View Full Version : the voyeuristic seer a nugget of gold in a book of filth.

2013-11-26, 12:47 PM
the voyeuristic seer seems to be a great PrC for an NPC villain. I know the the voyeuristic seer comes from a disreputable source but the ability to cast spells though a scrying spell seems like it would just make a great villain characteristic. what are peoples thoughts on this?

2013-11-26, 12:57 PM
the voyeuristic seer seems to be a great PrC for an NPC villain. I know the the voyeuristic seer comes from a disreputable source but the ability to cast spells though a scrying spell seems like it would just make a great villain characteristic. what are peoples thoughts on this?

metaphysical spellshaper is another class people talk about from boef a lot.

if you want a div specialist, check out unseen seer from complete mage (pretty much this class, but a little more complete), or divine oracle from complete divine.

this class doesn't actually do anything though. if you have see invis, true seeing, etc up and running, it works through scrying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/scrying.htm) so your bad guy would likely be more dangerous if you availed yourself of other options. plus that way your players won't beg you to let them take power word orgasm

Fax Celestis
2013-11-26, 04:03 PM
I dunno, the base classes are at least interesting, and the Rake is pretty neat too.

People give BoEF a lot of flack for basically exploring a logical design space. We, as humans, ask ourselves three questions upon inventing a new thing: "Can I eat it? Can I kill with it? Can I have sex with it?" I shouldn't need to point you at a variety of news articles about such subjects as 'man has sex with car tailpipe, goes to ER'.

Typical D&D books answer the first two questions, for the most part sticking to question 2. BoEF answers question 3, and it attempts to handle quite a few things that typical D&D fluff frankly doesn't answer (like gestational periods). Yes, it falls short in some areas and has creepy photoshopped art, but come on. At least it's not 16-1/2 Codpieces, Chainmail Bikini, Slayer's Guide to Girl Gamers, Quintessential Temptress, or Nymphology, books that turn sex in D&D into a joke.

2013-11-26, 04:11 PM
I dunno, the base classes are at least interesting, and the Rake is pretty neat too.

People give BoEF a lot of flack for basically exploring a logical design space. We, as humans, ask ourselves three questions upon inventing a new thing: "Can I eat it? Can I kill with it? Can I have sex with it?" I shouldn't need to point you at a variety of news articles about such subjects as 'man has sex with car tailpipe, goes to ER'.

Typical D&D books answer the first two questions, for the most part sticking to question 2. BoEF answers question 3, and it attempts to handle quite a few things that typical D&D fluff frankly doesn't answer (like gestational periods). Yes, it falls short in some areas and has creepy photoshopped art, but come on. At least it's not 16-1/2 Codpieces, Chainmail Bikini, Slayer's Guide to Girl Gamers, Quintessential Temptress, or Nymphology, books that turn sex in D&D into a joke.

Oh, I have no real problem with the book from a content perspective. A number of things in it are just poorly designed is all.

2013-11-26, 04:23 PM
I was only joking about the book of filth part. once with a group of close open mined friends I played with it. that being said I would normally not use it in a game. I just think there may be elements like the VoS that could make for fun NPCs.

Honest Tiefling
2013-11-26, 06:16 PM
I'm not familiar with the class, but depending on its abilities, the players might get fed up. A powerful caster, able to see them at any time and cast spells through that sight(If I understand correctly)? Probably not going to make for a pleasant experience unless the villian is really charming or some limit is put on it.

(As an aside, I at least appreciate BOEF for approaching matters of homosexuality, something main editions don't have the guts to do.)

2013-11-26, 07:01 PM
I'm not familiar with the class, but depending on its abilities, the players might get fed up. A powerful caster, able to see them at any time and cast spells through that sight(If I understand correctly)? Probably not going to make for a pleasant experience unless the villian is really charming or some limit is put on it.

(As an aside, I at least appreciate BOEF for approaching matters of homosexuality, something main editions don't have the guts to do.)

I was thinking of using it for the trope "he could of stopped us at any time but he wanted us hear so we could........" so he will use it and possibly use it against them but not just to out right attack them.