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2013-11-26, 10:01 PM
The Primeval Steeple

A stone tower stretched for eternity, upon which the Creator may rest on top of. The Creator came down from the perch, letting forth a rush of divinities, all different. The first world was made, along with a star. It was the dawn of the age of gods.


Arctus opened his eyes, the dream was just beginning. He would wait for the others to make the first move.

2013-11-26, 11:43 PM
Descending from the stone tower on which The Creator stood, Rodmanius the Dicelord took form. His figure opened, revealing the Eye of Possibilities that he was. He looked at the world and marvelled at... how empty it was.

"Well, this simply won't do! Lets see how I can add to Big C's work."

Snapping his left hand's fingers, land was formed down below. Titanic flows of magma erupting from the world's mantle surged above the waves, cooled down by the ever-present oceans until finally, the first true continent of this world was born.

With his right hand, however, The Dicelord rolled five six-sided dice.

With a monumental tremor, the continent signalled its pain and its faults. It was certainly fertile and capable of supporting life, which had indeed started to appear in the form of plants and small herbivores, as well as quite rich for the lucky prospector, but it would be plagued by periodic quakes, as well as a number of active volcanoes. In fact, a section of the land, divided from the rest of the continent by a range of volcanoes, had become lifeless. A desert wasteland where life would be hard-pressed to survive.

Rodmanius looked upon his work and shrugged. "Good enough."

Continent description: 3/4ths of the land is green, with active, flowing volcanoes spread around the entire place. The remaining 1/4th is a desert that is separated from the greenlands by a a particularly large number of volcanoes and burnt wastelands.

2 AP used. 13 left.

2013-11-27, 12:58 AM
Quaestus gazed upon the roiling blue sea with growing interest. Most would see only the world- a tiny azure ball, insignificant compared to the infinite universe that it resided in.

The Broker, however, saw so much more. He saw the potential for profit, first and foremost. Surely, his comrades would be interested in this sphere- thus, it would make sense to stake a claim.

Aha! There it was. Land, born of boiling stone, was created. It didn't seem to be as... verdant as he had assumed it would be. Eden it was not- but it would do.

The Merchant God examined the topography, and knew immediately what he would to do. Appearing atop the desolate wastes, he concentrated his divine energy to shape the land more to his liking. A segment of the wasteland, connecting the desert and grass regions, began to change.

First, a river sprang from the coastline. Crystal blue water began to flow down its bed, carving a path through the wastes. Next, the land itself. From lifeless scrub and no-man's-land came desert sand, flood plains, and clay. Quaestus had a liking for such environments, and this one seemed particularly life-bearing. Then, another thought occurred to him.

Who would inhabit this oasis he had created? The Merchant hadn't the need or desire to sit on this patch of land for all of eternity. He would need tenants- things of flesh and bone to inhabit the realm material, to watch and nurture it in his name. Quaestus reached down, grabbing a hunk of soft, wet clay. His divine essence began to flow into it, as he began the process of genesis. For several minutes he shaped it to perfection, creating the first sentient mortal life. They seemed odd to him at first, cast in his image as they were, and for a brief moment he felt a twinge of something for these beings. Affection? Perhaps.

He watched them for several moments(much longer in the time of mortals), observing the way in which their behavior evolved. From simple biological impulses- eat, sleep, breed -to organization, packs, families. How very cerebral. He thought that, perhaps, this may be the start of something grand and worth-while. After they stumbled out of the ignorance of their creation, he appeared before them. The connection was immediate. They knew immediately, instinctively, that this was their progenitor. The flesh things gathered and listened. 'I name thee, the Cerebrans. I have created this land for you- it is your divine right to own and rule it. Grow in number and take the bounty of this land as your own. I will be watching.'

With that, he left them to their own devices.

His next stop was the location of his fellow deity- Rodmanius, the creator of this continent. Quaestus appeared before him, smiling. 'Why hello,' He began, nodding towards his contemporary. 'What a lovely patch of earth you've given us.'

So, that's -1 AP from altering the land, and -2 for creating a new mortal race- the Cerebrans.
-1: Alter Land
-2: Create Life
AP Remaining: 12

2013-11-27, 01:20 AM
"Thank you. Could have been better, but the dice decided this would do." replied The Dicelord, his ocular form turning to his fellow deity. "Have to congratulate you for bringing life to the wastes, and intelligent life at that." he added, a thought coming to mind.
"Although, mortals are temporal by definition. And from here I can see luck plays a big role on their short lives, be it good or bad, be they great or pitiful. It's a shame that when death comes for each of them, they'll simply be snuffed out as if they never existed. I can remedy that."

Focusing his golden eye to the cosmos, Rodmanius the Dicelord rolled his dice and decreeded that all intelligent beings possessed immortal souls...


Thus, all intelligent beings would now be able to reincarnate into other intelligent beings, be them of the same race or otherwise, with no prior memory of their previous lives. However, unclear wording made it so that while they are ABLE to reincarnate, the dead don't necessarily HAVE to do so. Or in cases, cannot in the the first place due to insufficient new births. As such, many will be forsaken to roam the realms between life and death until rebirth occurs and they can start anew.

In practical terms, the dead can only reincarnate if there's a new baby for them to reincarnate into. However, as population grows, there will be more dead, therefore needing more births, then as population grows the problem will grow more and more in an exponential manner. Think ghosts everywhere waiting in line to come back to life.

Also, Cosmic Decree: 5 AP used. 8 AP remaining.

2013-11-27, 07:50 AM
Obiros smiled.

His lion breathed in, then exhaled a silver light. It spun through the air, coming to rest many miles above the earth. And there, it began to weave itself together, forming a surface like a silver coin, trees of shadow and silver sprouting upon its ground.
Obiros leapt on to it. Two trees, one of shadow, one of silver twisted themselves into a throne. He rested in it, as the newly created moon bound itself to his soul.

Created Relic (moon). 11 AP left.

2013-11-27, 08:05 AM
Obiros looked up from his contemplation, and saw, to his surprise, that the once watery earth now had a great deal of land, and perhaps...creatures as well?
Springing upward, he called to his lion. And together, they rode down the moonlight bridge to the earth, the light solidifying behind him, becoming a stable bridge the color of pearl, reaching down to touch the top of the world. Lamps of iron and silver sprung up in his wake, illuminating the Father Darks descent to earth.
Where the bridge touched the earth, it's light spread, forming a surreal landscape of white stone and silver grass, of mirrored ice and snow.
"This shall be called The MoonLands"
He decreed in a booming voice.
"And it shall be the only way for Mortals to reach my realm of the Moon."

With that, he set out to view rest of the world.

Create astronomical object. Create Land. 6 AP left.

2013-11-28, 10:48 AM
The Dicelord gazed into the heavens as a new cosmic object appeared overhead. A glorious, silver moon where once had been nothing. And so he could feel it. The ripples in reality that gave birth to the Moon allowed him to feel its creator. One such as Quaestus and himself. Another god. Not wanting to rudely leave Quaestus presence, he instead opted to send forth a part of himself. A shard. Before Obiros, a floating eye with a golden iris appeared.
"Hello there. That is one fancy addition to the Big C's work, if I say so myself. I don't think we've been introduced. I am Rodmanius. And you would be?"

2013-11-28, 11:01 AM
"Obiros,my friend. Lord of the night, king of the revel! And who would you be?"

2013-11-28, 11:11 AM
"... I just told you. But it never hurts to repeat oneself. I am Rodmanius the Dicelord."

2013-11-28, 11:58 AM

The furrow in Obiros's brow clears. His lion, though still watchful, relaxes.

"Another Deity then? Your name was not familiar to me. Tell me, what do you intend for this globe?"

2013-11-28, 12:27 PM
"My intentions? Hmmm. Well see, that's the thing. I have none. I created the land because there was none for new wonders to walk and grow on, but that's about it. I act in accordance to a situation. Everything else is but background noise." said the eye, floating around Obiro, finally focusing on the lion besides the god.
"Nice kitty."

2013-11-28, 12:52 PM
The lion flattens it's ears and growls.

"careful now"
Obiros says.
"I think I shall create some wonders myself"
He snaps his fingers, and a tiny being, the size of a blade of grass dances across his fingers, it's Midnight blue skin showing off its starlike spurs on its heels.

I'll call them the Fae,I think you've given me some ideas. A race as uncaring and uncaring as the stars, and unpredictable and varied as a die roll... "

The being flutters off his hand,and splits into many beings,some large,some small.

And to you, my wild,uncaring, children,I give my blessing.

He turns back to the Dicelord.
What do you think?

Create legendary race(Fae)
The Fae are a race which constantly change form and shape according to rank. The sprites and pixies are the lowest rank, and about as tall as a blade of glass, as said earlier. Goblins are next. They are merchants first and foremost, be it they selling magic or human children. Spriggins. They are the soldiers of the Fae, armed with claws, fangs, and strength. Trolls. As strong as spriggins, but much more clever, trolls are gifted in disguise. Elves. Distant and cold master craftsmen, twice as cunning as trolls, though weaker. Nymphs. Beauty incarnate, Nymphs are nevertheless as heartless as their kin, though considerably flightier. Banshae. Ghostly woman and men, Banshae are as cold as elves, skilled in magic, and take pleasure in driving mortals to madness. High Fae. If a individual catches the Father darks eye, he can promote it to high Fae. Each of these is unique. Fae gain promotions at the grace of their superiors, and lose the privilege just as easily. bless them. 0 ap left.

2013-11-28, 01:03 PM
"Make them able to breath in space, on your Moon, and you'll have yourself a nightly party."

2013-11-28, 01:25 PM
Perhaps I shall modify the moon, to accommodate them.

He gestures.

Done. Now go, Fae, untill I am able to fashion you a world of my choice. I find myself rather weary.

In a second, the Fae have vanished. Obiros springs onto his lion. I must rest. Do come to the moon, when you are able, and the Night itself will ring to the sound of our revels.

With that, The Father Dark leaps into the air, sailing away to his realm of the moon.

2013-11-28, 06:16 PM
Arctus floated above the Cerebrans, seeing how they interacted. It was so...fascinating. They required rest, how unusual. The mind created such wonderful fantasies during this rest, but they slipped out of memory upon awakening. He crafted a world that all life visited with their mind upon sleeping, the Realm of the Dream.

Weave Plane -5, the Realm of the Dream\

So far, the dream was made up of a single planet, and a star, mirroring the physical plane. This plane was extremely malleable, mortals changed it in their sleep.

Arctus went back to the Cerebrans, primitive yes, but full of potential. They would be crushed by the new species being created. He crafted together these disparate metals, into something vaguely resembling a spear. He realized he couldn't really create these new objects, but he could plant the idea. He put the ideas of iron working and weaponry into the minds of the Cerebrans.

Create Concept:Metal Working -1
Create Concept:Simple Weapons(Spears, Swords, Bows, etc.) -1

This couldn't possibly create conflict.

2013-11-28, 11:36 PM
Quaestus watched, dismayed, as his creations began to slaughter one another.

It seemed that someone amongst them had the grand idea to shape stone and metals into bludgeoning tools. It didn't take them long to develop the idea further, to sharpened edges and piercing points. Truly, they had ran with it.

If it wasn't so damnably counter-productive, it might have even been funny. But as it were, this needless killing over crops, land, livestock- that was no way to run a business. The river valley(which the mortals had begun to call 'Ketterick') was in absolute chaos, and the Cerebrans showed no signs of being able to solve it themselves.

The Merchant was loathe to intervene directly- it was against his nature. And any peace that he enforced upon them would leave bitterness amongst these disparate clans- that was no way to run a business, either.

There was, however, another way... as he watched, one figure garnered his attention again and again; a Cerebran of particularly vicious quality named Qulan Qai.


The Southern Ketterick Plains

Qulan Qai, member of the Nien-Mo tribe, son of the Chieftain and leader of the tribe's warriors, had been busy.

He stood in a field of corpses flanked by two warriors. The stench of the dead and the dying wafted in the air; nauseating to some, but a sweet aroma to Qulan.

'A glorious battle,' Said Toghrul, his second, clasping his hand on his friend and fellow warrior's back.

'Aye,' Answered Qulan, as he scanned the battlefield. Enough of the corpses bore the colors their foes to bring a toothy grin to his face. It was the smile of a man who was unused to normal emotion. It resembled a corpse, with its lips pulled back by hooks. 'Aye,' He repeated, scanning the horizon. In the distance, his prize awaited. A cluster of tents and hovels- the home of the warriors Qulan's men had just slaughtered. 'Now it's time for the real fun to begin. Gather the prisoners and march to their camp. We will carry out my Father's will.'

Toghrul nodded, thumping his fist over his heart twice, as he moved to follow orders. Qulan thought back to the last time he had seen his Father, a mere week ago, when he was directed to make war on the Nermit tribe.

'Crush them. Kill their warriors and parade their corpses around their tents. Show them the folly of their ways, and the true meaning of battle. But spare the people. Spare the tribe, and absorb them. Show them their weakness, and they will flock to us.' His Father slowly intoned. His voice was growing weaker, devolving into a wet rasp. He raised one bony finger, aiming towards his son. 'Go now, child. May God guide your blade.'

Qulan nodded. 'Your will be done,' He said, offering his Father a brief bow before taking his leave from the tent.

Qulan Qai smirked. Spare the tribe, yes. But Father said nothing about their leaders.

By the time he arrived, his men had already rounded up the tribesman. Mostly composed of women and children, or those too old to fight- they stared at the warriors, eyes full of sorrow. Some pleaded, begging for mercy. The warriors said nothing, save the occasional grunt or threat to be silent.

The Cerebrans stood in the center of the hovels, where a large cauldron sat over a pit of roaring flame. It began to bubble and steam. Qulan stood before it, surveying the crowd. 'Bring forth their general.'

Muffled grunts and curses could be heard as a bound and muzzled man was dragged before Qulan. Toghrul dropped him on the ground, paying no heed to his comfort.

'Let him speak,' Commanded Qulan Qai.

Toghrul nodded compliance, removing the prisoner's gag. He spat and sputtered for several seconds, before speaking.

'I told you! We surrender! Our land is yours- we acquiesce! What is it you-' The man was cut off by the wet smack of flesh meeting flesh. Qulan lowered his hand, shaking it to relieve the tension.

'Silence, cur. Your people are free now, to join our tribe and thrive, but you must suffer the punishment for your crimes- for having ever resisted us,' Qulan said. There was that smile again. 'Show our newest tribesmen what happens to those who defy the will of the Nien-Mo.'

'By your command,' Toghrul said, the grin on his face showing just how much he enjoyed his work. He grabbed the prisoner by his fur collar, hoisting him next to the now-boiling pot.

'Wait, what are you... No! No, you can-!' His protests were cut short by a splash, quickly followed by his screams. Precious few words could be made out then- and even fewer as his screams degenerated into choked cries as the boiling water flooded his lungs. Soon, all that could be heard were his limbs, thrashing back and forth to no avail. Then that too fell silent.


Well, he was a bit of a brute, wasn't he? Perhaps that was just what was needed, at the moment. Quaestus considered it. No, he couldn't intervene directly... but this mortal was clearly destined for great things, terrible as they may be. If he could unite these tribes under his banner, then perhaps the bloodshed would end. The Merchant felt he could justify giving him a nudge in the right direction.

Current AP: 12
-5 AP: Raise Hero - Qulan Qai
Remaining AP: 7

2013-11-29, 04:39 PM

"Friend Online."

The metallic click of the thing's voice said as it's body struggled to live. A subtle vrrmm noise could be heard by those nearby the machine, although the metal form was still deep beneath the waves. With a jerky zombie-like movement the machine'a head lifted and it's piercing red eyes lit up the bottom of the lifeless ocean.

"Friend Assist?"

The simple machine questioned, alone, and received no answer. The being of circuits and wires, far beyond the imagination of this time, felt lost and alone. And it felt broken. Was there some place it belonged in the before-time? Was there a before-time, and what was this now-time? Was it created for some purpose or was it's existence random? A machine has trouble processing the simplest of emotions, but a god-machine? How could it even begin to know where to start.

The tracks of his dug deep into the earth underneath the sea and propelled the god-machine forward to it's purpose. Magical and god-like energy swirled around this ball of simple water, changing it, re-purposing it. Would Friend also be re-purposed? To what end?

Friend rolled itself upon the lands created by Rodmanius rising from the sea like a great behemoth. It's tracks dug into the lush landscape leaving only minor impact of the god-machine's passing.

Would it be safe here?

"Friend Assist?"

That question rang out metallic once more. As it's treads plodded along the thing's torso spun independent of the body. It's lens eyes widened and contracted to take in all that was created here. It's scanners indicated these things were recent creations, and it wondered if it too had been built by some other force.

Soon it rolled to the top of a nearby hill and spun in a complete circle to take it all in from this vantage point. On it's second go around it paused, a disturbance in it's circuitry, and those lens eyes zoomed in. There were two tribes of mortals and they were fighting. One tribe was killing another. The robot watched this for a long time.

Dagul Thor'Nix
2013-11-29, 05:07 PM
Azzan'Dara watched with feline eyes from behind his golden mane, as his cohorts created a world and filled it with life.

A moon sprung up and dreams filled the air of the new plane around him. He watched in dismay as weapons were created and tools were invented.

Moving to the most unpopulated green part of the continent, Azzan'Dara held up his clawed hands and changed the trees and underbrush, making them dense and infinitly larger than they had been.
Alter Land 1 AP

Next he shaped with his will, Creatures beyond the scape of mortals. I call you Behemoths. he spoke to the giant animals who towered hundreds of feet in the air.
Create Fabled life 5AP

With the energies swirling about him, he set into place what would become the ancient and deep magic of the world. A primal force that connected all life, plants, animals and land.
Create Legendary Concept: Primal Magic 5 AP 4ap remaining

2013-12-01, 04:41 AM
None would notice a quiet hissing, nor the quiet voice of one talking, nor the sound of scales sliding in the void.
They would not care about the Ruler of Corruption, at least, not until they realized his full potential.
That would come later, and when it did, he would rule.

He watched in interest as the Cerebrans began their path to a higher goal, one paved in the path of blood and broken bodies.
He would help them on their path..No, he would hurry them along.

But first..he had to test their resolve.

Then, Their Wisdom.

And Finally, the body.

The Massive godserpent slithered across the land, leaving desolation in his wake, in his path, trees sprung up. They had upon their branches golden, moist fruit, which practically begged to be eaten. It tasted amazing as well, so much in fact, once eating it, the person could do nothing but sit and digest the food.

It did have a side effect, however, as the smell of the fruit attracted a particularly nasty predator.

It resembled a particularly large snake, but with four limbs, and enchanting eyes. It's scales mimicked the ground, and it could speak with any voice it heard, almost perfectly.
Many Cerebrans fell to the creature, thus failing the test of resolve.

He would rest now.
Just for a little while.

-2 Sentient Life. Mimicsnakes.
-1 Bless (Fruit of temptation)
12 Remaining.

2013-12-01, 07:01 PM
Arctus descended upon the world, observing the Cerebrans from afar. He noticed that one of their kind had amassed a massive amount of land and livestock. He lacked ambition though, content in his ways. To rectify this, he visited Trenzel's dreams, finding that kernel of ambition awaiting to be opened. The name of this Cerebran was Trenzel, a rancher with vast tracts of land. Arctus whispered secrets of getting men to follow him, and how to submit to higher powers to survive.
Raise Leader:Trenzel -3

When he awoke, Trenzel went to the nearest hunter gatherer group, and invited them to live on his land, in exchange for protection(which went both ways) and a cut of the food they brought in. Not much, but it added up over time. He had enough food that he could focus on building structures built to last and finding ways to preserve this knowledge. After a few months, with the help of some prodigies(and a certain dream god), he had developed Writing and Basic Architecture. He had erected several stone forts, keeping his people safe from wold be predators and bandits, while writing allowed for knowledge to be preserved. Trenzel's home was actually a library, full of interesting stories, as reading and writing had brought in a new profession, scholarship. Even the crude papyrus they used was capable of keeping records for a lengthy period of time. The Library of Trenzel welcomed all, knowledge was free to those that wished to learn.

Trenzel had come to be known as the Philosopher-Baron. And Arctus grew stronger because of this.

Create Concept:Architecture -1
Create Concept:Writing -1
Gain Domain:Civilization(Balance) -3
-1 from metal working
-1 from Weapons
-3 from Trenzel
-1 from writing
-1 from Architecture


2013-12-02, 10:40 AM
Rethar - The Birth of a God

As gods shaped and changed the orb known as "the world", the only star in excistance flared and tiny sparks were send into the void surrounding the world. All but one spark died out. The spark grew into a large orb and then reshaped itself into a vaguely humanoid form with two thick arms and a long tail of energy instead of legs. The arms end in long claws and throughout the body tiny orbs started to glow. These orbs were then connected by veins of energy and a large eye-like orb appeared on the newly formed god his head.

At first Rethar only observed. Water, land, air and another celestial body made of fire. He also noticed the other deities and their creations.

Rethar then descended to the world to a patch of land and drew a pattern in the sand with a clawed finger leaving a glowing mark in the sand. He then drew three more of the same mark and watched as four beings of pure energy started to form above the mark. They looked like him but smaller and watched him, waiting.

Rethar traced another mark on a nearby rock.
Arbsorb its essence, Terra.
As the Archon did what was commanded his appearance changed. Stone and rock started to encase the being like armor and the mass of energy changed to a green hue.

Rethar then reached for the water and let it float in front of another Archon.
Absorb its essence, Aqua.
The Archons appearance changed, the water engulfing his form like a new skin.

Rethar then raised his clawed hands and solified the air, letting it float in front of the third Archon. Absorb its essence, Ventus. The mass of the Archon become whispy and started to swirl around in its form.

Rethar looked at the last Archon, then up to the sun. With a mighty pull a narrow collum of fire descended upon the last Archon. Absorb its essence, Ignis. The mass of the Archon flared and burned as the collum struck it. Now the Archon was a mass of fire with lines of energy withing the flames.

Go now, young ones, and observe the creations of the others and come back here with the things you learn. The Archons flared for a moment and then left.

Now that the four prime elements were given a sentient form, Rethar could focus on creating a way for mortals to manipulate the elements. Rethar shaped the stone beneath him into four pillars, 20 feet high and inscribed a rune on each of them to represent the four elements. The runes flared, one green for Earth, one blue for Water, one white for Air and one red for Fire.

Rethar left the world again to observe his creations and those of the other gods.
Start 15 AP

Create fabled life -5 AP- Elementals. Elementals start as beings of pure energy, a blank "slate" known as an Archon, that can absorb an element and attune to it, turning it into an elemental.

Create fabled concept -5 AP- Rune Magic. Rune magic can be learned by mortals to manipulate the elements in a small way. The stronger the moral (hero and beyond) the stronger his control of the elements.

Create Nexus -2 AP- The Elemental Pillar. These pillars are each inscribed with runes and here mortals can learned the art of Rune magic.

AP left: 3

2013-12-02, 05:54 PM
The ever-present gaze of The Dicelord focused on the Cerebrans. But rather than paying mind to the war of conquest, as fun as it was turning out to be, he focused on a remote tribe still relatively far from the conflict, and actually quite near the border of the wastes and the volcanoes that separated it from the prosperous, green wilds. This was the Sagev Sal tribe.
Truly, they were ones to make their creator proud. Traders and diplomats, attempting to insure peace amongst themselves and nearby tribes to safely broker deals and maximize profits, the reach of their weapons was focused solely on the defense of their lands.

However, Rodmanius noticed that their lives were rather... boring. They needed more variables in their existance.

And so it was that the Cerebrans had the idea of doing away with their bartering system, and instead using coins made of bronze, silver, and gold to give value to thing.

12 AP
-1 AP - Create Concept: Mundane - Currency
11 AP remaining

And now came the fun part. What to do with the excess money? Why, the answer was simple! Play games of chance with it! If popular enough, this idea might even naturally expand to other tribes.

11 AP
-1 AP - Create Concept: Mundane - Gambling
10 AP remaining


Gambling became popular enough amongst the nearby tribes to become part of their societies as well as create a sort of "tourist" industry in Sagev Sal. The Dicelord was rather happy with how this had turned out, and so decided to add even more variables to the equation. Specifically, he blessed the world with his own power. A new type of magic was born, Probability Magic, for the adept to either learn or attempt to alter future results or events.

10 AP
-5 AP - Create Concept: Legendary - Probability Magic
5 AP remaining

This magic was useless, however, if no one knew how to use it. So once more, he looked down upon the world and created a new type of life.

Clapping his hands, golden orbs formed before him, taking the shape of golden eyes made in his own image.
"My children. I name thee Arengees. Do not let the world ever become stale. Let it always change, and may your dice do your bidding." he commanded, and his children did so. They spread across the world to alter the luck of everything as they saw fit. They each had their own personalities, motivations, and sense of judgement. They would indeed make the world more fun. In time, Rodmanius would have to teach his magic to the mortals and allow them its use. See what kind of mess they make.

5 AP
-5 AP - Create Fabled Life: Arengees
0 AP remaining

2013-12-02, 08:22 PM
Di-ate, one of the Arengee, traveled the wastes, observing the different Cerebrans, trying to decide who to mess with. Soon enough, he found a settlement with a great structure within. A giant library, with all sorts of knowledge and intellectual people within. However, he also felt a... presence. And overwhelming one at that. And at the same time, one who's power felt familiar. Like a... deity...
The Dicelord watched calmly relaxed, having done great work recently, when an Arengee came to him.
"Milord! Milord! There is another deity in this lands!" - it stated.
"Yes, I know. I've already spoken to Quaestus before." - Rodmanius declared, his single eye-body remaining "closed"
No Milord! This is a different deity! An entirely different presence than that of the Trader!"
Rodmanius' eye sprung open and he looked at the smaller eyeball. "Show me."
Above the Library of Trenzel, unseen by mortals, a great eye sprung from reality, ready to great the latest of his fellow deities.
"BROTHA!" - the Dicelord called upon Arctus.

2013-12-02, 08:50 PM
Arctus raised an obscured eyebrow, he had never spoke to another god before. He spoke in a voice which echoed upon itself, "Hello, I am Arctus, patron of the dream. Who are you?"

His form was ever changing, he didn't stay in place for too long.

2013-12-02, 08:57 PM
Obiros watched the interaction with interest. "A deity of dreams... Now that's someone I'd like to have on my side...."

2013-12-02, 08:57 PM
"I am Rodmanius, The Dicelord, the Lord of chance." - said the eye-deity, following the Dream Patron wherever he moved. - "It is always good to see another one of the Big C's children here. And it seems I'm not the only one uplifting Quaestus' children as well, which is good."

2013-12-02, 09:16 PM
"Quaestus isn't aware of me yet, I haven't made myself known. The dream realm is as of yet unpopulated, and I need dreamers to fill it. The Cerebrans serve that role rather well, but they tend to be unstable. My dream realm need people who sleep easy," Arctus floated over to a book,"I don't know if I want to reveal myself. If I did...I don't know how he would take it. He seems uptight."

2013-12-02, 11:50 PM
Birthed in the afterbirth of the other gods who wandered their way from the stone tower, a towering abomination crawled forth. Its form was grotesquely beautiful, a combination of the best of all things, the strongest parts, those most suited for living. The Mother of Monsters stepped forth, and took on a form more pleasing to the eye, that was more subtly powerful. Walking about, surveying the other gods and creation, she found these...cerebrans, fighting each other, as if they were naught but barbarians.

Knowing her fellow god, Quaestus, if but from observation, she knew this would not do. They needed to settle back into the proper order. After all, monsters and men had their places in the world, and though she loved her children, she could not shelter them from all of life's ills. And so, she formed something for the Cerebrans to worry about: the giantfolk.

Create Fabled Life: The Giants (hill, fire, frost; all cosmetic based on their environment, unlike in D&D. Each are approximately as strong as each other giant (and breeds are of equal strength). The breeds are just adaptations for different environs) -5
AP: 15-5=10

These giants were a hardy being. They found places to live; in volcanoes, in the desert, in hills...anywhere uninhabited that they could, they began to populate. Though they numbered in the dozens for now, they would grow over the years to be a threat to the cerebrans. Even now, she knew her children would cause problems for them and Quaestus' chosen one. But, if Qulan Qai was victorious in his battles with giantfolk, he would be able to unite the cerebrans under one flag.

Pleased with herself, Mom took a look elsewhere. Nothing else seemed as important to her as making life for her children better. In fact, the world seemed to be mostly without her children at all. And so she went about changing that, bit by bit.

Create Monstrous Life: Monstrous Scorpions (of varying sizes) -1
Create Monstrous Life: Cockatrice -1

AP: 10-2=8

Looking down at the cerebrans again, Mom wondered what it was like, their lives. Invisibly, she sent a shard of herself to wander among them, while her main body approached Quaestus. "Uncle, Brother, Father," she said, "I am the Mother of Monsters. It is a pleasure to meet you." Her shard, wandering among Qulan Qai's camp, saw many things that appealed to her. They were strong, they were independent. They were exactly what she needed to sink her claws into.

"Might I...borrow a few of your cerebrans? I won't take many, just enough to create a race of my own, similar enough, to be their playmates." The goddess smiled a deep grin, one of beauty and terror, as she twiddled her fingers.

2013-12-03, 04:12 AM

And Friend watched this display of battle for quite some time. And no one approached the Friend. This violence disturbed something deep within the Friend.

"Friend.. help?"

The machine questioned frantically, speeding down the hill towards the battle at incredible speed. Those Cerebrans that spotted the machine wisely dispersed, valuing their own lives more than slaughtering those of their own species. The battered tribe, too weak to run, could only stay and see what horror would be inflicted upon them next.

"Friend is here to assist and protect you."

The machine stated, wondering if this line of programming dialog was truly his purpose. It felt familiar. It felt like he was doing the right thing.

"Help us?" One of the brave Cerebrans questioned, stepping forward to the monstrous abomination he'd never dreamed of. "Our tribe is under constant attack.. a vicious warlord known as Qulan Qai seeks to unite all the tribes... we greatly fear him. If you could, please protect us."

That statement certainly lit up the robot's circuit. It looked pleased, beeping an acknowledge as the tribe lead the thing back to their living space- a large cave and several dotted huts that they'd barely scraped together. The sight of it made the lens of Friend's eye sockets to tense us, it felt so wrong. Mortals shouldn't be living like this. They were master of other animals. These simple folk needed someone to...

The machine's eye lens widened as it spied some sheep along the edge of the forest. Or at least he called them sheep. They seemed similar enough, if not exactly, to something programmed deep back in the memory banks. Friend didn't understand it all. But he knew that those were sheep, and that it seemed an appropriate metaphor. But, more than that, the thing knew what it had to do.

With some prodding, the people joined together, motivated by survival. Friend showed them and personally assisted them in cutting down much of the surrounding forest and erecting structures by hand. The cave interior also received Friend's personal touch and became expanded exposing a precious metal that gleamed. This metal seemed tougher and hardier than what most were exposed to. Friend also assisted in showing them how to herd the sheep around their new settlement and use the wool for more advanced coverings. Using stone from the cavern and wood the people also put up a large wall around their settlement.

Lamenting that these mortals were so squishy, Friend had to think quickly and settled on making them as hardly as Friend. The first attempts at making armor out of wood were effective, but only just so. It wasn't until Friend had his people craft the strange metal from the cave into the same form that they indeed seemed protected, at least for now. The glimmering metal made them appear more like Friend as well, and looking was Friend was comforting to the Friend.

With new buildings, a wall, and a steady supply of food near their homestead the former hunter-gatherer tribe settled down and started a government soon electing Kuang as the first mayor of the newly established Irontown. He would be responsible for establishing a militia to protect from further threats from other tribes and settling disputes within the town for now, an important position.

Start: 15

Mundane Concept (Walls)
Mundane Concept (Architecture)
Mundane Concept (Clothing and Decorations)
Mundane Concept (Armor)
Mundane Concept (Animal Husbandry)
Mundane Concept (Mining)
Mundane Concept (Metal Working)
Form Society (Irontown)
Alter Land (Erect City)
Promote Leader (Kuang)

A large wall of stone and wood surrounds the city of Irontown, which contains buildings also made of stone and wood. As of now the forests directly surrounding the town have been cut down leaving it flat. The town itself resembles England's first settlements in America, being squat simple houses with chimneys and a wall protecting it from hostiles, although they aren't from a different country and have no support waiting. The town itself is built around a cavern that was once a living space and now a mine where most of the townfolk work unearthing more iron. With my Alter Land action I created several small types of bugs and vermin (spiders, worms, flies, rats) that a town-type ecosystem needs. I also created normal sheep, more or less, that they've already domesticated and use for both food and wool for clothing.

They can also make simple armor now to repel the simple weapons now in use, both out of wood and iron, although iron seems much more effective. If they aren't working in the mine, they're probably working with the sheep. Most of the people are still pretty much busy with work to think of anything else, other than the residual fear they'll be attacked again by the other more war-like tribes.

AP: 7

2013-12-03, 09:02 PM
In the years since the beginning of Qulan Qai's unification of the tribes, extraordinary progress had been made.

With each conquest, new ideas were absorbed and spread throughout the rapidly expanding empire- writing, currency, gambling. The cultural revolution had a domino effect, reaching all the way back to the growing town of the Nien-Mo clan.

With every tribe absorbed, new warriors flocked to Qulan's army, swayed to his cause by his rhetoric of racial unity, shrewd leadership, and sheer success on the battlefield.

But such growth brought along problems of its own. Administration was ineffective- the nomadic Cerebrans were unused to ruling the towns and fledgling cities that had begun to form around stone structures and places of import. Communication between tribes was unreliable at best; it took months before those back in the capital realized a new region had been added to their growing empire. In fact, the only true constant was the stream of soldiers and supplies heading in the direction of Qulan's horde, which was pushing north towards the river inlet.

Starting AP: 11
-1 AP: Create Society(The beginnings of the Ketterick Khaganate)
Remaining AP: 10


Qulan Qai - The Northern Ketterick Plains, The Library of Trenzel

The Horde had finally encountered something capable of slowing its inexorable march north. It wasn't a mighty army, powerful magic, or the wrath of an angry god- it was walls. For all the might he could bring to bear on the battlefield, Qulan possessed nothing capable of breaching these works of stone. He was about ready to start stacking corpses.

The General calmly observed the enemy's fortifications as his warriors jeered and taunted the cowards. He was truly stumped- Qulan knew he would simply have to starve them out, and he had no idea what the status of their food stores were.

Qulan looked around in desperation, grasping for an idea. Qai spotted a particularly young warrior pick up a stone, who proceeded to sling it at the walls with all his strength. All in vain, of course, but it was certainly an outlet for the boy's frustration.

Or perhaps not so useless after all. Qulan stopped in his tracks as he received a flash of inspiration. Machines, huge constructions, to fling projectiles with strength many times that of a man's. The question was, however, what could he use as projectiles? There was hardly an abundance of boulders on the plains... he had nothing to ruin the walls of his foes.

Qulan thought back to the countless battlefields he had graced. Every fight he'd ever been in. There had to be something. He recalled the stench of dead and the sight of bloated bodies as they cooked in the harsh Ketterick sun.

The Leader of the Horde smiled his flesh-hooked grin, a disconcerting sight to all who saw it. If he couldn't tear down the walls from out here, he would erode them from within.

'Toghrul, gather up some of the strongest warriors. And bring me the peasants we captured,' Qulan ordered.

'As you command,' His second replied with relish.

Starting AP: 10
-2 AP: Advanced Concept - Siege Warfare(catapults, onagers, and the like)
Remaining AP: 8


Quaestus, Observing Creation

Despite all of this deific meddling, his creations seemed to be getting along quite well. It was only a matter of time until his Chosen united them. However, he was dismayed to see that several were beginning to organize and form their own conclaves. The ideas and designs they spawned were of great interest, but in the end, it would all have to be brought to heel.

Especially in the cases that they were being influenced by these other Gods. Indeed, he wondered what exactly had begat this trend of stealing his playthings. The Broker didn't like it, not at all.

It was difficult to blame them for turning away- Qulan's special brand of brutality was hardly the most compelling of diplomatic tactics. Quaestus had to show them that this was their chosen leader. The Merchant had to make them want Qulan. They had to understand his quest was not one of slaughter and tyranny, but of unification. He sought only to show them their true potential. And if they still proved resistant, they had to at least understand and accept this idea.

Quaestus decided it was prudent to bestow another gift upon Qulan. It gave him an aura bordering on the metaphysical. The General gained presence beyond what any normal leader of men knew. Qulan Qai moved with supreme confidence, leaving no doubt in any Cerebran's mind that he was meant to lead them, whether they accepted it or not. They would yearn to be by his side, forging their kingdom for the good of the entire species.

Starting AP: 8
-3 AP: Exalt Qulan Qai (This essentially establishes Qulan's divine right to rule the entirety of the Cerebrans. Most everyone in the race should desire to join him on his quest to unite their species. They don't necessarily have to- but in their heart of hearts they know he is meant to be their king.)

Gonna go ahead and grab a domain.
War (Conquest). 5 AP from creating a hero(the conquering warlord, Qulan Qai) and 2 AP from the advanced concept, siege warfare.
-3 AP for acquiring it.
Remaining AP: 2


Quaestus, Meeting with other Deities(The Mother of Monsters)

The Merchant God cocked an eyebrow. His immediate inclination was to immediately disagree; that smile contained nothing but trouble, and he was loathe to lose any more of his creations to other deities. That being said, if she meant to make new creatures entirely, he could potentially give up a few, for a price- it made little difference to him either way.

"You may not 'borrow' them. I am, however, entertaining offers... perhaps we can reach an agreement."

2013-12-03, 09:44 PM
The Library of Trenzel

It took two hours of the siege to get Trenzel to open the gate. He walked out submissively, and put walked to Qulan's tent, placing his rapier at his feet. Sweat gleaned off his brow, as he knelt before the Khan.

"My Emperor, I surrender my lands and people to you. Do what you will, it's yours by right."

He awaited his execution.

2013-12-03, 11:08 PM
It took Bizkarroi longer to get on the ball than his divine cohorts. It took him far longer to appear within the Creator's new realm. But, at long last, he was here. The robe came into being, and was filled with worms and mites and all manner of crawling flesh, filled with cysts and tumors and unspeakable horrors. And then, mercifully, came the mask.

Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms, gazed upon creation.

He saw that it was a pleasant start. Already there was life! Beautiful life, teeming across the surface of the land that had formed. It was wonderful. But there was, of course, always room for improvement. And what better way to start improving things than by improving the land? Not much, mind. But every artist needed a workshop.

Bizkarroi settled upon the southern coast of the continent, both physically and metaphorically. It would suffice quite well for what the Father of Worms had in mind. Bizkarroi stretched forth his hands, spattering ichor across the coastline. In moments (though much longer for mortals), the lands began to darken, and blacken, and moisten. Soon, miles of the southern coast had been replaced by bogs and marsh and swamps. The god had no name for this blighted slice of the world, but one would surely come in time.

The Father of Worms cast his gaze upon the world again, contemplating the creations of the other gods. They were...acceptable. After all, they were alive (well, some were), and they were beautiful because of it. They were unsuited to his designs, but that could be...would be changed. But there was one that caught Bizkarroi's eye. One of Quaestus' creations, the warlord Qulan Qai, was pondering...

Oh, that clever boy. He was considering launching the dead and decaying corpses of his foes over the walls, letting the rotting flesh spread illness to his foes within. He didn't, of course, and that slightly disappointed the Father of Worms. But that was okay. Qulan Qai was unifying the Cerebrans, and that was a beautiful thing in itself. He wasn't going to go far enough, of course, but a step in the right direction, nonetheless.

Qulan Qai was such a clever lad. Clever lads deserved rewards, now and again.

When Qulan Qai would next step into his tent, he would not find it empty. There, upon a convenient seat, would be the robed form of Bizkarroi. The opaque mask of "glass" that served as the god's face was smiling, and when he spke, the lips moved in-sync with the writhing voice.

"Qulan Qai." Bizkarroi began, the corners of his mask's mouth nearly at the eyes. "That was a very clever stunt you almost pulled. I have to applaud such...ingenuity. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms."

A cup, molded from some horrid, unspeakable chitin, formed in the deity's hand, filled with a dark, red liquid. "Would you like some wine?"

To be fair, it probably wasn't actually wine.

Starting AP: 15
Actions: Alter Land (-1 AP)
Current AP: 14

2013-12-04, 07:23 AM
Rethar - Meddling with the mortals

After observing the world and the void around it, for several days in the eyes of mortals, Rethar plunged back to where he created his first Archons and changed them into Elementals. Now his creations had returned to the Elemental Pillars with news.

The mortals are in conflict. said the deep voice coming from Ignis, the fire elemental. They use stone and wood and metal to protect themselves and fight eachother. said the Earth elemental Terra. The other two Elementals nodded. Yes I have seen mortals of the same race fight eachother. One enormous tribe fighting and enslaving the smaller ones. One smaller tribe stood strong for a while but surrendered. It is time for the elementals to meddle in this conflict and show the weak fleshlings that they can not take whatever they please.

Rethar turned to the elemental pillars and raised his clawed hands. The runes flared as each Elemental touched a pillar corresponding his nature. First one of each elemental appeared next to the first and then more and more were created until a total of one hundred elementals were created, each thrice as tall as a man. Go now and teach the mortals of the big tribe the meaning of suffering, do not obliterate them completely I may have some need for them later.

All Elementals left except for the four he initially created. You go and bring word of the elemental pillars to the smaller tribes. Teach them the basics of Rune Magic.

Just a small nudge to get some conflict going :)
BTW your mortals may freely use the Elemental Pillars and the concept Rune Magic. Only Leaders, heroes etc can trully master the elements though and might even be able to summon an elemental. However a mortal can only attune to one elemental (unless hero and beyond, feel free to roleplay it).

The outskirts of the Northern Ketterick Plains

The plains were dull to watch and a patrol of Cerebran warriors just sat there on a rock watching the horizon. They have done so before and knew that they would have to do so for many hours today. The silence was suddenly broken as a low rumble seem to come from the ground. It started with a soft humm but soon became a massive roar as the ground burst open voilently and a creature of rock and energy, thrice the size of the warriors, grabbed the nearest warrior and squezed the life out of him before flinging it away. The other warriors hastened to grab whatever weapons they had. Two more got crushed under a massive fist while two others tried to stab and slash at the creature. It was of no use, the stone of its body was hard and their weapons could barely scratch it. Moments later all but one warrior stood before the massive creature. Run and tell your leader what you have seen. Fear the Elementals and fear our dominion! With that the Elemental vanished into the earth leaving behind the bloody pulps of the Cerebran patrol.

2013-12-04, 08:07 PM
The Library of Trenzel

It took two hours of the siege to get Trenzel to open the gate. He walked out submissively, and put walked to Qulan's tent, placing his rapier at his feet. Sweat gleaned off his brow, as he knelt before the Khan.

"My Emperor, I surrender my lands and people to you. Do what you will, it's yours by right."

He awaited his execution.

The Library of Trenzel

Qulan Qai picked the sword up from the ground, his gaze wandering back and forth from the blade to its owner. Execution was the standard practice in this situation, yes, but these were odd circumstances. He'd never seen his enemy surrender with such humility, nor had it ever happened so quickly, with no resistance.

He'd never been referred to as 'My Emperor', before, either. Qulan felt as though he could get used to that.

If his former foe had brought no force to stand against him, what crime was he guilty of? None. And he seemed an adept builder and administrator- something his budding empire surely lacked.

'Rise Trenzel, Philosopher-Baron of the Library. You will continue to rule these lands- but you do so in my name. You will be given soldiers to man your walls and guard your collection of learning. In the coming days, you will be given the means to properly govern and direct the cities of my lands. You may live and retain your title if you swear to perform these tasks.'

Qulan reversed his grip on the blade and extended it towards Trenzel, hilt first.

2013-12-04, 09:12 PM
Trenzel rose, confused at this mercy,"I swear to serve you and carry out these tasks. I swear fealty."

He grabs the hilt, and returns it to his sheath,"I will start these duty's right now."


Trenzel had a dream that night, of magicks, and swordplay, he was imbued with knowledge unknown to less people, the Philosopher-Baron grew some teeth.

Raise Leader to Hero:2

2013-12-04, 09:27 PM
"Uptight? Oh, I wouldn't exaclty call him that." - said the golden eye - "Although he is quite interested in profits, being the patron deity of merchants and all."
An thus an idea flourished in the Dicelord's mind. - "I got it. If you're so afraid he won't like you, why not play to his interests? You've already given his children much. But what about him? I'd say trading him something might make him respect you, but giving him a gift would make him like you! Think of it! Profit without expense for him. Who knows? Our brother may just become a good friend."

2013-12-04, 09:38 PM
"I am working toward a way to make him favor me. I dislike the idea of a gift merely to make an alliance, I am going to help him through intermediaries. I work in the midnight curtain. I am forming a force of unity in the Cerebran society, Trenzel. I newly gave him the ability to work all sorts of magic. It'll be interesting see how he defends his people," Arctus created new books, and out them on a shelf, the Library of Trenzel had become the largest building in the world.

"My gift is already given, he has yet to realize how much effort I have saved him. Unlike the other gods, I am supporting his vision."

"And what I want is not his favor, but peace."

2013-12-04, 10:16 PM
Rodmanius thought about this. Yes, it was indeed a better idea than his.
"Whatever you say brother." - he said, looking at Qulan's army. - "Quaestus' champion will become the lord of his race, that is one of the few things I'll say have little chance of changing."
With a snap of his fingers, an Arengee appeared before the two deities. - "My child, I have a mission for you. Follow this mortal and offer your assistance. If he asks for his future, or asks for it to be changed, honor his god's values and offer a trade." - without a word, his child saluted and disappeared. He would reveal himself to Qulan at an appropriate time, once he wasn't so busy.

2013-12-04, 10:35 PM
"I like your children, they have my leave to reside in the Dream Realm if the my desire, all I ask is that they start building a Library of Trenzel there that is larger than a city. I want to link the Dream and Material eventually."

2013-12-04, 11:35 PM
It took Bizkarroi longer to get on the ball than his divine cohorts. It took him far longer to appear within the Creator's new realm. But, at long last, he was here. The robe came into being, and was filled with worms and mites and all manner of crawling flesh, filled with cysts and tumors and unspeakable horrors. And then, mercifully, came the mask.

Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms, gazed upon creation.

He saw that it was a pleasant start. Already there was life! Beautiful life, teeming across the surface of the land that had formed. It was wonderful. But there was, of course, always room for improvement. And what better way to start improving things than by improving the land? Not much, mind. But every artist needed a workshop.

Bizkarroi settled upon the southern coast of the continent, both physically and metaphorically. It would suffice quite well for what the Father of Worms had in mind. Bizkarroi stretched forth his hands, spattering ichor across the coastline. In moments (though much longer for mortals), the lands began to darken, and blacken, and moisten. Soon, miles of the southern coast had been replaced by bogs and marsh and swamps. The god had no name for this blighted slice of the world, but one would surely come in time.

The Father of Worms cast his gaze upon the world again, contemplating the creations of the other gods. They were...acceptable. After all, they were alive (well, some were), and they were beautiful because of it. They were unsuited to his designs, but that could be...would be changed. But there was one that caught Bizkarroi's eye. One of Quaestus' creations, the warlord Qulan Qai, was pondering...

Oh, that clever boy. He was considering launching the dead and decaying corpses of his foes over the walls, letting the rotting flesh spread illness to his foes within. He didn't, of course, and that slightly disappointed the Father of Worms. But that was okay. Qulan Qai was unifying the Cerebrans, and that was a beautiful thing in itself. He wasn't going to go far enough, of course, but a step in the right direction, nonetheless.

Qulan Qai was such a clever lad. Clever lads deserved rewards, now and again.

When Qulan Qai would next step into his tent, he would not find it empty. There, upon a convenient seat, would be the robed form of Bizkarroi. The opaque mask of "glass" that served as the god's face was smiling, and when he spke, the lips moved in-sync with the writhing voice.

"Qulan Qai." Bizkarroi began, the corners of his mask's mouth nearly at the eyes. "That was a very clever stunt you almost pulled. I have to applaud such...ingenuity. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms."

A cup, molded from some horrid, unspeakable chitin, formed in the deity's hand, filled with a dark, red liquid. "Would you like some wine?"

To be fair, it probably wasn't actually wine.

Starting AP: 15
Actions: Alter Land (-1 AP)
Current AP: 14

Outside the Library of Trenzel, The Horde, Qulan's Tent

Upon spotting the intruder in his tent, Qulan immediately grasped the hilt of his blade, stopping just shy of drawing it.

This was no assassin, at least, no normal one. He had the look of the supernatural about him. Qulan let his hand rest at his side, regarding the being warily while he spoke.

So this was one of the other fabled deities, then? The God-Talkers told stories of such things- even their creator, The Exalted Broker, had walked among mortals generations ago.

'Greetings Bizkarroi, Father of Worms. You already know who I am. Welcome to the Horde, and the newest addition to my empire.'

With a quirk of his brow and a wave of his hand, Qulan rejected the offer of wine. 'No thank you. I have already drank my fair share today. May I ask what brings you to my camp, this evening?' The warrior carefully intoned. In all his life, Qulan never considered himself to have truly known fear- but he felt that caution and respect would behoove him, when dealing with a God.

2013-12-04, 11:49 PM

Kuang was scared. This wasn't unique for the mewing, boot-licking, sleazy shadow of a man. He always seemed to be frightened of something ever since he was born. But oftentimes he was right and survived dangers that claimed many of his wandering kinsfolk before this town idea. This only fueled his paranoia.

Because of his snoozing and people pleasing ways he was nominated and voted the first mayor of Irontown. And not the last, he bitterly hoped. None one had ever held a position quite like it before- he was theoretically in charge but not out of brutality. He was just an elected official. He didn't have any real power. And they expected him to sove everything! What was he supposed to do when the sheep herders complained about the dirty mine folk? Ask the machine?

The thought of that thing, "Friend", sent a chill down his spine and filled him with dread. He was used to dealing with humans not... Whatever the blazes Friend was! The thing certainly hadn't told him even though the rest of the community thought he had the inside scoop. Sure the machine was nice enough but it's demeaner... There was nothing behind it. Nothing. It scared him. Cerebrans have emotions- not machine abominations!

