View Full Version : Gestalt Questions [3.P]

2013-11-25, 04:54 PM
So I wanted to make a Cleric Swordsage Gestalt that fit more to the Thor design of a magical warrior.

But this design seems to have some MADness involved.
Strength for melee combat
Dex for throwing the hammer and other ranged things just like spells
Con for good HP
Wis of course for AC and Spells
Int for good Skill points I get 6+Int from Swordsage so that seems to make it less important but not a dumpstat
Cha seems like it would be a good dumpstat but Thor is very Charismatic.

Any advice on how to make this build less mad? Feats and so forth are welcome I know of some Dungeonscape feats that are said to mess with the casting stat of classes but I don't know all the feats that do that.

I have ideas for prestige classes but I am always open to advice.

2013-11-25, 05:11 PM
Strength and dexterity you can get from spells to some extent so you don't need to make them overly large. You could get away with 12 in each or maybe 14. Constitution and wisdom should be your main concerns, especially wisdom as your spells will be doing most of the work. Thor isn't very bright all things considered so high intelligence might be not not be true to his character. He tends to resolve problems by hitting them really hard. Thor isn't so much charismatic as impressive. He generally doesn't persuade people with speeches.

All things considered, it might be a stretch to give a Thor clone high wisdom. If you are thinking of the movie version, he isn't really all that wise. He's not a spellcaster either.

2013-11-25, 05:17 PM
Well not so much Movieverse form. Thor is a god and does possess magical prowess just is not a spell caster of the normal form. Things like Storm magic is still magic. And yes Thor can still conjure thunder and lightning even without his hammer he is just more powerful with it.

I agree the Wis is not exactly in character but that was mostly due to the classes working for the idea. People do seem to think Thor is just hulk with a hammer don't they. Thor is actually pretty smart. In the recent comics he followed a bloody path of dead gods left by Gorr and even had the brilliant idea to use the city of the gods to research which gods had gone missing and locating them to see if they where killed off (They where) so he is not brain dead just not Tony Stark smart.

Charisma is not just persuading its looks and natural charisma he is a leader and people follow him into battle because he is a good leader. Loki has the other half of the Charisma score which is being a cunning liar where as Thor is just that guy who gives off the sense of 'Follow me into glory'

But you're right Strength and Dex can be boosted via items or spells. But if this is low level it might come a little harder.

I am gonna go with Item Familiar for the hammer, any advice on how that works?

2013-11-25, 05:24 PM
Dump dex. Brutal Throw (CAdv) gives Str to hit with thrown weapons.

2013-11-25, 05:29 PM
Why thank you, I don't know if I will dump it but I will invest lesser scores into it.

Any other advice out there?

2013-11-25, 05:32 PM
What race were you thinking of. If you pick something large you can qualify for the hulking hurler PrC. A few of the two-handed hurl tricks would work well for a Thor type character.

2013-11-25, 05:43 PM
I'm actually playing a gestalt cleric//swordsage.

I've started with an Aasimar Lesser-Unseelie Fey for the stat bonuses

The DMM-Persist combo grants a +6 to strength and some nice buff.

If you want only the fluff of thor and not the myhammer stuff you can dump strenght for a dex based character with a Setting sun/Diamond Mind focus

2013-11-25, 05:48 PM
No no I am planning on using the hammer, probably the Bloodstorm Blade for the thrown weapon perks of that PrC.

I am not sure of the race. I know some classes get the large build perk but I don't know them all.

EDIT: By the by what is best for that DDM Persist combo.

2013-11-25, 06:40 PM
I am not sure of the race. I know some classes get the large build perk but I don't know them all.

EDIT: By the by what is best for that DDM Persist combo.

Do you mean powerful build? I don't think you can use that since it only makes you one size larger when a size modifier can be applied and it is advantageous for you to be large.

DMM persist spell choice depends on your level in some cases as you pick the best spells from what you can cast. Divine power is a good choice (+6 strength, BAB = caster level). Righteous Might is also good and the strength bonuses stack. Earth Hammer makes your weapon one category larger and effectively adamantine for overcoming DR.

Don't forget to acquire some nightsticks to fuel your DMM spells.

2013-11-25, 06:56 PM
Well wouldn't it be advantageous to count as large for the purpose of entry into a PrC?

So 7th level minimum to get those big bonuses to str and such.

Would the spells like Bull's Strength or something be capable of the persist metamagic stuff?

2013-11-25, 07:45 PM
Well wouldn't it be advantageous to count as large for the purpose of entry into a PrC?

So 7th level minimum to get those big bonuses to str and such.

Would the spells like Bull's Strength or something be capable of the persist metamagic stuff?

The text specifically states:
Whenever a goliath is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check

You can also be treated as large for determining whether a creatures special attack will work if it has size limitations.

It isn't a blanket trick - you can't use it to be considered large size whenever you want.

Persist spell works on any spell with a duration other than instantaneous and has a range that is either personal or fixed. Bulls strength works because it has a duration of one minute per level and a fixed range of touch. It is an enhancement bonus though so it won't stack with divine power.

2013-11-25, 10:13 PM
Well Bloodstorm Blade will give me the hurling and returning powers I need for the Thor feel so I really don't need to get into that class. I thought the Goliath size thing also worked for weapons.