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2013-11-25, 10:13 PM
It's a warm spring day in Holbrook. Many people in town have heard rumors that a nearby silver mine has become haunted (you have heard this if you have a gather information bonus of +5 or more). A few years ago, a crypt containing a sarcophagus with a carving of a high elven maiden was found in a natural cave the miners stumbled upon, but this is the first instance of undead activity in the mine since its discovery (know (local) bonus of +8 or know (history) bonus of +10).

The mayor, a stout halfling with a curled mustache and goatee named Timothy Highhill, has offered to buy Lex a drink if he comes to Saeril's bar that evening at sunset. He also tells Karn that he has a matter of utmost importance to discuss with him that evening at sunset in Saeril's bar.

Daniel, Kalibola, Raelirryn, and Lavinia arrive with a trade caravan just before sunset. The traders have set up camp at the opposite edge of town, and have offered Daniel and Kalibola space in their tents if they do not find other lodging, but there is also at least one inn in town called the Running Dog (not Saeril's bar, but you can get directions to her saloon if you have a +5 gather information bonus or find it yourself with a +5 knowledge (local) bonus). Daniel heard a rumor that an old treasure hunter who'd had a run in with a one eyed bandit lived out this way, and an old friend of Ivan's helped Kalibola figure out that the slavers who took Ivan were headed in this town's direction. A druid from Raelirryn's elven tribe ran across her and asked her to deliver a package to a woman named Saeril in this town. Lavinia is just there to keep a low profile. Many people from town have come by to take a look at the goods that are for sale (gather information bonus of +7 to have heard a caravan arrived or spot of +7 to have noticed them for Lex, Saeril, and Karn).

At sunset, the mayor arrives at Saeril's bar (name please?), buys and drinks a shot, and asks the man playing piano to stop for a moment. He addressed the patrons in a deep voice with a noticeable drawl. "Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please?" He taps his glass loudly on the bar to make sure everyone is listening. "I do not wish to alarm you, but for those of you who haven't heard, there have been reports of necromantic activity at Jaspers' silver mine. As some of you already know, he is offering a considerable reward of fifty thousand silver coins to any person or group who may be able to remove the spirits haunting his mine. However, this issue is no longer solely Jaspers' concern. This morning, the Bouldersons found a dozen head of their cattle drained of all life. The Bouldersons' ranch borders the hill that mine is in, and I believe this heinous act to be connected to whatever is going on down in that there mine. I want to organize a posse to investigate and see if we can't clear out whatever's infested that mine before it strikes again. To that end, I'm willing to offer up another five thousand gold on top of Jaspers' generous reward to whoever can bring in whatever downright evil critter crawled up in them mines, and we'll also be taking up donations from anyone wanting to add on to the bounty." A dwarf tosses a sack of coins towards the mayor, and a younger human in fancy clothing writes out a promissory note and hands it to the mayor as well.

2013-11-26, 09:24 AM
Kalibola lumbers through the town, his ears swiveling and his head turning, breathing in the sounds and smells of civilization. He's been in towns before, but he's always had Ivan around to tell him where to go and what to do. Now he is hopelessly lost. Kalibola sticks his nose in the air and breathes in, but does not smell Ivan anywhere. Where could he be? As he contemplates this, lost in thought, he almost trips over a small grey woman. He bends down and sticks his nose directly into her face, inhaling deeply.

"Halfling. Smell funny, though. You were on the caravan with me. Yes. You will help. Help me find Ivan?"

2013-11-26, 11:42 AM
A man sat in the corner, nursing his drink in a dusty old glass. A bottle half full of an amber liquid sat on the table next to him, which he used to occasionally refresh the glass when it ran low. A half smoked cigarette dangled from his cracked lips, and his face was full of stubble that looked like it could never truly be shaved off. On his hat sat a battered old stetson hat, and he wore a dull red shirt underneath an old but well-maintained leather vest.

This is how it always was in this town. You get too drunk, or get in a fight with someone who was, to be honest, just asking for it, and they throw you in jail for the night. But if bandits were invading, or they wanted to find some relic, or apparently a necromancer was killing off cattle, they never hesitated to call you.

He'd take the job, of course. They always paid well, and it gave him something interesting to do. But he wanted to see this play out for awhile first.

2013-11-26, 02:14 PM
Karn sits comfortably at his reinforced stool in Saeril's bar. Without apparent warning, he perks up an begins scenting the air - an interesting sight, considering his nose is purely decorative (no nostrils).

He stands and poses, attracting the attention of much of the bar. In a loud voice, he declares, "I smell...Adventure!" And then he proceeds to stomp out of the bar. A quiet voice is heard to say, "Oh dear, not again." From the general vicinity of his belt.

Karn stomps down the street straight to the bar called Running Dog and pushes the doors aside, causing them to swing apart dramatically. He struts through, making the floor creak with his weight and poses momentarily in the doorway, allowing all within to gaze upon him before speaking.

"Karn has come. The smell of adventure is on the air! Who here has great need of Karn's services?"

Into the silence that follows, a meek voice intrudes with, "Sorry, folks, but he's doing it again."

