View Full Version : Favorite Base Class and Favorite ACF

2013-11-30, 03:07 PM
Okat two posts in one. What is your favorite Base class and why: can be because of Power gaming, Fluff, Class features, or fun what ever makes it your favorite, just wanna know why.

Also what is your favorite ACF and why?

2013-11-30, 03:11 PM
I like quite a few classes, but i would say Sorcerer is my favorite, probably has something to do with blowing things up lol

My Favorite ACF is probably Battle Sorcerer, ya its sup-optimal but its gish in a sardine can lol

2013-11-30, 03:12 PM
Druids are my favorite base class, easy. They totally fit my play style, with deep summoning and BFC powers, and they can adapt to any situation and any DM. Druids take a lot of punishment, thriving in aquatic campaigns with low magic item access, and in high magic dungeon delvers alike. Also, they have a ridiculous number of utterly pointless class features. As for ACF's from the standard set, I'd have to go with iron constitution, just because it's so frigging sweet. That's a value trade if I've ever seen one. If substitution levels are included, it might still be iron constitution, but shifter druid substitution levels are amazing as well. Crazy density.

2013-11-30, 03:19 PM
Blackhawk I hear you on the blowing stuff up, it's why I work in law enforcment and not as a laywer.

Eggy where is Iron Constitution, and what does it do?

2013-11-30, 03:22 PM
Eggy where is Iron Constitution, and what does it do?
It's from hereabouts (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a), and it trades resist nature's lure for a downgrade of nauseated to sickened, sickened to nothing, and a +2 on saves against disease. Resist nature's lure is the worst, and that stuff is all pretty awesome, particularly because nauseated is devastating, so it's a sweet ACF.

2013-11-30, 04:13 PM
I'm still a Final Fantasy VII fanboy even after all these years. The Two-Handed Fighter archetype in Pathfinder just looks like fun. Add in mythic tiers and you've got yourself a character conversion.

2013-11-30, 04:19 PM
Binder for me, both mechanically and flavor-wise. Binding something 'beyond' to yourself in order to adapt on a daily basis is fun as hell, especially with a RP-heavy group and you have to act out your signs/influences.

Favorite ACF would have to be Psionic Weapon Psychic Warrior. Everything I love about Soulknife in a better body.

2013-11-30, 04:30 PM
I will always love Paladins. Paladins are just my go-to when I want to play a charismatic martial type character. I don't really have a favourite ACF, but off the top of my head, I'm really into Whirling Frenzy. Rolling more attacks is always cool.

2013-11-30, 05:51 PM
My favorite class would be swordsage, because when I used to play monk (my previous favorite class) I would already name all of his attacks like those in the ToB. Now I have an excuse to yell things like Five-Shadow Creeping Ice Enervation Strike.

My favorite ACF? Probably penetrating strike, because I once played a rogue and the DM decided that the entire campaign was going to focus on undead.

The Trickster
2013-11-30, 06:00 PM
Favorite class: Beguiler. I love illusions.

ACF: Hmmmm. I like the Staff Magus, although I can't give you an exact reason why. :smalltongue:

2013-11-30, 06:02 PM
Psion because it just works really well and you can build a lot of different archetypes with it.

ACF=Penetrating Strike, because the class feature I put most my build into isn't made completely useless 20% of the time.

2013-11-30, 06:04 PM
Factotum, it's fun, and useful in almost all situations. You're never told to 'sit this one out'. Can be effective in combat in all skill challenges, in healing, spellcasting even sneak attacks. And that level 15 ability is amazing.

It's the first class I ever played too so there's that

2013-11-30, 06:21 PM
My favorite class overall is probably bard (though I also like swordsages, binders, and factotums).

I really love bardic knack. Skill monkey for the win though if I could get bardic knowledge from PF that would be great too.

Fax Celestis
2013-11-30, 06:22 PM
Favorite base class is the Marksman, and my favorite ACF has got to be PHB-II's Shapeshift.

Jeff the Green
2013-11-30, 06:27 PM
Beguiler, by far. Plenty beats it in power, but every time I play something else I keep running into situations where I wish we had a beguiler in the party.