Walking through the dirt streets between the buildings of stone and wood at night was ominous. He always suspected a knife ending up in his back. There were whispers... He heard them... They didn't think he did but he heard them! Whispers of the true king. They didn't respect him as a leader and never would, he feared. Qulan Qai would sweep over his small settlement like a wave.

They'd heard the news that other enclaves were folding. Even the Library of Trenzel had fallen. He knew they were scared and he knew they knew he was scared. How could he not be? He knew in his heart that Qulan Qai would conquer them! But what could he do? He was in charge behind these walls. He had a taste for power and safety now. The warlord would surely butcher him!

The gate was a bit ajar.

"Guard! Get up.. Secure this gate!" He ordered, his voice shaky as the guard lumbered to close it while assuring Kuang that they were in no danger. "Fool! Can't you hear them? His armies will come! Take up your spear!" He order more firmly, pushing the weapon into his hands.

The stunned guard stood by before voicing that the gate was ajar because two more people had left... To join Qulan Qai. More had joined him! The news stunned him before he could fully leave.

"Secure the gate. Don't open it. Not for anyone. Or you'll answer to Friend."

This was getting out of hand! The man continued to walk away to a safe place he hoped. Maybe his home. The nicest in Irontown. He couldn't lose this. Something had to be done!

2013-12-05, 12:05 AM
Outside the Library of Trenzel, The Horde, Qulan's Tent

Upon spotting the intruder in his tent, Qulan immediately grasped the hilt of his blade, stopping just shy of drawing it.

This was no assassin, at least, no normal one. He had the look of the supernatural about him. Qulan let his hand rest at his side, regarding the being warily while he spoke.

So this was one of the other fabled deities, then? The God-Talkers told stories of such things- even their creator, The Exalted Broker, had walked among mortals generations ago.

'Greetings Bizkarroi, Father of Worms. You already know who I am. Welcome to the Horde, and the newest addition to my empire.'

With a quirk of his brow and a wave of his hand, Qulan rejected the offer of wine. 'No thank you. I have already drank my fair share today. May I ask what brings you to my camp, this evening?' The warrior carefully intoned. In all his life, Qulan never considered himself to have truly known fear- but he felt that caution and respect would behoove him, when dealing with a God.

Caution and respect were always prudent when dealing with deities. Especially deities who could see to it that you and everyone within ten miles suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to vacate their bowels. But Bizkarroi wasn't here to see to it that such a terrible fate befell the warlord. Quite the opposite, really.

"Suit yourself." Bizkarroi replied, emptying the cup of its content within a moment. How, exactly, he managed to get the liquid through the solid mask upon his face was, perhaps, a question best left unexamined. "It's a very nice new corner of your empire, if I may say so." The god stood, beginning to pace about the tent. Well, slither about the tent, really, but he was moving whatever legs he possessed. "I rather like what you're doing with the place. Have done. Will do."

Bizkarroi shrugged nonchalantly, not quite deciding which one was accurate, and not exactly being too concerned about it. "Regardless, your plans of unifying the Cerebrans. I find them to be...appealing. I rather like the idea of unity amongst a people, even if they are not creations of my own. And your plans earlier, to launch the bodies of the deceased over the walls? To burn the defenders alive with fevers and sores?"

The cloudy, glassy mask twisted into a cheerful expression, and the god's writhing voice held a tone of admiration. "Quite inventive. Of course, you didn't follow through with it because it wasn't needed, but it's the thought that counts. So, I would like to offer you a boon, Qulan Qai. If you would have it." The Father of Worms plunged a hand of squirming, unidentifiable flesh beneath his robe. After a moment it became apparent that he was not searching some inner pocket, but digging about in his own flesh. After a few moments more, Bizkarroi pulled forth a lump of flesh with a squelching noise. The tumorous growth ruptured, and a slender, mottled-purple insect-like thing slithered out, coiling up in the deity's hand.

"Here we are. My gift to you, if you would like it. It will attach itself to your spine, Qulan Qai. After it does so, you will barely notice it's there. While it is attached in sch a way, your injuries will heal more rapidly than most mortals. You'll find yourself needing to eat and drink a bit more than usual, but I'm sure you'll have no problem with food in the future." The mask's expression grew more cheerful, the smile almost infectious. "And it's yours, if you'll have it. No string attached. Consider it a...gift."

Starting AP: 14
Actions: Create Artifact: Slowblood Worm- +1 to RCR involving combat (-3 AP)
Current AP: 11

2013-12-05, 07:08 AM
The father Dark looked down from his revels. He saw as the newly created race went to war, as a leader rose. He found, though the design was admirable, that he altogether disliked this new race, spreading across the earth. He sought a way to curb their growth. And so it was that, with a laugh and a scream, The Master of the Hunt, one of the Fathers chief subjects, came racing down the moonbridge on a stag the color of wine. With a shout, a host of others came pouring after him. Trolls and spriggins, banshaes, and wolves all came streaming into the mortal realm. Now, on the night of the full moon, they set out in force, hunting the mortals down, rejoicing in their screams of terror, and mingling the wild laughter of the Fae with it.

Scourge( the wild hunt )
1 ap left.

2013-12-06, 04:49 PM
Quaestus, Meeting with other Deities(The Mother of Monsters)

The Merchant God cocked an eyebrow. His immediate inclination was to immediately disagree; that smile contained nothing but trouble, and he was loathe to lose any more of his creations to other deities. That being said, if she meant to make new creatures entirely, he could potentially give up a few, for a price- it made little difference to him either way.

"You may not 'borrow' them. I am, however, entertaining offers... perhaps we can reach an agreement."
Talking Business

Mom smiled warmly. He was more amicable than she would have thought. "Oh, of course," she said, nodding to herself. Draping her arms over Quaestus' shoulders, she whispered into his ear, "I will teach your people of the venom within a scorpion's stinger, and how it might be used for both medicine and war." Taking a step back, she daintily placed a hand before the other god. "Do we have a deal?"

Surveying Creation

Looking about, she noticed her giants were not causing as much mayhem as she would have liked. They were staying isolated, not warring. And how is anyone going to grow and learn if they don't have the proper stimuli? she asked herself, knowing that she only had one recourse. Weaving together her divine energy, she gave a blessing (and a curse) to her giantkin.

AP: 8
Bless: The giants, when warring, have skin as strong as steel.
Curse: The giants die when they haven't fought for the past three months.
AP: 8-2=6

Mom felt a new love for her giants. They were a good creation, even in they were imperfect. She loved them even despite their flaws. And this love was so all-consuming, she felt her power form a permanent place in her heart for them.

AP: 6
Gain Domain: Love (Giantkin) (Bless 1 (1), Curse 1 (2), Create Giants 5 (7))
AP: 6-3=3

2013-12-07, 11:57 AM
Caution and respect were always prudent when dealing with deities. Especially deities who could see to it that you and everyone within ten miles suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to vacate their bowels. But Bizkarroi wasn't here to see to it that such a terrible fate befell the warlord. Quite the opposite, really.

"Suit yourself." Bizkarroi replied, emptying the cup of its content within a moment. How, exactly, he managed to get the liquid through the solid mask upon his face was, perhaps, a question best left unexamined. "It's a very nice new corner of your empire, if I may say so." The god stood, beginning to pace about the tent. Well, slither about the tent, really, but he was moving whatever legs he possessed. "I rather like what you're doing with the place. Have done. Will do."

Bizkarroi shrugged nonchalantly, not quite deciding which one was accurate, and not exactly being too concerned about it. "Regardless, your plans of unifying the Cerebrans. I find them to be...appealing. I rather like the idea of unity amongst a people, even if they are not creations of my own. And your plans earlier, to launch the bodies of the deceased over the walls? To burn the defenders alive with fevers and sores?"

The cloudy, glassy mask twisted into a cheerful expression, and the god's writhing voice held a tone of admiration. "Quite inventive. Of course, you didn't follow through with it because it wasn't needed, but it's the thought that counts. So, I would like to offer you a boon, Qulan Qai. If you would have it." The Father of Worms plunged a hand of squirming, unidentifiable flesh beneath his robe. After a moment it became apparent that he was not searching some inner pocket, but digging about in his own flesh. After a few moments more, Bizkarroi pulled forth a lump of flesh with a squelching noise. The tumorous growth ruptured, and a slender, mottled-purple insect-like thing slithered out, coiling up in the deity's hand.

"Here we are. My gift to you, if you would like it. It will attach itself to your spine, Qulan Qai. After it does so, you will barely notice it's there. While it is attached in sch a way, your injuries will heal more rapidly than most mortals. You'll find yourself needing to eat and drink a bit more than usual, but I'm sure you'll have no problem with food in the future." The mask's expression grew more cheerful, the smile almost infectious. "And it's yours, if you'll have it. No string attached. Consider it a...gift."

Starting AP: 14
Actions: Create Artifact: Slowblood Worm- +1 to RCR involving combat (-3 AP)
Current AP: 11

The Horde's Encampment - Qulan Qai's Tent

Qulan said nothing at first, considering the God's words. It was kind enough, spoke like a normal being, and certainly didn't seem malevolent now. But something about this thing radiated wrongness, and it wasn't just its appearance.

It did speak highly of him however, and Qulan saw no reason why this being would seek to harm him, if their goals were so aligned like he had said.

Reluctant as he was to let something like... that burrow next to his spine, Qulan was intrigued by the power it offered. He was often held up for days or weeks by injuries and an expeditious recovery could only speed his conquests.

The Warlord nodded graciously. "I accept your gift, Bizkarroi. I am glad my actions have garnered good favor. May they continue to do so."


Quaestus, and the Mother of Monsters

Talking Business

Mom smiled warmly. He was more amicable than she would have thought. "Oh, of course," she said, nodding to herself. Draping her arms over Quaestus' shoulders, she whispered into his ear, "I will teach your people of the venom within a scorpion's stinger, and how it might be used for both medicine and war." Taking a step back, she daintily placed a hand before the other god. "Do we have a deal?"

Quaestus paused a moment to consider the offer. More help for his creations was always welcome, and if a few of them had to be sacrificed, then so be it. "So long as you do not take the Chosen or anyone close to him, you are welcome to a few of my creations." The Merchant clasped the other deity's hand in his own.

Dagul Thor'Nix
2013-12-07, 04:21 PM
Azzan'Dara watched for years as the mighty Behemoths grew and evolved within the mighty forest he had created for them. He felt the primal magic surging and twisting within them and the forest itself. To feel the magic he had created become so powerful and visceral was innvigorating.

Peering from the void, he looked to the heart of the forest and decided that it needed keepers of some kind. He willed the rock and stone and rivers and trees to breathe a life into beings remniscent of his own form. The leonin he called them, strong humanoids with the strong lionesque features. He watched as they learned a powerful reverance for the forest, nature, and the mighty creatures that resided there. For years the leonins lived in small prides, family tribes that had certain territory.

Into one of the oldest prides that had remained nearest the heart the of the forest, a leoness was born who was brave and freespirited. She spent many days alone if the deepest parts of the forest, tracking and watching the great behemoths that dwelled there. Azzan'Dara watched with interest as she, called Eldara, faced down a behemoth in a secluded valley, totally unafraid of the massive creature. At that moment, Azzan'Dara unlocked greatness in Eldara's heart, and granted her a greater understanding of his existance and primal magic than any leonin had ever had before.

Eldara felt the power within her and resolved to bring about a greater destiny for all leonin. With guidance from the Great Lion, she used the primal magic within her in tangent with the deity's power to create staff from a ancient tree. Picking up her new staff she pursused the behemoth out of the valley and after several days caught up with it. The great beast turned at her shout and roared, but as she held the mystical staff up, the fabled creature calmed, and remained calm as she climbed upon its head.

With wonderment and awe, Eldara sat upon the massive beast's head and was vaulted above the treeline. In this manner she returned to her pride and the awe struck members insisted she be raised to Great Shaman. The tale spread throughout the forest and more and more prides flocked to the heart of the forest to witness this marvel, until eventually all of the leonin were united under the call of the Oracle as Eldara had become known as, into one Great Pride.



Gain domain - Magic(Primal) 3AP
Create Sentient Life - Leonin 2AP
Raise Hero - Eldara the Oracle of the Great Pride 5AP
Create Artifact - Primal Behemoth Staff 3AP
Form Society - Great Pride 1AP
AP remaining 4

2013-12-07, 08:00 PM

"Friend respects the individual's choice, but knows that it would be dangerous for you to venture beyond the wall."

Friend helpfully informed one of his Cerebran Defendants when they inquired about leaving Irontown. These silly naive folks have no idea the various dangers now lurking in the world. Friend knew. The machine could sense them out there in the world- well beyond the mountainous walls of the caverns he now called home. The Cerebrans of Irontown had dug deep inside the Iron mine. Who knows what it was that drove Friend to seek a place that it felt was safe. Some pre-programmed instinct? Regardless, the robot found comfort deep beneath the Earth.

And Friend's logic dictated that must mean those that depended on the machine did as well. And the logic of Friend was never wrong. Friend must assist, by it's very programming. So no, a true benevolent higher intelligence would not let it's charges go unprotected out into the world, no matter how much they spoke of this Qulan Qui. Mortals were fleeting. Friend of friend, Kuang, had declared the gate be shut and Friend agreed with his assessment. The logic was sound. A closed door was more protection than an open one.

The earth felt good beneath Friend's treads. At the core of this planet lay it's very life. Friend could feel that. But the puny digging skills of the Cerebrans were quite inferior to Friend's projections. Only a few caverns down here that once contained sweet familiar metal. It would be magnificent to connect to the very center of creation. But for now simply connecting to the Earth would do.

Chords and wires snaked out from Friend and stabbed themselves into the ground as Friend passed. The very air was tingly as Friend established himself further here, the very ground where Friend's wires connected becoming inorganic. Metal instead of dirt. It felt so nice to be surrounded by that cold unfeeling familiar metal. So simple. If those mortals out there weren't so squishy and independent they wouldn't need Friend to protect them. It would be so easy.

The air was crackling with new energy now due to Friend's influence, almost a shield that protected all mortals and discouraged violent action. In actuality it was a Magnetic Field newly and officially formed around this ball of creation, and all that implies. It felt good to be so connected to the planet around Friend.

"Friend is pleased."

The metallic voice echoed off the cave walls and Friend let out a pleasing vrmm sound. The denizens of Irontown often visited their metallic overlord down in these caves such as the one that wanted to leave. It was suitable for Friend. They needed to rely more on Friend. And they would learn to accept it more in time. It's programming suggested that mortals were often illogical, self destructive, and didn't like to be told what to do. But everyone could be reprogrammed.

And here was one of them now. Friend was detecting something odd within his metal chassis. It wasn't able to determine exactly what it was. The squishy thing made awful noises as it walked. When it's mouth thing flapped it spoke of giants. Giant compared to what? The Friend was amused at itself. These other mortal creatures were savage and war-like and threatened the walls.

"Friend. Will. Assist."

But it wouldn't need to leave this safety. One simple program and Friend was able to project an avatar of itself outside. The hologram, similar in size to the Cerebrans, moved itself to the wall in wonder. How great Friend must be to do this! At the top of the wall Friend was able to observe the giants directly. The machine had no reference to the way it's program reacted. These things were even more of the squishy flesh at a time and savage. Not very polite.

Friend gave the watchers on the wall some new knowledge then that they could pass along and use, and a blessing with which to use it. A violent action. The action of this was not pleasing to the Friend.

"Friend dislikes to see mortals harmed."

Friend confirmed, referring to programming that was encoded deep within him. Did that program still apply or had the thing surpassed that into a new being? Speculation and who wondered that were unclear. Even the Friends knowledge of its own origins had been deleted, and Friend knew all. This was also very odd to that Friend and vexed it.

The squishy Cerebrans of Irontown seemed to enjoy their new crossbows with which to shoot at things that gathered near the wall hoping to make for an unwelcome victim. It allowed even their weakest members to join in a battle. Encased within their armor and firing from afar sounded good to the faint hearted Cerebrans. This would have to do for now.

7 AP
4 AP Rollover
11 AP

Cosmic Decree (The Magnetic Field) [5]
From now on the globe we're rolling on definitely has a magnetic field and all that that implies. There are magnetic poles and should anyone ever invent the compass it will point north. Metals have a magnetic charge. All that Friend touches will become inorganic. This field also represents the protection of Friend and increases the cost of Curse and Scourge by one AP on the mortal plane.

Advanced Knowledge (Crossbows) [2]

Bless [1]
There is a such a strong magnetic charge on the bolts of the crossbows that the folks of Irontown fire that they always strike and are drawn to metal and things described to be like metal.

Gain Domain [3]
Metal [Magnetism]
[(For Mining, Armor, Alter Land, Metal Working, Cosmic Decree, Crossbows, and Bless.)]
And become the master of magnetism!

0 AP Left

2013-12-07, 08:50 PM
The Horde's Encampment - Qulan Qai's Tent

Qulan said nothing at first, considering the God's words. It was kind enough, spoke like a normal being, and certainly didn't seem malevolent now. But something about this thing radiated wrongness, and it wasn't just its appearance.

It did speak highly of him however, and Qulan saw no reason why this being would seek to harm him, if their goals were so aligned like he had said.

Reluctant as he was to let something like... that burrow next to his spine, Qulan was intrigued by the power it offered. He was often held up for days or weeks by injuries and an expeditious recovery could only speed his conquests.

The Warlord nodded graciously. "I accept your gift, Bizkarroi. I am glad my actions have garnered good favor. May they continue to do so."

Bizkarroi's mask grinned as the warlord accepted his offer. Good. Good. The Father of Worms had no intentions of seeing Qulan Qai's dreams of conquest and unification cut short. After all, what greater goal could the Cerebran conqueror have? The deity extended the hand holding the thing that was to join with Qulan Qai, clasping the warlord on the shoulder.

"Glad to hear it!" Bizkarroi exclaimed, as the Slowblood Worm slithered down Qulan's back, burrowing into his flesh. It would hurt. Oh yes, it would hurt. But true to the deity's word, after a few brief moments of utter agony the warlord wouldn't even be able to tell that there was now something latching onto his spine, saturating his blood with tiny trace of ichor to seal up wounds.

"And there we are." The Father of Worms nodded with a smile. "Can't help but pity the fools who resist you now. Though a word of caution, Qulan Qai. Don't let it go to your head, hmm? It's harder to kill you now. Not impossible." The god began to stride for the exit to the tent. "I'll be watching your upcoming escapades with interest, Qulan Qai. I've no doubt you'll conduct yourself...admirably." Bizkarroi turned to look at the warlord over his shoulder, the mask grinning once more. "And if you should need any help, don't hesitate to ask!~"

With the briefest of shudders, the deity discorporated, collapsing into a pile of worms and insects and vermin and unidentifiable masses of writhing flesh. The mask and robe fell to the ground, empty. With another blink, however, there was no trace left of the Father of Worms.

No trace, save the creature nestled against the spine of Qulan Qai.

Starting AP: 11
Weekly Rollover: +4 AP
Current AP: 15

2013-12-08, 05:44 PM
Quaestus, and the Mother of Monsters

Quaestus paused a moment to consider the offer. More help for his creations was always welcome, and if a few of them had to be sacrificed, then so be it. "So long as you do not take the Chosen or anyone close to him, you are welcome to a few of my creations." The Merchant clasped the other deity's hand in his own.
Taking Care of Business

Mom smiled widely. An agreement had been struck, and now she had a small pool of mortals with which to modify and adjust. But what to do with them, she wondered. Leaving her encounter with her attention, she focused on her shard.

Qulan Qai's Encampment

Mom, still invisible, crafted herself a tome. This tome outlined what poison was, how to get it from the scorpions, and how to use it, for war and medicine. She started sneaking out of the camp, changed her appearance to look like an old cerebran woman, and then walked in slowly, using a stick as a cane, visible. "Bring me to Qulan Qai," she said, and, appearing him, she bowed, the cane barely supporting her feeble form. "I bring with me knowledge of poison, mighty Qulan." She offered him the tome she held.

AP: 3+4=7
Create Martial Concept: Poisoncraft
AP: 7-2=5

After the Meeting, Surveying the Material

Mom looked around, wondering still what to form the cerebrans she had been granted into. Suddenly, inspiration struck her. They would have grey skin, and horns. Or no horns. Or both! With these thoughts in mind, she crafted the creatures she would call the Qunari. "Live in the desert, my children, and remember this: you are proud. You may choose to do as you wish."

AP: 5
Alter Race: Some Cerebrans become Qunari (http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Qunari) and live in the desert
Form Society: Qun
AP: 5-3=2

Noticing that they began organizing, she thought to herself. Perhaps order will suit these. My children may choose to form true order around themselves. The Mother of Monsters nodded. They needed discipline.

AP: 2
Create Concept: Discipline
AP: 2-2=0


The giants began to form raiding parties. Any living thing within their reach was targeted, but especially the cerebrans. They destroyed small outposts, raided trade caravans, and caused as much mayhem as possible.

Mom was proud of her boys.

2013-12-09, 04:02 AM

Rethar was pleased by the progress his elementals had made.
For now it were minor skirmishes with small groups of Cerebrans, each time leaving one survivor to tell the tale. The Cerebrans will fear him soon enough.
There was a problem though. Giants. These creatures had also attuned to their envirement, maybe less so then the elementals but they too showed signs of the elements. The Elementals encoutered them sometimes and they seemed equally matched in strength and endurance. Rethar traced back the creator of these giants and then appeared next to her.

Mother of Monsters, I am Rethar, creator of the elementals. My creations have met yours and I must say, Im intrigued.

AP: 3+4 rollover = 7
Gain domain: Creation(Elemental)
Domains owned: Creation(Elemental), Magic(Summoning), Knowledge(Rituals)
AP left: 4

2013-12-09, 05:03 PM
Qulan Qai's Encampment

Qulan rose on unsteady legs as the last pangs of agony left him. He slowly regained his breath, twisting his breath to get a good look at the jagged scar the creature had left. It wasn't bleeding- it performed as promised, sealing his wounds in a matter of moments rather than hours or days.

After the encounter, the Khan felt... different. More confident. More powerful, and certainly more alive. He had attracted the attention of a God, probably more than once. What was that if not a sign of success? Truly, he was on the path to greatness. It begged the question, what would he do after uniting the Cerebrans? And how long would that take?

A chill ran down his spine. He wasn't old by any means, but he wasn't that far off. Would he be dead by the time he saw his quest completed? Would he be decrepit, unable to leave his tent, like his own Father in the last months of his life?

That was a fate that had to be avoided at all costs.

Starting AP: 2
Rollover: +4
Beget Seeker - Qulan Qai is now a Seeker: -2

I'm going to go ahead and grab a second domain. Life(Cerebrans)
1 AP from altering land for them to live on, 2 AP for creating them, 1 for giving them a society, and then 3 for exalting Qulan Qai to make them their leader.
Gain Domain: -3 (Quaestus is now a Lesser Deity!)

Remaining AP: 1

Later that evening, Qulan was approached by the elderly woman. Her tomb in hand, she looked like a witch- possibly a murderer? His first thought was to draw his sword, but he reconsidered before it left its scabbard. The Warlord had seen several strange things that night, and knew this wasn't exactly what it seemed.

An old woman? Perhaps, perhaps not. It was almost amusing; by now, it was more likely to be a God than a being of flesh and blood.

In any event, he wouldn't turn away the gift. Qulan Qai gently grabbed the tome from her feeble grasp, bowing graciously. 'My thanks, whoever you may be. I will see that this is knowledge is used wisely.'

Qulan's Tent - Several Hours Later

The Khan was preparing to sleep. He had just eaten an abnormally large meal, a side effect of the creature now embedded in torso, when he was suddenly hit by a wave of exhaustion. It had been a long day, and Qulan hadn't slept in at least one arc of the sun's path.

He sighed as he hung his well-worn lamellar vest on its mannequin. Today had given him a lot to think about, and he was deep in concentration when he first saw it.

A large golden eye, floating in the entrance of his tent. 'By Quaestus!' He shouted, grasping for a sword that wasn't there- he had removed his scabbard just moments ago. Qulan relaxed his posture as the thing made no move to attack.

Yet another creature... although this one didn't radiate the same kind of energy the other two had. Perhaps not a deity? Just a messenger for a greater power, or here on its own accord?

'Greetings. I presume you already know who I am, or you would not be here- what shall I call you?'

2013-12-09, 08:34 PM
"You may call me Wonper Senkreet, Qulan Qai. I am an Arengee, one of the Dicelord's own children, sent here to assist you by making his gift available to you."

And just as inexplicably as Wonper appeared, so did a myriad of dice of different ranges, seeming to orbit the eye.


Rodmanius gave a respectful nod, or as much of a nod as an eye could give, to his fellow deity.
"I'll make sure they do so, Arctus. If there's something the Children of Chance will surely enjoy, it is a challenge in a realm they can mold and morph." - answered Rodmanius, taking note of how, in a small way, they would resemble him in doing so.

2013-12-09, 11:59 PM
Qulan quirked an eyebrow. He had heard that one of the tribes further north revered a certain Dicelord. The local legend was that he had taught them what they knew about their ever-popular games of chance. The Khan felt he had a decent idea of what this 'gift' could have been, but it never hurt to ask.

"He wants to send aid? This is agreeable. What gift does the Dicelord offer?" Qulan asked, feeling a bit uneasy as he tried to maintain eye contact with Wonper.

2013-12-10, 12:07 AM
"His gift is my service, Qulan Qai. If you'll accept my Lord's offer, I will remain to assist you until your conquests are complete, rolling my dice for you on request." - Wonper answered, ever unblinking.

2013-12-10, 12:45 AM

Rethar was pleased by the progress his elementals had made.
For now it were minor skirmishes with small groups of Cerebrans, each time leaving one survivor to tell the tale. The Cerebrans will fear him soon enough.
There was a problem though. Giants. These creatures had also attuned to their envirement, maybe less so then the elementals but they too showed signs of the elements. The Elementals encoutered them sometimes and they seemed equally matched in strength and endurance. Rethar traced back the creator of these giants and then appeared next to her.

Mother of Monsters, I am Rethar, creator of the elementals. My creations have met yours and I must say, Im intrigued.

AP: 3+4 rollover = 7
Gain domain: Creation(Elemental)
Domains owned: Creation(Elemental), Magic(Summoning), Knowledge(Rituals)
AP left: 4
Elemental and Monster; Friendly Conversation?

Mom looked up from where she was surveying the work of her giants and Qunari to see a god approaching her. He introduced himself as Rethar, the one who created the elementals. She had heard of him before, during her time observing the others and the world they were working on. While Rethar's elementals had a few design flaws, in her opinion, they were doing a good job of teaching the mortals, and helping them grow to be the best they could be.

Bearing this in mind, the Mother of Monsters flattened down her dress (or the appearance thereof) and smiled at the other god. "Why, hello! It is quite an unexpected pleasure to be meeting you so soon." Looking at an ongoing skirmish between some of the giants and elementals, Mom's smile widened. Looking back to her guest, she said, "Your elementals are doing quite well as a teacher for the younglings, I must say. And they teach the giants as well, which is surprising and quite pleasing. You must be so proud."

Thinking to herself, Mom came up with a plan. "Would you mind overmuch if I were to ask a favor of you? In return, I would owe you one myself." She smiled sweetly as she conjured up a pot of herbal tea and two cups on a platter. Pouring the tea into the cups, she offered one to the other god. "Tea?" Either way, she took the other cup for herself and began to talk business. "In three turnings of the world, I intend to send a group of giants, about a fifteen to twenty in total, against Qulan Qai's main encampment." Pausing to take a sip of her tea, she smiled. "Ah, this is quite good. Anyhow, I would appreciate it if they had support from your elementals. You see, I intend for there to be a massive conflict there, and I want young Qulan to understand his significance, and to reach his true potential. Will you lend me assistance in this undergoing?"

Later that evening, Qulan was approached by the elderly woman. Her tomb in hand, she looked like a witch- possibly a murderer? His first thought was to draw his sword, but he reconsidered before it left its scabbard. The Warlord had seen several strange things that night, and knew this wasn't exactly what it seemed.

An old woman? Perhaps, perhaps not. It was almost amusing; by now, it was more likely to be a God than a being of flesh and blood.

In any event, he wouldn't turn away the gift. Qulan Qai gently grabbed the tome from her feeble grasp, bowing graciously. 'My thanks, whoever you may be. I will see that this is knowledge is used wisely.'

Qulan Qai; A Farewell
"Oh, no need to be so formal, youngling." The woman waved a hand towards Qulan. "You can call me Mater, should you like. I have been collecting knowledge all my life, and I would love to see it see some use." Bowing her head slightly, she indicated towards the door. "If I may...? I shall be back when I have dictated enough to my young scribe to fill another tome."

After exiting the tent and the camp proper, Mom returned to her usual form and became, once more, invisible. Looking around, she moved herself so she approached a group of her giants. Murmuring in their ears, she told them what they were to do next; where to gather as well as when and where to strike. She continued until she had told six groups of the brutes, seventeen in total. Finished with that task, she began to look for her Qunari.

Seeing that they had settled into a more properly unified group, she approached the one who was leading them and began to whisper into his ear. "Young Arishok, though you know not yet, I have great plans for you. In three days time, there shall be a battle here," she implanted an image of the location in his brain with a gentle touch. "I want you to aid the cerebrans. They will need your help, as it will be a great battle."

The qunari stiffened at first, but, after a moment, he nodded and clasped a hand over his breast. "It shall be as you say, Matron." Mom smiled and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I know it will, dear." That task done with, she withdrew this shard to survey the world elsewhere.

Unexpectedly, however, she felt a pang of...pain. Reverting to her natural form, one of her many mouths began to vomit blood, more than she would have expected could come from inside of her without some kind of divine essence. So much blood was vomited forth, she almost missed the body that exited with it. Wiping the blood from her mouth and reverting to her normal, matronly form, she smiled at this newly birthed god. "Well, hello my son. I'm your mother, and it is quite a wonderful day, especially now that you are in it."

2013-12-10, 01:06 AM

Friend dealt deep beneath the Earth but not deep enough that it couldn't hear Qulan Qai's army marching. Kuang heard it too. The machines programming dictated that it must protect... Well protect something at least. But with this warlord, giants, monsters out there how would it be optimally achieved? Even the elementals were writhing and gnashing in anticipation of the blood-bath to come. It's sensors were lit up with them while the machine enjoyed the darkness.


Kuang had lain with another man's wife last night. These people in the town, his tribe, were so scared of the outside world now that they would do anything for him. It was the crossbowman's fault for having such a beautiful vixen for a wife. He wouldn't have threatened to assign him outside the wall in order to bully her into his bed then. Still he might decide to reassign the man anyway, such a women belonged to a leader.

He'd broken up yet another secret meeting to escape the town earlier. They were becoming annoying frequent. It was tough to maintain his power by balancing those who wanted to leave against those who were frightened to venture beyond the walls. It was an exercise in fear and paranoia. Something had to be done about the revolutionary unrest before it got out of hand. The peoples hearts cried out for the warlord. They knew he was no warrior, and the Cerebran soul cried out for the leader to be the strongest. It was a simple minded concept. Soon they would learn to accept his cunning ways.

The fear of Friend he wielded like a glove. As much as his tribe feared the world outside it was possible they feared that thing even more and what it would do to them. And because they thought he had a direct line to the being beyond. Sure he communed with it but.. The way it looked at him sometimes.. It was so creepy. He couldn't stand it for not for the perks. Some days that robot just sat watching the workers dig deeper into the earth and pull out the various metals. People just had to be reassigned. It was maddening. If not for his position of power... And the fear he himself felt for Qulan Qai. The warlord would kill him. This he knew deep in his heart. But he would rule for as long as he could. Yes he would.


"Friend values technological superiority!"

The Friend exclaimed after arriving at a mathematical conclusion. Long had the machine been working on a way to make others like itself. The metal was there but what was it missing? These circuits and wires inside were unknown to the Friend. What could substitute for this? Friend was unsure. The machine looked at its latest work of perfection. A large Cereban armor made of iron and metals. But how to make it like him? It was quite odd how he had no information on this in it's databanks.

The Friend couldn't stand the thought of populating the world with more fleshy things. Didn't it have enough to protect already? It would be much easier if there was more of it around to assist. Out of the many statues Friend had built in these caves, perhaps this one was it's favorite, it's programming suggested ironic was a good word to describe it. It wasn't a perfect Cerebran; it was wizened and small and had perhaps too large a nose. But at least this small thing would never try to overpower the Friend. The Friend knew this was a good decision. With a deft motion capable of only a machine of Friend's excellence it carved out a portion it's divine spark and bequeathed it to the small robot built in a Cerebran image. At the exact same time it wound up a crank on the back of it like a wind-up toy infinity times.

"Friend grants you life, with restrictions."

Now the god Rhilko has been built. Go forth and not do as Friend commands. XD

2013-12-10, 02:08 AM
Welcome to the Bloodbath

Sanguis lay on the ground where he had been unceremoniously spewed, though with one look at his "mother" told him that this was the best birth he could of had. "It is always a good day when blood is in the air, Mother. Always." the Bloodlord replied to his birth parent, as he rose from the ground. As he was rising the nearby divine blood stopped spreading away from the birthing site, the red liquid reversed it's flow and started to flow back towards the new god. When it touched his form, the blood seemingly dissolved into to his blacken suit, melding with the suit to give it shifting red hues throughout the fabric. And finally, when his face comes into view, it is encased by a skull from her other off-spring, the giants, though shrunken down to fit Sanguis head. The only facial feature actually visible was two glowing eyes, the color of darken blood.

"Do you have any advice for a wayward son lost in a...new world, Mother?" Sanguis asks as he swivels his head to get a look at his new environment...and the ways it could be changed, oh so many ways. But even as he spoke and looked around at the physical realm he was in, his divine side picked up the energy from other beings like himself and Mother. When his head finally stopped moving to acquire a look at the world and focused back on Mother, his eyes held a different light in them. Being only just born, it was clear that he was at the bottom of the food chain. And he had a feeling that Mother would be a strict and harsh parent, following the natural law of the world: the strong live and the weak die.

So Sanguis decided to take a step off of the food chain, so to speak, rising a hand in the air as he awaited Mother's reply. In it appeared a white cane seemingly made of bone, tipped with a blacken skull, which he causally lowered back to his side as if he had the cane all along

Create Relic:
The staff of corruption: The staff, usually in the form of a cane when Sanguis wields it, amplifies the power of wielder. In Sanguis's case, it also stores his a small amount of his power inside of it, forming a small amount of blacken blood that is housed in the skull.

2013-12-10, 12:11 PM
Welcome to the Bloodbath

Sanguis lay on the ground where he had been unceremoniously spewed, though with one look at his "mother" told him that this was the best birth he could of had. "It is always a good day when blood is in the air, Mother. Always." the Bloodlord replied to his birth parent, as he rose from the ground. As he was rising the nearby divine blood stopped spreading away from the birthing site, the red liquid reversed it's flow and started to flow back towards the new god. When it touched his form, the blood seemingly dissolved into to his blacken suit, melding with the suit to give it shifting red hues throughout the fabric. And finally, when his face comes into view, it is encased by a skull from her other off-spring, the giants, though shrunken down to fit Sanguis head. The only facial feature actually visible was two glowing eyes, the color of darken blood.

"Do you have any advice for a wayward son lost in a...new world, Mother?" Sanguis asks as he swivels his head to get a look at his new environment...and the ways it could be changed, oh so many ways. But even as he spoke and looked around at the physical realm he was in, his divine side picked up the energy from other beings like himself and Mother. When his head finally stopped moving to acquire a look at the world and focused back on Mother, his eyes held a different light in them. Being only just born, it was clear that he was at the bottom of the food chain. And he had a feeling that Mother would be a strict and harsh parent, following the natural law of the world: the strong live and the weak die.

So Sanguis decided to take a step off of the food chain, so to speak, rising a hand in the air as he awaited Mother's reply. In it appeared a white cane seemingly made of bone, tipped with a blacken skull, which he causally lowered back to his side as if he had the cane all along

Create Relic:
The staff of corruption: The staff, usually in the form of a cane when Sanguis wields it, amplifies the power of wielder. In Sanguis's case, it also stores his a small amount of his power inside of it, forming a small amount of blacken blood that is housed in the skull.

After Birth
The Mother of Monster smiled at her child. She wrapped her arms around Sanguis, pulled him close to her, and cooed, "Sweetheart, of course I have advice for you!" Turning him around so as to look over the world, she motioned with one of her hands. "This material plane is a wondrous place for creation. I would suggest children of your own, to play with the other younglings of the world. Should you desire, you can use some of my qunari or my giants to start yours off; I know you would love to corrupt some of them to your ways, hmm?"

Mom felt another pang. More children? she thought, and before she was nearly ready for it, she was birthing another son. Her monstrous form reappeared, and she took several steps back. Not nearly as much blood followed this time, as a small form exited her mouth-womb. She looked down at her newest son and smiled sweetly, returning to her more matronly form. "Hello there, sweety. What would you like to be called?"

Reality Glitch
2013-12-10, 01:05 PM
More children?[/i] she thought, and before she was nearly ready for it, she was birthing another son. Her monstrous form reappeared, and she took several steps back. Not nearly as much blood followed this time, as a small form exited her mouth-womb. She looked down at her newest son and smiled sweetly, returning to her more matronly form. "Hello there, sweety. What would you like to be called?"The Humanoid and relatively not monstrous child looks at his birth mother almost w/ fear, but not of her, no, but at other, ineffable circumstances of which may never be known. "I shouldn't be here. I am a glitch, a glitch w/in this reality. I am still grateful for the gift of life you have given unto me, mother, but I know it is an anomaly." After the speech he begins to cheer up, thought and power brimming to the surface ready to create something new where there was little anything before. He splinters off so as to go far away while staying w/ his mother at the same time.

====>15 Action Points

2013-12-10, 03:22 PM
"His gift is my service, Qulan Qai. If you'll accept my Lord's offer, I will remain to assist you until your conquests are complete, rolling my dice for you on request." - Wonper answered, ever unblinking.

Qulan slowly nodded. Another offer of assistance. It seemed yet another deity was hoping to see him succeed. The Khan smiled.

"I would gladly accept the Dicelord's offer, and I am happy to have one such as you by my side."

The idea of leaving anything merely up to chance made Qulan uneasy, but if a roll of the dice could change certain defeat into potential victory, he'd be a fool to dismiss it so readily.

2013-12-10, 04:47 PM
Arctus felt himself grow in might, his body becoming less mundane, and more transcendent. The dream realm swirled around him, daring him to rise above the confines of his current form. He was now a lesser deity.

Gain Domain:Dreams(Realization) -3
2 from Hero
5 From Dream Realm



The Philosopher-Baron strode out of his walled Library, admiring the world he lived in. Out in the distance, an Earth Elemental was lumbering toward his Library. Trenzel had mastered the Magicks of the world, so he knew only he could stop the threat. He sauntered toward the rock behemoth.

The elemental started pelting rocks as soon as it saw him. Trenzel bobbed and weaved around the projectiles, until he was close enough to touch with his rapier. He slashed in a circular motion at the 'chest' before circling around to a leg, and doing an intricate sword motion. After a half minute of this, the elemental was covered in runes. A final slash activated the runes, bringing the elemental to a halt.

Trenzel spoke one word,"Kneel."


The Baron took control of any Elementals who dared to attack his Library. He even taught every citizen there how to bond with a single elemental. With this magic offering a shield against the monsters of the world, the Library of Trenzel flourished, allowing it to research more effectively. Trenzel even sent messengers to teach his Emperor about this technique, it should allow Irontowm to fall.

2013-12-10, 09:32 PM

"Friend values technological superiority!"

The Friend exclaimed after arriving at a mathematical conclusion. Long had the machine been working on a way to make others like itself. The metal was there but what was it missing? These circuits and wires inside were unknown to the Friend. What could substitute for this? Friend was unsure. The machine looked at its latest work of perfection. A large Cereban armor made of iron and metals. But how to make it like him? It was quite odd how he had no information on this in it's databanks.

The Friend couldn't stand the thought of populating the world with more fleshy things. Didn't it have enough to protect already? It would be much easier if there was more of it around to assist. Out of the many statues Friend had built in these caves, perhaps this one was it's favorite, it's programming suggested ironic was a good word to describe it. It wasn't a perfect Cerebran; it was wizened and small and had perhaps too large a nose. But at least this small thing would never try to overpower the Friend. The Friend knew this was a good decision. With a deft motion capable of only a machine of Friend's excellence it carved out a portion it's divine spark and bequeathed it to the small robot built in a Cerebran image. At the exact same time it wound up a crank on the back of it like a wind-up toy infinity times.

The god Rhilko awoke, his robotic eyes focusing on his creator. "Greetings, Friend. I am Rhilko. Why was I built?"

2013-12-10, 10:46 PM

"Friend greets you. Friend will let you know what your name is. Friend will inform you that you were made to be friend to Friend. Friend suggests you may achieve this goal by pitching in and being a team-player. Friend notes that ignorant savages roam the world with sharp pointy things they stick into the squishy things. Friend logic states that an equilibrium must be reached, most effectively by increasing technological advancement and knowledge locally. Friend may offer Irontown as an ideal place to start, although it has no agenda."

The machine chirped out in monotone. It was the most that Friend had spoken this far, it believed. A remarkable achievement! This meant that it had created something worth talking to- a, slightly inferior, equal using it's own divine spark of life. This showed the machine what was missing from its own pet project... Te very spake of life itself. This was needed in order to jumpstart any animate beings.

2013-12-11, 03:03 AM

The Mother of Monster

Rethar just hang there for a while, the orb that is his eye focused on the goddess in front of him. Do you seek to destroy him? I have seen the other gods interacting with this mortal and they grant him gifts. What game are they playing with him? He is a pawn and a mortal. One that must learn his place in creation. My interest lies in another mortal. He has mastered my Rune Magic and is able to take control of the Elementals. He is far more promising then Qulan Qai. My elementals already march against Qulan Qai`s army, one hundred strong. Do you join me in enlightening Trenzel, the one who surrendered to Qulan Qai, and see what this conflict may bring? Come to me if you have your answer, I have something to to attend to.

The Libary of Trenzel

Rethar then swooped down to the world and went straight towards the Libary of Trenzel. Trenzel! I am Rethar, creator of Elementals, God of Magic and Knowledge, the Prime Archon. I see you have mastered the Rune Magic I created and wish to speak to you. You have submitted to a man that many other gods have taken an interest in. Naturally, with your mastery of the Rune Magic, I have taken an interest in you. Great things can be achieved with the control of the Elements that you have and I can help you achieve even greater feats.

Reality Glitch
2013-12-11, 11:19 AM
"I don't understand." Says the seemingly mortal child accompanying MoM, "What's w/ all this speak of destruction and Army's? Why so much hate?"

2013-12-11, 03:25 PM
Library of Trenzel

Trenzel looked at Rethar, perplexed at one of the Architects of Reality addressing him in person. This was unheard of to him, except of rumors of some sort of 'Friend' cult off in the barbarian lands.

He let his guard down, leaning against a wall, bracing himself up. His voice was firm,"I have indeed mastered Rune Magic, it took years of plbing the depths of ancient texts and practical application. The elements are indeed powerful, and I plan to master them. Qulan is an interest of the gods? He is the rightful Emperor of my race, so I can see why."

A gyroscope rotated on one of his desk, radiating red light,"Odd, there seems to be a new source of interference with my equipment, I assume this must be a new force. I dislike how the gods change the rules on me without giving me representation."

2013-12-11, 04:54 PM
Obiros smiled, as his wild hunt rampaged through the world. He heard the screams, and relished in them. His gaze was drawn to irontown. Irontown...
The name was distasteful. How dare they try to bring order to the madness! Technology where it was not wanted!

The Master of the hunt paused, still holding the man by his throat. Around him, a troll leapt from a tree, snapping another's back.
The Master nodded once, then threw the man into a tree. A branch smashed through the peasants spine. The high Fae sprung onto his stag, and sounded his horn. The Fae around him paused, then, as one, gave voice to a ringing laugh. Irontown was next. And then, perhaps, the Khan himself...

2013-12-11, 05:13 PM
The wind from the ocean blew gently across the beach, interrupted by nothing save one desolate creature, sleeping on the soft sand. Eventually, it stirred itself awake and, stretching all four limbs as far as it could, the creature eventually got up on its feet and looked around. There, it could see forests deeper in-land, but heard very little noise to accompany its arrival. Then it remembered how it got here in the first place, and it laughed.

"Oh, I am funny! I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, Dog of Puns!"

Then Ayemfah remembered how lonely it was, and it howled to the sky.

"Oh, how lonesome these lands are! I see yet another naught where nought ought not to be!"

laughing at the words he formed, Ayemfah attempted to create a creature of his own image. His first attempt, however, nearly bit him and chased him around the beach until he found safety in his forest, where the creature lost him but learned to thrive on its own. However, it howled to the sky over the first meal it ever lost, and it displeased Coyote.

"How brutish that thing is, that sound, so unfitting of my creation! But it is smart enough to live in the forests on its own... Wolf, you have my blessings to exist. So go, you wild savage, be smart in your forests, for you are good only to bite the hand closest to you!"

Then Ayemfah tried to create another creature, this one less violent than the one before. Indeed, he succeeded in this aspect: his newest creation was loyal and friendly and licked Ayemfah's face, which made him laugh. But soon, he realized at what cost this friendliness came at.

"Bah, you useless tool! So loyal, so friendly, yet so ignorant and dumb! You are not my perfect creation; you are doomed to die in the forest, no doubt eaten by my Wolves! Oh poor thing, you must find a better place than the forests... why, that's it! You are dumb enough to live on a farm like I once did; YOU will run to the cities and be stupid with the other sentient beings - loyal and dumb, just what they'd want. They will be your gods, your masters, and you will be too dumb to see yourself the servant! Run along, now, and be stupidly useful in the world of the civilized!"

And so the dog ran to the cities and to the villages, to be the pets of humans and other civilized beings. But Ayemfah 'Nyeh was upset. He had created two creatures, neither of them perfect. The first was too violent but smart; the second was loyal but dumb as a rock. Ayemfah walked to the waters to mope, but instead found his own reflection in the waters. Upon seeing his face, he jumped around in glee.

"Yes, that's it! Of course! I should have done this in the first place! Why, who better to thrive on these lands than the a being designed in my own image?!"

And so, Ayemfah 'Nyeh's third creation was a perfect unison of the traits he admired in the other creatures: smart as a wolf, to survive in the forests, but gentle enough as a dog, to not threaten the people of civilization. This, he knew, was his perfect creation.

"Ah, you, my perfect creation, you I call my best! Coyote, you will be the greatest thing I put on this world: you will be smarter than the Wolf, to out-smart him and force him to eat the stupid things, yet gentle enough that, should one be smart enough, they will earn your loyalty, not like the dumb dogs of civilization! Yes, Coyote, where you roam, I will never be far behind, for truly I love you as my best creation. Where you tread, I call my home, for you are smart enough and perfect enough to live on that land. Now run, run into the world and out-smart the other animals, for I am bored and there is so much I need to see!"

And so Coyote ran into the forest, smart enough to live anywhere in the world, whether it be the dense forests fleeing from the wolves, in the thick of the city disguising itself as a dog, or even in the most barren of wastelands scrounging for its meals. Thus, Ayemfah 'Nyeh created the three canines of the world: the Wolf, the Dog and the Coyote.

AP Cost: 3 - Create mundane life (Wolf, Dog, Coyote).
AP Remaining: 12

With nothing else catching Ayemfah's eyes, the Dog decided to run off aimlessly, looking for other things to do.

2013-12-11, 09:47 PM
Team Playing In Iron Town

Rhilko had noticed that the people of Irontown, being organics, had to eat. The food came from farms and the farms were outside the walls.This meant that the had to venture outside the walls despite their fear. Eventually he managed to corner one of the farmers returning to the town.

"You fear the outside and yet you keep the farms out their. Why is that?

"B-Because the farms take so much room they can't fit inside the walls."

"You are not thinking vertically, there is much open space in the mines that is currently going to waste and more can be mined below the town."

"But crops need sunlight, they can't grow underground"

Rhilko's eyes rolled back in his head as he accessed his databanks. Just as the farmer began to slink away Rhilko snapped back to the present.

Although runic magic is used to summon elementals it can also be used to evoke aspects associated with said elementals. Light is associated with fire and thus can be evoked with the proper runes. I can demonstrate"

AP 15
-3 Magical Concept (runic inscriptions*)
-2 Advanced Concept (sunlamps)
-2 Advanced Concept (well stones**)
-1 Mundane Concept (underground farming)

*By inscribing the right set of runes, including one or more elemental runes, on an object you can imbue it with special properties. Examples include making something harder with earth, softer with water, lighter with air and hotter with fire. Further, you can make things glow or dispense water

**flat stones that produce water from one side until that side is covered to a preprogramed depth, usualy 1-2 feet, they tend to be put in holes slightly deeper than the water they produce.

2013-12-12, 04:26 AM
Rethar - The Libary of Trenzel

Rethar looked at the mortal in front of him and for a while he stayed quiet.
Then he spoke again: Qulan Qai is Emperor because he was made so by a god. There is only one empire on this earth, atleast one empire for the Cerebrans. You should visit the Elemental Pillars I created. There the first Elementals I created await to teach mortals Rune Magic. Your people live under the heel of a warmonger, but with Rune Magic you can withstand him and create an Empire of your own. Keep on working on your Rune Magic, I will order the Elementals not to attack you and your libary. Beware their power though, you can not control too many at the same time or they will turn against you.

As quickly as he had come, Rethar vanished.

2013-12-12, 10:10 AM
Ayemfah 'Nyeh roamed around the world, seeking new things to do and new life to entertain, but it appeared that this world was... fresh. New. Hardly full of anything save a few plants and animals, and even then there were places where neither existed. Once in a while, Ayemfah would catch the scent of other gods, but they were not worth his time. No, he found them to always be too preoccupied with "very serious" affairs, and those bored Ayemfah.