2013-11-26, 02:16 PM

Grillion Arms (Bound To Totem)-4 Essentia
Totem Avatar (Bound To Totem)-4 Essentia
Phase Cloak (Bound To Shoulders)
Thunderstep Boots (Shaped To Feet)-3 Essentia
Claws Of The Wyrm (Shaped To Arms)
Dragon Tail (Shaped To Waist)
Threefold Mask Of The Chimera (Shaped To Crown)

(Spot Bonus +12, notices caravan)

Used to be, seeing the rising dust cloud on the horizon when a caravan came mozying into town would make Saeril nervous. She'd keep her distance, try to stay off the streets and away from the merchents tents whenever they set up shop. When folks came to her bar, she'd watch there eyes, hoping they would pass over her without the telltale flash of recognition. She used to fear running into a traveler who maybe she had hit up in the past. Sure, most folks never got a decent look at her, but some did. Last thing she wanted was someone to remember. Seeing the traders pass on through would bring with it a sigh of relief.

But that was years ago. Come to think of it, that one sentence could apply to most of Saerils life. She used to be a bandit, but that was years ago. She used to be the terror of the plains and hills, but that was years ago. She used to be a proud member of the wild elf tribes, but that to was years ago. And she used to be nervous around caravans. Memories had faded over the years, her story stopped being whispered around the fireplace. If anyone was going to recognize her, they'd have done it by now. So long as she kept herself to herself, ain't nobody would be coming looking for the Blue Devil, not anymore.

Saeril made a note to go by the trade stalls tomorrow morning, and returned to her work. Sundown was coming, and that was when her bar, The Sturdy Oak, saw most of its customers. Farmers coming in from the fields, mostly. Miners to, tracking in gravel and dust. Always a hassle, sweeping up after them. Course, there hasn't been nearly so much mine dust the past few days, so Saeril was actually in a pretty decent mood.

Handing the mayor his drink, Saeril was absent mindedly scrubbing at an ale glass as Highhill called for attention. She wasn't paying much attention, least not until he mentioned the reward. Five Thousand Gold. With those words, her eyes were suddenly locked on the Halfling, almost looking hungry.

Thats the thing about dragons. You don't get to pick and choose, its all a packaged deal. If you get their fire, you get their greed to.

Settle down she told herself, shaking her head a bit, and returning to work. There were plenty of thick headed sword arms and cocksure gunslingers ready to take up the job of evicting whatever spooks had settled into the silver mine. Besides, I got twice that much stowed away already. she reminded herself. Then she heard that the reward would be added onto the existing Fifty Thousand Silver.

Once more, hungry eyes fell on Mayor Highhill, if only for a moment.

Ten thousand was a prize that held her interest, and Saeril had to fight not to take up the job right then and there. She knew she needed to keep her head down, not draw attention. Last thing she needed was people asking how exactly a barmaid managed to clean out whatever nasty beast or specter had feasted on more than a dozen heads of cattle in one night. Those were the kind of questions that make people wonder what exactly it was that Miss Calavénë had done before she came to this town.

Saerils discomfort only grew as, one by one, more folks stepped up to donate to the reward. So focused was her attention that she payed little mind to what she was doing with her hands, and the glass she'd been cleaning shattered with a loud crash under her vice like grip. Shocked back to reality, she tossed asside her rag and fetched a broom to clean up the mess.

But her thoughts still lingered on the money being offered, and all the things she could do to try and get it.

2013-11-26, 03:19 PM
Lavinia separates herself from the caravan as quickly as possible, not wanting people to know where it is she came from. "I need a drink," she says to herself as she scours the town for cheap and dirty booze. Not one minute after embarking on her great quest does she bump into the troll from earlier. How she managed to miss such a large...thing baffles her. Its questions about an "Ivan" only served to increase her confusion.
"Uhm...What? I don't..." She decides not to disagree with the troll, no matter how civilized it he looks. Besides, this might be one ally that's worth the attention he brings. "Does Ivan drink?" Lavinia looks Kalibola up and down again and reconsiders her question, "Of course he drinks. Let's check a tavern." and she mumbles under her breath, "I know I would." Lavinia holds out her tiny hand for the troll to take, and introduces herself with a forced smile. She saw no trouble in giving her name to a troll. Who would listen to it HIM? "I'm Lavinia."

Tavern access acquired!

2013-11-26, 04:52 PM
Kalibola smiles back at her, showing off all 43 of his sharp yellow teeth.

"Thank you. My name is Kalibola."

The troll takes her tiny hand in his massive clawed one, and allows her to lead him to the tavern.


Kalibola ducks into the bar just in time to hear the mayor's offer. Though the low (from his perspective) ceiling forces him to slouch even more than normal, his sharp ears stand up with interest as the mayor finishes speaking. The troll thinks to himself. Gold was never something Ivan would turn away from, and perhaps the men who took Ivan were ones lurking in the mine. In Kalibola's small mind, that was enough reason to accept.

"I can go. Can help clear out mine." Kalibola says in a loud, booming voice.

2013-11-26, 05:32 PM
Lex looked over at the bartender. Whenever he was in town, he always made a point to go see Saeril. She loved hearing his stories, what adventures he went on, what items he found that week, everything. She wasn't flirting, either; Lex knew when women were flirting with him, and she wasn't. She was really interested, like she wanted to be there with him.

He figured he'd cast her a line and see if she bit. He grabbed his bottle and glass and sauntered back to the bar.

Hello there, Saeril. What d'ya think of all this necromancy business going on? The mayor specifically called me out here, I think he wants me to lead the posse. As usual.

