View Full Version : Warblade Ronin help

2013-11-28, 10:27 AM
I will be playing a campaign soon, and i was gonna play a Warblade (styled as a samurai) Ronin, then i looked at the Ronin and realized that i only care about Banzai Charge and i get that at second level, so now i have a problem, we start at lvl 10 and my build looks like this, Warblade 8/Ronin 2. Im gonna be honest, that looks boring. Now i know that Warblade 20 is fine and viable, i just happen to like my PrCs, so does anyone know of a good PrC for being a Ronin Pirate? (yes i am also a pirate)

2013-11-28, 10:44 AM
Dread Pirate (From Complete Warrior, or Complete Adventurer?) is what you're looking for.
Though, you'd need a bit of skill training and save up 10000 gp to buy a ship or steal a ship of the same value.

2013-11-28, 10:56 AM
Toss on a level of Exemplar from Comp Adventurer for mid battle Combat Show Off moves to put the fear into your enemies ala Indiana Jones Style.

I mean come on Every Pirate likes to Buckle his Swash with flourishes in mid combat to show his opponent that he has more skill than them.

edit: Maybe something to look forward to

2013-11-28, 10:59 AM
i just thought of taking Exemplar and then using Skill Mastery on Iaijutsu Focus.

"I take a ten, and do 5d6 extra damage on my first attack"

I think my DM may kill me lol

Edit: and i just looked at the Warblades skill list, no way am i pulling off Dread Pirate, though i really think it would be cool

Dr. Azkur
2013-11-28, 11:08 AM
Scarlet Corsair will do you wonders :smallwink:

Dusk Eclipse
2013-11-28, 11:14 AM
5d6 averages to 22.5-ish points of extra damage, hardly overpowered IMO and as you said it only works once per encounter (unless you start carrying loads of weapons or get a Gnomish quick razor) so I don't see any problem with it.

If you are only interested in Banzai Charge I would go Warblade 18/Ronin 2, it is quite strong already, to be a pirate you only need to drop a few skill points in profession (Sailor)* and act the part. You have diplomacy for Parrrrley and intimidate for aggressive diplomacy (add in a fearsome armour, don't forget an Oni Mask, Imperious Command and you are good to go).

2013-11-28, 12:40 PM
A level of Spiritual Lion Totem Barbarian (maybe even throw in Whirling Frenzy) would certainly help your charge. Shock Trooper and Leap Attack will make the charge even deadlier, but if a paltry 5d6 will earn you a DMG to the face you may not want to try that.

Oh and get a valorous weapon.