View Full Version : level dips in many classes, what am i?

2013-11-29, 11:29 AM
I have a character 1 summoner/2 fighter (lore warden)/ 2 ranger (dungeon rover)/1 cleric (crusader) [travel domain]/1 barbarian/1 horizon walker. What is my " character class/type" other than "munchkin" lol

2013-11-29, 11:33 AM

"Short on HP and skill points"

2013-11-29, 11:33 AM
My biggest problem with all these dips, and one reason why I don't allow them in games is that you couldn't actually play a PC up to that level. All these changes would put you sadly behind in power level vs. the power level of opponents you have to fight, and would not survive. A fighter1, wizard1, cleric1, rogue1, bard1, monk1 has to be fighting 6th level opponents but would have no hope of beating one. Fighting 1st level opponents as ECL6 person would earn no xp.

2013-11-29, 11:36 AM
Pretty much anything. An Indiana Jones-type of scholar/badass comes to mind, or maybe a retainer for a clerical organization - a fix-the-worst-case-scenario type. You could also be an experienced warrior who has dabbled in magic and has a penchant for obscure lore.

2013-11-29, 11:41 AM
My biggest problem with all these dips, and one reason why I don't allow them in games is that you couldn't actually play a PC up to that level. All these changes would put you sadly behind in power level vs. the power level of opponents you have to fight, and would not survive. A fighter1, wizard1, cleric1, rogue1, bard1, monk1 has to be fighting 6th level opponents but would have no hope of beating one. Fighting 1st level opponents as ECL6 person would earn no xp.

Actually except for the summoner level (which I assume is some type of full caster), the build doesn't look that bad. All of the martial classes have full BAB, the fighter and ranger levels gives lots of bonus feats, barb is most the most dipped class for melee, and horizon walker offers fatigue immunity, which is good for barb. Cleric is one of the best dips in the game, in large part because of travel domain, which he has (though it is somewhat redundant with spirit lion barb, which he may or may not have taken).

Overall, it's gonna come down to the feats, but I don't see anything here that screams awful like rogue/wizard/fighter does. Summoner may even have a 1st level ability that benefits melee, much like clerics do.

2013-11-29, 11:50 AM
A sorry MAD mess ?

More seriously, like limejuice pointed out, you have BAB, so view it like all your class are "Fighter 8" with some small side benefits - domain, rage, rangers feats etc... A melee jack of all trades. It all depends on the exact build, feats and all. There's some synergy but not with all the classes. Your spellcasting will be anecdotal. Do you know wich class you'll be pushing to a higher level, if you do?

2013-11-29, 12:03 PM
Actually except for the summoner level (which I assume is some type of full caster), the build doesn't look that bad. All of the martial classes have full BAB, the fighter and ranger levels gives lots of bonus feats, barb is most the most dipped class for melee, and horizon walker offers fatigue immunity, which is good for barb. Cleric is one of the best dips in the game, in large part because of travel domain, which he has (though it is somewhat redundant with spirit lion barb, which he may or may not have taken).

Maybe not this particular build, but there are so many on here that just make no sense.

2013-11-29, 12:12 PM
I have 92HP, 18 con, 20 str, 18 dex, 15 cha, 14 wis, 14 int, i also have a feat that uses craft for meeting prerequisites and caster level when using craft magical arms and armor, and craft wondrous item, ( which i also have) and my bonus too my craft roll is 24. I have $+ 14 in UMD and if i want to cast spells, i do so through items. I can attack 4 times in a turn and deal 3d6+5d4+12 four times, my to hit bonus is +16/16/16/11 using ranged, I'm conjunction with rapid shot, and haste.

2013-11-29, 12:16 PM
I have 92HP, 18 con, 20 str, 18 dex, 15 cha, 14 wis, 14 int, i also have a feat that uses craft for meeting prerequisites and caster level when using craft magical arms and armor, and craft wondrous item, ( which i also have) and my bonus too my craft roll is 24. I have $+ 14 in UMD and if i want to cast spells, i do so through items. I can attack 4 times in a turn and deal 3d6+5d4+12 four times, my to hit bonus is +16/16/16/11 using ranged, I'm conjunction with rapid shot, and haste.

See my first post. Any of those ideas would work well with this character.

2013-11-29, 12:22 PM
See my first post. Any of those ideas would work well with this character.

Lol @all my typos, I'm typing from my phone and it auto corrects the most random things. Ithe character pretty much feels like a jack of all trades type, and the Indiana Jones theme also seems cool :) in combat he is probably the highest DPS at the table, and out of combat, he can use down time to craft gear for the party at a reduced cost and a fraction of the time

2013-11-29, 04:49 PM
Given the theme and the Horizon Walker, I'd probably go with the moniker "Traveler". Lore Warden Fighter, Ranger, and Barbarian all fit that concept, and your Cleric has the travel domain. Is your Summoner dip for Synthesist? If not, why?