I like the Blasphemous Incantation ACF (EoE). Granted, it only affects Good creatures and replaces Rebuking so it's probably a downgrade, but it's just so delicious.

2013-11-30, 07:13 PM
My favourite base class is Warlock, I just enjoy the way it plays really. My favourite ACF is the Staff of the Magi instead of Familiar from Dragon, when I play a wizard eventually I am using that and making it my item familiar to have that Gandalfy feel.

The Trickster
2013-11-30, 07:58 PM
My favourite base class is Warlock, I just enjoy the way it plays really. My favourite ACF is the Staff of the Magi instead of Familiar from Dragon, when I play a wizard eventually I am using that and making it my item familiar to have that Gandalfy feel.

I can't serm to find this ACF. What does it do, exactly?

Emperor Tippy
2013-11-30, 08:03 PM
Psion, Wizard, and Factotum for base class. If I had to choose one then probably the Psion.

Favorite ACF is probably this (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#druid) druid variant, mostly because of some hilarity that I've done with the movement speed plus full casting. Although for ACF it really varies.

2013-11-30, 08:07 PM
I gotta say my next favorite class is probably Barbarian, i like screaming RAGE!!! and then smashing something.

I second Whirling Frenzy, more AC and a second attack? yes please!
But then there is always Lion totem.........Ah hell ill take both! :)

2013-11-30, 08:07 PM
Favorite base class is fighter. GO to any D&D session and theres at least 1 homebrew making the fighter a tad bit better there 1 million and 1 fighter fixes and I love that a lot of people can feel what the class is supposed be and be able to do. then go about making those fixes.

I do not really have a fave ACF. But its prob the Paladin one that trades Mount to Wis to AC within your aura of Courage.

2013-11-30, 08:33 PM
Favorite Base Class: Factotum, hands down.
Favorite ACF: Targeteer Fighter from one of the dragon magazines.

2013-11-30, 09:03 PM
Favorite Class: Binder, just to many cool abilities and so much potential.
Favorite ACF: Dungeoncrasher Fighter, because nothing is more satisfying than throwing people at walls and the crunch that follows.

2013-11-30, 10:19 PM
I've always been most at home playing a Rogue, especially when spiced with Daring Outlaw. For ACFs I've always liked Penetrating Strike and Shield of Blades.

Subaru Kujo
2013-11-30, 10:28 PM
Definitely love playing a Rogue. Just feel at home playing one, Chaotic Neutral or otherwise.

Not sure about ACFs, but I'll have some idea once I hit level 3 on the current one.

2013-11-30, 11:18 PM
Rogue for the class, and Lightbringer Penetrating Strike (Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, page 208) for the ACF. It's worth paying the Lightbringer dues of 100 gp a year for the character so you can avoid the "But is it sneak attack damage?" argument discussion about the Dungeonscape Penetrating Strike trimmed-to-the-point-of-butchery ACF.

2013-11-30, 11:38 PM
I usually like Wizard best [and have since my 1st/2nd edition days] but recently ive started really getting into Psions.They have alot of the potentially ingenious methods to solve problems that Wizards do but the PP system they use is so much different and looser that ive ended up enjoying it alot

For ACFs im pretty fond of the favored Environment for Rangers.I personally think it should be the default capability of the class and its much more fitting for a Mountain man to know all there is about surviving in the mountains that to know all their is about killing all the worlds Dire Platapi.It may not be the best but I think its the best fitting change for a class

or theres also the ACF for Monk where you play a different class

2013-11-30, 11:38 PM
Class: Beguiler
ACF: Eidetic Spellcaster
Variant: Mystic Ranger

2013-12-01, 09:10 AM
Definitely love playing a Rogue. Just feel at home playing one, Chaotic Neutral or otherwise.

Not sure about ACFs, but I'll have some idea once I hit level 3 on the current one.

Since this is my post I figure I should put in my own choices.
So I have second or third the Rouge I just love the feel of the character type, it has such versatiliy. Also the perfection of honing ones skills (with out magic) is so deep with in my own character.

