View Full Version : Character suggestion for a 3.5 Party. :)

2013-11-29, 08:17 AM
Hello Giants!

How are you all? :-)

I am joining a new D&D group, and they have just started on the Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk.

The group contains of:

Cleric (Lightbringer) (10)
Barbarian (10)
Fighter (8) Kensai (2)
Wizard (7) Lore master (3)
Rogue (10)

Paladin (6) Knight of the Raven (4) which I will be replacing.

The team does not use much optimization nor cheese.

Ability scores:
Standard die rolls. (Not yet determined)

It is important for me that the class is fun to play. I't does not have to be MASSIVE damage, or anything like that. A social joker could be a lot of fun as well.

I am NOT allowed do Multi-Classing.

I am not looking for an answer per say, more like a relaxed conversation.

Please and Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.

2013-11-29, 08:22 AM
No spoilers please. :)

2013-11-29, 08:33 AM
i suggest the dragonfire adept from dragon magic. Basically, you become somewhat of a dragon: you breath fire, get scales. It's fun to play, both combat wise and roleplaying. Plus it is not really feat dependent. A few work really well for it, the rest you can just take what seems fun.

2013-11-29, 08:44 AM
Seems like the group is lacking a way to deal with traps and other skill based ventures

SO one could be a rogue or some other type of trap/skill based class.

2013-11-29, 08:48 AM
Seems like the group is lacking a way to deal with traps and other skill based ventures

SO one could be a rogue or some other type of trap/skill based class.

Damn.. I forgot to mention the Rogue. He is so sneaky. :P (Edited)

Dragonfire adept sounds like fun. I'll look into it, thank you. :)

2013-11-29, 08:52 AM
Honestly, that kind of a group screams for a 5th wheel: Bard would be superb with all these melee types and as a general skill monkey. You could also pick up Planar Touchstone: Catalogues of Enlightenment [Planar Handbook] to pick up a Cleric Domain; Kobold-domain from Web Enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) would give you Trapfinding if desired. Overall, I think Bard is exactly what you want; versatile, skilly force multiplier for a melee-heavy party (Cleric, Barb, Fighter prolly all melee) and no need to multiclass.

2013-11-29, 09:03 AM
I second the motion for a bard. Specifically, grab Inspirational Boost(from Spell compendium) and Song of the Heart (Eberron Campaign Setting). SotH is a feat that increases your Inspire Courage by +1, and IB is a swift action spell that does the same for your next use of Inspire Courage. In total, you would be giving everyong in the party +4 to hit and damage at level 10, which will be very helpful to the fighter, the barbarian, the rogue, and possibly the cleric (I'm unfamiliar with what Lightbringer means).

Another suggestion is to be a gnome. Gnome bard level 1 Racial Substitution level lets you get a few extra 0 level spells that can be useful (I believe presidigitation and ghost sound are both on the list), and it trades out Countersong (I belief this is agreed to be one of the most useless class features that isn't part of the CW Samurai) for Counterfear. This let's you replace the saving throw of all allies within 30 feet with your perform check for a save against fear. At level 10, you should have 13 ranks, as well as at least a +4 CHA bonus. So giving your entire group a +17 on saves vs fear, which doesn't autofail on a 1 (you make a skill check and then they use the number as their saving throw result, so the 1 is on a skill check) is quite a nice benefit.

2013-11-29, 09:18 AM
I'm going to throw Druid in to the mix. While you say the group is not optimised, you do have a wizard and a cleric in there, so a Druid shouldn't be over powered. But the real reason for the suggestion is you say you want something fun - Druids have a crazy number of options for how to play them, which you can basically choose from at will depending on how you feel.

On top of a powerful and varied spell list, you also have Wild Shape and an Animal Companion.

2013-11-29, 09:22 AM
Dragonfire adept sounds like fun. I'll look into it, thank you. :)

For the dragonfire adept, the feats entangling exhalation and ability focus are the only ones 'needed' for him to be of good use in combat.
Other than that, you can take some to add to the dragon fluff. Dragon tail gives you, well, a dragon tail and thus a tail attack. you'll probably never use it but it's awesome. The frightful presence gives you the same named ability dragons have, for even more dragon fluff, which also has it's uses in combat. I also suggest you look into strafing breath. Doing this is just awesome.
The draconic aura feats can be pretty nice too.

Red Fel
2013-11-29, 09:27 AM
With all those melee-types, I would go for a Tome of Battle class.

Warblade is a solid class you can take all the way up to 20 without multiclassing. Use White Raven maneuvers to keep your melees in combat - they'll thank you. Use Diamond Mind to basically make every saving throw ever. And use Iron Heart because IHS. A Warblade is a class with a high base threshold, meaning it plays well out of the box and is very straightforward to master. You can be a damage-dealer if you want, or you can use White Raven to make the rest of the party shine. No optimization required. I would recommend focusing on Int for your class features, Con for your Concentration checks, and Str for damage-dealing.