2013-11-26, 06:36 PM
Lavinia went in and up onto a bar stool. "Gimme something tall and dirty." She tried to ignore the mayor's rambling, but it seemed to have her bartender vexed. If she could reach the floor, she'd be tapping her foot, waiting impatiently for the barkeep to snap out of her daze. Lavinia swiveled around to see just what had the woman so intrigued, and found herself in a similar state when a large bag of gold was tossed to the mayor. She could use money like that to get some investigation done on whoever chased her out of the Dixon Hills. Or just disappear entirely!

The glass dropped, and Lavinia spun back around, "It's not that pretty, is it?" she says softly to Saeril with a chuckle. Lex walks up moments later with juicy information. Just her luck to have the expedition leader saunter over to her.
She sizes him up, "I take it by your tone that you'll accept." How could someone in such traditional adventuring gear refuse? Knowing only that it involves necromancy, Lavinia accepts the challenge. "Count me in." Albeit technically to the wrong person.

2013-11-27, 10:33 AM
The silver golem stops posing long enough to stride up to the bar where several other adventuring types are talking. "I, Karn the Silver, also accept this challenge!" It is clear that Karn doesn't know what the challenge actually is, since he came in after the Mayor's speech.

"Together, we shall ride forth to glorious battle against..." He pauses long enough that he hears someone mention Necromancers, before continuing loudly, "The Undead!"

Then he turns to see Lex and Saeril glaring at him. "Oh look, it is my boon companions, who have battled by my sides on many occasions!" A quieter voice from Karn's hip says, "It was just the one bar fight, Karn. And as I recall they weren't exactly helping you..."

The Golem interrupts his sword, "Together, we shall face these fearsome undead beasts, and emerge victorious! Who's with us?!" Karn continues to ignore the fact that he's not actually part of anyone else' conversation.

2013-11-27, 10:41 AM
"I take it by your tone that you'll accept."
"Count me in.

Ha! You're barkin' up the wrong tree, Pilgrim. I'm no one's leader. At least, not unless they've threatening me with handcuffs. That's the only reason I'm in here. I got in a little scuffle with the O'Reilley kid, and I'm sure the mayor has convinced the Sheriff to look the other way if I help out.

It's all a big scam if you ask me. They throw some bunk charges at you, then offer to drop them if you go kill whatever nuisance is bothering them this week. It's not too bad, though, because it certainly keeps the coin purse full.

"Together, we shall face these fearsome undead beasts, and emerge victorious! Who's with us?!"

See, THIS is the guy you want to talk to. Karn here would probably help out even if there was no reward. Heck, he'd probably pay for the privilege if he had to. Isn't that right, Karn?

2013-11-27, 10:48 AM
Karn here would probably help out even if there was no reward. Heck, he'd probably pay for the privilege if he had to. Isn't that right, Karn?

"A reward to deal with such a minor nuisance as a few undead? Well, I suppose I will accept my due as hero, and share the bounty that the people shower upon me with those who would aid in my quest! Indeed, we shall all become rich through our efforts against the foul necromancer!"

There is a long-suffering sigh from the sword at the golem's waist. "That means he'll take his cut of the bounty. We have to have some way of paying for those rounds of drinks he always buys for people."

Karn grins broadly. "An excellent idea, Mournblade! A round of drinks for all the heroes going on this quest!" Karn throws five gold onto the bar.

2013-11-27, 11:22 PM
The mayor notices Kalibola's entrance. When Kalibola volunteers, Highhill approaches him carefully and gives him a scrutinizing look. "You're... you're that troll who came through town with that gnome a few years back, aren't you? Yes, I remember you were quite well behaved around him. Ivan, I think his name was. Did he come with you?"

He finishes another drink while the rest of the bar's patrons discuss their willingness to contribute to the cause or help clear out the mines. When Karn enters, he shrugs. But when Karn volunteers, he saunters over to the golem. "Yes, I knew you'd volunteer. I'll accept your help, but do try not to bring the mine crashing down upon the rest of the posse."

A minute later, a haggard middle aged man with a thick beard and a scar across his forehead wearing a leather vest with a silver star on it throws open the door to the tavern and looks around. His eyes pass over the crowd, pausing for a moment on Kalibola and rolling slightly when he sees Karn and Lex, but he nods, steps inside, and lets the doors swing closed behind him. Mayor Highhill walks over to him and they speak in hushed tones for a moment. The two of them approach Lex together while Lavinia and Saeril are speaking with him. "Ah, Lex. I've discussed the situation with Sheriff Heller, and we are of course willing to waive the current bounty on your head if you'll help us out with this one."

Sheriff Heller spits on the floor. "Now I ain't entirely happy about this seein' as you can't stay a week outta trouble, but I ain't too broken up about it neither, for much the same reason." He stares Lex coldly in the eye for a few seconds before his face breaks into a grin. "You can make trouble for them ghosts instead. Give me some peace for once. Are the troll and the silver fella goin' with you? Don't be afraid to send them in first." He motions to Lavinia and Saeril, but continues speaking to Lex. "Heck, you wanna make things real easy, offer the ladies a half share each to carry your bags." He grins at them. "Just kiddin'. Pour me a glass, would ya Say-real?"

