View Full Version : PF Summoner feats

Winds of Nagual
2013-11-30, 03:03 PM
I love playing my summoner. Great flexibility, fun pet, and monster summons galore!! But I am approaching lvl 5 and already running out of feats that really push my character forward. I have spell focus for augment and superior summons. Now what? Do I become the party's craft master (rod? weapon? misc?)? Take an exotic weapon (repeating crossbow) and become a puny archer? Greater spell focus? Generic improved initiative? Oh ... and leadership at lvl 7 is a given :)

Just not many great choices for summoners...

Cheers all!

2013-11-30, 03:06 PM
Theres actually a book of summoner feats that are very nice. Like allowing your eidolon change a few evo points each time its summoned.

2013-11-30, 03:11 PM
If you're a Master Summoner, Extra Summons lets you have more endurance to last through the day nova harder.

2013-11-30, 03:11 PM
Summon good monster is nice if you qualify. Ferocious summons if you are a half-Orc and non-good.

Winds of Nagual
2013-11-30, 03:15 PM
Nope - just a straight up summoner who convinced the GM to allow his monster summoning list to be as if he were a fetchling. Hurrah for shadow monsters!! Eventually.

2013-11-30, 04:08 PM
Resilient Eidolon is good.

2013-11-30, 04:15 PM
Depending on your stats, boosting your saves might not be a bad idea. Improved initiative can be life or death for your character, since going first = summoning a critter to protect you or throw a hast spell on the party.

Depending on your race, you can take some interesting/flavorful racial feats. If you are into battlefield control, you can boost your DCs.

And, of course, you can always take extra evolution for pimping out your eidolon some more.

But if nothing else, the crafting feats might do a lot for your party.

2013-11-30, 06:54 PM
I take it you're not getting any 3.5 material, so no Beckon the Frozen or similar, huh? Too bad, you have most of the good PF summoner feats already. The others have been mentioned. In which case, what do you do while your summons are out? Buff? BFC? Metamagic Feats are never a bad investment.

For my summoner I grabbed the Eldritch Heritage: Sylvan feat chain and Boon Companion to have an animal companion at -1 druid level overall. Still plenty of awesome to pair with your eidolon or summons.

2013-11-30, 06:56 PM
Pick up the Snowball spell, and then intensify spell. It's a decent damaging spell.

Winds of Nagual
2013-11-30, 11:28 PM
GM nightmare!! Summoner with leadership, animal companion, eidolon!! Or is it the other players nightmare when your turn takes 12 minutes.

2013-11-30, 11:40 PM
GM Bookkeeping nightmare!! Summoner with leadership, animal companion, eidolon!! Or is it the other players nightmare when your turn takes 12 minutes.

FTFY. screwthetextminimum

2013-12-01, 12:32 AM
At that point, you should play a solo campaign cuz you have your own party.

2013-12-01, 12:43 AM
Might as well pick up a familiar and a few hirelings while you're at it. Oh, and the Broodmaster archetype.

Although it's worth noting that having an animal companion (and quite possibly an eidolon) actually penalizes your Leadership score. Of course, as a summoner, you quite likely have the charisma to deal with this, but I'm just putting it out there.

2013-12-01, 01:19 AM
At that point, you should play a solo campaign cuz you have your own party.

Paizo actually admits that a Master Summoner can be a strong candidate for solo adventuring before that stuff simply for the number of minions they can keep out at any given time. That said, I still think leadership is cheesy BS on any PC, and that getting an animal companion in addition to the Eidolon (like through Eldritch Heritage) is simply abusive. The class itself gives you all the power you will ever need. Unless you're in a solo campaign, in which case one doesn't need to worry about overshadowing others.

Summoners are quite welcome, however, in parties which sorely lack melee. Like if the group wants to run a "mage's guild" or "wizard school" campaign, and simply doesn't have anyone filling those roles. Or if everyone else feels like playing squishies (i.e. spellcasters, ranged) and they need defending.

2013-12-01, 01:32 AM
Summoners are quite welcome, however, in parties which sorely lack melee. Like if the group wants to run a "mage's guild" or "wizard school" campaign, and simply doesn't have anyone filling those roles. Or if everyone else feels like playing squishies (i.e. spellcasters, ranged) and they need defending.

Thats why I needed an animal companion. My eidolon is the rogue. :smallwink:

Lord Vukodlak
2013-12-01, 07:26 AM
Well I haven't played a summoner personally but its on my list, Extra Evolution sounds good, increase your evolution pool by one.

Winds of Nagual
2013-12-01, 09:08 AM
I am hoping to take leadership and have my companions work towards paving the way for me to become king! Not terribly useful for my PC - but a ton of role playing opportunities meeting with my "I gotta guy..." friends.'

And is extra evolutions a bitter pill to swallow. A feat for 1 evolution point? Two points would seem more fair. But then again, I want to play a summoner, not an eidolon.

Ooohhh - and I was just promoted to halfling!!

Lord Vukodlak
2013-12-01, 04:51 PM
And is extra evolutions a bitter pill to swallow. A feat for 1 evolution point? Two points would seem more fair. But then again, I want to play a summoner, not an eidolon.

One point can add a lot to an eidolon,

Ooohhh - and I was just promoted to halfling!!
My planned summoner is also a Halfling. I just like the appeal of the little halfling and his big friend. I don't quite get the same vibe with gnomes.

2013-12-01, 09:39 PM
My planned summoner is also a Halfling. I just like the appeal of the little halfling and his big friend. I don't quite get the same vibe with gnomes.

Methinks he was referring to his standing as X in the Playground...

Lord Vukodlak
2013-12-01, 10:11 PM
Methinks he was referring to his standing as X in the Playground...

Really that changes? I thought is was assigned randomly... guess it shows how much I've been paying attention....

2013-12-01, 10:42 PM
Really that changes? I thought is was assigned randomly... guess it shows how much I've been paying attention....

It changes with post-count (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2663453&postcount=1).