As for ACF I would have to go with Charging Smite. It improves the damage of the smite to +3/level, you don't waste the attempt on a miss, and never been a fan of the mount anyway.

Manly Man
2013-12-01, 10:55 AM
Favorite class is a tie between the Warblade and Pathfinder's Psychic Warrior. Not entirely sure about a favorite ACF, though. Most likely Metamagic Specialist.

2013-12-01, 11:09 AM
Oooh, hard to pick one Class...

Rogue probably is the most fun for me.
(But i just have to mention Bard, Factotum, Psion, Dread Necro and Binder too!)

ACF: (Lightbringer) Penetrating strike, just because it should have been a class feature, not an ACF really. It's like a rogue fix of sorts.

Fable Wright
2013-12-01, 11:17 AM
Favorite class here would have to be the Duskblade, just because of the versatility you get in combat with it. Between Swift action combat spells, Swift Cast, variety of Touch spells you can get with the proper feats/items, and interesting things you can do with the proper feats (Deceptive illumination, etc), stapled on a good combat chassis (full BAB, Knowledge Devotion, Arcane Channeling, Arcane Strike) makes for Tome of Battle like combat, with more options than Tome of Battle offers.

Favorite ACF is probably Educated Wilder from the Mind's Eye web expansions, just because it actually makes the class functional again.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-12-01, 12:48 PM
Favorite class? Archivist. "Sometimes it feels like the more I learn about this crap the less I understand." The flavor and crunch come together perfectly into a concept I really like. I prefer to stick to just the divine base class lists though and not use Hexer or other tricks to get any spell I want.

Favorite ACF? Mystic Fire Knight. In terms of how much more cool and interesting it makes a class to play compared to its base chasis, it's far and away the best, IMO.

Silva Stormrage
2013-12-01, 02:51 PM
Favorite Class: Dread Necromancer, I like minion mancy necromancy and they don't have the problems of being a tier 1 caster.

Favorite ACF: Probably wildshape ranger as I love entering Master of Many Forms with that.

2013-12-01, 04:40 PM
Dread Necromancer because it's godly.....
Favourite ACF would probably be Immediate Magic with Evocation specialized.
No caster gets **** on me.

2013-12-01, 05:04 PM
Damn, there are so many classes to choose from. I'm afraid I must present a list.
Warlock: I love my blast mages and my hellspawns. I know they're inefficient, but they're fun as hell.
Bard: No pressure on me at all to be competent at anything. It rocks. Also, get to rock.
Knight: Just for the "COME AT ME BRO" feel of the class, and the capstone.
Paladin: Only when using Grod The Giant's full fix (the one on his wiki). It makes it just feel so much more right.

ACFs: Shapeshift for druids, because more balanced/less paperwork/simpler. Other contender is Gnome Bard lvl 1 Racial sub, because countersong is useless and it essentially makes the party immune to fear.

2013-12-01, 05:05 PM
Spirit Shaman, Factotum, Ardent, and I've recently taken quite a liking to Warblade.
I really like the flavor and class features of Spirit Shaman, and the way they cast is probably my favorite way for anyone to cast ever.
Factotum for obvious reasons.
Ardent because I love taking dips and they are a very dip friendly gish-in-a-can class.
Warblade because of the class features that allow it to be the "smart fighter" type.

Favorite ACF is tough. Probably "Dominant Ideal" for Ardent's from the Mind's Eye series. It just makes being an Ardent so worth it.

2013-12-01, 05:06 PM
Really like the Erudite. I like learning a lot of stuff and just being versatile.

Favorite ACF is Convert Spell to Power. Because it makes the Erudite even more versatile.

2013-12-01, 05:27 PM
Favorite ACF would have to be Psionic Weapon Psychic Warrior. Everything I love about Soulknife in a better body.

Where is this from I have never heard of it and can find nothing on it?

Base Class: Psion. This class introduced me to a "magic" system that feltmost familar with i.e. video games with mana. Vancian casting seemed so strange to me at first and still does.

ACF: Well I mostly play PF so the closest thing to a ACF for me would be the enlightened monk (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-options/monk/enlightened-monk).