2013-11-27, 11:45 PM
Kalibola looks down at the mayor, meeting his scrutinizing gaze with one of dull uncertainty. "Ivan. I lost Ivan. Hyena-men stole him while he was sleeping. I've been looking for Ivan. You have seen him?" Kalibola asks the mayor with excitement.

"Ivan's friend told me the hyena-men were coming here, but I didn't find him yet. Maybe he's in your mine?"

2013-11-29, 08:57 AM
Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. But you should know better, Sheriff. You should be throwin' that O'Reilley kid in jail. Pickin a fight with an old man like me, shame on him! Sure, he got a broken nose and a busted jaw for his troubles, but I could've broken a hip or something! Kids today have no respect for their elders.

FYI: Lex is only 40. He always plays up his age so he looks like the victim.

Of course Karn here wants to go, but you know Karn. He'd jump into a pit full of demons if the Law asked him to.

And this lady here... he pointed to Lavinia Doesn't want to carry our bags, she wants to go in there and fight 'em with us! What'll they think of next?

2013-11-29, 10:27 AM
Gnolls? Boy, was this fella in the wrong place. No sense directing the behemoth away from her danger though.
She wasn't particularly interested in saving the town either, and certainly not in carrying bags of tall folk. Lavinia was after coin and a place to lie low. What better place to hide than a haunted mine? Nice and dark, too.
She speaks to the group of locals gathered around her curtly, "I'm here to fix the mine - or whatever - and get paid. Dealing with your baggage costs extra." She meant both kinds, but didn't expect anything for either. People never do pay their council well enough anyways. "How is it people never see the snake-behind-the-throne coup when the figure gets the glory and the gold?" she wondered. "Though, it is a pretty sweet gig. All you do is lie and order people like me around." A smile comes out of seemingly nowhere, "Sounds like a retirement plan."
Lavinia snaps back from her internal tangent and back to the things that matter most. "That and drink." Lavinia turned to the bartender. "How 'bout it Blondie? That sack of gold pretty enough to bring your special skills?" She of course meant those displayed behind a bar.

2013-11-29, 10:47 PM

Saeril noticed one of her regulars approaching, though she needn't bother looking up to do so. You could hear the swagger in his approach. "Evening Lex"

Hello there, Saeril. What d'ya think of all this necromancy business going on? The mayor specifically called me out here, I think he wants me to lead the posse. As usual.

"What do I think? Eh, its a wash. If the mines are closed down, it means I don't need to spend an hour cleaning rubble off the floors every night. Then again, Out of work miners can't exactly pay for their drinks now can they."

Saeril, for the most part, liked Lex. Overconfident and cocky, yeah, but those arn't sins in her book. Agreeable enough to make good company, and he never seemed to cause more trouble than his worth, so no complaints there.

It was around this time that Saeril noticed Karn was going off again. Now there was a customer she wished she could be rid off. Nicest fellow you could ever meet, but he seemed to be incapable of keeping his mouth shut for more than ten seconds at a stretch. Most of the time, Saeril just tuned it out, but even she couldn't manage to fully block out his booming metal voice.

It's all a big scam if you ask me. They throw some bunk charges at you, then offer to drop them if you go kill whatever nuisance is bothering them this week. It's not too bad, though, because it certainly keeps the coin purse full.

An idea. A wonderfully simple, almost painfully obvious idea, came to Saeril. Lex was in and out of the jail house more often than most of the deputies, and he was spot on when it came to the towns offer of pardons for service. Getting a letter from the mayor declaring her past crimes void would make for an excellent ace in her pocket, that much was sure. All she really needed was an opening, a way to step in to the posse.

"Heck, you wanna make things real easy, offer the ladies a half share each to carry your bags." He grins at them. "Just kiddin'. Pour me a glass, would ya Say-real?"

And this lady here... he pointed to Lavinia Doesn't want to carry our bags, she wants to go in there and fight 'em with us! What'll they think of next?

"How 'bout it Blondie? That sack of gold pretty enough to bring your special skills?"

In quick order, Saeril found herself the butt of a joke, and a rather rude comment. Her temper flared a moment, but didn't burn to hot. She just laughed it off, afterall, this was just what she needed. Passing the mayor a tall flask, she gave a small shrug "Golds easy enough to come by. Seems half the town can't wait to come in here each night and give their hard earnings to me" She chuckled. "I'll lend a hand in whatever way you want, carrying bags or serving drinks. Don't matter much to me. All I ask is equal pay to the rest of the group" She jabbed a thumb at Lex's direction "He gets a letter of pardon, I want one too. Be nice to have one for a rainy day"

Lightning Fast
2013-11-30, 02:24 AM
Connor’s wings beat rapidly as he zoomed towards Holbrook, occasionally adding a corkscrew spin or a loop to his flight pattern in order to make his commute more enjoyable. Though he’d been flying at speeds beyond that of any purebred racing horse since he was thirteen, he never grew bored of it. There were always new sights to see from his bird’s eye view, and it made a trip that would be hazardous to any other being a breeze. Tracking was rarely necessary, as he was usually able to catch the crooks he was after by simply diving down and questioning anyone he saw wandering through the vast, unsettled terrain.

