View Full Version : [3P]The most absurd and BADASS moment

2013-11-27, 06:02 PM
Well, we have been playing our PAthfinder campaing, and the group was attacked by a lycanthrope and his minions: A Natural lycanthrope, who has some inflicted liccans.

The GM rolled who would be attacked, but the druid pointed that his animal companion was with us. And then, before dying, the lyccan infected the animal companion.

The beast was medium-sized, so by RAW, can be afflicted by licantropy.

Worst of all? The animal companion was a VELOCIRAPTOR (Now evolved into a deynonichus) thus, he's a Were-Raptor, Capable of changing shape into a man, discussing with you about phylosofy, enjoying a tea under the stars, and able to take the hybrid form.

Seriously, I start to think that Were-Raptors can be the next dominant species in golarion.

2013-11-27, 06:56 PM
Sea-based campaign

We where approached by a larger ship with a rival Captain aboard.
He was talking about surrendering and stuff and we, obviously, refused.
When he started the attack the GM said:

GM: What would you do?
Players: TRY TO FLEE!
Me: I'll trow my spear
GM: Ok. Try.

*roll roll*

GM: Confirm!

*roll roll*

GM: Confirm again!

*roll roll*

GM: Ok, this is an eye shot!

And that's why, later in the game, i raped his eye socket

2013-11-27, 07:45 PM
I can't remember exactly what was going on at the time but a bird popped from up really high and we pressered the DM to make an attack roll with the bird poop as it was falling near an NPC. He rolled in front of us got a Nat 20 rolled a second time for another Nat 20 and rolled a third time and got another Nat 20 and killed the NPC instantly.
(PS we play a home brew rule that 3 Nat 20 in a row kills instantly regardless of circumstances and its happens like once a year or so maybe more)

2013-11-27, 08:22 PM
Our Magus took one giant monster out of the fight for 4 rounds (idk which spell, but he was basically sent to Abaddon). Then the same magus crit on a troll and the crit card said: Normal damage and teleported away (spell crit).

So our DM ruled that both monsters appear next to each other on the daemon infested realm. "Thank god you're here." yells the the other one while the first monster gets teleported back into our fight. Leaving behind a very confused and soon very dead troll.

2013-11-27, 09:21 PM
And that's why, later in the game, i raped his eye socket


2013-11-27, 09:33 PM
I had a dwarven fighter in my game that had a Sword of Sharpness. This was the early days of 2nd Ed. One of the party members cast a really dumb wish that all the evil people would die, using a major artifact that could grant wishes. Well, that was ultimately the end of that campaign. Gods showed up, Loviatar being one of them, and she insulted Moradin. So the dwarf says NOBODY says that! He drew the sword and attacked. In that game a natural 20 granted a free, additional attack. She laughed at his feeble antics, and he rolled, in front of us, 4 natural 20's in a row. One round kill on an angry avatar.

Then he said "any other gods got a problem?"

Lord Vukodlak
2013-11-27, 11:22 PM
The GM rolled who would be attacked, but the druid pointed that his animal companion was with us. And then, before dying, the lyccan infected the animal companion.

The beast was medium-sized, so by RAW, can be afflicted by licantropy.

By RAW only humanoids can be infected with lycanthropy.

2013-11-28, 12:56 AM
(PS we play a home brew rule that 3 Nat 20 in a row kills instantly regardless of circumstances and its happens like once a year or so maybe more)

We play with the same rule and it comes into play in my own story.

my party was up against if I recall a 12 headed pyro hydra and some bullets not sure how many. so if I recall the party was all 10th level and we had a cleric of paylor, a vow of poverty monk, a dragon shaman, a great sword fighter, a wizard, and me the ranger. by the time we took out the bullets the monk,shaman, and fighter were down and we had not even touched the damn hydra. so we were all thinking it was going to be a TPK but then I rolled a 20, followed by a second 20, every one got kinda excited at the second 20 because the DM also had a list of injuries that happened on a double crit. so I made the third role and it came up 20, we all went nuts , none of us had seen trip 20s before, so I rolled twice for injuries and got paralyzed from the neck down and broken leg. so the image went something like this. the archer who was flying thanks to his celestial armor drew back his bow and loosed an arrow from above the hydra, the arrow pierced the back of the hydra directly in the cluster of nerves that connected all the heads to the body. the beast went limp and started to fall to one side it back leg buckled oddly and snapped under the weight of the beast. A single arrow felled the beast and saved the lives of the adventurers.
I have only seen trip 20s twice in my life. the other time was after mt character was swallowed by a legendary two headed tarrasque but that's another story for another time.