2013-11-30, 11:36 AM
Yes it is synthesis summoner.

2013-11-30, 11:41 AM
Why are you asking us? You created the character; you should have some idea of what you intend to do with it. Why did you choose those classes? What abilities of yours do you expect those classes to improve? Answer those questions, and you've also answered the question in your post.

Quoth MikelaC1:

Maybe not this particular build, but there are so many on here that just make no sense.
People often say things like this, but without actually giving examples. Yes, there are potential builds which don't make any sense, but they're generally not ones that people seriously suggest.

2013-11-30, 12:58 PM
Yes it is synthesis summoner.

Ok, then what does your synthesist form look like? That could also be a big source of fluff.

2013-11-30, 02:35 PM
Archer, Soldier, mercenary, special forces operator.
Ranger seems appropriate as well, but could cause confusion with the ranger class, so maybe Jäger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jäger_(military)).

2013-11-30, 02:58 PM
Maybe not this particular build, but there are so many on here that just make no sense.

I disagree. I can pretty much explain any multiclassing build.

2013-11-30, 05:21 PM
This guy:

Sir Chuckles
2013-11-30, 05:59 PM
I have 92HP, 18 con, 20 str, 18 dex, 15 cha, 14 wis, 14 int, i also have a feat that uses craft for meeting prerequisites and caster level when using craft magical arms and armor, and craft wondrous item, ( which i also have) and my bonus too my craft roll is 24. I have $+ 14 in UMD and if i want to cast spells, i do so through items. I can attack 4 times in a turn and deal 3d6+5d4+12 four times, my to hit bonus is +16/16/16/11 using ranged, I'm conjunction with rapid shot, and haste.

My "Munchkin" radar is spinning.

That said, the recurring theme here is Crusader-Travel Domain-Horizon Walker-Dungeon Rover.
Add in Barbarian, Fighter, and Summoner and you're a "Very Angry Psuedo-Paladin Who Has Minions Help Him Kill Things That Live in Caves", who goes on many obscure "adventures" across the land.
Outside that recurring theme, however, roll play will be a crapshoot. Especially with Barbarian and Summoner. And even in that thing I call a theme, there's potential discrepancies.

The more dips you have, the less of a character you become, and the more of a character sheet you are. My general statement is three classes before you start to get silly (Two bases, one prestige is the easiest to explain).

2013-11-30, 06:03 PM
Remove Summoner and Cleric and add Cavalier and maybe rogue and you could call yourself "Adventurer" or "Traveller" or "Hit-Dude-with-Sword"-Dude.

Or as Rurikar put it: I am Nun-Chuk wielding Master Lumber Jack Abraham Lincoln (http://urealms.wikia.com/wiki/Sir_Schmoopy_of_Awesometon) (who is actually a sorcerer).

Emperor Tippy
2013-11-30, 06:33 PM
Generally, you should approach a character either as "I want to play X class" or "This is the (fluff) idea.".

In the first case, levels should be heavily slanted towards that one class and PrC's that advance its features. Your character sheet should not have half as many classes written on it as you have levels.

In the second case you should already know the idea and then be dipping and breaking out the cheese necessary to achieve that character idea in a mechanically viable manner.

Gray Elf Swashbuckler 3/ Factotum 3/ Rogue 1/ Decisive Strike Invisible Fist Martial Monk 2/ Fighter 4/ Psion 3/ Assassin 1/ Exemplar 1/ Swordsage 2 hits 9 classes over 20 levels but it works just fine from a balance perspective. The whole idea behind that build was a thief/assassin/rogue in the vein of River Tam from Firefly or even Batman. An individual who uses their incredibly brain power and super human intellect combined with their exceptional dexterity to know where to position themselves and their blade to do the most damage in combat. In character its the kind of person who can say "There is a 98% probability that you will attack me by taking three steps forward, leading with your right foot, before starting an upwards diagonal cross cut and if I move myself exactly 3 inches in a direction 87 degrees off of current facing while tensing these three muscle groups then your attack will miss me by a whole quarter inch, at which point the dagger in my left hand will be able to slice your right arm open from wrist to shoulder and will cut a tendon and important vein".

Crunch wise that was Kung Fu Genius Int to AC causing a miss and then a hit for significant damage when I spent a full attack action for Decisive Strike and Inspiration points on Cunning Insight for Int to Attack and Damage, for an end result of 2*(Int+Int+Dex+Str) extra damage (with another +4d6+2*HD damage if it is a sneak attack, and potentially another +22 at ECL 20 from Burning Blade). And if you fail your Massive Damage save (because that was a minimum of +60 damage and possible around +140 damage) then it is fluffed as cutting the Brachial artery (which would have your bleed out entirely in about 15 seconds if cut through).

Number of classes used tends to have very little to do with breaking the game though. It tends to be done to make weaker ideas mechanically viable.