View Full Version : Whoever said Charisma should be a dumpstat is an idiot... (3.5/PF optimized build.)

2013-11-25, 01:50 PM
(Yeah, I know, in a fair amount of builds charisma isn't really all too useful, and it's perfectly okay to dump it. I just like it at least mediocre at worst.)

Anyways, without further ado, my character:

It started off as basically 'I want to try out playing an Incubus once.', then 'I want to make him as cha-based as possible.', which coincided with 'I want to boost his Cha as high as possible'. Which, in the end, turned into 'OH MY HOLY ****ING CRAP THIS GUY IS POWERFUL.'

The original build uses mainly 3.5, but a feat and a class level, (well, three, but one can be substituted for a 3.5 one with ease) from PF, and a few items and racial stuff from 3rd party books which likely not be allowed at the table. (Yeah, who knew, the sexual 3.5 book has the best stuff to boost your charisma. Who knew?)

But, for those with less lenient DMs, I'll also be posting some proposed changes you could use to make your character using a less wide array of resources available. (At a later date, if people want to see it) For those who want to look at irregular stuff from the current list: Bolded means that I'm signifying a non-3.5 WotC book.

First, though, credit where credit is due, a thread that helped a lot while creating this character: The Stat X to Y bonus thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125732)
Also, various google searches on 'ways to increase charisma.


The base/the Race:

Firesouled (Mainly for +4 cha and leadership. Fire type is neat. LA is bought off.)
Magic-blooded (-2 wis, +2 cha)
Unseelie Fey (Nice bonus for just about any character. +2 cha. Turns type into Fey if Savage Species type pyramid isn't used.)
Savage Species Incubus (For 12 levels a whopping bonus of +16 charisma, the second highest modifier from a single source, and the most reliable. Also, a 10% chance per day of summoning a balor. What's not to like?)
Of Lust (Creature of Lust, from Encyclopaedia Arcana -> Nymphology. Most of the book is rather immature stuff, but it's quite nice for a LA 0 +4 cha template. Turns type back into Outsider.)

Total: +28 charisma.

The filling/The Classes:
(As per level 20. Pick and choose what options you want if starting on an earlier level.)
Of course, the first 12 levels HAVE to be Succubus, as per the Savage Species rules you have to finish a monster class you take.
After that, I got:
Battledancer 1. (Cha to AC. May want to use Ascetic Chaos Monk if DM doesn't allow Battledancer to count as a monk for certain abilities. (See item section))
Oracle 1-> Lore Mystery -> Sidestep Secret revelation ((PATHFINDER)Exchange Dexterity with Cha for Reflex Saves and AC bonus.)
Antipaladin/Paladin of Slaughter 2 (Cha to all saves, or, if you use one of the Paladin ACF's, Cha to AC. I used cha to saves, though, since my total AC will already be through the roof.)
Marshal 1 (Motivate Fortitude, or any other save you don't think is high enough.)
Warlock 1 (Dark ones' Own Luck, at will choice of CHA to any one save.)
Blackguard 2 (Dark Blessing, another time your Cha bonus to all saves.)

This ends you with: the great many special abilities that are of no extraordinary use to us from most of the classes, which you can find out yourself.)

Cha to AC twice, once as an Untyped bonus, one to replace Dexterity.
Charisma to all saves twice, from two untyped bonuses.
In addition: Charisma to replace Dexterity for reflex saves.
A choice of one additional save to add Charisma to, as per your choice.
A choice of one additional save to add charisma to, for you and everyone in a 60 foot radius, set in stone at the first level of Marshal you gain. Can be improved for versatility, but is probably not worth it.

+5 from levelups.

The cherries/The feats:

I have more, but these are the ones that are the more important ones to the build:

Leadership. You will always have max Leadership level, no matter how huge of a **** you are. Also used to attract an Artificer cohort, to supply all your magic items. (I got them down to about 10% cost price, maybe someone can get it even lower.)

Noble Scion of War. (Pathfinder) Adds your Cha to Initiative instead of Dexterity.

Succubi's Kiss (Vile equivalent of Nymph's kiss). Of course, will likely be no'd, even if the rest of the build by some miracle is found to be okay. +2 to all charisma-related CHECKS, which, because of the rest of your abilities, will be just about all of them.