2013-12-01, 05:29 PM
Fighter, all the way. As a level 20 character, you get 21 feats total. Do you know how broken that is?

2013-12-01, 05:31 PM
Fighter, all the way. As a level 20 character, you get 21 feats total. Do you know how broken that is?
Very much not broken? Perhaps blue text would better fit your aims. Fighter ACF's are pretty good though. Some of the best in the game, really, if you consider ACF power level in terms of tier growth.

2013-12-01, 05:47 PM
Yeah, you would think so, but wait until I hit you 8 times per round at 40 damage per attack. Hmmm? What was that? You're dead?

2013-12-01, 05:49 PM
Very much not broken? Perhaps blue text would better fit your aims. Fighter ACF's are pretty good though. Some of the best in the game, really, if you consider ACF power level in terms of tier growth.

I dunno, he'll be the envy of every NPC warrior he meets.

My favorite class is slowly becoming the DSP PF Soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife). Seriously, unique class features, takes care of the primary WBL drain for a "mundane" character, and archetypes for natural weapons, unarmed fighting, ranged weapons, skilled/sneaky, minor manifesting and armored character concepts. With minor refluffing, it works for sooo many character concepts.

Yeah, you would think so, but wait until I hit you 8 times per round at 40 damage per attack. Hmmm? What was that? You're dead?

That's about the minimum of what you should be doing at level 20.

2013-12-01, 05:54 PM
Yeah, you would think so, but wait until I hit you 8 times per round at 40 damage per attack. Hmmm? What was that? You're dead?
That is really really really unimpressive. Seriously, I'd rather not have the ridiculously long discussion of why fighters aren't very good, but suffice to say that they very much aren't very good. Maybe just read the tier system for classes (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5293), and perhaps why each class is in its tier (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5256.0). Fighters aren't the worst class in the game by any means, but they're way down there.

Edit: Also, read the niche ranking for classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314701). I think I'm going to start adding that to my list of game balance thread references.

Dr. Cliché
2013-12-01, 07:04 PM
My favourite would have to be the Warlock.

I like the idea of at-will abilities (even if they end up a lot weaker than spells), they get a few other nice abilities, and it's also nice to have a decent attack bonus.

Also, I just like the 'feel' of a lot of the invocations - they seem a good fit for shadowy/evil characters.

2013-12-01, 07:21 PM
Rogue is my favorite class, definetly. There is nothing that can't be upgraded by adding a little "Sneak Attack". It's smart and cowardly fighting style which just strikes a chord with me.

For Alternative Class Feature I have to say Combat Wizard (if it counts). I personally prefer the Gish archetype over the full caster guy and Combat Wizards makes it very easy to do so. Fractional Base Attack Bonus + 1st Level Rogue + 2nd Level Combat Wizard = the best way to get Weapon Finesse early as a sneak attacker!

Sneak Attack, Bitch!

2013-12-01, 08:04 PM
Fighter, all the way. As a level 20 character, you get 21 feats total. Do you know how broken that is?

Yeah, you would think so, but wait until I hit you 8 times per round at 40 damage per attack. Hmmm? What was that? You're dead?

Oh. My. God.
You are adorable.

mabriss lethe
2013-12-01, 09:21 PM
Favorite class: This changes rather regularly, though I have a soft spot for finding ways to make underdog/garbage classes playable and fun. Right now, for the past month or so, I'd say my favorite lame duck is the Soulknife (no, not the PF soulknife.) I also rather like Factotum, Warlock, ToB Classes, Binder, and Psion despite their lack of suck.

Favorite ACF is probably the Zhentarim Fighter ACF.

2013-12-01, 09:39 PM
Favorite class: This changes rather regularly, though I have a soft spot for finding ways to make underdog/garbage classes playable and fun. Right now, for the past month or so, I'd say my favorite lame duck is the Soulknife (no, not the PF soulknife.) I also rather like Factotum, Warlock, ToB Classes, Binder, and Psion despite their lack of suck.

Favorite ACF is probably the Zhentarim Fighter ACF.

Mmm yeah Hexblade, Knight, and Monk are my favorites for what you described.

