View Full Version : The Test of the Starstone - The Grue

Bom Ferro
2013-12-01, 05:58 AM
As soon as you manage to cross the chasm somehow, the ground rumbles and stairs appear before you, leading downwards into a dungeon.

Accepting this challenge, you follow the stairs until they lead you into a dimly lit corridor...

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote doors
? denote regions you can't see yet

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)
The ceiling is about 20ft high. Upon turning back, you notice a invisible forcefield(akin to Wall of Force)at A3 barring the way back.
Cedric, Human Conjurer 1/Archmage 1 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=721435)
0/2000xp -Medium progression

The Grue
2013-12-01, 02:02 PM
"Mmm." Cedric frowns. "This won't do at all..." He casts Light on his cane, raising it into the air like a torch.

"Much better. Come along now Peabody," he says. "And do keep an eye out for, hmm, anything really."

He'll recast Light as necessary, though thanks to Arcane Endurance that won't be prohibitavely frequent.

Cedric proceeds West down the corridor at a careful walk, stopping at E1 to examine the door more closely. Along the way, Peabody takes 20 on his Perception checks to look for traps; Cedric takes 10 in the interest of time, casts/recasts Detect Magic periodically to ping for auras, and taps once with his cane each discrete stone or tile along his immidiate path of movement.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-01, 03:01 PM
Your familiar takes his time to look for traps, as you amble along the corridor, quickly outstripping its pace and arriving in front of a sturdy wooden door.

Your detect magic spell reveals...quite a lot of magic, actually. Dozens upon dozens of faint auras, covering nearly any surface of the walls and floor around you...which, upon further concentration, reveal themselves as invisible Arcane marks, spelling out "Trappy" in Draconic and repeating themselves innumerable times. Apparently, someone styled "Trappy" was bored and decided to vandalize the dungeon walls with arcane graffiti.

As you examine the door, you manage to pick up a different magical aura - not quite identifyable as a properly defined spell effect, you get a strange hunch about lightning.
A quick search reveals a nearly invisible rune sketched on the ground, partially covered by the door - apparently, entering that square will trigger this magic trap.
The door itself is made of wood, unlocked as far as you can tell, and well-made(Hardness 5, 20 HP).

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote doors
? denote regions you can't see yet

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)
Time passed:
At a guess: Standard action, take 10 perception for 16, check square. Move action, tap floor. 5'-step, enter checked/tapped square. So 1 turn for 5ft of careful movement.
+Cast Light(1 standard), +Cast and maintain Detect magic(3 turns).
-> 8 turns passed for cedric. Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(12 turns left).
You detect a trap rune on the ground of E2.
All walls you can see below a height of 4ft, and the floor is covered with invisible arcane marks. Either the graffiti-mage is small-sized, or has chosen to limit the vandalized area to create this impression.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
13/13 HP, Cautious

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 48 seconds.
Daily resources left:
4/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day

The Grue
2013-12-01, 03:53 PM
Cedric notes the position of the door hinges and whether the door swings inward or outward.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-01, 04:22 PM
The door swings inward; the hinges are on the other side.

The Grue
2013-12-01, 05:06 PM
Yeah, but which side are they on? East or west?

Bom Ferro
2013-12-02, 03:02 AM
The doors swing "inward", that is, away from you into whatever room/hall/corridor lies behind them. The hinges are on the west side(border of D2/E2); furthermore, they are behind the wooden door, as far as you can guess, so you cannot damage/manipulate them without damaging the door first.

The Grue
2013-12-02, 11:37 AM
Cedric stands on the east side of the door(F1) and tries to push it open with his cane.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-03, 04:32 AM
The door opens without trouble.

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(11 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
13/13 HP, Cautious

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 54 seconds.
Daily resources left:
4/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day

The Grue
2013-12-03, 11:29 AM
Cedric moves to D1 for a better view angle.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-04, 03:43 AM
As Cedric moves in front of the open door, he sees a short, reptilian humanoid with scaled skin and a long tail.
It wears a pointy hat of washed-out blue color, a green robe with a shortened hem, to allow for better movement, and wields a small dagger.

Perhaps the most striking feature is the white mask covering its face, though the straps at the side and its odd angle indicate that it is a strange fit for the creature.