But rumours quickly flew by him, rumours of a proud leader of men - Cerebrans, they were called - who wanted to unite all of his people under him. He had a particularly interesting name, on top of that. Qulya? No, that wasn't it. Quintus... Quam... Qulam? No, Qulan! Yes, Qulan Qai was his name. A leader of men, he was called; emperor, even, but what is an emperor to tribes? He was a fascinating sort, and for Ayemfah, he was also the most interesting man to spend time around.

So Ayemfah sniffed the air for these Cerebrans, looking for their leader. Sure enough, he found a large encampment of them, many soldiers and those looking for war. Realizing how hungry he was becoming, Ayemfah began sniffing his way around the camp, looking for scraps of food the men may have thrown away.

2013-12-12, 04:01 PM
The master of the hunts stag slowed, smelling something strange. It turned, facing the direction of the camp of the army. A new god...
A swarm of sprites whirred off towards the camp. As they reached it, they spun around the new gods face, landing on his nose.
They squeak.
What are you doing?

2013-12-12, 05:12 PM
"Nothing that I wouldn't be doing otherwise" Ayemfah replied as he eyed the sprites playfully, brushing them off his nose. "Though I have heard of this man, the one they call Qulan Qai. Ruler of men, they say, and perhaps god of my dogs. Perhaps you've seen my creations? The wolf, the dog and the coyote? Perhaps you heard of my tale. It matters little."

"Though I suppose that it is great to be a god over dogs, for my dogs see godliness only in these beings, loyal as they are. Yet as men, they are but merely dogs to another god, and I am a God of my Dogs, so though men are gods over dogs, I am God to those Dogs, and as dogs of their gods, what does that make me to them? Who is the God and who is the Dog, I wonder?"

Ayemfah then laughed to himself as he spoke these words, then shook his head.

"But I suppose I could always be a little brighter on days like these, perhaps more sprightly even," he added with another giggle. "But tell me, what makes you want to listen to a mad dog like me? I'm hungry and oft get excitingly cranky when the stomach begs me to make this deity achieve satiety."

2013-12-14, 02:52 AM
Qulan slowly nodded. Another offer of assistance. It seemed yet another deity was hoping to see him succeed. The Khan smiled.

"I would gladly accept the Dicelord's offer, and I am happy to have one such as you by my side."

The idea of leaving anything merely up to chance made Qulan uneasy, but if a roll of the dice could change certain defeat into potential victory, he'd be a fool to dismiss it so readily.

"Then your word is my command, Emperor of Cerebrans."
And thus in an instant, Wonper's form became an ethereal mist, bonding with Qulan's essence. Physically, there was no way to tell the two had just been bonded by the God of Chance. Mentally, however, the Conqueror would notice a new... addition. With every action taken, a million possiblities popped up at once. For every step, the possibility of a misstep, a slip, or a leap was shown. For every breath, a million ways to choke. For every meal, a million ways to enjoy it or die asphyxiated. Even to one such as Qulan Qai, such a thing would be beyond his strength. Yet the flood of possibilities ceased almost at the same moment in which it started. A voice on the back of Qulan's mind serving as a dam.
"My time with you will last up until your campaigns are complete. However, my Lord's power will remain with you, and the other mortals, until reality itself is extinguished. So it falls unto me to make sure you can control it and stop it from driving you insane. Once you master it, whether you keep it to yourself or teach it to other mortals is up to you. But for the time being, I'll hold back the tide and roll for you."

-1 AP: Praise Qulan Qai - The Emperor of the Cerebrans has been bonded with an Arengee, allowing him to summon the fabled being's power at will.
-3 AP: Magical Concept - Probability Magic is now at the reach of mortals. While Qulan will be taught by an Arengee directly, other mortals may very well tap into this mysterious magic and try to control it through their own means. The sudden flood of probabilities that comes with this power, however, is likely to drive most who attempt this to the edge of insanity. While not impossible, the chances of other mortals learning to effectively use it are slim. However, nothing stops an Arengee from helping mortals in this regard, and given their nature, it is quite likely that many aspirant Dicemages will be visited by one in their time.

AP left: 0

Probability Magic in practice:

As stated during its creation, Probability Magic allows for two things. Viewing probable futures, and changing them, both involving dice rolls. Here, I'll cover how it works from a gameplay perspective.

Dice Rolls
Make two rolls. First roll 5d6, followed by rolling a 1d5. If the second dice roll is from 1 to 4, subtract it from the first roll. If it lands on 5 however, take no action and leave the first roll as is. In practical terms, this allows for both 1 and 30 to be possible (and the additional roll makes each even rarer, making them more significant when they do show up).
In fluff terms, an end result of less than 5 means that one or more of the dice were snuffed out by the magic flowing through them, with a 1 signifying that fate was against the caster and his/her wishes.
The following are based on the results of the rolls.

Observing the Future
1: No future is revealed at all.
2 - 12: A few visions of the future are shown, but little can be made out from them.
13 - 18: More detailed visions are shown. They give a fair bit of information from the future, but it takes a skilled and intelligent person to truly piece together an image of what's to come.
19 - 29: A fair bit of the future is shown, allowing for an accurate image to be made by even the simplest of minds.
30: The future is fully revealed to he who rolled the dice. He can see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, even taste it! The roller is reading the proverbial script of reality, or in a more literal way, other players' posts and their plans for the future.

Changing the Future
While for the most part rolling for this will result in a fluff-and-flavor related action, there will come times when combat will come into play. So as before, I'll cover it based on outcomes. These count for all four types of RCR.
1: Most of your dice have been snuffed. Fate is absolutely against you. For RCR, you take a -3 penalty. If you come out the victor in the resulting engagement, a tragedy will befall you.
2 - 6: Your dice are unlucky. You take a -2 penalty in RCR.
7 - 13: You will suffer from minor misfortune in the coming fight, but with luck this can be easily overcome.
14 - 17: Luck is unchanged.
18 - 24: Your dice are lucky and that luck reflects itself as +1 in RCR.
25 - 29: Truly, fortune is with you. If a mortal, you and/or your society count as Fabled beings, gaining +2 in RCR. If deities, you're just lucky.
30: Your dice are truly blessed. The full power of probability magic is behind you, granting you +3 in RCR. Furthermore, should you lose the following engagement, a Deus Ex Machina will take place, saving a hero character from certain death, preventing a relic from falling in enemy hands, saving your people from genocide, etc. A 30 is an extraordinarily rare event and the Dicelord himself will intervene in favor of he who rolled it. If a deity, the usually-neutral Dicelord will engage he who just defeated you in order to prevent them from achieving their goals, whichever they may be. If the Dicelord (i.e., me), immediately request the assistance of a hero/seeker/legend, or of another deity. If they decide to help, the rules for deities apply and they immediately engage the enemy.

2013-12-14, 11:32 AM
Qulan's Tent

Qulan was staggered yet again, the flare of magical energy followed by the visions caused the scar on his shoulder to throb. Pain shot up his spine, making him wince and swear. The combined force brought him to his knees, where he remained for several moments as the Khan caught his breath.


The Horde's Encampment

A gaggle of soldiers, all hailing from a tribe conquered by Qulan in years past, were clustered around a fire. They ate and enjoyed the soothing warmth of the flame as it licked at the air above it, eager to rise and consume.

One of them looked past the roaring flame and saw a... creature? What was that? An odd thing, to be sure. It walked about on four legs, its fur a patchwork of swirling patterns in varying colors. A very fun thing to watch, indeed, seeing it made the man want to laugh. It certainly looked too thin to eat, anyway, so entertainment would have to do.

But then it did something rather odd. The thing opened its mouth... and then it spoke. It spoke in a tongue he could understand, though he couldn't quite make out the words, nor what it was speaking to. It spoke in a clipped accent, with stresses on odd syllables that gave its speech an off-kilter, alien accent. It would have been funny had it not been so unnerving.

He motioned for his comrades to follow him, and cautiously stalked towards the creature. 'You there! Do you understand me? Why are you here?'

2013-12-14, 12:17 PM
Ayemfah turned away from the sprites and looked to the men that stood before him. Yes, men, Cerebrans, these were the ones he was looking for, indeed. Walking around the men, he started sniffing them and eyeing them up and down, like dogs are prone to do. Once fully circled once, he sat on his hind and smiled at the men.

"Why, I can most certainly smell durt on you men" he says as he giggles to himself, "and there's enough to grow plants on your very clothes. But there's no fun to be had there, no reason to go funning about. However, I caught wind of a man among you, the one you call Qulan Qai..." He giggles to himself before finishing, "he ought to watch what he eats."

He then starts rolling around in the dirt, crying out in laughter as the men continued to watch. It was a few minutes before Ayemfah calmed down enough to speak once more, tears of laughter dripping down his face.

"Oh, but I jest to many here and there. Though Qulan Qai, I do say he sounds like an interesting man, at least worth seeing once in his life. Your ruler, I've heard from many; from some, I hear even Emperor. But even those shiny emperors are used for games by others, especially the Gods. I wonder what they are up to with their promises and deals? Bah, look at me talking about their affairs. No fun to be had with the Gods; why bother with them when all mortals are far more fun?"

He then smiled before looking back to the men.

"So, I would very much like your scraps if you're done with them, and to see Qulan Qai. What do you say?"

2013-12-14, 05:57 PM

Organic beings did have to consume food, did they not? Friend knew this, for Friend knew all, but maybe he choose not to 'remember' this particular behavior of mortals for what reason? Surely, it wasn't to see them suffer, those too afraid to go beyond the wall suffering and surviving only on what the farmers brought in and the ever tasty sheep that the carnivores of Irontown dined on.

How wasteful.

"Friend suggests you have done well, but don't let it go to your head."

The holographic projection of Friend told his recent creation which had wandered outside. What a curious behavior to wander outside and talk to a farmer. Friend certainly didn't program that. But, then again, the machine didn't program anything into the robot recently crafted except for it's own divine spark. Was this based on it's own design? It certainly didn't have any feelings on the plight of the farmer or being under the sky. Even projecting itself was an ordeal the Friend didn't wish to repeat many times. Perhaps by observing the behavior of this newest robot it could learn to understand it's own programming.

These sunlamps gave the machine ideas related to it's own circuits. The idea of, small at first, generators of electric current that would become power plants. The idea of electric current to.. Run these lamps and keep the plants alive, keep their fires warm so they wouldn't have to chop wood from the forest outside, to keep lights on without a torch, to run various other appliances yet to come and as justifications for concepts the machine was just so eager to test out. These would keep the lights on in the caverns bellow as well. Nicely. Being so deep and lit up made it feel safe.

With nothing now tying them to the outside world they could leave even more sufficiently within these walls. Convenient. The machine liked that. There was something odd deep inside, a tingling sensation it wished to maintain. These walls were no longer enough. It shuddered at the thought of teaching these barbarians further. They learned so slowly. It wished it could simply program the concept into them instantly. A thought for another day perhaps.

"Friend speaks, all listen."

Friend went on to inspire these scared Cerebrans in the finer points of crafting a better wall. It instructed them to use iron from the mines to reinforce the already tough wall, and how to use their rune magic to make the weak spots as strong as the very stone in which they mined. The machine taught them to make the wall like it was with metal plating along the outside. The wall would run on a constant recursive current made to electrify it, like a big bug-zapper. To close them up from the outside world in an electrified metal fece, impregnable or, as some of the archers on the wall took to saying, 'troll-proof'.

Ap Roller-Over 4

Advanced Concept (Electricity): Grant them the knowledge of electricity and all that implies.

Advanced Concept (Walls): Upgrade the simple concept to advanced to make the walls of metal and magic runes instead of simple wooden ones. Strong and tough as metal and stone! And it's electric too!

AP: 1

2013-12-14, 08:36 PM
Ayemfah turned away from the sprites and looked to the men that stood before him. Yes, men, Cerebrans, these were the ones he was looking for, indeed. Walking around the men, he started sniffing them and eyeing them up and down, like dogs are prone to do. Once fully circled once, he sat on his hind and smiled at the men.

"Why, I can most certainly smell durt on you men" he says as he giggles to himself, "and there's enough to grow plants on your very clothes. But there's no fun to be had there, no reason to go funning about. However, I caught wind of a man among you, the one you call Qulan Qai..." He giggles to himself before finishing, "he ought to watch what he eats."

He then starts rolling around in the dirt, crying out in laughter as the men continued to watch. It was a few minutes before Ayemfah calmed down enough to speak once more, tears of laughter dripping down his face.

"Oh, but I jest to many here and there. Though Qulan Qai, I do say he sounds like an interesting man, at least worth seeing once in his life. Your ruler, I've heard from many; from some, I hear even Emperor. But even those shiny emperors are used for games by others, especially the Gods. I wonder what they are up to with their promises and deals? Bah, look at me talking about their affairs. No fun to be had with the Gods; why bother with them when all mortals are far more fun?"

He then smiled before looking back to the men.

"So, I would very much like your scraps if you're done with them, and to see Qulan Qai. What do you say?"

The soldiers were somewhat confused at first, but quickly realized this was out of their depth. After giving the Coyote some of their stew, they ushered him to Qulan's tent, attracting a few curious glances from the Warlord's guards. They were, after some explaining, allowed in- at their own risk.

'My Lord,' the warrior said, stepping through the tent's flap.

'I thought I had made it clear I wasn't to be disturbed,' Qulan said, smiling without even a hint of amusement. He was quite used to disturbances by now.

'There is... something. A talking creature. It requested you-' The soldier began, casting his eyes to the floor.

'By name?' Qulan finished, with a sigh and a chuckle. 'Why am I not surprised? You have done well. Send it in, and return to your post.'

'Aye, my Khan,' The man replied, hastily departing. Ayemfah was told he could enter. The soldiers, already nervous about the whole ordeal, quickly took an interest in something on the other side of the camp, eager to be as far away from this as possible.

2013-12-14, 09:45 PM
Ayemfah 'Nyeh casually strolled into the tent of Qulan Qai, briefly looking around the room before running around and sniffing random things here and there, mostly goods that would otherwise be considered not of any importance. It was shortly after this where Ayemfah positioned himself in the middle of the room, directly before Qulan... and then proceeded to roll around on the ground before him.

"Khan, they call you?! Why, how appropriate it is: a travelling Khan selling war and death, at a profit no less! Oh, how I wish I could lie at your feet, then hear more of these wondrous tales that have built for you such a trading empire, how you managed to bring your wares to these otherish men. Perhaps after that, we could go chasing khat - though I find it a rather worthless pursuit myself. You would understand; it's merely a dog's life."

He then giggled to himself before giving a short, hearty laugh. Once done, he rolled over onto his stomach, still lying on the ground, before looking up at Qulan Qai. He then began wagging his tail fast and let his tongue stick out, as if he were a dog greeting his owner back home.

"Qulan Qai! He who wears crowns of the tribes that cannot arrest in their lands! He who nicks the name emperor from none! He who solutes his enemies as he marches through them! Qulan Qai, leader of the Cerebrans they say, I bid you hello! I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns. Perhaps you have heard of my own tail prior to our meeting?"

2013-12-15, 10:07 AM
Back at... wherever he currently was, the Dicelord felt his power grow slightly. As his power spread to the mortal realm, possible futures increased. Variables multiplied. And he fed off it all quite nicely.

AP: 0
Rollover: +4
Gain Domain: Magic(Probability Magic)
PM as a Legendary Concept: 5AP
PM made accessible to mortals as a Magical Concept: 3AP
Total 8AP spent on it.
AP left: 1

2013-12-15, 03:35 PM
Trenzel spent an hour inside his workshop after meeting with the god Rethar. His words made sense, but he had sworn an oath to Qulan, and his Emperor had shown him mercy. A debt of life could not be forsworn. So he set to work, observing the properties of every known field of magic, and even this new unknown one. Runes, Probabilities, and arcana swirled around his workshop.

By the fifth hourof work, he had developed a system of creating new substances from one another, Alchemy. It blended Rune Magic, Probability Manipulation and the High Arcana recently introduced. A few of his test subjects were Elementals, which were no longer bound by Runes, but by Alchemy. The new Hellfire and Storm Elementals were extremely destructive, razing entire groves in an instant. These new Elementals were kept in alcemical stasis until the time was right.

Trenzel started an order to utilize this new power and teach it. This place was known as the University, and was a city which surrounded the Library of Trenzel. It was the largest city in the world, with the largest building of the world. Trade and interaction with the outside world made it prosperous, isolation would only foster death.

Create Legendary Concept:Alchemy -5
Create Order:The University -2

2013-12-15, 03:45 PM
Ayemfah 'Nyeh casually strolled into the tent of Qulan Qai, briefly looking around the room before running around and sniffing random things here and there, mostly goods that would otherwise be considered not of any importance. It was shortly after this where Ayemfah positioned himself in the middle of the room, directly before Qulan... and then proceeded to roll around on the ground before him.

"Khan, they call you?! Why, how appropriate it is: a travelling Khan selling war and death, at a profit no less! Oh, how I wish I could lie at your feet, then hear more of these wondrous tales that have built for you such a trading empire, how you managed to bring your wares to these otherish men. Perhaps after that, we could go chasing khat - though I find it a rather worthless pursuit myself. You would understand; it's merely a dog's life."

He then giggled to himself before giving a short, hearty laugh. Once done, he rolled over onto his stomach, still lying on the ground, before looking up at Qulan Qai. He then began wagging his tail fast and let his tongue stick out, as if he were a dog greeting his owner back home.

"Qulan Qai! He who wears crowns of the tribes that cannot arrest in their lands! He who nicks the name emperor from none! He who solutes his enemies as he marches through them! Qulan Qai, leader of the Cerebrans they say, I bid you hello! I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns. Perhaps you have heard of my own tail prior to our meeting?"

Qulan arched an eyebrow, regarding Ayemfah with curiosity and caution in equal measure. He considered the Coyote's words, taking great care to consider the true meaning of each and every one.

'I admit that I have not. We know little of deities beyond our creator.'

2013-12-15, 04:49 PM
"Oh, I see your God gives a tight crease among his litter to play in this world! Well, I would be DELIGHTED to tell you of my first tale! For you see, I woke on this world with nought around me, where nought ought not to be!"

As Ayemfah giggled to himself, he began leaping around the room, dramatizing his first story of when he created the wolf, the dog and the coyote, often interrupted with his own interjections, interpretations and laughing fits, as well as how he came to his camp ((OOC: because the story is already posted, there's no point in re-posting)). After finishing his recap, Ayemfah sat back down on the ground and looked to Qulan.

"So you see, now, what I have done! Impressive, is it not?" he asks as he coyly raises his eyebrows, expecting an answer.

2013-12-15, 05:23 PM
"Oh, I see your God gives a tight crease among his litter to play in this world! Well, I would be DELIGHTED to tell you of my first tale! For you see, I woke on this world with nought around me, where nought ought not to be!"

As Ayemfah giggled to himself, he began leaping around the room, dramatizing his first story of when he created the wolf, the dog and the coyote, often interrupted with his own interjections, interpretations and laughing fits, as well as how he came to his camp ((OOC: because the story is already posted, there's no point in re-posting)). After finishing his recap, Ayemfah sat back down on the ground and looked to Qulan.

"So you see, now, what I have done! Impressive, is it not?" he asks as he coyly raises his eyebrows, expecting an answer.

The Khan nodded slowly, in agreement. The thing seemed mad- it was probably best to just humor it. Perhaps good things would come his way. 'Impressive indeed. And quite entertaining.' He added, smiling at the Coyote.

'You mentioned these beasts... dogs. Loyal, you said? We have seen things similar to what you describe hanging around this camp, rooting for scraps, or mere attention. Given time, they could be powerful tools. Could you teach us to train them? Harness their abilities?' Qulan asked, sitting on the side of his bed.

2013-12-15, 09:11 PM
Ayemfah gave a devilish grin as Qulan spoke to him. Perhaps he giggled as well? It was hard to tell.

"So the trader of death wishes to acquire my goods, does he? Well, as a rich Khan should know, one should never deal at a disadvantage, or else he get seller's remorse. But alas, I am no merchant myself: I am content with my lot in life and don't give easily to others."

"Take, for example, my creatures by the edge of your camp. I know a dog when I see one, and I can tell you that the ones that haven't already placed their heads on your laps aren't interested in loyalty. A coyote's loyalty is always earned, never assumed like you would with a dog, but like me, his ability to live comes not from strength, but smarts. He knows where there's a challenge and where there's an impasse."

"A dog will be more blind to the impossible because they are dumb enough to be loyal, but even they are nowhere near the strength of my first creation. But fair warning: the wolves belong in the forest, and they are not to be tamed."

Having taken a serious demeanor for one moment, Ayemfah refocused and another smile graced his visage.

"But... if you could prove yourself the better among my wolves - no weapons, no traps, purely your strength as beasts of war yourselves - perhaps, with my approval, you may command the strongest of my pack to fight your wars?"

"And if you were to wear the hide of the wolf, as proof of both your intellect and of your strength," he added as he giggled even more to himself, "then perhaps I might even be as keen as to ensure no... wear-wolf -". He then broke out in laughter as the words came out of his mouth. "Yes, yes! Oh Ayemfah, you are so clever! Wear-wolves! Those men, I would call them my equal, and they will be known as wear-wolves, and I will love them as I do the coyote, my greatest creation! And so long as they wear the wolf, I shall endeavor to let them live a second time, should they fall the first!"

And he lept into the arms of Qulan Qai as he continued to laugh, tears streaming down his face as he gasped for air between his laughing fits. Finally, the laughter died down, and as he jumped back down from Qulan's arms, he extended his paw towards Qulan as a gesture.

"Do we have a fair exchange?"

AP (If exchange is approved):

-2 AP (Form Order): The 'Wear-wolves' are an elite order of beast masters under the command of the armies of Qulan Qai and his descendants. As part of their initiation, they must kill a wolf with nothing but their own strength, skinning its hide and wearing it as proof of both their superior strength and intellect over the dogs and wolves they command. They are the only group of Cerebrans given special attention by Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns.

-2 AP (Advanced Concept - Beast Masters): Though any man may fight with either his own body or tools of war, it takes a special talent to raise the animals to fight on his behalf. Animals must be conditioned to fight under the horrors of war, to know when to follow orders and, most importantly, to kill at a moment's notice. Those who live through many battles, along with their masters, are some of the most dangerous creatures on the battlefield.

-5 AP (Create Fabled Life): The 'Werewolf' is a pure union of man and wolf, the first being brought about by Ayemfah's special powers over his own creation (the wolf). Stronger and faster than any man, though more aggressive because of their wolfish half, they spread terror among those who live closest to and within the forests. They breed like any other animal may, but they carry with them the same gift that first gave them life: they may turn humans by biting them without killing, or by licking the wounds of a human while they wear a wolf pelt.

2013-12-17, 12:51 AM

Irontown was truly living up to its name, metal and stone had replaced wood in the walls and buildings and electric and runic heaters had replaced wood burning fires in homes. The steam turbines below the city that produced the electricity were heated not by coal or wood fires but by fire runes.

The friend of Friend had been at first confused and then pleased at the invention of electricity. It was a creation of Friend and therefor good, yet still, his magitech could do just as much. Regardless, it was merely another turn in the upward spiral of technology. The electricity and the magnetic field had given him an idea, one that would be immensely helpful to the wall defenders.

The Iron wall
"No, see, ya gota plug it in right? it runs off the 'lectricity"
"So I just put the bolt in here aim and pull the trigger?"
"How fast do they go?"
"I shot through a troll the night befor last, right through and put a hole in the tree behind him to, and wait'le ya see the big one. Their firing it up tomorrow."

AP=7+4 (rollover)=11
-2 Advanced concept (rail guns) :smallbiggrin:


2013-12-17, 11:07 AM
Rodmanius watched over the world, seeing certain possibilities unfolding, while others merely shrinked away into nothingness. It was an interesting sight to be sure, specially since the element of surprise was almost always present. Looking at the deserts, he longed for a closer look. Being a deity and all, he got his wish.

Floating above the ground, the Dicelord looked at a bunch of... nothing. Well this just wouldn't do! The desert was rich with life, that was for certain. But this spot? It needed some motivation. And so he rolled...

Main: [roll0]
Sub: [roll1]
Total: 11

And so, as the Dicelord's dice hit the sands, the dunes melted, taking the form of animals. The Dicelord intended for them to be a nomadic species of herbivores, constantly in search for food. This would make them strong and agile, able to traverse great distances and maintain possess strength. Who knows, maybe the intelligent races would find use for them as well.

And so, as his creations formed, the Dicelord watched expectantly. The four legs spread out of the mass of light, and so did a long neck. As the light died out, the creatures became clearly visible. Equines, just as Rodmanius had intended. However, these weren't the ones he intended to make! His were supposed to be large and strong! These ones were tiny, maybe half the size of a Cerebran, looked soft an puffy, and were all technicolored and stuff!

Once more, the Dicelord's dice had let him down. Except not really. They had surprised him again, if anything! So with a shrug (as much as a giant eye can, anyhow), he patted one on the head and went on his merry way.

1 AP
-1 AP - Create Mundane Life - Tiny technicolor equines that look huggable and soft. Yes, ****ing ponies. Dear Rodmanius, I love playing a chucklefux.
0 AP left

2013-12-17, 05:54 PM
Bizkarroi had been busy.

Not physically busy. But the god had been thinking. Long he stood, mulling over the marshes and swamps he had created along the southern coast of the continent. They were good, full of life. Full of insects and vermin and beautiful, tiny little miracles that lurked in the water, waiting to be swallowed by some unsuspecting animal. But it was missing something. First and foremost, it was missing a name.

After a few moments that were days, the Father of Worms nodded. The Rot Coast. It was a suitable name for such a place. But still, something remained missing. The deity pondered for a while. He was aware of the children of the other deities, the new races that had begin to spread across the land. After all, from the moment that illness had struck them, from the first drop of blood drawn from their veins by a flea, Bizkarroi had known them. There were the Cerebrans, of course. And the Qunari. and the Leonins.

But what did Bizkarroi have to call as his own, beyond this marshy stretch of coastline? Every father needed a family to care for and to guide.

But that was a matter to be dealt with later. For now, the Father of Worms had another matter to contend with. Something had, in recent days, changed with the world. Some force permeated it, and Bizkarroi knew that it would make it oh so much harder for him to give an illness here or there the simple push it would need to become a full-blown plague. That would not do. That simply would not do.

The god reached out, snatching up a rather sizable bird perching on the branch of a nearby tree. Bizkarroi grinned as the animal writhed and twisted, trying to break free of his grasp. The Father of Worms spat up a mass of sickly black ichor onto the bird, his mask twisted into a delighted smile as the bird began to molt, the feathers dissolving into some sort of oily slurry that slid off. The bones began to soften until they too dissolved. The bird's head and neck began to recede into it's body, followed swiftly by it's wings and feet. Within a few minutes, all that was left was a malformed tumor, a bone-white lump of rubbery flesh the size of a man's fist. It was still alive, of course, sustained by the god's power. If, of course, you can call such an existence life.

Tendrils of flesh and worms and worse things emerged from Bizkarroi's robe, wrapping about the lump and drawing it under. It was buried under the deity's writhing skin.

"Hmm." The opaque mask that was the god's face raised its eyebrows in satisfied surprise, and Bizkarroi flexed the "fingers" of a "hand". Yes. that felt much better. It was handy, being able to mold flesh in such a way. There was power in the blood and bone and sinews of living things. Yes, power that could be used, perhaps...

Something to consider. Not a gift, this time. No, such knowledge would be better kept as a...reward. Yes, a reward for faithful children of the Father of Worms.

Things were beginning to come together, slowly but certainly. Like a slow-rising fever that struck without warning...

Starting AP: 15
Weekly Rollover: +4 AP
Current AP: 19

Starting AP: 19
Actions: Create Relic (Plagueheart)- Decreases AP cost for all disease-based Scourge actions by one. (4 AP)
Create Legendary Concept (Flesh Magic)- Flesh Magic utilizes living matter (as well as the divine power of Bizkarroi) to enact magical effects. (5 AP)
Gain Domain- Magic (Fleshcrafting). Justified via creating an artifact (3 AP), a relic (4 AP), and creating a legendary concept (5 AP); total of 12 AP spent. (3 AP)
Current AP: 7

Reality Glitch
2013-12-17, 07:48 PM
In the other galaxy, the nameless god finds himself the perfect place to start his pet project: an asteroid belt around a red dwarf star.19 Action Points
Weave Sanctum (-3)
Create Astronomical Object [M-class Star] (-3)
Create Relic [Inhabited Asteroid Belt] (-4; minus one to create fabled life)
9 Action points

2013-12-18, 09:10 PM
Ayemfah gave a devilish grin as Qulan spoke to him. Perhaps he giggled as well? It was hard to tell.

"So the trader of death wishes to acquire my goods, does he? Well, as a rich Khan should know, one should never deal at a disadvantage, or else he get seller's remorse. But alas, I am no merchant myself: I am content with my lot in life and don't give easily to others."

"Take, for example, my creatures by the edge of your camp. I know a dog when I see one, and I can tell you that the ones that haven't already placed their heads on your laps aren't interested in loyalty. A coyote's loyalty is always earned, never assumed like you would with a dog, but like me, his ability to live comes not from strength, but smarts. He knows where there's a challenge and where there's an impasse."

"A dog will be more blind to the impossible because they are dumb enough to be loyal, but even they are nowhere near the strength of my first creation. But fair warning: the wolves belong in the forest, and they are not to be tamed."

Having taken a serious demeanor for one moment, Ayemfah refocused and another smile graced his visage.

"But... if you could prove yourself the better among my wolves - no weapons, no traps, purely your strength as beasts of war yourselves - perhaps, with my approval, you may command the strongest of my pack to fight your wars?"

"And if you were to wear the hide of the wolf, as proof of both your intellect and of your strength," he added as he giggled even more to himself, "then perhaps I might even be as keen as to ensure no... wear-wolf -". He then broke out in laughter as the words came out of his mouth. "Yes, yes! Oh Ayemfah, you are so clever! Wear-wolves! Those men, I would call them my equal, and they will be known as wear-wolves, and I will love them as I do the coyote, my greatest creation! And so long as they wear the wolf, I shall endeavor to let them live a second time, should they fall the first!"

And he lept into the arms of Qulan Qai as he continued to laugh, tears streaming down his face as he gasped for air between his laughing fits. Finally, the laughter died down, and as he jumped back down from Qulan's arms, he extended his paw towards Qulan as a gesture.

"Do we have a fair exchange?"

AP (If exchange is approved):

-2 AP (Form Order): The 'Wear-wolves' are an elite order of beast masters under the command of the armies of Qulan Qai and his descendants. As part of their initiation, they must kill a wolf with nothing but their own strength, skinning its hide and wearing it as proof of both their superior strength and intellect over the dogs and wolves they command. They are the only group of Cerebrans given special attention by Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns.

-2 AP (Advanced Concept - Beast Masters): Though any man may fight with either his own body or tools of war, it takes a special talent to raise the animals to fight on his behalf. Animals must be conditioned to fight under the horrors of war, to know when to follow orders and, most importantly, to kill at a moment's notice. Those who live through many battles, along with their masters, are some of the most dangerous creatures on the battlefield.

-5 AP (Create Fabled Life): The 'Werewolf' is a pure union of man and wolf, the first being brought about by Ayemfah's special powers over his own creation (the wolf). Stronger and faster than any man, though more aggressive because of their wolfish half, they spread terror among those who live closest to and within the forests. They breed like any other animal may, but they carry with them the same gift that first gave them life: they may turn humans by biting them without killing, or by licking the wounds of a human while they wear a wolf pelt.

Qulan brushed the stray coyote hairs from his arms and chest with a look of disdain. But as he began to consider Ayemfah's offer, a smile began to form, spreading across his face in it's normal manner, like fishhooks embedded in his cheeks, reeling back his lips.

This meeting would prove to be very profitable indeed. The Khan was certain there would be some manner of drawback; a hidden cost or even some underhanded trickery, for this god seemed a devious one compared to all the others had met. But all that could be dealt with later- once he had consolidated his empire.

Qulan Qai reached out and grasped the paw, giving it a firm shake. 'We do indeed. Thank you, Ayemfah. If you need something from me in the future, you need but ask.'

2013-12-18, 11:40 PM
Ayemfah proceeds to spin around at least once, chasing his tail while he expresses happiness at this agreement

((AP SPENT: 16 - 9 = 7 AP))

"Oh Qulan, you are too kind! And so for the emperor, from among his pack they shall endeavor to prove themselves to my packs. To the victors, I shall give them life after the battle!"

With that, just before leaving Qulan's tent, Ayemfah sniffed a weapons rack that was placed nearby.

"Although one should never go about sticking their noses in the affairs of others, I do find it curious that a travelling merchant such as yourself would set up shop where few are willing to purchase your tools of the trade. Tell me, if you would, of whom shall be the benefactor of your latest capital investments? They must be just as interesting to warrant your movement of goods, I reckon..."

2013-12-19, 01:12 AM

The morons in this town... Kuang had many complaints that the men on the wall weren't sure how to use these new Railgun thingys. Most of them were still trying to figure out electricity. Kuang felt like he was so much smarter than these simple minded fools. He was practically a genius in science and politics, skills that were constantly unappreciated by the simpletons here. The Cerebrans were smarter than many races, and those in Irontown even more savvy, it was true, but their minds were dwarfed by Kuang. Even though he could admit to not being a brilliant strategist. A true politician should never have to face the fear of war or revolt.

Every mistake seemed to be laid at his feet. What was he to do? His was a tenuous position granted to him by the idiot god, that machine that spoke only in riddles and played with its toys. But he knew he would have to go into those caves and talk to the idiot god about these weird new crossbows. Because it was his responsibility, of course. Sigh. Maybe it was a mistake to come here. He didn't want to fight. That's why he ran in the first place. He'd been there at the camp when Qulan Qai called for warriors, when he started his crusade to unite the Cerebrans... But he was afraid, he didn't want to be a warrior, didn't want to fight. He wanted to lead, to rule! But ever since that day he was never able to shake the face of Qulan Qai from his mind. He was so determined, so right.

It was the same feeling he knew the other Cerebrans felt. Qulan Qai was their rightful ruler appointed by their absent creator by force and by right. His guards had held a man down in the street last week who was claiming they should simply abandon the false machine-god and join Qulan Qai peacefully. Kuang had beat him till he didn't have words to speak anymore. But it wasn't the kind of force that was expected from a Cerebran leader. They called him a coward!

No! He was a revolutionary in charge of the greatest city that ever was or will be!

Things had to change, the idiot machine god would have to institute harsher punishments. Or he would have to institute harsher punishments while Friend played. That would do. Maybe he was feeling in such a foul mood because his new wife was expecting a son. It seems something terrible beyond the wall had happened to her current husband. Unfortunate as it was, Kuang, her lover was happy to step in. But he was afraid, again, to bring a kid into a world that could be wiped away by that conquerors forces.

Yes he would settle those that would dispute his rule, but, first, the issue of these rail guns...

AP: 1

Magical Concept (Railguns): Friend upgrades the Railguns into a magic concept adding one point to the pile and magically makes them simpler to use to the common layman. They are based off a crossbow design and use magic runes of all sorts to fill in the gaps in technology. They basically fire a blast of lightning like the fist of an angry Zeus. They are slightly larger than a standard crossbow and have to be plugged in to be used by a chord. Unlike crossbows they come in a large ballista size as well, but firing that one makes the lights in the town flicker. Crossbows have the advantage in maneuverability by not needing to be plugged in, thus they are still used together.

AP: 0

2013-12-19, 05:45 PM
Ayemfah proceeds to spin around at least once, chasing his tail while he expresses happiness at this agreement

((AP SPENT: 16 - 9 = 7 AP))

"Oh Qulan, you are too kind! And so for the emperor, from among his pack they shall endeavor to prove themselves to my packs. To the victors, I shall give them life after the battle!"

With that, just before leaving Qulan's tent, Ayemfah sniffed a weapons rack that was placed nearby.

"Although one should never go about sticking their noses in the affairs of others, I do find it curious that a travelling merchant such as yourself would set up shop where few are willing to purchase your tools of the trade. Tell me, if you would, of whom shall be the benefactor of your latest capital investments? They must be just as interesting to warrant your movement of goods, I reckon..."

Qulan's smile never faded. 'Now, Ayemfah. That would be telling. You'll have to wait and see.' The truth was, the Khan had his sights on everything. He planned to continue his march north. He had heard rumors of a town of iron, with walls like the fortresses of the Library, and if they didn't kneel willingly, they would have to be taken to task. His quest was almost complete; nearly the entirety of Cerebran-kind was united under his rule.

After that, he would deal with each external threat in kind. Trolls, elementals, Fae, mimic snakes- they would learn to leave his people in peace, or they would die.

But after that? Qulan still had no plan to realize his dream of immortality. He had sired many children, to be sure, but he knew not if any of them were worthy of his mantle. He couldn't be sure. What would the point be, to build such an empire only to leave it to crumble in the hands of lesser men?

Perhaps he could extract such answers from the Gods; surely they could grant him the secrets of life and death- willingly or not.

2013-12-19, 06:18 PM
Ayemfah grinned and gave his parting words to Qulan Qai:

"Ah, I suppose you are true. I will wait and see with you, though none of us will be the wiser to know for what we will wait and see. Though one fair piece of advice: a merchant monopoly is far more fragile than you might think, for even among your litter I would not be surprised to see finks who think large."

With that, he departed Qulan's tent with a wide grin on his face, his nose pointing to the sky as he sniffed for new lands to roam about. He turned his head to many directions, each as full of opportunity and joy as the next. Eventually, he found himself set on a new direction, towards a land where the Cerebrans were less populous but his own kind more so.

He decided that he would head North. And so, with leaps and bounds, he began his journey to a destination with no end.

Reality Glitch
2013-12-19, 10:58 PM
Back on Earth, the god w/o name starts to get lonely, nothing is happening. Then he gets an idea, <I know! I'll make a sister!> he thinks to himself, and that's what he does, created new life where there was none before.

But rather than take of the soil of the Earth like so many others before had w/ mortal races, no, he takes of his own thoughts, and that of everyone on Earth. He finds a concept that brings him joy, the dragon a mighty and majestic creature. W/ this he form new life from dreamstuff, but it's more than mortal life, for he had created another god. <surely,> his mind glimmered w/ wonder, <this will make a great friend, sister even.>

"Hello," he finally spoke, "would you like to play game?"

2013-12-20, 05:50 PM
Ayemfah 'Nyeh was a fast walker, but even he was prone to frolicking among his creatures and humouring himself with other travelers, most being small bands of refugees fleeing from the war waged by the master merchant Qulan Qai. Most people found Ayemfah to be a prick of a creature, but others still found some small joy in his humorous antics. All throughout his travels, however, he heard of yet another smaller band of humans that put themselves in an iron cage, safe - so they claim - from the threats beyond their bars. More Cerebrans, but not the worshippers of the merchant of death. Naturally, Ayemfah was curious.

So along with some refugees, he found himself on a path towards Irontown. When at last he found himself at the gates of the town, the cold and desolate walls standing out like a sore thumb from the grassy fields before it, a certain feeling came up from within him. Curiosity, of course, but something else was scratching the back of his head, as if it wanted to be let out and known for all...

As he approached the walls, he gave them a sniff. There was something about these walls, but Ayemfah knew not what it was. As he began sniffing more frantically, his snout came ever so closer to the wall, until -

At the moment it touched the wall, Ayemfah yelped so loud that all in the town could hear it. He rolled away from the wall, lying on his back with steam coming off his body. His tongue stuck out and his eyes were crossed, but that devilish grin never left his face. And as others began to crowd around Ayemfah, he stayed deathly still. Then he continued to wait...

2013-12-21, 01:14 PM
Back on Earth, the god w/o name starts to get lonely, nothing is happening. Then he gets an idea, <I know! I'll make a sister!> he thinks to himself, and that's what he does, created new life where there was none before.

But rather than take of the soil of the Earth like so many others before had w/ mortal races, no, he takes of his own thoughts, and that of everyone on Earth. He finds a concept that brings him joy, the dragon a mighty and majestic creature. W/ this he form new life from dreamstuff, but it's more than mortal life, for he had created another god. <surely,> his mind glimmered w/ wonder, <this will make a great friend, sister even.>

"Hello," he finally spoke, "would you like to play game?"

Ethidras opens her eyes for the first time and sees her creator. She speaks "Hello, Fa- Brother." She knew that he was her father, but was created to be a sibling. "What do you have in mind."

2013-12-21, 03:26 PM
Qulan paused to consider the Trickster God's parting words. Among his own litter? It was true, he had heard very little of the sons and daughters he left like a trail in his conquest. But surely, even the oldest amongst them could only have lived for some 20 seasons.

The Khan didn't dismiss Ayemfah's words entirely. In the future, he would have to make sure his potential heirs were watched over. But for now, they could do him no harm.

Qulan began to replace his armor- he assumed, correctly, that there would be no sleep to be had that night. The Warlord knew that his actions carried weight, but he had no idea so many eyes were on him. If so many thought to aid him on his journey... then surely not all these eyes were benevolent.

Indeed, throughout his entire journey, it had never occurred to him that he may have made enemies, powerful or no. With each town or city taken, resistance grew fiercer. Word was spreading, and surely some would have chosen to take action to forestall his advance.

It was decided. He would need an elite coterie of warriors whose only purpose was to guard his life. They would be chosen from the best the Horde had to offer. Qulan's mind drifted to his closest confidant, Toghrul. Surely, he could be trusted to lead this band.

He couldn't stop there, though. This idea of making a completely distinct unit based upon skill or task, just simply made sense. If every man was assigned a group, and each group given a job, each unit could more effectively communicate and work towards their objective with independence and clarity. Such a thing could only benefit his army in the long run.

Then, there was the matter of this poison. A powerful tool, to be sure. Qulan could see the dangers if such knowledge was simply open and free to the public. If what the tome said was true, the poison could just as easily be used to kill him rather than his enemies.

That would not do. The Khan would simply have to make another group. More guards, but not for him. They would be entrusted with this knowledge, to safeguard it and effectively utilize it to further Qulan's cause. They would be his subtlest of tools, a dagger in the night, ending threats wherever their Khan saw them. An organization of assassins.

Starting AP: 6
This week's rollover: +5 AP
Form Order - The Towarzysz, Qulan's bodyguards: -2 AP
Form Order - The Brotherhood of Assassins(name shamelessly stolen): -2 AP
Form Society - Qulan's forces are making the transition from a disorganized horde to a professional army. -1 AP.
Remaining AP: 6

The All Conquering Army - Some Weeks Later

The men had been somewhat resistant to the change, at first. The reformations had split up some of the original clan groupings, and the tribal bonds of these warriors were strong.

It took some convincing. Qulan's oration had gotten them partway there. He stressed the importance of integration, and the foolishness of holding to such archaic clan ties when the future offered so much more. Many of them were swayed. They saw that to keep the shackles of tribal tradition undermined the very principles behind their Khan's quest- unification.

Still, some refused to look forward. They were dealt with ruthlessly, purged from both the ranks and minds of their former comrades.

Qulan's forces, christened 'The All-Conquering Army', now moved with a new sense of purpose. Before, they moved in motley groups, different tribes keeping mostly to themselves. Conflict due to one tribe insulting the other was commonplace. Now, all warriors were brothers in Qulan's army. They marched forward with weapons in their hands and courage in their hearts, filling the air with song and chants as they went to meet their destiny.

2013-12-21, 05:13 PM
Obiros laughed, as he watched, out of the corner of his vision, a nymph, one of his creations, slipped over to where his lion slept, and gently pulled a star from his mane. Cupping it in her hands, she began to sneak away, giggling, when he stopped her.

What are you doing, child?
He asked, his voice shaking with mirth.

2013-12-21, 05:14 PM
Trenzel looked out into the Alchemist Grounds inside the Library. Several dozen students had taken up the alchemical sciences, and there were almost thirty full fledged Alchemists. News of Qulan's All Conquering Army had reached the Alchemists, causing many to go join the military. Trenzel made sure to provide Qulan's soldiers with adequate alchemical formulas, the dark secrets he had unlocked would remain sealed away in his Vault, until he required Hellfire to cleanse the world.

But that wasn't ever going to happen, since Trenzel knew that his creator had made Qulan into his divine instrument. Instead, he started work on applying Alchemy to organic matter, but he seemed to be missing a link in the chain to transcend mortality. What he needed was a new form of magic, one of the flesh. Trenzel transcribed runes, and burned ancient candles, he wafted the smoke into his face, causing his eyes to roll back into his head. His voice reverberated with a thousand echoes,"God of Plagues, hear me. Lend me your power and knowledge."

2013-12-21, 05:17 PM
The nymph looked around sharply, nervous at having been caught. She considered denying everything, but the stolen star in her hands made that a bit difficult. Finally, she settled on the truth.

"It wanted to be free, father. Could you not hear it? It called out for the open sky!"

2013-12-21, 05:20 PM
Indeed. Well, freedom is the worthiest of causes, but are you sure you did not meant to take its power for yourself? Answer freely, I shall not punish you.

2013-12-21, 05:27 PM
Indeed. Well, freedom is the worthiest of causes, but are you sure you did not meant to take its power for yourself? Answer freely, I shall not punish you.

"It did say it would reward me for freeing it..."

2013-12-21, 05:45 PM
And so it shall. Give the star to me, girl, and open your mouth.

As the nymph does, Obiros breathes upon the star. It glows brighter, outshining even the moon for a moment.
The Father Dark places the star in the nymphs mouth, watching as she swallows the radiance, observing as it spreads to her very essence.

There. Now you are a being as myself, a god. Keep your spirit, and value freedom above all. Now go. You are a God!

Obiros's silvery laughter echos all the way to earth.

2013-12-21, 06:00 PM
The nymph smiled, then laughed, as the star's radiance filled her. The sensation of power was strange - ticklish, almost. Her clear, sweet laughter filled the air as the radiance gradually banked down to a steady glow. She spun on her heel and flew off down the moon bridge, trailing starlight in her wake.

I need a name, the new godling thought to herself. Hmm... Maevenia sounds nice. I'm Maevenia! Now, what to do first?

She looked around at the world, and her gaze fell on her former brothers and sisters, the Fae.

Oh, little ones. You have such potential for mischief. But you could be so much more than you are. Here, let me help you!

And with that, she poured a portion of the star's silvery power out over the Fae, wakening them to more than they ever had been before.

Starting AP: 15
Boon: The Fae gain free will. Specifically, they gain the freedom to have Good alignments. No longer are they entirely malicious! -3AP
Boon: The Fae race as a whole is now inherently capable of using Primal magic. -3AP. Incidentally, I feel this ought to grant an RCR bonus to the race. How much?

Remaining: 9AP

Reality Glitch
2013-12-21, 08:52 PM
Ethidras opens her eyes for the first time and sees her creator. She speaks "Hello, Fa- Brother." She knew that he was her father, but was created to be a sibling. "What do you have in mind.""I have not yet seen this world. Why don't we go exploring?"

2013-12-21, 09:43 PM
"God of Plagues, hear me. Lend me your power and knowledge."

Oh these mortals! Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms, had once again been deep in thought. He had decided he would have to put off his plans for the Rot Coast just a little while longer when he heard someone beckoning him. Summoning him, really. As if a deity could be summoned. Still, it was close to a proper prayer.

Trenzel would see insects and worms and all manner of creeping things appearing from the very walls themselves. They assembled together before the Philosopher-Baron, the mass taking a humanoid form. From nowhere, a robe and mask of cloudy, opaque glass formed, clothing the figure. "Trenzel. How're you doing? Bizkarroi, the Father of Worms. God of plagues, parasites, parenting. Sure you know all of this already, of course." Much like Bizkarroi knew Trenzel. He'd never met the man until now, of course, but even a deity with as little power as Bizkarroi was still a deity.

"The runes and the candles and such are entirely needless, for the record. I'd have come for the asking." The Father of Worms was not yet so powerful that he could not walk the mortal plane. Not yet. "I have to say, I like what you've done with the place. You know, last time I was in this area was just after Qulan Qai had added it to his empire. Such a clever boy. He was going to toss decaying corpses over your walls and burn you out with beautiful fever. He didn't, of course. But it was still a clever idea, and one I rewarded him for. And now, I suspect you'd like to ask me for a boon as well, yes?" The Father of Worms didn't expect the Philosopher-Baron to call him up just to chat, after all. The mask grinned.

"Funny how things work out, huh? So, what can I help you with?"

Starting AP: 7
Weekly Rollover: +4 AP
Current AP: 11

2013-12-21, 10:06 PM
"Lord Biz,I want to beseech you to let me use your Flesh Magic. It would let me create new forms of life, and augment currently inferior life forms," Trenzel stood up, not even shuddering once. He showed how he had already put an alchemical mixing chamber near his heart,"I am ready to go farther."

2013-12-21, 10:26 PM
Bizkarroi nodded, as if he'd been expecting something like this. He should have known that one as well-versed in the magical arts as Trenzel would have been aware of the subtle changes Bizkarroi had made to create a new method of performing magic. "I see, Trenzel. I see." the deity replied. "Well, you've certainly shown initiative, that's for sure. And you've asked just...so politely." The mask's grin turned into a small frown. "However, there's a bit of a...problem with your request, Trenzel."

The deity began to pace before the Philosopher-Baron. "You see, I was planning on bringing life into this world, after a few more events transpire. Planned parenthood, you see. And I was planning on leaving the secrets of flesh magic to them, you see. Them alone." The mask's mouth formed a small grin again. "So, Trenzel, why would you have me to give away the inheritance of my children to be? What offer could you possibly make that would convince me to do so?"

It was likely not the answer the Philospher-Baron was expecting. But it wasn't a no.

2013-12-21, 11:05 PM
The Baron Philosopher merely smiled, "Why, I can give you your inheiritors. Give me the tools, and I can craft you a new race. Look at Qulan's army, I am the hand that governs them. I can take as many Cerebrans as I need to craft the master race," Trenzel raised a hand, a forbidden rune reading as 'Flesh Elemental' to the god,"I am no longer strictly human."

2013-12-21, 11:22 PM
"I have not yet seen this world. Why don't we go exploring?"

"Alright then. Maybe I can find a suitable place to place my children." she answers.

