View Full Version : Ninja RPG, for PC?

2013-11-29, 05:42 PM
Okay, so, this is another one of those "recommend me a game" threads... this is also one of those "... and the subject is pretty narrow..." kinds of threads too.

Basically, I'm looking for a good RPG to get my ninja on in < . .>

The only real qualifications are:

Must be an RPG of some description - This includes everything from Skyrim style games to more traditional RPGs like Baldur's Gate and Dragon Age: Origins, or even action-RPGs like the Diablo series. Basically the key thing is that it isn't primarily a stealth game, beat'm up or shooter-style game with a few RPG stats tacked on - more the other way around is fine though. It doesn't even have to have stealth to tell you the truth; I'm weird, I can handle being a ninja who doesn't do much sneaking!

An MMORPG is fine too. F2P or not; though if F2P I hope it has decent (not stellar, but readable) translation.

Must allow choice of gender (Preferably with some visual customization; but I'll live without that if necessary)

Must, of course, include ninja of some description. Mostly I prefer either traditional ninja or Naruto-esque super-ninja; I'd rather avoid cybernetic futuristic ninja but I'll live with them if that's all I've got. Note that I'm willing to work to be a ninja if I have to be - Like if I have to go through a few subclasses to get to it, I'll do that if the game itself is enjoyable. Just so long as I can spend a good amount of time flipping out and killing people.

Graphically, I have only two real requirements: no "mincecraft" style graphics, and no super-retro 8-bit style graphics. I can handle good looking sprites; in fact I quite like them; but if it looks like something from the original NES I'll have a much harder time dealing with it.

Many thanks in advance >,< The Playground's taste in games seems to often mirror my own so I figured before I part with my money I'd just up front ask if folks know of anything in this vein.

2013-11-29, 05:56 PM
Mark of the Ninja strikes out in that it's technically less an RPG and more a stealth game, though you do have gadget and skill unlocks that will heavily affect your gameplay.

Dishonored very much plays like a ninja game, though you're not actually wearing the outfit and you have to play a male character, who comes with his own background story.

2013-11-29, 08:27 PM
Mark of the Ninja strikes out in that it's technically less an RPG and more a stealth game, though you do have gadget and skill unlocks that will heavily affect your gameplay.

And yet this is exactly what the OP did not ask for - not a stealth game but an RPG, also there is no character customization because the main character is male by default, with a preset (except for switching suits that give different powers) appearance.

Mark of the Ninja is an excellent game regardless.

And OP, what you're asking for is very specific and rare and I'm not even sure there's such a game. When you tell someone "ninja video game", they automatically think either a stealth game or Naruto, not an RPG - and that's the kind of games you have.

The closest is playing an RPG with classes to pick from and one of them is a ninja. Such is the case with Final Fantasy XI (an MMO).

2013-11-29, 08:35 PM
I did start that sentence going "while this strikes out as it's technically less an RPG and more a stealth game"... I'd also argue that stealth and roleplaying are not mutually exclusive and that Mark of the Ninja features some RPG elements (evolving character skill system, meaningful decisions etc). However the primary focus is on sneaking and action over RPG and it does limit you to playing a male ninja. Still, deserves a mention if only because it's cheap and incredibly good.

I have to admit that Ninja games are a bit of a rarity in Europe and the majority of the ninja games that are widely released here are either pure stealth or action games instead of RPGs, and even if you were to include those the vast majority of those games tend to make you play a premade, male ninja.

Finally, I did a google search for ninja games and found a wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ninja_video_games) listing ninja games from the past 20 years - might be worth checking into?

2013-11-29, 08:42 PM
Actually I just thought of a game that'd be perfect for playing a ninja.

Saint's Row.

No, really - think about it. Extremely wide customization options certainly cover gender and ninja outfits. You can redesign your followers to be members of your very own ninja clan. You rank up and unlock new powers as you run around practicing your admittedly somewhat unorthodox ninjutsu... With a little bit of work suspending disbelief it might just work.

2013-11-29, 08:44 PM
Bioware's Jade Empire is a PC action-RPG focusing around martial arts. While the player character is not really a ninja by any stretch of the imagination, the setting is a fictionalized China rather than a fictionalized Japan, and the story bears more similarity to Wuxia films than anything, it may have the "feel" you're looking for of a solo or duo of martial artists taking on crowds of goons with their hands, feet, magic, and classical weapons, in RPG form.

