View Full Version : south park

2007-01-13, 02:27 AM
i like south park who else here likes it i like it because some odd always happens:smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: like the one where they keep on saying ****

2007-01-13, 05:11 PM
I find myself enjoying it less of late, just because all the humor seemse to be based around saying something. I liked it better when they would use a rediculous/obviously inflamatory message (as with the one where they went to the rainforrest) or when it has no real point (as when that kid tricked Cartman out of 16 bucks, or when Santa got shot down over Iraq). Having the overarching premise of an episode be some sort of social/political commentary just isn't funny.

The Orange Zergling
2007-01-14, 02:18 AM
I havent seen much South Park, but I did like what I saw (the Scientologist episode)

"Ohmygawd, they killed Kenny! YOU BASTARD!" has to be the best line ever. Sometimes I pity Kenny.

2007-01-14, 02:44 AM
I find myself enjoying it less of late, just because all the humor seemse to be based around saying something. I liked it better when they would use a rediculous/obviously inflamatory message (as with the one where they went to the rainforrest) or when it has no real point (as when that kid tricked Cartman out of 16 bucks, or when Santa got shot down over Iraq). Having the overarching premise of an episode be some sort of social/political commentary just isn't funny.

I don't know, the World of Warcraft episode is pretty silly, and looking back over the years many of the early episodes have some like of politics behind them. My favourite by far is the dance contest episode.

2007-01-14, 05:39 AM
I've only ever watched an episode of South Parl twice. And they were the same damn episode.
It was the one where they buy ninja weapons and go all anime on each other. Then they stick a shruiken in Budder's eye.

2007-01-14, 12:27 PM
I've only ever watched an episode of South Parl twice. And they were the same damn episode.

Ah, that common example of synchronicity.

Or is it, apparently true but logically impossible pseudo science is inherrantly confusing...

2007-01-14, 03:53 PM
I do admit to the guilty pleasures of South Park. Mostly for the shock value of "I can't believe they just did/said that"... namely the Michael Jackson episode, the Scientology Episode, the Hippie Jam Fest episode, the Wii episode. Trey and Matt are disturbing geniouses.

2007-01-14, 05:56 PM
Trey and Matt are disturbing geniouses.

Perhaps, but which geniuses are they disturbing?

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-01-15, 01:06 PM
I do admit to the guilty pleasures of South Park. Mostly for the shock value of "I can't believe they just did/said that"... namely the Michael Jackson episode, the Scientology Episode, the Hippie Jam Fest episode, the Wii episode. Trey and Matt are disturbing geniouses.

I used to like south park but the last few seasons have seemed more like immature antics that the quality satire they had in the first few seasons. They have also drifted to the rigth politically and no longer try to make fun of boths sides.

2007-01-15, 01:09 PM
have you ever met my friend kyles mom she's the biggest b!+( in the whole wide world......................
south park rocks

2007-01-15, 03:22 PM
I used to like south park but the last few seasons have seemed more like immature antics that the quality satire they had in the first few seasons. They have also drifted to the rigth politically and no longer try to make fun of boths sides.
They don't make fun of both sides? Did you miss the "who made dukey in the urinal" episode?

2007-01-16, 06:56 PM
I used to like south park but the last few seasons have seemed more like immature antics that the quality satire they had in the first few seasons. They have also drifted to the rigth politically and no longer try to make fun of boths sides.

I look at the slow drift to the right politically as a satire in and of itself. Especially given the characters spouting that particular line of thinking.