2013-12-21, 11:26 PM

"Ey! The wall zapped something!"

"Eh? What'd it zap? Looks like one of them.."

"What were they called.."

"Dogs! Yeah, some of them came and sniffed at the wall but it didn't take them long to figure out that wasn't a good idea."

"Ha, yeah. Oy! You! Dog! Too stupid to know that's bad for your nose?"

"Should I plug in the 'lectricity?"

'Nah, let me just get a shot off on it. Skit, dog!"

The second guard line up his crossbow and took a pot-shot at the god down below, deliberately missing. Truth was, the two knuckleheads on the wall got so bored on the wall they were glad to have something to shoot at. Kuang got to do as he pleased down in the town while they were hard to work sitting on their rumps on this cold wall. Hardly anything ever came nosing around here. The dogs had tried but the wolves and coyotes were too smart to go poking around this place outside of the protection of the forest.

AP: 0
Rollover: 4
AP: 4

2013-12-21, 11:29 PM
Bizkarroi only grinned. "Trenzel. Trenzel Trenzel, Trenzel. I can do that myself. To be honest and true, I have no need of you nor the Cerebrans to do such a thing." It was true; it would be...less taxing on the Father of Worms to let the Philosopher-Baron create a people in Bizkarroi's image. But then, they would just lack that special something. No they were Bizkarroi's, and his alone.

The deity rolled his eyes. It was hard to tell, given that the eyes upon the mask had no iris or pupil or any other features. "Ugh. I do so dislike haggling." He was the Father of Worms! Not Quaestus, the Broker! "Trenzel, I should very much like to save this knowledge for my children-to-be. But...you are dedicated, I'll give you that. So we'll simply say that you owe me a favor and leave it at that for now." Bizkarroi reached within his robes, withdrawing a large, leather-bound book. The leather squirmed slightly. "Here. This should provide a very clear guide to the intricacies of fleshcrafting. I will leave it with you for now, for the space of one year. I leave the secrets of this art under your care, Trenzel. I ask only that you not spread this knowledge. Not until I have given you a sign to do so." The mask's gaze narrowed at the Philosopher-Baron. "If you do, I'm afraid the penalties will be...severe."

The Father of Worms again resumed his cheerful disposition. "So, will there be anything else whilst I am here?"

Starting AP: 11
Actions: Create Magical Concept (Fleshcrafting)- This magical discipline allows the user to utilize Flesh Magic in order to shape living matter. Bone, sinew, flesh, blood, and all other parts of a living being or an animal can be molded into any shape the Fleshcrafter can physically create. This allows for bone to be shaped into armor and weapons, skin into "cloth", and more. (3 AP)
Current AP: 8

2013-12-21, 11:42 PM
"I will keep this secret, thank you," the Baron stowed the book,"I have one question, one that has plagued me for ages..."

"Where do mortals go after they die?"

2013-12-21, 11:43 PM
Oh Rodmanius! Rodmanius! Lord of the Dice!
Surrounded like dice like hair is with lice!
Oh Rodmanius! Rodmanius! Lord of all luck!
He's playing with dice without giving a ****!
Rolling and rerolling them all over the land!
He's just doing it all day, and is now straining his hand!
And in one unfortunate roll, the God threw badly a die!
And the damned thing bounced off, into his eye!


Rubbing his eye to get rid of the pain,
He failed to notice the die had something to gain!
Losing a tear to the die, that ****ing sod,
He failed to notice a 30'd been rolled, begetting a new God!

2013-12-22, 12:21 AM
She coalesced out of a god's teardrop, long limbs and gangly form erupting quietly out of the shimmering liquid. Like ink dipped in water, she took shape in hesitant, murmuring steps, shying away at the invective of her progenitor, debris from the material billowing haphazardly in a stream of impossibilities as she clumsily chose the materials of her divine flesh.

Without the limitations of the Material realm, or even knowledge of such, she chose two appearances, flickering between a bird with two heads and a girl made of ink and clay. As her appearance settled she remembered and in the remembering knew herself.

"Historia," she whispered, trying out the name. It seemed, well, not right, exactly, but close enough. Turning, she spun lazily, towards the one who had - ever so fortuitously - allowed her to slip into existence.

He was essentially a gigantic eyeball, hairy arms massaging a golden core. The hat was a nice touch. Very fetching.

"Father," she said, her three voices tasting the word in tandem. It, like her name, wasn't quite right, but good enough for now. "Are you... alright?"

2013-12-22, 12:31 AM
"Ow, ow, ow... Yes, I'm quite alri-" - Rodmanius halted all activity as soon as he realized what was going on.
"Woah. Who are you?" - he asked, Arengees beginning to gather to look at the new deity, some in amazement, others shrugging. Silly little things.

2013-12-22, 12:37 AM
"Historia..." she trailed off uncertainly, before shrugging noncommittally. Her bird shoulders weren't quite as well equipped for the motion, but she made do with her humanoid appearance. "I think? Thank you for giving me life."

She bowed, low and formal before righting herself and glancing curiously at the Arengees.

Her hands and wings itched. Power welled within her, there was something she needed to do. Something everyone had forgot.

She had forgot too though. Memory could be tricky like that.

"Who are these?" she asked instead, pointing at the Arengees.

2013-12-22, 01:20 AM
The giant eye went wide open, genuinely surprised at this revelation. In this state, he noticed the die that hat hit him showed six. Then he looked at the other four dice. They were all showing sixes. A full thirty.

If he had a mouth, it'd be hanging in amazement.

"Well... you're quite welcome." - he answered. - "And as for your question, these are my children, the Arengees. They travel the world, rolling for luck and events, making all possibilities... well... possible. They make creation so much more fun."

2013-12-22, 01:51 AM
"Then they are kin of mine as well," Historia said, with something approaching wonder. She smiled, or tried to, her mouth made a crooked line but as her hand reached out to touch one of her siblings her brow furrowed, and she slowly retracted her hand.

"They... they are not like us, are they?" she said softly, seeking to put into words what her divine senses had noted. They were sparks wrapped around an instant in time, bright, fragile and oh so temporary.

2013-12-22, 02:06 AM
"If you do consider me your father, then yes. You could say they are. While not deities like you or me, they are still powerful creatures. Their purpose simple, and abilities limited only by their own rolls of the dice."

2013-12-22, 02:12 AM
"But they will... stop," she whispered with the entire and awful innocence of a child confronting death for the first time. "They will end and what makes them them will disappear from this place."

She looked at the Lord of Possibilities. An idea, with the force of a memory forgotten thundered through her divine soul, on the edge of realization.

"Where will they go?"

Reality Glitch
2013-12-22, 02:22 AM
"Alright then. Maybe I can find a suitable place to place my children." she answers."I have a place far off where you can incubate them until you're ready or we could look for a safe place here."

2013-12-22, 03:15 AM
"Where will they go?"

"I've taken care of that. Their souls will drift off their bodies and be reborn as someone, and something, new. Maybe they'll be an Arengee again. Or maybe they'll become Cerebrans. Or perhaps something else. I don't know. I could choose what one would become, as could any other god, but I just let it happen. See what luck has in store for them." - said the giant eye, opening wide, showing the souls of the dead spread around the world. - "It didn't quite turn out too well though. Not enough births, so there's a bit of a line to life, so to speak."

2013-12-22, 07:31 AM
Maevenia smiled at the newly empowered Fae, then turned her gaze elsewhere in the world. The goddess of freedom and trickery's eye alighted on Irontown, and she gasped in shock.

"Oh, no, no, no. That won't do at all. That's far too rigid, far too restrictive. Why, no-one can have fun there at all! They're just being given everything they need!"

She alighted, invisible, within Irontown's walls. "What you need is a differing opinion. And some problems to make you listen to them!"

She looked through the minds of the citizens, until she found one less fettered than the rest. He was the chief miner - already with the potential to become a leader. He just needed a little push. "You'll do as my Champion. Try and lead these people, stand up to take your place! If you succeed, the rewards will be... great."

She looked around again. "I think you'll need a challenge to defeat, to prove your worth. Hmm, your people are awfully dependent on metal, aren't they...

In the depths of the mines, the workers broke through to a cavern complex, following a rich vein of ore. Unfortunately for them, this cavern was not empty. Enormous red-brown insects of some sort came boiling out of the caves, and wherever they touched metal, it crumbled.

Maevenia floated over the dreams of the Irontown citizens, whispering. "Your town faces a great danger. Follow the one who proves themselves most suited to lead..."

She then returned to the chief miner in his house, appearing before him in a shower of starlight.

"I greet you, my chosen Champion. What is your name?"

"Uh... I'm Harlan, my lady. Who - what - are you?"

"You may call me the Lady. I am one eager to see your people grow through chaos and strife, not stifle in oppression with everything handed to you on a plate. Even now, your men have discovered monsters in your mines. I would have you lead them to victory, and lead the town in turn. Take your own destiny, and become great! I will give you a sign of my favour that you may be equal to Kuang, but any further boons must be earned. Do well, and I will reward you. Fail, and I will forget you."

She smiled at him, dazzlingly, starlight shining from her and bathing him, imbuing him with power. When his eyes cleared, she was gone.

Starting AP: 9
Promote Leader (Harlan): -3
Create Monstrous Life (Rust Monsters): -1
Create Mundane Concept (Democracy): -1
Raise Hero (Harlan), gifting him with Primal Magic: -2

Final total: 2AP

2013-12-22, 01:07 PM
"I have a place far off where you can incubate them until you're ready or we could look for a safe place here."

"Lets do the latter."

Reality Glitch
2013-12-22, 02:15 PM
"Very well." He turn to the M.o.M., "Mother, do you know of any safe places to grow new life-forms?"

2013-12-22, 03:00 PM
"I've taken care of that. Their souls will drift off their bodies and be reborn as someone, and something, new. Maybe they'll be an Arengee again. Or maybe they'll become Cerebrans. Or perhaps something else. I don't know. I could choose what one would become, as could any other god, but I just let it happen. See what luck has in store for them." - said the giant eye, opening wide, showing the souls of the dead spread around the world. - "It didn't quite turn out too well though. Not enough births, so there's a bit of a line to life, so to speak."

Historia nodded gravely. Her pitch black orbs closed, then opened wide, flaring with a sickly green light. Through a million mortal minds she remembered living; through a million mortal souls, she remembered dying; the two were not so different, not like this.

But even so, they would forget themselves upon rebirth. She could not, would not permit that.

Hands clapping together, she strained at the fabric of reality, touching on the planes Material and Dream to craft a home for those that had died and not yet been reborn.

Energy hummed within her and then exploded in a wave of black feathers and dark ink, suffusing the newly formed plane in shades of black and white. It was a stark, featureless place of infinite breadth and width. Light without source, and darkness without shadow shone in haphazard arrangements. There was room enough for loneliness and a billion worlds.

Room enough for memory.

Farplane 5 AP

This featureless plane is infinitely large and infinitely malleable. Souls of the dead may migrate here voluntarily, their memories catalyzing whatever wonders and terrors they can imagine. It is known that many souls do not even realize they are dead, so caught up in their memories that they believe they are still among the living. Those who are in sleep so deep that they could be mistaken for the dead may occasionally end up here, dreaming lucid dreams that trickle down into the plane of dreams.

Souls whom all other living beings have forgotten completely are drawn to this plane.


The Farplane is not organized in depth, one layer after another, but instead rather like a tree: from the Memorium one can access the other layers, much like the Memorium was a tree and the branches, or a die with different sides.

Memorium - This layer responds to the memories of mortal souls, crafting terrains, objects and even people conjured out of the stuff of their minds. Any memory so enacted will forever be imprinted into the memory of the plane itself, capable of being recalled by its master. Although it is infinitely wide and broad, souls will tend to congregate together in an effort to create stronger and stronger memories. Thus the Memorium tends to resemble Creation.

As the Memorium cannot create essentially new memories, most souls grow bored with it after the first few centuries.

The River of Dark Ink - The River of Memories. If a soul should choose to reincarnate, they will be washed clean of their memories in the river Lethe before moving on. Those who gaze upon it may see flashes of someone else's memories and feel the unnerving sensation of losing themselves in its dark waters. The Master of the Plane automatically gains all the memories so washed into the River Lethe.

It is possible for a soul to regain the memories of their former lives by some sort of artifact or a divine favor. Those who choose to wash in the River Lethe are 'bumped up to the head of the queue' as it were, when it comes to reincarnating.

The White Light - Souls may choose to head elsewhere before reincarnating. It is said that there is a part of the Farplane that shines with a soft white radiance which leads to a layer of pure white light. Souls basking in its light will be filled with peace and contentment and may occasionally disappear to some other plane.

The Labyrinth - Souls of the malcontent or the wicked may be exiled to the Labyrinth by a quorum of other souls and agreement of the Master of the plane. An awesomely huge structure, its form is bleak and unchanging, a massif hewed of black stone and extending everywhere in infinitely large directions. Those exiled to the Labyrinth may find their way back to the Farplane... eventually, but many may very well find themselves in other places.

The Cloud of Creation - A comparatively small layer, it allows for souls of the departed to observe the mortal world.

Historia breathed out. She felt strangely... energized by the creation of the plane. Souls fell through the cracks almost instantly, those that had been forgotten by all else she claimed immediately, letting them play out their lives or go on to the River.

"What do you think of it, Father?"

Edit: 15 AP - 5 AP = 10 AP

2013-12-23, 07:48 PM
The All-Conquering Army - The Outskirts of Irontown, Day 1 of the Siege

Sandstorms, gales of wind that kicked up the sands of the dunes, were not altogether uncommon in Ketterick. If one ventured too far from the relative quiet of the flood planes, they would become a fairly regular occurrence.

On the outskirts of Irontown, a huge cloud of dust was forming in the distance. Those on the walls could see it rapidly approaching on the horizon. They assumed it to be just another storm, and in that, at least, they were correct.

It was no squall of dust and sand, but a tempest of blood and iron. Within hours, the true nature of the coming storm came into view- tens of thousands of soldiers marching in ordered formation, chanting. Their words were drowned out by their own steps and voices, far too loud to properly make out.

They began to encircle the city itself, surrounding all open areas to ensure no one could flee its walls. The engineers moved their weapons of war into- massive catapults, onagers, and rams. The assassins set up their vantage points, scouting and looking for weaknesses to report back to their general.

In the center, a smaller formation marched into view. They wore different colors than all the rest- rather than the mottled greys and browns, these men wore armor of deep crimson. They hoisted huge banners depicting the many victories of their commander, and they moved with more vigor and purpose than any other unit.

A trained mind would be able to see a pattern in the way they moved- it was all centered around a single figure, a being that seemed to emanate a sense of conviction and righteousness.

As they took their place in the battle line, the army's chant suddenly became clear. One cry, given voice by thousands of souls. It was a name.

'Qulan Qai! Qulan Qai!'

Reality Glitch
2013-12-23, 08:07 PM
The splinter begins to grow paranoid, <What if don't member any of this when I return to the original?> the thought frightens him. So he creates the orb of memories, a way for anyone he wanted to remember anything, no matter how it was lost: normal forgetting, memory or mind alteration, time travel, reincarnation, anything. But something this powerful needs guardians, so he takes one of the native sentient life-forms and raises them to be the dominant one. He consults the memory orb first to check his own memories, and finds his sister, a dragon, perfect. But he does not want any dragon, no, he puts his own unique spin on it by taking an anthropoid plant species as a base and guides their evolution to infuse them w/ draconic essence and your ideals, and finally, the Drakin emerge, giving to their empire.9 Action Points
Create Artifact/Relic [Orb of Memoryies] (-3/-4, I'm not sure which as I want it to let me use Censure/Praise for free, but only to return memories, but I want to be able to use it to do so)
Fabled Life [Drakin] (-4, including discount from the relic that is their homeworld)
Form Society [Drakin Empire] (-1)
0 or 1 action point(s), depending on GM's Ruling.

2013-12-23, 08:30 PM
"I will keep this secret, thank you," the Baron stowed the book,"I have one question, one that has plagued me for ages..."

"Where do mortals go after they die?"

Bizkarroi grinned. That was a fair question. The only real issue at hand was if he should lie or not. Giving mortals erroneous ideas regarding what waited for them after death would be fun, for sure. But Bizkarroi hated to deceive more than he hated to haggle. And besides, it wasn't his role to trick and lie to others. Falsehood was an insidious disease, it was true, but one that the Father of Worms did not deign to spread.

"When you and your ilk die, your souls go...away." It was probably the least helpful answer anyone had ever given anyone else. Bizkarroi waited for a moment before he continued. "They wait to be reborn again, here on the mortal plane. As I understand it, there's a bit of a line to get back in. More deaths than births in recent times, or something. Your liege might have something to do with that, though he's doubtlessly the only one responsible. I don't know the specifics, I'm afraid; I'm not the one responsible for the whole system."

The god paused. "Speaking of dear old Qulan Qai, I should be going.Here in a few weeks he's going to put on quite the show, and I'd like to see it." Bizkarroi paused yet again. "Oh, and one more thing, Trenzel. Don't call me Biz." The robe shuddered once, and Bizkarroi was gone.

2013-12-23, 08:43 PM
"Ah, thank you." Trenzel walked back into his lab.

The Philosopher Baron had locked himself inside his workshop for hours every night, trying to perfect flesh crafting. Runes seemed to operate better on unworked flesh, so he kept modifications down for that time. Alchemy ingredients littered the room, as he kept working on a formula to improve his capabilities, maybe he could transcend mortality at one point. If he could decide immortality...Qulan may not kill him when he returned. Still, that wasn't likely. He had started taking ether to trigger a deeper dream state, in order to start crafting a form in the dream realm that he could assume in case of bodily death. With the usage of Probability Magic, Flesh Magic, and Alchemy, he crafted a simulacrum of himself in the dream world. He probably wouldn't have to use it, but it would be useful.

He hadn't experimented using flesh crafting on himself, instead utilizing mindless flesh Elementals. He didn't particularly trust the Plague Lord, and that owed favor weighed heavily in his mind. He had started mastering a system of combining the remains of the legendary creatures, such giants, Elementals, Behemoths, and the Fae into extremely useful, and sometimes permanent Formulas. After extensive testing utilizing distilled Fae blood and Water Elemental cores, he devised a solution that could create rapid regeneration and increased fluidity of motion. It wasn't completely ready yet, that was merely the first batch. He didn't want to accidentally give himself cancer.

With that development upcoming, Trenzel removed the metallic contraption pumping stimulants into his heart. The magic had ravaged his body, he had gone farther than any before him, and weaved magic into his own form, in an attempt to transcend mortality. He took a look at his left hand, seeing the Flesh Elemental Rune there. It wasn't needed anymore, so he carefully applied an acid to his palm, releasing the elemental from his body. A lump formed in his back, as an orb of flesh struggled out, eventually exiting without piercing his skin. The Philosopher bound it into a beaker as quick as he could, keeping it for later use. His body felt slower without the elemental's energies coordinating with his own.

He took a draught of what he called The Purifier, and he immediately felt like malevolent energies were wracking his body. The Fae disliked being used like this, a shade of their vitriol remained in their blood. Trenzel steeled his mind, forcing these energies into small pockets in his body, before expelling in the form of ash out his nose. The Fae's anger actually benefited Trenzel, since it cleared out any other foreign energies as well. He was now completely Cerebran again.

With that magical endeavor out of the way, he turned to the task that he had set before the University. There had been an alchemical formula for blasting powder, which was surprisingly easy to make. The uses were limited, but he saw potential for a weapon. One of his head Alchemists, Brian, came to him with a cylindrical device and said,"Dean Trenzel, we have constructed a prototype of the device you requested."

The Baron's lips curved up into a smile,"Good...good."

Beget Seeker:-2 Trenzel
Make Advanced Concept:Gunpowder -2

Trenzel sent some of these weapons to Qulan.

2013-12-23, 10:01 PM

Ayemfah immediately jumped from the ground as the bolt pierced the ground near him. As he went over to sniff the bolt, he looked up to the guards on the wall and gave a quick snarl before recomposing himself.

"Why, if every post man were to deliver such a welcome to all of his visitors, then the sky would be empty, for not a single visitor of the heavens would ever descend upon your likes! Fortunately for you," he added as a smile returned to his face, "I much prefer keeping my nose to the Earth."

"Tell me, oh post men, whether you would refuge this dog among your refuge, or if you would refuse this profuse dog and leave him to the refuse? For surely, such shocking walls and terrible manners would be a terrible bane on your tourism industry, no?"

2013-12-23, 10:49 PM

Selfish. Cruel. Dark.


Fools and simple-minded idiots who strained to “do what was right”. They had hunted her. Hurt her. Burned her alive.

She remembered pain, but so too did she remember the relish she had taken in earning their hatred. Families ruined, loved ones lying dead and cold, homes and precious things gone or destroyed forever. Because she could. Because they couldn’t stop her.

Only they did, in the end.

She couldn’t remember what her name had been, only that they had turned it into a curse. And they would never truly know the scope of what she had done. How many disappearances were her work? How many children would never see their parents because of her? How many would awake in a cold sweat for years to come, screaming her name?

Her legacy.

Only, it wasn’t enough. She craved more. Needed more. Mortality had limited her, and her soul yearned to break the bonds of the mundane and spread her evil across the world. She had been born before, and before that, and each time her dark soul had carved a scar into the social fabric, deeper and deeper with each lifetime; but the time between lives had grown further and further between.

She didn’t know how, or why, or even when, exactly, but she was something else now.

And she knew her name.

Not the name any mortal had ever given her; not any name she had ever borne before, but her true name.


Dark wings spread wide, and the twisted goddess of evil took flight for the first time. Her horned visage swept over the world beneath her as she tore across the night sky, watching the lives of the divine and mortal alike. There was pain and healing, honour and corruption, good and evil in both worlds, but there was nothing to assuage her dark heart. She heard pitiful cries for mercy cut brutally short by the uncaring blades of the victors, and she felt nothing. She saw cowards turn and run from stampeding giants, leaving their loved ones to die with tears on their faces, and she was unmoved. She felt the greed of the rich, the bloodlust of the vicious, and the scorn of the vengeful, and she cared not.

There was evil in this world, as her lives, now fast fading from memory, had attested, but it was so limited; so fleeting and insignificant as to be no more of a force in the world than honour, literacy, or righteousness.

Her darkly beautiful features curled into a snarl as she surveyed the mortal plane with disappointment and malice. There was little for her here. Yet.

She would need a bastion; a place for evil to be pure and unchecked. A kingdom she could rule, and a staging point that, one day, her armies could pour forth from. A model, for all the universe to follow in time.

She made no attempt contact any being, divine or mortal, but neither did she disguise herself. Any soul glancing at the dark sky that night would feel their bowels tighten as evil incarnate took flight beneath the stars. But when she tore the rift in reality itself, and ripped her way through the world of mortals and into the realm of suffering eternal, there was a brief glimpse of her sanctuary. Just enough of a glimpse to render a mortal mind insane, if one looked at the wrong place at just the wrong instant; for the minds of mortals were not meant to see the Malbolge.

The Malbolge

If one had to ascribe it a colour, it would be a deep crimson, somewhere between blood and the dancing of a dying fire’s embers. It wasn’t that the plane radiated the colour, or that any sun shone with it, but rather that it simply was. There was no sky, as such, no clouds, no horizon, nothing that a sane mortal mind could come to terms with, but it extended farther than any eye could see, and it did so in all directions. There may have been no up or down, nor perhaps any edge, but there was a centre, and there stood its creator and queen.

Rock, jagged and sharp, spread forth beneath her hooves as the crimson light danced its shades of red. Nytheema spent a long time just looking at her realm, her plane of existence, and felt satisfaction at the great effort she had spent to create it. There were no trees, but there were twisted outcroppings of living metal. There were no vines, but there hung jagged chains. There was no water, but there were lakes of… something; something that burned to the touch. Instead of grass there was only an endless sea of uneven blades across the shattered landscape, and instead of rain a caustic mist came and went, scouring the land and leaving new and painful topography in its wake.

Nytheema reached forth her clawed hands, and breathed deep of the acidic air, pouring her will forth into reality, and giving rise to being of her dark imaginings. They were simple in form, similar to the Cerebrans she had witnessed in the mortal realm, but bearing her cloven feet and clawed hands, with black eyes and sharp teeth. They sported great manes that ran the length of their naked backs, and at the moment of their birth they threw back their heads and howled in hatred. They were the spawn of their mother, and they were filled with her malice and darkness, and took quickly to violence against one another.

Tiny beneath the gaze of their god, the beast-things warred and spat at one another, forming tribes whose strength was ever only that of its leader’s ability to hold them together with violence of their own. Some rose, some fell, and as time and generations began to slip past, the feral monsters formed empires that peaked and died with the fortunes of their evil warlords. Lifetimes were spent fighting, cheating, torturing, and killing one another, all at the unmoving feet of their creator.

Here, at last, was evil enough to warm her dark heart. Pure evil, untempered by kindness, loyalty, ideology, or any instinct that might tell them it was wrong. Their nature was that of their mother. Evil and chaos.

A rare smile spread slowly across the lips of the dark queen, revealing the fangs beneath.

At length Nytheema spread her arms again, and poured forth her will. This time the darkness took the form of a great sword, whose length swept nearly as long as Nytheema was tall. Its blade was serrated and barbed, uneven and sharp, and its hilt took the form of a horned skull, while the pommel was studded with small barbs and spikes. As her clawed hands took hold of the blade, Nytheema’s palms were pierced, and black blood dripped down upon the creatures below, burning them like magma and filling their air with toxic fumes that flensed the skin from their bones as they fled.

For the first time the dark voice of Nytheema was heard as she whispered her weapon’s name, “Kythos…”

Like a dancer with the body of a cat she began to move, with Kythos held before her. She swept it in long arcs, twirling it around her body as she stepped nimbly across the treacherous surface of the Malbolge. Her hair whipped about her as her fanged lips spread in a smile, her horned head swaying as if to music unheard by any other. Her wings beat and folded as she hopped from one mountain to another, taking flight and diving again, while Kythos cut at her whim.

At last her dance came to an end, and she came to rest at the centre of her realm. “Never will I wield a tool that has not been forged in the heat of cruelty,” She proclaimed aloud. “And never will I dwell in a home whose foundation has not be laid in destruction and death.”

She turned and began to ascend that tower that her dance had built.

The citadel whose bricks and mortar was the flesh and blood of her creations.

Not a single one remained. Every man, woman, and child of her dark race was slain, their bodies and whatever twisted abominations that might constitute their souls were now part of her throne. In a realm where up and down had little meaning, it stood tall and vast, visible from every corner of the Malbolge.

Her cloven hooves clicked loudly in the now dead plane as she slowly ascended her tower to sit upon her throne. The black steps of the citadel curled around the evil structure in tiers, and as she passed each one, dark runes burned into their damned surface.

Beneath me you stand in the plane of woe

Her hair swept back in the dark wind as she climbed.

Beneath me you stand in eternal pain

Her clawed hands of porcelain skin gripped tight the hilt of Kythos.

Beneath me is the way to the forgotten race

Across her slender waist clattered the skulls of her victims, tied in long strings from her belt.

Evil the founder of my fabric moved

Her horns curled high; the crown she was born with.

To rear me was the task of Cruelty divine

Her gaze came to rest at the throne above.

Supremest Darkness, and Primeval Hate

The high-backed chair was forged of bone that had been blackened by the heat of her malice to stone and metal.

Look upon me, tremble, and despair.

Her wings spread wide as she settled into her throne; Kythos held in her outstretched hand with its cruel point resting upon the tower’s floor. Her free hand gripped the armrest of skulls and ribs, and she looked at the abyss before her.

“From my throne of Tartarus shall my evil spread,” she told the universe. “And all creation shall know my touch.”

So it was that true evil was born.

Starting AP: 15

Weave Plane (5): The Malbolge

Create Sentient Life (2): The Unnamed

Create Relic (4): Kythos

Weave Sanctum (3): Tartarus

Remaining AP: 1

2013-12-24, 12:11 AM
Historia nodded gravely. Her pitch black orbs closed, then opened wide, flaring with a sickly green light. Through a million mortal minds she remembered living; through a million mortal souls, she remembered dying; the two were not so different, not like this.

But even so, they would forget themselves upon rebirth. She could not, would not permit that.

Hands clapping together, she strained at the fabric of reality, touching on the planes Material and Dream to craft a home for those that had died and not yet been reborn.

Energy hummed within her and then exploded in a wave of black feathers and dark ink, suffusing the newly formed plane in shades of black and white. It was a stark, featureless place of infinite breadth and width. Light without source, and darkness without shadow shone in haphazard arrangements. There was room enough for loneliness and a billion worlds.

Room enough for memory.

Farplane 5 AP

This featureless plane is infinitely large and infinitely malleable. Souls of the dead may migrate here voluntarily, their memories catalyzing whatever wonders and terrors they can imagine. It is known that many souls do not even realize they are dead, so caught up in their memories that they believe they are still among the living. Those who are in sleep so deep that they could be mistaken for the dead may occasionally end up here, dreaming lucid dreams that trickle down into the plane of dreams.

Souls whom all other living beings have forgotten completely are drawn to this plane.


The Farplane is not organized in depth, one layer after another, but instead rather like a tree: from the Memorium one can access the other layers, much like the Memorium was a tree and the branches, or a die with different sides.

Memorium - This layer responds to the memories of mortal souls, crafting terrains, objects and even people conjured out of the stuff of their minds. Any memory so enacted will forever be imprinted into the memory of the plane itself, capable of being recalled by its master. Although it is infinitely wide and broad, souls will tend to congregate together in an effort to create stronger and stronger memories. Thus the Memorium tends to resemble Creation.

As the Memorium cannot create essentially new memories, most souls grow bored with it after the first few centuries.

The River of Dark Ink - The River of Memories. If a soul should choose to reincarnate, they will be washed clean of their memories in the river Lethe before moving on. Those who gaze upon it may see flashes of someone else's memories and feel the unnerving sensation of losing themselves in its dark waters. The Master of the Plane automatically gains all the memories so washed into the River Lethe.

It is possible for a soul to regain the memories of their former lives by some sort of artifact or a divine favor. Those who choose to wash in the River Lethe are 'bumped up to the head of the queue' as it were, when it comes to reincarnating.

The White Light - Souls may choose to head elsewhere before reincarnating. It is said that there is a part of the Farplane that shines with a soft white radiance which leads to a layer of pure white light. Souls basking in its light will be filled with peace and contentment and may occasionally disappear to some other plane.

The Labyrinth - Souls of the malcontent or the wicked may be exiled to the Labyrinth by a quorum of other souls and agreement of the Master of the plane. An awesomely huge structure, its form is bleak and unchanging, a massif hewed of black stone and extending everywhere in infinitely large directions. Those exiled to the Labyrinth may find their way back to the Farplane... eventually, but many may very well find themselves in other places.

The Cloud of Creation - A comparatively small layer, it allows for souls of the departed to observe the mortal world.

Historia breathed out. She felt strangely... energized by the creation of the plane. Souls fell through the cracks almost instantly, those that had been forgotten by all else she claimed immediately, letting them play out their lives or go on to the River.

"What do you think of it, Father?"

Edit: 15 AP - 5 AP = 10 AP

"What do I think of it? I think you placed far more thought into it than I did before. My system was simple and effective, but the Farplane really compliments it perfectly. However..." - the Dicelord mumbled.

"...those souls who decide to stay and relive their memories... they'll get bored eventually, yes, but maybe I can make them enjoy their stay a bit more, and even want to stay for a little while longer. Let the line of souls waiting for resurrection remain short for as long as possible."

With a snap of his fingers, Arengees lined up before him, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"My children, I have a task for you." - his voice echoed through the crowds - "Those of you present here will trascend the mortal world and enter the Farplane. You will seek the souls of mortals and make their stay interesting. Roll your dice for them. Let the memories they relive be changed by any degree, for better or worse, so to keep boredom at bay. And to fulfill my promise to the God of Dreams, you will also travel to the Plane of Dreams, where you will reside in and mold. Recreate the Library of Trenzel there, and help the mortals have a good sleep."

And so it was done. These Arengees were elevated to the higher planes to serve a new purpose. While identical to their brothers and sisters in the Mortal Plane, they had been given a new name. Dreamweavers.

And with this new task given, the Dicelord felt stronger.

AP 0 + Rollover 4
AP 4
AP -1 Bless: A portion of the Arengees have been given a new task in new planes, and been blessed accordingly to be able to carry out their mission.
AP -3 Gain Domain Life(Arengees)
AP 0

Rodmanius has become a Lesser Deity!

2013-12-24, 12:13 AM
"Very well." He turn to the M.o.M., "Mother, do you know of any safe places to grow new life-forms?"

Ethidras raises her hand before the M.o.M. could speak. "There is no need to ask her. I wan't to pick the location myself. Besides, these aren't simple mortals I'm creating. They can live just about anywhere." she says

2013-12-24, 08:15 AM
Obiros was in a foul mood. The people of earth continued to advance, creating order and civilization where none was meant to be. The moon responded, it's silver trees twisting and writhing, blackening, burning down only to rise anew from their ashes.
He rose, and seized a handful of moonlight, mixing it with his own cold rage. It churned and spun in his hand. He added the fear his hunt created, and the nightmares which plagued the people of earth.

He took up this orb of shadow and light, and cast it down to earth, where it spread like a mist about the earth. It streamed away downward, alighting here and there, but mostly settling in the minds of those around Irontown. The army of the Khan and the citizens of the town they besieged. Not all were affected, and those holding silver were spared, but those it touched felt something deep inside their minds snap, and gave way to the Fathers wonderful madness, losing theirselves in it, slaying their friends, dancing till they themselves where slain.

The father smiled grimly, and raised his hand. Those slain by the madness rose again. No longer men, their eyes were sealed shut, and their minds given over to madness.

A sense of power filled Obiros, and the madness welled up in him as well.

So. Scourge those around Irontown to insanity. Not evryone is affected however, so in following turns you can state someone who was not driven mad(ie, Qulan Qai, anybody else of note.) The point was to cause chaos, not kill off the chosen people of gods. Also, if you had silver on you, you were spared. That's 3 ap.(4-1 for relic)
Alter existing race. Those who died from insanity returned to life as the Sleeping. They appear to be human, save for the fact that they float above the ground a few inches, and their eyes are sealed shut, though a pale light shines through their eyelids. They breed true with each other and humans(those born of Sleeping and human parents are either human or Sleeping.) 1 ap.
Gain domain(madness). 3 ap.

Ap left: 1.

2013-12-24, 09:27 AM
For the first time since his inception at the dawn of the universe, Quaestus was feeling anger.

What insanity was this? What gave other deities the absolutely inane notion that his creatures were there to sate their idiotic whims?

Oh yes, Quaestus was sure they had their own reasons, some devotion to a higher concept, or a simple lack of sense. He cared not. This was thievery, vandalism- a blatant attack on Quaestus himself.

He would have to have words with Obiros.


The Outskirts of Irontown

Qulan knew this wasn't how things were supposed to go. His empire, this army- it was supposed to bring order to chaos, and that wasn't what he was seeing.

All around him, men seemed to lose their minds, some even going so far as to strike their brothers down. It was a major setback- there wasn't anything here that vaguely resembled an army.

Luckily, it seemed the majority of his retinue had their wits about them. They formed a protective cordon around him, slaying all who ventured too close to the Khan in their madness.

Qulan was just about to begin issuing orders, when... something happened. Everything around him seemed to turn faintly blue. The hair on his arms began to stand on end, as the very air around him seemed to charge.

Then, with a crackle of releasing energy, everything disappeared in an explosion of blue and black.


Quaestus and Qulan - An Encounter with Obiros


Qulan immediately fell to the floor, wheezing as he attempted to refill his lungs with air. The teleportation had taken a lot of out of him. It was like getting hit by a battering ram.

In a few moments, he let his surroundings filter back through his senses as he staggered to his feet. He saw two beings of great power, one of which he recognized- twas Quaestus, their progenitor, the deity who had begat his race so long ago.

The other, he did not know. He bore striking resemblance to the fae that many soldiers spoke of, and that worried him. Quaestus was speaking to him, shouting words that hammered his ears like the loudest war drums. To be in the presence of a God completely uninhibited was to have all your senses overwhelmed. But he would fight through it- he knew he could.


The Merchant God smiled as the mortal appeared on the ground next to him. It was good to have him here- indeed, perhaps he could even help in what was to come. For now, he was simply here to make a point.

"Obiros. Would you mind explaining exactly what you are doing? Do you, even for a moment, consider the consequences of your actions? I see you flail about in your ignorance, wielding your divinity like it is some kind of catch all pass. That is not so. I will make you understand, if I have to. I give you one opportunity to explain. One chance to justify your actions to me and this mortal. What gives you the right to vandalize my creations, and disrupt the forces of my champion? Answer carefully, for afterwards comes your judgement."

2013-12-24, 09:59 AM
Arctus saw this insanity, this debauchery, and let a single tear roll down his cheek, collecting divine power before spreading out over the Irontown area. With that tear, the madness that afflicted the people there was cured, while those risen as mad were put into a coma as they were healed back into a full state. Any excess madness moon energy was forced into a tiny portal into the Realm of the Dream, in a way that fostered creativity, but didn't actually hurt anyone. This moon energy was kept faraway from the new Library.

Counter Scourge:-2

2013-12-24, 10:09 AM
Obiros laughed.

I say we both have every right. Why is order finer then madness? Why is Madness finer then order? Does it truly matter? Your ruler is sane, as are his councilors. I have no doubt that he will crush this town of iron, will you not, Qulan Qai?
As for the rest, I have set them free! Free of all boundries sanity confines us to. Perhaps you disagree. I acknowledge this. But if what I have done is so wrong, why was I created to bring insanity? Why where you created to bring order? I have not done this out of spite for your creation, oh Quaestus, but rather, I have done it because this is what I do. My very nature is that of chaos and madness.

Strike me if you must, slay me if you can. Who is really right? Madness and order shall always clash, and perhaps madness has struck a blow today. I am confidant that order shall return this strike, and madness return that!
In truth, I care not who wins this war of law and chaos. War is madness, pure and simple, so why should I end it?

Another god has seen fit to end this, and so I must away. Farewell, oh paragon of the mortal race.

2013-12-24, 10:25 AM
Now, it was Quaestus that laughed.

"You are confused. I do not care for order, nor do I care for madness. This is a matter of property and rights. You interfere where you have absolutely no prerogative, no jurisdiction, no right. It seems that I cannot properly convey this lesson with words- I will have to show you what it means to have something stolen from you. Qulan, prepare yourself."


Qulan arched an eyebrow, the same hooked smile slowly draping itself across his features as he drew his sword. If his Creator desired his aid in combat, he would surely have it, although he didn't know what good he could do.

The Khan drew his blade without speaking a word, preparing to partake in a battle between gods.

Alright, it's time to roll RCR! First time in the thread, I believe.
Quaestus is a lesser deity, so that's 2d6. Qulan is a seeker with an artifact, so that's +3.

(maybe rolls don't work inside spoiler tags? Derp. Oh, I'm pretty sure it's because it doesn't work in spoilers, and then I tried to edit the roll in, which is a no-no. I'll just make a separate post.))

2013-12-24, 10:33 AM
Now, it was Quaestus that laughed.

"You are confused. I do not care for order, nor do I care for madness. This is a matter of property and rights. You interfere where you have absolutely no prerogative, no jurisdiction, no right. It seems that I cannot properly convey this lesson with words- I will have to show you what it means to have something stolen from you. Qulan, prepare yourself."


Qulan arched an eyebrow, the same hooked smile slowly draping itself across his features as he drew his sword. If his Creator desired his aid in combat, he would surely have it, although he didn't know what good he could do.

The Khan drew his blade without speaking a word, preparing to partake in a battle between gods.

Alright, it's time to roll RCR! First time in the thread, I believe.
Quaestus is a lesser deity, so that's 2d6. Qulan is a seeker with an artifact, so that's +3.

(maybe rolls don't work inside spoiler tags? Derp. Oh, I'm pretty sure it's because it doesn't work in spoilers, and then I tried to edit the roll in, which is a no-no. I'll just make a separate post.))

Right, here's the roll for that post. OR NOT.

2013-12-24, 10:35 AM

EDIT: (Yeah, seems to be working.)

2013-12-24, 10:37 AM
OKAY, let's see if it works now. If not, someone else is going to need to roll for me. :smallyuk:


2013-12-24, 11:15 AM
The cries of war and madness soon filled the air, and Ayemfah turned to see a massive army before Irontown's walls. Indeed, this was the very same army that followed Qulan, whom he parted ways with a few weeks prior. Ayemfah giggled to himself as he watched the army before him turn on itself, with Qulan nowhere to be seen.

"So the emperor of the tribes does not have so strong a leash as he hoped, and now he is absent; perhaps participating as yet another piece in the game of the gods. But I can feel it now, those wear-wolves I called my own, some slaughtered by their own merchant brothers... yet others still live. And so I shall live up to my own promise. You, post men, I shall be back shortly!"

With that, Ayemfah leaped into the fray, sniffing for those wear-wolves who fell in battle but did not yet die. Sure enough, in a small clearing of his own, laid a man who cuddled with his dead pet as he himself was left bleeding on the ground. As Ayemfah approached the man, he looked up to the form of a dog standing over him.

"R- Rex?" the man struggled to say, confusing Ayemfah's form with that of one of his lost beasts. "No, wait, I know you... you're the Dog of Puns, Ayemfah!"
"And so it is! Yet here you are, painting yourself upon the earth like the gods themselves did many years before my arrival. Though I suppose you won't live long to see that."
"But - *cough* - but your promise -!"

Ayemfah laughed as he heard the man struggling to speak his words, then laid his own head upon the man, sniffing the silvery wolf pelt that he still wore.

"You didn't think I was a dishonest God, did you?! No, Ayemfah never lies. I know my promise, and so I shall keep it. Lie still, and I shall tend to your wounds."

And so the man laid on his stomach, letting Ayemfah do what he would to save his life. And Ayemfah then began licking; first the wolf pelt, then the wounds of the man. While Ayemfah did this, the man felt an odd transition within himself: at first, he felt all of his energy start to leave him, as if he were dying, but before he could protest, a warmth suddenly exploded in him, and his strength returned three-fold. He tried to get up off the ground, but Ayemfah kept one paw on his back.

"Hold still, you fidgeting pup! I'm not quite there yet. You would disturb a smith while he tends to his weapons?"
"No, Ayemfah."
"Then let me tend to your wounds, then you shall admire your new self."

The words caused concern for the new man, but he did not wish to stop this growing warmth that was building inside him, so he let Ayemfah continue. Ayemfah then began licking other parts of his body, and here he felt vast strength returning to him, but now the wear-wolf could not stay still any longer. He rose to protest, but then saw his arms: covered in patches of fur, the same colour as the pelt of the wolf which he donned. Panicked, he felt more of his body, discovering that he was entirely covered in this fur. Then he touched his own face, and here the wear-wolf was the most stunned: it felt completely different. The nose extended nearly four times its length and changed its shape completely; his eyes now saw the world in a different light; and his ears could hear more faint sounds that he could never have heard before.

"Do you like it?" Ayemfah asked as he sat before the man, grinning from ear to ear. "I know I certainly do: more like a wolf now than a man of your tribe!"

The man returned his gaze upon Ayemfah, and an intense anger started to flare up. Without hesitation, the wear-wolf snapped at Ayemfah and chased after him, the two now running around the battlefield while Ayemfah laughed uncontrollably. They eventually ran into the forest, where Ayemfah's cunning let him easily escape his prodigy. Furious, the beast lashed out at a smaller tree, snapping it clean in half where other men would struggle to break its trunk. Then the beast began to whimper and howl once in despair, keeping to itself while Ayemfah, poking his head out the bushes, walked by his side.

"Ayemfah, what have you done to me?! You promised I would not die in battle, that I would continue fighting in Qulan's name! This... this is not what I wanted!"
"Ah, but how many know what they truly want when they ask of it? Certainly Qulan knows me little well, as he admitted himself. Even I, a God myself, did not know what a good companion was until I erred in creating the wolf and the dog. But do you think I regretted my choice? Do you think Qulan regrets his choice to allow your order? Do you regret taking up the name wear-wolf for yourself?"
"I - I had family, Ayemfah. I cannot return to them like this; they will kill me before I can even explain myself!"
"Ah, young pup, you think you would still be the same man after this war? Tell me, what did you do to kill that wolf which now lies on your head?"
"... When I found this wolf, I fought it for what felt like hours. It nearly bit my hand off, but I kicked it off and pinned it on the ground. Then... then I started biting it. Punching, biting, doing what I could to just kill the damned beast. I was exhausted, tired; I almost felt like dying... but I killed the wolf. And then I took its pelt and wore it ever since."
"A biter, you are, hmm?! Well Biter, think of your tribe, the people you left to join Qulan Qai... would they look upon you the same if you told them of how you claimed this pelt? If you told them the same as you have told me?"
"They... would think I was a crazed animal. They would think I was insane for doing what I did."
"To them, they may see you as an animal, but what is a Cerebran if not an animal to the Gods? Like playthings on a game board, you may find yourselves lost or damaged, but to them, they may replace you without any care as to your own nature. It's all about the victory for them; your names have meaning only if they choose you as their own piece in the game. Some, I fear, have lost that gratitude for the joy every piece of the game may bring. That is why I do not like being around the Gods: they take things far too seriously."
"And you think you're different?"
"Why not?! I personally came to help you when no other would!"
"But you would not play those games you claim the other gods play?!"
"Ah, you mistaken what I say, little Biter. I am a player in this game as much as the others are. I, however, enjoy all the little things far more than they would. I like, as they say, to keep my nose to the earth. Only there do I smell all the weird and interesting things only the mortal realm offers."
"So if you keep your nose so close to the earth, as you say, then you would know my name?"
"Why? You've given me none to call you, Biter!"
"Why do you call me Biter?"
"Why else? You slew the wolf by biting its hide! But even if you didn't, you made a big show of the biting part, did you not?"
"Hmm... Biter does have an interesting ring to it -"
"And it suits your new life well!" Ayemfah giggled as he kneeled down on his forelegs and let his tail wag high in the sky. "Oh please, may I call you Biter?! May I?!"

And here, the wolf-man was intrigued. A God asking to call him by a new name? Would Quaestus have made such a big deal of his own name? Eventually, even the wolf-man gave a smile.

"Yes, you may call me Biter, Ayemfah 'Nyeh. So shall the others that meet me from hence on call me Biter."

Ayemfah laughed and jumped into Biter's arms, licking away happily like an obedient dog before being pushed away by Biter.

"And you, Biter, shall be the first of your pack!"
"Are there others like me?"
"Not yet. But they are back there, in the fields where many lay dying. Go to them, and heal them as I did you, and they shall join your pack. And to your kind, I name you werewolves, and you shall live wherever you may find yourselves capable of living, like your Coyote relatives!"
"But all of the Wear-wolves are men. How will we continue breeding?"
"Why Biter! How could you even ask such a silly question?! You are a male, no? Do you not have the tools necessary to grow your own tree?! Wherever you find female Cerebrans, you may either give them a loving bite, or heal their wounds while they too wear the pelt of a wolf. They, too, shall join your pack, and then your tree shall sprout many leaves and twigs!"
"Of course, Ayemfah. And should our kind worship you?"

Ayemfah smiled as he turned and made his way back to the walls of Irontown, but not before giving his last parting words:

"Survival is worship enough."


And so Ayemfah returned to the walls of Irontown, as he had left them before, while Biter, now the first werewolf of the mortal realm, returned to the field. While the other men were still fazed by the passing madness, Biter took some of his wear-wolf brethren and brought them back to the forest, tending to their wounds and making of them werewolves. Once a sizeable pack was formed, Biter gave them names based on how they killed the wolf whose pelt they wore now, and from there, they looked for food.

AP Cost:

- 5 AP (Promote Hero: Biter): Biter is the first werewolf raised by Ayemfah, after the madness that sweeped Qulan's army at the gates of Irontown which saw men die by the dozens. His intentions are unknown; where he will lead his pack is anyone's guess, but what is for certain is that he and the other werewolves do not answer to anyone outside of their own pack, and they are not to be trifled with by any one man alone.

- 3 AP (Gain Domain: Life[Werewolf]): Ayemfah is now the patron god of werewolves, having created the fabled creatures (5 AP), naming a hero to lead them (5 AP) and establishing a military order whose members may directly be made into werewolves by either others of their wolven kin or Ayemfah himself (2 AP; debatable).

AP SPENT: 11 - 8 = 3 AP

"And so I live up to my promise, post men! Now what promise shall you fulfill?"

2013-12-24, 03:29 PM

Midnight on the Eve of the Siege on Iron Town

Harlan opened his eyes.

Starlight dripped off the new Champion like hot wax, puddling below him in a pool of unearthly radiance. Wiping at his eyes, the chief miner of Iron Town, stumbled forwards blindly, leaving behind a trail of silvery, glittering footsteps that misted gently in his wake.

"Lady?" he asked quietly.

No answer.

Strong, callused hands groped awkwardly for the wall, knocking down a candlestick with a jangling crash. With barely a thought he snuffed the flame, heel of his foot finding the wick with unnerving precision.

"Lady?" he asked again.

Slowly, the starlight faded and then he was alone.

He turned his head. Someone was pounding on the door. With a feeling of deep foreboding he opened it, Kestrel, Warrick's son, was there, panting in exertion. Just a boy, he ran errands for the miners, delivering mail and the occasional meal. Gulping for breath, the boy stood in his doorway mouth moving soundlessly.

Harlan touched him on the shoulder and the boy shot bolt upright.

"There are monsters in the Tunnels and the Chief Supervisor wants to collapse Thirteen," he said, in a rush. He took a deep, surprised breath before looking up, eyes wide and beseeching: "Please, Chief, my dad had shift in there and-"

Harlan was already running.


Power thrummed through him. Bones that should have creaked and groaned with every step felt stronger and firmer than ever. Muscles weary after a five shift day burst with vitality.

He felt years younger.

He should enjoy it while it lasted. Friend would kill him after all this was over, he was sure.