2013-12-01, 09:45 PM
Favourite class, hmmmm... Probably paladin at the moment, because I like playing genuinely good characters. You don't see enough of them amidst the horde of 'wrote LG on character sheet but murders and steals from anything with a pulse' types. ACF would have to be everyone's favourite sprit lion, because I like martial characters being able to move and still do things.

2013-12-01, 09:49 PM
Favorite base class is probably the Sha'ir, I love geniekind + Arabian Nights flavor and love their mechanics. I also really like the PF Ninja.

Favorite ACF is a tough one. Probably Mantle Substitution Ardent. If you include archetypes I'm a huge fan of the Gravewalker Witch and the Preservationist Alchemist.

2013-12-01, 09:56 PM
Favorite class: This changes rather regularly, though I have a soft spot for finding ways to make underdog/garbage classes playable and fun. Right now, for the past month or so, I'd say my favorite lame duck is the Soulknife (no, not the PF soulknife.) I also rather like Factotum, Warlock, ToB Classes, Binder, and Psion despite their lack of suck.

Favorite ACF is probably the Zhentarim Fighter ACF.

Me too!

Currently making way too many uberchargers off a Ranger/Barb base combo.

Favourite class: Bard,
Favourite ACF: Not fair! Too many fun ones! Currently enjoying Spirit Lion Totem+Crafty Barbarian
Favourite Dip: MARINER! Weaksauce class but WOW what a fun dip.

2013-12-01, 10:01 PM
Favorite Base Class is probably Ranger, especially the Mystic Ranger variant.

Favorite ACF is a toss-up between Wildshaping Ranger and Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian.

There's a lot of great ACFs though. So many ACFs. :smalleek:

Where is this from I have never heard of it and can find nothing on it?

I think they're referring to Soulbound Weapon from the Mind's Eye Expanded Classes segment. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)

Favourite Dip: MARINER! Weaksauce class but WOW what a fun dip.

How so?

2013-12-01, 10:07 PM
Shaper. (Or Psion in general)

I love psionics' flavor opposed to arcane and divine. The mechanics are sound and fluid, and there's less chaff to remove if you dislike cheese. You always have something useful you can do in a given situation, but without most the ludicrousness of being a wizard or druid.

2013-12-01, 10:35 PM
Yeah, you would think so, but wait until I hit you 8 times per round at 40 damage per attack. Hmmm? What was that? You're dead?


I'm going to keep this simple for you.

Level 6 barbarian. No pounce.

Level 1 power attack
Level 3 feat: improved bull rush
Level 6 feat: shocktrooper

On a charge with a valorous greataxe he can dump 6 points of AC for 18 points of extra damage and will do double his total damage to the target.

A 6th level barbarian should reasonably have no less than 16 strength before his rage. With rage that's 20 for a +5 modifier.

That's 1d12(6.5 average) +8(str) +1(enhancement) +18(power attack) = 33.5 damage X2 for valorous enhancement = 67 damage for a single attack on a charge. At level 6.

Let's scale that up to 20.

20 base strength +8 for greater rage +6 for a girdle of giant's strength = 34 for a +12 mod. 20 points of AC can be dumped for 60 points of bonus damage. That axe should be up to +5.

1d12(6.5) +18(strength) +5(enhancement) +60(power attack) = 89.5 X2 for valorous makes 179 damage.

This is very minimal optimization. No leap attack, no pounce, no tome of gainful exercise, just one feat chain and one special weapon enhancement and the basic gear expected by the system. I even started with 15 strength before level gains.

Let's get nasty with it. Add in pounce, change that rage to whirling frenzy, and add in leap attack.

1d12 +18(str) +5(enhancement) +80(power attack) = 109.5 X2 for valorous makes 219 damage. On 5 attacks for a maximum potential damage of 1095.

Kinda puts that 320ish your fighter was going to be doing to shame, huh.

2013-12-02, 12:19 AM
That's 1d12(6.5 average) +8(str) +1(enhancement) +18(power attack) = 33.5 damage X2 for valorous enhancement = 67 damage for a single attack on a charge.
You've got a problem with the Valorous math: the weapon deals double damage on a charge. Power Attack, STR bonus, and other non-weapon damage components are not multiplied.

