View Full Version : Pirate Character

2013-11-26, 11:20 PM
What is the best way to make a pirate starting at level 1 for 3.5 D&D? I have 32 points to spend on my stats.

2013-11-26, 11:41 PM
I like Feat Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue) 2/Warblade (ToB), probably with Able Learner (RoD).

Joe the Rat
2013-11-27, 12:18 AM
One rank of Profession(Sailor), and a salty vocabulary.

So, what class do you want to play? :smallbiggrin:

More seriously, what sources are allowed, and what type of character are you going for? Strictly martial buccaneer, magic-using, trying to get to Dread Pirate, what?

2013-11-27, 12:33 AM
All of the books are allowed. I am thinking I would like be a martial buccaneer to be more like the realistic pirate. Having magic would make for an interesting pirate. Is the Dread Pirate a good PrC? I want know Profession (Sailor), Swim, Use Rope skills

2013-11-27, 03:38 AM
Race: Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs)
Build: Fighter 5 / Half-Orc Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#halfOrcParagon) 1 / Fighter +4 / Scarlet Corsair (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20050805b) 10
Fighter variants (yes, all of them should be combinable): Dead levels (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a), zhentarim substitution levels (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060327a), sneak attack fighter (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighter), skilled city dweller (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) and either thug (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#fighterVariantThug) or hit-and-run fighter (DotU).

Other beneficial things include the Never Outnumbered skill trick (Complete Scoundrel), the Craven feat (Champions of Ruin), the Dreaful Wrath feat* (Races of Destiny), the Imperious Command feat (DotU) and the Menacing Demeanor feat (Races of Destiny).

*Dreaful Wrath requires you to use the Half-Human Half-Orc variant (Races of Destiny p. 150) or to take the Human Heritage feat (Races of Destiny).

Averis Vol
2013-11-27, 04:18 AM
Well, what do you want this character to do? we can give you a competent melee build, but do you want any specific tricks to make you more......piratey?

The corsair fighter Variant from dragon #310 has some pretty cool options like while in water, replacing a grapple check with a swim check, being able to slow fall down a sail as long as you have a blade drawn, or bull rushing while swinging from a rope.

2013-11-27, 06:24 AM
stereotypical (but not specially great from a meta-munchkin PoV) would be taking Swashbuckler and work from there, with Dread Pirate, Scarlet Corsair or something among those lines

The splat book 'Stormwrack' might be helpful

2013-11-27, 11:24 AM
If you're looking for a class to play an actual pirate and will be on your own ship (and not just looking for a solid pirate backstory), Legendary Captain from Stormwrack is a good PrC, so long as Leadership is permitted.

2013-11-27, 11:34 AM
I am thinking the Corsair Fighter Variant and Dread Pirate PrC might work well for this character. The only problem with the Corsair Fighter Variant is does not have intimidate as a class skill which I am thinking I want my pirate to have as a skill. What light armor would be good for the character if I choose to wear armor at all? Is taking two-weapons feats a good idea for a pirate?

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-27, 02:13 PM
I am thinking the Corsair Fighter Variant and Dread Pirate PrC might work well for this character. The only problem with the Corsair Fighter Variant is does not have intimidate as a class skill which I am thinking I want my pirate to have as a skill. What light armor would be good for the character if I choose to wear armor at all? Is taking two-weapons feats a good idea for a pirate?

Mithral Breastplate would be a solid goal for light armor. Starting off, a simple chain shirt might be your best bet, if you don't mind the armor check penalty (Which is doubled for swim). You'll still get a -1 for a Mithral Breastplate, though. Ring armor (Arms & Equipment, 3.0) is Medium, and would give the same protection as a chain shirt, but make it out of Mithral and it's Light with no armor check. There's also Moon Ivy, which is essentially Mithral Ring with some flavor text and optional attachments. Starting off, especially at Lv1, I'd say wear SOME armor. Wicker, Padded, and Leather all have a 0 armor check. At low levels, an AC of 14 may save your life over an AC of 12.

As for TWF, that's somewhat a matter of choice. It would certainly be better than using a single, one-handed weapon. Go boarding axe and cutlass. Or, if your DM allows it, slash n' shoot with a pistol/sword.

2013-11-27, 02:22 PM
Sneak attack thug fighter + Swashbuckler + darning outlaw + scarlet corsair + einhander feat ?

2013-11-27, 02:46 PM
Hey, why nobody suggest any spellcasters?

Am I the only one thinking ability to cast Control Winds and Control Weather is priceless for any seafarer, pirate or not?

Also, in the description of Mass Jump :
Pirates on the Great Sea are fond of this spell during boarding actions.

Bard can make very inspiring pirate. :smallwink: Also, can multiclass into Stormsinger...

And necromancy allow you to make your very one ship of the living deads. (And get one step closer to creation of ninja-pirate-robot-zombie :smallbiggrin: )

2013-11-27, 02:51 PM
I was thinking I would go with leather armor. What would be best way to go if want to have my character use the intimidate skill at a good level?

I wanted the character to wield a boarding axe and cutlass at the same time. I have 32 points to spend on my stats so would the best way do the points so I can get Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat?

I would not mind playing a my pirate as being able to fight and cast magic the Problem is I want the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

2013-11-27, 03:00 PM
I was thinking I would go with leather armor. What would be best way to go if want to have my character use the intimidate skill at a good level?

I wanted the character to wield a boarding axe and cutlass at the same time. I have 32 points to spend on my stats so would the best way do the points so I can get Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat?

I would not mind playing a my pirate as being able to fight and cast magic the Problem is I want the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
See the build I mentioned, it's pretty good at intimidation.

Besides, you should be able to fit Improved Two-Weapon Fighting in there without much trouble.

2013-11-27, 03:14 PM
What do you think the character's starting stats? Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10

From what i have said so far the Dread PrC and a dishonorable pirate would be the beast way to go?