View Full Version : Mythals

2013-11-27, 08:03 PM
Hey Playgrounders.
My Epic lvl party has no Caster.
So, in a previous thread, it was suggested we go get a Mythal made.
I liked this plan, except this is getting pretty complicated.
....the list will probably get longer as I go lolz.
Also, I should mention, the group's been saving a while... dropping 1,000,000 gp into this isn't out of the question.

Suppose I have Slow upon all creatures who aren't my party go off as a Minor Prevalent Power, does the creature get a save?
Is it the spell save DC for Slow, or is it the DC for the Mythal Spell (20+key ability modifier)?
Suppose 4 creatures enter the area simultaneously. How do I have them all Slowed? Do I have to add the spell as a factor multiple times, or do I add the factor of a Chained Slow, or does it just happen automatically however many times per day that the trigger occurs?
Can you even do Metamagic'd spells in a Mythal? DMM Persisted Renewable Spells seems pretty cheap... too good to be true.
If we're using the Mythal to "replicate" a Caster, should we focus more on buffing ourselves, (i.e. Mass Fly, Haste) or more on debuffing the enemy (Unluck, Slow)? Obviously, with something on this level of power, both can be accomplished, but for mainly financial reasons, should we focus on one or the other?
Since its replicating a caster, its likely to be portable, not some 20' diamond in the bottom of a city. Does it the Have to have a Capstone? What would ideal Capstones be? Some epic staff, or a sword, or something as simple as an amulet that the party leader wears?
Curveball. Can Mythal be combined with other spell seeds? To what effect?
On that note, can Epic Spells be conjoined with a Mythal? "Superb Dispelling on all creatures casting spells with the Death descripter?"
Why would you do Prevalent Spells, when Vanguard Spells "at will" are half the cost? It says the have a Command Word, what says they can't all have the same word, yell "Girugamesh" and get insta-buffed?
And of course, obvious question, great spells to slap in a Mythal?

2013-11-27, 09:21 PM
shameless self-bump

2013-11-27, 10:30 PM
1. Yes, they get a save.
2. As it's the mythal creating the slow effect, it runs off the 20+casting stat of the mythal's save DC.
3. Number of creatures is irrelevant. Each creature that enters is hit with a slow effect. You only need to pay for it once.
4. You can do metamagic in a mythal. And yes, this is the reason that mythal is one of the two most powerful spell seeds (the other being shadow)
5. Just use wish and miracle. You'll get pretty much all the spells that way.
6. You don't have to have a capstone. Having a capstone just lets you move it around (and reduces the spell DC). I'd recommend either an artifact or an Emerald Legion style thing, but applied on an object.
7. Probably. That depends on the spell seed. Some are obviously incompatible, but others would be a thing to discuss with your DM.
8. Yes. Presuming the caster making the mythal knows the spell, of course.
9. See below. :smallbiggrin:

Persistent Spells:
Delay Death
Ray Deflection
True Seeing
Invulnerability to Elements
Effulgent Epuration
Shield of the Archons
Death Ward
Favor of the Martyr
Sheltered Vitality
Moment of Prescience

Arointed Spells:
All schools (with a trigger that allows your party and anyone you allow to bypass this restriction)

Vanguard Spells:
Time Stop, persistent
Astral Projection
True Resurrection

Persistent Power:
Sending (informing you of any creatures entering the mythal)

2013-11-27, 10:33 PM
Thanks a ton..Still processing all that.
I did modify my list, can you help me with the new #9?

My buddy and I were pretty much slapping together a list of spells based off the "Necessary Item Thread," but I think you pretty much covered Everything?

2013-11-27, 10:40 PM
Thanks a ton..Still processing all that.
I did modify my list, can you help me with the new #9?

New 9: Because vanguard spells require an action to use, while prevalent spells do not. Also, prevalent spells are always on. Always. Take moment of prescience for example. Normally, you'd have to cast it, then use it. But if it's prevalent, then you basically get a +25 insight bonus to everything. :smallbiggrin:

Also, prevalent spells can't be dispelled like vanguard spells can.

2013-11-27, 10:44 PM
New 9: Because vanguard spells require an action to use, while prevalent spells do not. Also, prevalent spells are always on. Always. Take moment of prescience for example. Normally, you'd have to cast it, then use it. But if it's prevalent, then you basically get a +25 insight bonus to everything. :smallbiggrin:

Also, prevalent spells can't be dispelled like vanguard spells can.
Gotcha. So it's worth it then to go through the shenanigans of working the DC if its Prevalent.

Is it safe to say that Annointed Spell, "No Evocation, Necromancy, or Transmutation cast a the Magic Stick" (Mythal?)
From what I'm gathering, that is how it works, but is the Mythal itself going to respect our specifics, or is it going to forbid everyone in range from casting from those schools whatsoever?

Also, It says Mythals are permanent, can someone Superb Dispel my Mythal?

2013-11-27, 11:01 PM
Gotcha. So it's worth it then to go through the shenanigans of working the DC if its Prevalent.

Is it safe to say that Annointed Spell, "No Evocation, Necromancy, or Transmutation cast a the Magic Stick" (Mythal?)
From what I'm gathering, that is how it works, but is the Mythal itself going to respect our specifics, or is it going to forbid everyone in range from casting from those schools whatsoever?

Also, It says Mythals are permanent, can someone Superb Dispel my Mythal?

Yes. It's also worth it to do caster level shenanigans to increase the number of things you can put on your mythal.

I'd honestly just recommend arointing all of the spells, but having a thing in there that says that your party is excluded from that effect, as well as anyone you designate.

Yes. Only epic spells can dispel epic spells. Because of this, I'd recommend sticking on the +1 to dispel DC factor until the dispel DC is well into the hundreds. :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-27, 11:30 PM
Thanks again for your help, if I have other questions, can I Pm you?
(my interweb access is sporadic, so threads become inefficient quickly)

2013-11-27, 11:45 PM
Thanks again for your help, if I have other questions, can I Pm you?
(my interweb access is sporadic, so threads become inefficient quickly)

Sure. My inbox is almost always open. :smallbiggrin:

2013-11-28, 06:06 AM
I don't see anything in the description of the capstone in LEoF that suggests it allows the mythal to be moved; all it seems to do is introduce a weakness.

Also, Acorn of Far Travel should be a vanguard spell, that way you can take your mythal with you, sort of.

2013-11-28, 09:31 AM
I don't see anything in the description of the capstone in LEoF that suggests it allows the mythal to be moved; all it seems to do is introduce a weakness.

Also, Acorn of Far Travel should be a vanguard spell, that way you can take your mythal with you, sort of.

That's not fair....
I like it.
Genesis to hide our tree!

2013-11-28, 10:10 AM
For bonus points, set up your mythal in the middle of a temple to Mystra, since spells cast in her temples can get free metamagic (this probably won't happen if you're not in FR, though, unless you're in somewhere like Greyhawk, where she's been, or Planescape, where she exists). Then include a permanent planar breach to Ysgard (or a demiplane of your choice, rather, set up with anything and everything you want from demiplanar shenaniganry), and make sure the area is where your Acorn of Far Travel covers it.