View Full Version : Follower -> Cohort Conversion

Gwazi Magnum
2013-11-25, 08:57 PM
Is it possible to turn a bunch of weaker followers into a higher leveled ally?

Yuki Akuma
2013-11-25, 09:02 PM
You could hand them a bunch of magic items and permanent spell buffs, perhaps. Apply grafts or rituals to grant them new abilities. Take them to magical locations and let them attune to them.

But doing this is either expensive or would probably make them no longer count as a follower. And they still wouldn't level up unless your leadership score improved and you and your DM decided to let a follower or two level up instead of attracting a new, higher-level follower to fill the slot.

You can't have more than one cohort at a time. The Thrallherd PrC's capstone ability lets you have two thralls, which are sort of like cohorts, but that's about it.

2013-11-25, 09:03 PM
Well I guess you could sew their corpses together and make yourself a flesh golem (CR 7). It takes at least 6 different bodies to make one golem, so you could probably make a lot of them if your Leadership Score is high enough.

Yuki Akuma
2013-11-25, 09:04 PM
Well I guess you could sew their corpses together and make yourself a flesh golem (CR 7). It takes at least 6 different bodies to make one golem, so you could probably make a lot of them if your Leadership Score is high enough.

Feasible, but this would tank your leadership score. Better to do it as a Thrallherd, your thralls and believers don't care (because you're mind controlling them).

2013-11-25, 09:15 PM
Feasible, but this would tank your leadership score. Better to do it as a Thrallherd, your thralls and believers don't care (because you're mind controlling them).

Actually, it looks like "Caused the death of a cohort" is the only modifier that is marked as being cumulative. "Caused the death of other followers" would just be a flat, one-time -1 to Leadership Score. Not that big of a deal, really. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, I was just trying to answer the OP's question as literally as possible. :smallamused:

Gwazi Magnum
2013-11-25, 09:27 PM
You could hand them a bunch of magic items and permanent spell buffs, perhaps. Apply grafts or rituals to grant them new abilities. Take them to magical locations and let them attune to them.

But doing this is either expensive or would probably make them no longer count as a follower. And they still wouldn't level up unless your leadership score improved and you and your DM decided to let a follower or two level up instead of attracting a new, higher-level follower to fill the slot.

You can't have more than one cohort at a time. The Thrallherd PrC's capstone ability lets you have two thralls, which are sort of like cohorts, but that's about it.

Basically just turn lower level followers to higher level followers?

Actually, it looks like "Caused the death of a cohort" is the only modifier that is marked as being cumulative. "Caused the death of other followers" would just be a flat, one-time -1 to Leadership Score. Not that big of a deal, really. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, I was just trying to answer the OP's question as literally as possible. :smallamused:

Well it does answer the question I give it that :p

Akal Saris
2013-11-26, 01:14 AM
The 3.0 Epic Level Handbook gave some rules for upgrading followers. In 3.0, PCs were restricted to NPC classes for followers, so you could basically reduce their levels to have them be PC classes or better NPC classes. For example, you could have a level 6 warrior, or a level 4 adept, or a level 2 rogue, all as the "6th level" follower.

Of course, since 3.5 removed the restriction, the rules are now obsolete, but you could perhaps use them as a guideline of sorts for stronger followers. Personally, I'd let a PC reduce the # of followers he had in return for a small group of stronger followers, but that would just be a houserule.

2013-11-26, 06:19 AM
If you get enough followers then the Dungeons masters guide 2 has the Mob template, although it's not particularly great