View Full Version : [PF] New Campaign Rules

2013-11-28, 03:13 PM
I'm looking to start a new campaign with some friends, and it's going to be a Pathfinder based Sci-Fantasy setting (based loosely on a melding of DragonStar and Mass Effect).

What I want to do is to separate WBL/magic items from cash. I know there are various ou's systems for this that have been up here on the forums, but my Google-fu is weak, and I can't find them.

2013-11-28, 03:57 PM
What do you mean?
WBL is a rough guideline for how much money characters can have at every level, not a hard rule written in stone. It's the rough amount of wealth, however that wealth is realized, that the designers assume for every level and level-appropriate encounters.

Magic items are made with cash, so unless you want to divorce cost from them entirely and remove crafting and magic shops altogether, there is no way to seperate the two. If you want to rely entirely on found magic, fine, but that's the only way I can see to do what you seem to be suggesting.

2013-11-28, 04:55 PM
Magic items are made with cash

Ah, but you see, magic items can also be made with Magic points entirely by RAW.

What I've done in my campaigns is remove the ability to craft or buy magic items with gold. Items can be bartered for other items, or disenchanted for Magic points, allowing people to recycle their found gear.

That way gold is almost entirely divorced from magic, and Magic capital can be regulated more strictly.

2013-11-28, 04:59 PM
Must be in a book I haven't read. Where? pray tell.

2013-11-28, 05:03 PM
Ultimate Campaign. Magic is one of the four different types of capital that can be gained on downtime, or by other means, and can be used to craft magic items or research spells. Of course, RAW also allows for buying Magic points with gold, so if one were to separate the two, you'd have to remove that part too.

2013-11-28, 05:07 PM
Make your party do questing for whatever magic items they want, if you're trying to separate them from money?

And on a semi related and purple self-indulgent note: http://www.d20redshirts.com

2013-11-29, 11:25 AM
Thanks, hadn't thought of looking at Ultimate Campaign. I'll look there. Might also just go with one of the many VoP fixes, or rules from Legend, if that seems too complicated.