And you do have one party member who's certainly ninja-inspired, despite being from the wrong fictive culture.

2013-11-29, 08:46 PM
Yeah hehe, FFXI was one of the few that came to mind < ._.> Sadly that's one that I've played until it was no longer fun. (Shame FFXIV doesn't yet have such a job >.< that would solve my problem pretty effectively!)

I think probably what I'm mostly looking for is "An RPG where I can play as a ninja" (even if that's just a character class), rather than specifically a ninja-game; the more I think about it. Even stuff like Final Fantasy Tactics might work.

But yeah I knew this would be a difficult, possibly futile search. I've already bought Dishonored, because I thought it looked promising (and earlier today I was able to get it on Steam very, very cheaply) Mark of the Ninja is likewise on my 'possible' list for the future, even though it really doesn't hit what I'm after exactly. It does nontheless look quite intriguing hehe

@Kudaku - That list is pretty long, definitely going to give it a look as well as some more search-fu on my part.

Even if I do n't find anything, I suppose I can always use Skyrim hehe >_> you can mod just about anything into that game; though I've played it so much that's why I'm hesitant to go that route.


@Nerd-o-Rama - Yeah, Jade Empire is pretty awesome <._.> I haven't played it in awhile either, so I may just fire it up. Have beat it though,, so it's a twinge lower on my list than something new. But yeah it's definitely an option. Shame they haven't made a sequel yet.

*Edit again~*

I should add that I'm not normally quite so... single target, in my interests lol; it's just a kick I'm currently on due to a character I'm setting up for a Pathfinder game. I'm weird like that I guess.

2013-11-29, 08:59 PM
It's not weird - I do the same thing in reverse. I'll run into a cool character in a book or a game and try to build the same character in Pathfinder. It's good practice :smallsmile:

2013-11-29, 10:04 PM
Shadowrun Returns and Vampire the Masquade: Bloodlines would both allow to make a ninja like character. More so in Shadow Run probably, as VtM:B would be focusing more on the whole vampire thing. Shadowrun could probably also have that ninja like feel to it. On the other hand IIRC VtM:B had a 'history' called ninja, but I think all it did was give you a small bonus to using melee weapons and locked you out of ranged weapons.

2013-11-30, 01:33 PM
Avadon has a ninja class but it is a very mediocre game.

2013-11-30, 09:49 PM
Shadowrun Returns and Vampire the Masquade: Bloodlines would both allow to make a ninja like character. More so in Shadow Run probably, as VtM:B would be focusing more on the whole vampire thing. Shadowrun could probably also have that ninja like feel to it. On the other hand IIRC VtM:B had a 'history' called ninja, but I think all it did was give you a small bonus to using melee weapons and locked you out of ranged weapons.

Play a Malk who actually believes he is a movie ninja.

It's freaking awesome.

2013-11-30, 10:22 PM
Play a Malk who actually believes he is a movie ninja.

It's freaking awesome.

A bit underpowered; since the Malk's best power is through their firepowers, and the ninja-malks are forbidden from using guns.

And ducks.

2013-11-30, 10:25 PM
A bit underpowered; since the Malk's best power is through their firepowers, and the ninja-malks are forbidden from using guns.

And ducks.

Max Obfuscate as soon as possible and you can basically pick off everybody with your melee weapon of choice through most of the game's major combats, though.

(The Katana seems most logical for a ninja, but I recommend the Brush Hook. For reasons).

Admittedly, you will be kind of ****ed againts the final bosses, but damn is doing a proper sword duel with the Sheriff's first form fun.

2013-11-30, 10:37 PM
I remember my first char was a Brujah.

Man, I didn't gave **** about anyone and just pummeled the eldritch abominations with my bare fists.

2013-12-01, 11:17 AM
Avadon has a ninja class but it is a very mediocre game.
Lies! Avadon is a good game. Avadon 2 doubly so. But it's old school kick the door, beat the guy kind of turn based RPG, not much (or at all really) ninjaing going on.
If you were to try soloing Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale games with a solo thief, it could get pretty ninja.

2013-12-01, 12:43 PM
I remember my first char was a Brujah.