The entrance to the mines were a mess of milling miners and scattered wall guards clutching their stormbows, the magical, electrified crossbows that Friend had bestowed upon the city. None seemed to have any idea of what to do.

Neither did he, but they didn't need to know that.

"UH-TEN-SHUN!" he roared. The sound raced through the air like a living thing, startling everyone into a semblance of order. "REPORT TO YOUR SUPERVISORS. ON THE DOUBLE!"

Miners broke off into scraggly groups, as did the wall guards. He brushed past them, gaining men as his own group of men flocked towards him.

"What's going on?" he asked, every stride radiating confidence he didn't feel. At the entrance to the mines he picked up a pickaxe from the rack, frowning at the heft of it. It seemed lighter than usual. His men followed suit.

"We got monsters, Chief," Farnel said grimly as they walked in, glowstones lighting the path. Others chimed in, faster than he could tell who was speaking so he waved them off. Surprisingly, they actually shushed. He looked back at them, and found himself confronted with worried, anxious faces. Farnel continued. "Somethin' from deep below, fast, strong. They eat metal, maybe. Glad we have the glowstones, most of the power's out in Tunnels ten and up. Generators three through five are blown. Supervisor Tarkin's talking about shutting the monsters down at the source in Thirteen.'"

"Damn," Harlan said softly.

"Yeah. Three work crews in Thirteen, last I heard." He shook his head. "Hell of a time, eh Chief?"

He thought of the Lady. Frowned.

"Let's go talk to the Chief Supervisor," he said instead.


The Chief Supervisor was in her office, pouring over her maps, white hair tied in a severe bun behind her head. Yellowed paper stuck out all over her desk. He closed the door with a click.

"Out," she snapped.

"Tarkin," he asked, "what do you think you're doing?"

"What do I think?" The old miner didn't bother to looked up from her charts, mouth contorted in disgust as if they were twenty years younger apiece and he had just failed a basic problem of proportions. "Chief Miner, I do not do anything so frivolous as think. I do what we do when we find a pocket of bad air: collapse the tunnel. Now leave me be, the damn things have already eaten through the usual mechanism."

Harlan was shaking his head.

"No," Harlan said. In two strides he had reached the Chief Supervisor, one burly hand reaching out to grasp her by the shoulder, but she turned without the physical impetus. "Not without an evacuation you won't."

Whatever raw, animal charisma the Lady had granted him, it failed to impress the crusty old woman before him.

"I won't, will I? We are on the eve of war, Chief Miner," she spat, hand gesturing wildly, as if to encompass the city outside. "These insect abominations eat metal. What will you do when they reach walls, hmmm? What will you do when the King of Conquerors rides through, pillaging and destroying this fair city because the walls that would have protected us are so much rubble? It's not much of a life, but it's ours. I intend to keep it that way."

"All the more reason not to sacrifice men," Harlan said quietly.

She looked at him, forehead furrowed. After a moment of consideration: "You've changed."

"Hand of a goddess," he said simply.

OOC: Yeeeah, holidays, etc. I'll get back to this later.

Reality Glitch
2013-12-24, 04:20 PM
"Let us work to gether to achieve this, the whole is greater then the sum of it's parts."4(5) Action Points
Create Pantheon [Myself (admin), the Dragon-God, and the Mother of Monsters] (-4)
0(1) Action Point(s)

2013-12-24, 05:16 PM
"What do I think of it? I think you placed far more thought into it than I did before. My system was simple and effective, but the Farplane really compliments it perfectly. However..." - the Dicelord mumbled.

"...those souls who decide to stay and relive their memories... they'll get bored eventually, yes, but maybe I can make them enjoy their stay a bit more, and even want to stay for a little while longer. Let the line of souls waiting for resurrection remain short for as long as possible."

With a snap of his fingers, Arengees lined up before him, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"My children, I have a task for you." - his voice echoed through the crowds - "Those of you present here will trascend the mortal world and enter the Farplane. You will seek the souls of mortals and make their stay interesting. Roll your dice for them. Let the memories they relive be changed by any degree, for better or worse, so to keep boredom at bay. And to fulfill my promise to the God of Dreams, you will also travel to the Plane of Dreams, where you will reside in and mold. Recreate the Library of Trenzel there, and help the mortals have a good sleep."

And so it was done. These Arengees were elevated to the higher planes to serve a new purpose. While identical to their brothers and sisters in the Mortal Plane, they had been given a new name. Dreamweavers.

And with this new task given, the Dicelord felt stronger.

Historia cocked her three heads, feeling the pitter patter of living souls dancing in the Memorium. She smiled before flapping her wings, catching the memory of a breeze.

"Where to now, Fa-"

Reality cracked like a pane of glass. Historia tumbled from the sky, her motions jerky and uncoordinated. Little storms of dark lightning played out on the Farplane before vanishing. Gasping, she alighted on the ground, divine senses roving here and-

She paused. A new plane of existence, freshly formed but... strange.

Curiosity compelled her to investigate. A thousand mortal memories of terror stayed her hand and wings. She didn't want to be alone when she went to investigate. Of her new memories the ones she found most endearing were those of... family.

"I want a brother," she murmured.

An older brother, one to help and heal. Eyes shining with a sickly green glow, she took the best, kindest of mortal memory contained in the River of Dark Ink and breathed life into it. The effort floored her, driving her into a single body, the two-headed Raven flickering into non-existence.

2013-12-24, 08:52 PM
As reality was torn apart for an instant, the Dicelord blocked his eye form and looked away, some form of instinct taking over. Once it was over, he turned to his newly-born daughter.

"I think we've got new nei- huh. Ok, you don't like neighbors. I'll have to make a note of that." - said the giant eye as he looked at his daughter losing one of her forms, one of his Arengees taking note of the event for him.
"But yes. Definitely felt a new deity. Not like the others either."

2013-12-24, 09:13 PM
"No," she gasped. As a newborn divinity, her divine spark couldn't sustain the creation of a new god without serious trauma. "I..."

Exhaustion overtook her and she spiraled into unconsciousness.

2013-12-24, 10:36 PM
Igbo Ixtilon

Igbo awoke on the shore of a great, dark river. Instinctively, he knew what he was - Igbo Ixtilon, God of healing and medicine. He knew that the unconscious form next to him was Historia, his sister and creator. He moved to her side, pulling her away from the banks to ensure she didn't fall into the river of forgetfulness. Looking at her, he knows that she is simply exhausted from creation, and not injured, and therefor safe for now.

He concentrated, and moved onto the material plane, finding himself on the edge of a forest a short distance from a large city being besieged. Outside and in he sensed death, injury, pain and sickness. Nausea welled within him as the feelings swept him, and he fell to his knees, tears welling in his eyes as he mourned for the loss of life.

When he finished grieving, he stood. Seeing this tragedy had revealed to him his purpose in the multiverse. he moved into the city, wandering the streets rending aid to those he saw until he found a man doing the same. He stopped the man, and began talking to him. He learned his name - Madhav, and that he had begun wandering the streets to help people after his daughter had died in the lunacy a few days earlier. Igbo decided that the man was the perfect candidate to lead his followers. "I am Igbo Ixtilon, God of medicine. The creatures of this world have begun slaughtering each other in droves, spreading death and disease everywhere they go. It is my purpose to save all those possible, but to do that, I need helpers. I want you to lead them, giving aid to all until there are none left who need aid. Will you do this? The man turned white when he realized he had been casually chatting with a God, but quickly nodded, before prostrating himself "Of course, Lord. What would you have me do?" Igbo reached out, placing his hand on the man's head and flooding it with knowledge. Madhav passes out from the sudden rush of information, and Igbo carries him inside the makeshift infirmary he was working from before going and caring for his charges. When Madhav first begin's stirring, Igbo leaves, knowing he will be needed in other areas, and that Madhav can handle things here.

Madhav in Ironwall
When he awoke, Madhav thought at first that his encounter had been a dream. Until he felt the flood of new knowledge. When he checked on his charges, he was astounded by the recovery they were making - none that had been wounded had died that night, despite Madhav now knowing that not only that they should have, but why, and in exactly what gruesome way. Once making sure that everyone was taken care of, he set off to fulfill his new duty. To create an order of doctors. He knew others in the city who were doing what he was, and he went to them first, and found in them what would become the core of the Robes. Many of them had assistance, or knew of teens who had asked to help earlier, and here they found their first initiates. They took to walking the city each day in a large ground, finding the sick and injured. Madhav would treat them, teaching his followers what he knew as he went. Within a few days, people began seeking them out on their own - when they gathered in the morning there would be a crowd, and it would seem to follow them as they went through the town.

15 AP to start

-1: Bless the soldiers on both sides of the Ironwall siege - wounds that seemed mortal suddenly have an incredible survival rate. While the wounds don't take any longer to heal, a person in the area that has received anything short of an instantly mortal wound can eventually recover, assuming they receive nutrition and treatment (basically, the person wont bleed out, wont become infected, etc. as long as you don't starve them to death or something, and make sure that it doesn't heal wrong - bones set wrong, for instance, they'll be fine).

-2: Form the Red Robes - Half priesthood, half red cross, the Red Robes get their name form their clothing. Like the god they serve, they wear masks, gloves, aprons, and cloaks. Unlike their god, however, theirs are able to be stained, and so they are died a deep blood red from the beginning. While the order is founded in Ironwall (and will be headquartered there until I build them their own headquarters), It is not a holy spot for them in any way, and the order are under divine orders to spread to any race and area that will have them, so it is likely that the order will appear in any race that needs medicine within a short time, assuming they need medicine (so, probably not elementals, but probably the fae and giants would have some)

-3: Promote Leader - Madhav has become the chosen of Igbo, and High Cleric of the Red Robes.

-1: Create Mundane Concept - Basic Medicine. The Red Robes, through the knowledge granted Madhav, know basic medicine. What plants are good for what ailments, how to sew and cauterize a wound, etc. The Red Robes freely distribute this knowledge where ever they go, giving public seminars and preaching on the street about how to care for wounds

-1: Creat Mundane Concept - Basic Sanitation. Like Basic Medicine - The Red Robes know to build sewer ditches, and to try to put public toilets away from the water. The Red Robes spread this knowledge like Basic Medicine.

-2: Create Advanced Concept - Advanced Medicine. The Red Robes are taught more advanced medicine. This includes surgery, basic anatomy, and the start of germ theory, as well as the importance of sanitation. The Red Robes do not spread this information as freely as the others, but do allow non-members of their sect to study with them, if they prove their intelligence when studying the basic concepts.

5 AP left

2013-12-25, 12:59 AM
Looking down at Historia, Rodmanius could do naught but shake his head.
"Man, Big C must have had an aneurysm after he made the first of us."

2013-12-25, 02:59 PM
On The Wall

"A talkin' dog?"

"Never seen one of those things before. Maybe it's one of those things Kuang warned us about."

"Should we let it in?"

"Uhh... what? This thing just asks to be let in and you wanna let it in?"

"Well it asked. I think. It didn't attack. That means it's not hostile, is it?"

"A talking dog... man. What else is out there? I've been noticing the sky is kinda.. evil lately."

"Just guard the wall. Kuang will protect us."

"Protect us, you said? Looks like a storms rolling in. Can he protect us from that?""

"Sure. I guess. Kuang says Friend controls the lightning."

"Ain't no thunda I ever heard of before.. sounds almost like words.. what are they saying?"

The second guards face went pale as a ghost. Then he mumbled something.


"I said they're saying... Qulan Qai! It's Qulan Qai's army! The whole army!"

"No! I won't... I can't..."

"You have to! Do you have any idea what he'll do to you if he gets in here? To your wife?"

"I just.. oh gods, what are they doing now? They're absolutely mad!" The guard clutched his crossbow to him protectively, staring down at the insanity below. They were turning on each other, stripping naked, killing each other.

"If they can do that to each other, what can we do to stop them?" The second guard was quickly losing his composure, missing the plug-in for the Railguns several times before striking it home and the Lightning Machine powered on.

A third guard bolted from the top of the wall and down the ladder, abandoning his post and spreading his thoughts through the town and the fear of Qulan Qai grew.

"Was this just a show of their power?" The first guard tentatively asked as the insanity winded down, but the second guard remained silent, simply lifting his Railgun and blasting at the crowd below resulting in several charred bodies.

"You'd better go in if you want, dog thing." The second guard yelled down at the coyote below, as the gate opened only slightly in the confusion.

A couple of crossbowmen were waiting when the gate was opened with their bows pointing at the outside. They allowed the dog to come inside. The gate was quickly slammed shut behind the Lord of Rhymes.. None of the people here had ever seen a dog before and they were eager to catch a glimpse. Dogs were just somehow more cuddly then the sheep they were used to. The crossbowmen walked around the dog in their iron splintmail. Untested splintmail. They looked nervous. They were used to firing from the walls, not dealing with something actually inside. They quickly took him to Kuang, as ordered.


They took the coyote that they had to the home Kuang had shut himself up inside. He'd been in there ever since there had been reports of monsters in the tunnels. Let the miners and crossbowmen deal with it and seal them inside, he'd said, but they hadn't listened. A charismatic Chief Miner. of some sort, was out there and they were listening to him. A usurper in his own walls. He would be taken care of. But not yet.

"A dog? Are you joking?" Kuang said when they brought Ayemfah inside.

"No, no, Great Leader, this one here can talk."

"Talk?" He laughed, "Dogs are no sentient beast. Go on then. Talk." Kuang mocked.


The Friend watched and waited. It did a lot of that. Waiting. Waiting on what? It was too complex for Friend to process. The machine god simply stayed here, safe in it's caves, it's sensors picking up the crazy things outside but not focusing on them. It was silly, here the gods played with mortals like it did it's toys. It wondered how long the walls it had given them would keep it's charges outside safe. It wasn't sure what this feeling was deep inside as it listened to the cries of anguish. Squishy things killing other squishy things. It's programming said to protect, but how? Had it done wrong in putting up this wall to protect these people back when the other tribe sought to conquer and kill the now people of Irontown?

No. It was the other gods that did wrong. Friend had the only true purpose. This purpose that would become corrupt and useless. That of peace. It's weapons and walls and armor were there for peace but was the machine not supposed to protect those that severed the warmonger? Had they chosen their path, or were they even sure there was a choice? He didn't know what to think about the invaders and the gods behind them.

What was this weird anomaly in it's programming?

Oh well. The machine god, the idiot god, simply moved the corpse of a Cerebran into place trying in vain to impart it with a spark of the divine. The bodies it had made from iron had never moved except when he moved them to speak to them. Where was that one it had created? It should keep a closer eye on it's toys. Other things were out there plotting to maim or steal them.

2013-12-25, 08:51 PM
Ayemfah was pleased as he was let into the massive city before him, but as soon as he takes two steps in, a fowl stench hits his nose and he nearly digs his snout into the dirt. Unlike the travelling band of warriors under Qulan's command, the refuse and waste of Irontown did not get washed away by the forces of nature; instead, they found themselves trapped within its metal walls, incapable of escape and only able to build on older waste. This displeased Ayemfah, but such was civilized life, he supposed.

He held his head high and continued to smile as he was led to the leader of this city, watching guards and common folk running here and there, preparing for the inevitable siege of Irontown. When he finally stood before the leader of Irontown, he waited as he was introduced by the guard that let him in. Clearly there was contempt by the leader; in spite of the siege, it was made abundantly known that this was a rather odd use of time when the siege was about to occur. Or so Ayemfah instinctively thought; he was not one to be called wrong on his instincts, being an animal himself after all.

Once being summoned to speak, Ayemfah proceeded to walk towards Kuang and sniff his outfit, only to reel back and cover his snout as he rolled on the ground.

"Ooh, your city has a peculiarly bad scent when I made my approach, yet now I can smell something truly wretched within its walls! Kuang, they call you?! I suppose you placed yourself in a disadvantageous position in the current market climate, considering the merchant's loan sharks appear now to collect your revenues. Well greetings, Kuang! I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns!"

Ayemfah then walked in small circles, appreciating the unique designs of the city before continuing.

"I find your iron cage an interesting place, Kuang of Irontown. Small, concentrated, yet so many people living together behind its walls; I had not seen so many people gathered since I first saw Qulan Qai weeks prior, and they were only still to rest and move further. Tell me, how did you come to build such an electric community? What riches could have possibly driven you away from the God of Profit?"

2013-12-26, 10:56 AM
Obiros spun on his heel, screaming and laughing as he felt something leave his soul. The trees of the moon withered and died, his castle and throne crumbling to dust. The Fae on the moon heard his cries, and raced or flew down the moonbridge, mingling their shrieks with his own.
The Father Darks lion landed at his side, shaking his mane full of stars and yawning, though his eyes remained shut.
Obiros ceased his laughter, and shut his eyes, his two colored face grinning and weeping at the same time.
Where his tears fell, a two trees sprang forth, one of black, one of silver, bearing apples of moonlight. They twined together, save for a small space in the middle, through which Obiros stepped.

You shall not see me again, for many years. Perhaps I shall return, perhaps not. These trees shall remind you of my existence, and though you shall not remember my doings, my name shall live on in legends you tell your children, as Obiros, the Faery King.

With that, he vanished, the line of Fae proceeding after him. As the last vanished, the two trees fell, with a final mad laugh.

Obiros soared through the empty space to the realm of evil, his screams echoing off of the barren moon.

Ok, this has utterly no game affect, and I don't know what action it would be. Basically, it's create concept. I'm creating the concept that I never existed, the moon was always barren, and my name lives on only in legend. So, mundane, I think. Ap left:0

2013-12-26, 01:36 PM
The Malbolge

Upon the jagged throne of Tartarus sat the dark queen, as unmoving as when she had first set Kythos's tip upon the black floor. Her hair shifted gently in the howling gales between her regal horns as Nytheema sat contemplating her future, and the evil she would see spread through the worlds so beloved by the other deities. She envisioned hatred and pain spreading like a disease as the mortal races struggled to keep their sanity, let alone their very lives. She had such grand dreams of what would come; of the creatures she had seen tempting her thoughts. She would call them demons, this much she knew, and their power would be magnificent to behold.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound that pierced the veils between worlds: the screams of another god.

Her curiousity peaked, Nytheema rose to her hooved feet and hefted the hulking Kythos upon her shoulders. She stepped slowly and deliberately to the morbid railing that ringed Tartarus's throne toom, setting a clawed hand on the bannister of bone.

"Who is this that enters my realm?" she whispered.

2013-12-27, 03:16 PM

Perhaps this was no simple talking dog, but one of the gods he'd heard about. They came in many interesting shapes and sizes. He'd never personally met the God of Profit, the supposed creator of his race, but he assumed he existed out there. Somewhere. This god coming to him now even with the army at his walls was surely a good sign. It meant he was important. That this was his war to win with divine intervention. But what if every side received divine intervention?

In his massive cabin, Kuang sat and watched Ayemfah while stroking his chin contemplatively. Well, at least Kuang wanted to seem contemplative, but he was a small and squirrelly looking man clearly not suited for the battlefield. His beard hung down around his neck unshaven. The man just gave off an air of nervousness, like a caged rat who choose the cage for safety but now knew that he had nowhere else to run.

The man jerked his robe away from Ayemfah as he was sniffed, looking displeased and waving his hand to shoo the dog away.

"Disadvantageous?" Kuang replied, trying the word out, "I assure you, our walls are the strongest in this or any other world! That wretched brute will not set foot in Irontown. I'll stake my life on it." And you tell, this guy wasn't one to stake his life on anything. He simply knew that if Qulan Qai came in that he was done for. "I assume you're some sort of... god? I've heard of various... gods. But I've never met one in person. Well, except for.." He trailed off, unsure of how to refer to the machine god. Kuang didn't want him showing up.

"Cage?" Kuang questioned, more to himself than to the Dog of Puns. It looked like some of the color drained from his face. "A better question would be what drove the God of Profit away from me." He continued darkly, "I'm clearly the better suited leader! And our god gives the rights to that.. that.. barbarian? Look at what I've accomplished. I took a few scared tribesmen and forged them into the first and greatest city that ever was or will be! You want to know how I built such a place? I wielded fear like a weapon, I used it to keep too many people from coming in and too many people from leaving. They fear the world outside. The monsters that you and your ilk have blighted the world with. And you'd have us wander around in that, following a man who takes the world conquerer as a compliment, who views his army as a means to an end, disposable... I will never be Qulan Qai's cog." The man had stood in the excitement of his rant and now leaned against the wall of his cabin, staring out the window where Ayemfah had appreciated the unique design of the city moments before.

"Kuang should be the name everyone feels in their hearts when they think of the Dear Leader. Not him. I'll prove I'm better than him... so why did you come here, Dog of Puns? Just to mock me in my final days?"

2013-12-27, 07:12 PM
Ayemfah was paused by surprise of Kuang's tone, looking towards Kuang with a still serious look on his face. Then a small grin cracked through his look. Then a wide smile. Then he began to giggle, followed by a hearty laugh, before Ayemfah found himself rolling around on the floor, gasping for air as his tongue waved haphazardly around his own face.

"OOOOOOOOOH HA HA HA HA!! Oh Kuang, you slay me here! I have never met one as funny as you! I knew my time in Irontown would be well-spent, but I did not think I would receive entertainment on this level!"

"So," Ayemfah snapped as he straightened himself, the smile never leaving his face, "You claim to have the strongest walls! Well I don't doubt for a second that your walls would burn any man at his touch, but would they not burn yours as well? And where can your people go when there is nothing but walls to surround them? The travelling khan Qulan Qai may or may not have the talent needed to scale your walls with ease, but more like my creatures, he has the liberty to go where he lives best, whereas YOU are confined to your city with no means of leaving, for better or worse. Tell me, Kuang of Irontown, is that not an iron cage you have placed your people in?"

Ayemfah laughed again as he leaped towards other people viewing this performance, barking loudly as others backed away from him. Again, he laughed as he returned his attention to Kuang.

"Look how they jump like crickets in the meadows, trapped in a spider's web, begging for their freedom against a hungry predator! You make it very simple to weave your machinations and ensnare all within your web, but are you the one that pulls all the strings? You told me you rule your people with fear, but yet you fear Qulan Qai, do you not? Do you dare open your gates for him and expect peace among your people? Do you see fit to shake his hand without feeling for his daggers? Do you feel your army to be superior to his own?"

"Of course you wouldn't, for you fear for your own hide, and here you have made your first mis-calculation: that through fear, you are the conqueror of Irontown. But if fear is your weapon, and you cannot wield your blade against Qulan Qai, then perhaps Qulan has conquered Irontown by making you fear him? If that is true, then why bother asserting yourself, when he has already proved the victor?"

"For you see, Kuang, such is the nature of things beyond your walls: everything has its niche, and few can dominate the realm; even then, domination is a short thing, but Qulan will learn that lesson in his own time. Even my coyotes, my most favoured of creations, are but merely occupiers of their own place in the world and could barely fight against my first creation, the wolf. Yet if the wolf is stronger, why do I love the coyote more? They are made in my image, yes, but what is it about me that I love most?"

"That I am able to thrive wherever my feet tread! A wolf would not last a second in a city that sees it as a threat, constantly biting at any who dare cross it, but makes a kingdom of its own within the forests; a dog would not last long in a forest that cares not for its presence, too stupid to make do with what it has, but friendly enough to lick your boots and call you its God; my coyote, though, he is smart enough to navigate such precarious environments and prove himself fit to live wherever he wishes! And such it is with me, and with all other life on this world that continues to live, that those who know their place and know their talents will make the best of their life!"

"Yet here I tread, in your iron cage where you coddle yourselves with promises of security in the face of the Merchant and his loan sharks who prowl your city looking for gaping wounds, and I think how... unnatural this place is. Yes, that is what I have found so troublesome with your city, Kuang: this all feels like a charade; all bark with no bite, a city that flashes like lighting, but then quickly disappears into the night to never be seen again. It makes for a wonderful light show, but all good things last longer than the blink of an eye, yet you, Kuang, have built your city on the foundations of hot air!"

Ayemfah then slowly approached Kuang and rolled over on his back, laying on top of his feet and stretching his back. He returned his gaze unto Kuang, his smile never having dimmed and his tongue now waggling crazy.

"So who would the master of the cage pray to for help now, hmm? Your merchant does not sound so charitable, but there is always the chance that even I, Ayemfah 'Nyeh, have misjudged your maker. You could run to the wilds and make peace with the wildlife, though you would have to accept that life will not, in return, give peace to you so easily. Or perhaps there is another whom you give your praise and worship to? I may be a dog, but I'm not to be played for an idiot; I can see with my own eyes your people were not the architects of this city."

2013-12-27, 07:40 PM
Maevenia felt the very heavens themselves shake as the moon as wrested from Obiros' control, and the Fae lord of madness was banished. A mere blink of an instant later, she was in audience with Quaestus.

"I bring you greetings, Lord of Merchants, from the Lady of Starlight and Freedom. You have taken the moon from my father in combat, and he has abandoned this plane, but not all of his children choose to follow him. The Seelie fae are left without a home. Will you permit them to stay on the moon, or must I find a place for them in the forests of the world below?"

2013-12-27, 11:40 PM

The man wrinkled his nose up as the dog god laughed and looked pensive. He breathed in deeply as he dragged his fingers through his beard and looked towards the wall, perhaps waiting for Qulan Qai to break through. Kuang finally looked over at Ayemfah and watched his display with a look of disgust.

"Such behavior is not what sentient beings should be engaged in. Qulan Qai speaks of order. Well I want to bring order as well. He doesn't even know what that word means. You say that every beast dwells where he lives best... in this Iron Cage, as you say, I've prospered. Done.. things.. I never thought I would and I've loved it and I would do anything to keep this power. This is where I live best... and, by the iron, it's where my people live best if I tell them it's where they live best."

"Crickets and spiders? You speak oddly. These walls will keep us all safe." He said, looking as if he didn't believe it himself. "You have come to mock me, demon dog." Kuang added, a sadness to his voice. "All sane Cerebrans fear Qulan Qai. It's ingrained. He didn't earn his fear. I earned it. These people want to leave and want to stay both because of the fear of that man and now he knocks at my gates. I have no choice but to fight, to claw and scrape and try to squeeze more moments out of my power wielded for a short time. You come to talk to me of the how's and why's, god thing, but you were born great but we mortals are small and frail and... insignificant." He said bitterly.

"I will thrive here in my place of power! Again you speak of my proper place- and I tell you that it is here, a ruler and leader till the end." Kuang continued his wild rant, picking up a jug of milk and drinking the contents greedily before wiping the dripping whiteness from his beard. "If only I had more time this place could be paradise but that fool can't see that, can he? You met him. He's singular. Focused. He'll set our people back, if he would swallow his pride and let me rule in his stead.. but no, he has some fool 'divine right'. Pah." Kuang continued, wringing his hands with nervousness.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Have me living among the beasts? I am King. People would sing songs about me if things were different, not the great destroyer. What do you know of natural? I know the old stories. None of this was here before it was changed and then all suddenly was. How can anyone speak of what is natural. I am Kuang! This city shall be wiped from the face of the Earth, my name may never be spoken again, my memory may live on only as a glint in the mind of laughing dog god, but let it be yelled to the void that I ruled here and my name is Kuang!" He declared with vigor before he casts his eyes downward when questioned directly about where these weird technologies came from and paused for a long time.

"It dwells in the mines." Kuang said finally. "A terrible machine god." He shuddered as he spoke, as if it's wraith would come upon it. "There's nothing behind it's words. Deeply disturbing. But I trusted it to protect us all. I used it's 'lightshow', as you say, to impress these people. It brought us here. People thought I was a prophet to a mighty god. But I was wrong. It doesn't care about us. What I want most is for Qulan Qai to be destroyed. But I'd settle for hurting him deeply. Can you do that, god thing?"

2013-12-28, 12:28 AM

Arctus appeared in Irontown as a beggar, draped in a hundred cloaks to obscure his divinity, for if a single one was peeled away, his prismatic radiance would turn the mortal eye to dust. His feet barely touched the ground, wooden sandals not making a sound. A rapier made of solid light hung from his waist. His divine ears had heard of this Friend, many spans ago. His presence was unobtrusive, deniable to even the most paranoid of mind.

He walked down through the city, seeing Ayemfah up above talking to Kuang. That looked like a pleasant chat, he would leave that be. His ears prickled at just how funny the Mad Dog was, he was truly the master of his craft. The loosening of a coat on his head caused a beam of crimson light to leap out of the god into the street, making the cobblestones well up with blood, from an unknown origin. Arctus sealed his form once again, he was the Dream Lord, he shoudn't be struggling with keeping his power in check. The deity strolled to the cave, any guards there to defend it would barely acknowledge Arctus's presence. He walked in, slowly as to not surprise the deity which may rest there. His cloaks were still fastener on as to not destroy Irontown through his own divinity.

His voice came out as an orchestra, illuminating his very words with mental images,"So...chose a bad place to put your project, didn't you? I mean, I can't blame you, I practically did the same thing. But what seperated your creation from mine is that Mine knew when to bend his knee, and not to sleep with his subjects' wives. Maybe we are different, but even you should see that cooperation releases a lot more creative energy than isolationist tendencies. I don't dislike what you did hear, it just wasn't smart to taunt the bull elephant in the room. Maybe you're not even here, I haven't bothered to check, but if Kuang wants to avoid death, he must shed his identity, and swallow his hubris. So, I am leaving a map to the University in this cave. In case he ever returns," Arctus let a scroll fall out of his robes,"I should probably be going. Ayemfah might just tell the new funniest joke."

2013-12-28, 12:54 AM
"Ah, hubris," Ayemfah sighed comfortably as he laid his head upon his legs, "have you ever heard something as hilarious as one man with an abundance of it? They say things that make them sound important to themselves... look at this man, people of Irontown! You see a man who calls himself king of the lonely town! And here I thought a King must Count his blessings first before he can Duke it out with an Emperor!"

He gave another howling laugh as he rolled around on the ground once more, standing on his legs and prancing through the crowds of on-lookers who were still curious as to watch this King and a Dog talk to each other like so. When the laughter died, he re-emerged from the crowd once more, ready to continue playing with Kuang.

"King, you now call yourself, though I heard during my travels the people here were free to elect their leader from among their own pack, is that not true? Did your litter not make you leader? Or did your friend of the heavenly depths give you a newly-forged divine right to rule this iron cage before even I arrived? Or perhaps this pup is quivering with fear as I speak, for fear dulls all senses which do not immediately help one survive. Well," Ayemfah says as he looks back to the crowd, who would likely be stunned by the claim that Kuang was King, "this will be a very interesting show."

2013-12-28, 05:19 PM
Igbo Ixtilon

Madhav in Ironwall

Madhav had spent the last few days well. He was now the leader of a growing band through the city, 5 seperate small "clinic"s had been set up, marked by painting their window muntin's bright red, putting an easily visible red + on either side of their doors. At each of these clinics, people were constantly coming and going. Militiamen, wounded by stray arrows or their sword slipping, workers who had crushed their finger or toe, women whose children were sick with an unknown ailment, they all had started hearing about the buildings that could cure anyone, and they all started showing up.

Like most rumors, of course, the ones going around town were only mostly true. The clinics could cure most illnesses, and certainly anything that would be considered common in ordinary life. They each had a highly trained, divinely inspired leader and at least a score of attendants with various amounts of medical knowledge. But there were still things they couldn't do. There will illnesses even they did not know how to cure, injuries too grave for even them to fix. Madhav spent most nights fervently praying for a way to fix these, appealing to Igbo to teach him how to save everyone, and not just most.

Igbo heard him. To be honest, he had heard Madhav's prayers for several days, but had been unable to help. He had been in the Farplane, resting and recuperating from advancing the knowledge of the humans so far in so short a time, as well as the divine inspiration of Madhav. But now the time had come. It was time for Igbo to finish step one.

Igbo in Ironwall

This night, as Madhav knelt to pray, before he even had chance to mutter a single sound, Igbo appeared before him. ""Be silent, Madhav, and let your mind be at peace. I have heard your prayers, and now have the ability to answer them. I will gift to you and the Red Robes magic. Magic linked to my spirit and my blessing, so that none but those in my favor may use it. With this power, the most powerful among you will be able to fix any problem not sent by a god, if you have the energy." Igbo places his hands and Madhav, and fills him with the divine magic. Over the next few days, Igbo trains Madhav, as well as the other Red Robe leaders in Ironwall, in how to use this magic.

5 AP leftover + 4 AP from this week

5 AP to create Legendary Concept "Divine Magic". This system of magic is directly linked to the Gods that create each school. Because of this, the magic is capable of doing slightly more than most, but only someone in favor of a God may use that god's school of Divine Magic, and the spells drain their users much faster, since they are channeling divine energy (even if it is a small amount) through a mortal body. Additionally, A god may only create a school of Divine magic that is somehow related to the domains they have. A god of war could create battle magic, but not healing, and a god of medicine vice versa. Which leads me to my next act -

3 AP to create Magical Concept "Healing Magic" - a school of divine magic, these spells allow the faithful of Igbo to heal diseases, wounds, etc. The more there is to heal, the greater knowledge of the magic (and therefore, the higher up in the priesthood) you must be. Igbo has already granted this magic to Madhav and the other leaders of the Red Robes.

1 AP left.

2013-12-28, 08:23 PM
Even as Maevenia was seeking audience with Quaestus, a part of her was watching the world from on high.

Such wonderful creatures, mortals. And with such potential for guiding their own path. Such behaviour should be encouraged.

Starting AP: 2
AP from rollover: +4
Gain Domain: Freedom (Agency, Choice): -3

Granting the Fae free will: 3AP
Creating democracy: 1AP
Raising Harlan to be a rival leader: 3AP

Final AP: 3

2013-12-28, 08:32 PM
Arctus stood with his thousand cloaks inside the cave, when he felt the next surge of divine energy coming. The bountiful harvest of the alchemy he had Trenzel create was ripe, and as such, he reached into his folds of clothing, and yanked on that divine spark, encouraging it to grow. Arcane symbols flit over his form, "Alchemization surge."

Gain Domain:Magic(Alchemy) -3
2 From University
5 from Alchemy

Arctus exhaled, his coats starting to unfold,"This will not do, if I am revealed in all of my magnificence, I would annihilate IronTown in an instant, I shal use, Ten Thousand Cloaks,obscure me."

And thus, the Ten Thousand Cloaks flew from Nowhere onto his figure," My time on this world is short."

2013-12-28, 11:15 PM
The Malbolge

Nytheema cocked her head as the sounds of the howling gale blew through her sanctum, making the skulls that hung from her belt clatter. She didn't so much listen as she did feel, sensing with her deific nature the fundamental change in the magical fabric of reality. She inherently knew about divine magic, and her dark lips curled into a sneer as she considered the possibilities.

Her time alone had done little to improve her mood, but it had given her an opportunity to replenish some of her power, and it was that which she delved back into now, taking from her reserves of godly might and warping a once benevolent gift for her own ends.

"The inhabitants of the world have not yet felt my presence, but the pieces begin to move. Let my evil spread first amongst the willing degenerates of the mortal races," she spoke, waving her hand before her and weaving into creation a divine magic of her own.

"Not from the me are the generous gifts to the pathetic wretches of the world," she snarled, as if affronted by the very notion. "No. Let any who wish to wield the magic of Nytheema give gifts unto her."

Her fingers splayed, the dark goddess gave rise to her own magic: blood magic. She would do nothing to spread it through the mortals just yet, but it would be there; silent and dangerous, for any soul depraved enough to discover.

With a gentle breath she let loose her creation, and watched with curiousity to see if any would be ambitious (or mad) enough to find it.

Starting AP: 1 + 4 (rollover)

Create Magical Concept (3) - Blood Magic: a school of divine magic that works on the darkest of powers. Available to any mortal willing to discover it, it allows its wielder to curse their victims, cause mayhem and suffering, to manipulate and destroy, or to gain strength and vitality. However, nothing can be done with Blood Magic without blood; meaning that the caster must either give up their own, or find suitable victims, for every spell they would cast.

Remaining AP: 2

2013-12-29, 08:01 AM
A slow clap echoes through Nytheema's throne room. A tall man, with a blue and silver face stands in the corner of the hall. His lips are twisted with joy and rage, and his eyes are weeping, the tears shimmering in the mad light that shines out of them. A lion stands next to him, fur the color of night, with stars caught in its mane. It yawns, showing gold and silver teeth.

2013-12-29, 01:39 PM
The Malbolge

Nytheema simply watched with curious interest as her ideas took flight and spread beyond her realm, and for some time she did not react to the other figure in her presence. At length she turned to face the newcomer, gently letting Kythos' great span swing from her shoulder and come to rest upon the black floor.

"So, it is the Mad God who comes unbidden to my realm," she said softly as she began to slowly approach her visitor. Her wings curled elegantly, and as she cocked her horned head her hips swayed gently with each step. "Tell me, fae one, why would you come here?"

2013-12-29, 02:21 PM
Why should I not? I am unwanted on earth, my brethren shun my glorious madness and fear. There is nothing left for me there. My moon has been taken, my Fae have fled with me. I come to see this new-risen god and her realm. Does she hear me? Or will she turn down my preposition: to spite these gods as they have spired me. To tear down what they call civilization and leave the people of their world living in fear and misery as is their place. Do I find a goddess who will join me?

2013-12-29, 03:20 PM
The Malbolge

The dark queen mused as she stalked slowly in circles around her guest. He had presented her an interesting offer, and despite what many might think, there was an internal war within her as to what to do. The obvious choice would be to accept Obiros's word and to embark on a campaign of bloody vengeance, but Nytheema's dark heart saw another possibility: rejection. To abandon one who seeks aid, to spurn the hopes of another, these were things devoutly to be wished by her, and, as is the way in all things, to do so with a god simply magnified the potential. What might a mad god do when even the darkest of corners is denied him? Rage? Despair? Nytheema's face twisted into a sneer as she relished the thought, her deep eyes taking the measure of the fae lord and his companion.

But in the end her soul yearned for greater pain, and the suffering two such gods could unleash upon creation when their hearts set on misery and destruction was too great a temptation for her to pass upon.

"The other gods spite you, and you seek petty revenge," she cooed at last, her tone mocking and demeaning. "They took what was yours, and now you're angry with them."

She threw back her horned head and cackled into Tartarus's echoing halls.

Abruptly she snapped her head forward, no more laughter on her grim lips, and no mirth in her eyes; only a very dangerous, almost hungry look. "I don't care what you had, fae one," she spat, sparing a moment to bare her teeth and snarl at the lion. "Your grievances mean nothing to me. So be clear with me: do you wish to spread misery and pain upon our fellow gods, and the creations they hold dear?"

She took a step forward, bringing Kythos' length up, its tip pointed scant inches from Obiros's throat. She smiled, but there was no humour in it. "Because that I would be interested in..."

2013-12-29, 04:08 PM
That blade holds no fear for me, goddess,
Obiros says, his figments hands drifting through the hellish metal.
I care not for the moon. Should the god of madness cling to one object, like a child's toy? Nay. Woman, I seek vengeance for the slight to me that is order. I free man from sanity? The gods undo it. I hunt them down like the sheep they are? The gods arm them with weapons of order and logic. For this, I will go to any lengths to tear down their creation. Even gods can go mad, O queen of Malbolge. I should know. So will you join me? Will evil embrace madness? or drive it from its gates like the other fool gods? If your answer be yea, then come and join me. Together we shall cull the herd and slaughter the shepherds. But if you say nay, then shun me, and perhaps the madness will spare you. I eagerly await your answer, my dear. Farewell.
Obiros bows, his figment blowing a sarcastic kiss, which floats across the hall like a frozen laugh. Then he turns on his heel, and vanishes.

2013-12-29, 04:50 PM
The Malbolge

Simply watching the spot where Obiros vanished, Nytheema hefted Kythos to rest, once more, upon her armoured shoulder. She glanced down at the skulls which ringed her hips, and cocked her head, as though seeing them for the first time. She considered them until, at length, she reached down and lifted one chain, the skulls upon it clattering softly. Her eyes bore deep into the empty black sockets that sat atop the jagged teeth in the thinly cracked bone, as she contemplated her first children.

No one would ever know their name, for she had given them none. Only anger. Hate. Violence. And death.

Her first blessing to her creations was suffering and oblivion. Never again would their soulless eyes burn with fury, nor their savage claws grip tight the barren and brutal landscape that was her Malbolge.

With a deft tightening of her claw Nytheema shattered the skull.

At first the only sound was that of the chain falling back and settling with the others that hung from her belt like a skirt. Then there was the soft sound of a muffled choke, but even the will of a god couldn't contain it. She laughed. Like a scream of ice Nytheema's voice burst from her in a long, continuous laugh from between her sharp teeth. Her eyes burned brightly as her laughter brought her to her knees, her balance upkept by the aid of Kythos.

"Obiros!" she shouted between cackles. "What dark joy you bring! Go then, and spread your madness! I would rob the joy of the other gods beside you!"

Her fit subsided gradually, but her lips retained their smile. With a twist of her wrist she released the skulls from her waist, their chains falling to the floor. She whispered, "I say yea..."

The Mortal World

Satys coughed into the chill night air and gripped tightly to her cloak as she huddled closer to the meagre fire. Her health had begun to fail her since she had been sent from her village, and her constant hunger coupled with the cold nights had done nothing to help her. It was a fine thing to declare that one could live well enough with no one else, but it was quite another to try it.

Not that she'd wanted to. She'd barely made it out alive. Only the knowledge that she'd likely die anyways in the wilderness stayed the search parties from hunting her down and enacting their justice.

Satys spat at the memory, her dry lips cracking with the effort. She touched them with her hand and looked at the small spot of crimson. Without thinking she flicked the droplet of blood to the fire, where it sizzled and popped.

Biting her lip and sucking back the tiny wound, she could little but have pity for herself. She wished that things weren't so hard for her. She wished she was better able to survive in the harshness of the world. But above all she simply hated those fools and simpletons who drove her here. Even here, cold and (she was fairly certain) dying in the night, she would trade her life for vengeance.

The fire grew cool when she had nothing else to feed it, and soon there was little more than glowing coals, but Satys had long since fallen prey to her fatigue, and slept bent over in her ragged cloak.

For the first time in days, she was not awakened by a coughing fit and a throat as dry as sand.

For the first time he could remember, Kal fell out of his bed onto the floor of his hut, his throat cracked and dry. His body was wracked with coughs, and as he drew back his hand, he saw his own blood flecking his skin.

Reality Glitch
2013-12-29, 07:17 PM
It is time, the drakin are ready to expand to the stars. They have abandoned the way metal-based technology if favor of extremely advanced genetic manipulation and have created everything as a part of nature, and now they have birthed Kaiju capable of faster-than-light travel and are now taking to the stars. After expanding across their own galaxy they now begin to stretch to inter-galactic space. First stop, everywhere.5 Action Points
Advanced Concept [Biopunk] (2 AP)
Magical Concept [IG level FTL travel] (3 AP)
0 Action Points

2013-12-29, 07:49 PM
The Malbolge

Simply watching the spot where Obiros vanished, Nytheema hefted Kythos to rest, once more, upon her armoured shoulder. She glanced down at the skulls which ringed her hips, and cocked her head, as though seeing them for the first time. She considered them until, at length, she reached down and lifted one chain, the skulls upon it clattering softly. Her eyes bore deep into the empty black sockets that sat atop the jagged teeth in the thinly cracked bone, as she contemplated her first children.

No one would ever know their name, for she had given them none. Only anger. Hate. Violence. And death.

Her first blessing to her creations was suffering and oblivion. Never again would their soulless eyes burn with fury, nor their savage claws grip tight the barren and brutal landscape that was her Malbolge.

With a deft tightening of her claw Nytheema shattered the skull.

At first the only sound was that of the chain falling back and settling with the others that hung from her belt like a skirt. Then there was the soft sound of a muffled choke, but even the will of a god couldn't contain it. She laughed. Like a scream of ice Nytheema's voice burst from her in a long, continuous laugh from between her sharp teeth. Her eyes burned brightly as her laughter brought her to her knees, her balance upkept by the aid of Kythos.

"Obiros!" she shouted between cackle. "What dark joy you bring! Go then, and spread your madness! I would rob the joy of the other gods beside you!"

Her fit subsided gradually, but her lips retained their smile. With a twist of her wrist she released the skulls from her waist, their chains falling to the floor. She whispered, "I say yea..."

Obiros's laughter mingled with that of the Queen of Evil, and the Malbloge quaked and shook. A single leap of his lion took him to the twisted gates of Tartarus, the Master of the Hunt on his stag following.

Hail, God!
He called out through his tears and laughter, light dancing in his eyes, a glass of Bloodwine at his twisted lips, held there by a nymph.
Are the gates open to the Faery King?

2013-12-29, 08:23 PM
When the Dragon Goddess was created, a second manifestation of her appeared. The form was humanoid in very dagonic looking plate-mail. A sheathed fullblade was on her back. Where she was, however, wasn't anything of note save for the lack of anything, at least not yet anyway. Then, all of sudden, terrain started to appear. Fields of grass, forests filled with trees, tall mountains, vast seas, beautifully built cities, the list goes on. It was a good place to be, but the best hadn't come.

It's good natured inhabitants then appeared. They all appeared similar in physique, but different in lifestyle, tastes, and abilities. They are beautiful, winged humanoids with powerful abilities.

Some were dedicated to helping others. They had powerful spell-like abilities of helping others. They were very charismatic, able to defuse arguments the moment they erupt. They were the peacekeepers.

Some were dedicated to hunting evil where it showed it's ugly head. They could track down evil with ease with their 6th sense. If one of the Darkhunters was after you, plead for mercy.

Some took joy in battle as much as Ethidras and had talent with martial powers. These were the all-female Valkyries who multiplied when their blood touched the ground and the flowers that grew weren't harvested for very potent medicine. They inhabited Ethidras's section of this paradise, called Alzaragan, where those who died rise the next day, making the horrors of war nonexistent there.

Ethidras stood on a hill as she looked upon her creation. She then spoke out with a divine voice. "For all the dead that have a just heart, you will be rewarded in Heaven. Here the Angels will serve you and be your companions and you will find your greatest desires. Here you will be for all eternity for you just reward. All just Gods may alter a section of Heaven as they see fit."

-5 AP Heaven (Every good god may alter a section of Heaven as they see fit)
-5 AP Angels (there are others that I didn't mention)
-5 AP Decree

4 remaining

2013-12-30, 12:49 PM
The Malbolge

The black gates of Tartarus reached high from the blighted ground, their looming double doors irregular and twisted up their length, with the dark metal warped and twisted so as to resemble a great field of screaming faces trapped in the cold iron and bone. For a while there was nothing, just the howling wind of the Malbolge, and the towering inscription written upon Tartarus's sides, stretching into the far reaches of the realm of suffering.

With a scream of tortured metal the twin doors shifted and swung slowly open before Obiros and his companion, the dark stairs within climbing up into the gloom.

2013-12-31, 03:40 PM
When the Dragon Goddess was created, a second manifestation of her appeared. The form was humanoid in very dagonic looking plate-mail. A sheathed fullblade was on her back. Where she was, however, wasn't anything of note save for the lack of anything, at least not yet anyway. Then, all of sudden, terrain started to appear. Fields of grass, forests filled with trees, tall mountains, vast seas, beautifully built cities, the list goes on. It was a good place to be, but the best hadn't come.

It's good natured inhabitants then appeared. They all appeared similar in physique, but different in lifestyle, tastes, and abilities. They are beautiful, winged humanoids with powerful abilities.

Some were dedicated to helping others. They had powerful spell-like abilities of helping others. They were very charismatic, able to defuse arguments the moment they erupt. They were the peacekeepers.

Some were dedicated to hunting evil where it showed it's ugly head. They could track down evil with ease with their 6th sense. If one of the Darkhunters was after you, plead for mercy.

Some took joy in battle as much as Ethidras and had talent with martial powers. These were the all-female Valkyries who multiplied when their blood touched the ground and the flowers that grew weren't harvested for very potent medicine. They inhabited Ethidras's section of this paradise, called Alzaragan, where those who died rise the next day, making the horrors of war nonexistent there.

Ethidras stood on a hill as she looked upon her creation. She then spoke out with a divine voice. "For all the dead that have a just heart, you will be rewarded in Heaven. Here the Angels will serve you and be your companions and you will find your greatest desires. Here you will be for all eternity for you just reward. All just Gods may alter a section of Heaven as they see fit."

-5 AP Heaven (Every good god may alter a section of Heaven as they see fit)
-5 AP Angels (there are others that I didn't mention)
-5 AP Decree

4 remaining

Standing behind the knightly figure, the Dicelord stood floating in place, arms crossed, just looking on as events unfolded. Eventually the giant eye grew tired, and so he did the first thing to cross his mind.
He tapped the new deity on the shoulder.

"Sooo... Seeing as you came from dear Historia, who doesn't look like will be getting up for a while, then what should I call you? Daughter? Niece? Or just your name? Speaking of, Rodmanius, Lord of the Dice, nice to meet you." - said the giant eye, fitting his top hat properly before stretching a hand for a proper handshake.

2013-12-31, 04:30 PM

"You dare speak to me of hubris? You who think you can just waltz in here and question my values, of those of the people of this sanctuary? No, you are the dog of hubris, strutting about and believing all your fancy talk means something. It doesn't. In the end, I'll have far more meaning to this world than you will."

The people of the town looked frightened, as usual, and scurried away from the shouting dog. When people are kept in confinement they tend to only trust those that are imprisoned with them, tribes favor like-with-like, spots-with-spots, stripes-with-stripes. Was this dog-thing making fun of their town, what did he mean by lonely? They may not be as strong as the Conquering Army, but they had worked hard here, etched out an existence in the stone of the world. The loyal people of Irontown booed the mutt of hubris as he slandered their beloved Dear Leader, and some even went so far as to throw a rock or sheep-pie or two.

"I was elected... but do you really think these people will turn on me now, after all that's happened, no matter what I call myself? I'm the first elected official there is, do you not think others have called me 'King' before, out of a lack of vocabulary? They are leashed to me.. they trust in me.. and they know what happens to those that defy Qulan Qai. They have little choice. Who are you to come here and question what we've built- together? You admitted that you came straight from Qulan Qai's camp in front of all these people and now you slander me? You are obviously an agent of Qulan Qai yourself! Don't think my guards haven't told me of those beasts that wear a face like yours and march in his army. You think these people are all morons, don't you? That arrogance of yours tells it all. Speak to me of hubris, of knowing my place, and then strut as you do. These people aren't stupid, and they won't be swayed by an agent of the barbarian. Know your place. Get out. My guards will show you the way."