By the time he arrived in the town, it was already sunset. Still, he was making good time on the job he’d been sent to do, considering he’d left just a few hours prior. He would rest in town for a day or two, gathering what information he could, and set out after a group of bandits, wanted for stealing magical weaponry from the dwarven smiths of Lower Dormir. It wouldn’t be too difficult, he imagined; just a matter of getting someone to identify the drawings he’d been given, and some simple directions to their base. And, of course, what better place to go to for information (and a drink) than a tavern? The Sturdy Oak ((I passed all the skill checks)) was the first that came to mind, as it was where he ended up the last time he came to Holbrook. He came there every so often, but never for an extended period of time; just to take care of a bounty or find new work.

Ah, gotta keep up appearances... he thought, landing cleanly a few meters from the door. He removed the bandana that kept the wind out of his face, and adjusted his hat and leather belt, which sported an ordinary, silver buckle and held up a pair of surprisingly pristine trousers. The rest of his outfit was strangely formal-looking: a black, somewhat sinister-looking vest and white dress shirt. He displayed his family crest proudly on a golden chain which hung from his neck: two crossed pistols with a set of angel wings. Perhaps this bar won’t be full of people who want to kill me.

Connor pushed through the doors, tipping his hat uttering a single word. “Gentlemen...” He had said this so as to garner some attention, but it appeared as though the patrons were preoccupied with something else. It was then that he heard a familiar voice. Rather than reveal his presence immediately, he sauntered over to Lex and spoke in a way that could only be described as one friend playfully teasing another: “Sober and out of jail now, are we Lexington?” His accent was thick, indicating he’d lived in the west for almost all of his life. “What’s goin’ on here? What’s this I hear about letters of pardon?” He gave a brief glance towards the bartender, whose name escaped him, then turned to the sheriff. “Howdy, sir; whenever you’re done here, I’m looking for a group of bandits supposedly led by these three.” Connor laid the pictures he was provided down on a nearby table, allowing anyone who might know them to speak up. There was one of an orc, one of a hobgoblin, and one of a gnoll.

2013-11-30, 12:10 PM
Well now, wasn't this interesting. Lex was sure he could get Saeril to go on the posse with him, but now she wants a letter of pardon, too? There must be a heck of a story behind that one.

Lex's humorous demeanor sobered up as soon as the bounty hunter walked in the door. They had a run-in a few years back, but he wasn't friendly and easy-going as the local lawmen. He meant business, and more importantly, he was probably the only lawman who outsmarted Lex, although he'd die before he'd admit that.

Sober and out of jail now, are we Lexington?

You're right on the second count. I'm still working on the first one.

Lex took a swig from his glass to demonstrate.

And it's Lex. DON'T call me Lexington. These letters of pardon are none of your concern. We do things differently around here then you're used to

2013-11-30, 12:56 PM
It takes him a while to spot it, but Kalibola's cloudy eyes widen as he sees the poster of the gnoll. With startling quickness for a creature of his size, he lunges at the table, putting a claw through the poster and bringing it up until it is inches from his face.

"Hyena-man!" he shouts, turning to Connor excitedly, "I am looking for hyena-men! They took Ivan from me. You have seen them?"

He stares at the poster again for a second, then addresses the bounty hunter again.

"Uh, and will you read this for me?"

Lightning Fast
2013-12-01, 12:12 AM
Connor snickered. "Lexxy, I'm more than familiar with 'letters of pardon'. Frankly, I'm glad they're re-purposing you to do more than drink and steal antiques."

Even the resolve of a gunslinger of Connor's caliber was shaken by the lumbering troll. "Good lord!" he said, startled. This was the first time he'd seen a troll he hadn't been hired to kill and had no intention of killing him. It was a pleasant surprise, to be sure. 'S just some bandit I was hired to catch. The bastard robbed a couple of dwarven smiths. Haven't seen 'em yet, but I'll find 'em, and I'll bring 'em back here dead or alive, like I always do." Connor looked the troll up and down as he took the drawing back. He would need someone to help him clean up after the job was done, and this troll looked like the person to ask. "... Hey, how much would it cost to get you to help me carry the dwarves' things and the bandits' bullet-filled corpses? Maybe help me out in a skirmish or two?"

2013-12-01, 12:32 AM
Kalibola stares at Connor, contemplating his offer. He internally bemoans his inability to tell different gnolls apart from one another. Still, he thinks, even if the one on the poster isn't one of the group that took Ivan, Connor might still be helpful in the search.

"I will help for free, if you will help me. Help me find Ivan. You are good at finding things, yes?" responds Kalibola.

2013-12-01, 11:49 AM
"Lexxy, I'm more than familiar with 'letters of pardon'. Frankly, I'm glad they're re-purposing you to do more than drink and steal antiques."

I don't "steal" anything. Those were priceless artifacts, and they belong in a museum, not sitting around in some noble's house.

Lightning Fast
2013-12-01, 12:43 PM
Connor sighed. "Laws are laws. I don't make 'em, just enforce 'em. Besides, I'm sure the guy paid good money for what you stole, and even if he didn't, ya shouldn'ta tried to take matters into your own hands: ya shoulda told a goddamned lawman! Whaddya think we're here for?" Lexington was one of the few outlaws that truly annoyed Connor. As a matter of fact, were it not for a stroke of rather phenominal luck, it's likely that Lex would have escaped. Of course, admitting a drunk, middle-aged man even almost evaded your pursuit was bad for your ego and reputation, so Connor willingly kept the knowledge to himself.