Quicken SLA (BoVD version.) You have a fair butt-load of Spell-like abilities. Using any one of them as a quickened one 1/day is neat. Otherwise, I'd likely suggest one of your more powerful Succubus abilities to use it on. Ethereal Jaunt or Teleport Without error, should the DM try and use rocks fall everyone dies on you. (As well he should. :smallwink: Still, I'm posting this here, it'll be my fault. So go ahead, you have my blessing, try it out.)

Keen Intellect: Int to Will saves instead of Wis. I dumped Wisdom as much as I could, so this is what I used to make up for it. You will also get quite some bonus Int due to something later. If you want another huge boost, though, use:
Force of Personality: Charisma to Mind-affecting Will saves. So all but a handfull of will-affecting abilities.

Which gives you:

Cohort and a load of followers
Cha to Initiative.
+4 charisma for purpose of variable checks. (+2 bonus modifier.)
Int or cha to most if not all will saves.

The Sprinkles/The items:

The, in my opinion, highest valued item is the Rod of Repression. It is found in the BoEF, and thus has a large chance of being disallowed, but if you can find willing creatures. (You've got the charisma to convince them), or just a lot of unwilling ones, you can use this rod to drain 1d6 damage of a creatures, for a will save DC of 20, up to a total of 5d6 per day. It will give you an average of a 17.5 bonus, and if you really need it, you can wait until a day you get the full 30 Charisma bonus.

The second best, is the Stormwreck Admirals Bicorne. In addition to giving an aura bonus to attack, saves, and some other stuff, it also gives a +5 bonus to charisma related checks. Let me repeat that, +5 bonus. Which is basically a slightly limited +10 untyped bonus to Charisma.

Some other items/item combos:

Tome of Leadership +5 for obvious reasons.
Belt of Magnificence for the same.

Slippers of Battledancing/Sparring Dummy of the Master. This is what you need a monk, or battledancer that is allowed to count as monk for. Slippers of Battledancing allow you to use your Charisma bonus to Attack and Damage for as long as you move 10 ft or more in a round. Sparring dummy of the master allows you to take 10ft steps instead of 5ft ones. I hope you can already see what the bonus is, if not, let me tell you.

Thank you.

Horseshoes of Flame/Phylactery of Change (Or any other item of at least 3/day polymorph) Using UMD to make it think you're a horse. May require some painful surgery, or saying that Incubi naturally have goat hooves as is depicted in some lore.

And the untyped +6 bonus to Charisma and +10 bonus to Intelligence make it really, really worth it.

Also invest in a Phylactery of Change, or some other item you can preferably activate while a horse to turn you back into your incubus form. Yes, you can use your change self ability from your succubus/incubus level to look humanoid, but sometimes you just want to look like yourself.
(*Note: This might also help not make your magic items look ridiculous, as turning into the nightmare form melds them into your body, and turning back into an incubus doesn't have to bring them back outside it, I believe.)

Item of Continuous Devil's Ego. +4 profane bonus to Cha, plus some other bonuses.
Item of continuous Righteous Aura. +4 Sacred bonus to Cha, plus some other bonus upon death, which shouldn't happen to you.
(Nowhere is it stated Demons can't have sacred bonuses.)
Item of Sirene's Grace, which gives you a bonus to cha and dex made worthless by your belt, but gives you a Deflection Bonus to your AC equal to your charisma modifier.

Pay for a casting of Mantle of the Icy Soul on you. You now have both the fire (from Firesouled), and Cold template, making you immune to both.

The graft giving you fast healing. If they get past your AC and saves somehow you're a bit fragile.

Which gives you:
A total of a +25 bonus to charisma at all times.
Another +10 bonus to effective charisma for variable rolls. (+5 bonus)
A daily changing Cha bonus of between 5 and 30.

A nearly always available possibility of using your Charisma for Attack and Damage rolls.
Deflection Bonus to AC equal to your Charisma.

The total of these feats, items, classes, and races. (The traits and flaws don't really matter for this)

18 base charisma. (Saying you're lucky.)
+28 race
+5 class levels.
+25 items.
+5/30 Rod of Repression.

For a total of between 81 and 106.
In addition, you gain another effective +14 charisma from Succubi's Kiss and Admirals' Bicorne in effects to variable rolls, so anything but Save DCs and AC.
so a 120 charisma maximum, if you count that.