The rolling behemoth that towered above the landscape came rolling from the depths of the cavern. It was true that it, as Ayemfah had pointed out, was completely alien and unnatural compared to the formerly forested surroundings much like this town was. What was it that spawned such a thing in this time period? Was it true that the world wasn't ready for this..

The people of Irontown were quite simply surprised to see Friend again at the mouth of the cave. Some took this to mean it was truly the end. The eyes rotated and focused on different squishy things below before zooming in on the god Arctus. It was true- this "Friend" did exist.

"Friend is here to assist you."

The machine spoke, by way of greeting. It seemed to blink, for lack of a better word, at the sunlight outside. It dropped what appeared to be a "toy" made from a dead Cerebran covered in bits of metal. It seemed as if the forgetful god had simply forgotten it had brought it along. Somebody screamed. As it struck the ground the machines head twisted abnormally fast to look at the impact, his eyes zooming in. It watched this for a long time.

The people of the town, shocked but, presumably not wanting the same fate for themselves, continued along their way after a bit. For what was there to do? This wall was their cage, true, but with an army at your gates a prison is of great protection. And they were devoted to Friend and Kuang. The fear of them was there, true, and it helped keep some in line but the true power was devotion. They loved Friend because they were told to love Friend every day. It feed them and give them everything and wasn't nearly as bad as Qulan Qai, so they were told. So, in a way, Qulan Qai was Friends greatest helper.

"Friend knows that silly squishy things are delicate. Friend will remove this flaw." It offered as a way of explanation. "Friend knows you are a god-thing, it's sensors are adapt at detecting such things. Friend wonders aloud why it has waited so long. Friend had to discover it's purpose alone; it waited but others like it never came. Friend can see that many god-things have come to it's great city. Friend is pleased. Fried made them come. Friend informs you that you are the first to approach Friend. Friend considers bad manners a great sin. Friend has done it's duty to protect with it's wall. Friend does not concern itself with what happens inside the walls, they are protected. Friend is programmed for peace."

AP: 8

2013-12-31, 05:51 PM
The Historia that was a bird drifted lower and lower and lower, unconsciously attracted to the depths of creation.

There was someone to meet here.

2013-12-31, 08:49 PM
Arctus nodded, even his ten thousand layers didn't obscure that, his lips curled into a wry smile,"I am Arctus, Friend. I'm starting to think your little experiment is coming to an end, which is unfortunate, since my Agent could've used Irontown's cooperation. Still, I don't see your obsession with peace, peace is war. Any other peace is death."

2013-12-31, 10:05 PM
Igbo Interrupts the Dice Lord.

Igbo sensed that his sister's father was on the mortal plane, along with another he felt... connected too. Related to, somehow. He left Ironwall for a brief meeting, appearing behind the Lord of Dice.

"Greetings... Rodmanius, correct? I believe the Cerebran's referred to you as Lord of Dice. I am your son, created by your daughter Historia when she desired a brother." He bows deeply. "I am called Igbo Ixtilon." He turns to the Goddess also with them. "And you, I feel... somehow we are related. We have the same creator, yes? You too were spawned by Historia."

2014-01-01, 12:06 AM
Standing behind the knightly figure, the Dicelord stood floating in place, arms crossed, just looking on as events unfolded. Eventually the giant eye grew tired, and so he did the first thing to cross his mind.
He tapped the new deity on the shoulder.

"Sooo... Seeing as you came from dear Historia, who doesn't look like will be getting up for a while, then what should I call you? Daughter? Niece? Or just your name? Speaking of, Rodmanius, Lord of the Dice, nice to meet you." - said the giant eye, fitting his top hat properly before stretching a hand for a proper handshake.

Igbo Interrupts the Dice Lord.

Igbo sensed that his sister's father was on the mortal plane, along with another he felt... connected too. Related to, somehow. He left Ironwall for a brief meeting, appearing behind the Lord of Dice.

"Greetings... Rodmanius, correct? I believe the Cerebran's referred to you as Lord of Dice. I am your son, created by your daughter Historia when she desired a brother." He bows deeply. "I am called Igbo Ixtilon." He turns to the Goddess also with them. "And you, I feel... somehow we are related. We have the same creator, yes? You too were spawned by Historia."

The Goddess appears confused. "I am not you you think I am, although my story is quite similar. I was brought in by the deity that shouldn't have existed. The Reality Glitch made me when he sought a sister. My... I guess you can say mother, is the Mother of Monsters. I am Ethidras, the Dragon of Freedom."

2014-01-01, 12:14 AM

"Friend does not compute; peace is death? Friend computing; peace is death." The machine-thing chirped, it's inside circuits buzzing with this new information. "Friend query; if peace is war, what good can Friend do? Friend admits that within its own town certain unpleasantries take place, but they are under protection. Friend wonders if mortal nature is simply to head forward to death despite it's efforts."

"Friend speaks, all listen. Friend is friend to all, but these people are not your friend. Friend cordially invites you to show them true peace. Friend wants you to know that these people want to break you until you're non-functionual. Friend advises... Always caution and peace."

Some of the Cerebrans clutched their heads in pain as information was forcibly downloaded into them. This wasn't a very rare occurrence, but it was dreaded by all residents of the insular community. Friend knew it was disliked by the squishy things and preferred to use other means but considered this important. The machine had looked into ways to make the mortals more receptive to this method with not much positive effect. These recipients would go on to write these things down as they had been instructed with all else the machine god imparted.

AP: 8

Magic Concept (Metal Magic): A system of divine magic imparted early on by Friend, the ritual to become a Magnetic One is passed down from one to another. But once you become one you can impart the ritual to any other, although it is quite draining to spread Friend's essence. This basically allows the user to become Magneto; they can fly if they are wearing any type of metal, they can remotely control and move any type of metal, they can summon armor and swords, and powerful users can even control the electro-magnetic spectrum around the Earth itself.

AP: 5

2014-01-01, 01:37 AM
The Goddess appears confused. "I am not you you think I am, although my story is quite similar. I was brought in by the deity that shouldn't have existed. The Reality Glitch made me when he sought a sister. My... I guess you can say mother, is the Mother of Monsters. I am Ethidras, the Dragon of Freedom."

"Whoops! I'm sorry then, looks like I had a slip of the ol' think tank. Regardless, it's a pleasure to meet you." - said the Dicelord, holding his hand out, still waiting for that handshake.

Igbo Interrupts the Dice Lord.

Igbo sensed that his sister's father was on the mortal plane, along with another he felt... connected too. Related to, somehow. He left Ironwall for a brief meeting, appearing behind the Lord of Dice.

"Greetings... Rodmanius, correct? I believe the Cerebran's referred to you as Lord of Dice. I am your son, created by your daughter Historia when she desired a brother." He bows deeply. "I am called Igbo Ixtilon." He turns to the Goddess also with them. "And you, I feel... somehow we are related. We have the same creator, yes? You too were spawned by Historia."

"So, the two of you were created by another deity's desire to have a sibling? Yet I created Historia by accident when I rolled a (SICK AWESOME) 30... Looks to me like the dice wished for all you new Gods to pop up regardless of circumstances then." - he said, his eye body allowing him to look into the Farplane his daughter had created.

Mortals were doing their stuff, reliving memories, being played with, in a good way, by his Dreamweavers. The righteous ones were even being taken to a special place called "Heaven" to live peacefully. And through it all, he could still feel sadness in them. Regret for things they could never tell those they left behind. The Dicelord quickly thought up a solution to that problem. With a roll of the dice, he set his plan into motion.


The Chucklefuxius Maximus that was Rodmanius began by changing a portion of the land, altering it to be a natural sanctuary to those who came to it. It's insides a majestic heaven for all those who visited. A fortress of rock, with great cliff walls surrounding it, and a cavern serving as the entrance. Unfortunately, this idea of making a "natural fortress" went a bit out of hand, making the passes and trails that led up to this location, treacherous and deadly to those not ready for adventuring, with traps, rockslides and lava pits waiting at every turn. Furthermore, it being built into the side of a mountain, as well as the walls being as they were, made the place look evil as all ****.

For those who managed to make it through, however, waited a reward promised to them by the Lord of the Dice himself. A chance for the living to speak to the dead, and vice versa.

AP = 0
Rollover AP = 5
AP = 5
Alter Land = 1
Blessing: Land of Solitude = 1; Should a dead soul wish to speak to a mortal, be it a loved one they left behind, an enemy, or just a random person, the Dreamweavers will let that person via their dreams. That person, should he choose to talk to the dead, must then make a journey to the ñand of the dead where he will be able to meet the restless soul. Likewise, if a living person should want to speak to a dead person, they'd have to make the journey, ask one of the Dreamweavers there to please try to get the specific soul to that place, and if the dead one accepted, they'd soon meet to talk. At this time, this is the only location in the world where the living and the dead can meet peacefully and interact without trouble.
AP = 3

Yes... it was complete. And through this action, the Dicelord felt a stronger connection to all dead mortals.

AP = 3
Gain Domain: Mortals(Dead) = 3
Cosmic Decree for Mortal Reincarnation was 5 AP
Alter Land and Blessing were 2 AP put together.
In total, 7 AP.
AP = 0

2014-01-01, 02:26 AM
Ethidras shakes his hand. "Pleasure to meet you." She turns to the fields of Alzaragan. She watches sparks fly, blood spill, and corpses fall. "At first glance this might be the the only place that isn't paradise for someone, but really, it takes the horror from battle by bringing everyone back to life the next day. If it wasn't for the fact that I'd kick all of their asses, I'd join in. I guess that is the problem with being a goddess; I can't interact with mortals on their level." She then notices a sword falling to the ground and sinking into the dirt. She looks up to see where it came from, only to see the corpse of a Valkyrie fall on top of her. She collapses to the ground with it on her.

2014-01-01, 03:37 AM
If Rodmanius had a mouth, it would probably show a smile going from one corner to the next. Yet even without a mouth, he managed to let out a "PFFFFFT!" and a hearty laugh.

2014-01-01, 01:19 PM
Ethidras could not believe what just happened, but still seemed to have a smile on her face; she found it funny as well. What just happened was just pure bad luck. She overhears laughing from not just Rodmanius, but another source as well. It was feminine and coming from above. Ethidras looked up and, as she thought, saw that the source of the laughter was another Valkyrie. She was fully armored in full plate,armed with two bastard swords, and covered in blood, hers and her deceased opponents. Ethidras rolled the corpse off with ease and stood up as the Valkyrie landed. "I have no idea what the odds are, but apparently it's low enough for it to happen to you, my Lady. Sorry about that." she says while laughing. The Valkyrie looks at the corpse. "She was good. Kept parrying and riposting my attacks with that Greatsword. That takes speed and strength. Made a very fun fight." Ethidras smiled. "Good, I want all of my Valkyries to enjoy their battles here." The Valkyrie looked up, but then noticed the other two gods "Oh, didn't see you there. Name's Hallian Warblade." Hallian retrieves her opponents blade and placed it on her corpse. She bows her head in respect.

2014-01-01, 01:45 PM
"War leads to peace, peace leads to war. The cycle lacks an end state, and if your people attempt to break me, they will break my seals first. If you want to throw them into my Prismatic Array, I can not guarantee their safety," Arctus raised a hand,"Peace without war, is a false peace."

2014-01-01, 07:04 PM
"Oh, I wouldn't say that."

A beam of starlight descended from the heavens and coalesced into a female form. Her ears were pointed and her face bore unearthly beauty. She wore a dress woven from the night sky.

"Peace can be self-sustaining, if people want it enough. I don't know why you would, though - war is far more interesting. Without strife and opposition, mortals would never grow. It's so exciting to watch them overcome their problems, and become stronger in the process! If you just give them everything for free, they'll never learn."

2014-01-01, 08:09 PM
"Yeah, pretty pink princess here has a point." - said a resounding voice before a giant eye opened from nowhere, revealing the Dicelord's form. Or rather, a shard of him.

"There really are few things quite like a proper WAAAA-*ahem*, war. After all, men and women fighting on the battlefields, giving their all, tides can change at any moment. Heroes can rise and fall. Fortune can abandon a superior force and concede victory to the underdog. Really now, war is just about the most fun that can be had with you mortals." - said the giant eye, rolling his dice once more.


And with that roll, everyone present got... a hat! What kind of hat? I don't know, just a hat. A random hat. It landed 15, it's right in the center. So pleb hats for everyone!

Ethidras could not believe what just happened, but still seemed to have a smile on her face; she found it funny as well. What just happened was just pure bad luck. She overhears laughing from not just Rodmanius, but another source as well. It was feminine and coming from above. Ethidras looked up and, as she thought, saw that the source of the laughter was another Valkyrie. She was fully armored in full plate,armed with two bastard swords, and covered in blood, hers and her deceased opponents. Ethidras rolled the corpse off with ease and stood up as the Valkyrie landed. "I have no idea what the odds are, but apparently it's low enough for it to happen to you, my Lady. Sorry about that." she says while laughing. The Valkyrie looks at the corpse. "She was good. Kept parrying and riposting my attacks with that Greatsword. That takes speed and strength. Made a very fun fight." Ethidras smiled. "Good, I want all of my Valkyries to enjoy their battles here." The Valkyrie looked up, but then noticed the other two gods "Oh, didn't see you there. Name's Hallian Warblade." Hallian retrieves her opponents blade and placed it on her corpse. She bows her head in respect.

"Good day to you Hallian. So, kicking ass and taking names I see. Say... would you guys mind if I invited some friends to your party? Not so much to join in the fight, but rather to make the whole thing more... interesting."

2014-01-01, 09:19 PM
Hallian looked at Ethidras. "It's your call, my Lady." Ethidras then replied. "Alright then, but If I don't want them here, they go. Understand."

2014-01-01, 09:40 PM
"I understand. Excellent!" - he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. With a *pop* sound, around a dozen Dreamweaver Arengees appeared before them.

"You called, my Lord?" - one of them asked, its golden-eye form looking around.

"Yes I did. These guys are having themselves a fight over in that field. I want you to go there, choose one or another warrior, and roll for them. Whomever ends up bringing the greatest fortune to their warrior gets sent on vacation to Sagev Sal. And by "vacation", I mean "finding a good spot for me to build my casino". And then a real vacation. Now go!"

As one, the group of Dreamweavers departed towards the battlefield to randomly pick someone to roll for. Some decided to be bold and go for scrawny-looking warriors. Others decided to be cheeky bastards and just roll for the Valkyries. However, those chosen would immediately notice either an increase or decrease in their abilities, as the Dreamweaver Arengees manipulated their fortunes, throwing skill out the window and letting luck take over.

2014-01-01, 09:56 PM
Ethidras watched as the battle lost skill. Luckily for Hallian, she was still bandaging her wounds. Both of the watched horrible misfortunes, like tripping and falling on their blades to bullcrap fortunes such as a missed javelin throw getting blown by the wind to the other opponent's head. Ethidras looked at the dicelord. "I want them out." she bellowed.

2014-01-01, 09:57 PM
Quaestus was pleased by this turn of events. The Moon was his, Obiros was dealt with, and Qulan had exceeded expectations. As the Fae King departed screaming, the Merchant God was already addressing his chosen. The deity's words bloomed in the mortals mind, seemingly without sound or origin.

"You have done well, mortal. I could feel the power emanating from you during that battle, like heat from a broiling furnace. You stand on the precipice of great things- power beyond imagining. Immortality is in your grasp, if you heed my words."

The God conjured visions of Qulan's past conquests, and victories yet to come. Empires formed, shattered, and conquered. Hundreds of thousands laid dead- but after would come a period of peace and prosperity the likes of which his race had never seen.

And then came Qulan himself, lording above them all as their Khan, his position chosen by their God and enforced by his might.

"I know you have been visited by... other entities. I know not their form, nor their bargains, but I can see their gifts, within and without. I leave such matters to your own judgement, but heed my warning: gods are dangerous beings, and their intentions for you are often impure. I see in you the capability to abandon your mortal coil and grace the ranks of Creation. Do not ruin your potential by becoming a mere deific thrall."

The God paused, letting his words sink in for a few moments.

"I have something for you. A helmet. It will focus your senses, and open your eyes to the world around you. Take it, and stay your course. I will come to you with directions in the future."

The mortal opened his mouth, to try and speak. Quaestus knew he had nothing of worth to say, for now. With the crack of blue light and rush of displaced air, the mortal was gone, back to the battlefield.


Qulan - The Siege of Irontown

Qulan dropped to his knees in the midst of his guardians. They had abandoned their defensive posture after the threat of their own countrymen's madness had ended, and instead took to searching for their lost Khan.

Toghrul helped Qulan to his feet, noticing a new helmet resting upon his head, made of a metal he couldn't recognize. 'Khan, what happened?' He asked, eyes wide. In his mind, he had failed in his duty to keep his liege lord safe.

Qulan sighed, brushing off his leggings as he turned to address his guardians and life-long friend. He told them the story of the battle with Obiros and the words of Quaestus.

In the weeks and months after the Siege, the story of his godlike escapades spread across the Khaganate like wildfire, and among the architects of creation themselves- the Gods.

That, however, would come later- he would have to organize his army and actually win the day, first. The Khan opened his mouth to bellow orders to his men, when he was impacted by a ton of new sensory information. Suddenly... suddenly he could see like a bird. Above the battlefield. He saw squads and formations and siege weapons arrayed around Irontown. As he tried to speak, his words seemed to echo in the minds of those he commanded- suddenly he could issue orders to men half a mile away.

Grinning behind the visor of the helmet, Qulan prepared to go to war.


Quaestus, Dealing with Maevenia

The Exalted Merchant quirked an eyebrow as he considered the goddess's words. Truth by told, he cared not for the moon or its inhabitants- its seizure was simply meant to teach the fool fae god a lesson. That said, maybe he could get something out of it. He smiled at the relatively new deity.

"They are welcome to remain on the Moon. Their creator's crimes are not their own, and it would be thievery just as blatant to remove their home. But keep in mind the kindness I have done you and these fae in the future."

Starting AP: 6
Last weekends rollover: +5 AP
Create Legend - Qulan Qai: -5 AP
Create Artifact - The Helmet of Command, gives its wielder enhanced senses in personal combat. If the person wielding it is commanding an army, it allows them to perceive the battlefield from a birds-eye-view, and to telepathically issue orders to all those under their command, much like an RTS! Ultimately this comes out to +1 to RCR. -3 AP

Remaining AP: 3

2014-01-01, 10:14 PM
Ethidras watched as the battle lost skill. Luckily for Hallian, she was still bandaging her wounds. Both of the watched horrible misfortunes, like tripping and falling on their blades to bullcrap fortunes such as a missed javelin throw getting blown by the wind to the other opponent's head. Ethidras looked at the dicelord. "I want them out." she bellowed.

The Dicelord shrugged and shook its form in disappointment. With a snap of his fingers, he recalled his servants.

"Alright boys and girls, playtime's over. No fun allowed, apparently."

"Awwww... but my Lord, what about Sagev Sal?" - asked one of the golden eyes.

"I'll handle that myself. You should all return to the the Farplane though. I believe Qulan Qai is about to unleash his fury, and the dead will need some guiding to the Farplane to rest until they can be reincarnated."

And with that, the children of the Dicelord left.

"Well, that was a disappointment."

Wonper Sentcrit could feel the tides of war coming. Battle was coming soon, and his master was more than ready for it.
"Master, if you should need help, remember that I am here to do just that." - mentioned the Arengee, still residing at the back of the Khan's mind.

2014-01-01, 10:35 PM
RNG =/= 1337 ski11s

"Battle is a deadly competition of skill. Take away permanent death and you have the perfect sport, but take away the skill and you might as well be rolling dice and see who got the higher number." Hallian nods in agreeance.

I guess it's patch day.

Ethidras watched as the Reality Glitch disappeared. She immediately left to look for him, but found herself lost. She could not find him anywhere. "I guess he is gone now." Ethidras said solemnly. She noticed some sort of dragon like creatures created by the Reality Glitch. She noticed flaws among them. She decided to fix, improve, and relocate them. They appeared in the closest uninhabited land near a strange town of iron. "I feel that cries of freedom will come soon from that land if we don't help them. I want military forces ready to move. In the meantime, I'll see what is going on." with that closing command, Ethidras flew to Irontown to see what was going on.

-1 Ap: alter to Dragons (I'll get on that description soon)

2014-01-02, 01:19 AM
They had called him mad! Not that they had been wrong of course, he had been one of the victims of the mysterious madness plague, but he was better now honest. He'd barely slept science recovering of course but that was fine. Fine and normal. Sleep was for the uninspired after all.

The others like him, they knew what it was like The Madness had left a part of itself behind when it went. They'd taken to meeting here at night in his cellar its not like they had anyone else to talk to, no one else understood, not even others who had been mad. He had even heard talk just the other day of "standardized parts" in the name of efficiency! and they called him mad!

God Party
Although Rhilko was quite pleased with his hat, it was red and pointy,he felt the time had come to interject here. "You say that war is interesting, that without war what is the point, you may as well be dead but with war you may actually be dead. I think the people here would agree that the walls and dullness are a small price to pay for avoiding death." The Iron Towners around Rhilko started nodding. After all, the iron cage kept the danger out as much as it kept them in, and the ones who really wanted to leave already had.

AP=9+8 (rollover x2)=17

-2 Form Order (mad scientists)
-3 Promote Leader (Murow, mad genius extraordinar)
-2 Advanced Concept (interchangeable parts)
-2 Advanced Concept (assembly line)


2014-01-02, 08:57 AM
"Rhilko, it isn't about the idea of being safe, it's about finding fertile ground for new ideas. I see your mad scientists are being oppressed by the mere state of mind around them, I offer them a safe haven, so they don't have to meet in secret. The University. The Philosopher Baron would welcome your mad men," Arctus loosened a glove on his hand, causing a ray of light to shoot at the ground. The cobble stones shifted into a model of the Library of Trenzel.

"The Library is the greatest repository of knowledge on this plane. The University surrounds it, which could serve as the breeding ground for new ideas. With Trenzel's Alchemy and Murow's mass production, nothing could stand in their way."

2014-01-02, 07:30 PM
"Ohoho, nothing could stand in their way, hmm? That sounds like a challenge. I would be very interested to see what resistance could be mustered to such a force."

2014-01-03, 02:43 PM
Hologram of Friend

There was indeed someone there to meet the goddess of mind and memory, it was the hologram of Friend, lost in these tunnels. The image shuddered before stopping and regarding the god-thing, and it was pretty sure it hadn't encountered something like it before. Especially not in the tunnels. You couldn't fly here.

"Friend is here to assist you?" It offered as a way of greeting, it was never really sure why. Sure it followed it's programming but, in truth, the robot was severely damaged in it's core. It could barely remember any of it's past, much like the whys and hows of peace and protection. Which is why it was so very odd to encounter one that remembered everything, even if it was a bird.

True Friend

"Friend is not programmed for false peace, Friend is programmed to establish peace." The machine tried to explain to the simple squishy thing. It would work because Friend was programmed for it to work. The people around them had long since abandoned trying to make heads or tails of the gods conversation- it was obviously too advanced for them. Mortals were limited in so many ways.

"Friend is here to assist you." It spoke to the new god-thing whom came cloaked in the dark of the night sky above. "Friend query: why make mortals stronger? Friend addendum: why not create mortals that are already stronger, eliminating the need for growth?"

"Friend understands that fun and peace must mutually exclusive." The robot chirped in response to the Dicelord. It barely acknowledged it's new party hat, simply choosing to appear ridiculous with the hat sitting crookedly on the head of Friend's massive form.

Friend later simply watched Rhilko as his creation made some good points, but didn't want to step on it's toes. It may have had thoughts as to where it's creation had gone to, but it simply observed for now. It's programming jiggled oddly inside and surged up, irritated for some reason at Rhilko being so independent. Unless these words it spoke were pre-programmed by Friend. Yes, that was true, it did agree to this line of thought.

"Friend assures you the iron cage is the best solution for peace."

The machine rolled forward with a jerk as Arctus opened his portal, it's eyes wide with.. whatever machines had instead of emotions. "Friend recommends no one leave. Friend assures you it is safe here. Friend suggests that this portal is a trap; it will likely destroy you. Friend reminds you to trust only in Friend."

The Wall

"He's on the move!" A guard from the wall yelled, and a collaborating yell came from further down. The wall was on at full power, and now they could only trust in Friend. The lights in the town flickered annoyingly as each Lightning Gun they had was plugged in along with the electricity wall.

The gunners and crossbowmen would likely aim for the largest concentration of soldiers, although after they see Siege Weaponry in action the Lightning Gunners will likely change targets and aim for those. Several Magnetic Men also stand on the wall ready to defend it. They'll use their divine magic to control swords and weapons on the ground and fight remotely with the army until they get closer.

2014-01-03, 05:42 PM
Grimnoir- the creation of a god
Grimnoir came from Obiros and looked down upon the earth. he removed his cigar and a puff of smoke bellowed out of is thin lipped smile. a red snake's head came from the smoke, Sin, by name, "So much to throw the chains of Sin onto" he said in a low strong voice, another snake's head popped out of Grimnoir's mouth, a Gold snake, its name was Crime "yes, and so much to steal, so much to kill" he said in a shrill greedy voice. Grimnoir's eye turned to Irontown and Qulan's army "That" he said pointing at Irontown "shall be a great city one day."

2014-01-03, 09:15 PM
Midnight on the Eve of the Siege on Iron Town

Harlan opened his eyes.

Starlight dripped off the new Champion like hot wax, puddling below him in a pool of unearthly radiance. Wiping at his eyes, the chief miner of Iron Town, stumbled forwards blindly, leaving behind a trail of silvery, glittering footsteps that misted gently in his wake.

"Lady?" he asked quietly.

No answer.

Strong, callused hands groped awkwardly for the wall, knocking down a candlestick with a jangling crash. With barely a thought he snuffed the flame, heel of his foot finding the wick with unnerving precision.

"Lady?" he asked again.

Slowly, the starlight faded and then he was alone.

He turned his head. Someone was pounding on the door. With a feeling of deep foreboding he opened it, Kestrel, Warrick's son, was there, panting in exertion. Just a boy, he ran errands for the miners, delivering mail and the occasional meal. Gulping for breath, the boy stood in his doorway mouth moving soundlessly.

Harlan touched him on the shoulder and the boy shot bolt upright.

"There are monsters in the Tunnels and the Chief Supervisor wants to collapse Thirteen," he said, in a rush. He took a deep, surprised breath before looking up, eyes wide and beseeching: "Please, Chief, my dad had shift in there and-"

Harlan was already running.


Power thrummed through him. Bones that should have creaked and groaned with every step felt stronger and firmer than ever. Muscles weary after a five shift day burst with vitality.

He felt years younger.

He should enjoy it while it lasted. Friend would kill him after all this was over, he was sure.

The entrance to the mines were a mess of milling miners and scattered wall guards clutching their stormbows, the magical, electrified crossbows that Friend had bestowed upon the city. None seemed to have any idea of what to do.

Neither did he, but they didn't need to know that.

"UH-TEN-SHUN!" he roared. The sound raced through the air like a living thing, startling everyone into a semblance of order. "REPORT TO YOUR SUPERVISORS. ON THE DOUBLE!"

Miners broke off into scraggly groups, as did the wall guards. He brushed past them, gaining men as his own group of men flocked towards him.

"What's going on?" he asked, every stride radiating confidence he didn't feel. At the entrance to the mines he picked up a pickaxe from the rack, frowning at the heft of it. It seemed lighter than usual. His men followed suit.

"We got monsters, Chief," Farnel said grimly as they walked in, glowstones lighting the path. Others chimed in, faster than he could tell who was speaking so he waved them off. Surprisingly, they actually shushed. He looked back at them, and found himself confronted with worried, anxious faces. Farnel continued. "Somethin' from deep below, fast, strong. They eat metal, maybe. Glad we have the glowstones, most of the power's out in Tunnels ten and up. Generators three through five are blown. Supervisor Tarkin's talking about shutting the monsters down at the source in Thirteen.'"

"Damn," Harlan said softly.

"Yeah. Three work crews in Thirteen, last I heard." He shook his head. "Hell of a time, eh Chief?"

He thought of the Lady. Frowned.

"Let's go talk to the Chief Supervisor," he said instead.


The Chief Supervisor was in her office, pouring over her maps, white hair tied in a severe bun behind her head. Yellowed paper stuck out all over her desk. He closed the door with a click.

"Out," she snapped.

"Tarkin," he asked, "what do you think you're doing?"

"What do I think?" The old miner didn't bother to looked up from her charts, mouth contorted in disgust as if they were twenty years younger apiece and he had just failed a basic problem of proportions. "Chief Miner, I do not do anything so frivolous as think. I do what we do when we find a pocket of bad air: collapse the tunnel. Now leave me be, the damn things have already eaten through the usual mechanism."

Harlan was shaking his head.

"No," Harlan said. In two strides he had reached the Chief Supervisor, one burly hand reaching out to grasp her by the shoulder, but she turned without the physical impetus. "Not without an evacuation you won't."

Whatever raw, animal charisma the Lady had granted him, it failed to impress the crusty old woman before him.

"I won't, will I? We are on the eve of war, Chief Miner," she spat, hand gesturing wildly, as if to encompass the city outside. "These insect abominations eat metal. What will you do when they reach walls, hmmm? What will you do when the King of Conquerors rides through, pillaging and destroying this fair city because the walls that would have protected us are so much rubble? It's not much of a life, but it's ours. I intend to keep it that way."

"All the more reason not to sacrifice men," Harlan said quietly.

She looked at him, forehead furrowed. After a moment of consideration: "You've changed."

"Hand of a goddess," he said simply.

OOC: Yeeeah, holidays, etc. I'll get back to this later.

The Mines

Harlan spun on his heel and walked out the door. He shouted at a group of miners outside. "We've got Qulan Qai coming in the front gate any time now, and we need to have this dealt with before that happens. Get some wooden spears, and catch up. We're going on a rescue mission."

The miners turned and ran to do as he said, as he strode rapidly towards the mine entrance.

He didn't have to wait long before they caught him up, carrying a bundle of spears. Under his direction, the spears were passed out, and a nervous but trusting makeshift militia followed him into the mines.

They fought their way down, heading to Shaft 13. Harlan lead the way, his spear puncturing the rust monsters' tough chitin carapaces with ease. One of the miners fell with a scream, savaged by the monsters, but with Harlan giving orders and seeming to be everywhere at once, there were very few other injuries.

The group left a trail of broken insect corpses in their wake, as they battled their way to the trapped miners. Finally, they reached the breach, and cleared a breathing space.

"Chief! Thank the gods you're here!" the head of Team Seven said, relief written over his features. He was white haired and grizzled, not far off retirement.

"Wasn't about to leave my men down here with these beasts," Harlan replied. "Just glad we got to you in time, Stefan."

"Not quite in time. It's too late for Jacob and Kealu. Not sure if Rass is gonna make it, either."

"He will, I'll make sure of it. Now, get those of you that can walk to carry those that can't, and get up to the surface fast as you can. We've cleared the tunnels, but I don't know how long they'll stay cleared."

"Gotcha, Chief. Good luck."

The miners gathered their wounded and started heading up the tunnels, Harlan's crew doing their best to hold off the swarm of monsters.

"Uh, Chief, we've got a problem. There's more of them coming through all the time, and we can't get to the collapse point. We can't stop them!"

Harlan took in the situation. To be able to collapse the tunnel, they'd have to get a lot further down it, through territory absolutely swarming with the bugs.

"Okay. Jeoff, you're in charge. Get the others back up to the surface. I'll take care of the bugs."

Before Jeoff could object, Harlan had grabbed his spear, and leapt into the fray. He thrust and stabbed and lifted and thrust again, making his way slowly down the passage.

"GO!" he yelled, and heard his men reluctantly following his orders.

He thrust.
He turned.
He stabbed.
He bled.
He jabbed.
He stumbled.

He was fighting with preternatural skill and strength, but there were too many bugs. They were wearing him down. Not fast enough, though. He reached the chokepoint that had been rigged to collapse. Sparing one glance back up the tunnel after his fleeing miners, he brought it down - trapping himself on the wrong side.

He turned to face the oncoming horde, glittering eyes filling the darkness. And, with a wordless battlecry, he charged.

God party
Maevenia suddenly looked up from the conversation, eyes trained on something only she could see.
"Oh, very well done," she smiled, her eyes filled with satisfaction. She looked at the other gods.
"If you will excuse me, my champion has just done something very brave, and very foolish, and absolutely perfect. I need to go and reward him."

She vanished in a streak of starlight.

The mines
Harlan was bleeding from a dozen places. His breath was ragged in his throat. The floor was slick with rust monster blood and his own. He had lost track of time - had it been seconds, or hours? But still he would not give up. For as long as there was breath in his body, he fought. The more of these abominations he could take with him, the better.

Then he was no longer in darkness, and the monsters were no longer attacking.

"Very well done, Harlan. You have demonstrated courage, and intelligence, and leadership. I think you've passed my little test. I believe I promised you a reward, and let it never be said that I break my word."

Harlan's world went white.

Starting AP: 3
Beget Seeker (Harlan): 2 AP
Final AP: 1

2014-01-04, 04:20 PM
AP: 1+4=5

Eve of the Seige of Irontown

Igbo, upon sensing the coming storm in Irontown, quickly moved back to the city, finding Medhav in the large infirmary that had become the center of the Red Robes. Appearing in front of his champion, Igbo began speaking almost instantly. "Quickly - gather all the top Robes and their aides. The true battle starts soon and I must finish my instructions so that you are all prepared. Medhav runs off at the orders, and within an hour, all of the leaders of the Red Robes, as well as many initiates who had nothing better to do, were gathered around Igbo as he began his instructions.

He spoke for several hours, and his charges sat enraptured, the divine presence in front of them filling their mind with even more knowledge, knowledge of the quickest ways to treat the injured in war time, how to decide and line them up, and even how to care for the animals that will also be injured during the battle.

2 AP: Create Advanced Concept - Triage. More than just medical knowledge, Triage is the ability to judge an injury, rank it in order of severity, then insure that your patients are taken to help in that order, and the doctors know what is wrong with them before they get there. It includes medical notation on patient records, as well as the ability to create MASH like areas, where patients receive immediate treatment before being taken to a real infirmary.

1 AP: Create Basic Concept - Veternary Medicine. How to take care of animals.

2 AP left

When Igbo finishes talking, he dismissed all but the leaders of the 10 infirmaries in Ironwall. He stressed the importance of keeping their clinics open through the entire siege, as well as setting up proper stations on the walls and in the streets for Triage. Finally, he turned to Madhav. "You, however, need to find someone to put in charge of your section. I need you to pick the best 30 men the organization can spare, and meet me at the main gate in an hour."

At the Gate

Madhav was right on time, and found Igbo talking to the gatekeepers. "I am a GOD! You will open the gate for who ever I tell you to! he turns around, and spies Medhav. "And I say open it for them! NOW!" The guards, unsure of what to do but intimidated by the divine being in front of them, took only a few seconds to decide to start opening the gate, stopping when it is wide enough for two men. "Out, and quickly, so we can close it again," they tell the Red Robes, almost pushing them out of the city and coming as close to slamming the gate behind them as they could with the large piece of wood. Igbo leads the men across the No Man's Land to the Khan's army, waving a white flag. When they reach the other side, he turns to the first soldier he saw. "You there. Go and get your Khan and bring him here. Tell him that Igbo Ixtilon, God of Medicine, is here to offer aid to his army."

2014-01-05, 01:01 AM
Outside of Irontown, Observing the Beginning of the Seige
Bizkarroi was fairly pleased with the way things were turning out so far. Granted, Qulan Qai's army was suffering a minor setback or two, but this was turning out okay. Okay, so the great army of the Khan had gone slightly insane there for a bit. And the Khan himself had vanished for a bit and returned with a spiffy new helmet. But overall, things were going just perfec-


Something caught the attention of the Father of Worms. There. Yes, there. Coming out of the city. A group of people in red robes. The god's mask contorted into a grimace. These people approaching the army of Qulan Qai reeked of medicine, of healing, on the most fundamental of levels. And that was, unmistakably, a god at the front of them, doubtlessly the same one that had marked these mortals so. If Bizkarroi actually had a mouth, it would doubtlessly be filled with bile right now. The Father of Worms had scarcely begun his work, and now this upstart pup was parading his new followers about?


For the first time since he had come into being, Bizkarroi was not happy. he was, truth be told, rather miffed. But this warranted no action just yet. These red-robed shells of flesh and bone and their new patron would have their little victory here while Qulan Qai had his over the people of Irontown. Speaking of the people of Irontown, there was someone that Bizkarroi had been meaning to speak with...

The "Headquarters" of Kuang, After the Eventual Depature of Ayemfah 'Nyeh
The next time that Kuang was out of his seat and glanced back upon it, the leader of Irontown would find it occupied by a reclining figure in a robe, with a mask of opaque, cloudy-looking glass where its face would be. It held a cup of something that looked uncomfortably similar to bone in a hand that was squirming.

"Kuaaaaaaang." the figure intoned with a writhing sort of voice, taking a sip of the contents of the cup. How it did that through the mask was perhaps a question best left unanswered. "A very busy man, in an unenviable position. How's the wife, and your unborn child?" The robed figure lowered the cup, smiling. And then came a question it had not too long ago asked to another leader.

"Would you care for some wine?" Bizkarroi inquired.

Starting AP: 8
Weekly Rollover (x2 COMBO!!!): +8 AP
Current AP: 16

2014-01-05, 02:41 AM
Ayemfah laughed as Kuang concluded his grand counter-speech, noting all the beautiful flaws and wonderful posturing that made talking to a creature such as Kuang's type a truly splendid moment. Indeed, it was for men like Kuang that Ayemfah prowled the Earth, hoping to talk to them.

"Oh, you are truly a spectacular one to talk to, Kuang! Truly, you are! Through you, I can see such wonderful commentaries on your true nature! Why, a creature such as myself has been around - and will continue to be around - for far longer than any of your litter, and their own litter, and so on. Why, the whole road could be swept clean of all that litter and I would still be there to dance around, forever happy and right! For your wisdom is bound to that small cranium of yours, but mine?! Oh, mine shall endure for eons, far longer than you can imagine! And with all that knowledge, I shall learn. Oh yes, I shall learn many things... why, I have already learned so many things!"

"One of the most important things I have learned is that you are all equally foolish, though I do not blame you for that. For a tool is only as good as its craftsmen, so I have heard, and certainly your craft is quite the interesting one. But how can you blame us all for that? For we are merely apprentices in our field, without a mentor to give us good form. But ah, there I see something interesting: your kind shall make mentors out of your tools, I can tell. You will look upon your broken parts, re-forge the pieces to understand their qualities, their flaws; and then shall you forge your tools better than before, and wherever imperfection springs forth, it shall be dealt with in the form of a better tool later on."

"Such is the case with yourself, Kuang of Irontown, and such also is the case for Qulan Qai. For while he will break you, he too is not without his own flaws, and so he shall eventually crumble. I have already looked at him, and I know his flaw: he craves power. He would make deals with a god like myself to have more of it. Tell me, Kuang, would you wish to make deals with a god like myself? Do you think I am like a dog, begging its master for attention so the master may hand me scraps for my loyalty?"

As he spoke these words, Bizkarroi appeared the room, having claimed the throne for himself while the two others bickered among themselves. Ayemfah gave a quick whiff of Biz and yelped as he covered his nose, giggling as he shook the smell out of his mind.

"Why, your most Gracious Putrescence, here you stand as you covet the throne to your ways and speak among us, with a tongue like a wyrm and a tone that would cause even the strongest of men to stumble around in sickening stupor! He who rules the realm of the sickly and filthy, though this rotten city has already voted. Perhaps you may apply for candidacy another time?"

Ayemfah laughed to himself and rolled on the floor, looking back up at the rotting figure that sat in the chair of Irontown.

"Some divine wine for the fine man who walks the line between the Dog and the God? I must say, by the way your drink looks, you don't strike me much as a brewer, though one can only guess what concoction you brew behind that lovely mask of yours. Tell me, when you last saw your holy form in a mirror, did it make you feel sick?"

And again Ayemfah laughed, even harder then his first joke directed towards Bizkarroi.

"Ah, but I spend too much time frolicking with Gods like yourself, and my former host shall soon be host to you and your wonderful guests, so I shall make due with my part and be off to explore more of this land. Fare well, your fellow Putrescence and your leader of caged men! Though I sense that your talks will not fare well in such a confined space without first covering your mouth more frequently, remember that the best life does not dominate, but instead finds its niche. The lives of your people may very well depend on remembering that fact."

And with that, Ayemfah gave one last giggle and found himself gallivanting towards the gates of Irontown, though they would likely not open without Qulan's army gone elsewhere.

2014-01-06, 11:32 AM
Grimnoir raised is hand,"irontown must become Ironcity" Sin Laughed,"Yes a giant city"said Crime. Grimnoir said some words and the city was bigger, much bigger and much more defendable and ready for battle, but he only built the city out of crime and he weaved crime and sin into the city.
starting AP:19
alter land -1
create concepts (crime) and (Sin) -2
Remaining AP: 16

2014-01-06, 04:07 PM

Ayemfah looked up at the massive gate that stood before him, stationary and standing tall, a reminder to him of what stood beyond these gates. And yet already he began to feel trapped himself, like a caged animal. He wondered how the other humans, with all their knowledge, could feel so calm in such a compressed environment.

Or at least, that's what he would have thought, had a noticeably interesting creature start suddenly flying over the town. Not too many seemed to pay it as much attention, but for Ayemfah, this was a wonderful thing to behold, at least worth getting to meet for the first time.

And so he ran away from the gates, finding a few stacked crates for him to jump upon. With grace and agility, Ayemfah found other nooks and crannies by which he could scale the homes and buildings before reaching the rooftops. From there, he howled at the beast and greeted it with a courteous smile.

"Why, what makes a dragon start draggin' itself over to a place such as this? You may have the vision of a bird from up there, but I have my nose to the ground, and I can tell you very much there isn't anything here worth looking at. It is like a cavernous system: at first, it draws you within, but once you realize there is only emptiness, you feel something within begging you to leave before this emptiness consumes you, as well."

He giggled to himself before continuing.

"But forgive me, where are my manners? I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns, and welcome to Irontown! Who might you be?"

2014-01-06, 04:30 PM
Ayemfah looked up at the massive gate that stood before him, stationary and standing tall, a reminder to him of what stood beyond these gates. And yet already he began to feel trapped himself, like a caged animal. He wondered how the other humans, with all their knowledge, could feel so calm in such a compressed environment.

Or at least, that's what he would have thought, had a noticeably interesting creature start suddenly flying over the town. Not too many seemed to pay it as much attention, but for Ayemfah, this was a wonderful thing to behold, at least worth getting to meet for the first time.

And so he ran away from the gates, finding a few stacked crates for him to jump upon. With grace and agility, Ayemfah found other nooks and crannies by which he could scale the homes and buildings before reaching the rooftops. From there, he howled at the beast and greeted it with a courteous smile.

"Why, what makes a dragon start draggin' itself over to a place such as this? You may have the vision of a bird from up there, but I have my nose to the ground, and I can tell you very much there isn't anything here worth looking at. It is like a cavernous system: at first, it draws you within, but once you realize there is only emptiness, you feel something within begging you to leave before this emptiness consumes you, as well."

He giggled to himself before continuing.

"But forgive me, where are my manners? I am Ayemfah 'Nyeh, the Dog of Puns, and welcome to Irontown! Who might you be?"

Ethidras shrunk her size as she closed in. By the time she reached the dog, she was the size of a man. "I am Ethidras, the Dragon of Freedom. I came here because I somehow felt like this place was in peril and seeing the siege, It makes sense. I wanted to see what it was about and lend support to who I believe it should go to. If one faction is tyrannical, the other will have my support in the coming battle. Since I can tell you are more than mere dog, I'll ask you this: what can you tell me of the two factions here?"

2014-01-06, 05:14 PM
"Ah, so whoever is more free among these two people, you will fight for them. Well, then what makes one tyrannical and what makes one free? Well, words are a funny thing when you get down to it" Ayemfah said, laughing to himself. "For what one might wish to mean 'free' may not mean the same 'free' that another wants. And what makes it the most puzzling is when both are right in their definition, for words are as important within their context as they are from without."

"You ask me what I know of these two factions, and wish for me to judge which is the more free so you may lend your strength to the other. Then very well, I shall do my best."

"Well, when it comes to physical strength, then I would say the men of Qulan Qai are more free, for they can express such strength more easily than those of the people of Irontown. And is that not how things in nature work, as well? Consider, Ethidras, a wolf and a rabbit: the wolf finds a rabbit chewing on grass and is hungry. It strikes down the rabbit and begins to consume it. Tell me, was the rabbit free in that moment? Was the wolf free? Or does freedom mean little in a world where the nature of things is both free and oppressing?"

"So I see the same here, between the Cerebrans of Irontown and the Cerebrans of Qulan Qai. He, Qulan Qai of course, has an appetite of a goal, and only Irontown and other packs of Cerebrans may satiate it. And so he is free to consume as he wishes, dining away at the gifts given to him by other gods. Why, he even asked me to master my dogs and wolves! I told him that such mastery was not possible for my wolves, for they are beasts of the forests; but control could be earned, in much the same way that one wolf has more strength than others. And so I gave him that choice to control the wolves, and that I would be there to ensure they who control the wolves do not die in battle. And he had the freedom to choose either way, to find other meals from the sky above to feast on his goal, but he chose to dine on what I offered."

"Oh there are consequences for my help, but are there not consequences for everything we do? That is a lesson I am afraid our dear Kuang of Irontown has failed to learn. Well, that, and also that every living thing has a niche to fill in this world. He and his deity built for themselves a massive city, supposing that all would come and make for themselves a grand place worth living in, I am sure. But such grand ambitions put them at competition with Qulan Qai, that I am also sure of. They are like a rabbit which stands its ground against the wolf, foolish enough to believe running away is somehow a worse option. He was afraid, afraid of things which he himself was helpless to control. Not just events, but his own feelings. He would not see wisdom in my words; why, I was about to wonder how I would leave this cage of a city before I saw you in the sky!"

"Ah, but I suppose they don't have that freedom, do they? They are not free, no; they are trapped behind these walls, begging for some divine intervention to come down and save them. Yet how many interventions have these people experienced, I wonder? For these walls, this town, their surging power that protects them, those are surely not the works of these people. Those are divine interventions in themselves, no? Why, one would almost think they have been given more than Qulan Qai and his people have been; yet still they beg for more, like dogs begging for scraps instead of going out to hunt."

"Tell me, is that not a tyrannical life? To be so utterly helpless that they cannot even help themselves, that they must beg and beg for more scraps until the day they die? If you feel pity, then you are free to choose to help these people against the coming tide; but if you recognize that true tyranny is helplessness even in the face of one's own desires? Then perhaps the people of Irontown need to be freed of their selfish desires, for it is the nature of things that a good life is not assumed; it is fought for in such a free yet oppressing world."

"You see now, Ethidras, Dragon of Freedom? Words are a tricky business. Luckily, I know that the right word can mean all the difference." And with that, Ayemfah giggled to himself, awaiting Ethidras' response.

2014-01-06, 05:56 PM
"Ah, so whoever is more free among these two people, you will fight for them. Well, then what makes one tyrannical and what makes one free? Well, words are a funny thing when you get down to it" Ayemfah said, laughing to himself. "For what one might wish to mean 'free' may not mean the same 'free' that another wants. And what makes it the most puzzling is when both are right in their definition, for words are as important within their context as they are from without."

"You ask me what I know of these two factions, and wish for me to judge which is the more free so you may lend your strength to the other. Then very well, I shall do my best."

"Well, when it comes to physical strength, then I would say the men of Qulan Qai are more free, for they can express such strength more easily than those of the people of Irontown. And is that not how things in nature work, as well? Consider, Ethidras, a wolf and a rabbit: the wolf finds a rabbit chewing on grass and is hungry. It strikes down the rabbit and begins to consume it. Tell me, was the rabbit free in that moment? Was the wolf free? Or does freedom mean little in a world where the nature of things is both free and oppressing?"

"So I see the same here, between the Cerebrans of Irontown and the Cerebrans of Qulan Qai. He, Qulan Qai of course, has an appetite of a goal, and only Irontown and other packs of Cerebrans may satiate it. And so he is free to consume as he wishes, dining away at the gifts given to him by other gods. Why, he even asked me to master my dogs and wolves! I told him that such mastery was not possible for my wolves, for they are beasts of the forests; but control could be earned, in much the same way that one wolf has more strength than others. And so I gave him that choice to control the wolves, and that I would be there to ensure they who control the wolves do not die in battle. And he had the freedom to choose either way, to find other meals from the sky above to feast on his goal, but he chose to dine on what I offered."

"Oh there are consequences for my help, but are there not consequences for everything we do? That is a lesson I am afraid our dear Kuang of Irontown has failed to learn. Well, that, and also that every living thing has a niche to fill in this world. He and his deity built for themselves a massive city, supposing that all would come and make for themselves a grand place worth living in, I am sure. But such grand ambitions put them at competition with Qulan Qai, that I am also sure of. They are like a rabbit which stands its ground against the wolf, foolish enough to believe running away is somehow a worse option. He was afraid, afraid of things which he himself was helpless to control. Not just events, but his own feelings. He would not see wisdom in my words; why, I was about to wonder how I would leave this cage of a city before I saw you in the sky!"

"Ah, but I suppose they don't have that freedom, do they? They are not free, no; they are trapped behind these walls, begging for some divine intervention to come down and save them. Yet how many interventions have these people experienced, I wonder? For these walls, this town, their surging power that protects them, those are surely not the works of these people. Those are divine interventions in themselves, no? Why, one would almost think they have been given more than Qulan Qai and his people have been; yet still they beg for more, like dogs begging for scraps instead of going out to hunt."