Connor smiled at the troll. He didn't seem to bright, but he was earnest, if a bit gullible, and Connor appreciated that. Perhaps the troll would feel more comfortable speaking with someone who knew his native tongue. (Giant) "I accept your terms." he said, tilting his hat once again and reaching forward a leather-gloved hand to shake the troll's, still careful to avoid being clawed, "Perhaps for everyone here, you could tell us a bit about Ivan and what happened to him?"

2013-12-01, 12:44 PM
Saeril rolled her eyes at the two men taking jabs at one another. Best to put a stop to this, before it turned into blows. Because, with the group assembled, that could very rapidly spiral out of hand. "Guys, lets save ourselves a lot of time. Just whip it out measure already."

Lightning Fast
2013-12-01, 01:09 PM
"Last thing I want's a pissin' match, missy," Connor replied, "But I suppose I've put an end to the less outlaws than Lex has beers, so looks like he wins." Connor chuckled at his own joke, but cleared his throat in embarrassment once he realized that he was being irrational. "... Erm... yes, what's past is past. Sorry, Lex. M'am. Name's Connor Williams: bounty hunter extraordinaire. You may've heard of me; I'm the one who took down Ol' Red Eyes. I've got over a hundred bounties to my name."

2013-12-01, 08:05 PM
The bounty reaches a total of about fifteen thousand gold. The mayor lets each of you know the mine northwest a little ways up the side of a rocky hill along the road. "I don't mean to tell you all how to conduct your affairs, but I highly recommend you all head out together and cooperate on this one. It's a big enough bounty for all of you. If you do not wish to attempt it tonight, please make haste. We do not want any foul beasts taking innocent people in the night."

The town crier rides past shouting that it is 8pm. The sun has fully set. The only light on the street outside comes from the stars, the occasional lamp burning by a window, and two seemingly magical lanterns hanging from the roof of a building across the street. Half the bar's patrons - primarily those without guns, religious tokens, or in one man's case a scroll - gathered their things and headed for their homes. The tan skinned human at the piano began playing a heavier song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT8piLUZQ9M).

Lightning Fast
2013-12-01, 08:21 PM
Connor's eyes widened. "Wait, there's another bounty? For fifteen thousand?! Ah, well I reckon' I'm helpin' out with that, whether you want me to or not. Someone wanna fill me in along the way?"

2013-12-01, 09:02 PM
Kalibola stares at Connor in shock as he speaks in Giant. Kalibola thinks back to the last time he had a conversation in Giant. It was with Ivan, a few hours before he was taken. He has missed Giant, he has missed Ivan, and hearing the lawman address him in his native tongue makes him suddenly feel much more at home. He is suddenly bounced back to reality by the Connor's question.

"Ivan? Tell about Ivan? He is a little gnome, even smaller than you. He saved me from the big bad factories at the Dixon Hills. Years ago. We help each other, and protect each other. When the hyena-men took him, Ivan was sleeping, and I was keeping watch. Hyena-men crept up, got past me. I smelled them and tried to stop them. Too fast, though. Couldn't stop them. They took Ivan. My fault." The trolls hangs his head, staring miserably at the floor.

2013-12-02, 09:40 AM
Now hold on. I never agreed to bring HIM along said Lex, pointing at Connor. I don't work with Lawmen. Too much fussin around with jurisdiction and due process and other mumbo-jumbo. In a posse, you can't have all that stuff hangin' over your head. You need to get in and do what needs to be done to finish the job, even if it's not pretty.

2013-12-02, 09:54 AM
Of course Karn here wants to go, but you know Karn. He'd jump into a pit full of demons if the Law asked him to.

"Quite right, quite right." Karn grins wider and nods emphatically.

One of the bar's patrons - apparently someone who hadn't heard of Karn, the poor fool, then pipes up from the crowd. "What are ye daft? Ye'd just wade into a pit of demons or other nasties?"

Karn grins widely. He loves telling people the stories of Karn the Mighty. Homing in on the poor fellow, he begins in a booming voice, "Let me tell you of the many deeds of Karn!" Before the man can escape, Karn has sat at the table next to the fellow (his friends abandoning the fool to his doom, leaving the seat empty), and his metallic silver arm has settled over the man's shoulders like an overly amorous bear trap.

Those who have seen Karn in storytelling mode can just barely ignore his voice booming throughout the bar, as he tells the tale of the last time he encountered the undead (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16507775&postcount=35).

Lightning Fast
2013-12-02, 05:09 PM
Now hold on. I never agreed to bring HIM along said Lex, pointing at Connor. I don't work with Lawmen. Too much fussin around with jurisdiction and due process and other mumbo-jumbo. In a posse, you can't have all that stuff hangin' over your head. You need to get in and do what needs to be done to finish the job, even if it's not pretty.

"I'm coming along whether you like it or not," Connor responded bluntly, "And I'm no ordinary lawman. I'm a bounty hunter, and I do what it takes to get the goddamned job done. I've worked with criminals who've received at least partial pardons for their assistance. I can make a grown man throw down his weapon just by looking at him funny, and I can make an undead one run in terror thanks to my clerical training. I'm one of the best in the west, and frankly, my divine magic makes me more equipped to handle this situation than you could ever hope to be. Now let's bury the hatchet, at least for the time being: I've a feeling I'll be in town for a while, helping... (Giant) What's your name, big guy?... Ah. Helping 'Kalibola' find his friend, and taking care of the bounty I originally came here to take care of.