((Knowledge: Local to identify the small humanoid, Knowledge(Religion) to identify the mask))

Initiative: [roll0]

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(11 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.
There is a small, reptilian humanoid on E6.
There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
13/13 HP, Cautious, In Combat

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 54 seconds.
Daily resources left:
4/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day

The Grue
2013-12-04, 11:32 AM
Knowledge(Local): [roll0]
Knowledge(Religion): [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Action pending results of the knowledge checks.

The Grue
2013-12-04, 01:18 PM
Made a typo on Cedric's sheet; Improved Initiative grants a +4 bonus, not +3. Thus above roll should be at +3 rather than +2

Bom Ferro
2013-12-04, 03:44 PM
((Knowledge checks: The creature is a kobold, a small reptilian humanoid who claims relation to dragons and is known for its trapmaking skills. Many kobolds are sorcerers...
The white mask is a holy symbol of Razmir, the Living God.))

The Grue
2013-12-04, 05:47 PM
Cedric takes a 5-ft step into E1 and takes a Ready action to cast Summon Monster if the kobold begins casting a spell.

"I greet you sir," he addresses the creature in Draconic. "I'm surprised to find a follower of the Living God here. Do you also seek the Starstone?"

Diplomacy to attempt to improve the kobold's attitude: [roll0] Disregard, forgot that takes a full minute.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-05, 02:44 AM
((Summon monster has a casting time of 1 round. You can only ready standard or move actions.
Even "Starting a full-round action" doesn't quite cut it, as the casting time of SMI is even longer than a full-round action.

As your action is invalid(apart from the 5'-step and free action talking), I'd ask you to retake your turn.))

"Sseek the stone? That is utmost folly. I seek only my freedom from this accursed place."

I hope the map serves its purpose.

In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(11 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.
There is a small, reptilian humanoid on E6.
There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
13/13 HP, Cautious, In Combat

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 54 seconds.
Daily resources left:
4/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day

The Grue
2013-12-05, 01:09 PM
Derp. Same ready action, same condition, only substitute SM1 for Grease overlapping the Kobold's square (exact placement doesn't matter).

Cedric nods cautiously. "Well, the stairs up seem blocked by a forcewall of some sort. It would seem the only way out is...down."

Bom Ferro
2013-12-06, 09:10 AM
"Downwards, the trials grow ever more dangerous. No, my only chance to to slay any rivals I have and attain enough magical power to break the enchantment blocking the stairs myself!"

The masked kobold barks, and attempts to cast a spell.
Your readied action goes off, and you cover the ground around and below the kobold in Grease...

He concentrates, attempting to complete his spell while trying to maintain his balance:
Concentration: [roll0] vs DC 17 or lose the spell
Reflex save: [roll1] vs DC 17 or drop prone

He fails on both counts, and quickly stands up again.


Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(11 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.
There is a small, reptilian humanoid on E6.
There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
13/13 HP, Cautious, In Combat

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 54 seconds.
Daily resources left:
3/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day
I hope the map serves its purpose.
In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet
. Area covered by Grease

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

The Grue
2013-12-06, 02:06 PM
Now Cedric casts SM1; he summons a Celestial Eagle to D4, and directs it to attack the kobold.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-07, 03:56 AM
((As SM1 has, as mentioned before, a casting time (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Casting-Time) of 1 round, you invest a full-round action to start this spell. Your turn ends, the celestial eagle will appear at the start of your next turn.))

As the kobold notices you attempt to cast a more powerful spell, he snarls and launches a tiny, sizzling orb of acid at you.

[roll0] vs AC 9
[roll1] acid dmg

Fortunately, the attack misses, and you can complete your spell without any interruptions.
(Roll the attack/dmg for your summoned creature, and take your next turn).

The Grue
2013-12-07, 03:24 PM
The summoned eagle moves into the kobold's square, provoking an AoO(AC 14), and rakes it with its talons.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Fly check(moved less than half speed, DC10): [roll2]

Cedric takes a Total Defense action, while muttering something about having blown two spell slots on a single kobold.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-07, 03:59 PM
The kobold swipes at the summoned creature, distracting it sufficiently for it to miss its attack.

AoO: [roll0] vs AC 14
[roll1] dmg

It then attempts to cast another spell at you, provoking an attack from your eagle:

Eagle AoO vs AC 14:
[roll3] dmg

Bom Ferro
2013-12-07, 04:01 PM
The eagle's claws draw blood, and the kobold struggles to complete its spellcasting...
Concentration: [roll0] vs DC 12

and it succeeds! Suddenly, the ground around you is covered with Grease, except this one seems mixed with a potent alchemical acid!