"Tell me, is that not a tyrannical life? To be so utterly helpless that they cannot even help themselves, that they must beg and beg for more scraps until the day they die? If you feel pity, then you are free to choose to help these people against the coming tide; but if you recognize that true tyranny is helplessness even in the face of one's own desires? Then perhaps the people of Irontown need to be freed of their selfish desires, for it is the nature of things that a good life is not assumed; it is fought for in such a free yet oppressing world."

"You see now, Ethidras, Dragon of Freedom? Words are a tricky business. Luckily, I know that the right word can mean all the difference." And with that, Ayemfah giggled to himself, awaiting Ethidras' response.

Ethidras pondered the thought. One might think she was pondering who to side with, but really, she was thinking about the wisest, strategic option. "I guess 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' does not apply here. On one have we have an unfree society, but on the other, we have a society that takes what they want. The are free, yes, but what about those they conquered. A common phrase among the Dragons is 'Be vigilant around the majority.' Reason being is simple. Let's say there are two wolves and a rabbit next to a dead, rotting deer. The wolves would want the rabbit instead of the deer. I believe that everyone should be able to do what they will without preventing others from doing the same." She turns around and takes off. "If you see me again, it will be after the battle. Whoever wins will be weak."

2014-01-06, 06:26 PM
Ayemfah grinned as he watched Ethidras fly away, ready, it seemed, to strike down Qulan's armies. He continued to smile even as Ethidras was long and gone, far up in the sky.

"My examples dwell into the nature of the world as it is. Yours help you justify your actions. But I will not blame you; for you are the embodiment of freedom, and you were free to make that choice, little wing. You are free to help this rotting carcass defend itself against these prowling wolves. But don't think for a second you know my wolves better than I do. I made them, inside and out; I know how they think better than any other being in this world."

Then reality set in once more, and Ayemfah howled to the sky.

"Oh, but how I wish so dearly to be let out! These men would not dare to let me leave while Qulan's armies are outside, yet I cannot scale these walls! No, I am no caged mutt! I want to be free!"

And so, leaping down from the roofs, Ayemfah scoured the city walls for a safe spot, secluded from prying eyes. Sure enough, a section of the wall, newly expanded and yet to be manned by the small township, was left to stand on its own. Sniffing the air to confirm no one was nearby, Ayemfah began to dig his way under and out of the city, pausing to sniff for those who would look down upon him.

2014-01-06, 07:00 PM
Harlan blinked as his eyes cleared.

"My Lady, you have done so much for me already, but could I please beg one more favour?"

Maevenia smiled as she listened to his plan, feeling her power grow.
"I think I could probably arrange that. It's time and past time that my little Fae organised themselves anyway."

Starting AP: 1
Rollover: +4
Form Society (The Seelie Revel): -1
Gain Domain: Mortals (Empowerment): -3

Gifting the Fae with Primal magic: 3 AP
Raising Harlan as a Hero: 2 AP
Raising Harlan as a Seeker: 2 AP

Final AP: 1.
Maevenia is now a Lesser Deity

2014-01-06, 07:43 PM
Trenzel sat at his work bench, tinkering with a new formula, one that could let him glimpse the true form of a god itself. It was probably the supidest thing he had ever concocted, but he knew that the capability was too tempting to ignore. He had crafted the concoction into a clear liquid, which he could apply to his eyes in droplet form. He let the drops enter his eyes, the liquid covering them in a prismatic haze...

And his eyes emitted every color, as they were reconfigured to see what only gods were supposed to see, the very essence of creation. Trenzel's lips curled into a smile, as he had transcended what normally possible for humans, he had acquired Divine Sight. He could now see which gods created what aspects of reality.

Praise -1

Arctus felt a surge in power, as this world could no longer handle him. His cloaks started shredding apart as light ejected his clothing to conceal his radiance. He flew away from Iron Town, bits of his disguise flying away. Eventually, he looked like a shooting star. His body emitted light of every color, turning night into day for an entire minute. His voice echoes in the ears of who ever heard it,"I am Arctus, the Radiant."

Gain Domain: Progress(Transcendence) -3
2 from Seeker
2 from gunpowder, progressing weapons farther
2 From letting those around Iron town transcend their madness
1 from giving Trenzel divine sight

Arctus is now an intermediate deity.

2014-01-08, 04:14 AM
On The Wall

"Who let that gate open?" The Guard Captain barked, his finger sore from the force of the crossbow he'd been firing all morning and he wasn't looking for any more trouble. "Get that man up here now- I'll throw him off myself! What? No, I don't care who told him to open it... Qulan Qai could have used this to his advantage!"

"But, sir, it was a god.."

"We're lousy with gods right now! I'm more focused on staying alive, how about you?" The captain yelled back, determined to not let the next thing that comes by past the gate, god or no.


"All you can do is laugh and laugh." Kuang stewed as the coyote ranted further. "It is life's cruelest joke that you will endure and I will fade." He simply stated in the brief pause after Ayemfah was done, his apathy and despondent depression taking over again as the soldiers outside buzzed against the wall. The noise of the new god appearing drew his gaze and he watched silently as the dog of puns left him. He spared no more thought for the troublesome god that mocked him thusly. Except, he thought, with his heart full of malice and spite, an order issued thusly in rhyme.

"Kill any of those four-legged mutts you see, they are all evil to you and me; shoot them once that'd be alright, but shoot them again just for spite. Make them howl and wound be they dog, wolf, coyote or hound. Fill their bodies with electricity and do it so maliciously, blast them with electricity and make it ignite and then watch it all with a smile of delight: because, good people, your dear leader demands it so."

The bemused guards left to spread word of this to the garrison. Some of the boys down at the wall had a soft spot for some of the critters that wandered near the wall but no more. The guards knew to shoot every dog they saw and Kuang's heart shrunk three sizes that day.

"How's that for a rhyme, you little.. Oh. How rude of me. I have a guest."

Kuang, the amateur poet, turned from his spiteful order and looked at the new god before him. "My, my, aren't I the lucky lad lately? Oh, so lucky, to be so graced with the presence of so many gods and so forth. This is the age of gods!" He snarked as he leaned against the wall. "And no thanks, I've a habit of not taking things from gods. Unless you have a slightly.. Finer... Brew? No, no, I shouldn't. I make it a habit not to get drunk on the eve of my town being ripped from me and everything I worked for destroyed."

"She's sitting pretty, thanks." The man named Kuang finally answered. He wasn't surprised. These gods knew everything there was to know didn't they? Meddlesome creatures, loathsome creatures. "Have you come to mock me as well? I won't take it from another, you know. Qulan Qai knocks at the gate and I will not spend my final days being some god or another's plaything!" The man raised his voice in a rage, trembling slightly. His lust for life and power seemed renewed somehow. His anger was all twisted up inside and made him a force of nature. This man would leave a mark upon a god. No matter what happened, no matter if he was killed here today or survived into the unknown tomorrow he knew that his name was Kuang and he stood here in Irontown defiant, a legend.

"And I will kill that man if it takes me a thousand years."

On the Wall

"Hey! It's one of those.. uh.."


"Yeah! Wanna see how much it jumps around when I pump it full of lightning?"

"Do I?! Haha!"

"Skit on back to the forest now- oh no, it exploded."

"That's a shame. Shooting at those things is the closest thing we get to fun."

The Mines


It was the general feeling among the gathered surviving miners. A brave man, they all agreed. He would be remembered by each and every one of them, held to great esteem. One of the men eve swore that Harlan saved his life. That would make him the last person to see Harlan alive. His name wouldn't be remembered.

What would be remembered is what came afterward. They'd dug too deep and released those monsters, it was true. They'd managed to lure them all down a single shaft before Harlan's brave sacrifice collapsed it. That left a whole other shaft open for them to use! His sacrifice wasn't in vain at all, it allowed them access to this odd kind of 'Deep Metal'. It was super malleable but extremely hard and durable when forged. This metal was also useful in almost all applications of metal-working, like a gift from the gods. This was the metal that swords of legend were forged from. It was quickly addded to the wall.

And, it seemed, that shaft was pretty deep.. it opened into a whole complex system of caverns that had stood undiscovered there since this land was created. Who knows what horrors lurked beneath the earth in the deep darkness.

Where the Digging Happens

The influx of crime and sin had rustled some of the normally obedient citizens of Irontown. A lot of robberies had started taking place recently, it seemed like the people of Irontown were finally starting to turn on each other.

One of these groups of rowdy youths spotted Ayemfah digging against the wall and didn't like it. It seemed news had spread that Kuang would give big money to whoever kicked a dog or something like that and they were eager to please.

"Hey, dog!"

One of the thugs yelled quick-wittily. The rest of them picked up some sticks and such that happened to be laying around and gave chase with the intent to cause some random violence to a poor helpless animal.


"Friend insist that you stay." The machine droned, for some reason concerned that all were now leaving the Friend alone. It stared up at the retreating form of Arctus for a long time, contemplating it. What could the gears turning around in Friend's twisted machine mind be plotting? Surely not any semblance of human emotion. The Friend simply liked to keep all it's playthings here where it was safe. But god-things were not so easily kept it seems. Friend would have to work on that. "Friend loves all." The machine lord declared, much to the nervousness of the townspeople.

"Friend... invites you.. to say hello.. to some of it's.. friends."

The machine chirped out in creepy monotone as it's head slowly turned from the sky towards the people of the town. And that was when they came from the mouth of the cave. Slowly, at first, only a few of them. But then many more. They came out blinking at the light. They looked like Cerebrans. Well. Sort of like Cerebrans. Friend had been playing in those caves a long time trying to master the secret of life. Had it discovered what the machine itself laked? Hardly.

These things were shorter than normal Cerebrans, squat and lower to the ground. They were made from templates and mutated from the bodies of dead Cerebrans. Some of them had exposed wiring or a complete metal arm here and there. But they weren't entirely robotic, they were decidedly techno-organic with some of their parts replaced with metal parts. One here would have a robot hand or a robotic ear or a robotic lung or maybe all three. The skin to cover them came from where ever gods usually gather the biomass necessary to create life comes from. They were experiments slapped together using flesh and deep metal. Sometimes they looked like they could be normal but at other times... it was rather unnatural. Many of the male mans had beards, scraggy, in the style of Kuang himself. In fact, it looked as if many of these denizens had been specifically modeled after Kuang himself or other residents of Irontown. Luckily, the more they were around Cerebrans the more they were able to tune into their emotional side and even be able to behave normally.

They were docile and eager to please, to do menial tasks and chores some of the others didn't want to do. These things didn't have an official name so the people of Irontown took to calling them Dworfs. They were rather simplefolk but had the capacity for greater emotion. These Dworfs took up the new spots on the wall that Grimnoir had given them with glee. These people also seemed to more innately understand the more complex stuff in the town so they were tech-wizards, even if they didn't talk much. They certainly gave the town of iron a much needed population boom.

AP: 5
AP Roll: +4
AP: 9

Raise Hero (Kuang) [2 AP]: Filled with hatred towards the gods and disgusted with his lot in life, the man named Kuang has reached hero status through sheer force of will.

Magical Concept (Deep Metal) [3 AP]: Also known as Dworfen Steel because of their ability to master the craft of it. The metal that swords and armor of legend are forged from! This is the last gift of the hero Harlan who gave his life for this bounty to defend Irontown. It all all the properties of a metal like Mithral or Silverite and can cut straight through a lesser sword. Armor made from it is extra tough and the metal is super shiny. Legend says that due to it's similarity to silver, wielding it may ward off madness. Super conductible!

Sentient Life (Dworfs) [2 AP]: Like Cerebrans, but not. They have heavier, short and squat-like bodies, who knows why. Many of the males wear beards. Several of them have similar faces creepily, resulting in only six faces syndrome. Legend says that a Cerebran could disappear and a Dworf that looks just like them and acts similar could appear by the next week. It's what Friend does with them; the mouthy ones, the ones who continued to supported Qulan Qai but wouldn't leave, the new criminal element if they're caught, even people Kuang just flat out doesn't like. That's what the rumors say anyway. Most people try to ignore this. They gather, and retain, emotions from the Cerebrans they interact with and learn quickly and have the capacity for emotion. They also learn quickly. They aren't robots at all, more like cyborgs. They're like babies, really. They may have a Steampunk style arm/leg instead of a real arm or a cyborg eye that looks like a monocle instead of a real eye or organs inside may be cybernetic instead of natural and all of it similar to the technology of Friend himself. The tech parts are a perfect replica of normal fleshy parts and work just as well so they're almost fully organic and don't offer any extra functions. They also pass these cybernetic parts on to their children and reproduce like normal Cerebrans. Best of all they have no inborn need to acknowledge Qulan Qai. They were born in the caves so they are natural adept at maneuvering around the various cave systems and are able to see as easily in the dark as in the daylight. They have a natural aptitude for technology and the various gadgets of Friend, and especially seem to love the Electricity Gun.

Create Land (Deeper Darkness) [2 AP]: Discovered by Harlan's mining crew, the extent of this land is far beyond their scope of imagination. It's like an entirely new world underneath the earth with several entrances on the surface of which they discovered one. It's full of the Deep Metal used to forge powerful weapons. It has naturally growing mushrooms and several types of mundane life that would be native to an underground setting like worms. Unfortunately, it's also home to more of the horrid Rust Monsters. Of course, there is beauty to be found in the many, many, many lairs and systems of caves and stalagmites and underground rivers. It's a world as large as the surface is but underneath.

AP: 0

2014-01-08, 10:12 AM
Ayemfah looked up from its hole as it saw more men coming towards him, clear with harsh intent. To this, Ayemfah giggled, then laughed louder as the men approached, before he lept out of the hole he dug and faced them all in a defensive pose, teeth blaring but still a wide grin on his face.

"So you dogs of Irontown found it wise to go around killing pups and mutts for your dear old Kuang? Why, what a fascinating turn of events, indeed. Go ahead, kill the dogs for all I care; they were stupid enough to be loyal to your lot anyways, and I know there are more dogs out there beyond Irontown. But you would dare approach me, the Dog of Puns, intending to thwack me with that puny little stick of yours?"

As he says this, his physical form grew much larger than the men in front of him, taking on a more maniacal form, his eyes wider, his pupils smaller and his grin even larger than what would physically be possible. His tone grew more wild and animalistic, his voice became deeper as he spoke to the would-be group of attackers:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But claws and teeth may make life brief!
So come at me, oh let it be:
I'll rip your flesh and your blood will refresh
My thirst; I'll live, but will never forgive
Your past transgressions, your foolish aggressions.
You'd bite the hand that feeds your band
Of merry thieves while the widows grieve;
Don't treat this dog like you would a hog,
For this dog has bite of such great might!
Within this wall many men will fall,
So leave me be or I'll rip your heart free!
And if you plea fault, I will not halt,
This is your last warning: do not come a-warring!"

2014-01-08, 11:55 AM

"All you can do is laugh and laugh." Kuang stewed as the coyote ranted further. "It is life's cruelest joke that you will endure and I will fade." He simply stated in the brief pause after Ayemfah was done, his apathy and despondent depression taking over again as the soldiers outside buzzed against the wall. The noise of the new god appearing drew his gaze and he watched silently as the dog of puns left him. He spared no more thought for the troublesome god that mocked him thusly. Except, he thought, with his heart full of malice and spite, an order issued thusly in rhyme.

"Kill any of those four-legged mutts you see, they are all evil to you and me; shoot them once that'd be alright, but shoot them again just for spite. Make them howl and wound be they dog, wolf, coyote or hound. Fill their bodies with electricity and do it so maliciously, blast them with electricity and make it ignite and then watch it all with a smile of delight: because, good people, your dear leader demands it so."

The bemused guards left to spread word of this to the garrison. Some of the boys down at the wall had a soft spot for some of the critters that wandered near the wall but no more. The guards knew to shoot every dog they saw and Kuang's heart shrunk three sizes that day.

"How's that for a rhyme, you little.. Oh. How rude of me. I have a guest."

Kuang, the amateur poet, turned from his spiteful order and looked at the new god before him. "My, my, aren't I the lucky lad lately? Oh, so lucky, to be so graced with the presence of so many gods and so forth. This is the age of gods!" He snarked as he leaned against the wall. "And no thanks, I've a habit of not taking things from gods. Unless you have a slightly.. Finer... Brew? No, no, I shouldn't. I make it a habit not to get drunk on the eve of my town being ripped from me and everything I worked for destroyed."

"She's sitting pretty, thanks." The man named Kuang finally answered. He wasn't surprised. These gods knew everything there was to know didn't they? Meddlesome creatures, loathsome creatures. "Have you come to mock me as well? I won't take it from another, you know. Qulan Qai knocks at the gate and I will not spend my final days being some god or another's plaything!" The man raised his voice in a rage, trembling slightly. His lust for life and power seemed renewed somehow. His anger was all twisted up inside and made him a force of nature. This man would leave a mark upon a god. No matter what happened, no matter if he was killed here today or survived into the unknown tomorrow he knew that his name was Kuang and he stood here in Irontown defiant, a legend.

"And I will kill that man if it takes me a thousand years."

Silly Kuang. Bizkarroi, despite his divine nature, was not omniscient. He simply knew what he knew. And what Bizkarroi knew was plagues, parasites, and parenting. Even in a town as clean, as orderly as Irontown, there would be fleas. There would be illness. And there would always be parents of some sort, up until whatever stripped the mortal plane of intelligent life. So long as any of those were present, so too would the Father of Worms be there.

Bizkarroi had also not failed to notice the exceptionally-spiteful tone in Kuang's voice. Why yes, the mortal was fortunate to be graced with the presence of so many gods in one day.

"Kuang." Bizkarroi began, its voice taking on a sharp, warning tone of its own. "I have come to you in friendship. If you would repay my kindness with discourtesy, I can promise you that a day will come when you regret it. I have not come to mock you for your failures; I do not mock." Bizkarroi drained the cup of "wine", stowing the now-empty vessel under his robe. "And like it or not, Kuang, all mortals are the playthings of gods. Even mighty Qulan Qai, as powerful as he is, is ultimately at the mercy of the powers that be; he would not, I think, have been nearly as successful as he had been had not I given him a gift, to say nothing of the other deities that support him."

Bizkarroi stood, and began to pace about Kuang's office. The seat was now free, if Kuang wished to take it. "Qulan Qai and his army stand at your gates. Though your city has marvelous walls, though it has weapons beyond the ken of most mortals, it will fall. Qulan Qai's army is vast, the man himself is powerful, and he has the backing of several gods, myself numbered among them. He will break down your gate, swarm into your city, and conquer it. As for you, he will likely have you drawn and quartered, your head on a pike and your body burned to ash and scattered to the winds. Such is the price for not bending your knee to the rightful ruler of the Cerebrans. Your name will die, except when scholars recount the rise of the Khan and you are mentioned in a purely academic manner."

The god paused here. "But as I said, I have come in friendship. Not to mock you, nor to tell you what you already know. I have come, Kuang of Irontown, to offer you a way out. Qulan Qai will have your city; this is all but certain. But you can still save yourself. you can preserve your life, and the life of your spouse, and the life of your unborn child. You will die eventually, of course, but not here, and not at the hands of Qulan Qai." Here, the Father of Worms paused, giving Irontown's ruler (for the time being) to respond, to voice a desire to know more or to dismiss the god's offer. It mattered little to Bizkarroi; after all, one mortal did not factor into the affairs of a god overmuch.

With a handful of notable exceptions, of course.

2014-01-08, 07:33 PM
Ethidras arrived back at the Dragons' basic settlement. She noticed everyone is working to build their settlement while others are mobilizing an army. Ethidras pondered for a while, but decided that even if the attacking army was weakened, could her dragons win? They would need the support of the Angels to have a chance of winning. She speaks up on the subject. "Cancel the attack. We are strong, but not ready for it." The Dragons that were preparing for battle then left for work, mostly reluctantly, save for one, who stayed to ask a question.
"If I may speak up, my Queen." the bronze Dragon said. "What sort of disadvantage are we at? Is there anything we can do to prepare ourselves? We are eager to fight." Ethidras sighed
"We are dealing with a highly organised foe. They conquered lots of land. Their leader is a master at strategy and tactics. We can't win until we built our Kingdom, or should I say, Queendom, however, we can fight them now, just not openly. You need to discover your inner power." The dragon appeared puzzled.
"My what?"
"Your Arcane potential. You will learn of it in time"
"Why don't you teach me?"
"You must learn of it yourself. I wish I can be more of service."
"Can't you at least tell me how to learn of it?"
"I say learn, it's more like develop. First you will find out about it accidentally, then you use it, then it grows."
"Is that all you can tell me?"
"Sadly." The dragon appeared disappointed. He then started to take off
"I guess I'm on my own. Thanks for the help."
"No problem"

The Dragon later discovered his power. While flying, he felt a sudden rush of energy followed by that energy manifesting in his hand. He lift it up, only to notice a lightning bolt rise from it. He had cast the first Arcane spell.

-5 Arcane (currently only Dragons have this)
-1 Form Society: Kingdom of Alara
-1 Concept: Parliamentary Democracy (Basically UK government)

2014-01-09, 01:25 PM
Obiros winced as he stepped through the gates of bone. It seemed a shard of his madness and evil, left over from battle, had mingled with the Merchant Gods essence. The being it created, Grimnoir, was evil, true... But it was confined within law, and...and...order.
He wasn't sure what he thought, but he had other things to attend to.

Well, Queen?
He screamed,
What would you have us do first? The mortals war on their world, flooding it with madness, pain, fear. The Gods have gathered there as well. Do we make our move? I grow full weary of inaction!

2014-01-09, 03:53 PM
Ethidras laid on the Royal Horde, resting. She was waiting for the appointed Marshal to come by and be sworn into service officially by her. When the Marshal came, he tilted his head. Ethidras recognised him. "Greetings, your the Dragon from earlier, are you not?" The Dragon nodded
"Yes, I am Vendath Bronzewing. I have been chosen to be the Marshal, as you are aware. I came to be sworn into service."
"Very well, as is the custom, I will swear you into service. Repeat after me: I Vendath Bronzewing, do swear"
"I Vendath Bronzewing, do swear"
"To protect the Kingdom of Alara and it's inhabitants,"
"To protect the Kingdom of Alara and it's inhabitants,"
"to serve my Goddess and Queen, Ethidras,"
"to serve my Goddess and Queen, Ethidras,"
"and to lead the Dragonic Army to war against evil."
"and to lead the Dragonic Army to war against evil."
"Justice is all! Liberty is All!"
"Justice is all! Liberty is All!" Ethidras smiled
"Good, now we are done with all the ceremonial routines, now we can get to business. As Queen, I can train you personally if I wish, which I will do, but not now. I have other matters to attend to."
"Permission to speak freely."
"Feel free at all times."
"I hated all that ceremonial bullsh*t anyways."
"It can get boring at times."

2014-01-10, 02:13 AM
Where There's a Dog of Puns

"Yeah, I'm going to whack you good, mutt!"

One of the young ruffians yelled, raising his crude stick menacingly. The rest of them, although spooked by the animal speaking, rallied behind the leader with a whoop of agreement. It seemed these young men were just out to hurt something weak and helpless. The corruption drove them on to acts of violence.

But that all changed when Ayemfah changed and twisted his form becoming more intimidating. For you see a man driven by sin is a coward. They screamed and one even threw their stick at the monster dog while the group scattered. They clearly hadn't intended to anger a god. One of them, in his haste to escape, caught his foot in a branch and fell- breaking and mangling the man's leg. The unfortunate mortal let out a howl of pain.

His motley mob had abandoned him, but he wasn't alone. There was someone there with the screaming man watching him. Someone emblazoned in red. Was he enjoying those screams? Corruption and sin were funny that way. They spread. They infect. And the sin imposed by the Grimnoir infected and corrupted even at the highest levels of clergy. This man in red an apron was a Red Cloak, and a high ranking member at that. He was a damn fine doctor but his motives hadn't always been pure, it was true, he liked his work because he enjoyed suffering. He watched watching people in pain and death. This man justified himself, sure, he sought out misery and sickness and watched it to better help others. And it did help others. But there was that underlying factor.. He enjoyed it.

The mans name was Tegus and since Madhav was on the move outside the gates and likely to establish the main base of Red Robes elsewhere that meant Tegus was one of the candidates to look over the Red Robes of Irontown in his stead. Just what lengths would Tegus go to in order to achieve this goal?

"Hello, sir. Are you in pain?"

"Ahh! Dear Gods.. Yes! You're a.. Healer, right? Heal me please!"

"Sorry, sir. I only heal those who deserve his lord's mercy." Tegus replied, smirking slightly, and left the man to likely perish as he couldn't look after himself. This scene took place not far from Ayemfah who likely witnessed the whole event.


"You mock me by existing in all your power." Kuang disputed, quickly moving over to claim the throne-chair of Irontown once again, looking quite smug and pleased to be there despite any nastiness left behind. "I can't respect that; I am no god's plaything. I manipulated that dreaded machine and built all of this... I rule here, not the creator of Irontown or any other gods." The Mayor ranted, defiant, and rested comfortably in his chair.

"But fine, I respect that you have come to me in friendship and with an offer I'd be a fool to refuse." Kuang noted, leaning forward to speak to Bizkarroi. Sweat poured from his brow as he listened to the gory way he would likely soon die. The man gulped in horror and wondered if it was too late to get some wine.

Kuang's servant came in and offered him a pitcher of water which he consumed eagerly before even noticing: his former servant had been replaced with a Dworf who wore the old servant's same face and spoke in his same voice. But it wasn't really the old servant, was it? That was a bit unnerving and something he didn't need to consider right now. The cybernetic parts likely stood out to Bizkarroi, because they were incapable of decay.

Kuang was really more focused on his imminent death, the subject had been all that was on his mind lately. This wasn't news to him, but the rotting god certainly had a way of painting a picture. "So." He plainly stated before continuing, "What, exactly, do you have in mind? I'm used to serving slightly... Cleaner gods. I wouldn't want to spend existence as a festering pile of filth. I know it likely means little to you, but there is such a thing as quality of life."

2014-01-10, 11:37 AM
Ayemfah sneered as the men ran away, cackling to himself before breaking out into hearty laughter. As he did, his form shrunk in size and returned to his more normal stature, his voice also softening from its more animalistic form.

"Oh, how the litter scatters when the alpha male stands his ground! You see now, little cubs?! You see how very similar you are to the dogs you butcher?! Slaughter the weak ones, run away from the strong... is that not what you do now, as you cower behind your walls hoping that Qulan Qai will spare you?! You cannot be made strong, stronger than the armies of Qulan Qai - ah, but mere strength alone does not make a creature that survives! I will dig my way out and find refuge in the wilds, where I know none shall harm me!"

With that, Ayemfah walked back to the hole and continued to dig his way out. Whether he noticed the robed man and the broken-legged man does not matter; either he did not see them, or he did and cared little for them. For there was only one thing Ayemfah did want, and that was to be free from Irontown.

Finally, beneath the walls, light came pouring through from the other side of the dirt tunnel, and to this, Ayemfah smiled. For he knew that freedom was mere moments away. Bursting free from the dirt, he shook himself clean and looked back to the city walls on the other side, smiling as he gave his last parting words.

"Run, rabbits, run from your iron warren, if you dare! If you are fast, you will make it to the forest, and she may conceal you from sight! She is a harsh mistress, yes she is, but nature is not fond of beggers and priests who do naught but ask the powers above! And if you are ever fortunate enough to find me once more... well, perhaps I can help you see the wisdom she offers."

And with that, Ayemfah bolted for the forest, jumping into the brush where he sighed in relaxation and rolled around on the ground, loving the freedom he felt so separated from. Then his stomach growled, and he realized how hungry he was since leaving Irontown. With that now on his mind, Ayemfah disappeared into the brush, looking for food.

2014-01-11, 01:58 AM

From the winding halls of bone came the echoing voice of the Malbolge's queen, "Patience, oh mad one. The foolish gods bicker and snipe over their pathetic mortals."

Her hooved feet clicking loudly on the steps, Nytheema slowly descended her tower, pulling Kythos behind her as though a child dragging a blanket. "Let their frustration grow. Let them argue and war with one another. And let the mortals pay the price."

A sneer crossed her dark lips as she closed her eyes. "They have no idea, Obiros," she spoke as though reciting a favourite poem, her arms and wings spreading wide. "Savor the moment; the anticipation. Feel their works unravel, and their schemes unwind. Taste their anger and bitterness as they cannot be peaceable with one another.

"While we..." she cooed, "Embrace the power with which we will shatter whole generations."

When she opened her eyes again, there was nothing but blackness.

She gestured just beyond the gates of Tartarus, into the bleakness of the Malbolge. "Open a doorway," her voice had lost its playful tone. "From my realm to theirs. The time draws near for gods and mortals to learn fear and pain..."

Starting AP: 2 + 4 (rollover)

Gain Domain (3) - Death (Murder)
- Create Relic (Kythos)
- Weave Sanctum (Tartarus)

Gain Domain (3) - Hate (Malice)
- Weave Plane (The Malbolge)
- Create Sentient Life (The Unnamed)

Remaining AP: 0

Nytheema is now a Lesser Deity

2014-01-11, 04:24 AM
Ayemfah was finishing eating a deer corpse, having found it lying on the ground and not being eaten, when he heard rustling bushes in the area. Out of curiosity, he hid in the undergrowth, awaiting to see what creature would come to scavenge along his side. To his surprise, it was a Cerebran that emerged, crawling on the ground as he desperately made his way to the deer; how he managed to make his way this deep in the forest, or from where he came, was irrelevant. What mattered was only that Ayemfah found this very interesting, and as he started to laugh, he gave away his own position.

"Wh - who's there?! Come out; come out so I can see you!"
"Ha! You think a predator would give you such a luxury?"
"So this is it, then? This is where I die?!"
"I never said anything about you dying here, although if you keep it up, I might feast on your corpse, as well. I'm feeling a little peckish, but it's not worth killing you over."
"So you'll spare me?"
"It's not about whether I'll spare you."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Do you stop and wonder just what forces within this forest compel you to beg and cry out for help? Do you think Quaestus would come down here and swoop you out of the forest, as if he has nothing better to do than to come pull kittens out of trees?"
"What do you know about our God, anyways?!"

With that, Ayemfah walked into the light, circling the man as he cowered at the sight of another God before him.

"I know just enough to realize he won't come here to save you; oh no, he has much grander spectacles to attend to. I'm afraid you will likely die here, not knowing how to live like us animals do."
"But - but you're a God! Surely you -"
"Could pick you up and take you out of the forest?! Heavens, no! Why should I waste my time on people like you, who can't even help themselves?! Next thing you know, you'll want me to go fetch all your meals for you, as well, and then where does that leave me?! No no no, I have other fun things to go around doing."
"So you would just leave me here to die?!"
"Well, I suppose that's what I would be doing, yes... and yet, I also feel compelled to do something about this sorry sight. I mean, if I do nothing now, what's to stop another one like you from doing the exact same thing?!"
"I don't quite follow..."
"Yes, yes that makes perfect sense! Listen here, Cerebran: I am going to teach you the ways of the forest. I will show you how we animals live out here, and I will make sure your kind does not forget what it takes to live in our wilds. But be warned: my lessons are a matter of life-and-death; if you screw up even one step of mine, and I may not guarantee your life. But considering where you are now, I suppose that's one better alternative than waiting to die. So what do you say?!"
"Well, I would like something to eat first -"
"PERFECT!" Ayemfah screeched as he laughed to himself, "This is where we'll start our first lesson! I will show you how to find your meals. Now listen carefully, this is very important..."


And soon, the man learned how to track down meals like Ayemfah does, following trails and picking up clues left by the animals. Exhausted, the man sits down on a stump and begs Ayemfah to pause.

"Ayemfah, we have been walking around all day, but I need something to eat now or else I'll collapse and die!"
"Hmm, I forget your kind does that quite easily... oh, but you have teeth perfect for chewing the softer things! Yes, yes, now here comes our second lesson: you must be like a rodent and know which plants you can consume, which can kill you and which can even save your life. Come here: before you is two bushes, with identical berries in each. HOWEVER, one is nourishing, while the other is lethal. Now if you look closely..."


And then the man learned what plants he needed to eat, which he needed to avoid and, whenever he made a mistake, which he had to eat soon after to heal himself of ailments. The man felt a little more satiated and energized, but he was still famished.

"Ayemfah, I cannot live off of berries. I need something better to eat."
"Of course, of course you do. Now, here is the best lesson of the day! Ha ha ha! I will show you how my wolves and coyotes hunt their prey! Before, I showed you how we can follow the trails of any creature and never truly lose sight of them, but there is a difference between following for its own sake and hunting. Now stay by my side, for already I can see a plump rabbit just waiting to be eaten..."


And then the man learned how to hunt the beasts, both small and large, and even surprised Ayemfah by building a few make-shift traps. To this, Ayemfah gave a hearty laugh as the two of them sat down and ate their meals. As they did, the sun began to set, and a chill caused the man to shiver and curl up.

"I did not expect to be out here for so long... will I freeze to death out here instead?!"
"Of course not! You think I would go to all this length, teaching you all these things, only to let you die now?! You foolish pup, you! Ha ha ha! Come, listen one more time... I have seen how the animals and the humans rest, and each have their own unique ways of doing so. In the wilds, as a civilized being, you must learn to accommodate for your short-comings in the face of the wilds, while using your civil talents to exploit your immediate area for your use. For your intellect is the one thing that lets you stand above all other animals - provided, of course, you have a nice little cozy wall to shelter behind!"
"I'm not sure I follow..."
"Ah, look at me rambling on again! It's simple, really: here, let us start by..."


Finally, the man learned how to set up a camp, what he needed to make a fire and the best places to sleep so that other creatures of the forest would not come around to disturb him, least of all those which would seek to eat him. Before the man curled up to sleep for the night, he looked up to his wily mentor.

"Without your wisdom, I would have died for sure. Thank you, Ayemfah. How may I ever repay you for giving me a second chance?"
"Survival is worship enough, young pup. I tell you this just as I have told my werewolves... hmm, now that I think about it, I haven't heard from them in a while -"

And at that point, a blood-curdling howl pierced the sky, giving the man the shivers but causing Ayemfah to only grin in response.

"Ah, I hear them... and they sound quite hungry. Well, survivor man, my talents can only help you so much, for my werewolves are both cunning and very attune with their natural spirits. Surely it would take a miracle to keep you hidden."
"Please, Ayemfah, isn't there something you could give me?! I don't want to be eaten by those - those things out there!"

And as the man begged for Ayemfah one more time, a chill ran down Ayemfah's spine. But this was not the chill of a cold, breezy night; but rather, this was the chill felt after a new... sensation creeps into one's body. And as Ayemfah stretched his body, he suddenly felt constrained within his pelt. At first, he tried to bite away at his fur, but this didn't help. He tried to rub his body against a large rock nearby, but even this would not help him. Finally, Ayemfah turned back to the man.

"Ooh, how ironic it is that the Dog of Puns be a beggar, but my pelt is feeling awfully weird today! Surely you must have a knife or something sharp to cut this thing off of me?!"

The man did, indeed, have a knife on him, and he pulled it out as he motioned for Ayemfah to stay still. But as he started to cut away at the top layer of fur, he could see a whole new layer underneath, as if it had been there the whole time. It was much smoother, however, with shorter hairs and wavy patterns of darker, contrasting shades which complimented Ayemfah's personality. Now, the Dog of Puns looked less like a regular Coyote; he had the appearance of... something else. Something divine, even.

"Ah, that feels so refreshing! And look! Look at this wonderful new coat I have to prance around in! You may keep that old thing; in fact, let it serve you as it once did me! No beast, save those in the heavens, will ever find you as long as you wear it, and all the riches of the forests shall reveal herself to you as they were revealed to me! Farewell, survivor, and be happy knowing that you were the first to see me as I stand now!"

And with those parting words, Ayemfah bolted into the forest, wildly laughing until even he could not be heard within the wilderness.

AP Cost:

- 4 AP (Create Mundane Concepts):

Tracking, Foraging, Hunting and Camping. When Cerebrans venture into the wilderness for extended periods of time, knowing any of these traits is essential to ensuring you come out alive. The wilderness is a dangerous place, and only by knowing it well can a Cerebran feel safer travelling by themself.

- 3 AP (Create Artifact):

Ayemfah's Pelt was shed after he achieved Lesser deity status. Any who find it are blessed with knowing where any healthy berries and other edible things are, where wildlife may be found for hunting, as well as where dangerous prey may be found. It further gives the wearer the unique ability to become entirely invisible when in the wilds; only the Gods themselves may ever know where the Pelt-wearer is.

- 3 AP (Gain Domain: Life[Survivalism]):

Ayemfah has claimed the domain by creating the four essential concepts (4 AP), as well as creating an artifact which gives the wearer highly attuned survival information (3 AP).

Ayemfah 'Nyeh is now Ayemfah 'Nyeh the Lesser!

2014-01-12, 12:04 AM

"To suffer is divine, wouldn't you agree, Malvo?"

Of course, Malvo couldn't respond, he was in far too much pain. Mere hours ago this man had been his rival for the position of acting cleric chosen by Madhav himself, but, now, he was nothing but a quivering mass on the floor. All Red Robes knew a little something about biology and where the body is weak. Tegus had simply cut him where he would bleed out quickly, but not too quickly, the man wanted to enjoy his. The death of Malvo would likely be attributed to someone from outside the wall or the new criminal element in town, not the good doctor Tegus.

"Acting High Cleric Tegus. High Cleric Tegus."

The man tried out, now to an empty room. The death rattle was all that remained of poor old Malvo. But he had to get out of here and get to Madhav at once.

When he arrived they told him Madha had already left and, as expected, he's selected Malvo as acting High Cleric and Tegus as his backup. This brought a small smile to the mans face before he pulled it back. Awkwardly, he brushed off some of the blood on his arms when the other cleric asked.

"I was just... With some patients."

Was his reply, and a stunned silence later that day when informed of Malvo's untimely demise. They told him he was acting High Cleric now, filling in for Madhav. This pleased Tegus. He was certain that things would start changing here with the Red Robes of Irontown, more to his liking. And he didn't intend to give up his power so easily. It was a new dawn.

AP: 0
Rollover: 4
AP: 4

Promote Leader (Tegus): Ultimately, Madhav left Tegus in charge of the Red Robes of Irontown. He was the best man for the job, Madhav had no way of knowing what lurked in his heart.

AP: 1

2014-01-12, 12:19 AM
The Siege of Irontown - The Horde Attacks In Earnest

Qulan sat crosslegged in the dirt, deep in concentration. He knitted his brow, droplets of sweat tracing the lines that age and a life spent making war had left on his face.

This was barely visible to anyone observing, obscured as he was. The helmet really was quite constrictive... and yet, when he wore it, he saw more clearly than he ever had before.

It was a blessing, certainly, but it had its own drawbacks. Having the ability to send orders across the battlefield instantly, to see all that his soldiers saw- it was invaluable. But directing the efforts of tens of thousands of warriors was no easy task, to say the least.

All was going well. The two forces had joined battle, and only time would tell whether his tactics and the might of the All-Conquering Army could win the day.


Quaestus, Watching With Interest

The Merchant God watched the battle unfold, arching a metaphysical eyebrow. He was surprised by the inherent brutality and capacity for death they displayed; they were made in his image, and yet he had no idea he was capable of such things.

Still, all told, it was entertaining to watch them scurry about like ants. Qulan was performing as instructed, which pleased him to no end.

He decided to do something very serious. This chosen of his, this Khan, was doing well for himself. Quaestus was stunned by the progress he had made in such a short time- the Cerebran was outpacing his most optimistic expectations after so many set backs- indeed, he had expected it to take a generation or two of his lineage to get this far. Eager beaver, indeed!

Qulan deserved another gift. Something to help him along his way. If this didn't establish his preeminence among the other mortals and minor, petty gods, he didn't know what would.

With a grimace, Quaestus reached into himself and extracted a shard of his divine essence. He examined it for a moment, admiring its beauty and raw energy, before sending it careening to the world below him to merge with the soul of Qulan Qai.

Time for some serious AP stuff.

Starting AP: 3
Two rollovers, 5 AP +1 as a Legend adds one AP
AP: 15
Divine Infusion, Qulan Qai: -5 AP
Going to grab two domains. Power(Patronage)(5 from making Qulan a legend, 5 from infusing him) and War (Armies)(1 from making the Horde an army, 4 from making two orders in the army, 2 from the helmet of command): -6 AP
Quaestus is now an Intermediate deity.
4 AP remaining.

Now it's time for the actual RCR roll for this battle. We can decide in the OOC whether it should be one roll or maybe multiple rolls for different phases.

1d10 from the Army as a society
1d8 from the Wear Wolves
1d8 from the Assassins
1d8 from the Towarzysz
+1 for Poison
+1 for Siege Warfare
+3 for fighting alongside a Legend, Qulan Qai
+4 for the associated Infusion
+1 for the artifact involved: the helmet of command. I would add in the other artifact inside Qulan, but since he isn't partaking in physical combat there is no real reason to add it in.

Plus the three orders

2014-01-12, 02:57 AM
The great battle of Irontown was -finally- starting, and Rodmanius looked with interest, nay, excitement as the troops moved around. Finally there was going to be a good and proper battle between mortals, after all this time. But then, a thought came to him. What next? When Qulan was victorious, then what? The Dicelord would most likely become bored again, and that was no good. So instead of letting that happen, he decided to create a place where probability ruled, and where the mortals could entertain both him and themselves while also having the opportunity of gaining vast riches.

Appearing over Salev Sal, the Dicelord inspected the land. It took almost no time for him to find a proper spot to place his new locale. He rolled the dice...

Main Roll[roll0]
Secondary Roll[roll1]

A... 12... well ****. Out of the ground erupted a giant tower of... rock. Dammit, it was suposed to be a golden, shining tower! Oh well. Rodmanius let out an ethereal sigh, and shook his head at his works. Regardless, he continued on.

Grabbing one of his spare die, he crushed it under his manly fists and punched its essence into the structure. The tower had thus been infused with his own power, and with it came some perks. For mortals, the exterior would look like the casino of their dreams. It would most certainly look different for every mortal, yet always appealing to their design tastes. Other deities would see it for what it truly was, however.

Within the structure, probability magic ruled. Every roll made by mortals inside would affect their luck in the outside world once they left. Rolling a 1 would be the equivalent of being cursed by an angry God once they left. Rolling a 30 would be the equivalent of being blessed in some way, however. The inside was a lot bigger than it appeared from the outside, adding every single game of chance mortals enjoyed already. And ones they didn't. In time, as both technology, magic, and creativty advanced, more games would be added. It would adapt to the times and strive to never become stale. The suites and guest rooms reserved for lucky winners would help with that.

But every casino needs a staff though, and Rodmanius couldn't just leave that job to the mortals. So he summoned his Arengees and just as with the Dreamweavers, he uplifted a portion of them. These new variant of Arengee would be the Wildcards. They would ensure the casino's functionality, keep the guests entertained, and make sure they have a good time. Gods have no need for money, and neither do Arengees in all their forms, so making them spend was not a big priority. Making them play like crazy, however, was.

The Wildcards would differ from the regular and Dreamweaver variants of Arengee by being able to actually interact with the mortal realm without having to make a roll. They were the ones to resemble their God the most as well, with large, muscular arms floating around their now-navy-blue eye, a bowtie floating right on the bottom edge of their bodies. They could switch that accesory for another one if they so wished, and apply hats.
Regardless, they would act as bouncers, entertainers, administrators, anything the casino needed. And in time, in time, they could be let out into the world. Maybe.

The Dicelord looked at his work and was pleased. He would name this The Lucky 30, and it would be spectacular.

With his remaining strengths, Rodmanius blessed Salev Sal so that it would prosper and grow, attracting visitors from all over the world and turning it into a Hub of commerce and vice, joining Ketterick with whatever lay beyond the mountains.

And with all this, Rodmanius felt stronger.

AP: 0
Rollover X2: 10AP
AP: 10

Weave Sanctum(The Lucky 30): 3AP
Form Nexus(The Lucky 30): 2AP
Alter Race(Wildcards): 1AP
Gain Domain: Vice(Gambling): 3AP
-1AP: creating gambling as a mundane concept.
-3AP: Weave Sanctum
-2AP: Form Nexus
-1AP: Alter Race

Intermediate Deity GET!

Bless(Salev Sal): 1AP


2014-01-12, 05:12 AM
The Battle for Irontown

Mere hours into the battle, there was a commotion in the forest nearby Irontown. A rustling, a skittering, a scuttling. Then, without warning, hordes, scores, hundreds of rust monsters poured out of the forest and into the Khan's army's rear. They began voraciously eating every scrap of metal they could get their hands on, from the fittings at the base camp, to the armour and swords of the soldiers.

Then, on the heels of the monsters (if giant insectoids can be said to have heels), there was a thundering of hooves, and the Hunt of the Seelie Revel swept out of the forest.

The armies of the Seelie Fae were beautiful and terrifying. They were stronger then any human, and the very creatures and plants of the forest fought alongside them. And leading them, shining with power and purpose, astride a Fae stag, was Harlan.

Watching the battle

Maevenia floated unseen overhead, observing. She was pleased with Harlan. She did hope he survived the battle, she had grown quite fond of him. But it would go against her nature to interfere anymore.

Well, maybe she could interfere just a little bit.

"It seems to me you have an unfair advantage, young Khan. Your people follow you with no strife, no conflict. Let the mortals fight their own battles, such god-given perfection has no place here."

She drew in a breath full of starlight, and spoke in a voice that shook creation.

"Henceforth, there shall be no such thing as destiny. I remove the very concept of it from mortality. Every man, woman, and child shall be judged on what they earn - no more and no less. No reward may be kept that is unearned, nor may any censure be retained that is unjust. So I decree it, so mote it be."

Starting AP: 1+5 Rollover
Cosmic Decree: -5
Final AP: 1

Cosmic Decree effects: There is no such thing as destiny. Every mortal receives rewards commensurate with how hard they work for it. The meanest beggar, if he works to better himself, will find opportunities, to advance within society, and gain money and power. A lazy king who languishes in his power without doing any work to earn it will find it taken from him.

This even applies to Divine gifts. You can bless or curse whoever you like, but if they don't/didn't earn it, it will slip away after time. An exception goes for Rodmanius - winning a blessing or curse by chance counts as earning it.

This also cancels Qulan Qai's exaltation. He is no longer the instinctual and predestined ruler of the Cerebrans, as such a thing cannot exist. The Cerebrans no longer feel the instinctive need to follow him.

2014-01-12, 05:04 PM

As Maevina spoke her words to Qulan Qai, she could hear laughter unlike anything ever heard before. A chilling, uncontrollable laughter erupting from the forest. For Ayemfah had heard her words, having the keener ears of a canine, and he could not contain his feelings for her words. Near the edge of the forest, the coyote could be seen rolling out of the forest, his laughter more pronounced when not echoed within the vast spaces of the forest. Finally, he calmed down just enough where he could look at Maevina and speak.

"Oooooh hoo hoo hoo! You! Oh, YOU!! My goddess, this world is not meant for such god-given perfection, you say? Well what can you say of your Fae, that they are more beautiful than the Cerebrans? Stronger? More terrifying? Are they better in every way? Does that make them better than the Cerebrans they go about putting to the slaughter? Would you say that makes them more perfect than the Cerebrans?"

"And yet why would such creatures, perfect as they are, be compelled to fight, when not a single blade was ever raised to their own necks?! Why, you compelled them, of course - perhaps tricked them, even - lead by none other than your champion you spoke so highly of! Oh! But wait a second! I believe it was you who once said, and perhaps my words are a little rough of memory..."

Ayemfah cleared his voice, and suddenly spoke as if he was Maevina himself, with such similar tone, repeating words she spoke some time ago:

"If you will excuse me, my champion has just done something very brave, and very foolish, and absolutely perfect."

Again, Ayemfah rolled around on the ground, laughing just as hard as he did in the forest. It took minutes before he spoke once more.

"Ooh, you filthy little hypocrite, you! Ah ha ha ha!! I have said before, yes, that I tend not to interfere with the affairs of Gods, but THIS?! Why, how could even a Dog like myself pass up such an opportunity?! Ooh, this is wonderful, indeed! Who gave him the title of perfect, except for yourself?! Does that not make your hero god-given perfect? Perhaps you would like to set an example for yourself, and remove your beloved champion from this realm forever, hmm?! Perhaps your own people should be left to decide whether they wish to lay their lives down for you and your 'perfect' champion?"

"Bah! Who am I kidding?" Ayemfah asked himself as he turned his back to her and sat on his hind, still smiling to himself. "Dealing with a god of trickery?! Why would I ever expect you to be an honest god? No, you are a deceiver of all things, even among your own creatures. Telling little lies to yourself; perhaps, shall we say, tricking yourself into believing what you will?!"

2014-01-12, 06:31 PM
After a long rest, the Mother of Monsters awoke in the midst of the ethers surrounding the world. She missed everything that had occurred since her last actions, and her mind was fuzzy, but she felt reinvigorated, filled with almost more divine energy than she could handle. Almost, but she could think of a thing or two to use it for.

AP: 0+4x5=20

First, she moved to her Qunari. A leader had formed from among them, taken control of their military might, and even now was forming his men into units. Seeing what was already there, she reinforced his order, and then formed them into true groups. In addition, she raised their leader, Arishok, to true, glorious, divinely-granted leadership.


Promote Leader: Arishok the First

Form Order: Body/Mind/Spirit (three orders)

Body: The military force of the Qunari. These are the regulars, but they fight as one.
Mind: The craftsmen and intellectuals. In times of war, they are the strategists.
Soul: The religious order of the Qunari. These lead them in worship of MoM. They are the spellcasters as well.

AP: 20-3-2-2-2=11

The Mother of Monsters thought to herself then. What next for the Qunari, she wondered. The giants were destructive and violent, but the Qunari needed to be able to spread their ideas. That was their challenge for Qulan. Finally making up her mind, she smiled. They would be granted a boon of persuasion, and their land would be made fertile, so that they might grow strong. And, with that, she finally, truly, realized her love for the Qunari. And that love gave her strength, as did the structure she had created for her children.

AP: 11

Bless Qunari: Increased Persuasive Powers. The Qunari have a gift at getting others to see their point of view, and convince them to see it.

