the shadows, and take a large swig of ale from my gallon jug and let out a very large and loud burp. I wipe my short stubbly beard to get rid of the bread crumbs and ale that has dripped on my chin.

I ready my bow and say "get ready".


2013-12-02, 11:03 PM
I look at the female dwarf, shrug and than continue aiming at the door a slight smile on my lips. Francis fly up the stairs toward her.

I take a shot at the first person in the door to give me a clear shot.
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]


2013-12-02, 11:22 PM
i walk over to the door, and throw a dagger at the closest person.

attack [roll0]


2013-12-02, 11:34 PM
At the first person in the door.

Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2013-12-03, 12:16 AM
I will position near the door, ready to strike one of the two thugs.

"Leave the bar keep alive. We need to know more about the trade."


Justin King
2013-12-03, 02:15 AM
The first thug, nearest the door goes down. The other thug was blocked by the first one and Corwyn was on the other side of the table. Both Corwyn and the remaining thug jump up and draw weapons......(let's roll some initiative)
with your position, I will give you a surprise attack....go ahead and roll initiative, but I'll give ample surprise bonus
initiative1d10[\roll] thug. Initiative[roll]1d10 Corwyn

2013-12-03, 03:17 AM


2013-12-03, 09:36 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2013-12-03, 12:20 PM


2013-12-03, 12:31 PM
For the sake of ammo who hit who with what?

2013-12-03, 02:17 PM
inititave [roll0]

2013-12-03, 02:32 PM
the question is who actually fired, and who was just preparing to fire?

2013-12-03, 03:50 PM
I didnt fire anything. Just prepared an attack

2013-12-03, 04:21 PM
i know i threw my dagger

2013-12-03, 04:24 PM
Corrianne and I were both aiming our weapons at the door to fire on sight.

2013-12-03, 04:56 PM
ahh so i killed the one thug, and you three are ready to wound when they come through the door?

2013-12-03, 04:58 PM
My scythe THIRSTS for blood.

TL;DR - Yes.

Justin King
2013-12-03, 05:28 PM
Sorry for delay in posting.......:smallfrown:
The way it's set up is as follows.........door in line with two thugs, one sitting next to each other facing perpendicular from the door. So initially only one thug was open to attack. Corwyn was sitting opposite the thugs, so he's not visible until he comes out of the door, you only know who's there because of Cade's scouting. It is as proceeds: First thug, deceased......second thug now charging through door. Dedreth is beside the door, out of site. I assume everyone is going to open up on the first thug through the door? Does any one specifically attack Corwyn, as he follows behind? Since the majority of your attacks are ranged and the two enemy combatants are having to get up and move as well as attack, everyone please specify attack, who you are attacking and go ahead and roll for attack, and damage. In all honesty unless you all completely miss, I don't think any of you will get hit..........(this was my first encounter, just testing how much bad guys we can handle as a party.....if it seems week.......it's just the beginning HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!)

Justin King
2013-12-03, 05:29 PM
PS: I'm in the process of setting up D20 game.........be patient:smallredface:

2013-12-03, 05:48 PM
i open the door wide and get out of everyone's way before aiming for Corwyn's thigh
attack [roll0] | damage [roll1]


2013-12-03, 05:49 PM
Attacking as he comes through the door (the thug)





Done, and pitifully =(

2013-12-03, 08:45 PM
The dwarf and I have already rolled for the first person to walk through the door.


Justin King
2013-12-03, 09:31 PM
I read the damage and attack as the first thug. Did you do a second role that I am missing? Dedreth misses (awesome roll by the way.....i can see your scythe oblvershooting his head by like a foot......lol). Cade does minor damage to Corwyn. And wizard and ranger.....like I said I applied the damage I saw to the first visible thug, still sitting in the room.....if there is a roll that I missed, go ahead and repost, if not go ahead and give me new attacks for this round. You guys won initiative so if you got first attack.

2013-12-04, 12:06 AM
"Let me touch your weapons."

I will cast Magic Weapon on all who are close enough. (except enemies)

Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 en-hancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. Lasts 1 minute (10 rounds).

Justin King
2013-12-04, 01:32 AM
"Let me touch your weapons."

I will cast Magic Weapon on all who are close enough. (except enemies)

Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 en-hancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. Lasts 1 minute (10 rounds).

What? You don't want the enemies to get the bonus, too? LOL.

2013-12-04, 09:12 AM
I'm going to weaken Corwyn for tort...I mean capture. Ray of Enfeeblement range touch [roll0] on hit will cause a loss of [roll1] strength for 1 minute.


Justin King
2013-12-04, 02:55 PM
Don, you miss........sorry.
Price attacks Thug #2 with Scimitar [roll0] damage [roll1]

The prisoners realize that you aren't with the slavers and start begging you to free them...........
(One more attack needs made, then if any enemies re standing they will attack.)

2013-12-04, 03:51 PM
Corianne attacks the thug if he is standing. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] . She is taking a nap but told me what to post for her before doing so.


Justin King
2013-12-04, 04:07 PM
if you would like to see a map.

We'll start using as soon as everyone sets up over there.

Corrianne hits Thug for 3 pts damage.

Justin King
2013-12-04, 04:14 PM
Thug #2 [roll0][roll1][roll2]
Corwym [roll3][roll4][roll5]

2013-12-04, 04:22 PM
does anyone take damage? or can we just go and murder again?