((You take 1 point of acid damage. Make a Reflex save(DC 13) or fall prone. The area around you is covered by acidic grease.))


Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(10 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.
There is a small, reptilian humanoid on E6.
There is a summoned celestial eagle on E6.
There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
12/13 HP, Cautious, In Combat

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 0 seconds.
Daily resources left:
2/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day
I hope the map serves its purpose.
In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet
. Area covered by Grease
. Area covered by Acidic Grease(As normal Grease, except you take 1 point of Acid dmg per turn spent in contact with the Grease

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

The Grue
2013-12-07, 05:41 PM
Reflex save: [roll0]

Apparently, Cedric barely manages to maintain his footing.

Directing the eagle to continue attacking, Cedric attempts to shuffle out of the area of the Grease spell(G1).

The Grue
2013-12-07, 05:47 PM
DC10 Acrobatics check: [roll0] Automatic fall :( Move action to stand up again.

Eagle makes a full attack.
Talons: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Bite: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Bom Ferro
2013-12-08, 08:56 AM
The eagle claws and bites at the kobold, and the hostile mage collapses under the assault, bleeding.

+200 xp! #Edit: CR 1/2's are worth 200xp. I miscalculated the first time.

You take 1 acid damage.


Your familiar is still scrutinizing B1(9 turns left).
There is a trap rune on the ground of E2.
There is a small, reptilian humanoid on E6. It is unconscious and bleeding.
There is a summoned celestial eagle on E6.
There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
11/13 HP, Cautious

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes, 6 seconds.
Daily resources left:
2/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day
I hope the map serves its purpose.
In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
r this is a trap rune
? denote regions you can't see yet
. Area covered by Grease
. Area covered by Acidic Grease(As normal Grease, except you take 1 point of Acid dmg per turn spent in contact with the Grease

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

The Grue
2013-12-08, 01:30 PM
Cedric 5-ft steps to F1 and then G1, rather than risk falling down again.

Before the eagle summon expires, he directs it to land on the rune at E2.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-08, 03:17 PM
((You take 1 more acid damage in that case... since you can take only 1 5'-step per turn (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Take-5-Foot-Step).))

The eagle triggers the trap rune, and is promptly electrocuted.

The grease fades after some time...

The Grue
2013-12-08, 04:03 PM
Cedric pings Detect Magic again to see if the rune is still active.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-09, 02:47 AM
The trap rune is gone.

The Grue
2013-12-09, 02:53 PM
"Peabody! What are you doing over there?" Cedric motions toward himself. "Stop milling about and come along."

Confused, Peabody aborts his meticulous searching and follows Cedric, taking 10 to look for traps instead.

Cedric moves to E6 and looks around the room(and the kobold) for anything of interest.

Bom Ferro
2013-12-10, 02:41 PM
You find a silver holy symbol of Razmir(worth 25gp), a wand, some small-sized clothes, a small-sized dagger, a pouch with 23 gp, 1 potion and 2 scrolls if you loot the fallen kobold.

As you search the room, you notice a secret door(apparently untrapped and unlocked; made of wood, good condition(hardness 5, 15 HP), STUCK(Break DC 18) at C12. The closed door at E12 is also untrapped, unlocked, wooden, and stuck(same stats).

There is a bookcase leaning on the wall on C12.
There is a closed door across the room, at E12.

Status of Cedric, Conjurer/Archmage:
10/13 HP, Cautious

Time passed: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes, 6 seconds.
Daily resources left:
2/4 1st-level

Mythic power 5/day
I hope the map serves its purpose.
In true roguelike fashion, you are represented by the @. If you prefer a different color, please say so.
* This is Peabody, your owl familiar.
# denote walls
< denote stairs(these lead upwards)
+ denote closed doors
\ denote open doors
? denote regions you can't see yet
% A kobold corpse

General information:
Stone walls(ordinary masonry, climb DC 20)
Flagstone floor(no bonuses or penalties to movement)
dim lighting level(glowing crystals in the walls at about 10ft height, every 20ft)

The Grue
2013-12-10, 07:48 PM
Cedric takes the kobold's posessions(save for the clothes), and attempts to identify the wand, potion and scrolls.

Take 20 to decipher both scrolls: 30

Cast Detect Magic, Take 10 on the potion and the wand: 20

Bom Ferro
2013-12-12, 03:07 AM
The Wand is a Wand of Sleep, with 11 charges left.
The potion is a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
The Scrolls are two Scrolls of Shield.