This massive modifier. (+48 at best, which will be what I will use), you can apply:

Twice to all saves. (Paladin of Slaughter and Blackguard)
An additional time to Reflex (Oracle)
Possibly an additional time to Will. (Force of Personality.)
A save chosen once, then set in stone for the rest of the time. (Marshal)
A save chosen at will. (Warlock)

To Initiative (Noble Scion of War)

Thrice to AC:
Once replacing DEX (Oracle)
Once as an untyped bonus. (Battledancer/Ascetic Chaos Monk)
Once as a deflection bonus. (Sirene's Grace)

Used for attack and damage (Most of the time. Slippers of Battledancing.)

Also, your save DC's will be HUGE. And your spellcasting classes will grant you a load of bonus spells.

For a total of, on your best days, and not counting anything except what your charisma grants you.

+55 Inititative

AC of 154 without counting Natural Armour, or any other bonuses. AC of 106 when you're flatfooted.

+165 reflex.
+110 fortitude. +165 if, like me, you took Demand Fortitude.
+110 will. +165 against mind-affecting if Force of Personality is chosen.

+55 bonus you can throw upon any save you think it is necessary for.

+55 bonus to Attack and Damage if you move 10 ft or more, where BAB is added to.

DC of 58 on cantrips.

The rod of repression and the horseshoes of flame are noncontinuous, so they don't count for spells.

However, without that, and therefore a Cha of 70, should give you either 7 or 8, not entirely sure, level 1 bonus spells.

(Might put up the full sheet some time later)

Well, that was my build. Could anyone look over it and see if there is anything that might be incompatible with other things that I missed?

And yes, he does have the highest saves and AC of any non-infinite loop D&D creature that I could find, at least.

Also, I want to know two other things: What are his weaknesses? How would you defeat such a creature as this one?

And: Do you have any more ideas for things that could boost his cha-based powers?

2013-11-25, 02:17 PM
Great example of how Cha is the God stat!

Pathfinder Undead get d8 HD and Cha to hp/HD
Incorporeal gives +Cha(deflection) to AC [to replace the item]
Ghost 1 (savage progressions template classes) gives undeath and incorporeal

If you use the Pathfinder undead type with 1 level of the 3.5 ghost template class, you can get both those bonuses for a mere +1LA

2013-11-25, 02:20 PM
Well, the problem there is the fact that I would gain an additional weakness: Turning checks. And there's a feat that allows you to autodestroy undead you'd normally only damage, so no, that won't be something I'll be using. Thanks for the idea, though.

I don't know of a good way to gain long-term incorporeality without being undead. I also already have a deflection bonus to AC.

2013-11-25, 02:24 PM
Well, the problem there is the fact that I would gain an additional weakness: Turning checks. And there's a feat that allows you to autodestroy undead you'd normally only damage, so no, that won't be something I'll be using. Thanks for the idea, though.

I don't know of a good way to gain long-term incorporeality without being undead. I also already have a deflection bonus to AC.

What is that scary feat?

Longterm incorporeality can be gained with the expensive Savage Species ritual. So the item of Grace is probably better.

2013-11-25, 02:30 PM
Disciple of the Sun, from Complete Divine. Spend 2 turn attempts to destroy undead instead of turning them.

2013-11-25, 03:38 PM
Disciple of the Sun, from Complete Divine. Spend 2 turn attempts to destroy undead instead of turning them.

Or just having the sun domain lets you perform a greater undead turning once per day. Given that there are also items and spells that can push up your turning check it doesn't pay to be an undead if someone is really trying to kill you.

2013-11-25, 03:48 PM
Easily beatable, but it's an infinite loop; I'm not going to get into that one, but yeah, Charisma is easily exploitable and full of dipworthy entrants.

2013-11-25, 03:59 PM
I'm always a bit baffled by creatures that add their charisma bonus to their AC. It's basically saying "I'm too pretty to be hit".

2013-11-25, 04:22 PM
I'm always a bit baffled by creatures that add their charisma bonus to their AC. It's basically saying "I'm too pretty to be hit".

Not the face! Not me!

2013-11-25, 04:31 PM
Nice example of the ridiculousness of allowing 3.0, 3.5, PF, Dragon, OGL and arbitrary homebrew content into the same build.

Edit: Also, if you are actually buying off the +3 LA of fire-souled after a 16-level savage progression, you're at ECL 34.

