View Full Version : Adding real physical interaction to DnD?

2013-12-01, 12:02 AM
Hey, I came with lots of questions yesterday, and just wondering, has anyone tried to add more real physical interaction to D&D?
Such as, when a PC attemps a ranged attack, instead of rolling a d20, the Player should try to shoot a paperball to a basket, such as basket, ...or "beer pong". The DC (i.e. 15) measures the distance at which the player must attempt this shot (I don't know, like, each number of the DC adds 5 centimeters, but any bonus the PC has reduces this space).
I mean, I'm not talking about adding this "variant" at every single moment of the game, maybe you get bored at some point of the session and just go for this for one time.
Has anyone tried something similar?

2013-12-01, 12:08 AM
Hey, I came with lots of questions yesterday, and just wondering, has anyone tried to add more real physical interaction to D&D?
Such as, when a PC attemps a ranged attack, instead of rolling a d20, the Player should try to shoot a paperball to a basket, such as basket, ...or "beer pong". The DC (i.e. 15) measures the distance at which the player must attempt this shot (I don't know, like, each number of the DC adds 5 centimeters, but any bonus the PC has reduces this space).
I mean, I'm not talking about adding this "variant" at every single moment of the game, maybe you get bored at some point of the session and just go for this for one time.
Has anyone tried something similar?

Well, I used to have a dart board on my porch. When we took a smoke break and did some rp while out there we threw darts. Don't know if that counts.

2013-12-01, 01:31 AM
I don't speak for the community here, but...
the people I play with (and myself included) have very ranging levels of skill.

Some of us are way "healthier" than others.

2013-12-01, 05:08 AM
One of the main points with role-playing, particularly in fantasy campaigns, is to play characters who are good at things you are not.

Now ignoring magic do you really want a game where the most physically skillful and co-ordinated player can do nearly anything they want, but someone else cannot do anything, no matter how good their character is supposed to be, simply because they have poor hand-eye co-ordination?

I think you would also find it will really interrupt play and slow things down.

2013-12-01, 05:20 AM
Goddamn LARPers.

2013-12-01, 05:22 AM
Hey, I came with lots of questions yesterday, and just wondering, has anyone tried to add more real physical interaction to D&D?
Such as, when a PC attemps a ranged attack, instead of rolling a d20, the Player should try to shoot a paperball to a basket, such as basket, ...or "beer pong". The DC (i.e. 15) measures the distance at which the player must attempt this shot (I don't know, like, each number of the DC adds 5 centimeters, but any bonus the PC has reduces this space).
I mean, I'm not talking about adding this "variant" at every single moment of the game, maybe you get bored at some point of the session and just go for this for one time.
Has anyone tried something similar?

My character's performance in combat is decided b an MMA match with the DM.

2013-12-01, 05:25 AM
Throwing dice is too demanding…


Prince Raven
2013-12-01, 05:54 AM
when someone suggests a critical failure mechanic I offer to shoot them with a nerf gun until I accidentally hit someone 5 feet away from them in order to determine a realistic chance of critical failure.

2013-12-01, 10:12 AM
You mean like throwing popcorn at the DM while yelling "MAGIC MISSILE! MAGIC MISSILE!" etc.?

2013-12-01, 10:59 AM
Goddamn LARPers.
Hahaha, you just earned a /thread internet point in your name mate.

Hey, I came with lots of questions yesterday, and just wondering, has anyone tried to add more real physical interaction to D&D?
Such as, when a PC attemps a ranged attack, instead of rolling a d20, the Player should try to shoot a paperball to a basket, such as basket, ...or "beer pong". The DC (i.e. 15) measures the distance at which the player must attempt this shot (I don't know, like, each number of the DC adds 5 centimeters, but any bonus the PC has reduces this space).
I mean, I'm not talking about adding this "variant" at every single moment of the game, maybe you get bored at some point of the session and just go for this for one time.
Has anyone tried something similar?

I have to ask, what made you think this would be a smart idea?

2013-12-01, 01:11 PM
I have to ask, what made you think this would be a smart idea?

Don't be mean, this sounds like a fun idea for the right sort of game. It would be completely awful for any serious game, but for one that's humor-oriented, and ifthe characters are doing something out of combat and ridicules, it'd probably be fun.

To answer the OP's question, No I've never done something like this.

2013-12-01, 01:20 PM
when someone suggests a critical failure mechanic I offer to shoot them with a nerf gun until I accidentally hit someone 5 feet away from them in order to determine a realistic chance of critical failure.