2013-12-02, 12:24 AM

I'm going to keep this simple for you.

Level 6 barbarian. No pounce.

Level 1 power attack
Level 3 feat: improved bull rush
Level 6 feat: shocktrooper

On a charge with a valorous greataxe he can dump 6 points of AC for 18 points of extra damage and will do double his total damage to the target.

A 6th level barbarian should reasonably have no less than 16 strength before his rage. With rage that's 20 for a +5 modifier.

That's 1d12(6.5 average) +8(str) +1(enhancement) +18(power attack) = 33.5 damage X2 for valorous enhancement = 67 damage for a single attack on a charge. At level 6.

Let's scale that up to 20.

20 base strength +8 for greater rage +6 for a girdle of giant's strength = 34 for a +12 mod. 20 points of AC can be dumped for 60 points of bonus damage. That axe should be up to +5.

1d12(6.5) +18(strength) +5(enhancement) +60(power attack) = 89.5 X2 for valorous makes 179 damage.

This is very minimal optimization. No leap attack, no pounce, no tome of gainful exercise, just one feat chain and one special weapon enhancement and the basic gear expected by the system. I even started with 15 strength before level gains.

Let's get nasty with it. Add in pounce, change that rage to whirling frenzy, and add in leap attack.

1d12 +18(str) +5(enhancement) +80(power attack) = 109.5 X2 for valorous makes 219 damage. On 5 attacks for a maximum potential damage of 1095.

Kinda puts that 320ish your fighter was going to be doing to shame, huh.

I still think he was just being snarky and not being serious but I could be wrong....

2013-12-02, 12:27 AM
You've got a problem with the Valorous math: the weapon deals double damage on a charge. Power Attack, STR bonus, and other non-weapon damage components are not multiplied.

Valorous says that it works similar to Spirited Charge, which would definitely include Strength modifier.

2013-12-02, 01:20 AM
Valorous says that it works similar to Spirited Charge, which would definitely include Strength modifier.
I don't see that:
Benefit: When mounted and using the charge action, you deal double damage with a melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance). Double damage with the weapon is double damage with the weapon. There's nothing about STR bonus there.

2013-12-02, 01:26 AM
Wizard is best class because its philosophy, and ideal methodology are hilariously similar to my own.

Best ACF is abrupt jaunt because it prevents people from getting to my sweet meats until the full power of wizard happens.

2013-12-02, 01:38 AM
You've got a problem with the Valorous math: the weapon deals double damage on a charge. Power Attack, STR bonus, and other non-weapon damage components are not multiplied.

If the weapon deals double damage, you double the damage it deals, not just one part of that damage. If it only increased base damage it would say so.

2013-12-02, 02:56 AM
If the weapon deals double damage, you double the damage it deals, not just one part of that damage. If it only increased base damage it would say so.
It does say that the weapon, not the wielder, deals double damage. The weapon does not have Power Attack or a STR bonus.

2013-12-02, 02:59 AM
It does say that the weapon, not the wielder, deals double damage. The weapon does not have Power Attack or a STR bonus.

Actually I'd say it's ambiguous, because it says you deal double damage (with the weapon.) Since "you" must refer to the wielder rather than the weapon, it could go either way.

classy one
2013-12-02, 03:10 AM
Favorite base class is Psyrogue. Although I redeploy get to play them since most DMs don't allow for psionics. Rogues have always been my favorites since they deal with problems with their brains. Psyrogues are even more literal in that regard.

Favorite ACF is dominant ideal for Ardents. It's almost broken how good that ACF is.

2013-12-02, 04:05 AM
Actually I'd say it's ambiguous, because it says you deal double damage (with the weapon.)
That's the secondary referent, though: Spirited Charge. Valorous says "the valorous weapon deals double damage, much like a mounted warrior with the Spirited Charge feat." The weapon property description is a lot clearer than the "much like" example given.

2013-12-02, 04:12 AM
It does say that the weapon, not the wielder, deals double damage. The weapon does not have Power Attack or a STR bonus.

