View Full Version : Double Weapon / Two-Weapon Fighting problem

2013-12-01, 10:45 AM
In Dragon #348, the old magazines, a weapon was posted. This weapon is called a Ghost Spike. This weapon is a Double Weapon, yet it is One-Handed.

The weapon is a long dagger that, on the opposing end where the pommel should be, has a deadly spike instead. They both deal 1d6 Piercing Damage.

It states that when using it as a Double Weapon, it is considered a One-Handed Weapon and a Light Weapon. You choose which end you want to be the Primary Weapon, and which as the Off-Hand Weapon for the purposes of the penalties.

As per Double Weapon rules, you get an additional attack at your highest BAB, and you apply the penalties accordingly. You designate which end is your Primary and which end is your Off-Hand and you alternate in succession per strike.

With Two-Weapon Fighting (The technique, not the Feat) you do the same thing, but instead of choosing which side you choose which hand you are swinging.

This is how I understand it, at least.

With Two-Weapon Fighting (The Feat) you can reduce penalties when using two weapons or Double Weapons. With TWF, you reduce the penalties to -2/-2 because D#348 states that it's a One-Handed / Light Weapon.

So, my ultimate question is what happens if you wish to dual wield two Ghost Spikes? Do you now technically have four weapons? How is their progression set? Do you gain +3 extra attacks at your highest BAB? Are your penalties the same or do they increase?

To make this a bit more clear, let's name the parts of the weapon and designate them accordingly, to a BAB value.

Your BAB is +7/+2. You have Two-Weapon Fighting and you are proficient with Ghost Spikes.

When you wield one, you choose the Primary and Off-Hand sides.

Because "Primary" and "Off-Hand" are cross-terms, when speaking about your arms I will refer to them as your "Sword Arm" and "Shield Arm" (Right and Left, accordingly).

In your Sword Arm you choose that the blade is your Primary Weapon and the pommel is your Off-Hand Weapon.

SoA; BP / PO (Sword Arm; Blade Primary / Pommel Off-Hand)

So, when you factor your attacks it's +7/+7/+2, with the -2 / -2 penalties accordingly. From how I understand it, these are taken from all BAB, so it becomes +5/+5/+0.

You elect to strike with BP first, so the succession of attacks is;


But now, you have a second Ghost Spike that you are dual wielding.

As I understand it, it would become the following. This is the part that I'd like help understanding more about.

SoA; 1BP / 1PO (Sword Arm; Blade Primary / Pommel Off-Hand)
ShA; 2BP / 2PO (Shield Arm; Blade Primary / Pommel Off-Hand)

BAB; +7/+2
Adjusted for SoA being a Double Weapon; +7/+7/+2
Adjusted for TWF penalties; +5/+5/+0
Adjusted for dual wielding; +7/+5/+5/+0
Adjusted for TWF penalties; +5/+5/+5/+0
Adjusted for ShA being a Double Weapon; +7/+5/+5/+5/+0
Adjusted for TWF penalties; +5/+5/+5/+5/+0

Alternating would be between what, each hand? So between your SoA and ShA? And I assume between Primary and Off-Hand as well? So...

1BP+5 / 2PO+5/ 1PO+5 / 2BP+5 / 1BP+0?

Is this correct? because if so, it's actually possible to get +10 attacks per Round, removing all penalties with it.

TWF + ITWF + GTWF + PTWF + FoB + WF[Ghost Spike] + GWF[Ghost Spike] at a +20/+15/+10/+5 BAB. This would give you +3 extra attacks from using two Double Weapons (+2 from those), with the third from Two-Weapon Fighting when you dual wield these suckers. ITWF and GTWF grant you additional attacks (+5 now in total), while PTWF removes the penalties entirely. Flurry of Blades grants you +1 more at a -2 penalty, so now you get +6 extra attacks in addition to your already 4 Iterative Attacks granted via BAB. That is +10. With PTWF, you take no penalties from Two-Weapon Fighting, so you only have the -2 to all attacks from FoB, which is negated from the +1 you get from each WF and GWF.