View Full Version : [PF]Making a revenant more durable/mobile

2013-12-01, 06:55 AM
Can you guys suggest feats and magical items I could give to a revenant (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/revenant) to make her tougher and more mobile?

2013-12-01, 12:55 PM
1. Armor. Note that because it's not listed as wearing armor, it doesn't have proficiency for armor baseline. You could add a level of a class to get it proficiency, or drop a feat (probably substitute out Cleave).

2. Generic AC items: Amulet of Natural Armor, Ring of Protection, etc. Also make great loot for the party afterwards. If you don't want it to be loot, use potions instead (i.e. potion of barkskin).

3. Charisma increases - undead base their HP off of Charisma.

4. As mentioned before, add class levels. Two levels of Antipaladin would give Charisma to saves, but unfortunately, touch of corruption doesn't say you can use it as a swift action on yourself (a la lay on hands), but you could house-rule that for a minor amount of healing. Barbarian would make sense, as they're all about hate, but the baseline Revenant listed is Lawful Evil. Ranger would make sense.

Honestly, though, the best way to make an encounter tougher is to add a few minions: One monster by itself is almost always going to be wrecked because its so far behind in the action economy.