2013-11-25, 04:40 PM
okay nice lv 20 numbers there but how would you contribute to a party if the DM said "ok i'm okay with that, We're starting at lv 1 and there's no magic mart"

2013-11-25, 04:52 PM
No need for all that. With 106 charisma just walking around will make everyone enthralled immediately and they'll just join you. You can effectively rule the world just by existing

2013-11-25, 04:53 PM
Weapon Trickery (PF 3rd Party on the SRD) req. bluff as a class skill
Use Charisma to hit with any light or one handed martial melee weapon in place of strength.

Charm the Arrow (3.5web enhancement) req. Fey
Use Cha to hit with arrows/bolts in place of dexterity

Bow of Songs, use a bardic music to gain +Cha to hit and damage for 1 attack action

Gloves of heartfelt blows- add Cha as fire damage to melee hits

Class Alternative:
Dip 1 level of Heartfire Fanner (or similar name, I'm AFB) from Dragon gives bardic music as 5th level bard, pair with bow for plenty of uses per day. That works out a little better in PF where uses are more plentiful.

If, you know, you're not playing as a bad monster race from a 3.0 book going in for 3-4 levels of Hexblade grants even more Cha-based save boni, and a cool little buddy to boot.

That should give you a bit more synergy to work with.

I do agree with Bekeleven about the homebrewed 'always on' spell effect items you made up. Custom magic items are seldom evaluated properly for price and are usually best left out of exercises like this, as they are reliant on DM fiat (I for one sure as hell wouldn't okay those).

Bekeleven: With the exception of homebrew, what is ridiculous about allowing all of those things? I have books for 3.5 from '06. I have the new DSP psionics book. I have a bunch of 3.5 approved Dragon mags. What is the point of any of this if you can't use all of these resources, which were all specifically designed to be used together? After 10 years of d20 some combinations get sarcastic, sure. But with all the crap floating around that's nigh un-usable, that's the exception, not the rule.

2013-11-25, 04:57 PM
I'm always a bit baffled by creatures that add their charisma bonus to their AC. It's basically saying "I'm too pretty to be hit".

Could you hit Zoolander while he's giving you the 'Blue Steel'?

I didn't think so.

2013-11-25, 05:12 PM
I do agree with Bekeleven about the homebrewed 'always on' spell effect items you made up. Custom magic items are seldom evaluated properly for price and are usually best left out of exercises like this, as they are reliant on DM fiat (I for one sure as hell wouldn't okay those). Actually, for homebrew I was referring to "also this feat exists, it's cool, it's similar to another feat that exists."

Bekeleven: With the exception of homebrew, what is ridiculous about allowing all of those things? I have books for 3.5 from '06. I have the new DSP psionics book. I have a bunch of 3.5 approved Dragon mags. What is the point of any of this if you can't use all of these resources, which were all specifically designed to be used together? After 10 years of d20 some combinations get sarcastic, sure. But with all the crap floating around that's nigh un-usable, that's the exception, not the rule.
3.0 isn't insane in most cases. 3.5, although there are many "core-only" or "core+completes" DMs around, just makes sense (except for one detail - leadership, the only practically-always-banned core feat that somehow made its way into this build at ECL 4). If you include Dragon Magazine stuff, you're edging into the realm where the majority of DMs I've seen are refusing blanket admissions and maybe allowing one or two balanced things after review.

If you include PF, you are willingly making a number of breaking rules changes (See: examples a couple posts up where people insist combining 3.5 and PF undead in the most advantageous ways). If you include 3rd party blanket, then all rules are out the window, and I'm busting out my chaos mage. If you start saying "also there's a vile version of this exalted feat because reasons", then the alarm bells in your head should probably be getting pretty loud.

Then you come to the rules issues. I only caught bought off LA using a savage progression in my initial skim.

All in all, the build has a lot of high numbers. Probably somewhere between the 2006 Psywar Smacker and the 2010 Psywar Smacker in terms of optimization, and a lot more flimsy rules-wise.

2013-11-25, 05:16 PM
Since you're using campy 3rd party material, in the ENWorld book "Chainmail Bikini" there's a feat called "Hot & Violent," which allows you to get Charisma to melee damage.

You've got paladin levels. Divine Might and Divine Shield are obvious choices

(Turn Undead attempts converted to Charisma to Damage/AC... again)

If you can get bardic music you can take snowflake wardance for charisma to hit.

2013-11-25, 05:16 PM
The thread title makes me sad, since I'm not sure I've never heard anyone actually say "Cha should always be a dumpstat because it is useless", so it smacks of "disproving" some "common wisdom" by example that was never common wisdom at all.