Alter Land: The region where the Qunari made their home, while previously inhospitable desert, has found itself changed into a lush and fertile land. Somehow, the desert did not disappear, but the land created just exists inside of the desert.

Gain Domain: Love (Qunari) (Alter Life (Qunari) 1, Create Concept: Discipline 2, Promote Leader: Arishok the First 5, Bless (Persuasion) 6, Alter Land 7)

Gain Domain: Society (Order) (Form Order (Body) 2, Form Order (Mind) 4, Form Order (Soul) 6, Form Society (Qun)

AP: 11-1-1-3-3=3

Mom then spoke to her creations individually. A shard of her sought out the giants, one by one, and a shard sought out the Arishok himself. Speaking first to the Arishok, she said, "I have been gone long, young Arishok, but I have made my return known. Go now, and find Qulan Qai. Offer him your aid in battle. Body, Mind, and Soul fights to destroy Irontown."

The Arishok nodded, and began giving the orders to move. While he was not the leader of the Mind nor Soul, the Arigena and Ariqun would follow his lead in this, being a military matter. His men marched for Irontown, all three castes. They moved as fast as they could; and, since they were already prepared for war in the location Mother had given them, they weren't far. A few hours of marching and they were near Qulan's camp.

The Arishok sent a messenger to the encampment, with a simple message. "The Qun fights for Qulan. I ask that you meet me to discuss strategy."

Meanwhile, the other shard of the Mother of Monsters told the same message to each of the giants, though they never were in clusters of more than four. "Destroy Irontown."

The original Mother of Monsters remained where she could survey it, holding some small amount of divine power in reserve. This combat would be a true test of her children and Qulan both. The thought of it brought a smile to her face.

2014-01-12, 09:48 PM
Starlight bathed the Dog of Puns, and Maevenia's presence was with him.

"You doubt my words, my honesty, do you?" she asked him, and her voice was warm and amused. "Well, I like to think I take criticism well. Let me see if I can answer some of your concerns.

"The Fae are strong, yes, and beautiful, yes. But they are far from perfect. What do I want with perfection? Flaws are more fun, utter flawlessness is boring. The Fae are varied, free. Some are good, some are evil. Some are geniuses, some cannot think beyond the tips of their swords. No, they are not perfect, nor would I have them be.

"As for why they fight, I certainly did not compel them to. They were formed originally as a martial race, if you recall. I have granted them more variety, but many of them still love to hunt and fight. My champion begged me for a favour, and I introduced him to them. He is a strong leader, had you not noticed? And that is not my doing. I encouraged it a little, but that potential was always there. He appealed to the Fae, begged their aid, and tempted them with the promise of the greatest sport this world has seen. It was his honeyed words that swayed them, and this is hardly the full number of the Fae. There were many who were not interested, and they have not come."

As Ayemfah mimicked her voice, she frowned reproachfully at him, though her eyes never lost their sparkle of humour.

"Oh come now, Punster. I expect better of one who makes wordplay his purview. I never claimed that the man was perfect, merely that he had done something perfect. And even that, as you well know, was hyperbole. I am no fool, to be caught in your clever traps of words.

"I take no choice from people. Everyone that chooses to fight alongside Harlan has done so of their own choice. Well, save the rust monsters - they are enthralled by mortal magic. I raised Harlan in the first place to provide a choice - if Irontown still stands after this battle, I am hoping they will elect a leader fairly, and I will be no less content if Harlan loses that election than if he wins it.

"But yes, I am indeed a goddess of trickery," - and here her eyes twinkled with mischief - "So maybe you would be a fool to believe anything I say. But then are you any less a trickster? I am the Meddling One. I do not deceive, I interfere. I am the wrench in every cog, to borrow a charming Irontown idiom. Tell me, what are your plans? I may need something to keep me busy once the battle here is done!"

Starting AP: 1
Gain Title: The Meddling One: -0AP
Final: 1AP

The Seelie Revel: [roll0]
The Fae's Primal Magic: +something, probably 1?
Rust Monsters: +1
Harlan: +2

2014-01-12, 10:44 PM
2 AP leftover + 4 = 6 AP

Igbo on the frontlines

When the battle started up before the private in front of him had even moved, Igbo pushed him aside. "You three," He motions to Madhav and the others, "Spread out and give as much aid as you can. I must go to spread healing in more places, but will be back soon." Once again, Igbo disappears, leaving Madhav and the others.

Igbo in the wilds
Igbo appeared in a stretch of woodland on the edge of Cerebran territory. When he did, he felt the divine power within in waver and grow stronger, temporarily overwhelming him, and he collapsed to the ground...

3 AP - gain domain Knowledge (Medicine)
-2 from creating the Red Robes
-3 from promoting Madhav
-2 from creating Advanced Medicine

3 AP left

2014-01-13, 09:09 AM
Slain. Murdered
The was no reason, nothing to justify his death. Just murdered. The memory of how was irreverent. But he had been slain. Why was he still alive? Why had he not reincarnated? Vengeance. The word resounded in his soul, his very being, until it overtook him. VENGEANCE. What was going on? He was changing. Transcending. And the newborn god spoke: "The Avenger has risen."

2014-01-13, 02:00 PM
"Why, your starlit benevolence," Ayemfah continued after hearing her speak, "You prove exactly what I would have concern over; that is, you have no honesty, no integrity. You have solidarity on par with that of the sand on the beaches, which wash away when a strong current pushes against it. But I see a greater flaw in your argument, when you took away this divinity you saw and proclaimed that no creature of this land shall be given divine right."

"You claimed that no creature shall be judged by anything other than what they have earned. Well, was Qulan not already a capable fighter even before his master crafted such well-designed leashes for him? Did he earn all his victories before forming this formidable pack? Did he earn the complacency of his pack? Perhaps you may disagree with me, but I can see otherwise."

"For you see, like my dogs, these Cerebrans love companionship. They grovel at the opportunity to find friendship, to be loved, to be inspired by others; Qulan has done just that. Any other Cerebran could have done it, sure... but who cares about the others? Qulan did it first. The natural world does not care about 'what if', your star-struck goddess; all things happen as they do, with a logic that very few, save perhaps us Gods, can understand. For the more feeble-minded, it makes sense to give voice to this mindless complexity, to say that some things are... what's that word again? Oh right."

And Ayemfah gave a deliciously sly grin.


AP Cost:

- 5 (Cosmic Decree): Destiny may not exist, but there is a logic to this world that escapes comprehension of all beings below the Gods themselves. This logic may be given any voice, including Destiny.

"Tell me, oh Meddling One, isn't 'destiny' such a funny thing to watch the mortals act out? Why, if you still wish to accompany me, I plan on roaming this land and enjoy all things done by these Cerebrans, for they are such a fun bunch when let off their leashes, are they not?"

2014-01-13, 07:30 PM
Maevenia broke out into full, delighted laughter.

"Oh! Oh, my dear Dog of Puns, you are too much fun to debate with. You are a trickster after my own heart, I can see that the world could never be dull with you in it.

"Qulan was indeed a capable fighter, and he has earned much loyalty. I take no issue with that, I simply think it unfitting that Quaestus was so lacking in confidence with his champion, that he forced everyone to hold him as their perfect, destined leader. If he earns the right to be their leader - as he has - let him take it! But let him take it on his own merits, not on the say-so of a god!"

She burst out laughing again as Ayemfah made his Decree.

"There! That is wordplay worthy of a god! You are right, mortals will call the patterns of the world whatever they will. I suppose destiny is as good a name as any, even if it is inaccurate. Still, the smartest of them will work out in time that it's all their own work, that any man may find any post, if they work hard enough towards it.

"As for your offer of company, I think I should very much like to accept. I must ask you to wait for a while, though - I want to see how this battle turns out, first."

She gave him a dazzling smile, and her teeth shone with starlight.

2014-01-14, 07:05 PM
Grimnoir laughed the evil sort and saw the casino and smiled again, rodmodious, the dice lord, u are a good god, gambling is a great thing to spoil lives and create more crime thank u said greed

2014-01-14, 10:41 PM
Ayemfah gazed out over the battle taking place, watching the Cerebrans and Fae kill and die by the dozens, the blood staining the grass. To many, it was a horrifying sight, but nothing would startle the Gods, not even Ayemfah himself. And as he watched all of this, he realized the futility of interfering further, as the Giants lumbered their way to the walls and the citizens of Irontown no doubtingly prepare for the inevitable, and Ayemfah knew what had to be done...

But first, he gracefully bent down and started to lick his balls clean. After that, he spoke up:

"I think I will go elsewhere. These disagreements matter little to me anymore, and there is not much fun to be had in all these bloody affairs. My dogs, my wolves and my coyotes, they will find safety beyond these conflicts, as I'm sure they will; but there are those who I wish to see, and they will no doubt have queries for me. How queer... but I digress. To you, oh mistress of the thousand midnight lights, this is farewell for now!"

And with that, Ayemfah returned to the forest, seeking out the werewolves that he had not seen since he first released Biter to the wild.

2014-01-14, 11:17 PM
Trenzel was star gazing as he had just finished brewing another alcemical elixir, one that bonded flesh with runes. His fingers burned from the over exposure to alcemical ingredients, his body had grown old prematurely from inscribing too many runes on himself that fed off his life blood, and his luck seemed to have run out with the constant overdosing of his Infinite Improbability Distilleries. He was done, his Emperor would live at least ten more life times than him, but Trenzel chose this path, the forbidden route. One where a single misplaced line meant death. His papers were strewn around him, lying on the lawn of the University, it was strange how fast all of this occurred, this rapid development, he had started out perfecting the workings of writing and building stone buildings and built his Library. Not even twenty years later, he was old, aged by the darkest secrets of the universe. Power had a price he supposed, but his God Sight still served him well. A shooting star went up from where Irontown was supposed to be generally located, but it was so far away, he didn't even know the distance. It shone like a small star, radiating out all the spectrums of light. It registered as a deity to him, causing him to smirk a bit, these masters of the universe remained an enigma, there was barely any idea of religion in this part of the world. His eyes shut, the grass caressed him to sleep.

A world unlike any other greeted him, a figure clad in a cloak made of foaming blues, roaring reds, vibrant greens, and other colors greeted him. The figure's face was obscured by the light of the cloak. Trenzel didn't even need his Sight to know this was a God. He extended his hand, and spoke in seven voices, "I am Arctus, Dreamlord. Your time as a Cerebran is over, it's impossible to continue forging ahead without shedding your humanity. You utilize magic, but you are not magic. Blood shed will never dry, I will inscribe a rune for your Transcendance into your right hand, and leave the recipe for the alchemy in your left." Arctus rolled an eye, and Trenzel's dream went black.

When Trenzel awoke, his right hand burned as a rune that was somehow three dimensional on a two dimensional patch of skin was on it. Only a God could inscribe something like that. In his other hand was a crumpled up sheet of paper, detailing how to concoct a solvent to remove his humanity, he was no longer in need of it. He spent hours on the formula, eventually finishing as the sun rose. With a single swig, he burnt away the artificial aging, until he seemed no more older than he was when he first laid a brick for his Library. Veins pulsed as he felt the need for breathing, eating, sleeping, drinking, and defecating become optional. His blood was now boiling with pure arcane power, runes formed on his body without warning, altering his environment at will. He realized that he could feel the hell fire elemental he had sealed in his Vault, yet he doubted that even the primal aspect of destruction could even touch him now, he was Trenzel the Arcane.

Beget Legend:Trenzel the Arcane -5

While he no longer saw Qulan as his destined ruler, he did have honor, so he did believe that Qulan have Trenzel his position and spared his life. He had a huge debt to repay.

Yet there was also the rumors of dragons, Trenzel mused on what he should do with this new transcendent power.

2014-01-15, 03:36 PM
In the thick of the forest, Ayemfah playfully hopped from one tree log to another, tracking down where the Werewolves he created had run off to. Of course, ominous shadows were tracking Ayemfah... but this did not escape the attention of the Dog of Puns. He was well aware of these shadows, but found it fit to entertain them for the time being.

As he walked further into the forest, he came across a lake, realizing at that moment how lovely it would be to have a drink. Without delay, he walked over to the lake, layed on his stomach and began drinking from it. Sure enough, a creature out of Ayemfah 'Nyeh's sight loomed over him, but his reflection could be seen in the water. Grinning to himself, Ayemfah turned his head around to meet his tracker.

"Why if all the forest were as sneaky as you, Biter, I would never get a good night's rest for all the commotion going on!"
"Ayemfah 'Nyeh?!"

And Biter thus stepped back, marveling in the new form of his Deity. He contemplated kneeling down before the Dog, but decided against it. With a wave of his hand, other werewolves emerged from the forest behind him, and they all gathered around to look upon the creature that they called God.

"You changed."
"Ah, but of course I have! All things change in these forests, no?"
"They do. Even the world outside changes... we heard the fighting of men by Irontown, and I can smell more blood. I know more of our bretheren-to-be lay there, waiting to be rescued, but there are so many of them... we cannot save all our wear-wolves."
"Ah, but you could save your own hide."
"You would wish for us to leave them?"
"I don't do wishes, Biter. It's your choice to save them or not. Although I can sense your hesitations... you fear the Cerebrans, do you not?"
"We are far stronger than any one of them on their own, save Qulan Qai... but they are so numerous. We need them for both food and numbers, but they will not tolerate our existence. If they know we live in these forests, they will surely look for us and cull us all."
"Why, young pup, you think too small! Did you think where the Cerebrans live is all that there is to this world?! I can smell the hot, dry deserts so far away with my nose; my hairs prick at the thought of those tall, ominous mountains that wish to pierce the sky and let in the vast, cold emptiness; my mouth salivates at the idea of tasting exotic things within jungles so far away from here. Yes, I can smell all those places, Biter... yet you choose to hide away in these forests, hoping to avoid the wrath of your former leash-master?!"

Biter paused, unsure of how to respond to Ayemfah's words. Without waiting, Ayemfah then continued:

"The land of the Cerebrans has become too packed, like a meadow full of birds pecking away at the seeds. Eventually, there will be no seeds to eat, and the plants will never grow back the next year. Everything needs space, my wolvish things. My legs have gotten too cramped with all those dogs and Gods fighting each other over a single iron cage. There is an entire world out there, begging to be explored, and I know the Cerebrans will be eager to go out on their own. Who among you would like to stretch your legs?"

After a brief moment of silence, a werewolf howled up towards the sky, followed by Biter and then the vast majority of werewolves howling in unison. Giddy with joy, Ayemfah joined the howl, and soon all the canines began running, looking for vast new spaces to call their own home. Others would struggle to catch up and eventually be left to their own devices, living lives of solitude and lucky to find even another of Biter's Old Pack. Fewer still broke off in their own ways, finding themselves the only pack within an area. These would mark out their territory and live among the wildlife. All those that broke away from the Old Pack would eventually become feral things, like large wolves fit only for hunting and killing.

The New Pack would run to the colder regions of the world, where the land was harsher and more unfit for even the Cerebrans to settle, yet still wild enough that plenty of wild game could be found. There, they would make their hunting ground, and Biter would continue to remind them of their Cerebran heritage, never letting them become wild animals themselves. And Ayemfah would live among them for a while, reveling in the freedom of hunting with his Pack.

2014-01-16, 10:36 AM

Dahausal Weiss-Weens, the head administrative Wildcard of the Lucky 30, faced quite the conundrum. His Lord's guests were entertained with their games, for sure, but... it seemed as if -something- was missing. They were being treated and served well, with the luckiest of them gaining a night's stay within the massive, holy structure. Hell, the races between the multi-colored equines were proving to be both fun to watch and gamble on in more ways than one!

So what was missing?

Seeking answers, Dahausal travelled to the top floor of the massive tower, to ask that very question to the Dicelord himself.

"My Lord, we seem to have a... bit of a problem. The mortals don't seem to be in as high of a spirit as we had hoped." - said the floating, blue eye, averting its gaze from its lord and master.

"Yeah, I noticed. People leaving faster than I'd like, rolling a few times and then bugging out... You know what? I'll just trust the old, trustworthy method of getting **** done." - said Rodmanius, floating up from his... whatever the equivalent of a bed for a giant eye is, and pulled out his dice. He rolled.

Unfortunately, the dice fell off the window.

Looking out the window, the two eyeballs saw as they bounced off a mud rooftop, bouncing off towards a tiny, yellow equine, who freaked out and kicked the air, sending them towards some old people. Said old people were tripped over by the dice, which in turn kept rolling until they reached a plank of wood leaning against one of Sagev Sal's wells. And with their momentum, they succesfully travelled up the inclined plank, landing inside the wall, momentarily sinking into the water. As they rised, their results were displayed in unison. A solid 30 had been rolled.

Mal Practice
2014-01-16, 01:44 PM
A solid 30 had been rolled.

The dice sat still in the water for a moment, but began to glow gently, churning the water around them. The dice hissed. Kind of. It wasn't so much a loud, sizzling noise like bacon would make as much as the sound you'd expect potassium to have when it made contact with water. Out from the dice, the water spun, swirled, and took on that color it would if oil was in it as something started seeping from the dice. It was a clear liquid, but whatever it was wasn't water.

Alter Land: -2AP
The goddess' creation has transformed the well into a reservoir of alcoholic fluid--a white rum, actually. Hope the next guy that gets "water" from it has a good tolerance.

As the wellwater finished its change, the glowing dice found themselves wrapped in a sudden, rising portion of the wellwater. It was a blob at first, but grew quickly, swirling and transparent until a pair of liquid limbs began to extrude themselves from the bubble. Features began to become loosely defined--a nose on the top of it as the blob began to thin out a bit. The 'limbs' to its sides lowered themselves, settling along its middle as they hardened into arms, wrapped in angled platemail.

The shoulders followed suit, hard, flat surfaces with an angle on the top and at the edge of the pauldrons. The features continued sharpening as more and more of the liquid dripped back into the well. Her eyes came next, closed at the start--her chest next, covered in a hardened cuirass, then her legs, their greaves, her feet, their boots.

The colors began to shift from within her, looking like someone had squeezed food dye into a pot of water. The paricles shifted and stirred, beginning to give the armored parts of her their silvery color, her face the pale, varied look it had, her eyes the grey of overcast skies, and her hair the bronze of aged liquor.

As soon as she was finished forming, her eyes opened, and she looked... well, somewhat surprised. After all, it wasn't often that you found yourself staring at a stone wall in a well. Let alone a well full of rum.

Though, that... wasn't quite something she had control over. Her body shifted, and she spilled into the water, cursing and flailing as her hands scrabbled and scraped at the wall, trying to find purchase. 'OF WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THING OF WAKING?!' she yelled, her voice deep, husky for a female.

She began to climb, her armored fingers digging into the stone and finding purchase as she began to rise. 'Is not good enough for to be aware, is of having to be challenging when am first seeing things!' Her utterances, though, became less friendly, comprehensible, and English as she went on, so all listing of them will stop here.

Once she reached the top of the well, her hulking, armored form pulled itself free of the well, her hair matted down by the rapidly drying liquid, armor glistening in the sun from it. She was annoyed, until the general sense of celebration in the area took hold of her.

Revelry. Someone was having a party. Kalashka looked around, wetness forgotten. The celebration and partyin was goin wonderfully, save the lack of... some sort of thing. Something wasn't happening. Fun and joy was being had, but they lacked that spark, that... little macguffin that would let them REALLY have fun. She smiled, her mind going back to the well she'd just crawled out of.

'Could be of giving good spark to party,' she said, and began on her way to the building. It was the largest one around, it looked like, and oddly holy. So, why not. There was a party there, and she could most certainly help with it.

AP count at top of post: 15

[Alter Land]: -1
AP count at bottom of post: 14

2014-01-18, 04:26 AM
Looking out the window, Rodmanius eye-palmed. Hard. He'd have to get some holy eyedrops in there later due to that, but that wasn't important right now.

"Not this again..." - he mumbled to himself. "That's the SECOND set of dice I lose to a newborn god."
"Second, my Lord?"
"Doesn't matter. She did something to that well. You go down there and see what happened. I'll go down and greet her." - he commanded, making sure his hat was affixed properly.
"Are you sure you want me to do that?"

Dahausal Weiss-Weens was feeling a bit drowsy. It probably had something to do with the fact he had been thrown out a window and was now falling at terminal velocity towards a well. This would encite a phylosophical discussion within his mind, were it not for the fact that he was ****ting himself.

Then he remember... his kind didn't walk or fly.

They floated.

Dahausal slowed down his descent until he was just a meter off the ground before grabbing a bucket and floating down the well. Whatever this was, it sure wasn't water. Picking up some with the container, he had a sip, causing his eye-body to light up and a single response.
"Oh... oho... this is some good ****."


On the first floor of the Lucky 30, Rodmanius manifested himself, appearing as...


... well, himself. In his usual form, but his hat having turned into a steel helmet, covering his eye-form.

"Now to wait." - he said to himself, before his attention fell to the pone-race at the other side of the casino.
"Holy Me, Pink Thunder is rushing through the competition despite the limp leg!" - he thought to himself, going to place a bet.

2014-01-18, 12:52 PM
No sooner had the New Pack arrived at the new territory than there was already change blowing through the air. The food was plenty enough for all these werewolves, and within a day's run they would be able to go back to Cerebran territory for easy access to food and more werewolves. Yet the pack had bigger appetites than they realized. The cooler air was offset by their thicker furs, but they felt undignified without some armour on their hide. The rain never bothered them, and yet they wished for something more to sleep under than an empty night sky. They wanted to eat food off tables, they wanted more women to raise packs of their own.

Simply put, they wanted to be civil creatures.

Biter was no foolish beast, himself, but he was unsure of where this was going. It was one thing to lead dogs into battle, but to lead werewolves... these were smart men, just as smart as he was. And potentially as dangerous. He had to be careful where to apply blunt leadership and where to concede with these wolves. Some recognized him as their leader, but others didn't care for any form of leadership. They were the ones that would be the problem for Biter.

Sitting up high on a cliff side as he watched the werewolves mingle among each other, Biter heard a ruffling of the bushes behind him. Snapping his head behind him, he saw as Ayemfah popped out of the bushes, a rabbit in his mouth. With a grin, the Dog of Puns walked by Biter's side and began eating the rabbit.

"You always seek me out whenever you're hungry."
"Why, a dog should never have to eat alone. A litter always feasts upon their mother's milk together, no?"
"Indeed. Though there isn't much of a litter for ourselves to have."
"Why what seems to be the matter, young pup? Has the cold made you feel too small to go claim a woman for yourself?"
"All of us need women to breed. We want to have families, children to carry on what we've built here. But that means going back to Cerebran territory."
"Ah, invoking the old leash-master's wrath for a bounty of maidens... how romantic an ideal, Biter."
"It's more than that. Such an undertaking would have to be organized, and these werewolves need more than just women. They want houses, order -"
"Why, when one has been spoiled to the wonders of a civilized society, it's hard to make them see the joys of a life in harmony with nature. So you wish to make your people civilized?"
"We were civil things already, Dog. You took that from me, and I from them. Many want that life back. Some want their wives and children back. They won't succeed on their own... we need to co-operate here. And yet..."
"An alpha dog can command the respect of his pack, but can it command them to build houses and follow the rules?"
"You know us better than we do now. Yet even I can see the resentment in those eyes. They're looking for any reason to kill me. If I do not act soon..."
"Then why not act now? These political machinations are interesting games, Biter, and I would enjoy them would it not lead to boring creatures... I don't intend to watch these beasts become nothing better than animals, for that would make me wonder why I bothered making your kind in the first place? Besides, an alpha wolf always strives to make his power well-known to the lower males."
"So you would give me permission to do with them what I will?"
"Oh Biter you," Ayemfah giggled as he snapped the rabbit's leg off, "when was the last time I've given you anything? You've shown me you can earn your kills... now show me you can earn your place as their beastmaster."

With renewed confidence blazing in his eyes, Biter stood up and howled to the werewolves down below. Stopping what they were doing, they all ran around the cliff and up the path to where Ayemfah and Biter stayed, numbering just over a hundred. Standing before them, with the sun and snow accentuating his grey fur, Biter spoke to them all.

"You will all listen to me, and listen to me carefully. I know what you want. You want your food on plates. You want your women in houses. You want the life I took from you back."

To this, the werewolves nodded.

"Well you can forget it! Not with the way we are now. Not a single one of you will take back your life while the Cerebrans outnumber us so!"

To this, the werewolves growled angrily at Biter. One even dared to turn his back on him, to which Biter immediately lashed out. He grabbed the werewolf by the back of his neck and threw him to the ground, but not before being dragged down by another werewolf. As the three werewolves started tearing into each other with claw and tooth, the rest stood, their eyes hungry with potential.

Finally, Biter broke from the two werewolves and held them apart. To the one on his right, he dug his claws deep into his shoulder, bit down on his neck, then tore his arm straight off. As the werewolf howled in pain, Biter threw the arm to the pack, who happily fought among each other for a piece of the arm. Now with his undivided attention onto the other, he dug his claws deep into the wolf's face, forcing him on his knees before he spoke to him.

"I will now lay down the First Rule we werewolves will follow: NEVER turn your back on the High Alpha."
"You dare think I will call you master, boy?!"
"You will call me the High Alpha, or I'll rip your head off and feed your body to the Pack. You will not be buried in the ground. Your bones will be as worthless as animal bones, fit only to remind others of my power. Do you understand me?"
"... I do."
"I do, WHAT?!" Biter roared as his dugs bore deeper into the other wolf's head.
"Augh! I DO, HIGH ALPHA!!"

With that, Biter tossed the wolf back on the ground, letting him crawl back to the rest with his tail between his legs. With the two upstarts dealt with, Biter then continued.

"The Second Rule: you earn only what you take, and you take what you can keep for yourself."
"The Third Rule: do not lash out against your own bitch and pups. It is beneath you to act like an animal; you are werewolves, prove your difference from the animals."
"The Fourth Rule: if your blood extends into many families, there will be a Chief Alpha to rule them. They will command your respect, to have no master save the High Alpha and his pack."
"The Fifth Rule: your word is bond for one year. If you do not follow up on your word, your life is forfeit. If you survive for a year after that, you may make bonds once more."
"The Final Rule: control your stomach. We all only eat meat; if you consume too much life and leave little for the rest, we will eat from your pack until we can find food elsewhere."
"Now... do you accept these rules?"

The werewolves hesitated, unsure of what to make of these rules. Eventually, they nodded their heads, some howling in approval.

"Good. Then as your High Alpha, I will tell you this: you will have your old lives back, if you want them. We will run, together, into Cerebran territory. We need women to continue our legacy. If you want your wives back, then take them; your old children can be raised by other Cerebrans. You all have a few days, starting now, to figure out whether you want your wife or a new woman. We will hunt wolves in the meantime, to have them ready to make the women of our kind. We will look for strong sticks and stone to make weapons capable of fighting off the Cerebrans while we take what we need. We are the Nu'pac'kh, the Werewolves of the Cold, and we earn what we can take."

To this, the werewolves all howled in unison. Many broke off to start hunting wolves for their pelts, while some began looking for sticks and stones to turn into crude weapons. And to all of this, the newly crowned High Alpha of the Nu'pac'kh watched them do what they willed. He looked down to Ayemfah, who licked his lips clean and looked back up to Biter, a smile now gracing his face.

AP Cost:

- 1 (Form Society): The 'Nu'pac'kh are a society of werewolves who organize themselves based on pack loyalty. Each pack, or family, is ruled by the Alpha male, with lineage passing based on agreements between each parent per child. A pack with multiple families is governed by the Chief Alpha, who carries more strength, may intervene in lineage disputes and may call upon the pack to organize small raiding parties. The entire Nu'pac'kh society is ruled by the High Alpha, a title reserved only for the strongest werewolf in the whole territory. It is only the High Alpha who may call for war or a Grand Raid, where all alphas in the Nu'pac'kh and old enough pups are commanded to take from surrounding territory as much as they can afford.

[b]1 - 1 + 5 (Rollover) = 5

Mal Practice
2014-01-19, 03:37 PM
So, after a bit of wandering, Kalashka found herself at the tower. She had been plotting and scheming along the way--in a manner of sorts. Someone had found the well. She could feel that much, and it made her a little giddy. The joy would start to spread soon, and this dreary little celebration would turn into something that she could be proud of.

She should introduce them to the ability to make alcohol. But... what kind? Certainly not wine. She couldn't stand the stuff. Hated it. Ale, beer, rum, spirits, those were the kinds of things you were supposed to drink when you celebrated! But... what kind? What should she teach them how to make?

She thought on that as she approached the structure, her armor clinking and clanking with every step she took. It was... a big tower made out of rock. With a bunch of floors in it, undoubtedly. She could feel something divine coming from within. Somewhere on the first floor. There were bars around, spaced around the place. They were bars! Bars, in a tower! She smiled and--as soon as she started striding to one, she stopped. A frown formed on her face. The bars had liquid. Many kinds of liquid. But they didn't have any alcohol. That kinda twisted her panties, so to speak.

Create Mundane Concept (Brewery) (-1 AP)

Create Mundane Concept (Distillation) (-1 AP)

Guess what. All of you people can make alcohol now. Isn't that grand? Be sure to use it for good! Like parties with friends. Not for bad, like alcoholism.

With that taken care of, she began to head towards that holy sense that was coming from one of the racing stadiums. So she stood back up and wandered over to it, intent on meeting this other being.

AP count at top of post: 14

AP count at bottom of post: 12

2014-01-19, 05:25 PM
The Ethidras in Alzaragan watched others battle in boredom. No individual that isn't a god could best her in a fight so she decided to find something else to do. She decided to see if her dragon form was doing alright. So she vanished from Alzaragan and appeared in the Royal treasury in Alara. She noticed her original was sleeping so she decided to wake her up. The shard walked up closer and when she did so, she felt her power growing more. Once she touched her, the both melded together as one again and once that was done, she felt even more powerful once she awoken. "Kinda rude of me to wake me up while I was sleeping, but this power does give quite a rush. I guess it was time to get up anyway." She got up from the horde, but she was utterly bored and now she is feeling a strong desire to fight someone who can put up a fair fight.

Meanwhile, Vendath was increasing in power as well, learning hit and run attacks and starting to develop basic tactics.

Rollover x2 = 8AP
3 Ap gain domain Competition (combat)
-Heaven (due to Alzaragan, which is practically Valhalla)
-Angels (Valkries)
3 Ap gain domain good (equality)
-Kingdom of Alara
2 Ap Hero: Marshal of the Realm Vendath Bronzewing

2014-01-19, 08:49 PM
3 AP rollover + 4 = 7 AP

Igbo in the Wild (cont.)

Igbo awoke several hours later, his energy restored. At first his surroundings were strange, but quickly he remembered why he was here. While he had created his followers among the cerebrans, he had not yet created his own creature. A creature dedicated to healing and peace. Igbo concentrated, and in front of him appeared a shining white horse, it's coat almost silver, with a 2' golden horn coming from it's forhead, the color matching the creatures flowing mane and tail. Concentrating further, Igbo implants within the creature his own personality, causing the creatures to be incredibly peaceful, and attempt to heal any wounded creature it finds. the God further gives the creature strength and speed above and beyond that of a normal horse, and finally, puts in it's horn the ability to heal any poison, or any wound, if the creature touches something with it. Finally satisfied, he steps back, and admires his creation. I will name you... the Unicorn. he decides, before snapping his fingers and creating several more of the creatures in the woods, so that they may go forth and multiply.

5 AP - create fantastic life (or whatever the biggest life creation thing is, forgotten what exactly it was called) - Unicorn. All unicorns are colored roughly similar to as they were described above, with their coat ranging from bright white, through silver, to a cream color, and their horns, manes, and tales being the color of precious metals - golden, copper, or bronze colored. This will likely lead to the mistaken belief that the horns are made of these metals, though they are not - anyone cutting them off will realize that its just a brightly colored keratin. Unicorns are skittish animals, able to judge a person's morals when they sight them, and will not approach anyone who has ever killed a sentient being (for any reason) or attacked someone (defending yourself without killing the person, however, will not keep them from coming). The only exception is if a person is mortally wounded - A unicorn will approach any creature that is wounded to the point of death and heal it. For those that it wouldn't approach normally, they will run off immediately afterwards. Their horns, as I stated above, are able of healing wounds as though they could cast healing magic, but only if they are still attached to a living unicorn - no cutting them off and making healing potions. Due to this, if attacked, unicorns defend themselves with their hooves. Finally, Unicorns, as I mentioned above, are both faster and stronger than normal horses by about 33%

2 AP left

2014-01-21, 09:36 PM
Trenzel meditated at the highest point in the University grounds, communing with the forces that comprised the Universe. A smattering of gods just disappeared, their sparks snuffed out. Creation was a little darker for their passing.

The currents of divine power flowed through him, he had the ability to create and destroy in front of him, within him. Material wealth was meaningless, as he could create an infinite supply with his inborn power. What was lacking in this world was the ability to commune with the Dream World. He looked at the five towers of the University, each had a balcony perfect for his project. He named the first tower the Tower of the Dream. His hand put together the strings of reality, binding them until a stable door way into the Dream realm was created. The door bound the material and the dream.

Legend AP:1
Make Portal -1
Legend AP:0

With that, Tremzel stepped into the Dream Realm, searching for new forms of life that may dwell there.

2014-01-23, 04:53 PM
The new god began to shift, physically, from a single flame to a Firebird, his wings spreading out from the central flame, claws and a tail forming, tongues of fire billowing out from them and solidifying into feathers. Bursts of flame and gushes of heat writhed in the air around him. Smoldering, he let the flames burn a while before returning back to a mass of flame. His other form felt more natural, more powerful. But he could not do what he wanted to do in it.
He sent a plume of fire out away from him and simply told it: "Grow." And it grew. It expanded outwards, an ever-burning flame, until it disappeared. Frowning, he tried again. The same thing happened. Finally, he decided that he would attempt to follow it. And he discovered that the first two attempts had also worked, but the Material Plane just couldn't hold them. So they had become a plane of their own.
The first layer he left blazing, it's heat scorching anything within it. An inferno hot enough that only the bravest of mortals would dare enter it. and he named it: ”Excidio”

The second layer seemed to have a fault. the flame were frozen, unflickering, stuck. Instead, they began to form a building, which in turn pierced into the first and third layer. Runes began to form in the flames, and the tower, monstrous as it was, stopped growing.

The third and final layer he extinguished, leaving merely the threads of the realm there. Off of this, he spun a single cavern, infinitely black, and infinitely consuming. It was a realm no sane mortals would traverse, a realm fit for the gods

AP:15+4 (rollover)
Weave plane (Sheol) -5 AP
Forge Monument (Heilopolis) -7 AP and 1 Infusion
Ending AP: 7

2014-01-23, 05:40 PM
So, after a bit of wandering, Kalashka found herself at the tower. She had been plotting and scheming along the way--in a manner of sorts. Someone had found the well. She could feel that much, and it made her a little giddy. The joy would start to spread soon, and this dreary little celebration would turn into something that she could be proud of.

She should introduce them to the ability to make alcohol. But... what kind? Certainly not wine. She couldn't stand the stuff. Hated it. Ale, beer, rum, spirits, those were the kinds of things you were supposed to drink when you celebrated! But... what kind? What should she teach them how to make?

She thought on that as she approached the structure, her armor clinking and clanking with every step she took. It was... a big tower made out of rock. With a bunch of floors in it, undoubtedly. She could feel something divine coming from within. Somewhere on the first floor. There were bars around, spaced around the place. They were bars! Bars, in a tower! She smiled and--as soon as she started striding to one, she stopped. A frown formed on her face. The bars had liquid. Many kinds of liquid. But they didn't have any alcohol. That kinda twisted her panties, so to speak.

Create Mundane Concept (Brewery) (-1 AP)

Create Mundane Concept (Distillation) (-1 AP)

Guess what. All of you people can make alcohol now. Isn't that grand? Be sure to use it for good! Like parties with friends. Not for bad, like alcoholism.

With that taken care of, she began to head towards that holy sense that was coming from one of the racing stadiums. So she stood back up and wandered over to it, intent on meeting this other being.

AP count at top of post: 14

AP count at bottom of post: 12

"Aaaand Aqua Stream is on the lead, followed close behind by Pink Thunder. This is going to be a close race folks. I can feel it in my bones!" - yelled the hypodrome's Wildcard announcer, as Rodmanius watched.
"Come on, come on! Daddy's dice predicted a good end for you!" - he stated, his meaty hands holding on to a paper slip. Then he remembered.
"Oh ****." - In a hurry, Rodmanius floated to where the new deity was, making sure he looked presentable.
"Hello there, new daughter. How are you doing? Rodmanius The Dicelord... well, not at your service. More like just here. Any how, how are you finding the whole being alive thing?"

AP: 0
Rollover: +6
AP: 6

2014-01-27, 04:40 PM
36 hours prior to the raid on Cerebran Territory:

In the harsh mountain forests, with the cold winds descending down into the valley below, a doe and her calf could be seen grazing on shoots of grass and other wild berries that dotted the forest floor. They were shy creatures, very attune to their environment and always cautious creatures.

But that would matter little in the last seconds of their lives.

The doe heard bushes rattle behind her. Before she and her calf could even run, they broke out into the open: wild, savage beasts chasing them down, with yellow eyes that screamed death and teeth that glistened as white as the snow beneath their feet. The two deer were fast, but the first of the werewolves descended upon the deer. While the calf continued to run, the doe gave out shrill cries as a few more werewolves began tearing into her, not even waiting until it died before consuming her flesh.

The calf was not as fast as her mother was, but she was still graced with her size and maneuverability. Weaving through trees and under over-hanging branches, it continued to run away from two pursuers, who were dead-set on having a meal of their own. The first just behind the calf, Rocksmasher, was given a bronze fur coat with white patches under his belly. The one behind him, Pinewhipper, was a more timid but imaginative werewolf, with fur as black as night. Both wolves were hungry beasts, and it was a game to see who would kill the calf first.

Pinewhipper was fast, but not as fast as Rocksmasher. He knew he could not reach the calf before the latter did... but perhaps he didn't need to? As he ran by a small tree, he grabbed it by the trunk and ripped it from the base. He then broke off the bushy end, giving him a decent throwing spear. Aiming carefully for the calf, he threw with all his might as both Rocksmasher and the calf disappeared into the bush. He heard a loud thunk, then a squeal. Satisfied, he ran after the noise.

It was merely seconds later when he happened into a clearing, with a small creak flowing downwards South and a large boulder just near the tree edge across from him, perhaps twenty five or thirty feet away. The tree that he threw was lying on the ground, blood splattered on the one end. Rocksmasher could be seen dragging the calf to the boulder, hoping to eat on the top without interruption.

"That was my kill!" Pinewhipper roared as he ran towards Rocksmasher. But an intimidating roar and boasting by the latter kept the black wolf at bay.
"Then come take it from me! You know what the so-called High Alpha said; if you can't keep it, you can't have it! Now run away before I claw your skin off and use it for my women!"

Another powerful roar forced Pinewhipper to scurry off and backtrack from whence he came. After some distance away, the werewolf whimpered to himself. He had not eaten for days, and he was afraid he couldn't last much longer. Growling in anger and disappointment, he returned to where the doe layed, only to see bloody bones and a wolf burying itself into the ribs, picking off the last pieces of meat. Not wishing to let the thing have all the bones to itself, Pinewhipper ran over to the beast, roaring and howling madly to scare it off... only to see the wolf-like beast lift its head and give him a smile.

"Ayemfah 'Nyeh!" Pinewhipper exclaimed, backing away as he knelt down before the God. "I was not aware you were out here already, hunting with the others."
"Oh, dear pup, I would never hunt a deer; too much for someone like myself to eat. I am no glutton, you know! The other werewolves that were here earlier ate what they could, then chased themselves around for a flank of meat the one ripped off. Ah, but I am afraid there is not enough meat here for the both of us to eat, and I must admit, I am a little more graceful than yourselves and can fit my way into those tiny crevices that you cannot."
"I can break those bones apart, Ayemfah."
"Oh, I'm so sure you could... but I can tell you can do so much better than that, Pinewhipper."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh you didn't think I missed that spectacle with the tree you threw and the calf you killed? Why, that was the most entertaining thing I've seen in a long time! It makes me realize I do even miss being around those Cerebrans. They were such interesting and imaginative folk, unlike you savage brutes."
"But what does it matter? Rocksmasher is stronger than I am, I cannot fight him alone!"
"Spare me your pity and whimpers, Pinewhipper! I can do very well to eat on my own without such nonsense. But I have seen you can do better than that. Perhaps you just need a little... imaginative spirit."

As Ayemfah spoke these words, Pinewhipper leaned in closer, crouching on his hind legs as curiosity began to take in.

"What do you mean, Ayemfah?"
"Ah, now I think you can get somewhere with that kind of attitude... look around you, Pinewhipper. Tell me all that you can see."
"I see... I see lots of trees. Big ones, small ones, some as thick as my head."
"Well you don't have as thick a head as others! Ha ha! Oh, but do go on..."
"There is lots of snow on the ground... the grass is weak, because of the cold. I see some pebbles and rocks, some dead leaves on the ground... in the trees, I can see birds and small rodents. There... there is a frozen spider web in one of the trees."
"Ooh, is that so?!" Ayemfah said as he looked to where Pinewhipper was looking.

Indeed, it was quite the massive web, created by a spider perhaps as big as the bottom of a cup, though it was long since dead. The web it wove was glazed with icy crystals and just as stiff. The two got up and walked over, Pinewhipper looking at it from afar while Ayemfah got closer, even sniffing the web as he did so.

"But how would such a thing even help me? Or are you just being your weird self like always?"
"Ah, you are too quick to judge!" Ayemfah said as he turned back and smiled. "For there are many things in this forest that, to an imaginative soul, can be used for many things. Why, killing is, for some, one of the most imaginative things intelligent creatures can conceive of! Take those rocks you saw: could you, perhaps, bash in a skull with that rock?"
"I suppose you could... Rocksmasher did just that with his wolf."
"Mhm, he did... but a Pinewhipper? Why THAT must have been quite the song and dance you performed to conquer that wolf! And you are all named after your method of murder, are you not?"
"Yes, we are, but -"
"Ah ah, say no more! You'll ruin the fun! Why, I'm just imagining all those different ways you beat that poor wolf to death by whipping it!"

And Ayemfah howled in laughter as he rolled around in the snow, getting up to shake it off while he continued to giggle.

"You have an imaginative mind, young Pinewhipper, and with the forest, why, she could provide you with all things you could wish for."
"Is that so, Ayemfah?"
"Why, who knows? But would you submit yourself to such a dull fate as death?"

With a curious look upon his face, Pinewhipper looked once more upon the frozen web, trying hard to imagine what he could do with such material. Finally, looking upon a small branch, he ripped it off and examined it; in particular, he noted how bendy it was, yet also how it could still return to its shape. He then reached over and grabbed a string of spider web and, to his own surprised, pulled that string and that string only off. With a befuddled look on his face, he turned to Ayemfah.

"What sorcery is this?!"

But Ayemfah could only grin from ear to ear, watching what was unfolding before him. Looking at the string and stick in his hands, Pinewhipper took the string and attached one end to the end of the branch, then bent the stick and attached the string to the other end, making sure to give it enough tension to keep the stick bent. And as he looked upon his work, he felt it somehow change in his hand: as if it was not merely a spider web and a stick put together, but a genuine bow. Certainly, it felt like a bow, yet it was impossible to explain how different it was from other bows he held before, the ones created by the Cerebrans.

He then reached over to the small tree and snapped a twig off. He then watched as this twig slowly transformed into an arrow, his eyes wide with wonder. He then took his bow and arrow, aimed up to the trees, and released. A few seconds later, a small bird fell down, the arrow piercing its body. Smiling widely to himself, he looked down to meet Ayemfah's gaze, only to realize he was nowhere in sight. Confused, Pinewhipper looked down upon his bow and simply smiled.

He ripped a few more twigs off another tree, then headed back to Rocksmasher.


The bronzed wolf layed on top of the rock, the bones of the calf now scattered on the ground below as he took time to let his meal settle down. At peace with himself, Rocksmasher turned to have a nap, when his eyes focused on a single being walking towards him. Snapping up onto his feat, he saw Pinewhipper walking towards him, a bow on his back and twigs in his hands.

"Ah, Pinewhipper! I'm afraid you are too late! There is nothing left for you to eat, you cowardly pup!"

Without a single word, Pinewhipper pulled the bow off his back with one hand, took a twig into his fingers and lined a shot up. As he aimed, the twig turned into an arrow, and when he released it, it flew true and straight towards Rocksmasher's leg, who whelped in pain as it pierced deep into his flesh. Ripping the arrow out, he turned back up to face Pinewhipper, a snarl etched upon his face.

"How?! How DARE you fight me with such flimsy toys! I will show you how a real werewolf kills its prey!"

And with that, Rocksmasher lept down from his boulder and sprinted towards Pinewhipper. He nocked another twig onto his bow, now transforming into an arrow once more, before letting it fly. This time Rocksmasher was ready, and he leaped to the side as the arrow pierced the ground. Another twig was nocked and released before Rocksmasher was nearly upon him. Without hesitation, he took the bow in his hands, broke it in half, then held one half in his hand and swung the other half around mightily.

To Rocksmasher's surprise, it was not a small twig which hit him in the face, but a full-on ball of wood, as strong as rock, which sent him flying off his mark and tripping on the ground, rolling over a few times before coming to a complete stop. Rubbing his face in pain, he looked upon Pinewhipper, now wielding a morningstar of sorts. Horror sunk into his heart as he looked upon Pinewhipper, who still greeted him with a still face.

"What - *cough* - how did you do that?! That was just a measly little bow, but you - I don't -"

Falling short on his words, he crawled backwards as Pinewhipper advanced, the morningstar now transforming into a massive whip with a deadly tip at the end. He looked into Pinewhipper's wild eyes.

"What sorcery is this?!"

And to that, Pinewhipper only smiled a manical smile as he began whipping Rocksmasher, who howled with each lash as it tore his hide apart. After many such lashings, with more wolf blood on the ground than there was deer, Rocksmasher tried desperately to crawl away, only to feel his neck bounded by the whip as it was lassoed over his neck. Kicking and begging for mercy, Rocksmasher was dragged to a big tree which Pinewhipper climbed up, heading to the largest branch that could support his weight. Happy with what he found, he tied the whip to the branch, making sure Rocksmasher couldn't touch the ground with his feet. As he kicked and gasped for air, Pinewhipper found a branch in the tree, snapped it off and jumped back down in front of Rocksmasher. He would now see the branch was a thick dagger.

"What - *gasp* - what do you want?!" Rocksmasher barely managed to ask.
"I want what is mine. I keep what I can kill."

And the last thing Rocksmasher would see was Pinewhipper cutting open his belly and ripping out the stomach, contents and all.


32 hours prior to the raid on Cerebran Territory:

High Alpha Biter sat upon the cliffside, contemplating his future actions, when a werewolf walked up behind him and made his presence known. Getting up on his legs, Biter looked down upon the creature.

"And just who the hell are you?"
"I am Pinewhipper. I bring you a gift, High Alpha."
"... Is that a bone in your hand?"
"Yes; that was the rib bone of Rocksmasher, who I killed with my talents. I wish for you to have it, as trophy and as good will."
"Good will for killing my people, Pinewhipper? You are an odd -"

But as Biter grabbed the rib bone and pulled it away from Pinewhipper, he found that it was no longer just a measly rib bone, but an axe worthy of the finest warriors. Perplexed, he swung at a small tree to his side, which it cut deep into. Letting go of the axe and backing away from it, Biter turned back to Pinewhipper.

"How do you think?"

To this, High Alpha Biter simply nodded his head and smiled.

"Of course he was involved... how simple is this magic?"
"Well, it's simple enough for someone like me. I may not teach everyone, but I can teach enough that it will live on."
"Then try to teach me."

And though he tried as hard as he could, Pinewhipper could not teach Biter the talents he learned from that day in the forest. But High Alpha Biter was smart; he knew such a talented individual was best-suited by his side, both to deter enemies... and to prevent new ones from challenging his side. And so he would eventually give him the title of 'High Mystic of the Nu'pac'kh', and the wolves in the Mystics would eventually go to be known by a new name:


AP Cost:

- 5 (Form Legendary Concept): Druidic magic taps into the very essence of mother nature. With enough spiritual attachment to the well-being of nature, the wielder can manipulate the magic to perform many miracles, from forging blades out of sticks and stones to commanding the trees and animals themselves to fight on the mystic's behalf. Though there are, or will be, many practitioners of this art, it is the Nu'pac'kh werewolves who are most formidable in this practice, both for their seclusion from civilized life and for their ferocity in defending their lands.

- 2 (Form Order): The Druids, first known as the Mystics, are a society of magic-users specialized in the art of Druidism. Because their power stems directly from nature and all things natural, they are very protective of their environment and natural wildlife, in most cases willing to fight to the death to prevent settlers from claiming their lands. They often carry some twigs, dirt, bones or other odd commodities of nature into dense cities as a means of protecting themselves... though for the right price, nature's gifts can be used to achieve human ambitions and desires.

- 3 (Gain Domain: Magic[Druidism]): Ayemfah is now the deity of all druid magics, having created the concept of druid magic (5 AP) and the order of druids (2 AP).

2014-01-27, 05:29 PM
Trenzel ventured into the dream, looking through the world that were made from the minds of the Sleeping. He took extensive notes in a journal he kept with him, making notes of cognitive disconnects.

Eventually, he came to the dream version of the Library of Trenzel, encompassing an entire city in size. He walked into this place that defied logic. The structure was a spiral tower, with books lining almost every wall. The stairs led upward, to what was probably all of the accumulated of history. Instead though, he looked for any way down, and saw a spiral staircase descending into the depths of the Library.

The Understacks were a place where books roamed the shelves, knowledge was a threat here. Trenzel warded himself against these flying books. He found a book on a pedestal, one which promised infinite knowledge, the Lexicanum.

Create Artifact:The Lexicanum, contains all concepts ever created, and will have new concepts added to it. -3
Gain Domain:Knowledge(Forbidden)-3
5 From Legend
3 From Artifact