Man, I didn't gave **** about anyone and just pummeled the eldritch abominations with my bare fists.

I had the exact same experience. Huh.

It also tells something when the game presents you with a plethora of interesting character choices (blood mage, the hilariously crazy, the gentleman vampire, etc.) and you go with the "face puncher".

It's like that time I first booted up Arcanum, looked at all the tasty choices between magic and technology... and just went with a plain sword guy.

2013-12-01, 01:04 PM
I had the exact same experience. Huh.

It also tells something when the game presents you with a plethora of interesting character choices (blood mage, the hilariously crazy, the gentleman vampire, etc.) and you go with the "face puncher".

It's like that time I first booted up Arcanum, looked at all the tasty choices between magic and technology... and just went with a plain sword guy.

Because you can't go inherently wrong with a brute-force character. As long as you take notice that you miss something in your first playthrough, that leaves you open for a more fun replay, as you'll see new things.

For me, there are 4 generic ways of playing Bloodline:

1st: Brute force character. (Brujah, Gangrel)
2nd: Social/Intel character (I recommend Tremere, 'cause of the fun option you may have with their primogen)
3rd: Malkavian. The super-sight power will allow you to see EVERYTHING. And you have... special elements. Plus, you get to actually understand some of your character's own ramblings.
4th: Nosferatu. You get to see The Other Side.

2013-12-01, 02:41 PM
In RPG terms, isn't a ninja just a single class? Why are you looking for an RPG where most of the customization has been taken out?

I have a feeling you're looking for a specific gaming experience, but are you sure a ninja RPG is the best description for it? Stealth usually isn't done that well on RPGs, and there's very little difference between a ninja who throws fire and cuts enemies in half with a sword and a hero who throws fire and cuts enemies in half with a sword.

If it's just the aesthetics, any RPG with customization options might do.
If it's the dialogue options, it might be better to find a game with well-written dialogue even if it happens to be an action game with stealth and rpg elements rather than an rpg. Action games CAN have great plot and lots of NPCs and dialogue.

2013-12-01, 03:11 PM
Wouldn't the Assassin's Creed I and II qualify?

2013-12-01, 03:55 PM
Wouldn't the Assassin's Creed I and II qualify?
No choice of gender, and I don't think you can really customize character stats or anything? I think?

2013-12-01, 04:15 PM
Assassin's Creed is more of a stealth-action series than an RPG. It's got quite a bit of story, but none of the story or metagame choices that characterize an RPG.

2013-12-01, 04:18 PM
Assassin's Creed is more of a stealth-action series than an RPG.

Munchkin & Assassin's Creed II:

"A player, who when told that the game is about political intrigue in Rennaisance Italy, wants to play a ninja."

2013-12-01, 07:41 PM
Diablo 2 Assassin can be played as a Ninja. But I would personally recommend an Elder Scrolls title (Morrowind is probably best, followed by Skyrim, then Oblivion), using a Thief class with some illusion/destruction magic. Just wear a mask of some kind.

2013-12-01, 09:04 PM
If we're going that far, playing a Ninja Assassin in Fallout: New Vegas is pretty viable (especially if you want to be a cowboy-ninja), though the Ninja perk itself is annoyingly expensive.

2013-12-02, 10:29 AM
Assassin's Creed is more of a stealth-action series than an RPG. It's got quite a bit of story, but none of the story or metagame choices that characterize an RPG.

In that vein, the Batman Arkham trilogy does have some stealth-action gameplay, but again lacks any sort of gender customization.

2013-12-02, 11:43 AM
After much looking (and a brief interlude of a 103 degree fever and a trip to the emergency room!) - it looks like I'm going to just be sticking to Skyrim for now. On the upside, at least I can get a mod for just about everything I want, so there's that. < . .> Thanks for trying everyone, it's been much appreciated; kinda was afraid this was going to be a wild goose chase, but I had to try!

2013-12-02, 01:30 PM
Dark Souls, you can be whatever you want and change your mind halfway through the game even if you want.

Terraria, pseudo RPG elements, but has throwing stars, throwing daggers along with a Ninja Outfit (http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Ninja_clothes) and/or "Karate Tortoise" Outfit (http://terraria.gamepedia.com/Karate_Tortoise_costume).