2013-11-25, 05:18 PM
The thread title makes me sad, since I'm not sure I've never heard anyone actually say "Cha should always be a dumpstat because it is useless", so it smacks of "disproving" some "common wisdom" by example that was never common wisdom at all.

yeah, the thread title was odd. However, I understand where he's coming from.

I absolutely hate dumping charisma on a character. If my character is not already charisma-based, I will go out of my way to find some mechanical use for charisma on any character so I don't feel obligated to completely dump it.

A Tad Insane
2013-11-25, 05:21 PM
Could you hit Zoolander while he's giving you the 'Blue Steel'?

I didn't think so.

Dude, why use blue steel when when you can get the acf beauty that is magnum?

2013-11-25, 05:27 PM
The thread title makes me sad, since I'm not sure I've never heard anyone actually say "Cha should always be a dumpstat because it is useless", so it smacks of "disproving" some "common wisdom" by example that was never common wisdom at all.

I believe the common claim often was "what's the point of charisma when we roleplay all the social interaction anyway?"

Basically if the DM forces you to actually roleplay, charisma is basically useless. You could have a charisma equal to this character, but say one wrong word and you auto-fail.

It's especially big in D&D based videogames. Charisma is useless in a game where everything is based off of dialog trees rather than a flexible game master.

Combined with the fact that to put it bluntly. No, you do not, outside of specialized builds like this one, need charisma for smashing orcs. Out of all the core classes, only the bard and sorcerer need charisma in a hack-and-slash. In a dungeonrun where everything is hostile, charisma is pointless.

2013-11-25, 05:41 PM
Games with Interaction, like Dragon Age have a percentage built into success, based on your ability to Persuade or Intimidate, much like here.

You are able to recreate amazing stunts like Balance on Clouds, complete 20ft high standing jumps, perfectly recall hundreds of minute pieces of information about a wide variety of opponents, and yet simply because you're forced to interact and 'say the wrong word' it messes up? At the least apply a circumstance penalty; it is what allows comedians and the press to say a great deal of things and not get penalized (aoded by free speech, of course).

Going to a funeral, and telling a joke about the guys stag do and his antics with the dancing girls is bad form for most people, but highly charismatic people without enough bluff/diplomacy skill can turn the grieving widow into the happiest person going, knowing that her husband had brilliant friends like this guy, no matter how ugly he looked.

2013-11-25, 05:48 PM
Dude, why use blue steel when when you can get the acf beauty that is magnum?

Once you can turn left the world is yours! :smalltongue:

2013-11-25, 06:03 PM
The thread title makes me sad, since I'm not sure I've never heard anyone actually say "Cha should always be a dumpstat because it is useless", so it smacks of "disproving" some "common wisdom" by example that was never common wisdom at all.

It's kind of a bias that has been hanging around since 2nd edition D&D. I think the only mechanical effect it had was determining the followers you could eventually obtain. It didn't help with talking to people since you just used roleplaying for that. In 3rd edition it can be useful, but only to certain classes and your DM may or may not call for rolls when interacting with people.

2013-11-25, 06:10 PM
It's kind of a bias that has been hanging around since 2nd edition D&D. I think the only mechanical effect it had was determining the followers you could eventually obtain. It didn't help with talking to people since you just used roleplaying for that. In 3rd edition it can be useful, but only to certain classes and your DM may or may not call for rolls when interacting with people.

Even then Cha is weird in that most characters don't need it (only need 1 face per party). However Cha is also weird in that it is the easiest ability to apply to everything.

2013-11-25, 06:29 PM
Combined with the fact that to put it bluntly. No, you do not, outside of specialized builds like this one, need charisma for smashing orcs. Out of all the core classes, only the bard and sorcerer need charisma in a hack-and-slash. In a dungeonrun where everything is hostile, charisma is pointless.

Paladins would appreciate Charisma as well.

2013-11-25, 08:58 PM
Right, because nobody wants to be the badass hero.

That's right, because no matter how good you are, if you've got the personal magnetism of a slug, you're not the badass hero. Your character's ability scores are supposed to reflect the character themselves. If you're playing a character with a charisma of 8, it doesn't matter what you, the player, make them say, the words will come across lacking conviction and strength. Every hero needs a way to make the audience love them, and just about every one of them does it with charisma. You might be the greatest swordsman who ever lived, or a spell-slinging wizard extraordinaire, but you still come across as a putz without charisma.

