View Full Version : (3.P) Adventures in Bartending.

2013-11-28, 09:10 AM
Greetings Playground. In all of my games, one of my players insists on buying a bar if he ever gets the chance (in my Stargate game he took over the mess hall in its place) so I have decided to run a comedic game of a group of adventurers running a bar, but I am a little short on ideas. So I turn to you, for plots both short and long, from dungeon crawls to political intrigue, all revolving around a little bar.

2013-11-28, 09:22 AM
I'd start off by taking a look at the downtime rules in Pathfinder found here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/downtime#TOC-Run-a-Business) if you think the players might enjoy actually designing and eventually expanding their little bar, but I'd especially take note of the event charts for the dance hall, inn and tavern, and see if I could wrangle those into a full storyline instead of a minor event. For instance...

Fiendish Skill: One of your best dancers is tainted by evil magic — he's possessed, was replaced by a shapechanging evil outsider, or something similar — and is preying upon your customers.

Wild Night: Overzealous patrons damage furnishings in a lounge or the main hall.

Strange Guest: When a rapping at the front door awakes you from your slumber one stormy night, you find a shadowy, mysterious stranger on your Inn's stoop.

Bar Brawl: One insult against someone's lineage or beard or beauty, and the next thing you know, there's a fight!

Drinking Contest: Two patrons challenge each other to a drinking contest. They demand the good stuff in order to make the contest count.

Taproom Trouble: Something's gone bad in the kitchen. Foul beer, bad fish, spoiled stew — whatever the cause is, it's making the customers sick.

2013-11-28, 09:36 AM
A group of adventures tiered of the road settle down in a city to start a bar. people love to come to the bar and listen to there stories of there past. the other tavern owners get mad at the loss of business and start trying to sabotage the adventurers.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-11-28, 10:07 AM
The PCs awaken one day to find themselves in cages dangling from a palace of spikes and blood, overlooking a cracked hellscape with a violet, burning sky lit by a swollen, red sun.

Eventually they are taken from the cages and brought to the throne room of Aziik, Demon Lord of Drunken Revelry, Gambling, and Prostitution. The PCs are released from their chains as Aziik gives them a proposition. He wants the PCs to open a bar in his realm.

The Greatest Bar in the Multiverse.

2013-11-28, 10:07 AM
I'm sure there is at least one tv show/manga/anime you could shamelessly plunder ideas from. I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm sure someone else could come up with some suggestions.

The tavern with a mini dungeon in the basement is not unknown in D&D products. At least one in Ierendi and one in the first (?) Neverwinter Nights.
Maybe the PC makes one and it gets filled with real monsterse somehow, causing problems for the tipsy farmers who want to try it out.
The new 'improved' dungeon could inexplicably be a big hit.

The high.class visitor.
For some reason, a person of great wealth and importance holes up in the bar. Weather problems, sudden illness in retinue, boredom or just curiosity; reasons don't really matter. However, this person is rather spoiled and the dangerous-looking personal guard make sure no one gets away with insulting the boss. Hilarity ensues as the hapless host has to try to keep up with the outrageous demands for expensive food and drink, exotic victuals, cleanliness, avoiding alienating his normal clientele, avoid insulting the VIP or any of his hangers-on.

Death and taxes
New tax laws come into effect and the poor owner doesn't make enough to pay it off. Declining numbers of visitors due to lean times, perhaps a rival establishment is stealing the business, and that unfortunate brawl last week that left one of your patrons dead..all this must be overcome.