2013-11-28, 02:41 AM
I was playing a rogue, was sneaking around the upstairs room of the bbeg's hideout, well, oops I rolled a 1 on my move silent check, Dm said I tripped over sumthing, made a big racket. well I immediately pull out a gallon jug malatove cocktail, and lite it, and wait for the door to open, yup, henchman opens the door and gets a molatove to the face, I rolled at 20 to hit, lol
Dm stops and thinks a minute, pans out to the rest of the party that is watching the house, they witness a huge fireball engulf the entire house in flames, blowing out the first floor doors and windows.
later with the same character, I had convienced the mage in our party to carry around a bag of flour, told him it might come in handy later. I happened to be carrying a pitchfork, we wander into a tavern and see the bbeg's lieutentant sitting in the corner table, I tell the mage to open the bag of flour and toss it on the table, at the same time I do I charge/slide on the floor under the table pitchfork first, sneakattack to the neither regions with a pitchfork, and WHOOHOO I roll a 20, impaled badguy
same charcter, ran around a corner and almost ran into an angry mob of orc zhents, all I could think to do was pull out my bag with 500 gps and toss it all over towards the orcs and yell free loot, turn and run away, whole table erupted in lafter, DM is like yea, fair escape, all the orcs go after the free gold scatter everywhere, lol

2013-11-28, 08:33 AM
Let me tell you a snippet of the story of Arandial the elf.

We were taking passage to the undiscovered continent through a monster infested sea aboard a pirate ship. Arandial could simply fly there, but what's the fun in that? Eventually during the trip we came across another pirate ship, which fired on us.

While the crew ran around getting into battle positions, Arandial simply flew over to the ship. Pulled out a a miniature Boeing 747 from his pocket. Restored it to it's original form of an ACTUAL Boeing 747. and dropped it on the ship.

2013-11-28, 09:55 AM
May I ask why he had a miniature Boeing 747?

2013-11-28, 09:56 AM
Let me tell you a snippet of the story of Arandial the elf.

We were taking passage to the undiscovered continent through a monster infested sea aboard a pirate ship. Arandial could simply fly there, but what's the fun in that? Eventually during the trip we came across another pirate ship, which fired on us.

While the crew ran around getting into battle positions, Arandial simply flew over to the ship. Pulled out a a miniature Boeing 747 from his pocket. Restored it to it's original form of an ACTUAL Boeing 747. and dropped it on the ship.

I don't know how badass this is, TBO. Seems like a pretty functional solution, rather than a badass one. Badass would be grabbing a cannon ball, flying up really high, then dive bombing the ship and blasting right through the hull using the cannon ball as a "plow".

Though I suppose Arandial could get this back in to the BA category by flying away from the enemy ship as the plane explodes in the back round and his long coat whips around him.

2013-11-28, 10:00 AM
I say dropping a plane on a pirate ship is badass, no matter how you look at it.

2013-11-28, 11:04 AM
Well, it was a Final Fantasy 1 / 8-bit Theater -based 3E game. We were around level 11-12 (I forget) flying over an ocean on our air ship. Garland is seen riding in on the back of a 5-headed dragon (an aspect of Tiamat, holy **&% !). In the brief prep time we had, I polymorphed into a Cave Troll and flew away from the others, telling them t also scatter. They didn't listen.

First round, Garland uses Blasphemy (yup, a cleric AND higher level than us), and they're ALL down for a round, some longer (str dropped to 0, yeah!) except for me. My turn. Dragon's next.

Seeing the party was basically doomed if I didn't do something drastic to keep the dragon off them, my self-centered and stoic jerk of a character made a heroic flying pouncing charge right at Garland, hitting with every single attack and the rends, grabbing him (thus dismounting him) and then letting him plunge hundreds / thousands of feet into the ocean below, in a tomb of full plate. And getting an AoO claw in as he dropped past me that seemed to put him to dying.

Feeling badass, I told the dragon it had better go dive to save its master. Instead, it full attacked me, I was dead by the 3rd bite. Squishy mage and all.

Next round. Red mage comes to, and dives off the air ship after me (he also had flight up). He gets to me, uses the one Fenix Down we had found the entire game, and then we take turns "moving the grapple" upwards back to the fight as he heals me more and I polymorph again, this time into a Roper.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party is in dire straights. Fighter's holding off the dragon but can't for long. White Mage is down. We get back, I immediately launch 6 tendrils at her and drop the aspect's str score in half. She goes after me, this time I stick to hit and run tactics. Finally, I grab the meta rod of still spell that the DM gave us as a joke after I complained none existed from red mage's pack and launch an acidic blast (empowered scorching ray w/ energy sub Acid) at it, melting two of its heads and killing it.

Up until then, I had mainly played as a buffer and debuffer w/ battle field control, not doing much direct offense myself. "Why be in harm's way when I have plenty of less important allies for that," you know?

Best part, as we re-joined the battle:
Aspect of Tiamat: "I thought you died!"
Me: "I got better."

Red Fel
2013-11-28, 10:24 PM
I may have told this story on the forums before, but it falls under both "Badass Story" and "DMs: Never give your players a tool without realizing just how useful it is."