2013-11-25, 09:02 PM
8 of 13 iconic characters had 8 charisma or lower at level 15. Exceptions include Sorc, Paladin, Bard, Cleric, and one of the fighters. The barbarian and other fighter had 6.

2013-11-26, 02:39 AM
Snip (Reply)

Okay, I understand your meaning better, and I can certainly respect your position. It just came off as a bit of a blanket statement in and of itself. Thanks for elucidating.

Aside: @Talya, Agreed, entirely.

2013-11-26, 03:06 AM
Nice example of the ridiculousness of allowing 3.0, 3.5, PF, Dragon, OGL and arbitrary homebrew content into the same build.

Edit: Also, if you are actually buying off the +3 LA of fire-souled after a 16-level savage progression, you're at ECL 34.

I know, right? I can still get to about 80 charisma on a 3.0/3.5 only build, though.

... apparently I've been using the version with typos, since I used it as an LA 1 template. Well, that sucks. So the 3.0/3.5 cha is dropped to 75, and I need to get both the mantle of the fiery soul and the icy one. *grumble*

okay nice lv 20 numbers there but how would you contribute to a party if the DM said "ok i'm okay with that, We're starting at lv 1 and there's no magic mart"

You're still very much capable of doing some good stuff. You're still a first level succubus, which is a quite fun savage species race. You are a succubus/incubus, and will continue onwards from those abilities.

And no magic mart: as soon as you get to level 6, Artificer cohort. Ta-daa.

Weapon Trickery (PF 3rd Party on the SRD) req. bluff as a class skill
Use Charisma to hit with any light or one handed martial melee weapon in place of strength.

Charm the Arrow (3.5web enhancement) req. Fey
Use Cha to hit with arrows/bolts in place of dexterity

Bow of Songs, use a bardic music to gain +Cha to hit and damage for 1 attack action

Gloves of heartfelt blows- add Cha as fire damage to melee hits

Class Alternative:
Dip 1 level of Heartfire Fanner (or similar name, I'm AFB) from Dragon gives bardic music as 5th level bard, pair with bow for plenty of uses per day. That works out a little better in PF where uses are more plentiful.

If, you know, you're not playing as a bad monster race from a 3.0 book going in for 3-4 levels of Hexblade grants even more Cha-based save boni, and a cool little buddy to boot.

That should give you a bit more synergy to work with.

I do agree with Bekeleven about the homebrewed 'always on' spell effect items you made up. Custom magic items are seldom evaluated properly for price and are usually best left out of exercises like this, as they are reliant on DM fiat (I for one sure as hell wouldn't okay those).

1. Might be good to get instead of Slippers of battledancing, if you don't have Monk, or just before you get to that level.
2. He's not a Fey. Might do it in the no-3rd party thing, though, where in the end he is a fey, since the creature of lust isn't there to turn him back into an outsider.
3. Bow of songs: Also quite nice, but probably not the best for this build. Will look into it.
4. Gloves of heartfelt blows, nice, basically double melee damage. Although there's a lot of immunities going around for that.
5. Heartfire Fanner: Maybe, as I said, I don't know if bard will really fit. He'll get plentiful spells, though.
6. Hexblade: Yeah. A bit more limited, though, and the current list already means that he can automatically pass the DCs of spells even from gods, I wouldn't know if he'll need it.

Homebrew Always On effects: The rules for creating such items exist. By RAW and, AFAIK, RAI, those items very much have a chance of existing. I used them because in the game he was accidentally created in they were allowed. Also, he hasn't used most of his WBL, I believe, so you could also increase the cost and he'd still be able to manage it.

Or he'd just get a couple of high-CL wands. They wouldn't help him with bonus spells, but would still count for cha in general. Although they could be more permanently stopped with Dispel Magic, instead of Disjunction.

The thread title makes me sad, since I'm not sure I've never heard anyone actually say "Cha should always be a dumpstat because it is useless", so it smacks of "disproving" some "common wisdom" by example that was never common wisdom at all.

My apologies. I was just thinking of a good threadname. From my own looking around, I have seen a lot of people saying cha is a dumpstat for a lot of classes. And, as many others, I just like having it be a bit higher. It's not an all around dumpstat, but I know that a lot of people usually just see it as a bit of a sidestat to a lot of the other ones.

