View Full Version : On the Ratings of Classes (in respect to total damage)

2013-11-24, 09:00 PM

I am playing in a highly optimized campaign, and I was curious as to which classes (around three or five, prestige included) were quite powerful for pure damage, though nothing people would call "cheating" (AKA: 1d2 Crusader, or something saying 'well, the in the book called "Nymphology", it says my character can do 10x amount of damage, so, yeah.). I am thinking something highly optimized, but, again, no ambiguous rules that could be easily questioned.

I was looking at the flavour of the Telfalmmar Shadowlord, and it looked really awesome... how does it fare in damage to let's say: a charging Barbarian who does lots of damage per turn, or something similar to that.

Any input is appreciated.


2013-11-24, 10:03 PM
The numbers behind a Leap Attack Pouncing Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker are pretty stupefying. Is the final Power Attack conversion rate -1 atk : +4 dmg? It's something ridiculous, and that's not counting the confusing math underlying Leap Attack.

There are some pretty unambiguous compound action loops that tier 2 and tier 1 casters can get into. The caps on that kind of damage are likewise ridiculous. Doubly so if the DM is allowing metamagic reducers to stack. A fairly basic one is the sorcerer spell greater arcane fusion. If that stacks with normal quicken and some version of fast metamagic for sorcerers, then the sorcerer can really twin/repeat stuff in some pretty ridiculous compounding damage rates.

Venomfire fleshraker Animal Companions are pretty whacky. Likewise, a Master of Many forms druid can develop special forms with buffs that allow them to crank out some pretty sick damage.

Do you need numbers for this?

2013-11-24, 10:14 PM
Are you looking for a build that can do very large amounts of damage but only in very specific circumstances or a build that does less damage but actually has a chance of hurting an enemy in a high op game?

I ask because an Orc Pouncebarian with headlong rush, battle jump, leap attack, shock trooper, furious berserker, half Minotaur, half ogre, dragon born with a valorous halberd of vaulting can do high damage but it relies on running in a straight line for a ways and then performing a jumping dive into its enemies heads. I can't imagine there are a lot of enemies in a high op game that just stand there and let you jab them with a sharp stick. Everyone is just gonna abrupt jaunt away or op attack trip you from greater reach or celery walk away or even just stay above you in the air with better flight than yours.

2013-11-24, 10:33 PM
Pure damage?

On today's episode of "This Old Link" (http://web.archive.org/web/20080214233419/http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=401662), we visit the Uberercharger, which is... probably the most damage I've seen.

2013-11-24, 10:37 PM
Hulking Hurler gest the job done nicely. Just combo it with War Hulk. Pick up large objects, chuck them at enemies. You'll do more damage than any CR20 or below creature has hitpoints, easily.

Wield a Skillfull melee weapons so you're useful there too. I'd actually recommend some Warblade levels for Moment of Perfect Mind to shore up weaknesses.