Well if we're going to be that finicky about RAW, the weapon doesn't deal any damage. The rules for attacks state "[i]f the attack roll result equals or exceeds the target’s AC, the attack hits and you deal damage." You deal the damage, not the weapon, so unless it's an intelligent magic item which uses an ability to damage a target (and it'd have to be done as part of a charge attack, too), valourous does nothing at all. But nobody would play it that way, so better to take that discussion to the dysfunctional rules thread and assume that everyone plays it as intended, ie, doubling your overall damage, in any thread which isn't about overly strict interpretations of the rules.

2013-12-02, 11:27 AM
Favorite base class is Psyrogue. Although I redeploy get to play them since most DMs don't allow for psionics. Rogues have always been my favorites since they deal with problems with their brains. Psyrogues are even more literal in that regard.

Favorite ACF is dominant ideal for Ardents. It's almost broken how good that ACF is.

Gonna assume that was supposed to be "rarely"
And man that sucks that most of your DM's don't allow Psionics.

2013-12-02, 04:00 PM
Favourite class is definitely bard, just love the jack of all trades feel it has. I mean you can make a bard into a brilliant caster, melee monster or skill monkey, generally more than one of the above all whilst providing some of the best party wide buffs in d&d.

Favourite ACF has to be wild shape ranger because turning into animals and biting your enemies head off is awesome and why should druids (and casters with polymorph) be the only ones to be able to do it

2013-12-02, 05:03 PM
My favorite base class is Hexblade (with the fix). I love the fluff of the class and played it way back when before I was really deep in the game and kind of hated it because I'd feel useless saving my low number of curses per day for a tough fight and then the enemies all made their saves. The fixes helped fix some major satisfaction issues with the class by giving you enough curses that you aren't just sitting on your curses being a fighter without bonus feats for every encounter the first few levels.

My favorite ACF is actually the Dark Companion Hexblade ACF. Because having an illusory shaodw panther follow you around is awesome.

2013-12-03, 09:18 AM
My favorite base class is Hexblade (with the fix). I love the fluff of the class and played it way back when before I was really deep in the game and kind of hated it because I'd feel useless saving my low number of curses per day for a tough fight and then the enemies all made their saves. The fixes helped fix some major satisfaction issues with the class by giving you enough curses that you aren't just sitting on your curses being a fighter without bonus feats for every encounter the first few levels.

My favorite ACF is actually the Dark Companion Hexblade ACF. Because having an illusory shaodw panther follow you around is awesome.

Have to Agree the Dark Companion is a pretty awesome ACF. :-)

2013-12-04, 02:13 PM
I totally forgot to say Truenamer.

2013-12-04, 03:10 PM
I totally forgot to say Truenamer.

Was that suppsoed to be in Blue, if not why?

2013-12-04, 03:18 PM
Was that suppsoed to be in Blue, if not why?

The flavor of the abilities and the number of fairly to completely unique powers that Utterances give you.

Fax Celestis
2013-12-04, 03:19 PM
It is a pretty cool class, the implementation just sucks.

2013-12-04, 04:00 PM
Favorite class: It's a tight race for me between Bard, Beguiler, Psychic Rogue, Sorcerer, Totemist, and Spirit Shaman (which has my favorite casting mechanic). I'm a fan of flexible classes capable of filling multiple niches with spontaneous abilities. (I hate fiddly resource management and one-trick ponies).

Favorite ACF: None. I generally dislike the concept of alternative class features, racial substitution levels, and archetypes. If you want Class X to have the option of Y ability, just give them that option as a choice within the class itself (or as a new additional spell/power/soulmeld/maneuver/etc). Don't segregate it in an optional subsystem that might conflict with or prevent you from using it with other subsystems.

2013-12-04, 04:15 PM
Favorite Standard Class: Swordsage, hands down. It's one of the best designed classes in the game, giving you flexibility over a clear focus, performing well in multiple avenues, etc.

Favorite Alternate Class Feature: The one that gets rid of Psychic Enervation for Wilders. It's kind of a big deal.