We also need to do this for melee. I suggest offering to beat him with a nerf-bat until you miss and drop it. Record the number of swings it takes before you drop your weapon, and write it down so you know how often it should happen. Be sure to repeat this trial >30 times (and average the number of swings/drop across trials) so that your result is statistically meaningful.

2013-12-01, 01:36 PM
How about, completely optional alternatives to saves? You can choose to do one of these instead of rolling.

Fort save - shot of the harshest liquor in the room.
Reflex save - shotgun a beer.
Will save - eat a habanero pepper. Or tell an extremely embarrassing secret, where if it's embarrassing enough is judged by the DM.

For adult players in slightly less serious games, of course.

2013-12-01, 01:51 PM
Don't be mean, this sounds like a fun idea for the right sort of game. It would be completely awful for any serious game, but for one that's humor-oriented, and ifthe characters are doing something out of combat and ridicules, it'd probably be fun.

To answer the OP's question, No I've never done something like this.

How is that mean? I ask why he think it is a smart idea, am i snarky? Yes.
You on the other hand says outright it would be awful, just for humor and for ridicule. That on the other hand is mean. It would probably be fun you say, but you would only play with it in a mock game...

I question why it is a smart idea because people are not equal when it comes to physical skill. Thats just a fact. Im a tall guy, with long arms. 5 cm per 1 dc means i can just lay the ball with no effort in dc 15ish above my skill with almost no chance of failing, barring some stuff like sneezing. That means a 10 inch throw for a 20. Or just lean a little and every "roll" is a natural 20, yay. I would play a system like that any day. (not really, since it would be boring and tedious)
My short cousin with t-rex arms on the other hand would lose out just by being born shorter...

So climb down from your high horse, i was snarky, but your post was worse.

2013-12-01, 02:14 PM
How is that mean? I ask why he think it is a smart idea, am i snarky? Yes.
You on the other hand says outright it would be awful, just for humor and for ridicule. That on the other hand is mean. It would probably be fun you say, but you would only play with it in a mock game...

I question why it is a smart idea because people are not equal when it comes to physical skill. Thats just a fact. Im a tall guy, with long arms. 5 cm per 1 dc means i can just lay the ball with no effort in dc 15ish above my skill with almost no chance of failing, barring some stuff like sneezing. That means a 10 inch throw for a 20. Or just lean a little and every "roll" is a natural 20, yay. I would play a system like that any day. (not really, since it would be boring and tedious)
My short cousin with t-rex arms on the other hand would lose out just by being born shorter...

So climb down from your high horse, i was snarky, but your post was worse.

Read: "..I'm not talking about adding this "variant" at every single moment of the game.."
Of course if there are major differences between players size some would have an advantage over others but if that happens you should not introduce these kind of, again, physical "variants". In my group, for instance, there are not big size differences between us (nobody is taller than 1.85 meters). This is more a minigame rather than a variant.

And real life large "creatures" would receive an DC adjustement when attempting a shot.

2013-12-01, 07:08 PM
How is that mean? I ask why he think it is a smart idea, am i snarky? Yes.
You on the other hand says outright it would be awful, just for humor and for ridicule. That on the other hand is mean. It would probably be fun you say, but you would only play with it in a mock game...


So climb down from your high horse, i was snarky, but your post was worse.

I looked up the definition of snarky; it quickly led me to "rude," "disrespectful," and "crotchety." Saying you are snarky but not mean is splitting a very fine hair.

I said nothing about ridicule; I said I would reserve it for certain types of games. Just because humor is a central aspect of a game doesn't make it any less important - it's just a different style. Not everyone wants to agonize over moral and roleplaying decisions in every game, and not doing so doesn't make it a "fake" game. There for, I think my opinion on the OP's suggestion was not disrespectful in the slightest - I just included my opinion on when a good time to use such an idea would be.

2013-12-01, 07:22 PM
Well, many people already do similar things for characters' and players' mental ability scores...

2013-12-01, 07:32 PM
If you're bored during a game, trying to hack darts into it isn't what you should be doing. What you should be doing is running less boring games.

2013-12-01, 07:45 PM
Goddamn LARPers.

How dare you! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Sleep!

If you're bored during a game, trying to hack darts into it isn't what you should be doing. What you should be doing is running less boring games.

Honestly, this.

Honest Tiefling
2013-12-01, 08:05 PM
I think I would start to fear for the game, especially given how much open soda is about.

2013-12-01, 08:15 PM
I think I would start to fear for the game, especially given how much open soda is about.

If you stick to soda...

soda might be the least of your worries in some groups.

oh yes, and darts may not be the best choice. especially if someone (like the DM) is sitting near the board and/or DND miss chances are accurate to how your group is.