Our party had been dispatched to protect a small outpost village with a big secret. The village had a Mythal, one of few remaining in the campaign. In exchange for agreeing to protect it, we were granted attunement, which came with a number of nifty perks, one of which was perfect maneuverability of all forms (including flight) while within range of the Mythal.

I told you that story to tell you this one. We were facing our Linear Guild-esque opposites. My Lycanthrope PsiWar was facing off against a nasty Duergar (who I discovered later, after having to make a Fort save against Demon Shakes while eating his raw corpse, had some fiendish bits to him). The Duergar hit my character with a Psionic Telekinetic Sphere, lifting me way into the air. The DM knew that I would be safe, because we were within range of the Mythal, and therefore could fly. The Duergar did not know this. Neither the DM nor the Duergar knew what I would do next.

The Duergar grinned at me, dismissing the Sphere, expecting me to plummet to my doom. I waved at him from midair before drawing my swords. (I used two swords. I said this story was badass, not optimized.) I then asked my DM if I could augment the damage from my weapons via gravity. He kind of went pale, but said yes. I then proceeded to plummet, in free fall, directly onto the Duergar's head, swords-first.

Out of all of the fights our party engaged in during that encounter, mine was probably the shortest. One shot, one kill, hundreds of Duergar giblets scattered in the field.

2013-11-28, 10:59 PM
May I ask why he had a miniature Boeing 747?

DM gave the PCs four YEARS downtime. I had previously stolen and memorized (Another of Arandial's wonderful adventures) the plans to create the only 747 in the world. needless to say I spent half the year (would have been more but I was a powerful wizard) making the thing. Used a custom version of Shrink person/item that I had researched during the rest of the downtime to make it pocket sized. I always kept the tank full and preped in case I needed to make an epic getaway into the sunset. :smallamused:

2013-11-29, 03:23 AM
After a long detective styled campaign, the bad guys managed to enact their plot to kill a dragonturtle by dropping a giant piece of exploded cliff on it. The party barbarian looked his teammates in the eyes, raged, jumped off the cliff and smashed the cliff face apart with his warhammer.

I let him roll the falling damage. He survived with one health after including temporary health from raging.

On the topic of insanely high rolls, even though it wasn't D&D, we were playing Only War. I set a ridiculously overpowered Ork on the player's squad. The same guy who played the barbarian just stepped out of cover (he was the squad's sniper) and proceeded to unload five successive critical hit (called 'Righteous Fury' in Only War) rolls with maximum damage (all headshots too).

Dr. Cliché
2013-11-29, 05:16 AM
2nd edition against a dragon (with a vorpal sword) - "AC minus your-head-fell-off."

From this edition, an amusing recent one involved a lv9 (gestalt) cleric/paladin of freedom accepting a duel with a High Priestess of Lolth (I can't remember how a duel got suggested - but I think it was one of the party members).

I won't go into the details of why they were fighting - essentially the party had all but thwarted her plans and this was her last opportunity to salvage something from their operation on the surface.

In any case, her first move of the battle was to cast Blade Barrier - which gave her melee opponent considerable worry. But, he cast silence to stop her casting most of her spells from within the cocoon of blades. Then, he proceeded to walk through the barrier, and (over the next few rounds) grapple her and force her into her own blade barrier.

2013-11-29, 09:17 AM
After a long detective styled campaign, the bad guys managed to enact their plot to kill a dragonturtle by dropping a giant piece of exploded cliff on it. The party barbarian looked his teammates in the eyes, raged, jumped off the cliff and smashed the cliff face apart with his warhammer.

I let him roll the falling damage. He survived with one health after including temporary health from raging.

That is badass. I guarantee we could put together an entire thread of badass things that only barbs have done: they just radiate awesome.

2013-11-29, 10:19 AM
That is badass. I guarantee we could put together an entire thread of badass things that only barbs have done: they just radiate awesome.

Here's another badass barbarian story.
The party was involved in the political situation... can't remember the exact details, but instead of an election the two "candidates" were each building a bridge across the river, (something the town desperately needed), and the best bridge builder would become mayor. The "good" candidate recruited the PCs for help, the "bad" candidate kept trying to sabotage the PCs' bridge.

One such attempt, some goons drop a grey ooze in the river upstream of the bridge. It would float with the current, eventually getting caught up in the temporary wooden supports, eating through them with its acid. The PCs (something like 3rd level) manage to spot the ooze within a few rounds of it getting to the bridge. They spend the first couple rounds ineffectively trying to do something from the shore, but it keeps floating towards the bridge. They can't seem to hurt it or slow it down. Finally the barbarian dives into the river, swims to the ooze and grapples it. As the acid eats away his flesh, he swim check/grapple check moves the ooze to the shoreline, and manages to get it there with like 1 HP to spare. He then beat it to death with one of the bridge building stones.

Yes, the barbarian that grappled the ooze and won. We thought it was pretty epic.