In the alternative, if you want a more defensive build, take Crusader. Straight Crusader, which can also be comfortably taken up to 20 with no dips. Again, White Raven is your friend. But instead of Diamond Mind and Iron Heart, you can take Devoted Spirit and become a very effective backup healer. You can also use a nice, simple combination - the feat Stand Still, plus the feat Combat Reflexes, plus the Thicket of Blades stance, plus a reach weapon. This means that you can instantly stop anything within 10 feet that moves dead in its tracks, which is a great way to protect your casters. Again, minimal optimization needed for solid performance. I would recommend focusing on Str and Con primarily, and perhaps Cha if you want to use the Crusader's Smite ability. (Yes, he gets one, and it's non-typed!)

2013-11-29, 09:42 AM
There is also the duskblade: channeling magic through your blade is very nice indeed.
Depending on you party's overall alignment: the dread necromancer. Might be difficult if the party is mostly good with all the undead stuff you do, but fits perfectly if party is mostly evil.

2013-11-29, 09:44 AM
That party sounds pretty complete, so I second the bard recommendation.

For another thought, I'd be tempted to try out Spellthief. I don't have experience with it, so it's not a recommendation -- just what I might choose.

2013-11-29, 09:52 AM
yep. i third the Bard or other supportive based class

if you want some more melee go with the Marshal (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906b)

If you want some cool party-face time with spells Bard is def where its at.

Another front line support is the Dragon shaman Jopustopin has a great handbook for it here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214007)

2013-11-29, 10:12 AM
A bard sounds like a lot of fun. It is the perfect social Joker, and that would be a lot of fun.

And I'd have to read up on a spell thief, but it sounds interesting indeed. :)

2013-11-29, 10:16 AM
Looks like you can do prestige classes, so bard into either sublime chord, or war chanter would be pretty useful for this group.

2013-11-29, 10:36 AM
Well, since you already have a wizard and a cleric, last caster would do well as a druid/spirit shamen. A more direct replacement for a paladin would be a ranger.

Of course Bard is the fifth wheel of choice, and in this case it looks like that would make you the party face/leader.

2013-11-29, 12:51 PM
With the DFA Powersurge and the Metabreath(and 3rd party metabreathish) feats are also very nice to have but quickly make it feat intensive.

2013-11-29, 01:05 PM
Looks like you can do prestige classes, so bard into either sublime chord, or war chanter would be pretty useful for this group.

A slightly more combat focused bard prestige (that I'm aiming for in another campaign) is the Seeker of the Song. You get a lot of extra songs, which covers things such as:
Energy resistances (ultimately you cover every energy type)
Poison/Disease immunity
Distraction (enemy's attempting to cast spells while able to hear you music must make a Concentration check opposed by your Perform check or the spell fizzles)

And then they all have active abilities (with saves based off of your Perform ranks), consisting of:
6d6 cone of fire (Ref half)
1d8 per seeker level to constructs (no save)
10d6 line of cold + fatigue (Fort half +neg fatigue)
Touch range heal equal to your perform check
20ft range ray of Chain Lightning
Dispel Magic
ray for 10d6 acid damage, then a followup 10d6 on next round
close range dimension door
ray for 15d6 sonic
Banish (Will negates)

And you get the ability to play 2 bard songs/seeker songs at once at level 2. So even if you don't stay in it, a 2 level dip then back to bard means both Inspire Courage and Inspire Greatness are up at the same time.

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-29, 02:26 PM
Does not use much optimization or cheese, huh?

I'd go Leadership-Chicken Infested-Survivor Commoner, just to spite that.

2013-11-29, 02:35 PM
Dragon shaman, I would totally go Dragon shaman.

2013-11-29, 02:55 PM
Other things being equal, Bard is the classic "5th character" and unless you have an aversion to it, is a good choice.

2013-11-29, 04:37 PM
I actually second the Tome of Battle. Bard is great, yes, but with an unoptimized party, supporting melee characters can be a huge help.

On these forums, it is generally accepted that when a primary melee character makes a full attack or a charge attack, something will die. If this isn't the case in your group, swordsage will be able to sneak, fight, have skill points, and do a few really "cool" things (like teleport through shadows and turn invisible right before attacking).

I suggest another melee character, because if the fighter charges up and doesn't kill his target, there's a fair chance it may kill him, or another party member.

Just to Browse
2013-11-29, 04:49 PM
Druid. You can support with the best of them and hulk out into melee mode when you need to. And if the cleric is feeling too much like a healbot you can pick up the slack.

2013-11-29, 04:50 PM
as an alternate 5'th wheel i'd suggest Beguiler ... just as good socially as a Bard with a (IMO) better utility belt beyond that, and works in combat primarily by throwing different kinds of 'save-or-suck' at the opponents