View Full Version : Help with Building an Opening to a Session?

2013-11-30, 10:18 AM
So I'm running a session soon and I've got this great idea but I can't really come up with a session to go around it?

So I run a campaign that centres around a single town. Within that town are several guilds that my players can work their way up through.

I'd like to start an Adventurers' Guild that will start sneaking in and stealing their missions. For example, my players will follow a lead to a wizard and find that the people from the Adventurers' Guild have already taken the mission from the wizard.

I was thinking the Adventurers' Guild members could be semi-incompetent or something along those lines to irritate the players?

The only thing is I can't think of how to propel an adventure after all the leads in town are exhausted by the Adventurers' Guild?

2013-11-30, 11:36 AM
how many people in the town?

what level are your characters? (and how many)
Edit: And classes?

Guildmaster's level? (guild strength if you will)


2013-11-30, 12:28 PM
just a tip, you may want to come up with a reason the PCs are just now meeting this guild.