2013-12-02, 10:23 PM
Divine magic. Pfft. I can cast Divine Magic in my sleep.

You can come along Law Man, just remember that I'M in charge of this posse.

Lightning Fast
2013-12-02, 10:42 PM
Divine magic. Pfft. I can cast Divine Magic in my sleep.

You can come along Law Man, just remember that I'M in charge of this posse.

"Oh, I'll remember," Connor replied, "And while I'm at it, I'll weep for the other poor souls you're dragging along with you."

Lord Ruby34
2013-12-03, 08:37 PM
One delivery shouldn't cause this much trouble, Rae thought bitterly. It had to have been a town she hadn't ever set foot in before. Otherwise it would have been the matter of a few hours to pop in, deliver the package, and pop back out. But no, she had to ride. And of course there were bandits on the road, there were always bandits on the road. Fewer by a score now, but it was still irritating. They had cost her a good horse and her pistol, how one of them manged to put a bullet through the barrel she couldn't guess. Blind luck probably. The most vexing thing was what she was delivering, a box of dried herbs packed around an empty box. She hoped it meant something to this Saeril. Still there was a small payment, though Rae would have helped Ryallia for free.

The town came into view as sun sunk beneath the horizon, and Rae headed straight for the nearest bar. Saeril was supposedly a bar maid in town, and Rae was of a mind to finish the delivery before the night was out. Voices wafted from inside, an argument from a bounty hunter who seemed to think he was one of the best in the west, We'll see about that, Rae thought and another man. Something about leading a posse.

Rae pushed the bar doors open and swaggered through. "Hope you ain't plannin' on goin' after that group of thugs I saw a few miles back. I wiped 'em out while I was commin' through. Be a shame for you ta waste all that time and effort to find 'em already dead." Rae said as she scaned the bar. "Now where's Saeril. I got a package for her."

Lightning Fast
2013-12-03, 11:24 PM
"Unless any were the men in those pictures over there, I've still got quite a bit of work to do," Connor replied, casually gesturing towards the posters he'd laid out on the table using one of his wings, "Pity, though. Would've made my job a lot easier."

Connor continued to size up his soon-to-be coworkers. The troll seemed earnest, though not to bright. Lex was a crook and a drunk, but Connor could attest to his skill. He smiled at Karn and nodded, as if to complement him on his vampire-slaying exploits. "Yannow, my old partner used to joke that keeping them bloodsuckers dead was harder than killing them in the first place." He became silent again, collecting his posters and leaning back in a chair, with his wings acting as a sort of cushion. It was too early to be making judgments about any of the other folks who would be part of Lex's "posse", but he seriously contemplated the probability that the rest of them were from similarly checkered backgrounds.

2013-12-03, 11:53 PM
As Rae saunters into in to the bar, Kalibola lets out a deep sound, a strange combination of a growl and a whine. His eyes and ears follow the pale elf nervously, and he sniffs the air aggressively. Kalibola timidly approaches Rae and bends down, sticking his large green nose into her face and breathing deeply.

"You smell funny," he says, suspiciously,"Smell like death."

Lord Ruby34
2013-12-04, 12:42 AM
Rae blinked once as the troll leaned towards her, then smirked back at him and looked into his eyes. "Like I said, I killed a score of bandits a ways back. They got my horse out from under me. Might be him you're smelling." With a twinge of guilt Rae remembered the last of the bandits. She had ripped his throat out to sate the thirst. This talk of vampires and death made her more than a little uncomfortable, so soon after that. Vampires weren't among her favorite topics for discussion among the best of times, and with the troll's talk of smelling like death she changed the subject. "I didn't pay much attention to who they were, if ya want to ya can go out and see if their yer men. Mind, I expect a cut a the reward if they're yer men."

Lightning Fast
2013-12-05, 04:18 PM
"Well, I reckon' that'd just be proper etiquette," Connor replied, quietly chuckling, (Elven)"You a bounty hunter too?" Connor's mastery of the elven language seemed to be far beyond that of the giant tongue. To a non-native speaker, even his accent would have sounded flawless.

Lord Ruby34
2013-12-06, 11:52 AM
Rae smile turn wry as she replied. "(Elven) I've done my share bounty huntin' before, usually bandits, slavers, and the like." Rae looked around the bar again. "Anyway, I've got a package for Saeril here, from Ryallia."

2013-12-11, 11:34 PM
A cold wind blows through town as the night grows dark. The street outside is quiet for a while, until the sudden sound of hoofbeats approaches from down the way. A horse stops suddenly outside the tavern doors, and a man wearing a long coat and wide brimmed hat jumps down and runs into the tavern. He looks like he's about to say something until his eyes fall on Kalibola, at which point he places a hand on his knife and steps back against the wall. He looks around frantically, and when most of the bar's patrons stop to stare, he finally calms himself down.

"Something's come out! Something's come out of the mine! There will be more people running this way soon. If there's anyone here who can help drive it back, please come!" He eyes the troll warily as he leads any volunteers out into the street and climbs back onto his horse. He addresses Lex. "I don't know what that troll is doing here, or why everyone else is so calm about it, but we'll have to deal with it later."