2013-11-26, 03:37 AM
Funny thing, that it's not how Slippers of Battledancing works. Because of this sentence

If he moves at least 10 feet as part of a move action

Moving 10ft per round isn't enough, you need to use your move action, so atmost you can use it 3/day if you get Belt of Battle. Besides this character doesn't have that much of an offensive mojo aside from a couple of SLA.

2013-11-26, 03:40 AM
Well, he has his slippers of battledancing, which, especially together with multiple attacks. (Hadn't noticed that bit. Twenty belts of battle it is. :P), can do a really giant amount of damage.

2013-11-26, 03:52 AM
Well, he has his slippers of battledancing, which, especially together with multiple attacks. (Hadn't noticed that bit. Twenty belts of battle it is. :P), can do a really giant amount of damage.

No, you can't get multiple attacks with slippers of battledancing in your current build. They require moving 10ft while using move action, not just moving 10ft per turn (see my previous post)

P.S. Also, your ability checks are terrible, you should do something with it.

2013-11-26, 04:32 AM
Hmmm... Pounce? Charging is a move and standard action, so it should count for the battledancing thing.

Yeah, ability checks... Meh. I've got a belt of magnificence. Lowest is Wis at 15, then the rest is 20 or higher.

Also: If you say a full-round action encompasses a move action, the 5ft step still works, since it's a non-action which you can do during another action.

2013-11-26, 04:59 AM
Hmmm... Pounce? Charging is a move and standard action, so it should count for the battledancing thing.

Yeah, ability checks... Meh. I've got a belt of magnificence. Lowest is Wis at 15, then the rest is 20 or higher.

Charging is a full-round action.

Also: If you say a full-round action encompasses a move action, the 5ft step still works, since it's a non-action which you can do during another action.

You need to move 10ft specifically "as part of move action" and not "during move action", and full-round action doesn't encompass move action, it just can be split to standard and move actions.

The real problem with this build (and yes, i understand that this is a TO build, not one for real game) is the same as it is with thing like deities and monsters from Epic Handbook - large numbers, but little else besides it. DnD if much more about what you can do that what you can endure :smallsmile:

2013-11-26, 05:05 AM
I've been in three campaigns where this (kind of) build has manifested as 'the' way to power (not Incubus specifically, but Cha-based X stat to Y). Cha is king when you start hitting the 50's and 60's in ability scores, since the benefit of focusing your build on getting some extra Cha to X quickly outweighs the various opportunity costs.

FWIW, one campaign had an multiply-Evolved lich with Charisma somewhere in the 50s-60s, the next had insanely high stats all around (by the end of the campaign I could briefly hit an 800 Wis if I put all my resources into setting up the trick, though normally I was in the 200 range; one character had a 'walking-around-Cha' of around 300) and featured a d100 system for rolls because the d20 just didn't have the variance to keep up anymore, and the third was actually a campaign I ran where the best damage build in the party for awhile was a Cha-to-damage character with a ~12 hit attack sequence.

2013-11-26, 08:18 AM

All I see if "my homebrew is teh c00l3st"