The man leads the group down the road as a few groups of people, mostly women and children, rush past in the opposite direction. A watchman stands on a balcony looking over the gate out of town as people from the surrounding area approach the town gate. The man leads you a little further up the road. As the party approaches the base of a large hill, you see a dozen men and two dwarf women with hunting rifles, pitchforks, and torches standing by the road. "They're still on the other side of that hill. Gods only know what they're doing. Shamblers, and long dead from the looks of them, but we've shot down five and spotted at least a dozen more."

2013-12-12, 02:06 PM

Saeril had been more than content to sit back while the men bickered back and forth. Getting the pardon, that's all she really cared about. And while she had yet to hear an affirmation that one would be waiting for her at the end of this little run-about, she was confident she could put the pressure on to get one. Failing that, the prize being offered should be enough to grease some palms and get what she wanted.

The newcomer looking for her, caught Saerils eye when she started spouting about some package, and whispering about bounty hunting. Not a pretty prospect, having a hunter come to town out of nowhere looking for her, by name. But then, package from Ryallia, that was also interesting. What did she want now, another drawn out cry to serve the greater purpose? Bah.

Thing about life is, you don't make a choice, it'll get made for you. Another gent comes blustering in crying about beasties coming down from the mine. And like a kicked over beehive, every one was suddenly up at arms and swarming to and fro.

Few minutes later, up on the hillside, Saeril was looking out in the dark, with talk of shamblers crawling around out there in numbers large enough to get good folk mighty nervous. Saeril was a tad nervous to. She hadn't channeled the spirits in a long while, and certainly hadn't prepared anything for today. Felt almost naked, not having the claws or teeth or tail. But she still had her dragonfire, and that had seen her thought plenty of scraps.

"They won't be making it over the hill" Saeril commented. Her voice was not as it had been. it was harder, like steel. She was trembling, ever so slightly. Not nerves, or the night chill. She was excited. "Somebody start digging graves, these shamblers are going to need a proper burial when I'm done with them" From her shoulders appeared a pair of spectrual wings, spreading wider and kicking up sand and dust with a few powerful wingbeats as she suddenly took flight and soared up over the hill.

2013-12-12, 02:47 PM
Lex turned to the man who lead them to the hill.

Listen: You get these folks out of here and back into town. I reckon we can take care of a few shamblers, no sense risking their lives as well.

He then followed Saeril over the hill on foot.

Lightning Fast
2013-12-12, 05:22 PM
"A word of advice? It's not polite to pull a knife on somebody, partner," Connor said to the man after they'd arrived at the hill, "There's danger in trying to read a man before he shows his cards."

"Kalibola? Hold still. This'll get you into the fight a bit faster." Connor laid a hand on the troll's shoulder and casted a spell. (Expeditious retreat, +30 land speed) Afterwards, he began flying up the hill with immense speed, pulling his pistols out of their holsters as he flew.

"Hopefully, the zombies don't have guns," Connor said as he passed Saeril. The bounty hunter was just about ready to start shooting...

EDIT: That reminds me; assuming Strafe stance.

Lord Ruby34
2013-12-12, 05:53 PM
"Right," Rae drawled as the man burst into the room. "This crap always happens when I step into town. Every. Single. Time." Despite her complaints Rae was following the man back to the mine even as she spoke. "I'm sure hopin' there's a reward for this."

It was almost disappointing when she heard them mention shamblers. "Pfft, It'll take more 'en a dozen of 'em to do any real harm. Things are too stupid and slow to fight proper." She walked past the man toward the hill, drawing her rifle with a flourish as she stepped past the man the winged bounty hunter was arguing with when she had come in. Two winged shapes flew above her as she did. "Show offs." She muttered as she took her shooting stance. "Zombie's ain't worth impressing."

Entering Righteous Devil Gunslinger stance.

2013-12-13, 10:03 AM
Karn's silver head lifts from where he's still telling stories at the thoroughly intimidated man (who has backed himself into a corner trying to get away from the persistent golem). Turning his back to the man (who quickly escapes into the crowd), Karn roars, "To Battle! The vicious undead threat will not escape Karn's Justice!"

That said, Karn runs out the door. And then up the street. Then over the hill. Only when the Zombies are actually in sight does he slow down to a mere headlong charge.

Of course, Karn running flat out is still somewhat slower than a horse moving at a brisk walking pace, and those with magically enhanced movement speeds may well get to the battle before him.

But the fact that he doesn't actually need to breathe means that despite running flat out, you can clearly hear him talking in time with his rapid footsteps, "... And on this glorious day, Karn the Mighty went forth to do battle, singlehanded, against a veritable horde of the undead. The mindless creatures cowered in abject terror before the flashing black blade ..."

2013-12-13, 09:31 PM
Kalibola wasn't prepared for the feeling of magic running up his arm, and he flinched slightly when Connor applied his enchantment. He turned to thank the winged man, but he was already flying up the hill. Following his new friend's lead, Kalibola unsheathed his massive cold iron greatsword and, letting out an animal scream of rage, charged up the hill with inhuman speed toward the oncoming horde.

2013-12-16, 10:06 AM
The heroes of Holbrook run off to slay the undead and save the town!
Meanwhile, Lavinia puts a platinum piece behind the bar and helps herself to the drink she asked for a couple bottles. She then saunters with distinct disinterest toward the incoming undead. There was easily more than enough muscle to handle a few zombies, so Lavinia pulled out a cork with her teeth and sat down at the top of the hill to watch the crew work.