2013-11-26, 09:19 AM
Well, like the build... makes me think a bit of Edward Cullen ( UYHSggGBolGxQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGiwcHyQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwtLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCssLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsMv/AABEIAOwA1QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABAEAACAQICBAoJAwMDBQEAAAABAgADEQQhBRIxQQYHIkNRYX 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 urC1ZJNONlIDNokiOMsQRAbYREdaNmAUKCCAIIIIAggggCCCCB 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kDUcG31sgNn0nR9BYewvvG3tMwvBrC8se5bPt6J0rCUtRAOq5k JPOZW4mucxeSfTXJlVin5RmWWW3RxYe+k1HkvDCydZzkLDrrNb dtPZLIRxz9n8jL/WHcF7R7JMkTCrnJc2jmCM16lo8TIlZCZXK6Xwkt9ZzTFW5k3gv X1kI6DIumcEQNaJ4JV+U6zO11Wfi0dZRqm8o9IbOy9u2TdL17K ZkcVpAkCWmSmOF1tHxzm+eUi0F3w8TXJ2wqLxW0Lri4nLeMSt/VRPdUse0nLwnU6psJxvhpV1sXU/06q/RQf7ycPrLmv4meDuL1KoG5svjunWdFVrqJxKm1iCNozE6twXxm uinpH7ycpqo4Mtzq1i1o9Uoh0KkXVgQw6iLH9jIXXJ+G2SF64B pvR7YetUot+hjY9KfpP0tIM6Zxs6IyTEqMwdSpluPsn63HxnMz NI5Mpq6bPi45/5XmQ4XFxz/AMrzIcKrGml3bvHxml0Fou7qf0m4Mp8NRBff7TeJmr0JUIdVGy/1y3yNDWcG9HWIFslzYn9hNJjKthlGNCoBSB3km/1jekah2St+NMPpOHfImQKz5mKomyntMivMbP068bJ6n4IWF+nP 4SWKgkFXOQ6olqhm8njiyu7tb4eoTJkpdH1iWtul1JioGFaHCJ jQqdNLyTKDg4LV2mh0v7MotEtaobTLKOrC/iu9IqLG8yWMo7bbJqNJPlMvWbbJkTKpcY1riO4RDbZHKiAnOS6 SCNL9oh4hcpxHhFU1sTWP/kYfQ2/tO74lMj2ThOl6I9PV2/8AUfo94y+MY813pWibzi9xdwUP6T+xz/MxXoR1/tNHwF5OIIGwrn8DJy+M+LLWTrtOmCJJoi0j4bZJAkabbV/CTACvQqUj+tSB1NtB+oE4BVQqSpyINiOsbZ6MxAy7JxDhdhVXF 1gLga1/iRnJjPlWnFxz/wArzIcd4uKQ/r7ea8yCSxf/2Q==) where your prettiness is very heavily dependant on how pretty you are :smallbiggrin::smallamused:

Anyway, on the CHA stat. I agree with Talya. Especially from the point of roleplay.

You see? If you really want to roleplay your character you should make sure you emulate his ability scores (which is why my characters are at least medium int and cha, makes my roleplaying a lot easier). If your fighter has int 8 will you play him as a know it all or smart person? No. No play him dumb. So why would you play a cha 8 cahracter like a combination of Stephen Fry, Morgan Freeman and Casanova (all 3 very good at talking and charming people).

Now sure, there comes a time when someone want to play (or try to at least) a character that is completely antithetical to their own personality. Myabe it's a feelin gof novelty, maybe it's a dare to play something different. whatever reason, he just wants to. Let's call this player Ross (completely chosen by brainfart, any resemblance with real life or other media is completely accidental).

Ross is an introverted, socially awkward person. He has slight autistic tendencies. He is ridicilously smart and he knows that for the upcoming game a bard would be a perfect addition to the party. Ross has played fantastic fighters and supreme wizards and clerics, sometimes even borderline TO, but this time the bard won't elude his grasp. He has one problem however: he can't speech to save his life and while gaming with his buddies is something he enjoys immensly, he doesn't like the in character social interaction. He also knows that to roleplay, the DM expects him to make a speech at some point or other.

Now this would be a perfect case for the social interaction to take on a more meta form where the dice tell how well he is speeching and where Ross says what he talks about. Just this once the party was trying to convince the king to raise arms agianst the evil lich in the neighbouring kingdom and Ross completely forgets it's a game. Inspired by the moment he starts speeching to the king. Now the DM decides that the speech (and thus roleplay part which is noprmally mandatory) provides a hefty circumstance bonus on the diplomacy roll (as well as give roleplay xp, but that's not important here).

Consider the alternative. I played a cha focusing bard//marshall/dragon shaman/warlock. at lvl 6 my checks were allready up there with the commercial airlines. My DM knwos me. I like to talk. To poeple. A lot. He knwos I can charm my way thorugh any room, any company. Here the DM says to make a speech to roleplay my result. If I'd refuse, the check would fail, no matter how high. If I would succeed in making a good speech I would get a small bonus (but only if it were good like Obama's speeches).

Are these circumstances fair? No. Not by any means are they fair. Do they increase enjoyment? I'd say, yes. I needed to work harder to achieve my desired result. Ross had a chance to experience a completely different thing.


As a DM it's your duty to help people have fun, even if it seems unfair or weird. Be flexible and fair in the spread of fun, not in the application of numbers.

2013-11-26, 10:20 AM

All I see if "my homebrew is teh c00l3st"

And that is a post from a man, who started this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16500067) thread, irony much? :) May be you should abstain form posting non-constructive and non-positive feedbposts?

2013-11-26, 11:30 AM
And that is a post from a man, who started this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16500067) thread, irony much? :) May be you should abstain form posting non-constructive and non-positive feedbposts?

You're right. I apologize.